- # analog-filter.rb -- analog-filter.scm --> analog-filter.rb -*- snd-ruby -*-
- # Translator/Author: Michael Scholz <mi-scholz@users.sourceforge.net>
- # Created: Tue Aug 01 22:58:31 CEST 2006
- # Changed: Wed Nov 17 22:07:58 CET 2010
- # Commentary:
- #
- # ;;; various even order analog filters, based primarily on Anders Johansson's (GPL'd) code
- #
- # module Analog_filter
- # make_butterworth_lowpass(n, fc)
- # make_butterworth_highpass(n, fc)
- # make_butterworth_bandpass(n, fl, fh)
- # make_butterworth_bandstop(n, fl, fh)
- #
- # make_chebyshev_lowpass(n, fc, ripple = 1.0)
- # make_chebyshev_highpass(n, fc, ripple = 1.0)
- # make_chebyshev_bandpass(n, fl, fh, ripple = 1.0)
- # make_chebyshev_bandstop(n, fl, fh, ripple = 1.0)
- #
- # make_inverse_chebyshev_lowpass(n, fc, loss_dB = 60.0)
- # make_inverse_chebyshev_highpass(n, fc, loss_dB = 60.0)
- # make_inverse_chebyshev_bandpass(n, fl, fh, loss_dB = 60.0)
- # make_inverse_chebyshev_bandstop(n, fl, fh, loss_dB = 60.0)
- #
- # make_bessel_lowpass(n, fc)
- # make_bessel_highpass(n, fc)
- # make_bessel_bandpass(n, fl, fh)
- # make_bessel_bandstop(n, fl, fh)
- #
- # make_elliptic_lowpass(n, fc, ripple = 1.0, loss_dB = 60.0)
- # make_elliptic_highpass(n, fc, ripple = 1.0, loss_dB = 60.0)
- # make_elliptic_bandpass(n, fl, fh, ripple = 1.0, loss_dB = 60.0)
- # make_elliptic_bandstop(n, fl, fh, ripple = 1.0, loss_dB = 60.0)
- #
- # Code:
- require "clm"
- require "dsp"
- module Analog_filter
- def analog2digital(n, num, den, fz)
- g = 1.0
- wc = tan(PI * fz)
- wcc = wc * wc
- c = Vct.new(2 * n)
- j = 0
- k = 0
- 0.step(n - 1, 2) do |i|
- nt0 = num[j + 0] / wcc
- nt1 = num[j + 1] / wc
- nt2 = num[j + 2]
- dt0 = den[j + 0] / wcc
- dt1 = den[j + 1] / wc
- dt2 = den[j + 2]
- kd = dt0 + dt1 + dt2
- kn = nt0 + nt1 + nt2
- c[k + 0] = (2.0 * dt2 - 2.0 * dt0) / kd
- c[k + 1] = (dt0 + (-dt1) + dt2) / kd
- c[k + 2] = (2.0 * nt2 - 2.0 * nt0) / kn
- c[k + 3] = (nt0 + (-nt1) + nt2) / kn
- g *= (kn / kd)
- j += 3
- k += 4
- end
- a = []
- b = []
- k = 0
- 0.step(n - 1, 2) do |i|
- a.unshift(vct(c[k + 3], c[k + 2], c[k + 3]))
- b.unshift(vct(1.0, c[k], c[k + 1]))
- k += 4
- end
- [cascade2canonical(a).scale!(g), cascade2canonical(b)]
- end
- def prototype2highpass(n, num, den)
- g = 1.0
- numt = Vct.new(num.length)
- dent = Vct.new(den.length)
- i = 0
- 0.step(n - 1, 2) do |k|
- g *= (num[i + 2] / den[i + 2])
- numt[i + 0] = 1.0
- numt[i + 1] = num[i + 1] / num[i + 2]
- numt[i + 2] = num[i + 0] / num[i + 2]
- dent[i + 0] = 1.0
- dent[i + 1] = den[i + 1] / den[i + 2]
- dent[i + 2] = den[i + 0] / den[i + 2]
- i += 3
- end
- numt[0] = g
- [numt, dent]
- end
- #
- # === BUTTERWORTH ===
- #
- def butterworth_prototype(n)
- len = (n * 3) / 2
- num = Vct.new(len)
- den = Vct.new(len)
- n2 = 2.0 * n
- j = 0
- 1.step(n - 1, 2) do |w|
- num[j + 0] = 0.0
- num[j + 1] = 0.0
- num[j + 2] = 1.0
- den[j + 0] = 1.0
- den[j + 1] = 2.0 * cos((w * PI) / n2)
- den[j + 2] = 1.0
- j += 3
- end
- [num, den]
- end
- # n = order, fc = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0)
- add_help(:make_butterworth_lowpass,
- "make_butterworth_lowpass(n, fc): \
- returns a lowpass Buttterworth filter; N = order, \
- FC = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0): make_butterworth_lowpass(8, 0.1)")
- def make_butterworth_lowpass(n, fc)
- if n.odd? then n += 1 end
- proto = butterworth_prototype(n)
- coeffs = analog2digital(n, proto[0], proto[1], fc)
- make_filter(:xcoeffs, coeffs[0], :ycoeffs, coeffs[1])
- end
- add_help(:make_butterworth_highpass,
- "make_butterworth_highpass(n, fc): \
- returns a highpass Buttterworth filter; N = order, \
- FC = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0): make_butterworth_highpass(8, 0.1)")
- def make_butterworth_highpass(n, fc)
- if n.odd? then n += 1 end
- proto = butterworth_prototype(n)
- hproto = prototype2highpass(n, proto[0], proto[1])
- coeffs = analog2digital(n, hproto[0], hproto[1], fc)
- make_filter(:xcoeffs, coeffs[0], :ycoeffs, coeffs[1])
- end
- add_help(:make_butterworth_bandpass,
- "make_butterworth_bandpass(n, fl, fh): \
- returns a bandpass Buttterworth filter; N = order, \
- FL and FH are (1.0-based) edge freqs: make_butterworth_bandpass(4, 0.1, 0.2)")
- def make_butterworth_bandpass(n, fl, fh)
- lp = make_butterworth_lowpass(n, fh)
- hp = make_butterworth_highpass(n, fl)
- lambda do |y| filter(lp, filter(hp, y)) end
- end
- add_help(:make_butterworth_bandstop,
- "make_butterworth_bandstop(n, fl, fh): \
- returns a bandstop Buttterworth filter; N = order, \
- FL and FH are (1.0-based) edge freqs: make_butterworth_bandstop(4, 0.1, 0.2)")
- def make_butterworth_bandstop(n, fl, fh)
- lp = make_butterworth_lowpass(n, fl)
- hp = make_butterworth_highpass(n, fh)
- lambda do |y| filter(lp, y) + filter(hp, y) end
- end
- #
- # === CHEBYSHEV ===
- #
- # ripple in dB (positive)
- def chebyshev_prototype(n, ripple = 1.0)
- e = sqrt((10.0 ** (0.1 * ripple)) - 1.0)
- v0 = asinh(1.0 / e) / n.to_f
- len = (n * 3) / 2
- n2 = 2.0 * n
- sinhv0 = sinh(v0)
- coshv0 = cosh(v0)
- num = Vct.new(len)
- den = Vct.new(len)
- j = 0
- 1.step(n - 1, 2) do |l|
- lpi = l * PI
- u = -(sinhv0 * sin(lpi / n2))
- w = coshv0 * cos(lpi / n2)
- num[j + 0] = 0.0
- num[j + 1] = 0.0
- num[j + 2] = 1.0
- den[j + 0] = 1.0
- den[j + 1] = -2.0 * u
- den[j + 2] = u * u + w * w
- j += 3
- end
- num[2] = (2.0 ** (2 - n)) / (3.2 ** (log(ripple) / log(10.0)))
- [num, den]
- end
- # n = order, fc = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0)
- add_help(:make_chebyshev_lowpass,
- "make_chebyshev_lowpass(n, fc, ripple=1.0): \
- returns a lowpass Chebyshev filter; N = order, \
- FC = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0): make_chebyshev_lowpass(8, 0.1)")
- def make_chebyshev_lowpass(n, fc, ripple = 1.0)
- if n.odd? then n += 1 end
- proto = chebyshev_prototype(n, ripple)
- coeffs = analog2digital(n, proto[0], proto[1], fc)
- make_filter(:xcoeffs, coeffs[0], :ycoeffs, coeffs[1])
- end
- add_help(:make_chebyshev_highpass,
- "make_chebyshev_highpass(n, fc, ripple=1.0): \
- returns a highpass Chebyshev filter; N = order, \
- FC = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0): make_chebyshev_highpass(8, 0.1, 0.01)")
- def make_chebyshev_highpass(n, fc, ripple = 1.0)
- if n.odd? then n += 1 end
- proto = chebyshev_prototype(n, ripple)
- hproto = prototype2highpass(n, proto[0], proto[1])
- coeffs = analog2digital(n, hproto[0], hproto[1], fc)
- make_filter(:xcoeffs, coeffs[0], :ycoeffs, coeffs[1])
- end
- add_help(:make_chebyshev_bandpass,
- "make_chebyshev_bandpass(n, fl, fh, ripple=1.0): \
- returns a bandpass Chebyshev filter; N = order, \
- FL and FH = edge freq (srate = 1.0): make_chebyshev_highpass(8, 0.1, 0.01)")
- def make_chebyshev_bandpass(n, fl, fh, ripple = 1.0)
- lp = make_chebyshev_lowpass(n, fh, ripple)
- hp = make_chebyshev_highpass(n, fl, ripple)
- lambda do |y| filter(lp, filter(hp, y)) end
- end
- add_help(:make_chebyshev_bandstop,
- "make_chebyshev_bandstop(n, fl, fh, ripple=1.0): \
- returns a bandstop Chebyshev filter; N = order, \
- FL and FH = edge freqs (srate = 1.0): make_chebyshev_bandstop(8, 0.1, 0.4, 0.01)")
- def make_chebyshev_bandstop(n, fl, fh, ripple = 1.0)
- lp = make_chebyshev_lowpass(n, fl, ripple)
- hp = make_chebyshev_highpass(n, fh, ripple)
- lambda do |y| filter(lp, y) + filter(hp, y) end
- end
- #
- #
- def inverse_chebyshev_prototype(n, loss_dB = 60.0)
- e = sqrt(1.0 / (10.0 ** (0.1 * loss_dB) - 1.0))
- v0 = asinh(1.0 / e) / n.to_f
- len = (n * 3) / 2
- n2 = 2.0 * n
- num = Vct.new(len)
- den = Vct.new(len)
- pl = 0.0
- j = 0
- 1.0.step(n - 1, 2.0) do |l|
- lpi = l * PI
- u = -(sinh(v0) * sin(lpi / n2))
- w = cosh(v0) * cos(lpi / n2)
- t = 1.0 / sin(((l + pl) * PI) / n2)
- num[j + 0] = 1.0
- num[j + 1] = 0.0
- num[j + 2] = t * t
- den[j + 0] = 1.0
- den[j + 1] = (-2.0 * u) / (u * u + w * w)
- den[j + 2] = 1.0 / (u * u + w * w)
- j += 3
- end
- [num, den, 1.122 ** -loss_dB]
- end
- # n = order, fc = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0)
- add_help(:make_inverse_chebyshev_lowpass,
- "make_inverse_chebyshev_lowpass(n, fc, loss_dB=60.0): \
- returns a lowpass inverse-Chebyshev filter; N = order, \
- FC = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0): make_inverse_chebyshev_lowpass(10, 0.4, 120)")
- def make_inverse_chebyshev_lowpass(n, fc, loss_dB = 60.0)
- if n.odd? then n += 1 end
- proto = inverse_chebyshev_prototype(n, loss_dB)
- coeffs = analog2digital(n, proto[0], proto[1], fc)
- make_filter(:xcoeffs, coeffs[0].scale!(proto[2]), :ycoeffs, coeffs[1])
- end
- add_help(:make_inverse_chebyshev_highpass,
- "make_inverse_chebyshev_highpass(n, fc, loss_dB=60.0): \
- returns a highpass inverse-Chebyshev filter; N = order, \
- FC = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0): make_inverse_chebyshev_highpass(10, 0.1, 120)")
- def make_inverse_chebyshev_highpass(n, fc, loss_dB = 60.0)
- if n.odd? then n += 1 end
- proto = inverse_chebyshev_prototype(n, loss_dB)
- hproto = prototype2highpass(n, proto[0], proto[1])
- coeffs = analog2digital(n, hproto[0], hproto[1], fc)
- make_filter(:xcoeffs, coeffs[0].scale!(proto[2]), :ycoeffs, coeffs[1])
- end
- add_help(:make_inverse_chebyshev_bandpass,
- "make_inverse_chebyshev_bandpass(n, fl, fh, loss_dB=60.0): \
- returns a bandpass inverse-Chebyshev filter; N = order, \
- FL and FH are edge freqs (srate = 1.0): make_inverse_chebyshev_bandpass(8, 0.1, 0.4)")
- def make_inverse_chebyshev_bandpass(n, fl, fh, loss_dB = 60.0)
- lp = make_inverse_chebyshev_lowpass(n, fh, loss_dB)
- hp = make_inverse_chebyshev_highpass(n, fl, loss_dB)
- lambda do |y| filter(lp, filter(hp, y)) end
- end
- add_help(:make_inverse_chebyshev_bandstop,
- "make_inverse_chebyshev_bandstop(n, fl, fh, loss_dB=60.0): \
- returns a bandstop inverse-Chebyshev filter; N = order, \
- FL and FH are edge freqs (srate = 1.0): make_inverse_chebyshev_bandstop(8, 0.1, 0.4, 90)")
- def make_inverse_chebyshev_bandstop(n, fl, fh, loss_dB = 60.0)
- lp = make_inverse_chebyshev_lowpass(n, fl, loss_dB)
- hp = make_inverse_chebyshev_highpass(n, fh, loss_dB)
- lambda do |y| filter(lp, y) + filter(hp, y) end
- end
- if provided? :gsl
- # requires with-gsl
- if defined? gsl_roots
- # gsl_roots isn't defined for ruby in snd-xen.c
- #
- # === BESSEL(-Thompson) ===
- #
- def fact(n)
- x = 1
- 2.upto(n) do |i| x *= i end
- x
- end
- def bessel_i(n)
- Vct.new(n + 1) do |i| fact(2 * n - i) / ((2 ** (n - i)) * fact(i) * fact(n - i)) end
- end
- def bessel_prototype(n)
- len = (n * 3) / 2
- num = Vct.new(len)
- den = Vct.new(len)
- b2 = bessel_i(n)
- p = gsl_roots(b2.to_a)
- p.map! do |x| x / (b2[0] ** (1.0 / n)) end
- j = 0
- 0.step(n - 1, 2) do |i|
- num[j + 0] = 0.0
- num[j + 0] = 0.0
- num[j + 2] = 1.0
- den[j + 0] = 1.0
- den[j + 0] = -2.0 * p[i].real
- den[j + 2] = (p[i] * p[i + 1]).real
- j += 3
- end
- [num, den]
- end
- add_help(:make_bessel_lowpass,
- "make_bessel_lowpass(n, fc): \
- returns a lowpass Bessel filter; N = order, \
- FC = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0): make_bessel_lowpass(4, 0.1)")
- def make_bessel_lowpass(n, fc)
- if n.odd? then n += 1 end
- proto = bessel_prototype(n)
- coeffs = analog2digital(n, proto[0], proto[1], fc)
- make_filter(:xcoeffs, coeffs[0], :ycoeffs, coeffs[1])
- end
- add_help(:make_bessel_highpass,
- "make_bessel_highpass(n, fc): \
- returns a highpass Bessel filter; N = order, \
- FC = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0): make_bessel_highpass(8, 0.1)")
- def make_bessel_highpass(n, fc)
- if n.odd? then n += 1 end
- proto = bessel_prototype(n)
- hproto = prototype2highpass(n, proto[0], proto[1])
- coeffs = analog2digital(n, hproto[0], hproto[1], fc)
- make_filter(:xcoeffs, coeffs[0], :ycoeffs, coeffs[1])
- end
- add_help(:make_bessel_bandpass,
- "make_bessel_bandpass(n, fl, fh): \
- returns a bandpass Bessel filter; N = order, \
- FL and FH are edge freqs (srate = 1.0): make_bessel_bandpass(4, 0.1, 0.2)")
- def make_bessel_bandpass(n, fl, fh)
- lp = make_bessel_lowpass(n, fh)
- hp = make_bessel_highpass(n, fl)
- lambda do |y| filter(lp, filter(hp, y)) end
- end
- add_help(:make_bessel_bandstop,
- "make_bessel_bandstop(n, fl, fh): \
- returns a bandstop Bessel filter; N = order, \
- FL and FH are edge freqs (srate = 1.0): make_bessel_bandstop(8, 0.1, 0.2)")
- def make_bessel_bandstop(n, fl, fh, ripple = 1.0, loss_dB = 60.0)
- lp = make_bessel_lowpass(n, fl)
- hp = make_bessel_highpass(n, fh)
- lambda do |y| filter(lp, y) + filter(hp, y) end
- end
- end
- #
- # === ELLIPTIC ===
- #
- def minimize_function(f, xmin, xmax, arg1 = nil, arg2 = nil)
- fx = snd_func(f, xmin, arg1, arg2)
- n = 20
- x = Vct.new(n)
- n.times do |i|
- step = (xmax - xmin) / (n - 1.0)
- s = xmin
- (n - 1).times do |j|
- x[j] = s
- s += step
- end
- x[n - 1] = xmax
- n.times do |j|
- ft = snd_func(f, x[j], arg1, arg2)
- if ft < fx
- fx = ft
- xmax = (j < (n - 1)) ? x[j + 1] : x[n - 1]
- xmin = j > 0 ? x[j - 1] : x[0]
- end
- end
- end
- (xmax + xmin) / 2.0
- end
- def findm(m, arg1, arg2)
- (gsl_ellipk(m) / gsl_ellipk(1.0 - m) - arg1).abs
- end
- def findv(u, arg1, arg2)
- vals = gsl_ellipj(u, arg1)
- (arg2 - vals[0] / vals[1]).abs
- end
- def elliptic_prototype(n, ripple = 1.0, loss_dB = 60.0)
- e = sqrt((10.0 ** (0.1 * ripple)) - 1.0)
- k1 = e / sqrt((10.0 ** (0.1 * loss_dB)) - 1.0)
- k1p = sqrt(1.0 - k1 * k1)
- kr = m = k = 0.0
- len = (n * 3) / 2
- num = Vct.new(len)
- den = Vct.new(len)
- g = 1.0
- eps = 0.0000001
- if (1.0 - k1p * k1p).abs > eps
- kr = n.to_f * (gsl_ellipk(k1 * k1) / gsl_ellipk(k1p * k1p))
- end
- m = minimize_function(:findm, 0.001, 0.999, kr)
- k = gsl_ellipk(m)
- cv = Vct.new((0.5 * 3 * (n + 1)).floor)
- j = 0
- 0.step(n - 1, 2) do |i|
- vals = gsl_ellipj(((i + 1) * k) / n.to_f, m)
- sn, cn, dn = vals[0..2]
- cv[j + 0] = sn
- cv[j + 1] = cn
- cv[j + 2] = dn
- z = Complex(0.0, -1.0) / (sqrt(m) * sn)
- pz = (z * make_rectangular(z.real, -z.imag)).real
- g /= pz
- num[j + 0] = 1.0
- num[j + 1] = -2.0 * z.real
- num[j + 2] = pz
- j += 3
- end
- optarg0 = k1p * k1p
- optarg1 = 1.0 / e
- minf = minimize_function(:findv, 0.0, 1.0 / e, optarg0, optarg1)
- v0 = (k * minf) / (n.to_f * gsl_ellipk(k * k1))
- vals = gsl_ellipj(v0, 1.0 - m)
- sn, cn, dn = vals[0..2]
- j = 0
- 0.step(n - 1, 2) do |i|
- p = -(cv[j + 1] * cv[j + 2] * sn * cn + (Complex(0.0, 1.0) * cv[j + 0] * dn)) /
- (1.0 - (cv[j + 2] * sn * cv[j + 2] * sn))
- pp = (p * make_rectangular(p.real, -p.imag)).real
- g *= pp
- den[j + 0] = 1.0
- den[j + 1] = -2.0 * p.real
- den[j + 2] = pp
- j += 3
- end
- g = (g / sqrt(1.0 + e * e)).abs
- [num, den, g]
- end
- # n = order, fc = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0)
- add_help(:make_elliptic_lowpass,
- "make_elliptic_lowpass(n, fc, ripple=1.0, loss_dB=60.0): \
- returns a lowpass elliptic filter; N = order, \
- FC = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0): make_elliptic_lowpass(8, 0.25, 0.01, 90)")
- def make_elliptic_lowpass(n, fc, ripple = 1.0, loss_dB = 60.0)
- if n.odd? then n += 1 end
- proto = elliptic_prototype(n, ripple, loss_dB)
- coeffs = analog2digital(n, proto[0], proto[1], fc)
- make_filter(:xcoeffs, coeffs[0].scale!(proto[2]), :ycoeffs, coeffs[1])
- end
- add_help(:make_elliptic_highpass,
- "make_elliptic_highpass(n, fc, ripple=1.0, loss_dB=60.0): \
- returns a highpass elliptic filter; N = order, \
- FC = cutoff freq (srate = 1.0): make_elliptic_highpass(8, 0.25, 0.01, 90)")
- def make_elliptic_highpass(n, fc, ripple = 1.0, loss_dB = 60.0)
- if n.odd? then n += 1 end
- proto = elliptic_prototype(n, ripple, loss_dB)
- hproto = prototype2highpass(n, proto[0], proto[1])
- coeffs = analog2digital(n, hproto[0], hproto[1], fc)
- make_filter(:xcoeffs, coeffs[0].scale!(proto[2]), :ycoeffs, coeffs[1])
- end
- add_help(:make_elliptic_bandpass,
- "make_elliptic_bandpass(n, fl, fh, ripple=1.0, loss_dB=60.0): \
- returns a bandpass elliptic filter; N = order, \
- FL and FH are edge freqs (srate = 1.0): make_elliptic_bandpass(6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 90)")
- def make_elliptic_bandpass(n, fl, fh, ripple = 1.0, loss_dB = 60.0)
- lp = make_elliptic_lowpass(n, fh, ripple, loss_dB)
- hp = make_elliptic_highpass(n, fl, ripple, loss_dB)
- lambda do |y| filter(lp, filter(hp, y)) end
- end
- add_help(:make_elliptic_bandstop,
- "make_elliptic_bandstop(n, fl, fh, ripple=1.0, loss_dB=60.0): \
- returns a bandstop elliptic filter; N = order, \
- FL and FH are edge freqs (srate = 1.0): make_elliptic_bandstop(6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 90)")
- def make_elliptic_bandstop(n, fl, fh, ripple = 1.0, loss_dB = 60.0)
- lp = make_elliptic_lowpass(n, fl, ripple, loss_dB)
- hp = make_elliptic_highpass(n, fh, ripple, loss_dB)
- lambda do |y| filter(lp, y) + filter(hp, y) end
- end
- end
- end
- include Analog_filter
- # analog-filter.rb ends here