
function debug($message) {
    $f3 = \Base::instance();
    if ($f3->get('DEBUG')) {
        printf("<hr>%s:<br>Memory Usage: %s <br>", $message, memory_get_usage());
function urlsafe_b64encode($string) {
    $data = base64_encode($string);
    $data = str_replace(array('+','/','='),array('-','_','.'),$data);
    return $data;

function urlsafe_b64decode($string) {
    $data = str_replace(array('-','_','.'),array('+','/','='),$string);
    $mod4 = strlen($data) % 4;
    if ($mod4) {
        $data .= substr('====', $mod4);
    return base64_decode($data);

// configure installation: //
define("ROOT", "./");
require_once( ROOT.'lib/autoload.php' );
ini_set("log_errors", 1);
ini_set("error_log", "php-error.log");

/** @var \Base $f3 */
$f3 = \Base::instance();
$f3->set('DEBUG', 0);
$f3->set('CACHE', FALSE);
$f3->set('AUTOLOAD', ROOT.'app/');

if (!is_dir($f3->get('TEMP'))) {

function  query_string_from_array($in){
    $out = [];
    foreach ($in as $key=>$value) {
        $out[] = sprintf("%s=%s", $key, $value);
    return implode("&", $out);

// main configuration: //
debug("before read config");
$f3->config( ROOT.'routes.cfg' );
$f3->config( ROOT.'main.cfg' );
if(!setlocale(LC_TIME, 'de_DE.UTF-8')) {

    //echo "locale not set";

// configuration based on configuration file //
// rerouting
if(is_array($f3->get('reroutes'))) {
  foreach ($f3->get('reroutes') as $source=>$dest) {
    $f3->redirect('GET '.$source, $dest);

// set language
$languages = $f3->get('languages');
if ( ! is_array($languages) ) {
    $languages = [$languages];
$f3->set('default_lang', array_shift($languages));

$getLang = null !== $f3->get('GET.lang') ? strtolower($f3->get('GET.lang')) : false;
if (isset($getLang) && in_array($getLang, $languages)) {
    $f3->set('LANG', $getLang);
} else {
    $f3->set('LANG', $f3->get('default_lang'));

// set content dir
if(array_key_exists($f3->get('LANG'), $f3->get('content'))) {
} else {
$f3->set('CONTENT', $content_dir);
$f3->set('CONTENT_BASE', array_shift(explode("/",$f3->get('CONTENT'))).'/');

$f3->set('UI', implode(';', array(
    ROOT.$f3->get('CONTENT_BASE') // content folders can contain .html templates

function menu_recursion($m,$root="") {
    $f3 = \Base::instance();
    //$url = explode("/", $f3->get('url'));
    foreach ($m as $key=>$value) {
        $folder = $key == "index" ? "" : "/".$key;
        $path = $root.$folder;

        if (is_array($value)) {
            # submenu
        } else {
            $ex = explode(":=", $value);
            if (count($ex) > 1) {
                # external link
                $href = trim($ex[1]);

                if(!strncmp($href,"?",1)) {
                    // if 'external link' starts with '?'
                    // probably it is language switch
                    foreach (explode("&",substr($href,1)) as $option) {
                        if(!strncmp($option, "lang=", 5) !== FALSE) {
                            $value = substr( $option, 5);
                            $class .= ($value == $f3->get('LANG')) ? ' active' : ' away';
            } else {
                # internal link
                $href = $f3->get('SITE_URL').$path;
                $href .= count($f3->get('GET')) ? "?".query_string_from_array($f3->get('GET')):"";
                $class .= in_array($path,$f3->get('url')) ? ' active' : ' away';
    return $out;
function read_menu($menu_name) {
    $f3 = \Base::instance();
    if(array_key_exists($f3->get('LANG'), $f3->get('nav.'.$menu_name))) {
    } else {

    if (is_array($menu)) {

    $f3->set('navi.'.$menu_name, $menu);

// this is needed so the menu can compare the current page with a link to it
// and use this information to determine the active state
$tmp_url = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],1);
$url=substr($tmp_url,0,(strpos($tmp_url,'?') === false) ? 999 : strpos($tmp_url,'?'));
for ($i=1;$i<=count($url_ex);$i++) {
$f3->set('url', $url);
$f3->set('is_home', in_array($url[0],["/","/home"]));
$f3->set('level', 1); // this is for templates, to be abl to count nesting

if (is_array($f3->get('nav'))) {
    foreach ($f3->get('nav') as $k=>$v) {

// development utility functions //

// this need to go away from here -----------------------------------------
// just to be more tidy etc.
function is_image($path) {
    $ex = explode('.',$path);
    $ext = array_pop($ex);
    return in_array($ext,array( 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png' ));
function pic_cache($in1,$inwidth=360){
    $f3 = \Base::instance();
    if(is_image($in1)) {
        $info = pathinfo($in1);
        $fn = basename($in1,'.'.$info['extension']);
        $name = md5($in1.$width);
        $name =  sprintf("%s%s.png",$fn,$name);
        $out ='rsc/img_display/s'.$name;
        if(!file_exists($in1)) { $in1='rsc/img/default.png'; }
        if(!file_exists($out)) {
            $img1 = new Image($in1);
    } elseif(!strncmp("locallink:",$in1, strlen("locallink:"))) {
      $key = substr($in1, strlen("locallink:"));
      // localize internal links
      if($f3->get('LANG') != 'DE') {
        $key .= "?lang=".$f3->get('LANG');
      $out = $key;
    } else {
        $out = $in1;
    return $out;

// HTML preloading of images
// this could also find some better place

        'cached_images' => array(\Controller\Page::check_folder_for_backgroundimage($f3->get('CONTENT_BASE'))

debug("before run fatfree");
$bbb = new \Controller\Cart();

if ($f3->get("GET.admin")) {
    $admin = new \Controller\Admin;
} else {
echo \Template::instance()->render($f3->get('template'));