6 Content Elements
dom muokkasi tätä sivua 3 vuotta sitten

Content Elements are provided to aid the generation of specific HTML fragments inside content files.

the default format is

{| name:arg1:arg2:…:argn |}

in some cases Content Elements can be nested. For such occasions it is neccessary to change the default enclosures {| and |} to something else.

Content Elements


{| image:name_without_extension[:positioning_keyword] |}

positioning keywords:

  • left :: left floating image
  • right :: right floating image
  • full :: fullwidth image
  • nofloat :: same width as left, but not floating

the keywords are added as classnames with the mentioned effect coded in the default template. These can ofcourse be given a different meaning in a custom template.


table of contents

{| toc:content_type:target_folder[:layout_variant:key] |}

  • content_type: as defined in toc.php
  • target_folder: folder containing folders, that represent requested content type
  • layout_variant: must be defined in class definition of content_type
  • key: currently only used for special functionality in conjunction with layout “collect”