- /* readers/writers for various sound file headers
- *
- * Currently supported read/write (in standard sample types):
- * NeXT/Sun/DEC/AFsp
- * RIFF (microsoft wave)
- * RF64 (EBU)
- * IRCAM (old style)
- * NIST-sphere
- * CAFF
- * no header
- *
- * Currently supported read-only (in selected sample types):
- * Sound Tools, Turtle Beach SMP, SoundFont 2.0, Sound Designer I, PSION alaw, MAUD,
- * Gravis Ultrasound, Comdisco SPW, Goldwave sample, OMF, quicktime, sox,
- * Sonic Foundry (w64), SBStudio II, Delusion digital, Digiplayer ST3, Farandole Composer WaveSample,
- * Ultratracker WaveSample, Sample Dump exchange, Yamaha SY85 and SY99 (buggy), Yamaha TX16W,
- * Covox v8, AVI, Kurzweil 2000, Paris Ensoniq, Impulse tracker, Korg, Akai type 4, Maui,
- *
- * for a few of these I'm still trying to get documentation -- best sources of info are:
- * ftp.cwi.nl:pub/audio (info files)
- * the AFsp sources http://www.TSP.ECE.McGill.CA/MMSP/Documents/AudioFormats/index.html
- * the SOX sources
- * svr-ftp.eng.cam.ac.uk:/comp.speech/tools
- * http://www.wotsit.org
- * CAFF: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MusicAudio/Reference/CAFSpec/
- * and afconvert can be found in /Developer/Examples/CoreAudio/Services/AudioFileTools/
- * RIFF: Microsoft Multimedia Programmer's Reference Manual at ftp.microsoft.com:/SoftLib/MSLFILES/MDRK.EXE
- * AVI: http://www.rahul.net/jfm/avi.html
- * EBU RF64: http://www.ebu.ch/CMSimages/en/tec_doc_t3306_tcm6-42570.pdf
- * Sound Designer: "Developer Documentation" from Digidesign
- *
- * test cases (sample files): ccrma-ftp.stanford.edu:/pub/Lisp/sf.tar.gz
- */
- #include "mus-config.h"
- #if USE_SND
- #include "snd.h"
- #endif
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #ifndef _MSC_VER
- #include <unistd.h>
- #else
- #include <io.h>
- #pragma warning(disable: 4244)
- #endif
- #include "_sndlib.h"
- #include "sndlib-strings.h"
- /* can't use LONG_MAX here because we want a 4-byte max even on 64-bit machines */
- #define BIGGEST_4_BYTE_SIGNED_INT 2147483647L
- #define BIGGEST_4_BYTE_UNSIGNED_INT 4294967295UL
- static const unsigned char I_DSND[4] = {'.','s','n','d'}; /* NeXT/Sun/Dec/SGI/AFsp first word */
- static const unsigned char I_FORM[4] = {'F','O','R','M'}; /* AIFF first word */
- static const unsigned char I_AIFF[4] = {'A','I','F','F'}; /* AIFF second word */
- static const unsigned char I_AIFC[4] = {'A','I','F','C'}; /* ditto but might be compressed data */
- static const unsigned char I_COMM[4] = {'C','O','M','M'};
- static const unsigned char I_COMT[4] = {'C','O','M','T'};
- static const unsigned char I_INFO[4] = {'I','N','F','O'};
- static const unsigned char I_INST[4] = {'I','N','S','T'};
- static const unsigned char I_MARK[4] = {'M','A','R','K'};
- static const unsigned char I_SSND[4] = {'S','S','N','D'};
- static const unsigned char I_NONE[4] = {'N','O','N','E'};
- static const unsigned char I_ULAW[4] = {'U','L','A','W'}; /* AIFC compression types that we can handle */
- static const unsigned char I_ulaw[4] = {'u','l','a','w'}; /* or maybe it's lowercase (Apple) ... */
- static const unsigned char I_raw_[4] = {'r','a','w',' '}; /* AIFC offset binary OS 8.5 (others are 'MAC3' 'MAC6' 'cdx4' 'cdx2' 'str4') */
- static const unsigned char I_sowt[4] = {'s','o','w','t'}; /* AIFC 16-bit little endian -- used by Mac when extracting CD tracks */
- static const unsigned char I_fl32[4] = {'f','l','3','2'}; /* AIFC 32-bit float */
- static const unsigned char I_fl64[4] = {'f','l','6','4'}; /* AIFC 64-bit float */
- static const unsigned char I_alaw[4] = {'a','l','a','w'}; /* apple */
- static const unsigned char I_APPL[4] = {'A','P','P','L'};
- static const unsigned char I_MUS_[4] = {'C','L','M',' '}; /* I hereby claim this AIFF chunk name */
- static const unsigned char I_RIFF[4] = {'R','I','F','F'}; /* RIFF first word */
- static const unsigned char I_RIFX[4] = {'R','I','F','X'}; /* RIFX first word (big-endian RIFF file) */
- static const unsigned char I_WAVE[4] = {'W','A','V','E'};
- static const unsigned char I_fmt_[4] = {'f','m','t',' '};
- static const unsigned char I_data[4] = {'d','a','t','a'};
- static const unsigned char I_fact[4] = {'f','a','c','t'}; /* used by compressed RIFF files */
- static const unsigned char I_clm_[4] = {'c','l','m',' '};
- static const unsigned char I_NIST[4] = {'N','I','S','T'}; /* first word of NIST SPHERE files */
- static const unsigned char I_VOC0[4] = {'C','r','e','a'}; /* Actual text is "Creative Voice File" */
- static const unsigned char I_SOUN[4] = {'S','O','U','N'}; /* Sound Tools first word="SOUND" -- not unique as SMP files start with "SOUND SAMPLE" */
- static const unsigned char I_ANNO[4] = {'A','N','N','O'};
- static const unsigned char I_NAME[4] = {'N','A','M','E'};
- static const unsigned char I_AVR_[4] = {'2','B','I','T'}; /* first word of AVR files */
- static const unsigned char I_SPIB[4] = {'%','/','/','\n'}; /* first word of IEEE spib text sound files */
- static const unsigned char I_S___[4] = {'%','-','-','-'}; /* first word of other IEEE spib text sound files */
- static const unsigned char I_ALaw[4] = {'A','L','a','w'}; /* first word of PSION alaw files */
- static const unsigned char I_MThd[4] = {'M','T','h','d'}; /* sigh -- the M word */
- static const unsigned char I_DECN[4] = {'.','s','d','\0'}; /* first word of DEC files (?) */
- static const unsigned char I_LIST[4] = {'L','I','S','T'};
- static const unsigned char I_GF1P[4] = {'G','F','1','P'}; /* first word of Gravis Ultrsound patch files */
- static const unsigned char I_DSIG[4] = {'$','S','I','G'}; /* first word of Comdisco SPW file */
- static const unsigned char I_GOLD[4] = {'G','O','L','D'}; /* first word Goldwave(?) sample file */
- static const unsigned char I_SRFS[4] = {'S','R','F','S'}; /* first word Sonic Resource Foundry file(?) */
- static const unsigned char I_Diam[4] = {'D','i','a','m'}; /* first word DiamondWare file */
- static const unsigned char I_CSRE[4] = {'C','S','R','E'}; /* adf first word -- second starts with "40" */
- static const unsigned char I_SND_[4] = {'S','N','D',' '}; /* SBStudio II */
- static const unsigned char I_DDSF[4] = {'D','D','S','F'}; /* Delusion Digital Sound File */
- static const unsigned char I_FSMt[4] = {'F','S','M',(unsigned char)'\376'}; /* Farandole Composer WaveSample */
- static const unsigned char I_UWFD[4] = {'U','W','F','D'}; /* Ultratracker Wavesample */
- static const unsigned char I_LM89[4] = {'L','M','8','9'}; /* Yamaha TX-16 */
- static const unsigned char I_SY80[4] = {'S','Y','8','0'}; /* Yamaha SY-99 */
- static const unsigned char I_SY85[4] = {'S','Y','8','5'}; /* Yamaha SY-85 */
- static const unsigned char I_SCRS[4] = {'S','C','R','S'}; /* Digiplayer ST3 */
- static const unsigned char I_covox[4] = {(unsigned char)'\377','\125',(unsigned char)'\377',(unsigned char)'\252'};
- static const unsigned char I_PRAM[4] = {'P','R','A','M'}; /* Kurzweil 2000 */
- static const unsigned char I__PAF[4] = {' ','p','a','f'}; /* Paris Ensoniq */
- static const unsigned char I_FAP_[4] = {'f','a','p',' '}; /* Paris Ensoniq */
- static const unsigned char I_file[4] = {'f','i','l','e'}; /* snack "SMP" */
- static const unsigned char I_PVF1[4] = {'P','V','F','1'}; /* portable voice format (mgetty) */
- static const unsigned char I_PVF2[4] = {'P','V','F','2'};
- static const unsigned char I_riff[4] = {'r','i','f','f'}; /* SoundForge */
- static const unsigned char I_TWIN[4] = {'T','W','I','N'}; /* TwinVQ */
- static const unsigned char I_IMPS[4] = {'I','M','P','S'}; /* Impulse Tracker */
- static const unsigned char I_SMP1[4] = {'S','M','P','1'}; /* Korg */
- static const unsigned char I_Maui[4] = {'M','a','u','i'}; /* Turtle Beach */
- static const unsigned char I_SDIF[4] = {'S','D','I','F'}; /* IRCAM sdif */
- #if G7XX
- static const unsigned char I_NVF_[4] = {'N','V','F',' '}; /* Nomad II Creative NVF */
- #endif
- static const unsigned char I_ajkg[4] = {'a','j','k','g'}; /* shorten */
- static const unsigned char I_RF64[4] = {'R','F','6','4'}; /* EBU RF64 */
- static const unsigned char I_ds64[4] = {'d','s','6','4'}; /* EBU RF64 */
- static const unsigned char I_caff[4] = {'c','a','f','f'}; /* Apple CAFF */
- static const unsigned char I_desc[4] = {'d','e','s','c'}; /* Apple CAFF */
- static const unsigned char I_lpcm[4] = {'l','p','c','m'}; /* Apple CAFF */
- static const unsigned char I_dSoX[4] = {'.','S','o','X'}; /* Sox intermediate (little-endian?) */
- static const unsigned char I_XoSd[4] = {'X','o','S','.'}; /* Sox intermediate */
- #define HDRBUFSIZ 256
- static unsigned char *hdrbuf;
- #define INITIAL_READ_SIZE 256
- /* AIFF files can have any number of ANNO chunks, so we'll grab at least 4 of them */
- #define AUX_COMMENTS 4
- static mus_long_t *aux_comment_start = NULL, *aux_comment_end = NULL;
- #define LOOPS 2
- static int *loop_modes = NULL, *loop_starts = NULL, *loop_ends = NULL;
- static int markers = 0;
- static int *marker_ids = NULL, *marker_positions = NULL;
- static bool hdrbuf_is_inited = false;
- /* for CLM */
- void mus_reset_headers_c(void)
- {
- hdrbuf_is_inited = false;
- markers = 0;
- }
- int mus_header_initialize(void)
- {
- if (!hdrbuf_is_inited)
- {
- hdrbuf_is_inited = true;
- hdrbuf = (unsigned char *)calloc(HDRBUFSIZ, sizeof(unsigned char));
- aux_comment_start = (mus_long_t *)calloc(AUX_COMMENTS, sizeof(mus_long_t));
- aux_comment_end = (mus_long_t *)calloc(AUX_COMMENTS, sizeof(mus_long_t));
- loop_modes = (int *)calloc(LOOPS, sizeof(int));
- loop_starts = (int *)calloc(LOOPS, sizeof(int));
- loop_ends = (int *)calloc(LOOPS, sizeof(int));
- if ((hdrbuf == NULL) || (aux_comment_start == NULL) || (aux_comment_end == NULL) ||
- (loop_modes == NULL) || (loop_starts == NULL) || (loop_ends == NULL))
- return(mus_error(MUS_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED, "mus_header_initialize: buffer allocation failed"));
- }
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- #define I_IRCAM_VAX 0x0001a364
- #define I_IRCAM_SUN 0x0002a364
- #define I_IRCAM_MIPS 0x0003a364
- #define I_IRCAM_NEXT 0x0004a364
- static mus_long_t data_location = 0;
- static int srate = 0, chans = 0, original_sample_type = 0;
- static mus_sample_t sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- static mus_header_t header_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_HEADER;
- static int type_specifier = 0, bits_per_sample = 0, block_align = 0, fact_samples = 0;
- static mus_long_t comment_start = 0, comment_end = 0;
- static mus_long_t true_file_length = 0, data_size = 0;
- static int base_detune = 0, base_note = 0;
- static bool little_endian = false;
- mus_long_t mus_header_samples(void) {return(data_size);}
- mus_long_t mus_header_data_location(void) {return(data_location);}
- int mus_header_chans(void) {return(chans);}
- int mus_header_srate(void) {return(srate);}
- mus_header_t mus_header_type(void) {return(header_type);}
- mus_sample_t mus_header_sample_type(void) {return(sample_type);}
- mus_long_t mus_header_comment_start(void) {return(comment_start);}
- mus_long_t mus_header_comment_end(void) {return(comment_end);}
- mus_long_t mus_header_aux_comment_start(int n) {if (aux_comment_start) return(aux_comment_start[n]); else return(-1);}
- mus_long_t mus_header_aux_comment_end(int n) {if (aux_comment_end) return(aux_comment_end[n]); else return(-1);}
- int mus_header_type_specifier(void) {return(type_specifier);}
- int mus_header_bits_per_sample(void) {return(bits_per_sample);}
- int mus_header_fact_samples(void) {return(fact_samples);}
- int mus_header_block_align(void) {return(block_align);}
- mus_long_t mus_header_true_length(void) {return(true_file_length);}
- int mus_header_original_sample_type(void) {return(original_sample_type);}
- int mus_header_loop_mode(int which) {if (loop_modes) return(loop_modes[which]); else return(-1);}
- int mus_header_loop_start(int which) {if (loop_starts) return(loop_starts[which]); else return(-1);}
- int mus_header_loop_end(int which) {if (loop_ends) return(loop_ends[which]); else return(-1);}
- int mus_header_mark_position(int id) {int i; for (i = 0; i < markers; i++) {if (marker_ids[i] == id) return(marker_positions[i]);} return(-1);}
- int mus_header_base_detune(void) {return(base_detune);}
- int mus_header_base_note(void) {return(base_note);}
- int mus_header_mark_info(int **m_ids, int **m_positions)
- {
- (*m_ids) = marker_ids;
- (*m_positions) = marker_positions;
- return(markers);
- }
- int mus_bytes_per_sample(mus_sample_t samp_type)
- {
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_BYTE: return(1); break;
- case MUS_BSHORT: return(2); break;
- case MUS_UBYTE: return(1); break;
- case MUS_MULAW: return(1); break;
- case MUS_ALAW: return(1); break;
- case MUS_BINT: return(4); break;
- case MUS_BFLOAT: return(4); break;
- case MUS_BFLOAT_UNSCALED: return(4); break;
- case MUS_B24INT: return(3); break;
- case MUS_BDOUBLE: return(8); break;
- case MUS_BDOUBLE_UNSCALED: return(8); break;
- case MUS_LSHORT: return(2); break;
- case MUS_LINT: return(4); break;
- case MUS_LFLOAT: return(4); break;
- case MUS_LDOUBLE: return(8); break;
- case MUS_LFLOAT_UNSCALED: return(4); break;
- case MUS_LDOUBLE_UNSCALED: return(8); break;
- case MUS_L24INT: return(3); break;
- case MUS_UBSHORT: return(2); break;
- case MUS_ULSHORT: return(2); break;
- case MUS_BINTN: return(4); break;
- case MUS_LINTN: return(4); break;
- default: return(1); break; /* we divide by this number, so 0 is not safe */
- }
- }
- mus_long_t mus_samples_to_bytes (mus_sample_t samp_type, mus_long_t size)
- {
- return(size * (mus_bytes_per_sample(samp_type)));
- }
- mus_long_t mus_bytes_to_samples (mus_sample_t samp_type, mus_long_t size)
- {
- return((mus_long_t)(size / (mus_bytes_per_sample(samp_type))));
- }
- static bool equal_big_or_little_endian(const unsigned char *n1, const unsigned int n2)
- {
- return((mus_char_to_ubint(n1) == n2) || (mus_char_to_ulint(n1) == n2));
- }
- static short big_or_little_endian_short(const unsigned char *n, bool little)
- {
- if (little) return(mus_char_to_lshort(n));
- return(mus_char_to_bshort(n));
- }
- static int big_or_little_endian_int(const unsigned char *n, bool little)
- {
- if (little) return(mus_char_to_lint(n));
- return(mus_char_to_bint(n));
- }
- static unsigned int big_or_little_endian_uint(const unsigned char *n, bool little)
- {
- if (little) return(mus_char_to_ulint(n));
- return(mus_char_to_ubint(n));
- }
- static float big_or_little_endian_float(const unsigned char *n, bool little)
- {
- if (little) return(mus_char_to_lfloat(n));
- return(mus_char_to_bfloat(n));
- }
- static bool match_four_chars(const unsigned char *head, const unsigned char *match)
- {
- return((head[0] == match[0]) &&
- (head[1] == match[1]) &&
- (head[2] == match[2]) &&
- (head[3] == match[3]));
- }
- static void write_four_chars(unsigned char *head, const unsigned char *match)
- {
- head[0] = match[0];
- head[1] = match[1];
- head[2] = match[2];
- head[3] = match[3];
- }
- const char *mus_header_type_name(mus_header_t type)
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_NEXT: return("Sun/Next"); break;
- case MUS_AIFC: return("AIFC"); break;
- case MUS_RIFF: return("RIFF"); break;
- case MUS_BICSF: return("BICSF"); break;
- case MUS_NIST: return("NIST"); break;
- case MUS_INRS: return("INRS"); break;
- case MUS_ESPS: return("ESPS"); break;
- case MUS_SVX: return("SVX8"); break;
- case MUS_VOC: return("VOC"); break;
- case MUS_SNDT: return("SNDT"); break;
- case MUS_SOX: return("Sox"); break;
- case MUS_RAW: return("raw (no header)"); break;
- case MUS_SMP: return("SMP"); break;
- case MUS_AVR: return("AVR"); break;
- case MUS_IRCAM: return("IRCAM"); break;
- case MUS_SD1: return("Sound Designer 1"); break;
- case MUS_SPPACK: return("SPPACK"); break;
- case MUS_MUS10: return("Mus10"); break;
- case MUS_HCOM: return("HCOM"); break;
- case MUS_PSION: return("PSION"); break;
- case MUS_MAUD: return("MAUD"); break;
- case MUS_IEEE: return("IEEE text"); break;
- case MUS_MATLAB: return("Matlab"); break;
- case MUS_ADC: return("ADC/OGI"); break;
- case MUS_MIDI: return("MIDI"); break;
- case MUS_SOUNDFONT: return("SoundFont"); break;
- case MUS_GRAVIS: return("Gravis Ultrasound patch"); break;
- case MUS_COMDISCO: return("Comdisco SPW signal"); break;
- case MUS_GOLDWAVE: return("Goldwave sample"); break;
- case MUS_SRFS: return("SRFS"); break;
- case MUS_MIDI_SAMPLE_DUMP: return("MIDI sample dump"); break;
- case MUS_DIAMONDWARE: return("DiamondWare"); break;
- case MUS_ADF: return("CSRE adf"); break;
- case MUS_SBSTUDIOII: return("SBStudioII"); break;
- case MUS_DELUSION: return("Delusion"); break;
- case MUS_FARANDOLE: return("Farandole"); break;
- case MUS_SAMPLE_DUMP: return("Sample dump"); break;
- case MUS_ULTRATRACKER: return("Ultratracker"); break;
- case MUS_YAMAHA_TX16W: return("TX-16W"); break;
- case MUS_YAMAHA_SY85: return("Sy-85"); break;
- case MUS_YAMAHA_SY99: return("Sy-99"); break;
- case MUS_KURZWEIL_2000: return("Kurzweil 2000"); break;
- case MUS_KORG: return("Korg"); break;
- case MUS_MAUI: return("Turtle Beach"); break;
- case MUS_IMPULSETRACKER: return("Impulse Tracker"); break;
- case MUS_AKAI4: return("AKAI 4"); break;
- case MUS_DIGIPLAYER: return("Digiplayer ST3"); break;
- case MUS_COVOX: return("Covox V8"); break;
- case MUS_AVI: return("AVI"); break;
- case MUS_OMF: return("OMF"); break;
- case MUS_QUICKTIME: return("Quicktime"); break;
- case MUS_ASF: return("asf"); break;
- case MUS_AIFF: return("AIFF"); break;
- case MUS_PAF: return("Ensoniq Paris"); break;
- case MUS_CSL: return("CSL"); break;
- case MUS_FILE_SAMP: return("snack SMP"); break;
- case MUS_PVF: return("Portable Voice Format"); break;
- case MUS_SOUNDFORGE: return("SoundForge"); break;
- case MUS_TWINVQ: return("TwinVQ"); break;
- case MUS_SDIF: return("IRCAM sdif"); break;
- #if G7XX
- case MUS_NVF: return("Creative NVF"); break;
- #endif
- case MUS_OGG: return("Ogg Vorbis"); break;
- case MUS_FLAC: return("Flac"); break;
- case MUS_SPEEX: return("Speex"); break;
- case MUS_MPEG: return("mpeg"); break;
- case MUS_SHORTEN: return("shorten"); break;
- case MUS_TTA: return("tta"); break;
- case MUS_WAVPACK: return("wavpack"); break;
- case MUS_RF64: return("rf64"); break;
- case MUS_CAFF: return("caff"); break;
- default: return("unknown"); break;
- }
- }
- const char *mus_sample_type_name(mus_sample_t samp_type)
- {
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_BSHORT: return("big endian short (16 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_MULAW: return("mulaw (8 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_BYTE: return("signed byte (8 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_BFLOAT: return("big endian float (32 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_BFLOAT_UNSCALED: return("big endian float (32 bits, unscaled)"); break;
- case MUS_BINT: return("big endian int (32 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_ALAW: return("alaw (8 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_UBYTE: return("unsigned byte (8 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_B24INT: return("big endian int (24 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_BDOUBLE: return("big endian double (64 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_BDOUBLE_UNSCALED: return("big endian double (64 bits, unscaled)"); break;
- case MUS_LSHORT: return("little endian short (16 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_LINT: return("little endian int (32 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_LFLOAT: return("little endian float (32 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_LDOUBLE: return("little endian double (64 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_LFLOAT_UNSCALED: return("little endian float (32 bits, unscaled)"); break;
- case MUS_LDOUBLE_UNSCALED: return("little endian double (64 bits, unscaled)"); break;
- case MUS_UBSHORT: return("unsigned big endian short (16 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_ULSHORT: return("unsigned little endian short (16 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_L24INT: return("little endian int (24 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_BINTN: return("normalized big endian int (32 bits)"); break;
- case MUS_LINTN: return("normalized little endian int (32 bits)"); break;
- default: return("unknown"); break;
- }
- }
- const char *mus_sample_type_short_name(mus_sample_t samp_type)
- {
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_BSHORT: return("short int"); break;
- case MUS_MULAW: return("mulaw"); break;
- case MUS_BYTE: return("signed byte"); break;
- case MUS_BFLOAT: return("float"); break;
- case MUS_BFLOAT_UNSCALED: return("float unscaled)"); break;
- case MUS_BINT: return("int"); break;
- case MUS_ALAW: return("alaw"); break;
- case MUS_UBYTE: return("unsigned byte"); break;
- case MUS_B24INT: return("24-bit int"); break;
- case MUS_BDOUBLE: return("double"); break;
- case MUS_BDOUBLE_UNSCALED: return("double unscaled"); break;
- case MUS_LSHORT: return("short int"); break;
- case MUS_LINT: return("int"); break;
- case MUS_LFLOAT: return("float"); break;
- case MUS_LDOUBLE: return("double"); break;
- case MUS_LFLOAT_UNSCALED: return("float unscaled"); break;
- case MUS_LDOUBLE_UNSCALED: return("double unscaled"); break;
- case MUS_UBSHORT: return("unsigned short"); break;
- case MUS_ULSHORT: return("unsigned short"); break;
- case MUS_L24INT: return("24-bit int"); break;
- case MUS_BINTN: return("normalized int"); break;
- case MUS_LINTN: return("normalized int"); break;
- default: return("unknown"); break;
- }
- }
- #define TO_LANG(Str) (const char *)xen_scheme_constant_to_ruby(Str)
- #else
- #define TO_LANG(Str) Str
- #endif
- const char *mus_header_type_to_string(mus_header_t type)
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_NEXT: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_next));
- case MUS_AIFF: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_aiff));
- case MUS_AIFC: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_aifc));
- case MUS_RIFF: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_riff));
- case MUS_NIST: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_nist));
- case MUS_IRCAM: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_ircam));
- case MUS_RAW: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_raw));
- case MUS_BICSF: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_bicsf));
- case MUS_VOC: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_voc));
- case MUS_SVX: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_svx));
- case MUS_SOUNDFONT: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_soundfont));
- case MUS_RF64: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_rf64));
- case MUS_CAFF: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_caff));
- default: break;
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- const char *mus_sample_type_to_string(mus_sample_t samp_type)
- {
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_BSHORT: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_bshort));
- case MUS_LSHORT: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_lshort));
- case MUS_MULAW: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_mulaw));
- case MUS_ALAW: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_alaw));
- case MUS_BYTE: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_byte));
- case MUS_UBYTE: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_ubyte));
- case MUS_BFLOAT: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_bfloat));
- case MUS_LFLOAT: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_lfloat));
- case MUS_BINT: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_bint));
- case MUS_LINT: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_lint));
- case MUS_BINTN: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_bintn));
- case MUS_LINTN: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_lintn));
- case MUS_B24INT: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_b24int));
- case MUS_L24INT: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_l24int));
- case MUS_BDOUBLE: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_bdouble));
- case MUS_LDOUBLE: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_ldouble));
- case MUS_UBSHORT: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_ubshort));
- case MUS_ULSHORT: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_ulshort));
- case MUS_BDOUBLE_UNSCALED: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_bdouble_unscaled));
- case MUS_LDOUBLE_UNSCALED: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_ldouble_unscaled));
- case MUS_BFLOAT_UNSCALED: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_bfloat_unscaled));
- case MUS_LFLOAT_UNSCALED: return(TO_LANG(S_mus_lfloat_unscaled));
- default: break;
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- static const char *any_sample_type_name(mus_sample_t sndlib_samp_type)
- {
- if (mus_is_sample_type(sndlib_samp_type))
- return(mus_sample_type_name(sndlib_samp_type));
- else return(mus_header_original_sample_type_name(mus_header_original_sample_type(), mus_header_type()));
- }
- #define SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(File) lseek(File, 0L, SEEK_END)
- static int read_bicsf_header(const char *filename, int fd);
- /* ------------------------------------ NeXT (or Sun) --------------------------------
- *
- * 0: ".snd"
- * 4: data_location (bytes) (not necessarily word aligned on Sun)
- * 8: data_size (bytes) -- sometimes incorrect ("advisory")
- * 12: sample type indicator -- see below
- * 16: srate (int)
- * 20: chans
- * 24: comment start
- *
- * in an AFsp file, the first 4 bytes of the comment are "AFsp",
- * for bicsf, the integer at 28 is 107364 or 107415
- *
- * on NeXTStep, always big-endian. ".snd"==0x2e736e64 on big-endian machines.
- *
- * formats are:
- * 0 unspecified, 1 mulaw_8, 2 linear_8, 3 linear_16, 4 linear_24, 5 linear_32, 6 float,
- * 7 double, 8 indirect, 9 nested, 10 dsp_core, 11 dsp_data_8, 12 dsp_data_16, 13 dsp_data_24,
- * 14 dsp_data_32, 16 display, 17 mulaw_squelch, 18 emphasized, 19 compressed, 20 compressed_emphasized
- * 21 dsp_commands, 22 dsp_commands_samples, 23 adpcm_g721, 24 adpcm_g722, 25 adpcm_g723,
- * 26 adpcm_g723_5, 27 alaw_8, 28 aes, 29 delat_mulaw_8
- * internal Snd(lib)-only formats:
- * 30: mus_lint, 31: mus_lfloat,
- * 32: mus_bintn, 33: mus_lintn,
- * 34: mus_ldouble and others... (added by me for Snd internal use)
- */
- /* according to the file /usr/share/magic, the DECN versions were little endian */
- static int read_next_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- int maybe_bicsf, err = MUS_NO_ERROR, i;
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- data_location = mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- if (data_location < 24) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data location: %lld?", filename, data_location));
- data_size = mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8)); /* changed to unsigned 11-Nov-06 */
- /* can be bogus -- fixup if possible */
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if ((data_size <= 24) || (data_size > true_file_length))
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- else
- {
- if (true_file_length > (mus_long_t)0x80000000) /* (1 << 31)) */
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location; /* assume size field overflowed 32 bits */
- }
- original_sample_type = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12));
- switch (original_sample_type)
- {
- case 1: sample_type = MUS_MULAW; break;
- case 2: sample_type = MUS_BYTE; break; /* some sound files assume MUS_UBYTE here! (NAS from 1994 X11R6 contrib) */
- case 3: sample_type = MUS_BSHORT; break;
- case 4: sample_type = MUS_B24INT; break;
- case 5: sample_type = MUS_BINT; break;
- case 6: sample_type = MUS_BFLOAT; break;
- case 7: sample_type = MUS_BDOUBLE; break;
- case 18: sample_type = MUS_BSHORT; break; /* "emphasized": Xavier Serra's de-emphasis filter: y(n) = x(n) + .9 y(n-1) */
- case 27: sample_type = MUS_ALAW; break;
- case 30: sample_type = MUS_LINT; break; /* from here on, for Snd's internal benefit -- these are probably not used elsewhere */
- case 31: sample_type = MUS_LFLOAT; break;
- case 32: sample_type = MUS_BINTN; break;
- case 33: sample_type = MUS_LINTN; break;
- case 34: sample_type = MUS_LDOUBLE; break;
- case 35: sample_type = MUS_ULSHORT; break;
- case 36: sample_type = MUS_UBSHORT; break;
- case 37: sample_type = MUS_LFLOAT_UNSCALED; break;
- case 38: sample_type = MUS_BFLOAT_UNSCALED; break;
- case 39: sample_type = MUS_LDOUBLE_UNSCALED; break;
- case 40: sample_type = MUS_BDOUBLE_UNSCALED; break;
- case 41: sample_type = MUS_LSHORT; break;
- case 42: sample_type = MUS_L24INT; break;
- case 43: sample_type = MUS_UBYTE; break;
- default: sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE; break;
- }
- srate = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- chans = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20));
- comment_start = 0;
- comment_end = 0;
- for (i = 24; i < data_location - 1; i++)
- if (hdrbuf[i] == '\0')
- break;
- else
- {
- if (hdrbuf[i] != ' ')
- {
- comment_start = i;
- comment_end = data_location - 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (comment_end < comment_start) comment_end = comment_start;
- maybe_bicsf = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 28));
- if (maybe_bicsf == 107364) err = read_bicsf_header(filename, fd);
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(err);
- }
- static int sndlib_format_to_next(mus_sample_t samp_type)
- {
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_MULAW: return(1); break;
- case MUS_BYTE: return(2); break;
- case MUS_BSHORT: return(3); break;
- case MUS_B24INT: return(4); break;
- case MUS_BINT: return(5); break;
- case MUS_BFLOAT: return(6); break;
- case MUS_BDOUBLE: return(7); break;
- case MUS_ALAW: return(27); break;
- case MUS_LINT: return(30); break; /* see above */
- case MUS_LFLOAT: return(31); break;
- case MUS_BINTN: return(32); break;
- case MUS_LINTN: return(33); break;
- case MUS_LDOUBLE: return(34); break;
- case MUS_ULSHORT: return(35); break;
- case MUS_UBSHORT: return(36); break;
- case MUS_LFLOAT_UNSCALED: return(37); break;
- case MUS_BFLOAT_UNSCALED: return(38); break;
- case MUS_LDOUBLE_UNSCALED: return(39); break;
- case MUS_BDOUBLE_UNSCALED: return(40); break;
- case MUS_LSHORT: return(41); break;
- case MUS_L24INT: return(42); break;
- case MUS_UBYTE: return(43); break;
- default:
- return(mus_error(MUS_UNSUPPORTED_SAMPLE_TYPE, "Next header: can't write sample type: %d (%s)",
- samp_type,
- any_sample_type_name(samp_type)));
- break;
- }
- }
- static int header_write(int fd, unsigned char *buf, int chars)
- {
- if (chars > 0)
- {
- long long int bytes;
- bytes = (long long int)write(fd, buf, chars);
- if (bytes != chars)
- {
- char *errstr = NULL;
- errstr = STRERROR(errno);
- return(mus_error(MUS_WRITE_ERROR, "header_write: wrote %lld of %d bytes, %s",
- bytes, chars, (errstr) ? errstr : "unknown error?"));
- }
- }
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- static int header_read(int fd, unsigned char *buf, int chars)
- {
- if (chars > 0)
- {
- long long int bytes;
- bytes = (long long int)read(fd, buf, chars);
- if (bytes != chars)
- {
- char *errstr = NULL;
- errstr = STRERROR(errno);
- return(mus_error(MUS_READ_ERROR, "header_read: read %lld of %d bytes, %s",
- bytes, chars, (errstr) ? errstr : "unknown error?"));
- }
- }
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- static void write_next_comment(int fd, const char *comment, int len, int loc)
- {
- if (len > 0)
- header_write(fd, (unsigned char *)comment, len);
- len = loc - (len + 24);
- if (len > 0)
- {
- unsigned char *combuf;
- combuf = (unsigned char *)calloc(len, sizeof(unsigned char));
- header_write(fd, combuf, len);
- free(combuf);
- }
- }
- static int mus_header_write_next_header(int fd, int wsrate, int wchans, int loc, int siz, mus_sample_t samp_type, const char *comment, int len)
- {
- int i, j;
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_DSND); /* ".snd" */
- i = len / 4;
- j = 24 + (4 * (i + 1));
- if (loc < j) loc = j;
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), loc);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), siz);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12), sndlib_format_to_next(samp_type));
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16), wsrate);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20), wchans);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 24);
- write_next_comment(fd, comment, len, loc);
- data_location = loc;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ AIFF ------------------------------------
- *
- * 0: "FORM"
- * 4: size (bytes)
- * 8: "AIFF" or "AIFC" -- the latter includes compressed formats (list extended for 8.5 Sound.h)
- *
- * Thereafter the file is organized into "chunks", each chunk being
- * a 4-byte identifer followed by an int (4-bytes) giving the chunk size
- * not including the 8-byte header. AIFF data is signed. If the chunk
- * size is odd, an extra (unaccounted-for) null byte is added at the end.
- *
- * The chunks we want are "COMM", "SSND", and "APPL".
- *
- * COMM: 0: chans
- * 2: framples
- * 6: bits per sample
- * 8: srate as 80-bit IEEE float
- * then if AIFC (not AIFF), 4 bytes giving compression id ("NONE"=not compressed)
- * followed by Pascal string giving long name of compression type
- *
- * SSND: 0: data location (offset within SSND chunk)
- *
- * Other chunks include: ANNO: a comment, INST: loop control, MARK: marker, MIDI: midi,
- * COMT: comment (max 65536 chars), NAME: sound name, AUTH: author's name
- * (c), AESD: recording data, APPL: application specific stuff
- * "MARK" size short-#marks {marks} -- latter are short-ID long-position pstring-name.
- * "INST" size chars[baseNote detune lowNote highNote lowVelocity HighVelocity] short-gain loops[sustain release]
- * loop: short-playMode marker-begin marker-end (signed?) shorts)
- * playMode: 0 no loop, 1 forward loop, 2 forward/backward loop
- * chars are MIDI data (detune is in cents)
- * "MIDI" size MIDI-data...
- * "AESD" size AES Channel Status Data (24 bytes as specified by AES)
- * see "AES: Guidelines for the use of the AES3 interface"
- * byte 0: bit 0: 0 = consumer, 1 = pro
- * bit 1: 0 = audio, 1 = non-audio
- * bits 2:4: emphasis: 0:none, 4:none, 6:CD, 7:CCITT J17
- * bits 6:7: srate: 00 = 48KHz, 01 = 48, 10 = 44.1, 11 = 32
- * byte 1: bits 0:3: chans: 2:mono, else stereo
- * byte 2 for word size stuff (always ends up 16-bit): bits 3-5 = sample length where 4 = 16-bit
- * byte 3: multi-channels modes, 4: AES sync ref, 5:unused, 6-9:ASCII source ID, 10-13:ASCII destination ID
- * byte 14-17:local sample addr, 18-21:time of day addr, then CRC checks
- * "APPL" size signature data
- * "COMT" size short-#comments {comments} -- the latter are long-time marker short-text-length char-text
- * time is in seconds since 1-Jan-1904
- * "NAME"/"AUTH"/"(c) "/"ANNO" size char-name
- * "FVER" size(4) AIFC-format-version -- currently always 0xA2805140
- * "SAXL" -- a desperate kludge to get around Apple's own compression schemes!
- *
- * always big-endian
- * There was also (briefly) an AIFS file, now deprecated.
- */
- /* ieee-80 conversions -- design by committee! */
- /* this code taken from CSound sources -- apparently originally written by Malcolm Slaney at Apple */
- #define ULPOW2TO31 ((unsigned int)0x80000000)
- #define DPOW2TO31 ((double)2147483648.0) /* 2^31 */
- static double myUlongToDouble(unsigned int ul)
- {
- double val;
- if (ul & ULPOW2TO31) val = DPOW2TO31 + (ul & (~ULPOW2TO31));
- else val = ul;
- return val;
- }
- static unsigned int myDoubleToUlong(double val)
- {
- unsigned int ul;
- if (val < DPOW2TO31) ul = (unsigned int)val;
- else ul = ULPOW2TO31 | (unsigned int)(val-DPOW2TO31);
- return ul;
- }
- static double ieee_80_to_double(unsigned char *p)
- {
- unsigned char sign;
- short lexp = 0;
- unsigned int mant1 = 0;
- unsigned int mant0 = 0;
- lexp = *p++; lexp <<= 8; lexp |= *p++; sign = (lexp & 0x8000) ? 1 : 0; lexp &= 0x7FFF;
- mant1 = *p++; mant1 <<= 8; mant1 |= *p++; mant1 <<= 8; mant1 |= *p++; mant1 <<= 8; mant1 |= *p++;
- mant0 = *p++; mant0 <<= 8; mant0 |= *p++; mant0 <<= 8; mant0 |= *p++; mant0 <<= 8; mant0 |= *p++;
- if (mant1 == 0 && mant0 == 0 && lexp == 0 && sign == 0)
- return 0.0;
- else
- {
- double val;
- val = myUlongToDouble(mant0) * pow(2.0, -63.0);
- val += myUlongToDouble(mant1) * pow(2.0, -31.0);
- val *= pow(2.0, ((double) lexp) - 16383.0);
- return sign ? -val : val;
- }
- }
- static void double_to_ieee_80(double val, unsigned char *p)
- {
- short lexp = 0;
- unsigned char sign = 0;
- unsigned int mant1 = 0;
- unsigned int mant0 = 0;
- if (val < 0.0)
- {
- sign = 1;
- val = -val;
- }
- if (val != 0.0) /* val identically zero -> all elements zero */
- {
- lexp = (short)(log(val) / log(2.0) + 16383.0);
- val *= pow(2.0, 31.0 + 16383.0 - (double)lexp);
- mant1 = myDoubleToUlong(val);
- val -= myUlongToDouble(mant1);
- val *= pow(2.0, 32.0);
- mant0 = myDoubleToUlong(val);
- }
- *p++ = ((sign << 7) | (lexp >> 8)); *p++ = 0xFF & lexp;
- *p++ = 0xFF & (mant1 >> 24); *p++ = 0xFF & (mant1 >> 16); *p++ = 0xFF & (mant1 >> 8); *p++ = 0xFF & (mant1);
- *p++ = 0xFF & (mant0 >> 24); *p++ = 0xFF & (mant0 >> 16); *p++ = 0xFF & (mant0 >> 8); *p++ = 0xFF & (mant0);
- }
- static mus_long_t update_form_size, update_framples_location, update_ssnd_location, update_rf64_location;
- static long long int seek_and_read(int fd, unsigned char *buf, mus_long_t offset, int nbytes)
- {
- if (offset < 0) return(-1);
- lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET);
- return(read(fd, buf, nbytes));
- }
- static int read_aiff_marker(int m, unsigned char *buf)
- {
- int psize;
- marker_ids[m] = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)buf);
- marker_positions[m] = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(buf + 2));
- psize = (int)buf[6] + 1;
- if (psize & 1) psize++;
- return(psize+6);
- }
- static void read_aif_mark_chunk(int fd, unsigned char *buf, mus_long_t offset)
- {
- int num_marks, m, moff, msize;
- /* unsigned short #marks, each mark: id pos name (pstring damn it) */
- num_marks = mus_char_to_ubshort((unsigned char *)(buf + 8));
- if (num_marks > markers)
- {
- if (markers > 0)
- {
- if (marker_ids) free(marker_ids);
- if (marker_positions) free(marker_positions);
- }
- markers = num_marks;
- marker_ids = (int *)calloc(markers, sizeof(int));
- marker_positions = (int *)calloc(markers, sizeof(int));
- }
- moff = 10;
- for (m = 0; m < num_marks; m++)
- {
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)buf, offset + moff, 8) > 0)
- {
- msize = read_aiff_marker(m, (unsigned char *)buf);
- moff += msize;
- }
- }
- }
- static void read_aif_inst_chunk(unsigned char *buf)
- {
- base_note = buf[8];
- base_detune = buf[9];
- loop_modes[0] = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(buf + 16));
- loop_starts[0] = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(buf + 18));
- loop_ends[0] = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(buf + 20));
- loop_modes[1] = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(buf + 22));
- loop_starts[1] = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(buf + 24));
- loop_ends[1] = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(buf + 26));
- /* these are mark numbers */
- }
- static void read_aif_aux_comment(unsigned char *buf, mus_long_t offset, int chunksize)
- {
- int i, j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < AUX_COMMENTS; i++)
- if (aux_comment_start[i] == 0)
- {
- j = i;
- break;
- }
- if (j >= AUX_COMMENTS)
- {
- mus_print("read_aiff_header: ran out of auxiliary comment space");
- j = 0;
- }
- aux_comment_start[j] = offset + 8;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)buf, I_COMT))
- aux_comment_start[j] += 8; /* skip time stamp and markerId (not ID, I assume!) */
- aux_comment_end[j] = offset + 7 + chunksize;
- }
- static void read_aif_appl_chunk(unsigned char *buf, mus_long_t offset, int chunksize)
- {
- static const unsigned char I_SU7M[4] = {'S','U','7','M'};
- static const unsigned char I_SU7R[4] = {'S','U','7','R'};
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(buf + 8), I_MUS_))
- {
- /* my chunk has an arbitrary length comment (a lisp program evaluated in the CLM package)
- * to handle mix et al. Can't use the built-in chunk for this because the comment length might
- * be greater than 65536 chars. Need to remember to pad to even length here.
- */
- comment_start = offset + 12;
- comment_end = comment_start + chunksize - 5;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(buf + 8), I_SU7M)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(buf + 8), I_SU7R)))
- {
- mus_print("this is an SU700 ssp file?");
- data_location = 512;
- chans = 1;
- /* actually SU7M and SU7R point to 2 chan data as separate chunks */
- }
- }
- }
- static int read_aiff_header(const char *filename, int fd, int overall_offset)
- {
- /* we know we have checked for FORM xxxx AIFF|AIFC when we arrive here */
- /* as far as I can tell, the COMM block has the header data we seek, and the SSND block has the sound data */
- int chunkloc, i, ssnd_bytes = 0;
- bool happy = true, got_comm = false;
- mus_long_t offset = 0;
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8 + overall_offset));
- update_ssnd_location = 0;
- chunkloc = 12 + overall_offset;
- for (i = 0; i < AUX_COMMENTS; i++) aux_comment_start[i] = 0;
- sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- srate = 0;
- chans = 0;
- markers = 0;
- if (marker_ids) free(marker_ids);
- if (marker_positions) free(marker_positions);
- marker_ids = NULL;
- marker_positions = NULL;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- update_form_size = mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4 + overall_offset)); /* should be file-size - 8 unless there are multiple forms */
- while (happy)
- {
- int chunksize;
- offset += chunkloc;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 32) <= 0)
- {
- if ((got_comm) && (data_location > 0))
- {
- mus_print("%s, aiff header: chunks confused at %lld; will try to continue", filename, offset);
- break;
- }
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s, aiff header: chunks confused at %lld" , filename, offset));
- }
- chunksize = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- if ((chunksize == 0) && /* can be empty data chunk */
- (hdrbuf[0] == 0) && (hdrbuf[1] == 0) && (hdrbuf[2] == 0) && (hdrbuf[3] == 0))
- break;
- if (chunksize < 0)
- break;
- /* fprintf(stderr, "chunk: %c%c%c%c for %d\n", hdrbuf[0], hdrbuf[1], hdrbuf[2], hdrbuf[3], chunksize); */
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_COMM))
- {
- int framples;
- got_comm = true;
- chans = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- framples = mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 10)); /* was bint 27-Jul-01 */
- update_framples_location = 10 + offset;
- original_sample_type = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 14));
- if ((original_sample_type % 8) != 0)
- {
- /* weird sizes are legal --
- * these samples are left-justified (and zero padded on the right), so
- * we can handle any bit size by rounding up to the nearest byte.
- */
- original_sample_type = 8 * (1 + (original_sample_type >> 3));
- }
- if (original_sample_type == 8) sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- else if (original_sample_type == 16) sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- else if (original_sample_type == 24) sample_type = MUS_B24INT;
- else if (original_sample_type == 32) sample_type = MUS_BINT;
- else if (original_sample_type == 64) sample_type = MUS_BDOUBLE;
- else return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: bits per sample: %d?", filename, mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 14))));
- srate = (int)ieee_80_to_double((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- /* if AIFC, compression type over-rides (possibly bogus) original_sample_type */
- if (type_specifier == mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned const char *)I_AIFC))
- {
- static const unsigned char I_twos[4] = {'t','w','o','s'}; /* AIFC big endian? */
- /* some aifc files assume the compression field is a new and very weird chunk!! -- surely a bug? */
- /* AIFF spec says COMM size is always 18, but this is amended in the newer AIFC spec */
- if (chunksize == 18) chunksize += (5 + ((int)hdrbuf[30])); /* 5 = chunk header length in this case */
- if ((!(match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_NONE))) &&
- (!(match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_twos))))
- {
- static const unsigned char I_ALAW[4] = {'A','L','A','W'};
- original_sample_type = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26));
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_ALAW)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_alaw)))
- sample_type = MUS_ALAW;
- else
- {
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_ULAW)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_ulaw)))
- sample_type = MUS_MULAW;
- else
- {
- static const unsigned char I_ni23[4] = {'n','i','2','3'};
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_sowt)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_ni23)))
- {
- /* Sound.h sez sowt is just 16-bit format */
- if (sample_type == MUS_BSHORT) sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- else if (sample_type == MUS_B24INT) sample_type = MUS_L24INT;
- else if (sample_type == MUS_BINT) sample_type = MUS_LINT;
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_raw_))
- {
- if (sample_type == MUS_BYTE) sample_type = MUS_UBYTE;
- else if (sample_type == MUS_BSHORT) sample_type = MUS_UBSHORT;
- }
- else
- {
- unsigned char I_FL32[4] = {'F','L','3','2'}; /* 32-bit float (apparently used by CSound and SoundHack) */
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_fl32)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_FL32)))
- sample_type = MUS_BFLOAT;
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_fl64))
- sample_type = MUS_BDOUBLE;
- else
- {
- static const unsigned char I_ima4[4] = {'i','m','a','4'}; /* AIFC IMA adpcm apparently */
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_ima4))
- {
- block_align = 34;
- original_sample_type = MUS_AIFF_IMA_ADPCM;
- }
- else
- {
- static const unsigned char I_in32[4] = {'i','n','3','2'};
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_in32))
- sample_type = MUS_BINT;
- else
- {
- static const unsigned char I_in24[4] = {'i','n','2','4'};
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), I_in24))
- sample_type = MUS_B24INT;
- else
- {
- /* others from Sound.h:
- 0x6D730002, -- Microsoft ADPCM - ACM code 2
- 0x6D730011, -- DVI/Intel IMA ADPCM - ACM code 17
- 'MAC3' -- MACE 3:1
- 'MAC6' -- MACE 6:1
- 'cdx4' -- CD/XA 4:1
- 'cdx2' -- CD/XA 2:1
- 'dvca' -- DV Audio
- 'QDMC' -- QDesign music
- 'QDM2' -- QDesign2 music
- 'Qclp' -- QUALCOMM PureVoice
- 0x6D730055 -- MPEG Layer 3, CBR only (pre QT4.1)
- '.mp3' -- MPEG Layer 3, CBR & VBR (QT4.1 and later)
- openquicktime and ffmpeg have decoders for some of these; all too complex for my taste
- on a Mac, we could apparently pick up decoders from coreaudio
- */
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- data_size = (framples * mus_bytes_per_sample(sample_type) * chans);
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SSND))
- {
- if (data_location != 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: two SSND chunks found", filename));
- update_ssnd_location = offset + 4;
- data_location = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8)) + offset + 16; /* Baroque! */
- /* offset is where the hdrbuf is positioned in the file, the sound data offset itself is at loc+8 and the */
- /* 0-based location of the sound data is at the end of the chunk = 16 (8 = header+4 = offset+4 = blocksize) */
- /* the next int can be the block size if the data is block-aligned */
- /* only one SSND per AIFF is allowed */
- if (chunksize == 0) break; /* this may happen while pre-reading an in-progress output file for updating */
- ssnd_bytes = offset + chunksize - data_location + 8;
- }
- else
- {
- static const unsigned char I_AUTH[4] = {'A','U','T','H'};
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_ANNO)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_COMT)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_NAME)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_AUTH)))
- read_aif_aux_comment(hdrbuf, offset, chunksize);
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_APPL))
- read_aif_appl_chunk(hdrbuf, offset, chunksize);
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_INST))
- read_aif_inst_chunk(hdrbuf);
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_MARK))
- read_aif_mark_chunk(fd, hdrbuf, offset);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- chunkloc = (8 + chunksize);
- if (chunksize & 1) chunkloc++; /* extra null appended to odd-length chunks */
- if ((offset + chunkloc) >= update_form_size) happy = false;
- }
- if (!got_comm)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no COMM chunk", filename));
- if (data_location == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no SSND (data) chunk", filename));
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- if ((data_size > ssnd_bytes) && (sample_type != MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE))
- data_size = ssnd_bytes;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- static int sndlib_format_to_aiff_bits(mus_sample_t samp_type)
- {
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_BSHORT: case MUS_LSHORT: case MUS_UBSHORT: case MUS_ULSHORT: return(16); break;
- case MUS_B24INT: case MUS_L24INT: return(24); break;
- case MUS_BINT: case MUS_LINT: case MUS_BFLOAT: case MUS_LFLOAT: return(32); break;
- case MUS_BDOUBLE: case MUS_LDOUBLE: return(64); break;
- case MUS_BYTE: case MUS_UBYTE: case MUS_MULAW: case MUS_ALAW: return(8); break;
- default:
- return(mus_error(MUS_UNSUPPORTED_SAMPLE_TYPE, "aiff header: can't write sample type: %d (%s)",
- samp_type,
- any_sample_type_name(samp_type)));
- break;
- }
- }
- static const char *sndlib_format_to_aifc_name(mus_sample_t samp_type)
- {
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_BSHORT: case MUS_B24INT: case MUS_BINT: case MUS_BYTE: return((const char *)I_NONE); break; /* use in24 and in32? */
- case MUS_LSHORT: case MUS_L24INT: case MUS_LINT: return((const char *)I_sowt); break; /* should this use ni23? */
- case MUS_BFLOAT: return((const char *)I_fl32); break;
- case MUS_BDOUBLE: return((const char *)I_fl64); break;
- case MUS_UBYTE: case MUS_UBSHORT: return((const char *)I_raw_); break;
- case MUS_MULAW: return((const char *)I_ulaw); break;
- case MUS_ALAW: return((const char *)I_alaw); break;
- default: return((const char *)I_NONE); break;
- }
- }
- static int write_aif_header(int fd, int wsrate, int wchans, int siz, mus_sample_t samp_type, const char *comment, int len, bool aifc_header)
- {
- /* we write the simplest possible AIFC header: AIFC | COMM | APPL-MUS_ if needed | SSND eof. */
- /* the assumption being that we're going to be appending sound data once the header is out */
- /* INST and MARK chunks added Jul-95 for various programs that expect them (MixView). */
- /* set aifc_header to false to get old-style AIFF header */
- int i, j, lenhdr = 0, lenloop, curend = 0, extra = 0;
- lenloop = 38;
- if ((loop_modes[0] != 0) || (loop_modes[1] != 0)) lenloop = 42 + 28;
- if (len != 0)
- {
- lenhdr = 12;
- if ((len % 4) != 0)
- extra = (4 - (len % 4));
- }
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_FORM);
- if (aifc_header)
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), len + 30 + 16 + lenloop + siz + lenhdr + extra + 12 + 10);
- else mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), len + 30 + 16 + lenloop + siz + lenhdr + extra);
- /*
- * comment length + 4 for AIFF 18+8 for I_COMM info + 16 for I_SSND info + 38 for INST and MARK +
- * siz for data + 12 for comment header if any + padding == total size - 8 (i.e. FORM header).
- * INST+MARK (38) added 3-Jul-95 for Notam software compatibility
- */
- if (aifc_header)
- {
- static const unsigned char I_FVER[4] = {'F','V','E','R'};
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_AIFC);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 12);
- curend = 12;
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_FVER);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), 4);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), 0xA2805140);
- }
- else write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_AIFF);
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12), I_COMM);
- if (aifc_header)
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16), 18 + 10);
- else mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16), 18);
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20), (short)wchans);
- if (wchans > 0)
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 22), siz / (wchans * mus_bytes_per_sample(samp_type)));
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), sndlib_format_to_aiff_bits(samp_type));
- double_to_ieee_80((double)wsrate, (unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 28));
- if (aifc_header)
- {
- char *str;
- str = (char *)sndlib_format_to_aifc_name(samp_type);
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 38), (const unsigned char *)str);
- (*(unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 42)) = 4; /* final pad null not accounted-for */
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 43), (const unsigned char *)str);
- (*(unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 47)) = 0;
- i = 48;
- }
- else i = 38;
- if (len != 0)
- {
- if (aifc_header)
- {
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 48), I_APPL);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 52), len + 4 + extra);
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 56), I_MUS_);
- i = 60;
- }
- else
- {
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 38), I_APPL);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 42), len + 4 + extra);
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 46), I_MUS_);
- i = 50;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
- {
- if (i == HDRBUFSIZ)
- {
- curend += HDRBUFSIZ;
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, HDRBUFSIZ);
- i = 0;
- }
- hdrbuf[i] = comment[j];
- i++;
- }
- if (extra != 0)
- {
- if ((i + extra) > HDRBUFSIZ)
- {
- curend += i;
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, i);
- i = 0;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < extra; j++)
- {
- hdrbuf[i] = 0;
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- curend += i;
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, i);
- if ((loop_modes[0] == 0) && (loop_modes[1] == 0))
- {
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_MARK); /* SoundHack includes a blank MARK chunk for some reason */
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), 2);
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), 0);
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 10), I_INST);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 14), 20);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 18), 0x3c00007f); /* base-note = middle C, detune = 0, lownote = 0, highnote = 0x7f */
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 22), 0x017f0000); /* lowvelocity = 1, highvelocity = 0x7f, gain = 0 */
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), 0); /* no loops */
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 30), 0);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 34), 0);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 38);
- curend += 38;
- }
- else
- {
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_MARK);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), 8 * 4 + 2); /* 2 for mark#, then 2:id + 4:pos + 2:pstr */
- /* loop_info: 0..3 are markers positions (ids 1..4) */
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), 4);
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- {
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 10 + 8 * j), j + 1);
- switch (j)
- {
- case 0: mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 10 + 8 * j + 2), loop_starts[0]); break;
- case 1: mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 10 + 8 * j + 2), loop_ends[0]); break;
- case 2: mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 10 + 8 * j + 2), loop_starts[1]); break;
- case 3: mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 10 + 8 * j + 2), loop_ends[1]); break;
- }
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 10 + 8 * j + 6), 0);
- }
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 42);
- curend += 42;
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_INST);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), 20);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), 0x3c00007f);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12), 0x017f0000);
- hdrbuf[8] = (unsigned char)(base_note);
- hdrbuf[9] = (unsigned char)(base_detune);
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16), loop_modes[0]);
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 18), 1);
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20), 2);
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 22), loop_modes[1]);
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 24), 3);
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26), 4);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 28);
- curend += 28;
- }
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf), I_SSND);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), siz + 8);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), 0); /* "offset" */
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12), 0); /* "blocksize " */
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 16);
- data_location = 16 + curend;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- char *mus_header_aiff_aux_comment(const char *name, mus_long_t *starts, mus_long_t *ends)
- {
- /* AIFC: look for aux comments (ANNO chunks) */
- char *sc = NULL;
- if ((starts) && (starts[0] != 0))
- {
- mus_long_t full_len;
- int fd, i;
- fd = mus_file_open_read(name);
- if (fd == -1) return(NULL);
- full_len = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < AUX_COMMENTS; i++)
- if ((starts[i] > 0) &&
- (starts[i] < ends[i]))
- full_len += (ends[i] - starts[i] + 3);
- if (full_len > 0)
- {
- mus_long_t sc_len;
- sc = (char *)calloc(full_len, sizeof(char));
- sc_len = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < AUX_COMMENTS; i++)
- {
- mus_long_t start, end;
- start = starts[i];
- end = ends[i];
- if ((start > 0) && (start < end))
- {
- int j;
- mus_long_t len;
- len = end - start + 1;
- lseek(fd, start, SEEK_SET);
- header_read(fd, (unsigned char *)(sc + sc_len), len);
- for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
- if (sc[j + sc_len] == 0)
- sc[j + sc_len] = ' ';
- sc_len += len;
- sc[sc_len++] = '\n';
- }
- }
- }
- CLOSE(fd, name);
- }
- return(sc);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ CAFF ------------------------------------
- *
- * this is a new format from Apple ("Core Audio File Format") described at
- * http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MusicAudio/Reference/CAFSpec
- *
- * all chunks as in AIFC but size is signed 64-bit int
- *
- * 0: 'caff'
- * 4: 1 ("version")
- * 6: 0 ("flags")
- * 8: 'desc' (required to be in this position)
- * 12: sizeof apple's CAFAudioFormat struct -- (32)
- * 20: srate (float64)
- * 28: format (int32)
- * 32: format flags
- * 36: bytes per "packet"
- * 40: framples per packet
- * 44: channels per frample
- * 48: bits per channel
- * audio data is in 'data' chunk
- */
- static int read_caff_header(int fd)
- {
- mus_long_t chunksize = 8, offset = 0;
- bool happy = false;
- int err = MUS_NO_ERROR;
- #define data_is_float (1L << 0)
- #define data_is_big_endian (1L << 1)
- /* misleading name -- flag is 1 if data is little endian */
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- srate = 0;
- chans = 0;
- data_size = 0;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- while (!happy)
- {
- offset += chunksize;
- if (offset >= true_file_length) break;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 64) <= 0) break;
- chunksize = mus_char_to_blong((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- if (chunksize < 0)
- break;
- /* 'desc' is always the first chunk, but easier to handle in the loop */
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_desc))
- {
- int format_flags, channels_per_frample, bits_per_channel;
- srate = (int)mus_char_to_bdouble((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12));
- format_flags = mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 24));
- /* bytes_per_packet = mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 28)); */
- /* framples_per_packet = mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 32)); */
- channels_per_frample = mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 36));
- bits_per_channel = mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 40));
- chans = channels_per_frample;
- /* format id can be 'lpcm' 'alaw' 'ulaw' and a bunch of others we ignore */
- original_sample_type = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20));
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20), I_lpcm))
- {
- if (format_flags & data_is_float)
- {
- if (!(format_flags & data_is_big_endian))
- {
- if (bits_per_channel == 32)
- sample_type = MUS_BFLOAT;
- else
- {
- if (bits_per_channel == 64)
- sample_type = MUS_BDOUBLE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (bits_per_channel == 32)
- sample_type = MUS_LFLOAT;
- else
- {
- if (bits_per_channel == 64)
- sample_type = MUS_LDOUBLE;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(format_flags & data_is_big_endian))
- {
- if (bits_per_channel == 32)
- sample_type = MUS_BINTN;
- else
- {
- if (bits_per_channel == 24)
- sample_type = MUS_B24INT;
- else
- {
- if (bits_per_channel == 16)
- sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- else
- {
- if (bits_per_channel == 8)
- sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (bits_per_channel == 32)
- sample_type = MUS_LINTN;
- else
- {
- if (bits_per_channel == 24)
- sample_type = MUS_L24INT;
- else
- {
- if (bits_per_channel == 16)
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- else
- {
- if (bits_per_channel == 8)
- sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20), I_alaw))
- {
- sample_type = MUS_ALAW;
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20), I_ulaw))
- {
- sample_type = MUS_MULAW;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_data))
- {
- happy = true;
- data_location = offset + 16; /* skip the 4 bytes for "edit count" */
- update_framples_location = offset + 4;
- /* here chunksize can be -1! */
- if (chunksize > 0)
- data_size = chunksize;
- else data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- }
- /* else edct or something for comment? */
- }
- chunksize += 12;
- }
- if (err == MUS_NO_ERROR)
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(err);
- }
- static int write_caff_header(int fd, int wsrate, int wchans, mus_long_t wsize, mus_sample_t samp_type)
- {
- int format_flags = 0, bytes_per_packet = 0, framples_per_packet = 1, bits_per_channel = 0;
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_ALAW:
- bytes_per_packet = 1;
- bits_per_channel = 8;
- break;
- case MUS_MULAW:
- bytes_per_packet = 1;
- bits_per_channel = 8;
- break;
- default:
- if ((samp_type == MUS_LFLOAT) || (samp_type == MUS_LDOUBLE) || (samp_type == MUS_BFLOAT) || (samp_type == MUS_BDOUBLE))
- format_flags = 1;
- if ((samp_type == MUS_LFLOAT) || (samp_type == MUS_LDOUBLE) || (samp_type == MUS_LINTN) || (samp_type == MUS_L24INT) || (samp_type == MUS_LSHORT))
- format_flags |= 2;
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_BYTE:
- bytes_per_packet = 1;
- bits_per_channel = 8;
- break;
- bytes_per_packet = 2;
- bits_per_channel = 16;
- break;
- case MUS_L24INT: case MUS_B24INT:
- bytes_per_packet = 3;
- bits_per_channel = 24;
- break;
- bytes_per_packet = 4;
- bits_per_channel = 32;
- break;
- bytes_per_packet = 8;
- bits_per_channel = 64;
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- break;
- }
- bytes_per_packet *= wchans;
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_caff);
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), 1);
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 6), 0);
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_desc);
- mus_blong_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12), 32);
- mus_bdouble_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20), (double)wsrate);
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_ALAW:
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 28), I_alaw);
- break;
- case MUS_MULAW:
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 28), I_ulaw);
- break;
- default:
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 28), I_lpcm);
- break;
- }
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 32), format_flags);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 36), bytes_per_packet);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 40), framples_per_packet);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 44), wchans);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 48), bits_per_channel);
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 52), I_data);
- mus_blong_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 56), wsize);
- update_framples_location = 56;
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 64), 0);
- data_location = 68;
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 68);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ RIFF (wave) ------------------------------------
- *
- * see ftp.microsoft.com:/SoftLib/MSLFILES/MDRK.EXE (also MMSYSTEM.H and MMREG.H)
- * ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2361.txt
- *
- * 0: "RIFF" (little-endian) or "RIFX" (big-endian)
- * 4: size
- * 8: "WAVE" ("RMID" = midi data, others are AVI, CPPO, ACON, DLS? etc)
- * AVI chunk can include audio data
- *
- * rest very similar to AIFF (odd-sized chunks are padded)
- *
- * fmt 0: format code (see below)
- * 2: chans
- * 4: srate (long)
- * 8: average rate "for buffer estimation"
- * 12: alignment "block size"
- * 14: data size (bits per sample) (PCM only)
- * 16: count (bytes) of extra info in the header (i.e. trailing info added to this basic header)
- * 20: samples per block (short) in dvi_adpcm
- *
- * formats are: 0: unknown, 1: PCM, 2: ADPCM, 3: IEEE float, 4: VSELP, 5: IBM_CVSD, 6: alaw, 7: mulaw
- * 0x10: OKI_ADPCM, 0x11: DVI_ADPCM, 0x12: MediaSpace_ADPCM,
- * 0x13: Sierra_ADPCM, 0x14: G723_ADPCM, 0x15: DIGISTD, 0x16: DIGIFIX, 0x17: Dialogic ADPCM,
- * 0x18: Mediavision ADPCM, 0x19: HP cu codec,
- * 0x20: Yamaha_ADPCM, 0x21: SONARC, 0x22: DSPGroup_TrueSpeech
- * 0x23: EchoSC1, 0x24: AudioFile_AF36, 0x25: APTX, 0x26: AudioFile_AF10
- * 0x27: prosody 1612, 0x28: lrc,
- * 0x30: Dolby_Ac2, 0x31: GSM610, 0x32: MSN audio codec, 0x33: Antext_ADPCM, 0x34: Control_res_vqlpc,
- * 0x35: DIGIREAL, 0x36: DIGIADPCM, 0x37: Control_res_cr10, 0x38: NMS_VBXADPCM, 0x39:Roland rdac,
- * 0x3a: echo sc3, 0x3b: Rockwell adpcm, 0x3c: Rockwell digitalk codec, 0x3d: Xebec,
- * 0x40: G721_ADPCM, 0x41: G728 CELP, 0x42: MS G723, 0x50: MPEG,
- * 0x52: RT24, 0x53: PAC, 0x55: Mpeg layer 3, 0x59: Lucent G723, 0x60: Cirrus,
- * 0x61: ESS Tech pcm, 0x62: voxware (obsolete), 0x63: canopus atrac,
- * 0x64: G726, 0x65: G722, 0x66: DSAT, 0x67: DSAT display,
- * 0x69: voxware (obsolete), 0x70: voxware ac8 (obsolete), 0x71: voxware ac10 (obsolete),
- * 0x72: voxware ac16 (obsolete), 0x73: voxware ac20 (obsolete), 0x74: voxware rt24,
- * 0x75: voxware rt29, 0x76: voxware rt29hw (obsolete), 0x77: voxware vr12 (obsolete),
- * 0x78: voxware vr18 (obsolete), 0x79: voxware tq40 (obsolete),
- * 0x80: softsound, 0x81: voxware tq60 (obsolete), 0x82: MS RT24, 0x83: G729A,
- * 0x84: MVI_MVI2, 0x85: DF G726, 0x86: DF GSM610, 0x88: isaudio, 0x89: onlive,
- * 0x91: sbc24, 0x92: dolby ac3 spdif, 0x97: zyxel adpcm, 0x98: philips lpcbb,
- * 0x99: packed, 0x100: rhetorex adpcm,
- * 0x101: Irat, 0x102: IBM_alaw?, 0x103: IBM_ADPCM?,
- * 0x111: vivo G723, 0x112: vivo siren, 0x123: digital g273
- * 0x200: Creative_ADPCM, 0x202: Creative fastspeech 8, 0x203: Creative fastspeech 10,
- * 0x220: quarterdeck, 0x300: FM_TOWNS_SND, 0x400: BTV digital, 0x680: VME vmpcm,
- * 0x1000: OLIGSM, 0x1001: OLIADPCM, 0x1002: OLICELP, 0x1003: OLISBC, 0x1004: OLIOPR
- * 0x1100: LH codec, 0x1400: Norris, 0x1401: isaudio, 0x1500: Soundspace musicompression, 0x2000: DVM
- * (see http://www.microsoft.com/asf/resources/draft-ietf-fleischman-codec-subtree-00.txt)
- * and new: 0xFFFE: wave_format_extensible: bits/sample, mapping, 16 byte guid, 1st 2 bytes are code as above
- *
- * RIFF and LIST chunks have nested chunks. Registered chunk names include:
- * LIST with subchunks, one of which can be:
- * INFO itself containing:
- * IARL: archival location, IART: artist, ICMS: commissioned, ICMT: comment, ICOP: copyright, ICRD: creation date,
- * ICRP: uh...cropped, IDIM: dimensions, IDPI: dpi, IENG: engineer, IGNR: genre, IKEY: keywords, ILGT: lightness,
- * IMED: medium, INAM: name, IPLT: palette, IPRD: product, ISBJ: subject, ISFT: software, ISHP: sharpness,
- * ISRC: source, ISRF: source form, ITCH: technician, ISMP: SMPTE time code, IDIT: digitization time
- *
- * data chunk has the samples
- * other (currently ignored) chunks are wavl = waveform data, fact, cues of some sort, slnt = silence,
- * plst = playlist, adtl = associated data list, labl = cue label, note = cue comments,
- * ltxt = text associated with data segment (cue), file, DISP = displayable object,
- * JUNK = EBU placeholder -- see below, PAD = padding, etc
- * fact chunk generally has number of samples (used in compressed files)
- * bext chunk has comments -- perhaps add these to the info/list list? I need an example! -- is the chunk id "bext"?
- */
- static mus_sample_t wave_to_sndlib_format(int osf, int bps, bool little)
- {
- switch (osf)
- {
- case 1:
- switch (bps)
- {
- case 8: return(MUS_UBYTE); break;
- case 16: if (little) return(MUS_LSHORT); else return(MUS_BSHORT); break;
- case 32: if (little) return(MUS_LINT); else return(MUS_BINT); break;
- case 24: if (little) return(MUS_L24INT); else return(MUS_B24INT); break;
- default: return(MUS_UBYTE); break;
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- if (little)
- {
- if (bps == 64)
- return(MUS_LDOUBLE);
- else return(MUS_LFLOAT);
- }
- else
- {
- if (bps == 64)
- return(MUS_BDOUBLE);
- else return(MUS_BFLOAT);
- }
- break;
- case 6: if (bps == 8) return(MUS_ALAW); break;
- case 7: if (bps == 8) return(MUS_MULAW); break;
- /* IBM mulaw follows G711 specs like other versions (this info direct from IBM) */
- case 0x101: return(MUS_MULAW); break;
- case 0x102: return(MUS_ALAW); break;
- }
- }
- static void read_riff_fmt_chunk(unsigned char *hbuf, bool little)
- {
- /* fmt chunk (also used in RF64 below)
- *
- * 8: short format code --1 = PCM for example
- * 10: short chans --1
- * 12: long rate --48000 (0xbb80)
- * 16: long ave rate --65655 (0x10077)
- * 20: short align --2
- * 22: short data size (bits) --16
- * 24: bytes of extra
- * ... some extra data dependent on format
- *
- * R I F F # # # # W A V E f m t sp
- * 5249 4646 f851 0500 5741 5645 666d 7420
- * e40f 0000 0100 0100 80bb 0000 0077 0100
- * 0200 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
- *
- * #x000551f8 = 348664 = size in bytes - 8
- * #x00000fe4 = 4068 [fmt_ chunk size?]
- */
- original_sample_type = big_or_little_endian_short((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 8), little);
- chans = big_or_little_endian_short((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 10), little);
- srate = big_or_little_endian_int((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 12), little);
- block_align = big_or_little_endian_short((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 20), little);
- bits_per_sample = big_or_little_endian_short((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 22), little);
- if (original_sample_type == -2) /* 0xFFFE = "extensible" : short size=22, short bits, long chanmap, short format */
- original_sample_type = big_or_little_endian_short((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 24 + 8), little);
- sample_type = wave_to_sndlib_format(original_sample_type, bits_per_sample, little);
- }
- static int write_riff_fmt_chunk(int fd, unsigned char *hbuf, mus_sample_t samp_type, int wsrate, int wchans)
- {
- int err = MUS_NO_ERROR;
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hbuf, I_fmt_);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 4), 16);
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_MULAW:
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 8), 7);
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 22), 8);
- break;
- case MUS_ALAW:
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 8), 6);
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 22), 8);
- break;
- case MUS_UBYTE:
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 8), 1);
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 22), 8);
- break;
- case MUS_LSHORT:
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 8), 1);
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 22), 16);
- break;
- case MUS_L24INT:
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 8), 1);
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 22), 24);
- break;
- case MUS_LINT:
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 8), 1);
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 22), 32);
- break;
- case MUS_LFLOAT:
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 8), 3);
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 22), 32);
- break;
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 8), 3);
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 22), 64);
- break;
- default:
- /* don't call mus_error directly -- we need to close the file first in mus_header_write */
- break;
- }
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 10), (short)wchans);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 12), wsrate);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 16), wsrate * wchans * mus_bytes_per_sample(samp_type)); /* added chans 10-Mar-99 */
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hbuf + 20), (short)(wchans * mus_bytes_per_sample(samp_type)));
- /* 22 short written above = bits/sample */
- header_write(fd, hbuf, 24);
- return(err);
- }
- static const unsigned char I_JUNK[4] = {'J','U','N','K'};
- static int read_riff_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- /* we know we have checked for RIFF xxxx WAVE when we arrive here */
- int chunkloc = 12, i;
- bool little = true, got_fmt = false;
- mus_long_t offset = 0;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_RIFX)) little = false; /* big-endian data in this case, but I've never seen one */
- little_endian = little;
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- srate = 0;
- chans = 0;
- fact_samples = 0;
- bits_per_sample = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < AUX_COMMENTS; i++) aux_comment_start[i] = 0;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- update_form_size = big_or_little_endian_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), little);
- while (true)
- {
- int chunksize;
- offset += chunkloc;
- if (offset >= true_file_length) break;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 64) <= 0) break;
- chunksize = big_or_little_endian_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), little);
- if ((chunksize == 0) && /* can be empty data chunk */
- (hdrbuf[0] == 0) && (hdrbuf[1] == 0) && (hdrbuf[2] == 0) && (hdrbuf[3] == 0))
- break;
- if (chunksize < -1)
- break;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_fmt_))
- {
- got_fmt = true;
- update_framples_location = 12 + offset;
- read_riff_fmt_chunk(hdrbuf, little);
- }
- else
- {
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_data)) && (data_location == 0))
- {
- update_ssnd_location = offset + 4;
- data_location = offset + 8;
- data_size = big_or_little_endian_uint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), little); /* was int 27-Jul-01 */
- if (chunksize == 0) break; /* see aiff comment */
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_fact))
- {
- fact_samples = big_or_little_endian_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), little);
- }
- else
- {
- static const unsigned char I_inst[4] = {'i','n','s','t'}; /* RIFF wants lower case, just to be different */
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_inst))
- {
- base_note = hdrbuf[8];
- base_detune = hdrbuf[9];
- /* rest is gain low-note high-note low-velocity high-velocity */
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_clm_))
- {
- comment_start = offset + 8;
- comment_end = comment_start + chunksize - 1; /* end of comment not start of next chunk */
- }
- else
- {
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_LIST)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_INFO)))
- {
- aux_comment_start[0] = offset + 8;
- aux_comment_end[0] = offset + 8 + chunksize - 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_JUNK))
- update_rf64_location = offset;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- chunkloc = (8 + chunksize);
- if (chunksize & 1) chunkloc++; /* extra null appended to odd-length chunks */
- }
- if (!got_fmt)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no fmt chunk?", filename));
- if (data_location == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no data chunk?", filename));
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- static void write_riff_clm_comment(int fd, const char *comment, int len, int extra)
- {
- int i = 0, j;
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_clm_);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), len + extra);
- i = 8;
- for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
- {
- if (i == HDRBUFSIZ)
- {
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, HDRBUFSIZ);
- i = 0;
- }
- hdrbuf[i++] = comment[j];
- }
- if (extra != 0)
- {
- if ((i + extra) > HDRBUFSIZ)
- {
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, i);
- i = 0;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < extra; j++)
- hdrbuf[i++] = 0;
- }
- if (i > 0)
- {
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, i);
- }
- }
- static int write_riff_header(int fd, int wsrate, int wchans, int siz, mus_sample_t samp_type, const char *comment, int len)
- {
- int j, extra = 0, err = MUS_NO_ERROR;
- data_location = 36 + 36 + 8;
- if (len != 0)
- {
- if ((len % 4) != 0)
- extra = (4 - (len % 4));
- data_location += (8 + len + extra);
- }
- /* 36 = "RIFF" + size(4) + "WAVE" + "fmt " + size(4) + 16 for data */
- /* second 36 is for "JUNK" chunk, 8 is data chunk header */
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_RIFF);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), data_location + siz - 8); /* added -8 25-June-07 */
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_WAVE);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 12);
- /* add JUNK chunk for possible change to RF64 during write */
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_JUNK);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), 28);
- for (j = 8; j < 36; j++) hdrbuf[j] = 0;
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 36);
- /* fmt chunk */
- err = write_riff_fmt_chunk(fd, hdrbuf, samp_type, wsrate, wchans);
- /* include possible clm (comment) chunk */
- if (len > 0)
- write_riff_clm_comment(fd, comment, len, extra);
- /* start the data chunk */
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_data);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), siz);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 8);
- return(err);
- }
- char *mus_header_riff_aux_comment(const char *name, mus_long_t *starts, mus_long_t *ends)
- {
- char *sc = NULL, *auxcom;
- if ((starts) && (starts[0] != 0))
- {
- int j, fd, k, m;
- mus_long_t i, end;
- /* found a LIST+INFO chunk (and no other comment) */
- fd = mus_file_open_read(name);
- if (fd == -1) return(NULL);
- i = starts[0];
- end = ends[0];
- sc = (char *)calloc(end - i + 2, sizeof(char));
- j = 0;
- k = 4;
- lseek(fd, i, SEEK_SET);
- auxcom = (char *)calloc(end - i + 2, sizeof(char));
- header_read(fd, (unsigned char *)auxcom, end - i + 1);
- CLOSE(fd, name);
- i += 4;
- while (i < end)
- {
- int len;
- for (m = 0; m < 4; m++) sc[j++] = auxcom[k++];
- len = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(auxcom + k));
- if ((len <= 0) || (len > end)) break;
- sc[j++] = ':';
- sc[j++] = ' ';
- k += 4;
- for (m = 0; m < len; m++)
- if (auxcom[k] != 0)
- sc[j++] = auxcom[k++];
- else k++;
- sc[j++] ='\n';
- if (len & 1)
- {
- len++;
- k++;
- }
- i += (len + 8);
- }
- free(auxcom);
- }
- return(sc);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ W64 ------------------------------------
- *
- * soundforge -- just a quick hack until I get better documentation
- */
- static int read_soundforge_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- /* like RIFF but lowercase and 64-bit vals */
- int i, off;
- mus_long_t offset, chunkloc;
- chunkloc = 12 * 2 + 16;
- offset = 0;
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- srate = 0;
- chans = 0;
- fact_samples = 0;
- bits_per_sample = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < AUX_COMMENTS; i++) aux_comment_start[i] = 0;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- update_form_size = mus_char_to_llong((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4 * 2));
- while (true)
- {
- int chunksize;
- offset += chunkloc;
- if (offset >= true_file_length) break;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 64) <= 0) break;
- chunksize = mus_char_to_llong((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- if ((chunksize == 0) && /* can be empty data chunk? */
- (hdrbuf[0] == 0) && (hdrbuf[1] == 0) && (hdrbuf[2] == 0) && (hdrbuf[3] == 0))
- break;
- if (chunksize < 0)
- break;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_fmt_))
- {
- off = 16;
- original_sample_type = mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8 + off));
- chans = mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 10 + off));
- srate = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12 + off));
- block_align = mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20 + off));
- bits_per_sample = mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 22 + off));
- sample_type = wave_to_sndlib_format(original_sample_type, bits_per_sample, true);
- }
- else
- {
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_data)) && (data_location == 0))
- {
- data_location = offset + 16 + 8;
- data_size = mus_char_to_llong((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- if (chunksize == 0) break; /* see aiff comment */
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_fact))
- {
- fact_samples = mus_char_to_llong((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- }
- }
- }
- chunkloc = chunksize % 8;
- if (chunkloc == 0)
- chunkloc = chunksize;
- else chunkloc = chunksize + 8 - chunkloc;
- /* I think they are rounding up to a multiple of 8 here (sigh) */
- }
- if (data_location == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no data chunk?", filename));
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ RF64 ------------------------------------
- *
- * see http://www.ebu.ch/CMSimages/en/tec_doc_t3306_tcm6-42570.pdf.
- *
- * ds64 size(32) RIFF-size(64) data-size(64) fact-samples(64) table-len table
- * fmt_ size format-data
- * data 0xFFFFFFFF data...
- *
- * if RIFF WAVE is being written with possibility of overflow size, use
- * RIFF size WAVE JUNK then the ds64 chunk as above
- * if size overflows, reset RIFF->RF64, JUNK->ds64, size->-1 twice etc
- *
- * JUNK size = 28
- * all ints are little endian
- *
- */
- static int read_rf64_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- /* we've checked RF64 xxxx WAVE before getting here */
- /* this is very similar (identical) to RIFF for the most part, but I decided it was cleanest to copy the code */
- mus_long_t chunkloc;
- bool got_fmt = false, got_ds64 = false;
- mus_long_t offset;
- little_endian = true;
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- chunkloc = 12;
- offset = 0;
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- srate = 0;
- chans = 0;
- fact_samples = 0;
- bits_per_sample = 0;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < AUX_COMMENTS; i++) aux_comment_start[i] = 0;
- }
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- update_form_size = -1; /* at hdrbuf+4 -> 0xFFFFFFFF */
- while (true)
- {
- mus_long_t chunksize;
- offset += chunkloc;
- if (offset >= true_file_length) break;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 64) <= 0) break;
- chunksize = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- if ((chunksize == 0) && /* can be empty data chunk */
- (hdrbuf[0] == 0) && (hdrbuf[1] == 0) && (hdrbuf[2] == 0) && (hdrbuf[3] == 0))
- break;
- if (chunksize < -1)
- break;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_ds64))
- {
- /* RIFF form size | data size | fact samples */
- update_form_size = mus_char_to_llong((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- data_size = mus_char_to_llong((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- fact_samples = (int)mus_char_to_llong((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 24));
- update_rf64_location = offset + 8;
- got_ds64 = true;
- /* ignore "table" for now */
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_fmt_))
- {
- got_fmt = true;
- update_framples_location = 12 + offset;
- read_riff_fmt_chunk(hdrbuf, true);
- }
- else
- {
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_data)) && (data_location == 0))
- {
- update_ssnd_location = offset + 4;
- data_location = offset + 8;
- /* chunksize (at hdrbuf + 4) here is -1 */
- chunksize = data_size;
- if (chunksize <= 0) break; /* argh -- we need the ds64 chunk before this chunk */
- }
- else
- {
- /* ignore possible fact, inst chunks */
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_clm_))
- {
- comment_start = offset + 8;
- comment_end = comment_start + chunksize - 1; /* end of comment not start of next chunk */
- }
- else
- {
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_LIST)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_INFO)))
- {
- aux_comment_start[0] = offset + 8;
- aux_comment_end[0] = offset + 8 + chunksize - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- chunkloc = (8 + chunksize);
- if (chunksize & 1) chunkloc++; /* extra null appended to odd-length chunks */
- }
- if (!got_fmt)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no fmt chunk?", filename));
- if (!got_ds64)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no ds64 chunk?", filename));
- if (data_location == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no data chunk?", filename));
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- static int write_rf64_header(int fd, int wsrate, int wchans, mus_long_t size, mus_sample_t samp_type, const char *comment, int len)
- {
- int extra = 0, err = MUS_NO_ERROR;
- data_location = 36 + 36 + 8;
- if (len != 0)
- {
- if ((len % 4) != 0)
- extra = (4 - (len % 4));
- data_location += (8 + len + extra);
- }
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_RF64);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), -1);
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_WAVE);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 12);
- /* ds64 chunk */
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_ds64);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), 28);
- mus_llong_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), data_location + size - 8); /* -8 added 25-June-07 */
- mus_llong_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16), size);
- mus_llong_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 24), size);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 32), 0); /* "table size" */
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 36);
- err = write_riff_fmt_chunk(fd, hdrbuf, samp_type, wsrate, wchans);
- if (len > 0)
- write_riff_clm_comment(fd, comment, len, extra);
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_data);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), -1);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 8);
- return(err);
- }
- static int mus_header_convert_riff_to_rf64(const char *filename, mus_long_t size)
- {
- int err, fd;
- update_rf64_location = -1;
- update_ssnd_location = 0;
- /* mus_header_change_type copies the entire file, which is probably a bad idea in this case */
- err = mus_header_read(filename);
- if (err != MUS_NO_ERROR) return(err);
- if ((update_ssnd_location == 0) ||
- (update_rf64_location <= 0)) /* "JUNK" chunk has to be there already for this to work */
- fd = mus_file_reopen_write(filename);
- if (fd == -1) return(false);
- /* change overall type to rf64 and set size to RIFF -1 */
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_RF64);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), -1);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 8);
- /* set data chunk's size to -1 */
- lseek(fd, update_ssnd_location, SEEK_SET);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), -1);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- /* convert the "JUNK" chunk to be a "ds64" chunk */
- lseek(fd, update_rf64_location, SEEK_SET);
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_ds64);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), 28);
- mus_llong_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), data_location + size - 8);
- mus_llong_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16), size);
- mus_llong_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 24), size);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 36);
- CLOSE(fd, filename);
- return(true);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ AVI ------------------------------------
- * actually a video format, but it sometimes contains embedded 'wave' data
- *
- * RIFF xxx AVI
- * <various LISTs>
- * LIST xxxx hdr1 LIST strl(?) strh | strf | strn etc
- * strf is the WAVE header starting with the sound format
- * LIST xxxx movi ##db|##wb -- wb subblocks have the audio data (these need to be collected as a single stream)
- * there are many complications that we make no effort to handle here
- *
- * described in http://www.rahul.net/jfm/avi.html
- */
- static int read_avi_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- static const unsigned char I_strf[4] = {'s','t','r','f'};
- static const unsigned char I_movi[4] = {'m','o','v','i'};
- /* we know we have checked for RIFF xxxx AVI when we arrive here */
- int chunkloc, cksize, bits;
- bool happy = true;
- mus_long_t ckoff, cktotal, offset;
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- chunkloc = 12;
- offset = 0;
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- srate = 0;
- chans = 1;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- while (happy)
- {
- int chunksize;
- offset += chunkloc;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 32) <= 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s avi header: chunks confused at %lld", filename, offset));
- chunksize = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- if ((chunksize == 0) && /* can be empty data chunk? */
- (hdrbuf[0] == 0) && (hdrbuf[1] == 0) && (hdrbuf[2] == 0) && (hdrbuf[3] == 0))
- break;
- if (chunksize < 0)
- break;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_LIST))
- {
- ckoff = offset + 12;
- cktotal = 12;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_movi))
- {
- while (cktotal < chunksize)
- {
- lseek(fd, ckoff, SEEK_SET);
- header_read(fd, hdrbuf, 8);
- cksize = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- if ((hdrbuf[2] == 'w') && (hdrbuf[3] == 'b'))
- {
- data_location = ckoff;
- if (srate != 0) happy = false;
- break;
- }
- ckoff += (8 + cksize);
- cktotal += (8 + cksize);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while (cktotal < chunksize)
- {
- lseek(fd, ckoff, SEEK_SET);
- header_read(fd, hdrbuf, 8);
- cksize = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- ckoff += (8 + cksize);
- cktotal += (8 + cksize);
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_LIST))
- {
- mus_long_t ckoffr, cktotalr, rdsize;
- ckoffr = ckoff + 12;
- cktotalr = 12;
- while (cktotalr < cksize)
- {
- mus_long_t cksizer;
- lseek(fd, ckoffr, SEEK_SET);
- header_read(fd, hdrbuf, 8);
- cksizer = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- ckoffr += (8 + cksizer);
- cktotalr += (8 + cksizer);
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_strf))
- {
- if (cksizer < HDRBUFSIZ)
- rdsize = cksizer;
- else rdsize = HDRBUFSIZ;
- header_read(fd, hdrbuf, rdsize);
- original_sample_type = mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- chans = mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 2));
- srate = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- /* block_align = mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12)); */
- bits = mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 14));
- /* only 16 bit linear little endian for now */
- if ((bits == 16) && (original_sample_type == 1))
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- if (data_location != 0) happy = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- chunkloc = (8 + chunksize);
- if (chunksize & 1) chunkloc++; /* extra null appended to odd-length chunks */
- }
- if (data_location == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no movi chunk?", filename));
- if (data_location > true_file_length)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, true_file_length - data_location);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ SoundFont 2.0 ------------------------------------
- *
- * Emu's SoundFont(tm) format uses RIFF -- at ftp.creaf.com:/pub/emu/sf2_00a.ps)
- *
- * RIFF xxxx sfbk followed by
- * LIST xxxx INFO chunk (nothing of interest -- icmt subchunk might have comments)
- * LIST xxxx sdta chunk = data
- * smpl chunk (16 bit linear little-endian)
- * LIST xxxx pdta list chunk
- * shdr subchunk has srate at 40 (int), samples at 28
- *
- * http://smurf.sourceforge.net/sfont_intro.php
- * http://www.hammersound.net/
- */
- static int soundfont_entries = 0;
- static int *soundfont_starts = NULL, *soundfont_ends = NULL, *soundfont_loop_starts = NULL, *soundfont_loop_ends = NULL;
- static int soundfont_size = 0;
- static char **soundfont_names = NULL;
- static void soundfont_entry(const char *name, int start, int end, int loop_start, int loop_end)
- {
- if (soundfont_entries == soundfont_size)
- {
- int i;
- if (soundfont_size == 0)
- {
- soundfont_size = 8;
- soundfont_starts = (int *)calloc(soundfont_size, sizeof(int));
- soundfont_ends = (int *)calloc(soundfont_size, sizeof(int));
- soundfont_loop_starts = (int *)calloc(soundfont_size, sizeof(int));
- soundfont_loop_ends = (int *)calloc(soundfont_size, sizeof(int));
- soundfont_names = (char **)calloc(soundfont_size, sizeof(char *));
- }
- else
- {
- if (soundfont_size < 123123123)
- soundfont_size += 8;
- /* believe it or not, without the 123123123 shuffle, gcc complains at mus_header_read_1 [line 5519!]
- * that we are making a naughty assumption about overflows.
- */
- soundfont_starts = (int *)realloc(soundfont_starts, soundfont_size * sizeof(int));
- soundfont_ends = (int *)realloc(soundfont_ends, soundfont_size * sizeof(int));
- soundfont_loop_starts = (int *)realloc(soundfont_loop_starts, soundfont_size * sizeof(int));
- soundfont_loop_ends = (int *)realloc(soundfont_loop_ends, soundfont_size * sizeof(int));
- soundfont_names = (char **)realloc(soundfont_names, soundfont_size * sizeof(char *));
- }
- for (i = soundfont_entries; i < soundfont_size; i++) soundfont_names[i] = NULL;
- }
- if (soundfont_names[soundfont_entries] == NULL) soundfont_names[soundfont_entries] = (char *)calloc(20, sizeof(char));
- strcpy(soundfont_names[soundfont_entries], name);
- soundfont_starts[soundfont_entries] = start;
- soundfont_ends[soundfont_entries] = end;
- soundfont_loop_starts[soundfont_entries] = loop_start;
- soundfont_loop_ends[soundfont_entries] = loop_end;
- soundfont_entries++;
- }
- int mus_header_sf2_entries(void) {return(soundfont_entries);}
- char *mus_header_sf2_name(int n) {return(soundfont_names[n]);}
- int mus_header_sf2_start(int n) {return(soundfont_starts[n]);}
- int mus_header_sf2_end(int n) {return(soundfont_ends[n]);}
- int mus_header_sf2_loop_start(int n) {return(soundfont_loop_starts[n]);}
- int mus_header_sf2_loop_end(int n) {return(soundfont_loop_ends[n]);}
- static int read_soundfont_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- static const unsigned char I_sdta[4] = {'s','d','t','a'};
- static const unsigned char I_shdr[4] = {'s','h','d','r'};
- static const unsigned char I_pdta[4] = {'p','d','t','a'};
- /* we know we have checked for RIFF xxxx sfbk when we arrive here */
- int chunkloc, type, cksize, i, this_end, last_end;
- mus_long_t ckoff, offset;
- bool happy = true;
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- chunkloc = 12;
- offset = 0;
- soundfont_entries = 0;
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- srate = 0;
- chans = 1;
- last_end = 0;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- while (happy)
- {
- int chunksize;
- offset += chunkloc;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 32) <= 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s soundfont header: chunks confused at %lld", filename, offset));
- chunksize = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- if ((chunksize == 0) && /* can be empty data chunk? */
- (hdrbuf[0] == 0) && (hdrbuf[1] == 0) && (hdrbuf[2] == 0) && (hdrbuf[3] == 0))
- break;
- if (chunksize < 0)
- break;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_LIST))
- {
- /* everything is squirreled away in LIST chunks in this format */
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_pdta))
- {
- /* go searching for I_shdr -- headers this complicated should be illegal. */
- ckoff = offset + 12;
- lseek(fd, ckoff, SEEK_SET);
- while (srate == 0)
- {
- long long int bytes;
- bytes = (long long int)read(fd, hdrbuf, 8);
- if (bytes == 0)
- {
- happy = false;
- break;
- }
- i = 0;
- cksize = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- ckoff += (8 + cksize);
- /* here we need to jump over subchunks! -- 4-Aug-97 */
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_shdr))
- {
- /* each sound:
- * 0: name
- * 20: start (in samples from start of bank)
- * 24: end
- * 28: loop start (also relative to start of bank)
- * 32: loop end
- * 36: sample rate
- * 40: pitch (60 = middle C)
- * 41: detune (cents)
- * 42: link (to other channel if any?)
- * 44: type (1 = mono, 2 = mono right, 4 = mono left, others (0x8000) apparently for ROM presets?)
- */
- while (i < cksize)
- {
- header_read(fd, hdrbuf, 46);
- i += 46;
- type = mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 44));
- if ((type == 1) &&
- (mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 24)) > 0))
- {
- if (srate == 0)
- srate = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 36));
- soundfont_entry((char *)(hdrbuf),
- mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20)),
- this_end = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 24)),
- mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 28)),
- mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 32)));
- if (this_end > last_end) last_end = this_end;
- }
- }
- happy = (data_location == 0);
- }
- else
- {
- if (ckoff >= offset + 8 + chunksize)
- break;
- lseek(fd, ckoff, SEEK_SET);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_sdta))
- {
- /* assume smpl follows + subchunk size */
- /* Convert 1.4 appears to create a separate smpl chunk */
- data_location = offset + 20; /* LIST xxxx sdta smpl xxxx ... */
- happy = (srate == 0);
- }
- }
- }
- chunkloc = (8 + chunksize);
- if (chunksize & 1) chunkloc++; /* extra null appended to odd-length chunks */
- }
- if (srate == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: srate == 0", filename));
- if (data_location == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no sdta chunk?", filename));
- if (last_end > 0)
- data_size = last_end; /* samples already */
- else data_size = (true_file_length - data_location) / 2;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ NIST ------------------------------------
- *
- * code available in ogitools-v1.0.tar.gz at svr-ftp.eng.cam.ac.uk:comp.speech/sources
- *
- * 0: "NIST_1A"
- * 8: data_location as ASCII representation of integer (apparently always " 1024")
- * 16: start of complicated header -- see below for details
- *
- * The most recent version of the SPHERE package is available
- * via anonymous ftp from jaguar.ncsl.nist.gov [] in the pub directory
- * in compressed tar form as "sphere-v.tar.Z" (where "v" is the version
- * code 2.6a last I looked). shortpack is also at this site.
- *
- * here's an example:
- *
- * NIST_1A
- * 1024
- * database_id -s5 TIMIT
- * database_version -s3 1.0
- * utterance_id -s8 aks0_sa1
- * channel_count -i 1
- * sample_count -i 63488
- * sample_rate -i 16000
- * sample_min -i -6967
- * sample_max -i 7710
- * sample_n_bytes -i 2
- * sample_byte_format -s2 01
- * sample_sig_bits -i 16
- * end_head
- *
- * the sample_byte_format can be "10"=big-endian or "01"=little-endian, or "shortpack-v0"=compressed via shortpack
- * other formats are wavpack and shorten.
- *
- * another field is 'sample_coding' which can be pcm (i.e. linear), 'pcm, embedded-shorten-v1.09', mu-law, alaw, ulaw, pculaw etc --
- * so unpredictable as to be totally useless. This means we sometimes try to decode shorten-encoded files because
- * we ignore this field. And worse, there's a 'channels_interleaved' field that (apparently) can be false. Tough.
- */
- #define MAX_FIELD_LENGTH 80
- static int decode_nist_value(char *str, int base, int end)
- {
- /* can be -i -r or -snnn where nnn = ascii rep of integer = len of string (!) */
- /* we'll deal only with integer fields (and well-behaved string fields) */
- int i, j;
- char value[MAX_FIELD_LENGTH];
- memset((void *)value, 0, MAX_FIELD_LENGTH);
- i = base;
- while ((i < end) && (i < MAX_FIELD_LENGTH) && (str[i] != '-')) i++; /* look for -i or whatever */
- while ((i < end) && (i < MAX_FIELD_LENGTH) && (str[i] != ' ')) i++; /* look for space after it */
- i++;
- if (i >= MAX_FIELD_LENGTH) return(0);
- for (j = 0; i < end; j++, i++)
- value[j] = str[i];
- value[j] = 0;
- if (value[0] =='s') return(MUS_NIST_SHORTPACK);
- sscanf(value, "%12d", &i);
- /* what is the correct way to use mus_long_ts here for the sample count? */
- return(i);
- }
- static int read_nist_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- bool happy = true;
- mus_long_t curbase;
- int k, hend, j, n, nm, samples, bytes, byte_format, idata_location = 0;
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)hdrbuf); /* the actual id is "NIST_1A" */
- memset((void *)str, 0, MAX_FIELD_LENGTH);
- memset((void *)name, 0, MAX_FIELD_LENGTH);
- for (k = 8; k < 16; k++)
- str[k - 8] = hdrbuf[k];
- sscanf(str, "%12d", &idata_location); /* always "1024" */
- if (idata_location != 1024)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s NIST data location: %d?", filename, idata_location));
- data_location = 1024;
- n = 16;
- k = 0;
- curbase = 0;
- samples = 0;
- bytes = 0;
- srate = 0;
- chans = 0;
- comment_start = 16;
- comment_end = 16;
- byte_format = 10;
- for (j = 0; j < MAX_FIELD_LENGTH; j++)
- str[j] =' ';
- while (happy)
- {
- /* much as in xIFF files, march through the file looking for the data we're after */
- /* in this case we munch a character at a time... */
- str[k] = hdrbuf[n];
- if ((((str[k] == '\0') || (str[k] == '\n')) || ((curbase + n + 1) >= data_location)) || (k == 79))
- {
- /* got a complete record (assuming no embedded newlines, of course) */
- /* now look for a record we care about and decode it */
- nm = 0;
- while ((nm < MAX_FIELD_LENGTH) && (str[nm] != ' ') && (str[nm] != '\0') && (str[nm] != '\n'))
- {
- name[nm] = str[nm];
- nm++;
- }
- if (nm >= MAX_FIELD_LENGTH)
- {
- header_type = MUS_RAW;
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- return(mus_error(MUS_UNSUPPORTED_HEADER_TYPE, "%s nist header: unreadable field (length = %d)?", filename, nm));
- }
- name[nm] = 0;
- if (strcmp(name, "sample_rate") == 0) srate = decode_nist_value(str, nm, k); else
- if (strcmp(name, "channel_count") == 0) chans = decode_nist_value(str, nm, k); else
- if (strcmp(name, "end_head") == 0) {happy = false; comment_end = curbase + n - 9;} else
- if (strcmp(name, "sample_count") == 0) samples = decode_nist_value(str, nm, k); else
- if ((bytes == 0) && (strcmp(name, "sample_n_bytes") == 0)) bytes = decode_nist_value(str, nm, k); else
- if ((bytes == 0) && (strcmp(name, "sample_sig_bits") == 0)) {bytes = decode_nist_value(str, nm, k); bytes = (bytes >> 3);} else
- if (strcmp(name, "sample_byte_format") == 0) byte_format = decode_nist_value(str, nm, k);
- for (j = 0; j <= k; j++) str[j] =' ';
- k = 0;
- if ((curbase + n + 1) > 1024) happy = false;
- }
- else
- k++;
- n++;
- if (n >= hend)
- {
- long long int read_bytes;
- curbase += hend;
- n = 0;
- read_bytes = (long long int)read(fd, hdrbuf, HDRBUFSIZ);
- if (read_bytes < HDRBUFSIZ)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s NIST header truncated?", filename));
- hend = HDRBUFSIZ;
- }
- }
- data_size = samples * bytes;
- if (byte_format == MUS_NIST_SHORTPACK)
- {
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- original_sample_type = MUS_NIST_SHORTPACK;
- }
- else
- {
- switch (bytes)
- {
- case 1:
- sample_type = MUS_MULAW;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (byte_format == 10)
- sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- else sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- break;
- case 3:
- if (byte_format == 10)
- sample_type = MUS_B24INT;
- else sample_type = MUS_L24INT;
- break;
- case 4:
- if (byte_format == 10)
- sample_type = MUS_BINT;
- else sample_type = MUS_LINT;
- break;
- default:
- sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- break;
- }
- }
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if ((data_size > true_file_length) && (original_sample_type != MUS_NIST_SHORTPACK))
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- static int write_nist_header(int fd, int wsrate, int wchans, mus_long_t size, mus_sample_t samp_type)
- {
- char *header;
- int datum;
- datum = mus_bytes_per_sample(samp_type);
- header = (char *)calloc(1024, sizeof(char));
- snprintf(header, 1024, "NIST_1A\n 1024\nchannel_count -i %d\nsample_rate -i %d\nsample_n_bytes -i %d\nsample_byte_format -s2 %s\nsample_sig_bits -i %d\nsample_count -i %lld\nend_head\n",
- wchans, wsrate, datum,
- ((samp_type == MUS_BSHORT) || (samp_type == MUS_B24INT) || (samp_type == MUS_BINT)) ? "10" : "01",
- datum * 8,
- size / datum);
- header_write(fd, (unsigned char *)header, 1024);
- data_location = 1024;
- free(header);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ BICSF ------------------------------------
- * (actually, this is EBICSF and the old BICSF is called IRCAM below)
- *
- * 0-28: NeXT-compatible header, read by read_next_header above.
- * 28: bicsf magic number (107364 or trouble)
- * 32: srate as a 32-bit float
- * 36: chans
- * 40: sample type indicator (2 = 16-bit linear, 4 = 32-bit float)
- * 44: begin chunks, if any
- *
- * followed by AIFF-style chunked header info with chunks like:
- *
- * COMM size comment
- * MAXA size {max amps (up to 4)} (frample offsets) time-tag unix msec counter
- * CUE, PRNT, ENV etc
- *
- * except in Paul Lansky's "hybrid" headers, according to MixViews.
- */
- static int read_bicsf_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- int chunksize, chunkname, offset, chunkloc;
- bool happy = true;
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 28));
- header_type = MUS_BICSF;
- data_location = 1024;
- if (data_size == 0) data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- lseek(fd, 40, SEEK_SET);
- header_read(fd, hdrbuf, HDRBUFSIZ);
- original_sample_type = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- switch (original_sample_type)
- {
- case 2: sample_type = MUS_BSHORT; break;
- case 4: sample_type = MUS_BFLOAT; break;
- case 8: sample_type = MUS_BDOUBLE; break;
- default: break;
- }
- /* now check for a COMM chunk, setting the comment pointers */
- chunkloc = 4; /* next header + magic number, srate, chans, packing, then chunks, I think */
- offset = 40;
- while (happy)
- {
- if (((offset + chunkloc) >= data_location) ||
- ((offset + chunkloc) < 40))
- happy = false;
- else
- {
- offset += chunkloc;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 32) <= 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s bicsf header: chunks confused at %d", filename, offset));
- chunkname = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- chunksize = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- if (chunksize < 0)
- break;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_COMM))
- {
- comment_start = 8 + offset;
- comment_end = comment_start + chunksize -1;
- happy = false;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((chunkname == 0) || (chunksize <= 0))
- happy = false;
- }
- chunkloc = (8 + chunksize);
- }
- }
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- /* from here we fall back into read_next_header */
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ IRCAM ------------------------------------
- * old-style BICSF -- added write option for Sun port 12-Dec-94
- *
- * 0: 0x1a364 or variations thereof -- byte order gives big/little_endian decision,
- * ^ digit gives machine info, according to AFsp sources -- see IRCAM ints above
- * 4: srate as a 32-bit float
- * 8: chans
- * 12: sample type indicator (2 = 16-bit linear, 4 = 32-bit float)
- * according to new Sox (version 11), these packing modes are now bytes/sample in low short, code in high
- * so 1 = char, 0x10001 = alaw, 0x20001 = mulaw, 2 = short, 3 = 24bit?, 0x40004 = long, 4 = float (AFsp sez 4 can also be double)
- * 16: comment start -- how to tell if it's a real comment?
- * apparently these are separated as short code, short blocksize, then data
- * codes: 0 = end, 1 = maxamp, 2 = comment, 3 = pvdata, 4 = audioencode and codemax??
- * 1024: data start
- *
- * apparently the byte order depends on the machine.
- * and yet... convert 1.4 makes a .sf file with little endian header, the VAX id, and big endian data?
- * Csound also uses the VAX magic number with little-endian unscaled floats! Argh.
- * even worse, Paul Lansky plops some version of this at the end of a NeXT header! Complete chaos...
- */
- static int read_ircam_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- short bloc;
- int offset;
- bool little, happy = true;
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- if ((mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)hdrbuf) == I_IRCAM_VAX) ||
- (mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)hdrbuf) == I_IRCAM_MIPS))
- little = true;
- else little = false;
- little_endian = little;
- data_location = 1024;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - 1024);
- original_sample_type = big_or_little_endian_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12), little);
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- if (original_sample_type == 2)
- {
- if (little)
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- else sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- }
- else if (original_sample_type == 4)
- {
- if (little)
- {
- if (mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)hdrbuf) == I_IRCAM_VAX)
- sample_type = MUS_LFLOAT_UNSCALED; /* Csound and MixViews */
- else sample_type = MUS_LFLOAT;
- }
- else sample_type = MUS_BFLOAT;
- }
- else if (original_sample_type == 0x40004)
- {
- if (little) sample_type = MUS_LINT;
- else sample_type = MUS_BINT;
- }
- else if (original_sample_type == 0x10001) sample_type = MUS_ALAW;
- else if (original_sample_type == 0x20001) sample_type = MUS_MULAW;
- else if (original_sample_type == 1) sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- else if (original_sample_type == 3)
- {
- if (little) sample_type = MUS_L24INT;
- else sample_type = MUS_B24INT;
- }
- else if (original_sample_type == 8)
- {
- if (little) sample_type = MUS_LDOUBLE;
- else sample_type = MUS_BDOUBLE;
- }
- srate = (int)big_or_little_endian_float((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), little);
- chans = big_or_little_endian_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), little);
- bloc = 16;
- offset = 0;
- while (happy)
- {
- short bcode, bsize;
- offset += bloc;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 32) <= 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s ircam header: chunks confused at %d", filename, offset));
- bcode = big_or_little_endian_short((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, little);
- bsize = big_or_little_endian_short((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 2), little);
- if (bcode == 2)
- {
- happy = false;
- comment_start = 4 + offset;
- comment_end = comment_start + bsize - 1; /* was -5? */
- }
- bloc = bsize;
- if ((bsize <= 0) || (bcode <= 0) || ((offset + bloc) > 1023)) happy = false;
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- static int sndlib_format_to_ircam(mus_sample_t samp_type)
- {
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_MULAW: return(0x20001); break;
- case MUS_ALAW: return(0x10001); break;
- case MUS_BSHORT: return(2); break;
- case MUS_BINT: return(0x40004); break;
- case MUS_BFLOAT: return(4); break;
- default:
- return(mus_error(MUS_UNSUPPORTED_SAMPLE_TYPE, "IRCAM header unsupported sample type: %d (%s)", samp_type, any_sample_type_name(samp_type)));
- break;
- }
- }
- static void write_ircam_comment(int fd, const char *comment, int len)
- {
- if (len > 0)
- {
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, 2);
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 2), (short)len);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- header_write(fd, (unsigned char *)comment, len);
- }
- else
- {
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, 0);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- }
- len = 1024 - (len + 20);
- if (len > 0)
- {
- unsigned char *combuf;
- combuf = (unsigned char *)calloc(len, sizeof(unsigned char));
- header_write(fd, combuf, len);
- free(combuf);
- }
- }
- static int write_ircam_header(int fd, int wsrate, int wchans, mus_sample_t samp_type, const char *comment, int len)
- {
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, 0x2a364); /* SUN id */
- mus_bfloat_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), (float)wsrate);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), wchans);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12), sndlib_format_to_ircam(samp_type));
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 16);
- data_location = 1024;
- write_ircam_comment(fd, comment, len);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ 8SVX -------------------------------------
- * (also known as IFF)
- *
- * very similar to AIFF:
- * "BODY" => [4] samples [n] data
- * "VHDR" => srate (short)
- * "CHAN" => chans
- * "ANNO" and "NAME"
- *
- * big_endian throughout
- */
- static int read_8svx_header(const char *filename, int fd, bool bytewise)
- {
- static const unsigned char I_BODY[4] = {'B','O','D','Y'};
- static const unsigned char I_CHAN[4] = {'C','H','A','N'};
- static const unsigned char I_VHDR[4] = {'V','H','D','R'};
- int offset, chunkloc;
- bool happy = true;
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- chunkloc = 12;
- offset = 0;
- if (bytewise) sample_type = MUS_BYTE; else sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- srate = 0;
- chans = 1;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- update_form_size = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- while (happy)
- {
- int chunksize;
- offset += chunkloc;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 32) <= 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s 8svx header: chunks confused at %d", filename, offset));
- chunksize = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- if ((chunksize == 0) && /* can be empty data chunk? */
- (hdrbuf[0] == 0) && (hdrbuf[1] == 0) && (hdrbuf[2] == 0) && (hdrbuf[3] == 0))
- break;
- if (chunksize < 0)
- break;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_CHAN))
- {
- chans = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- chans = (chans & 0x01) +
- ((chans & 0x02) >> 1) +
- ((chans & 0x04) >> 2) +
- ((chans & 0x08) >> 3);
- /* what in heaven's name is this? Each bit corresponds to a channel? */
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_VHDR))
- {
- /* num_samples (int) at hdrbuf + 8 */
- srate = mus_char_to_ubshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20));
- original_sample_type = hdrbuf[23];
- if (original_sample_type != 0)
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_ANNO)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_NAME)))
- {
- comment_start = offset + 8;
- comment_end = comment_start + chunksize - 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_BODY))
- {
- data_size = chunksize;
- data_location = offset + 12;
- happy = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- chunkloc = (8 + chunksize);
- if (chunksize & 1) chunkloc++; /* extra null appended to odd-length chunks */
- }
- if (data_location == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no BODY chunk?", filename));
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ VOC --------------------------------------
- *
- * 0: "Creative Voice File" followed by a couple ctrl-Z ('32) (swapped data)
- * 20: header end (short) {8svx, 26 = data_offset, 0x10a = version, ((~version + 0x1234) & 0xffff) = 0x1129}
- * [20]: first block:
- * block code, 1 = data, 0 = end, 9 = data_16 (2 = continue, 3 = silence, 4 = marker, 5 = text, 6 = loop, 7 = loop-end, 8 = extended)
- * block len as 24 bit int(?)
- * if data, then rate code (byte), then data (assuming 8-bit unsigned, mono)
- * if data_16, long srate, byte: data size (8 or 16), byte chans
- * if text, ascii text (a comment)
- * if extended (8) precedes 1 (data): 8 4 then time constant (short), byte: packing code (0), byte chans (0 = mono)
- *
- * apparently always little_endian
- * updated extensively 29-Aug-95 from sox10 voc.c
- */
- static int read_voc_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- mus_long_t curbase;
- int voc_extended, bits, code;
- bool happy = true;
- sample_type = MUS_UBYTE;
- chans = 1;
- voc_extended = 0;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- curbase = mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20));
- if (true_file_length < curbase)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: block location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, curbase, true_file_length));
- lseek(fd, curbase, SEEK_SET);
- header_read(fd, hdrbuf, HDRBUFSIZ);
- while (happy)
- {
- int type, len;
- type = (int)(hdrbuf[0]);
- len = (((int)hdrbuf[3]) << 16) + (((int)hdrbuf[2]) << 8) + (((int)hdrbuf[1]));
- if (type == 1) /* voc_data */
- {
- data_size = len - 1; /* was -3 */
- data_location = curbase + 6;
- if (voc_extended == 0)
- {
- srate = (int)(1000000.0 / (256 - ((int)(hdrbuf[4] & 0xff))));
- original_sample_type = hdrbuf[5];
- if (hdrbuf[5] == 0)
- sample_type = MUS_UBYTE;
- else sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- }
- happy = false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (type == 9) /* voc_data_16 */
- {
- data_size = len - 1; /* was -3 */
- data_location = curbase + 6;
- srate = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- bits = ((int)hdrbuf[8]);
- if (bits == 8)
- {
- code = mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 10));
- if (code == 6)
- sample_type = MUS_ALAW;
- else
- if (code == 7)
- sample_type = MUS_MULAW;
- else sample_type = MUS_UBYTE;
- }
- else
- if (bits == 16)
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- else sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- chans = (int)hdrbuf[9];
- if (chans == 0) chans = 1;
- happy = false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (((len + curbase) < true_file_length) && (type != 0))
- {
- if (type == 5) /* voc_text */
- {
- comment_start = curbase + 4;
- comment_end = comment_start + len - 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (type == 8) /* voc_extended */
- {
- /* should voc_extended be set to 1 here? */
- srate = (256000000 / (65536 - mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4))));
- if ((int)(hdrbuf[7]) == 0) chans = 1; else chans = 2;
- if ((int)(hdrbuf[6]) != 0) sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- }
- /* I'd add loop support here if I had any example sound files to test with */
- }
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, curbase + len + 4, HDRBUFSIZ) <= 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s voc header: ran off end of file", filename));
- curbase += len;
- }
- else happy = false;
- }
- }
- }
- if (data_location == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no data(type 1 or 9) chunk?", filename));
- if ((data_size > true_file_length) || (data_size < (mus_long_t)(true_file_length / 10))) /* some VOC files seem to have completely bogus lengths */
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ TwinVQ ------------------------------------
- *
- * from Audio Tools Library (atl.zip) at http://jfaul.de/atl.
- * a chunked header for proprietary (and apparently obsolete?) compressed data
- *
- * 0: "TWIN"
- * 4: version id (string)
- * 12: header size ["cardinal" -> bint]
- * common chunk header (4 of ID, bint size)
- * 24: channels (bint: 0=mono 1=stereo)
- * bitrate (bint)
- * 32: srate (bint khz 11, 22, 44 else *1000)
- * security (bint 0)
- * filesize (bint bytes)
- * possible chunks: NAME COMT AUTH (c) FILE ALBM DATA
- */
- /* Monkey files start with "MAC ", but this is yet another compression-oriented format, I think (APE?) */
- static int read_twinvq_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- data_location = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12)) + 16 + 8;
- chans = 1 + mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 24));
- srate = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 32));
- if (srate == 11) srate = 11025; else
- if (srate == 22) srate = 22050; else
- if (srate == 44) srate = 44100; else
- srate = 48000;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ SDIF ------------------------------------
- *
- * not usable in this context -- even the apparently non-existent 1TDS (sampled data)
- * format consists of a sequence of chunks, each of any size.
- * Why invent an uncompressed format that makes random access impossible?
- */
- static int read_sdif_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- static const unsigned char I_1FQ0[4] = {'1','F','Q','0'};
- static const unsigned char I_1STF[4] = {'1','S','T','F'};
- static const unsigned char I_1PIC[4] = {'1','P','I','C'};
- static const unsigned char I_1TRC[4] = {'1','T','R','C'};
- static const unsigned char I_1HRM[4] = {'1','H','R','M'};
- static const unsigned char I_1RES[4] = {'1','R','E','S'};
- static const unsigned char I_1TDS[4] = {'1','T','D','S'}; /* samples -- all others are useless */
- static const char *sdif_names[7] = {"fundamental frequency", "FFT", "spectral peak", "sinusoidal track", "harmonic track", "resonance", "unknown"};
- int offset;
- bool happy = false;
- offset = 16;
- while (!happy)
- {
- int size;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 32) <= 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s, sdif header: chunks confused at %d", filename, offset));
- size = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4)) + 8;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_1TDS))
- break;
- else
- {
- int type = 0;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_1FQ0))
- type = 0;
- else if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_1STF))
- type = 1;
- else if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_1PIC))
- type = 2;
- else if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_1TRC))
- type = 3;
- else if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_1HRM))
- type = 4;
- else if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_1RES))
- type = 5;
- else type = 6;
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "this SDIF file contains %s data, not sampled sound", sdif_names[type]));
- }
- offset += size;
- }
- }
- #if G7XX
- /* ------------------------------------ NVF ------------------------------------
- */
- static int read_nvf_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- static const unsigned char I_VFMT[4] = {'V','F','M','T'}; /* Nomad II Creative NVF */
- /* info from nvftools by Tom Mander: */
- /*
- Numbers stored little-endian.
- bytes 0-3: "NVF " magic number
- bytes 4-7: 0x00000001 NVF version number?
- bytes 8-11: 0x00000020 size of rest of header
- bytes 12-15: "VFMT" VFMT chunk h
- bytes 16-19: 0x00000001 VFMT version number?
- bytes 20-23: 0x00000014 size of reset of VFMT header
- bytes 24-27: 0x00007D00 32000 bit/s bitrate
- bytes 28-29: 0x0001 channels
- bytes 30-31: 0x0000 unknown
- bytes 32-35: 0x00001F40 8000kHz sample rate
- bytes 36-39: 0x00003E80 16000
- bytes 40-41: 0x0002 width in bytes of uncompressed data?
- bytes 42-43: 0x0010 width in bits of compressed data?
- The rest of the data is G.721 data nibble packing big-endian, 4bits per
- sample (nibble) single channel at 32kbit. When the Nomad records an NVF
- file it does it in 92 sample (46 byte) framples or 0.0115sec.
- */
- if (mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4)) != 1) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: NVF[4] != 1", filename));
- if (!(match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12), I_VFMT))) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no VFMT chunk", filename));
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE; /* g721 --translate elsewhere */
- chans = 1;
- srate = 8000;
- data_location = 44;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location) * 2; /* 4 bit samps? */
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- #endif
- /* ------------------------------------ ADC ------------------------------------
- * also known as OGI format
- * TIMIT format is identical except it omits the sample type field (header size claims to be bytes)
- *
- * from ad.h and other files, ogitools-v1.0.tar.gz
- * we'll look for the big/little endian sequence (short) 8 1 1-or-2 given big/little decision
- *
- * 0: header size in shorts (8 = 16 bytes) (OGI says this is in bytes)
- * 2: version (1)
- * 4: chans
- * 6: rate (srate = 4000000/rate)
- * 8: samples (int) -- seems to be off by 2 -- are they counting ints here?
- * 12: sample type (0 = big-endian)
- * 16: data start
- */
- static int read_adc_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- bool little;
- little = (mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12)) != 0); /* 0 = big endian */
- data_location = 16;
- if (little) sample_type = MUS_LSHORT; else sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- chans = big_or_little_endian_short((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), little);
- srate = 4000000 / big_or_little_endian_short((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 6), little);
- data_size = 2 * big_or_little_endian_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), little);
- comment_start = 0;
- comment_end = 0;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ AVR --------------------------------------
- *
- * 0: "2BIT"
- * 4: sample name (null padded ASCII)
- * 12: chans (short) (0 = mono, -1 = stereo)
- * 14: sample size (8 or 16 bit) (short) (value is 8, 12, or 16)
- * 16: sample type (signed or unsigned) (short) (0 = unsigned, -1 = signed)
- * 18: loop (on/off), 20: midi (-1 = no MIDI)
- * 22: srate
- * avr.txt has:
- * 22: Replay speed 0 = 5.485 Khz, 1 = 8.084 Khz, 2 = 10.971 Khz, 3 = 16.168 Khz, 4 = 21.942 Khz, 5 = 32.336 Khz, 6 = 43.885 Khz, 7 = 47.261 Khz
- * 23: sample rate in Hertz (as a 3 byte quantity??)
- * 26: length in samples
- * 30: loop beg, 34: loop end, 38: midi (keyboard split), 40: compression, 42: nada ("reserved"), 44: name
- * 64: comment (limited to 64 bytes)
- * 128: data start
- *
- * the Atari .avr files appear to be 8000 Hz, mono, 8-bit linear unsigned data with an unknown header of 128 words
- * apparently there was a change in format sometime in the 90's.
- *
- * The actual avr files I've found on the net are either garbled, or
- * something is wrong with this definition (taken from CMJ and www.wotsit.org's avr.txt).
- * SGI dmconvert assumes big-endian here -- this is an Atari format, so it's probably safe to assume big-endian.
- */
- static int read_avr_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- int dsize, dsigned, i;
- chans = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12));
- if (chans == 0) chans = 1; else if (chans == -1) chans = 2; else return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s chans: %d", filename, chans));
- data_location = 128;
- data_size = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26));
- srate = mus_char_to_ubshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 24));
- dsize = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 14));
- dsigned = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- if (dsize == 16)
- {
- if (dsigned == 0)
- sample_type = MUS_UBSHORT;
- else sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- }
- else
- {
- if (dsize == 8)
- {
- if (dsigned == 0)
- sample_type = MUS_UBYTE;
- else sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- }
- else return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: unknown sample type", filename));
- }
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, 64, 64) <= 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s avr header: ran off end of file", filename));
- comment_start = 64;
- i = 0;
- while ((i < 64) && (hdrbuf[i] != 0)) i++;
- comment_end = 64 + (i - 1);
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ SNDT -------------------------------------
- *
- * this taken from sndrtool.c (sox-10): (modified 6-Feb-98)
- * 0: "SOUND" (or off by two throughout if not "0x1a"?)
- * 5: 0x1a
- * 6-7: 0
- * 8-11: nsamps (at 12)
- * 12-15: 0
- * 16-19: nsamps
- * 20-21: srate (little endian short) (at 22)
- * 22-23: 0
- * 24-25: 10
- * 26-27: 4
- * 28-> : <filename> "- File created by Sound Exchange"
- * .->95: 0 ?
- */
- /* similar is Sounder format:
- * 0: 0
- * 2: short srate (little endian)
- * 4: 10
- * 6: 4
- * then data
- * but this format can't be distinguished from a raw sound file
- */
- static int read_sndt_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- if (hdrbuf[4] != 'D') return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: SNDT[4] != 'D'", filename));
- sample_type = MUS_UBYTE;
- chans = 1;
- srate = mus_char_to_ulshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20));
- data_location = 126;
- data_size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- if (data_size < 0) data_size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 10));
- if (srate <= 1) srate = mus_char_to_ulshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 22));
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Covox v8 -------------------------------------
- *
- * 0: 377 125 377 252 377 125 377 252 x x 0's to 16
- * then 8-bit unsigned data
- */
- static int read_covox_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- sample_type = MUS_UBYTE;
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 16;
- srate = 8000;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ SMP -------------------------------------
- *
- * 18: "2.1 "
- * 22-81: comment
- * 82-111: sample name
- * header 112 bytes
- * long samples (bytes = samples*2)
- * then data start
- * data
- * always little endian
- */
- static int read_smp_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- chans = 1;
- comment_start = 22;
- comment_end = 81;
- data_location = 116;
- lseek(fd, 112, SEEK_SET);
- if (read(fd, hdrbuf, 4) != 4) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: SMP header truncated?", filename));
- data_size = (mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)hdrbuf));
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT; /* just a guess */
- srate = 8000; /* docs mention an srate floating around at the end of the file, but I can't find it in any example */
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if ((data_size * 2) > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location) / 2;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ SPPACK -------------------------------------
- *
- * from AF docs:
- * Bytes Type Contents
- * 0 160 char Text strings (2 * 80)
- * 160 80 char Command line
- * 240 2 int Domain (1-time, 2-freq, 3-qfreq)
- * 242 2 int Frample size
- * 244 4 float Sampling frequency
- * 252 2 int File identifier (i.e. #o100 #o303)
- * 254 2 int Data type (0xfc0e = sampled data file)
- * 256 2 int Resolution (in bits 8, 16)
- * 258 2 int Companding flag
- * 272 240 char Text strings (3 * 80)
- * 512 ... -- Audio data
- *
- * at least one program is writing these headers using little endian data...
- */
- static int read_sppack_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- int typ;
- data_location = 512;
- chans = 1;
- lseek(fd, 240, SEEK_SET);
- if (read(fd, hdrbuf, 22) != 22) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s SPPACK header truncated?", filename));
- typ = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- if (typ == 1)
- {
- if (((hdrbuf[254]) == 252) && ((hdrbuf[255]) == 14)) /* #xfc and #x0e */
- {
- int bits;
- float sr;
- typ = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 18));
- bits = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- sr = mus_char_to_bfloat((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- srate = (int)sr;
- switch (typ)
- {
- case 1: if (bits == 16) sample_type = MUS_BSHORT; else sample_type = MUS_BYTE; break;
- case 2: sample_type = MUS_ALAW; break;
- case 3: sample_type = MUS_MULAW; break;
- default: sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE; break;
- }
- data_size = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size - 512);
- comment_start = 0;
- comment_end = 0;
- }
- }
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (true_file_length < data_location)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- if (data_size > mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, true_file_length))
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, true_file_length - data_location);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ ESPS (Entropic Signal Processing System) -------------------------------------
- *
- * specs at ftp.entropic.com (also known as "SD" format)
- * from AFgetInfoES.c:
- *
- * Bytes Type Contents
- * 8 -> 11 -- Header size (bytes)
- * 12 -> 15 int Sampled data record size
- * 16 -> 19 int File identifier: 0x00006a1a or 0x1a6a0000
- * 40 -> 65 char File creation date
- * 124 -> 127 int Number of samples
- * 132 -> 135 int Number of doubles in a data record
- * 136 -> 139 int Number of floats in a data record
- * 140 -> 143 int Number of longs in a data record
- * 144 -> 147 int Number of shorts in a data record
- * 148 -> 151 int Number of chars in a data record
- * 160 -> 167 char User name
- * 333 -> H-1 -- "Generic" header items, including "record_freq" {followed by a "double8"=64-bit ?}
- * H -> ... -- Audio data
- */
- static int read_esps_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- char str[80];
- bool happy = true;
- mus_long_t curbase, hend;
- int k, j, n, chars, floats, shorts, doubles;
- long long int bytes;
- bool little;
- little = (hdrbuf[18] == 0);
- if (little)
- data_location = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- else data_location = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- srate = 8000;
- chans = 1;
- lseek(fd, 132, SEEK_SET);
- header_read(fd, hdrbuf, HDRBUFSIZ);
- if (little)
- {
- doubles = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- floats = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- shorts = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12));
- chars = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- }
- else
- {
- doubles = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- floats = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- shorts = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12));
- chars = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- }
- if (shorts != 0)
- {
- sample_type = ((little) ? MUS_LSHORT : MUS_BSHORT);
- chans = shorts;
- }
- else
- {
- if (doubles != 0)
- {
- sample_type = ((little) ? MUS_LDOUBLE_UNSCALED : MUS_BDOUBLE_UNSCALED);
- chans = doubles;
- }
- else
- {
- if (floats != 0)
- {
- sample_type = ((little) ? MUS_LFLOAT_UNSCALED : MUS_BFLOAT_UNSCALED);
- chans = floats;
- }
- else
- {
- if (chars != 0)
- {
- sample_type = MUS_BYTE; /* ?? */
- chans = chars;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* search for "record_freq" to get srate */
- lseek(fd, 333, SEEK_SET);
- header_read(fd, hdrbuf, HDRBUFSIZ);
- curbase = 333;
- hend = curbase + HDRBUFSIZ;
- k = 0;
- n = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < 80; j++) str[j] =' ';
- while (happy)
- {
- str[k] = hdrbuf[n];
- if ((str[k] == 'q') || (str[k] == 3) || ((curbase + n + 1) >= data_location) || (k == 78))
- { /* 3 = C-C marks end of record (?) */
- str[k + 1] = 0;
- if (strcmp(str, "record_freq") == 0)
- {
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, curbase + n, 32) <= 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s esps header: ran off end of file", filename));
- n = 0;
- if (little)
- srate = (int)mus_char_to_ldouble((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- else srate = (int)mus_char_to_bdouble((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- happy = false;
- }
- if ((curbase + n + 1) >= data_location) happy = false;
- k = 0;
- }
- else
- k++;
- n++;
- if (n >= hend)
- {
- curbase += hend;
- n = 0;
- bytes = read(fd, hdrbuf, HDRBUFSIZ);
- if (bytes != HDRBUFSIZ) break;
- hend = HDRBUFSIZ;
- }
- }
- if (srate == 0) srate = 8000;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ INRS -------------------------------------
- *
- * from AFgetInfoIN.c:
- *
- * INRS-Telecommunications audio file:
- * Bytes Type Contents
- * 0 -> 3 float Sampling Frequency (VAX float format)
- * 6 -> 25 char Creation time (e.g. Jun 12 16:52:50 1990)
- * 26 -> 29 int Number of speech samples in the file (? -- old INRS files omit this)
- * The data in an INRS-Telecommunications audio file is in 16-bit integer (little-endian)
- * format. Header is always 512 bytes. Always mono.
- *
- */
- static int read_inrs_header(const char *filename, int fd, int loc)
- {
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- comment_start = 6;
- comment_end = 25;
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- srate = loc;
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 512;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (true_file_length < data_location)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, true_file_length - data_location);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ MAUD -------------------------------------
- *
- * very similar to AIFF:
- * "MHDR" => 4: chunksize (32)
- * 8: samples
- * 12: bits
- * 14: ditto
- * 16: clock freq
- * 20: clock div (srate = freq/div)
- * 22: chan info (0 = mono, 1 = stereo)
- * 24: ditto(?!)
- * 26: format (0 = unsigned 8 or signed 16 (see bits), 2 = alaw, 3 = mulaw)
- * 28-40: unused
- * "MDAT" => data
- * "ANNO" => comment
- *
- * according to /usr/share/magic, this stands for "MacroSystem Audio"
- */
- static int read_maud_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- static const unsigned char I_MHDR[4] = {'M','H','D','R'};
- static const unsigned char I_MDAT[4] = {'M','D','A','T'};
- int offset, chunkloc;
- bool happy = true;
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- chunkloc = 12;
- offset = 0;
- sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- srate = 0;
- chans = 1;
- update_form_size = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- while (happy)
- {
- int chunksize;
- offset += chunkloc;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 32) <= 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s maud header: chunks confused at %d", filename, offset));
- chunksize = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- if ((chunksize == 0) && /* can be empty data chunk? */
- (hdrbuf[0] == 0) && (hdrbuf[1] == 0) && (hdrbuf[2] == 0) && (hdrbuf[3] == 0))
- break;
- if (chunksize < 0)
- break;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_MHDR))
- {
- int num, den;
- data_size = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- num = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- den = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20));
- if (den == 0) den = 1;
- srate = (int)(num / den);
- num = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12));
- den = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 26));
- if (num == 8)
- {
- switch (den)
- {
- case 0: sample_type = MUS_UBYTE; break;
- case 2: sample_type = MUS_ALAW; break;
- case 3: sample_type = MUS_MULAW; break;
- default: sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE; break;
- }
- }
- else sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- num = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 22));
- if (num == 0) chans = 1; else chans = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_ANNO))
- {
- comment_start = offset + 8;
- comment_end = comment_start + chunksize - 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_MDAT))
- {
- data_location = offset + 12;
- happy = false;
- }
- }
- }
- chunkloc = (8 + chunksize);
- if (chunksize & 1) chunkloc++; /* extra null appended to odd-length chunks */
- }
- if (data_location == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no MDAT chunk?", filename));
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ CSL -------------------------------------
- *
- * "Computerized Speech Labs -- this info taken from wavesurfer/snack
- *
- * very similar to AIFF:
- * 0: FORM
- * 4: DS16 (kinda weird)
- * 8: size (int le)
- * 12: chunks
- * HEDR or HDR8
- * 4: size (int)
- * samp: short, chans: 1 at 36 if not (int) -1, chans: 2?
- * srate at 28 (le int?)
- * other chunks: SD_B, SDA_ SDAB with data bytes as data followed by data
- */
- static int read_csl_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- static const unsigned char I_HEDR[4] = {'H','E','D','R'};
- static const unsigned char I_HDR8[4] = {'H','D','R','8'};
- static const unsigned char I_SDA_[4] = {'S','D','A','_'};
- static const unsigned char I_SDAB[4] = {'S','D','A','B'};
- static const unsigned char I_SD_B[4] = {'S','D','_','B'};
- static const unsigned char I_NOTE[4] = {'N','O','T','E'};
- int offset, chunkloc;
- bool happy = true;
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- chunkloc = 12;
- offset = 0;
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- srate = 0;
- chans = 1;
- update_form_size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- while (happy)
- {
- int chunksize;
- offset += chunkloc;
- if (seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, offset, 64) <= 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s csl header: chunks confused at %d", filename, offset));
- chunksize = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- if ((chunksize == 0) && /* can be empty data chunk? */
- (hdrbuf[0] == 0) && (hdrbuf[1] == 0) && (hdrbuf[2] == 0) && (hdrbuf[3] == 0))
- break;
- if (chunksize < 0)
- break;
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_HEDR)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_HDR8)))
- {
- /* 8..20: date as ascii */
- /* 32: data length (int) in bytes */
- if ((mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 36)) != -1) && /* these are maxamps, -1=none */
- (mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 38)) != -1))
- chans = 2;
- srate = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 28));
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_NOTE))
- {
- comment_start = offset + 8;
- comment_end = comment_start + chunksize - 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SDA_)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SDAB)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SD_B)))
- {
- data_location = offset + 8;
- data_size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- happy = false;
- }
- }
- }
- chunkloc = (8 + chunksize);
- if (chunksize & 1) chunkloc++;
- }
- if (data_location == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no SDxx chunk?", filename));
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ snack SMP -------------------------------------
- *
- * there's apparently yet another "smp" format (from nist??)
- * file = samp
- * sftot = 22050
- * msb = last
- * nchans = 1
- * preemph = none
- * born = snack
- * msb = last here -> little endian?
- * data at 1024
- */
- static int read_file_samp_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- int i = 0;
- unsigned char *locbuf;
- data_location = 1024;
- chans = 1;
- srate = 8000;
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- lseek(fd, 10, SEEK_SET);
- locbuf = (unsigned char *)calloc(1024, sizeof(unsigned char));
- header_read(fd, locbuf, 1024);
- while (i < 1024)
- {
- if (strncmp((char *)(locbuf + i), "sftot", 5) == 0)
- sscanf((const char *)(&locbuf[i + 6]), "%12d", &srate);
- if (strncmp((char *)(locbuf + i), "nchans", 6) == 0)
- sscanf((const char *)(&locbuf[i + 7]), "%12d", &chans);
- if (strncmp((char *)(locbuf + i), "msb", 3) == 0)
- if (strncmp((char *)(locbuf + i + 4), "first", 5) == 0)
- sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- while ((i < 1024) && (locbuf[i] != 10) && (locbuf[i] != 0)) i++;
- i++;
- }
- free(locbuf);
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (true_file_length < data_location)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, true_file_length - data_location);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Sound Designer I -------------------------------------
- *
- * complicated and defined in terms of Pascal records, so the following is a stab in the dark:
- *
- * 0: 1336 (i.e. header size)
- * 764: comment (str255)
- * 1020: sample rate (long)
- * 1028: data size (short)
- * 1030: a code string describing the data type (i.e. "linear") (str32)
- * 1064: user comment (str255)
- *
- * file type: 'SFIL'
- *
- * always big_endian
- */
- static int read_sd1_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- int n;
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 1336;
- lseek(fd, 1020, SEEK_SET);
- if (read(fd, hdrbuf, 64) != 64) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s Sound Designer I header truncated?", filename));
- srate = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- n = mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- if (n == 16)
- sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- else sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (true_file_length < data_location)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, true_file_length - data_location);
- n = ((unsigned char)hdrbuf[44]);
- if (n != 0)
- {
- comment_start = 1064;
- comment_end = comment_start + n - 1;
- }
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ PSION alaw -------------------------------------
- *
- * 0: "ALawSoundFile**"
- * 16: version
- * 18: length (bytes)
- * 22: padding
- * 24: repeats
- * 26-32: nada
- * 32: data
- *
- * always mono 8-bit alaw 8000 Hz. All the examples on the psion net site appear to be little endian.
- */
- static int read_psion_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- if ((hdrbuf[13] != '*') || (hdrbuf[14] != '*')) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: PSION[13, 14] != '*'", filename));
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 32;
- srate = 8000;
- sample_type = MUS_ALAW;
- data_size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 18)); /* always little-endian? */
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Gravis Ultrasound Patch -------------------------------------
- *
- * http://www.gravis.com/Public/sdk/PATCHKIT.ZIP
- *
- * header [128], instruments [62], layers [49], waveheaders (nested)
- * always little endian, actual files don't match exactly with any documentation
- *
- * Header block:
- * 0: "GF1PATCH100" or "GF1PATCH110"
- * 12: "ID#000002"
- * 22: comment (copyright notice) (60 bytes ASCIZ)
- * 82: number of instruments
- * 83: number of voices
- * 84: wave channels
- * 85: number of waves
- * 87: vol
- * 89: size?
- * 93: reserved (36? bytes)
- *
- * Instrument block:
- * 0: id
- * 2: name (16 bytes)
- * 18: size
- * 22: number of layers
- * 23: reserved (40? bytes)
- *
- * Layer block:
- * 0: "previous"
- * 1: id
- * 2: size
- * 6: number of wave samples
- * 10: reserved (40? bytes)
- *
- * Wave block:
- * 0: name (7 bytes ASCIZ)
- * 7: "fractions"
- * 8: data size of wave sample
- * 12: loop start
- * 16: loop end
- * 20: sample rate
- * 22: low freq
- * 26: high freq
- * 30: root freq
- * 34: tune
- * 36: balance
- * 37: envelope data (6+6 bytes I think)
- * 49: tremolo and vibrato data (6 bytes)
- * 55: mode bit 0: 8/16, 1: signed/unsigned
- * 56: scale freq
- * 58: scale factor
- * 60: reserved (36 bytes)
- * followed by data presumably
- */
- static int read_gravis_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- int mode;
- chans = hdrbuf[84];
- if (chans == 0) chans = 1;
- comment_start = 22;
- comment_end = 81;
- lseek(fd, 239, SEEK_SET); /* try to jump to wave sample block (128+62+49) */
- header_read(fd, hdrbuf, 128);
- srate = mus_char_to_ulshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20));
- data_size = mus_char_to_ulshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- mode = hdrbuf[55];
- if (mode & 1)
- {
- if (mode & 2)
- sample_type = MUS_ULSHORT;
- else sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- }
- else
- {
- if (mode & 2)
- sample_type = MUS_UBYTE;
- else sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- }
- data_location = 337;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Goldwave -------------------------------------
- *
- * http://web.cs.mun.ca/~chris3/goldwave/goldwave.html
- */
- static int read_goldwave_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 28;
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- data_size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 22));
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (true_file_length < data_location)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- if ((data_size <= 24) || (data_size > true_file_length))
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location) / 2;
- else data_size /= 2;
- srate = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 18));
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Sonic Resource Foundry -------------------------------------
- *
- * more reverse engineering...
- * http://www.sfoundry.com/
- */
- static int read_srfs_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- chans = 1; /* might be short at header[4] */
- data_location = 32;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (true_file_length < data_location)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location) / 2;
- srate = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 6));
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Quicktime -------------------------------------
- *
- * infinitely complicated -- see Quicktime File Format doc from Apple.
- * there's no relation between this document and actual files -- a bizarre joke?
- */
- static int read_qt_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 12;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- srate = 11025; /* ?? */
- sample_type = MUS_UBYTE;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ SBStudioII -------------------------------------
- *
- * from a file created by Convert 1.4
- * 0: SND <space>
- * 8: file size - 8
- * SNNA SNIN SNDT blocks:
- *
- * built in blocks, other names are SNIN, SNDT
- * need to scan for SNDT, block length, data
- * SNNA len name
- * supposedly ends with END (but my examples don't)
- * SNIN:
- * num (2), reserved (2), tuning (1), vol (2), type (2) bit 0: 1 = PCM, bit 1: 1 = 16, 0 = 8 (then loop data)
- * info from Pac.txt (pac.zip) at http://www.wotsit.org/music.htm
- */
- static int read_sbstudio_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- static const unsigned char I_SNIN[4] = {'S','N','I','N'};
- static const unsigned char I_SNNA[4] = {'S','N','N','A'};
- static const unsigned char I_SNDT[4] = {'S','N','D','T'};
- int i, tmp;
- bool happy = true;
- unsigned char *bp;
- chans = 1;
- srate = 8000; /* no sampling rate field in this header */
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- i = 8;
- bp = (unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8);
- while (happy)
- {
- if (match_four_chars(bp, I_SNDT))
- {
- data_size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(bp + 4));
- data_location = i + 8;
- happy = false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars(bp, I_SNIN))
- {
- tmp = mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(bp + 15));
- if ((tmp & 1) == 0)
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- else
- {
- if ((tmp & 2) == 0)
- sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- else sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- }
- i += 26;
- bp += 26;
- }
- else
- {
- if (match_four_chars(bp, I_SNNA))
- {
- tmp = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(bp + 4));
- i += tmp;
- bp += tmp;
- }
- else
- {
- i++;
- bp++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (i >= HDRBUFSIZ)
- {
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- happy = false;
- }
- }
- if (data_location == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no SNDT chunk?", filename));
- if ((data_size == 0) || (sample_type == MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE))
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data size or sample type bogus", filename));
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Delusion Sound -------------------------------------
- *
- * more reverse engineering...
- * from a file created by Convert 1.4
- * 0: DDSF
- * 5: name (text)
- * 55: data
- * probaby similar to DMF format described in Dmf-form.txt but I don't see any other block names in the data
- */
- static int read_delusion_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- if ((hdrbuf[4] != 1) || (hdrbuf[5] > 128) || (hdrbuf[6] > 128) || (hdrbuf[7] > 128))
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s DDSF name bogus", filename));
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 55;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- srate = 8000;
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Farandole Composer WaveSample -------------------------------------
- *
- * 0: FSM 254
- * libmodplug load_far.cpp uses: #define FARFILEMAGIC 0xFE524146 ("FAR="?)
- * 4: name (text) (32 bytes)
- * 36: 10, 13, 26 or something like that
- * 39: len?
- * 40: volume
- * 41: looping data
- * 49: type (0 = 8-bit, else 16)
- * 50: loop mode
- * 51: data
- * described in Fsm.txt and Far-form.txt http://www.wotsit.org/music.htm
- */
- static int read_farandole_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 51;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- srate = 8000;
- if (hdrbuf[49] == 0)
- sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- else sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Yamaha TX-16W -------------------------------------
- *
- * ftp://ftp.t0.or.at/pub/sound/tx16w/samples.yamaha
- * ftp://ftp.t0.or.at/pub/sound/tx16w/faq/tx16w.tec
- * http://www.t0.or.at/~mpakesch/tx16w/
- *
- * from tx16w.c sox 12.15: (7-Oct-98) (Mark Lakata and Leigh Smith)
- * char filetype[6] "LM8953"
- * nulls[10],
- * dummy_aeg[6]
- * format 0x49 = looped, 0xC9 = non-looped
- * sample_rate 1 = 33 kHz, 2 = 50 kHz, 3 = 16 kHz
- * atc_length[3] if sample rate 0, [2]&0xfe = 6: 33kHz, 0x10:50, 0xf6: 16, depending on [5] but to heck with it
- * rpt_length[3] (these are for looped samples, attack and loop lengths)
- * unused[2]
- */
- static int read_tx16w_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- if ((hdrbuf[4] != '5') || (hdrbuf[5] != '3')) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s TX16 magic number bogus", filename));
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 32;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- srate = 16000;
- if (hdrbuf[23] == 1) srate = 33000;
- else if (hdrbuf[23] == 2) srate = 50000;
- else if (hdrbuf[23] == 3) srate = 16000;
- else if (hdrbuf[23] == 0)
- {
- if ((hdrbuf[26] & 0xFE) == 6) srate = 33000;
- else if ((hdrbuf[26] & 0xFE) == 0x10) srate = 50000;
- else if ((hdrbuf[26] & 0xFE) == 0xf6) srate = 16000;
- }
- original_sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- data_size = (mus_long_t)((double)data_size / 1.5);
- if (hdrbuf[22] == 0x49)
- {
- loop_modes[0] = 1;
- loop_starts[0] = ((hdrbuf[26] & 1) << 16) + (hdrbuf[25] << 8) + hdrbuf[24];
- loop_ends[0] = loop_starts[0] + ((hdrbuf[29] & 1) << 16) + (hdrbuf[28] << 8) + hdrbuf[27];
- }
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Yamaha SY-85 and SY-99 -------------------------------------
- *
- * more reverse engineering...
- * 0: SY85 (SY80 is SY-99) SY85ALL SY80 SYALL
- * 5: name ("WAVE1")
- * (26 int len)
- * (33: comment or prompt?)
- * data in 16-bit little endian (?)
- */
- static int read_sy85_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- if ((hdrbuf[4] != ' ') && (hdrbuf[4] != 'A')) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: unknown magic number", filename));
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 1024;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- srate = 8000; /* unknown */
- sample_type = MUS_BSHORT; /* not right */
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Kurzweil 2000 -------------------------------------
- *
- * "PRAM" then header len as big endian int??
- * from krz2tx.c (Mark Lakata)
- */
- static int read_kurzweil_2000_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- chans = 1;
- data_location = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4));
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- srate = 44100; /* unknown */
- sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Korg -------------------------------------
- *
- * "SMP1" -- guessing on the rest
- */
- static int read_korg_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 70;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- srate = mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 48));
- sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Maui -------------------------------------
- *
- * "Maui" -- guessing on the rest
- */
- static int read_maui_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- lseek(fd, 420, SEEK_SET);
- if (read(fd, hdrbuf, 64) != 64) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s truncated maui header?", filename));
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 776;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (true_file_length < data_location)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- data_size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- if ((data_size * 2) > true_file_length)
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location) / 2;
- srate = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf));
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Impulse Tracker -------------------------------------
- *
- * data from its2raw.c by Ben Collver
- * 0: IMPS
- * 4: filename (12 bytes)
- * 17: global vol
- * 18: flags (1: 16-bit or 8(0), 2: stereo or mono(0)
- * 19: default vol
- * 20: sample name (26 bytes)
- * 46: convert
- * 47: default pan
- * 48: length (samps)
- * 52: loop start
- * 56: loop end
- * 60: srate
- * 64: sustain loop start
- * 68: sustain loop end
- * 72: data location
- * 76: vib speed
- * 77: vib depth
- * 78: vib wave
- * 79: vib rate
- */
- static int read_impulsetracker_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- if (hdrbuf[18] & 4) chans = 2; else chans = 1;
- if (hdrbuf[18] & 2) sample_type = MUS_LSHORT; else sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- data_location = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 72));
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (true_file_length < data_location)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- srate = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 60));
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- #if 0
- /* ------------------------------------ AKAI 3? -------------------------------------
- */
- static int read_akai3_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 192;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- if (hdrbuf[1] == 0) srate = 22050; else srate = 44100;
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- #endif
- /* ------------------------------------ AKAI 4 -------------------------------------
- *
- * 1, 4, info from Paul Kellet -- lost the url ("MPC-2000")
- */
- static int read_akai4_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- chans = hdrbuf[21] + 1;
- data_location = 42;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- srate = mus_char_to_ulshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 40));
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ PVF (portable voice format) -------------------------------------
- *
- * info from mgetty-voice-1.1.22/voice/libpvf/lib.c
- * this is a modem-related interchange format
- *
- * PVF1\n
- * 1 11025 32\n
- * then data
- * PVF1 = binary data, PVF2 = ascii
- * chans | srate | sample size
- */
- static int read_pvf_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- char *buf;
- int bits, i;
- if (hdrbuf[4] != '\n') return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "PVF header messed up"));
- type_specifier = mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- buf = (char *)(hdrbuf + 5);
- sscanf(buf, "%12d %12d %12d", &chans, &srate, &bits);
- if (chans < 1) chans = 1;
- if (srate < 0) srate = 8000;
- if (bits < 8) bits = 8;
- for (i = 6; i < INITIAL_READ_SIZE; i++)
- if (hdrbuf[i] == '\n')
- {
- data_location = i + 1;
- break;
- }
- if (data_location == 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s PVF header bad data location", filename));
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_PVF2))
- {
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE; /* ascii text */
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s PVF header unknown sample type", filename));
- }
- /* big endian data -- they're using htonl etc */
- if (bits == 8)
- sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- else
- if (bits == 16)
- sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- else sample_type = MUS_BINT;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, true_file_length - data_location);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Ultratracker WaveSample -------------------------------------
- *
- * 0..31: name (32 = ctrl-Z?)
- * 33: PMUWFD (but docs say this is "dos name" -- perhaps we can't recognize this header type reliably)
- * 44: 4 ints giving loop and size data
- * 60: vol
- * 61: "bidi" 0|8|24->8 bit else 16 -- but actual example has 0 with 16-bit
- * 62: finetune
- * 64: data (or 68?)
- * described in Ult-form.txt http://www.wotsit.org/music.htm
- */
- static int read_ultratracker_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 64;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (true_file_length < data_location)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- srate = 8000;
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Sample dump exchange -------------------------------------
- *
- * 0: SDX:
- * sdx2tx.c (Mark Lakata) reads from 4 for 26 (^z), then
- * version (1)
- * comment as pascal-style string (byte len, bytes chars)
- * then 23 bytes:
- * 0: packing (0 = pcm)
- * 1: midi channel
- * 2 + 256*[3]: sample number
- * 4: sample type (15: 16 bit unsigned(?), 8: 8bit unsigned(?)
- * 5: sample rate (big int?)
- * 9: sample length
- * 13: loop start
- * 17: loop end
- * 21: loop type
- * 22: reserved
- */
- static int read_sample_dump_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- int i, len;
- for (i = 4; i < HDRBUFSIZ; i++) if (hdrbuf[i] == 26) break;
- len = hdrbuf[i + 2];
- if (len > 0)
- {
- comment_start = i + 3;
- comment_end = i + 3 + len;
- }
- seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, i + 3 + len, HDRBUFSIZ);
- srate = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 5));
- loop_modes[0] = 0;
- if (hdrbuf[21] == 0)
- {
- loop_modes[0] = 1;
- loop_starts[0] = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 13));
- loop_ends[0] = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 17));
- }
- /* data_size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 9)); */
- if ((srate < 100) || (srate > 100000)) srate = 8000;
- chans = 1;
- data_location = i + 3 + len + 23;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- if (hdrbuf[0] == 0)
- sample_type = MUS_ULSHORT;
- else sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Digiplayer ST3 -------------------------------------
- *
- * 0: 1 (use 'SCRS' at 76)
- * 1: name
- * 13: nada
- * 14: "paragraph" offset of sample data
- * 16: length in bytes (looks like #samples in the actual files...)
- * 20: loop start
- * 24: loop end
- * 28: vol
- * 29: ?
- * 30: 0 = unpacked, 1 = DP30ADPCM
- * 31: bits: 0 = loop, 1 = stereo (chans not interleaved!), 2 = 16-bit samples (little endian)
- * 32: freq
- * 36: nada
- * 40: nada
- * 42: 512
- * 44: date?
- * 48: sample name (28 char ASCIZ)
- * 76: 'SCRS'
- * 80: data starts
- *
- * info from http://www.wotsit.org/ S3m-form.txt
- */
- static int read_digiplayer_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- chans = 1;
- data_location = 80;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- srate = 8000;
- sample_type = MUS_ULSHORT;
- if (hdrbuf[30] & 2) chans = 2;
- if (hdrbuf[30] & 1)
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- else
- {
- if (hdrbuf[30] & 4) sample_type = MUS_UBYTE; /* may be backwards -- using Convert 1.4 output here */
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ CSRE adf -------------------------------------
- *
- * Info from Stuart Rosen
- *
- * 0-7: CSRE40
- * 8: samples in file (long)
- * 12: center line(?) (long)
- * 16: start channel(?) (unsigned)
- * 18: bits -- 12 or 16 (unsigned) -- is 12 bit sample file packed?
- * 20: number system (0 = signed, 1 = unsigned)
- * 22: srate in kHz (float)
- * 26: peak sample in file (long) (can be 0)
- * 30-511: comment possibly
- *
- * probably always little-endian (S.R. reads each sample using sizeof(int) -> 16 bits I think)
- * if 12-bit unsigned we need to handle the offset somewhere
- */
- static int read_adf_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- int bits, numsys;
- lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
- if ((hdrbuf[4] != '4') || (hdrbuf[5] != '0')) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s csre header bad magic number", filename));
- if (read(fd, hdrbuf, 30) != 30) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s csre header truncated?", filename));
- chans = 1;
- numsys = mus_char_to_ulshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20));
- bits = mus_char_to_ulshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 18));
- if ((bits == 16) || (bits == 12))
- {
- if (numsys == 0)
- sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- else sample_type = MUS_ULSHORT;
- }
- else sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- srate = (int)(1000 * mus_char_to_lfloat((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 22)));
- data_size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- data_location = 512;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (true_file_length < data_location)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- if (data_size > mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, true_file_length - data_location))
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, true_file_length - data_location);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Diamondware -------------------------------------
- *
- * info from Keith Weiner at DiamondWare (www.dw.com):
- *
- * 0-22: DWD Header Byte "DiamondWare Digitized\n\0"
- * 23: 1A (EOF to abort printing of file)
- * 24: Major version number
- * 25: Minor version number
- * 26-29: Unique sound ID (checksum XOR timestamp)
- * 30: Reserved
- * 31: Compression type (0 = none)
- * 32-33: Sampling rate (in Hz)
- * 34: Number of channels (1 = mono, 2 = stereo) (interleaved)
- * 35: Number of bits per sample (8, 16) (all data signed)
- * 36-37: Absolute value of largest sample in file
- * 38-41: length of data section (in bytes)
- * 42-45: # samples (16-bit stereo is 4 bytes/sample)
- * 46-49: Offset of data from start of file (in bytes)
- * 50-53: Reserved for future expansion (markers)
- * 54-55: Padding
- * 56:offset -- additional text: field = value
- *
- * since this is all Windows/DOS oriented, I'll assume little-endian byte order.
- */
- static int read_diamondware_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- chans = hdrbuf[34];
- if (hdrbuf[31] == 0)
- {
- if (hdrbuf[35] == 8) sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- else sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- }
- else
- {
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s unknown sample type", filename));
- }
- srate = mus_char_to_ulshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 32));
- data_size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 38));
- data_location = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 46));
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (true_file_length < data_location)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- if (data_size > true_file_length - data_location)
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Ensoniq Paris -------------------------------------
- * _paf -> Ensoniq Paris? (this info from libaudiofile)
- * 0 paf (or fap)
- * 4 version (0)
- * 8 endianess (0 = big)
- * 12 rate (unsigned int)
- * 16 format (0: 16-bit linear, 24-bit linear)
- * 20 channels
- * 24 source (an encoded comment)
- * 2048 data (24 bit files are compressed)
- */
- static int read_paf_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- int form;
- bool little = false;
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- if (mus_char_to_bint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8))) little = true;
- if (little)
- {
- srate = mus_char_to_ulint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12));
- form = mus_char_to_ulint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- if (form == 0) sample_type = MUS_LSHORT;
- if (form == 2) sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- chans = mus_char_to_ulint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20));
- }
- else
- {
- srate = mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12));
- form = mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- if (form == 0) sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- if (form == 2) sample_type = MUS_BYTE;
- chans = mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 20));
- }
- data_location = 2048;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (true_file_length < data_location)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_location %lld > file length: %lld", filename, data_location, true_file_length));
- if (sample_type != MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE)
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, true_file_length - 2048);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Comdisco SPW -------------------------------------
- * info from AFsp libtsp/AF/nucleus/AFgetSWpar.c
- *
- * header is text as in NIST:
- *
- * $SIGNAL_FILE 9\n (12 chars)
- * <comment line(s)>
- * SPW Version = 3.10
- * System Type = <machine> (e.g. "sun4", "hp700")
- * Sampling Frequency = <Sfreq> (e.g. "8000")
- * Starting Time = 0
- * Number of points = <Nsamp> (e.g. "2000")
- * Signal Type = <type> ("Double", "Float", "Fixed-point", "Integer", "Logical")
- * Fixed Point Format = <16, 0, t> <16, 16, t> <8, 8, t> <8, 0, t> (optional)
- * Complex Format = Real_Imag (optional)
- * $DATA <data_type> ("ASCII", "BINARY")
- *
- * the fixed point <n, m, b> is decoded as n = number of bits total per sample, m = integer bits, b = t: signed, u: unsigned
- * if $DATA ASCII, data is ascii text as in IEEE text files.
- * There are other complications as well. We'll just hack up a stop-gap until someone complains.
- */
- static int read_comdisco_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- /* need to grab a line at a time, call strcmp over and over. This is very tedious. */
- char *line = NULL;
- int i, j, k, m, n, curend, offset, len, type, d_size = 0;
- bool happy = true, little, commenting;
- k = 15;
- line = (char *)calloc(256, sizeof(char));
- little = false;
- offset = 0;
- type = 0;
- srate = 0;
- commenting = false;
- while (happy)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- {
- if (k == curend)
- {
- offset += curend;
- if (read(fd, hdrbuf, HDRBUFSIZ) != HDRBUFSIZ)
- {
- free(line);
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s comdisco header truncated?", filename));
- }
- k = 0;
- curend = HDRBUFSIZ;
- }
- if (hdrbuf[k] == '\n')
- {
- k++;
- break;
- }
- line[i] = hdrbuf[k++];
- }
- line[i] = '\0';
- if ((strcmp(line, "$DATA BINARY") == 0) ||
- (strcmp(line, "$DATA ASCII") == 0))
- {
- happy = false;
- data_location = offset + k;
- }
- if (strcmp(line, "$USER_COMMENT") == 0)
- {
- comment_start = offset + k;
- commenting = true;
- }
- else
- {
- if (commenting)
- {
- if (line[0] == '$')
- {
- comment_end = offset + k - 2 - strlen(line);
- commenting = false;
- }
- }
- }
- if (line[0] != '$')
- {
- char portion[32];
- char value[32];
- len = strlen(line);
- for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- portion[j] = line[j];
- portion[8] ='\0';
- for (j = 8; j < len; j++)
- if (line[j] == '=')
- break;
- for (n = 0, m = j + 2; m < len; m++, n++)
- value[n] = line[m];
- value[n] ='\0';
- if (strcmp(portion, "Sampling") == 0) sscanf(value, "%12d", &srate); else
- if (strcmp(portion, "Number o") == 0) sscanf(value, "%12d", &d_size); else
- if (strcmp(portion, "Signal T") == 0) {if (value[1] == 'o') type = 2; else if (value[1] == 'l') type = 1;} else
- if (strcmp(portion, "Fixed Po") == 0) {if (value[1] == '8') type = 3;}
- }
- }
- /* now clean up this mess */
- if (data_location == 0) {free(line); return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: no $DATA BINARY field?", filename));}
- if (srate == 0) {free(line); return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: srate == 0", filename));}
- chans = 1;
- if (d_size != 0) data_size = (mus_long_t)d_size;
- switch (type)
- {
- case 0: if (little) sample_type = MUS_LSHORT; else sample_type = MUS_BSHORT; break;
- case 1: if (little) sample_type = MUS_LFLOAT; else sample_type = MUS_BFLOAT; break;
- case 2: if (little) sample_type = MUS_LDOUBLE; else sample_type = MUS_BDOUBLE; break;
- case 3: sample_type = MUS_BYTE; break;
- }
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (data_size > mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, true_file_length - data_location))
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, true_file_length - data_location);
- free(line);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ MS ASF -------------------------------------
- *
- * asf format is described at http://www.microsoft.com/asf/specs.htm
- * http://www.microsoft.com/asf/spec3/ASF0198ps.exe
- *
- * this header is completely insane
- */
- static int read_asf_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- /* a chunked sample type, so not really acceptable here or elsewhere -- needs to be unchunked */
- int len, ilen = 0, i, j, bits = 0;
- bool asf_huge = false, present;
- /* apparently "huge" has some meaning in Windoze C */
- len = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16)); /* actually 64 bits */
- i = (128+64) / 8;
- srate = 0;
- chans = 0;
- while (i < len)
- {
- seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, i, HDRBUFSIZ);
- if ((unsigned int)(hdrbuf[1]) == 0x29)
- switch (hdrbuf[0])
- {
- case 0xd0:
- asf_huge = (hdrbuf[((128+64+128+64+64+64+64+32)/8)] & 2);
- break;
- case 0xd4:
- present = ((hdrbuf[16+8+16+8+8+ 4+4+4+4+ 4+4] >> 3) & 0x3);
- if (present)
- j = 16+8+16+8+8+ 4+4+4+4+ 4+4+ 4+ (4+4+4) + 2;
- else j = 16+8+16+8+8+ 4+4+4+4+ 4+4+ 4+ 2;
- srate = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + j+11+36));
- bits = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + j+11+32));
- chans = mus_char_to_ulshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + j+65));
- original_sample_type = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + j+11));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- ilen = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- if (ilen <= 0) break;
- if ((chans > 0) && (srate > 0)) break;
- i += ilen;
- }
- i = len;
- seek_and_read(fd, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf, i, HDRBUFSIZ);
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- if (((unsigned int)(hdrbuf[1]) == 0x29) && ((unsigned int)(hdrbuf[0]) == 0xd2))
- {
- int a_huge = 2;
- ilen = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- if (asf_huge) a_huge = 4;
- data_location = i + 20 + a_huge + 2+4+3+1;
- if (bits == 0) bits = 8;
- sample_type = wave_to_sndlib_format(original_sample_type, bits, true);
- }
- else return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: unknown sample type", filename));
- data_size = ilen - data_location;
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- if (data_size > true_file_length)
- {
- data_size = true_file_length - data_location;
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- }
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Sox -------------------------------------
- * sox now has its own format (intended as an intermediate file)
- * 0: .SoX or .XoS
- * 4: header_bytes (int)
- * 8: num_samples (long long int)
- * 16: srate (double)
- * 24: chans (int)
- * 28: comment bytes (int)
- * 32: comment... [if any]
- * header_bytes: data (always 32-bit int in native format)
- */
- static int read_sox_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- int comment_len;
- mus_long_t samps;
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 0), I_dSoX))
- {
- sample_type = MUS_LINTN;
- samps = mus_char_to_llong((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- srate = (int)mus_char_to_ldouble((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- little_endian = true;
- }
- else
- { /* untested */
- sample_type = MUS_BINTN;
- samps = mus_char_to_blong((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8));
- srate = (int)mus_char_to_bdouble((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16));
- little_endian = false;
- }
- data_location = 4 + big_or_little_endian_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), little_endian);
- chans = big_or_little_endian_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 24), little_endian);
- comment_len = big_or_little_endian_int((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 28), little_endian);
- if (comment_len > 0)
- {
- comment_start = 32;
- comment_end = comment_start + comment_len;
- }
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- data_size = (true_file_length - data_location);
- if (data_size < 0) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: data_size = %lld?", filename, data_size));
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- if (samps < data_size) data_size = samps;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ Matlab 5 ------------------------------------- */
- /* info from the matlab site, Gary Scavone's site, and wotsit.org "Mat-File Format" in matlab.zip
- *
- * 128 byte header starting with "MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file"
- * 124: version (normally 0x100)
- * 126: endianess (the chars 'M' and 'I')
- * data chunked much like aiff -- 8 bytes: type | number-of-bytes, followed by data
- * 4 bytes type: 1: s8 2: u8 3: s16 4: u16 5: s32 6: u32
- * 7: IEEE 754 single 9: IEEE 754 double 12: s64 13: u64
- * 14: array (15 compressed?)
- * 4 bytes size: (not including the tag)
- * array types: 6: double 7:float
- *
- * I'll assume a sound file is stored as a matlab array
- * and each separate array is a channel (non-interleaved, so if chans>1 we have to pre-translate it).
- *
- */
- static int read_matlab_5_header(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- int i, type, loc, size;
- /* bool swapped = false; */
- comment_start = 0;
- comment_end = 124;
- for (i = 1; i < 124; i++)
- if (hdrbuf[i] == 0)
- {
- comment_end = i;
- break;
- }
- /* if (mus_char_to_lshort((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 126)) == 0x494d) swapped = true; */
- /* byte swapping not handled yet */
- type = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 128));
- if (type != 14)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: unknown Matlab sample type (%d)", filename, type));
- /* chunksize = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 132)); */
- /* now grovel through the array header */
- /* assume the "flags" are not interesting */
- /* assume "dimensions" = number of samples, but we'll pick that up from the data size */
- /* do we care about the original variable name? */
- /* should we try to handle multiple signals in a file? as separate channels? */
- loc = 136 + 32 + 8;
- size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 172)); /* var name len -- need to round up to multiple of 8 */
- i = size % 8;
- if (i == 0)
- loc += size;
- else loc += size + 8 - i;
- type = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + loc));
- if (type == 9)
- sample_type = MUS_LDOUBLE;
- else sample_type = MUS_LFLOAT;
- data_size = mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + loc + 4));
- chans = 1;
- srate = 44100; /* a plausible guess */
- true_file_length = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ no header ------------------------------------- */
- static int raw_header_srate = 44100;
- static int raw_header_chans = 2;
- static mus_sample_t raw_header_sample_type = MUS_BSHORT;
- static int read_no_header(int fd)
- {
- srate = raw_header_srate;
- chans = raw_header_chans;
- sample_type = raw_header_sample_type;
- data_location = 0;
- data_size = SEEK_FILE_LENGTH(fd);
- true_file_length = data_size;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(sample_type, data_size);
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- void mus_header_set_raw_defaults(int sr, int chn, mus_sample_t samp_type)
- {
- if (sr > 0) raw_header_srate = sr;
- if (chn > 0) raw_header_chans = chn;
- if (mus_is_sample_type(samp_type)) raw_header_sample_type = samp_type;
- }
- void mus_header_raw_defaults(int *sr, int *chn, mus_sample_t *samp_type)
- {
- (*sr) = raw_header_srate;
- (*chn) = raw_header_chans;
- (*samp_type) = raw_header_sample_type;
- }
- /* ------------------------------------ all together now ------------------------------------ */
- static int mus_header_read_1(const char *filename, int fd)
- {
- static const unsigned char I_HCOM[4] = {'H','C','O','M'};
- static const unsigned char I_FSSD[4] = {'F','S','S','D'};
- static const unsigned char I_8SVX[4] = {'8','S','V','X'};
- static const unsigned char I_16SV[4] = {'1','6','S','V'};
- static const unsigned char I_VOC1[4] = {'t','i','v','e'};
- static const unsigned char I_Soun[4] = {'S','o','u','n'};
- static const unsigned char I_MAUD[4] = {'M','A','U','D'};
- static const unsigned char I_mdat[4] = {'m','d','a','t'}; /* quicktime */
- static const unsigned char I_sfbk[4] = {'s','f','b','k'}; /* SoundFont 2.0 */
- static const unsigned char I_ATCH[4] = {'A','T','C','H'};
- static const unsigned char I_NAL_[4] = {'N','A','L','_'};
- static const unsigned char I__WAV[4] = {' ','S','A','M'};
- static const unsigned char I_ondW[4] = {'o','n','d','W'};
- static const unsigned char I_SDXc[4] = {'S','D','X',':'}; /* Sample dump exchange format */
- static const unsigned char I_AVI_[4] = {'A','V','I',' '}; /* RIFF AVI */
- static const unsigned char I_ones[4] = {(unsigned char)'\377',(unsigned char)'\377',(unsigned char)'\377',(unsigned char)'\377'};
- static const unsigned char I_zeros[4] = {'\0','\0','\0','\0'};
- static const unsigned char I_asf0[4] = {(unsigned char)'\321','\051',(unsigned char)'\342',(unsigned char)'\326'};
- static const unsigned char I_asf1[4] = {(unsigned char)'\332','\065',(unsigned char)'\321','\021'};
- static const unsigned char I_asf2[4] = {(unsigned char)'\220','\064','\000',(unsigned char)'\240'};
- static const unsigned char I_asf3[4] = {(unsigned char)'\311','\003','\111',(unsigned char)'\276'};
- static const unsigned char I_DS16[4] = {'D','S','1','6'}; /* CSL */
- static const unsigned char I__sam[4] = {'=','s','a','m'};
- static const unsigned char I_OggS[4] = {'O','g','g','S'}; /* Ogg-related files, apparently -- ogg123 has "vorbis" instead of "Speex" */
- static const unsigned char I_fLaC[4] = {'f','L','a','C'}; /* FLAC */
- static const unsigned char I_TTA1[4] = {'T','T','A','1'}; /* ttaenc */
- static const unsigned char I_wvpk[4] = {'w','v','p','k'}; /* wavpack */
- static const unsigned char I_MATL[4] = {'M','A','T','L'}; /* matlab 5.0 */
- static const unsigned char I_AB_5[4] = {'A','B',' ','5'};
- #define NINRS 7
- static const unsigned int I_INRS[NINRS] = {0xcb460020, 0xd0465555, 0xfa460000, 0x1c470040, 0x3b470080, 0x7a470000, 0x9c470040};
- static int inrs_srates[NINRS] = {6500, 6667, 8000, 10000, 12000, 16000, 20000};
- /* returns 0 on success (at least to the extent that we can report the header type), -1 for error */
- int i, loc = 0;
- long long int bytes;
- header_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_HEADER;
- sample_type = MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE;
- comment_start = 0;
- comment_end = 0;
- data_size = 0;
- data_location = 0;
- if (loop_modes)
- {
- loop_modes[0] = 0;
- loop_modes[1] = 0;
- }
- bytes = (long long int)read(fd, hdrbuf, INITIAL_READ_SIZE);
- /* if it's a 0 length file we need to get out */
- if (bytes < 0)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: %s", filename, (errno) ? STRERROR(errno) : "bytes read < 0?"));
- if (bytes == 0)
- {
- header_type = MUS_RAW;
- srate = raw_header_srate;
- chans = raw_header_chans;
- sample_type = raw_header_sample_type;
- data_location = 0;
- true_file_length = 0;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- if (bytes < 4)
- {
- header_type = MUS_RAW;
- return(read_no_header(fd));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_DSND)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_DECN)))
- {
- if (bytes < 24)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s NeXT header truncated? found only %lld bytes", filename, bytes));
- header_type = MUS_NEXT;
- return(read_next_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_FORM))
- {
- /* next 4 bytes are apparently the file size or something equally useless */
- if (bytes < 12)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s AIFF header truncated? found only %lld bytes", filename, bytes));
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_AIFF))
- {
- header_type = MUS_AIFF;
- return(read_aiff_header(filename, fd, 0));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_AIFC))
- {
- header_type = MUS_AIFC;
- return(read_aiff_header(filename, fd, 0));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_8SVX))
- {
- header_type = MUS_SVX;
- return(read_8svx_header(filename, fd, true));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_16SV))
- {
- header_type = MUS_SVX;
- return(read_8svx_header(filename, fd, false));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_MAUD))
- {
- header_type = MUS_MAUD;
- return(read_maud_header(filename, fd));
- }
- /* apparently SAMP here -> sampled audio data (?) */
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), I_DS16))
- {
- header_type = MUS_CSL;
- return(read_csl_header(filename, fd));
- }
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: unrecognized \"FORM\" (i.e. AIFF) header", filename));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_RIFF)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_RIFX)))
- {
- if (bytes < 12)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s RIFF header truncated? found only %lld bytes", filename, bytes));
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_WAVE))
- {
- header_type = MUS_RIFF;
- return(read_riff_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_sfbk))
- {
- header_type = MUS_SOUNDFONT;
- return(read_soundfont_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_AVI_))
- {
- header_type = MUS_AVI;
- return(read_avi_header(filename, fd));
- }
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: unrecognized \"RIFF\" (i.e. 'wave') header", filename));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_RF64))
- {
- header_type = MUS_RF64;
- if (bytes < 28)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s RF64 header truncated? found only %lld bytes", filename, bytes));
- if ((mus_char_to_lint((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4)) != -1) ||
- (!(match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_WAVE))))
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s: messed up RF64 header", filename));
- return(read_rf64_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((equal_big_or_little_endian((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_IRCAM_VAX)) ||
- (equal_big_or_little_endian((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_IRCAM_SUN)) ||
- (equal_big_or_little_endian((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_IRCAM_MIPS)) ||
- (equal_big_or_little_endian((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_IRCAM_NEXT)))
- {
- if (bytes < 24)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s IRCAM header truncated? found only %lld bytes", filename, bytes));
- header_type = MUS_IRCAM;
- return(read_ircam_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_NIST))
- {
- header_type = MUS_NIST;
- return(read_nist_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_caff))
- {
- if (bytes < 32) /* INITIAL_READ_SIZE */
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s CAFF header truncated? found only %lld bytes", filename, bytes));
- header_type = MUS_CAFF;
- return(read_caff_header(fd));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_MATL)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), I_AB_5)))
- {
- if (bytes < 128) /* INITIAL_READ_SIZE=256 */
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s Matlab header truncated? found only %lld bytes", filename, bytes));
- header_type = MUS_MATLAB;
- return(read_matlab_5_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SOUN))
- {
- static const unsigned char I_D_SA[4] = {'D',' ','S','A'};
- static const unsigned char I_MPLE[4] = {'M','P','L','E'};
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), I_D_SA)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_MPLE)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_SMP;
- return(read_smp_header(filename, fd));
- }
- else
- {
- header_type = MUS_SNDT;
- return(read_sndt_header(filename, fd));
- }
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_dSoX)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_XoSd)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_SOX;
- return(read_sox_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_VOC0)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), I_VOC1)))
- {
- if (bytes < 24)
- return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_READ_FAILED, "%s VOC header truncated? found only %lld bytes", filename, bytes));
- header_type = MUS_VOC;
- return(read_voc_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_AVR_))
- {
- header_type = MUS_AVR;
- return(read_avr_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)hdrbuf) == 1336)
- {
- header_type = MUS_SD1;
- return(read_sd1_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_ALaw)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), I_Soun)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_PSION;
- return(read_psion_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_GF1P)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), I_ATCH)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_GRAVIS;
- return(read_gravis_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_DSIG)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), I_NAL_)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_COMDISCO;
- return(read_comdisco_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_GOLD)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), I__WAV)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_GOLDWAVE;
- return(read_goldwave_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_Diam)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), I_ondW)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_DIAMONDWARE;
- return(read_diamondware_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SRFS))
- {
- header_type = MUS_SRFS;
- return(read_srfs_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_CSRE))
- {
- header_type = MUS_ADF;
- return(read_adf_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_fLaC))
- {
- header_type = MUS_FLAC;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_ajkg))
- {
- header_type = MUS_SHORTEN;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_TTA1))
- {
- header_type = MUS_TTA;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_wvpk))
- {
- header_type = MUS_WAVPACK;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_OggS))
- {
- if ((hdrbuf[29] == 'v') && (hdrbuf[30] == 'o') && (hdrbuf[31] == 'r'))
- header_type = MUS_OGG;
- else
- {
- if ((hdrbuf[28] == 'S') && (hdrbuf[29] == 'p') && (hdrbuf[30] == 'e'))
- header_type = MUS_SPEEX;
- }
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_file)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), I__sam)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_FILE_SAMP;
- return(read_file_samp_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((hdrbuf[0] == 0xf0) && (hdrbuf[1] == 0x7e) && (hdrbuf[3] == 0x01))
- {
- header_type = MUS_MIDI_SAMPLE_DUMP;
- chans = 1;
- srate = (int)(1.0e9 / (float)((hdrbuf[7] + (hdrbuf[8] << 7) + (hdrbuf[9] << 14))));
- data_size = (hdrbuf[10] + (hdrbuf[11] << 7) + (hdrbuf[12] << 14));
- /* since this file type has embedded blocks, we have to translate it elsewhere */
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- if (mus_char_to_ubint((unsigned char *)hdrbuf) == 0xAAAAAAAA)
- {
- header_type = MUS_MUS10;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SPIB)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_S___)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_IEEE;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_riff))
- {
- header_type = MUS_SOUNDFORGE;
- return(read_soundforge_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_PVF1)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_PVF2)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_PVF;
- return(read_pvf_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_MThd))
- {
- header_type = MUS_MIDI;
- return(MUS_ERROR);
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SND_))
- {
- header_type = MUS_SBSTUDIOII;
- return(read_sbstudio_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_FSMt))
- {
- header_type = MUS_FARANDOLE;
- return(read_farandole_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SDXc))
- {
- header_type = MUS_SAMPLE_DUMP;
- return(read_sample_dump_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_DDSF))
- {
- header_type = MUS_DELUSION;
- return(read_delusion_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_LM89))
- {
- header_type = MUS_YAMAHA_TX16W;
- return(read_tx16w_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SY85))
- {
- header_type = MUS_YAMAHA_SY85;
- return(read_sy85_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SY80))
- {
- header_type = MUS_YAMAHA_SY99;
- return(read_sy85_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_PRAM))
- {
- header_type = MUS_KURZWEIL_2000;
- return(read_kurzweil_2000_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SMP1))
- {
- header_type = MUS_KORG;
- return(read_korg_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_Maui))
- {
- header_type = MUS_MAUI;
- return(read_maui_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_IMPS))
- {
- header_type = MUS_IMPULSETRACKER;
- return(read_impulsetracker_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 35), I_UWFD))
- {
- header_type = MUS_ULTRATRACKER;
- return(read_ultratracker_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 76), I_SCRS))
- {
- header_type = MUS_DIGIPLAYER;
- return(read_digiplayer_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_covox))
- {
- header_type = MUS_COVOX;
- return(read_covox_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I__PAF)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_FAP_)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_PAF;
- return(read_paf_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SDIF))
- {
- header_type = MUS_SDIF;
- return(read_sdif_header(filename, fd));
- }
- #if G7XX
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_NVF_))
- {
- header_type = MUS_NVF;
- return(read_nvf_header(filename, fd));
- }
- #endif
- if (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_TWIN))
- {
- header_type = MUS_TWINVQ;
- return(read_twinvq_header(filename, fd));
- }
- /* ESPS is either 0x00006a1a or 0x1a6a0000 at byte 16 */
- if (equal_big_or_little_endian((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16), 0x00006a1a))
- {
- header_type = MUS_ESPS;
- return(read_esps_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((hdrbuf[252] == 64) && (hdrbuf[253] == 195)) /* #o100 and #o303 */
- {
- header_type = MUS_SPPACK;
- return(read_sppack_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 65), I_FSSD)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 128), I_HCOM)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_HCOM;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- if (mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)hdrbuf) == 0x01000800)
- #else
- if (mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned char *)hdrbuf) == 0x00080001)
- #endif
- {
- header_type = MUS_ADC;
- return(read_adc_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_ones)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12), I_FORM)))
- {
- /* possibly an OMF file with an embedded AIFF data file -- this is just a guess... */
- header_type = MUS_OMF;
- return(read_aiff_header(filename, fd, 12));
- /* another (apparently) along these lines is TOC */
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_zeros)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), I_mdat)))
- {
- /* possibly quicktime?? */
- header_type = MUS_QUICKTIME;
- return(read_qt_header(filename, fd));
- }
- if ((hdrbuf[0] == 1) && (hdrbuf[1] == 4)) /* name follows --check? */
- {
- header_type = MUS_AKAI4;
- return(read_akai4_header(filename, fd));
- }
- #if 0
- if ((hdrbuf[0] == 3) && (hdrbuf[16] == 128))
- {
- header_type = MUS_AKAI4;
- return(read_akai3_header(filename, fd));
- }
- #endif
- for (i = 0; i < NINRS; i++)
- {
- if (equal_big_or_little_endian((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_INRS[i]))
- {
- loc = inrs_srates[i];
- header_type = MUS_INRS;
- return(read_inrs_header(filename, fd, loc));
- }
- }
- if ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_asf0)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), I_asf1)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), I_asf2)) &&
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 12), I_asf3)))
- {
- header_type = MUS_ASF;
- return(read_asf_header(filename, fd));
- }
- /* SMS files start with 767 (4-byte int, apparently in native order) */
- /* try to catch mpeg... */
- {
- int len;
- len = strlen(filename);
- if (len > 4)
- {
- if (strcmp((const char *)(filename + len - 4), ".mp3") == 0)
- {
- header_type = MUS_MPEG;
- return(MUS_NO_ERROR);
- }
- }
- }
- header_type = MUS_RAW;
- return(read_no_header(fd));
- }
- static int local_error_type = MUS_NO_ERROR;
- static char *local_error_msg = NULL;
- static mus_error_handler_t *old_error_handler;
- static void local_mus_error(int type, char *msg)
- {
- local_error_type = type;
- if (local_error_msg)
- free(local_error_msg);
- if (msg)
- local_error_msg = mus_strdup(msg);
- else local_error_msg = NULL;
- }
- int mus_header_read(const char *name)
- {
- int fd, err = 0;
- fd = mus_file_open_read(name);
- if (fd == -1)
- return(mus_error(MUS_CANT_OPEN_FILE, "can't open %s: %s", name, STRERROR(errno)));
- old_error_handler = mus_error_set_handler(local_mus_error);
- err = mus_header_read_1(name, fd);
- CLOSE(fd, name);
- mus_error_set_handler(old_error_handler);
- if (err != MUS_NO_ERROR)
- return(mus_error(local_error_type, "%s", local_error_msg)); /* pass error info on up the chain now that we've cleaned up the open file descriptor */
- return(err);
- }
- static mus_header_write_hook_t *mus_header_write_hook = NULL;
- mus_header_write_hook_t *mus_header_write_set_hook(mus_header_write_hook_t *new_hook)
- {
- mus_header_write_hook_t *old_hook;
- old_hook = mus_header_write_hook;
- mus_header_write_hook = new_hook;
- return(old_hook);
- }
- int mus_header_write(const char *name, mus_header_t type, int in_srate, int in_chans, mus_long_t loc,
- mus_long_t size_in_samples, mus_sample_t samp_type, const char *comment, int len)
- {
- /* the "loc" arg is a mistake -- just always set it to 0 */
- int fd, err = MUS_NO_ERROR;
- mus_long_t siz;
- fd = mus_file_create(name);
- if (fd == -1)
- return(mus_error(MUS_CANT_OPEN_FILE, "can't write %s: %s", name, STRERROR(errno)));
- if (mus_header_write_hook)
- (*mus_header_write_hook)(name);
- siz = mus_samples_to_bytes(samp_type, size_in_samples);
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_RAW: case MUS_IRCAM: case MUS_NEXT: case MUS_RIFF: case MUS_RF64: case MUS_CAFF:
- break;
- default:
- {
- err = MUS_BAD_SIZE;
- }
- break;
- }
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_NEXT: err = mus_header_write_next_header(fd, in_srate, in_chans, loc, siz, samp_type, comment, len); break;
- case MUS_AIFC: err = write_aif_header(fd, in_srate, in_chans, siz, samp_type, comment, len, true); break;
- case MUS_AIFF: err = write_aif_header(fd, in_srate, in_chans, siz, samp_type, comment, len, false); break;
- case MUS_RF64: err = write_rf64_header(fd, in_srate, in_chans, siz, samp_type, comment, len); break;
- case MUS_CAFF: err = write_caff_header(fd, in_srate, in_chans, siz, samp_type); break;
- case MUS_IRCAM: err = write_ircam_header(fd, in_srate, in_chans, samp_type, comment, len); break;
- case MUS_NIST: err = write_nist_header(fd, in_srate, in_chans, siz, samp_type); break;
- case MUS_RIFF:
- err = write_riff_header(fd, in_srate, in_chans, siz, samp_type, comment, len);
- if (err != MUS_NO_ERROR)
- {
- CLOSE(fd, name);
- return(mus_error(err, "can't write %s header for %s (fd: %d, sample type: %s, srate: %d, chans: %d)",
- mus_header_type_name(type),
- name, fd,
- mus_sample_type_short_name(samp_type),
- in_srate, in_chans));
- }
- break;
- case MUS_RAW:
- data_location = 0;
- data_size = mus_bytes_to_samples(samp_type, siz);
- srate = in_srate;
- chans = in_chans;
- header_type = MUS_RAW;
- sample_type = samp_type;
- break;
- default:
- CLOSE(fd, name);
- return(mus_error(MUS_UNSUPPORTED_HEADER_TYPE, "can't write %s header for %s", mus_header_type_name(type), name));
- break;
- }
- CLOSE(fd, name);
- return(err);
- }
- int mus_write_header(const char *name, mus_header_t type, int in_srate, int in_chans, mus_long_t size_in_samples, mus_sample_t samp_type, const char *comment)
- {
- int len = 0;
- if (comment)
- len = strlen(comment);
- return(mus_header_write(name, type, in_srate, in_chans, 0, size_in_samples, samp_type, comment, len));
- }
- int mus_header_change_data_size(const char *filename, mus_header_t type, mus_long_t size) /* in bytes */
- {
- /* the read header at sample update (sound-close) time could be avoided if the
- * ssnd_location (etc) were saved and passed in -- perhaps an added optimized
- * header change data size? Means saving the relevant data, and exporting it
- * from headers.c. Can we guarantee consistency here?
- */
- int fd, err = MUS_NO_ERROR;
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_AIFF:
- case MUS_AIFC:
- case MUS_NIST:
- case MUS_RIFF:
- case MUS_RF64:
- err = mus_header_read(filename);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (err == MUS_ERROR) return(err);
- fd = mus_file_reopen_write(filename);
- if (fd == -1) return(mus_error(MUS_HEADER_WRITE_FAILED, "%s: %s", filename, STRERROR(errno)));
- if (size < 0)
- {
- CLOSE(fd, filename);
- return(mus_error(MUS_BAD_SIZE, "%s: change size to %lld?", filename, size));
- }
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_NEXT:
- if (size > (mus_long_t)(BIGGEST_4_BYTE_UNSIGNED_INT))
- {
- err = MUS_BAD_SIZE;
- }
- lseek(fd, 8L, SEEK_SET);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 0), (unsigned int)size);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- break;
- case MUS_AIFC:
- case MUS_AIFF:
- /* we apparently have to make sure the form size and the data size are correct
- * assumed here that we'll only be updating our own AIFF files
- * There are 3 such locations -- the second word of the file which is the overall form size,
- * the framples variable in the COMM chunk, and the chunk-size variable in the SSND chunk
- * an unexpected hassle for CLM is that we can open/close the output file many times if running mix,
- * so we have to update the various size fields taking into account the old size
- */
- /* read sets current update_form_size, data_size, sample_type, update_framples_location, update_ssnd_location */
- {
- err = MUS_BAD_SIZE;
- mus_print("%s size: %lld is too large for %s headers", filename, size, mus_header_type_name(type));
- }
- lseek(fd, 4L, SEEK_SET);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, (int)size + update_form_size - mus_samples_to_bytes(sample_type, data_size));
- /* cancel old data_size from previous possible write */
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- lseek(fd, update_framples_location, SEEK_SET);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, (int)size / (chans * mus_bytes_per_sample(sample_type)));
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- lseek(fd, update_ssnd_location, SEEK_SET);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, (int)size + 8);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- break;
- case MUS_RIFF:
- /* read sets current update_form_size, sample_type, data_size, update_ssnd_location */
- {
- CLOSE(fd, filename);
- return(mus_header_convert_riff_to_rf64(filename, size));
- }
- lseek(fd, 4L, SEEK_SET);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, (int)size + update_form_size - mus_samples_to_bytes(sample_type, data_size));
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- lseek(fd, update_ssnd_location, SEEK_SET);
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, (int)size);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- break;
- case MUS_RF64:
- /* read sets current update_form_size, sample_type, data_size, update_ssnd_location, update_rf64_location */
- /* assume here that this really is an rf64 file (i.e. -1 for form size and data chunk size */
- lseek(fd, update_rf64_location, SEEK_SET);
- mus_llong_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, data_location + size - 8); /* 25-June-07 */
- mus_llong_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 8), size);
- mus_llong_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16), size);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 24);
- break;
- case MUS_IRCAM:
- case MUS_RAW:
- /* size is implicit in file size */
- break;
- case MUS_NIST:
- /* read sets current srate, chans, sample_type */
- {
- err = MUS_BAD_SIZE;
- mus_print("%s size: %lld is too large for %s headers", filename, size, mus_header_type_name(type));
- }
- lseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET);
- write_nist_header(fd, mus_header_srate(), mus_header_chans(), size, mus_header_sample_type());
- break;
- case MUS_CAFF:
- if (update_framples_location < 56) update_framples_location = 56;
- lseek(fd, update_framples_location, SEEK_SET);
- mus_blong_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 0), size);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 8);
- break;
- default:
- CLOSE(fd, filename);
- return(mus_error(MUS_UNSUPPORTED_HEADER_TYPE, "mus_header_change_data_size: can't update %s headers", mus_header_type_name(type)));
- break;
- }
- CLOSE(fd, filename);
- return(err);
- }
- int mus_header_change_chans(const char *filename, mus_header_t type, int new_chans)
- {
- int err = MUS_NO_ERROR, fd;
- mus_long_t new_framples;
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_AIFF:
- case MUS_AIFC:
- case MUS_NIST:
- case MUS_RIFF:
- case MUS_RF64:
- err = mus_header_read(filename);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (err == MUS_ERROR) return(err);
- fd = mus_file_reopen_write(filename);
- if (fd == -1)
- return(mus_error(MUS_CANT_OPEN_FILE, "mus_header_change_chans for %s failed: %s", filename, STRERROR(errno)));
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_NEXT:
- lseek(fd, 20L, SEEK_SET);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, new_chans);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- break;
- case MUS_IRCAM:
- lseek(fd, 8L, SEEK_SET);
- if (little_endian)
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, new_chans);
- else mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, new_chans);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- break;
- case MUS_NIST:
- lseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET);
- write_nist_header(fd, srate, new_chans, mus_bytes_per_sample(sample_type) * data_size, sample_type);
- /* header size is always 1024, so this is safe */
- break;
- case MUS_AIFF: case MUS_AIFC:
- lseek(fd, update_framples_location - 2, SEEK_SET);
- new_framples = data_size / new_chans;
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, new_chans);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 2), new_framples);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 6);
- break;
- case MUS_RIFF:
- case MUS_RF64:
- lseek(fd, update_framples_location - 2, SEEK_SET);
- if (little_endian)
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, new_chans);
- else mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, new_chans);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 2);
- break;
- case MUS_CAFF:
- lseek(fd, 44L, SEEK_SET);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, new_chans);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- /* we should probably also change bytes_per_packet at 36, but... */
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- CLOSE(fd, filename);
- return(err);
- }
- int mus_header_change_srate(const char *filename, mus_header_t type, int new_srate)
- {
- int err = MUS_NO_ERROR, fd;
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_AIFF:
- case MUS_AIFC:
- case MUS_NIST:
- case MUS_RIFF:
- case MUS_RF64:
- err = mus_header_read(filename);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (err == MUS_ERROR) return(err);
- fd = mus_file_reopen_write(filename);
- if (fd == -1)
- return(mus_error(MUS_CANT_OPEN_FILE, "mus_header_change_srate for %s failed: %s", filename, STRERROR(errno)));
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_NEXT:
- lseek(fd, 16L, SEEK_SET);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, new_srate);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- break;
- case MUS_IRCAM:
- lseek(fd, 4L, SEEK_SET);
- if (little_endian)
- mus_lfloat_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, (float)new_srate);
- else mus_bfloat_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, (float)new_srate);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- break;
- case MUS_NIST:
- lseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET);
- write_nist_header(fd, new_srate, chans, mus_bytes_per_sample(sample_type) * data_size, sample_type);
- break;
- case MUS_AIFF:
- case MUS_AIFC:
- lseek(fd, update_framples_location + 6, SEEK_SET);
- double_to_ieee_80((double)new_srate, (unsigned char *)hdrbuf);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 10);
- break;
- case MUS_RIFF:
- case MUS_RF64:
- lseek(fd, update_framples_location, SEEK_SET);
- if (little_endian)
- mus_lint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, new_srate);
- else mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, new_srate);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- break;
- case MUS_CAFF:
- lseek(fd, 20, SEEK_SET);
- mus_bdouble_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, (double)new_srate);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 8);
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- CLOSE(fd, filename);
- return(err);
- }
- int mus_header_change_type(const char *filename, mus_header_t new_type, mus_sample_t new_format)
- {
- int err;
- /* open temp, write header, copy data, replace original with temp */
- err = mus_header_read(filename);
- if (err == MUS_NO_ERROR)
- {
- if (header_type != new_type)
- {
- int ofd, ifd, len;
- long long int nbytes;
- mus_long_t loc;
- unsigned char *buf = NULL;
- char *new_file, *comment = NULL;
- if ((header_type == MUS_RIFF) &&
- (new_type == MUS_RF64))
- return(mus_header_convert_riff_to_rf64(filename, data_size));
- len = strlen(filename) + 5;
- new_file = (char *)malloc(len * sizeof(char));
- snprintf(new_file, len, "%s.tmp", filename);
- loc = mus_header_data_location();
- if (new_type != MUS_RAW)
- {
- if (comment_end > comment_start)
- {
- mus_long_t clen;
- clen = comment_end - comment_start + 1;
- comment = (char *)calloc(clen + 1, sizeof(char));
- ifd = mus_file_open_read(filename);
- lseek(ifd, comment_start, SEEK_SET);
- header_read(ifd, (unsigned char *)comment, clen);
- CLOSE(ifd, filename);
- }
- data_size = data_size * mus_bytes_per_sample(sample_type) / mus_bytes_per_sample(new_format);
- mus_write_header(new_file, new_type, srate, chans, data_size, new_format, comment);
- }
- else mus_file_create(new_file);
- ifd = mus_file_open_read(filename);
- lseek(ifd, loc, SEEK_SET);
- ofd = mus_file_reopen_write(new_file);
- lseek(ofd, 0L, SEEK_END);
- buf = (unsigned char *)calloc(8192, sizeof(unsigned char));
- while ((nbytes = read(ifd, buf, 8192))) header_write(ofd, buf, (int)nbytes);
- CLOSE(ifd, filename);
- CLOSE(ofd, new_file);
- free(buf);
- if (comment) free(comment);
- rename(new_file, filename);
- free(new_file);
- }
- }
- return(err);
- }
- int mus_header_change_sample_type(const char *filename, mus_header_t type, mus_sample_t new_format)
- {
- int err = MUS_NO_ERROR, fd, fr;
- mus_long_t old_bytes;
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_AIFF:
- case MUS_AIFC:
- case MUS_NIST:
- case MUS_RIFF:
- case MUS_RF64:
- err = mus_header_read(filename);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (err == MUS_ERROR) return(err);
- fd = mus_file_reopen_write(filename);
- if (fd == -1)
- return(mus_error(MUS_CANT_OPEN_FILE, "mus_header_change_sample_type for %s failed: %s", filename, STRERROR(errno)));
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_NEXT:
- lseek(fd, 12L, SEEK_SET);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, sndlib_format_to_next(new_format));
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- break;
- case MUS_IRCAM:
- lseek(fd, 12L, SEEK_SET);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, sndlib_format_to_ircam(new_format));
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- break;
- case MUS_NIST:
- lseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET);
- write_nist_header(fd, srate, chans, mus_bytes_per_sample(sample_type) * data_size, new_format);
- break;
- case MUS_AIFF:
- case MUS_AIFC:
- old_bytes = data_size * mus_bytes_per_sample(sample_type);
- lseek(fd, update_framples_location, SEEK_SET);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, old_bytes / (chans * mus_bytes_per_sample(new_format)));
- mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4), sndlib_format_to_aiff_bits(new_format));
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 6);
- if (header_type == MUS_AIFC)
- {
- const char *str;
- str = sndlib_format_to_aifc_name(new_format);
- lseek(fd, update_framples_location + 16, SEEK_SET);
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 0), (const unsigned char *)str);
- (*(unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 4)) = 4; /* final pad null not accounted-for */
- write_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 5), (const unsigned char *)str);
- (*(unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 9)) = 0;
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 10);
- }
- break;
- case MUS_RIFF:
- case MUS_RF64:
- lseek(fd, update_framples_location + 24, SEEK_SET);
- if (little_endian)
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, sndlib_format_to_aiff_bits(new_format));
- else mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, sndlib_format_to_aiff_bits(new_format));
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 2);
- lseek(fd, update_framples_location + 10, SEEK_SET);
- switch (new_format)
- {
- case MUS_MULAW:
- fr = 7;
- break;
- case MUS_ALAW:
- fr = 6;
- break;
- case MUS_UBYTE:
- case MUS_LSHORT: case MUS_L24INT: case MUS_LINT:
- case MUS_BSHORT: case MUS_B24INT: case MUS_BINT:
- fr = 1;
- break;
- fr = 3;
- break;
- default: fr = 0; break;
- }
- if (little_endian)
- mus_lshort_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, fr);
- else mus_bshort_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, fr);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 2);
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- CLOSE(fd, filename);
- return(err);
- }
- int mus_header_change_location(const char *filename, mus_header_t type, mus_long_t new_location)
- {
- /* only Next/Sun changeable in this regard */
- int err = MUS_NO_ERROR, fd;
- fd = mus_file_reopen_write(filename);
- if (fd == -1)
- return(mus_error(MUS_CANT_OPEN_FILE, "mus_header_change_location for %s failed: %s", filename, STRERROR(errno)));
- if (type == MUS_NEXT)
- {
- lseek(fd, 4L, SEEK_SET);
- mus_bint_to_char((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, new_location);
- header_write(fd, hdrbuf, 4);
- }
- CLOSE(fd, filename);
- return(err);
- }
- int mus_header_change_comment(const char *filename, mus_header_t type, const char *new_comment)
- {
- int err;
- err = mus_header_read(filename);
- if (err == MUS_NO_ERROR)
- {
- int fd;
- bool need_ripple = false;
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_IRCAM:
- {
- int len = 0;
- fd = mus_file_reopen_write(filename);
- lseek(fd, 16L, SEEK_SET);
- if (new_comment) len = strlen(new_comment);
- write_ircam_comment(fd, new_comment, len);
- CLOSE(fd, filename);
- }
- break;
- case MUS_NEXT:
- fd = mus_file_reopen_write(filename);
- lseek(fd, 24L, SEEK_SET);
- if (new_comment == NULL)
- write_next_comment(fd, new_comment, 0, data_location); /* erase old possibly */
- else
- {
- if ((comment_start != comment_end) &&
- ((int)(data_location - 24) >= (int)strlen(new_comment)))
- write_next_comment(fd, new_comment, strlen(new_comment), data_location); /* there's room to overwrite old comment */
- else need_ripple = true;
- }
- CLOSE(fd, filename);
- break;
- default:
- need_ripple = true;
- break;
- }
- if (need_ripple)
- {
- /* open temp, write header, copy data, replace original with temp */
- char *new_file;
- int ofd, ifd, len;
- mus_long_t loc;
- long long int nbytes;
- unsigned char *buf = NULL;
- len = strlen(filename) + 5;
- new_file = (char *)malloc(len * sizeof(char));
- snprintf(new_file, len, "%s.tmp", filename);
- loc = mus_header_data_location();
- mus_write_header(new_file, header_type, srate, chans, data_size, sample_type, new_comment);
- ifd = mus_file_open_read(filename);
- lseek(ifd, loc, SEEK_SET);
- ofd = mus_file_reopen_write(new_file);
- lseek(ofd, 0L, SEEK_END);
- buf = (unsigned char *)calloc(8192, sizeof(unsigned char));
- while ((nbytes = read(ifd, buf, 8192))) header_write(ofd, buf, (int)nbytes);
- CLOSE(ifd, filename);
- CLOSE(ofd, new_file);
- free(buf);
- rename(new_file, filename);
- free(new_file);
- }
- }
- return(err);
- }
- bool mus_header_writable(mus_header_t type, mus_sample_t samp_type) /* MUS_IGNORE_SAMPLE to ignore sample type for this call */
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_NEXT:
- if (samp_type == MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE) return(false);
- return(true);
- break;
- case MUS_NIST:
- if (samp_type == MUS_IGNORE_SAMPLE) return(true);
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_BYTE: case MUS_BSHORT: case MUS_B24INT: case MUS_BINT:
- case MUS_LSHORT: case MUS_L24INT: case MUS_LINT:
- return(true); break;
- default:
- return(false); break;
- }
- break;
- case MUS_AIFC:
- if (samp_type == MUS_IGNORE_SAMPLE) return(true);
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_BSHORT: case MUS_B24INT: case MUS_BINT:
- case MUS_BYTE: case MUS_MULAW: case MUS_ALAW:
- case MUS_LSHORT: case MUS_L24INT: case MUS_LINT:
- return(true);
- break;
- default:
- return(false);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case MUS_AIFF:
- if (samp_type == MUS_IGNORE_SAMPLE) return(true);
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_BSHORT: case MUS_B24INT: case MUS_BINT: case MUS_BYTE:
- return(true);
- break;
- default:
- return(false);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case MUS_RIFF:
- case MUS_RF64:
- if (samp_type == MUS_IGNORE_SAMPLE) return(true);
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_MULAW: case MUS_ALAW: case MUS_UBYTE: case MUS_LFLOAT:
- case MUS_LSHORT: case MUS_L24INT: case MUS_LINT: case MUS_LDOUBLE:
- return(true);
- break;
- default:
- return(false);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case MUS_IRCAM:
- if (samp_type == MUS_IGNORE_SAMPLE) return(true);
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_MULAW: case MUS_ALAW: case MUS_BSHORT: case MUS_BINT: case MUS_BFLOAT:
- return(true);
- break;
- default:
- return(false);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case MUS_CAFF:
- if (samp_type == MUS_IGNORE_SAMPLE) return(true);
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case MUS_MULAW: case MUS_ALAW: case MUS_BYTE:
- case MUS_LFLOAT: case MUS_LSHORT: case MUS_L24INT: case MUS_LINTN: case MUS_LDOUBLE:
- case MUS_BFLOAT: case MUS_BSHORT: case MUS_B24INT: case MUS_BINTN: case MUS_BDOUBLE:
- return(true);
- break;
- default:
- return(false);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case MUS_RAW:
- return(true);
- break;
- default:
- return(false);
- break;
- }
- return(false);
- }
- static char aifc_format[5];
- /* try to give some info on sample types that aren't supported by sndlib */
- const char *mus_header_original_sample_type_name(int samp_type, mus_header_t type)
- {
- switch (type)
- {
- case MUS_NEXT:
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case 0: return("unspecified"); break; case 8: return("indirect"); break; case 9: return("nested"); break;
- case 10: return("dsp_core"); break; case 11: return("dsp_data_8"); break; case 12: return("dsp_data_16"); break;
- case 13: return("dsp_data_24"); break; case 14: return("dsp_data_32"); break; case 16: return("display"); break;
- case 17: return("mulaw_squelch"); break; case 18: return("emphasized"); break; case 19: return("compressed"); break;
- case 20: return("compressed_emphasized"); break; case 21: return("dsp_commands"); break; case 22: return("dsp_commands_samples"); break;
- case 23: return("adpcm_g721"); break; case 24: return("adpcm_g722"); break; case 25: return("adpcm_g723"); break;
- case 26: return("adpcm_g723_5"); break; case 28: return("aes"); break; case 29: return("delat_mulaw_8"); break;
- }
- break;
- case MUS_AIFC:
- case MUS_CAFF:
- aifc_format[4] = 0;
- snprintf(aifc_format, 5, "%c%c%c%c", samp_type & 0xff, (samp_type >> 8) & 0xff, (samp_type >> 16) & 0xff, (samp_type >> 24) & 0xff);
- #else
- snprintf(aifc_format, 5, "%c%c%c%c", (samp_type >> 24) & 0xff, (samp_type >> 16) & 0xff, (samp_type >> 8) & 0xff, samp_type & 0xff);
- #endif
- return(aifc_format);
- break;
- case MUS_PVF:
- if (type_specifier == mus_char_to_uninterpreted_int((unsigned const char *)I_PVF2))
- return("ascii text");
- break;
- case MUS_RIFF:
- case MUS_RF64:
- switch (samp_type)
- {
- case 2: return("ADPCM"); break; case 4: return("VSELP"); break; case 5: return("IBM_CVSD"); break;
- case 0x10: return("OKI_ADPCM"); break; case 0x11: return("DVI_ADPCM"); break; case 0x12: return("MediaSpace_ADPCM"); break;
- case 0x13: return("Sierra_ADPCM"); break; case 0x14: return("G723_ADPCM"); break; case 0x15: return("DIGISTD"); break;
- case 0x16: return("DIGIFIX"); break; case 0x17: return("Dialogic ADPCM"); break; case 0x18: return("Mediavision ADPCM"); break;
- case 0x19: return("HP cu codec"); break; case 0x20: return("Yamaha_ADPCM"); break; case 0x21: return("SONARC"); break;
- case 0x22: return("DSPGroup_TrueSpeech"); break; case 0x23: return("EchoSC1"); break; case 0x24: return("AudioFile_AF36"); break;
- case 0x25: return("APTX"); break; case 0x26: return("AudioFile_AF10"); break; case 0x27: return("prosody 1612"); break;
- case 0x28: return("lrc"); break; case 0x30: return("Dolby_Ac2"); break; case 0x31: return("GSM610"); break;
- case 0x32: return("MSN audio codec"); break; case 0x33: return("Antext_ADPCM"); break; case 0x34: return("Control_res_vqlpc"); break;
- case 0x35: return("DIGIREAL"); break; case 0x36: return("DIGIADPCM"); break; case 0x37: return("Control_res_cr10"); break;
- case 0x38: return("NMS_VBXADPCM"); break; case 0x39: return("oland rdac"); break; case 0x3a: return("echo sc3"); break;
- case 0x3b: return("Rockwell adpcm"); break; case 0x3c: return("Rockwell digitalk codec"); break; case 0x3d: return("Xebec"); break;
- case 0x40: return("G721_ADPCM"); break; case 0x41: return("G728 CELP"); break; case 0x42: return("MS G723"); break;
- case 0x50: return("MPEG"); break; case 0x52: return("RT24"); break; case 0x53: return("PAC"); break;
- case 0x55: return("Mpeg layer 3"); break; case 0x59: return("Lucent G723"); break; case 0x60: return("Cirrus"); break;
- case 0x61: return("ESS Tech pcm"); break; case 0x62: return("voxware "); break; case 0x63: return("canopus atrac"); break;
- case 0x64: return("G726"); break; case 0x65: return("G722"); break; case 0x66: return("DSAT"); break;
- case 0x67: return("DSAT display"); break; case 0x69: return("voxware "); break; case 0x70: return("voxware ac8 "); break;
- case 0x71: return("voxware ac10 "); break; case 0x72: return("voxware ac16"); break; case 0x73: return("voxware ac20"); break;
- case 0x74: return("voxware rt24"); break; case 0x75: return("voxware rt29"); break; case 0x76: return("voxware rt29hw"); break;
- case 0x77: return("voxware vr12 "); break; case 0x78: return("voxware vr18"); break; case 0x79: return("voxware tq40"); break;
- case 0x80: return("softsound"); break; case 0x81: return("voxware tq60 "); break; case 0x82: return("MS RT24"); break;
- case 0x83: return("G729A"); break; case 0x84: return("MVI_MVI2"); break; case 0x85: return("DF G726"); break;
- case 0x86: return("DF GSM610"); break; case 0x88: return("isaudio"); break; case 0x89: return("onlive"); break;
- case 0x91: return("sbc24"); break; case 0x92: return("dolby ac3 spdif"); break; case 0x97: return("zyxel adpcm"); break;
- case 0x98: return("philips lpcbb"); break; case 0x99: return("packed"); break; case 0x100: return("rhetorex adpcm"); break;
- case 0x101: return("Irat"); break; case 0x102: return("IBM_alaw?"); break; case 0x103: return("IBM_ADPCM?"); break;
- case 0x111: return("vivo G723"); break; case 0x112: return("vivo siren"); break; case 0x123: return("digital g273"); break;
- case 0x200: return("Creative_ADPCM"); break; case 0x202: return("Creative fastspeech 8"); break;
- case 0x203: return("Creative fastspeech 10"); break;
- case 0x220: return("quarterdeck"); break; case 0x300: return("FM_TOWNS_SND"); break; case 0x400: return("BTV digital"); break;
- case 0x680: return("VME vmpcm"); break; case 0x1000: return("OLIGSM"); break; case 0x1001: return("OLIADPCM"); break;
- case 0x1002: return("OLICELP"); break; case 0x1003: return("OLISBC"); break; case 0x1004: return("OLIOPR"); break;
- case 0x1100: return("LH codec"); break; case 0x1400: return("Norris"); break; case 0x1401: return("isaudio"); break;
- case 0x1500: return("Soundspace musicompression"); break; case 0x2000: return("DVM"); break;
- }
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- return("unknown"); /* NULL here isn't safe -- Sun segfaults */
- }
- bool mus_header_no_header(const char *filename)
- {
- int fd;
- long long int bytes;
- bool ok = false;
- fd = mus_file_open_read(filename);
- if (fd == -1)
- return(mus_error(MUS_CANT_OPEN_FILE, "mus_header: can't open %s: %s", filename, STRERROR(errno)));
- bytes = (long long int)read(fd, hdrbuf, INITIAL_READ_SIZE);
- CLOSE(fd, filename);
- if (bytes > 4)
- ok = ((match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_DSND)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_DECN)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_FORM)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_RIFF)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_RIFX)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_RF64)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_caff)) ||
- (equal_big_or_little_endian((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_IRCAM_VAX)) ||
- (equal_big_or_little_endian((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_IRCAM_SUN)) ||
- (equal_big_or_little_endian((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_IRCAM_MIPS)) ||
- (equal_big_or_little_endian((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_IRCAM_NEXT)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_NIST)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SOUN)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_VOC0)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_AVR_)) ||
- (mus_char_to_bshort((unsigned char *)hdrbuf) == 1336) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_ALaw)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_GF1P)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_DSIG)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_GOLD)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_Diam)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SRFS)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_CSRE)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_file)) ||
- ((hdrbuf[0] == 0xf0) && (hdrbuf[1] == 0x7e) && (hdrbuf[3] == 0x01)) ||
- (equal_big_or_little_endian((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 16), 0x00006a1a)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SPIB)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_S___)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_riff)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_PVF1)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_PVF2)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_MThd)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SND_)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_FSMt)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_DDSF)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_LM89)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SY85)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SY80)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_PRAM)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 35), I_UWFD)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)(hdrbuf + 76), I_SCRS)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_covox)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I__PAF)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_FAP_)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_TWIN)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_IMPS)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SMP1)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_Maui)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_SDIF)) ||
- (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_ajkg))
- #if G7XX
- || (match_four_chars((unsigned char *)hdrbuf, I_NVF_))
- #endif
- );
- return(!ok);
- }
- void mus_header_set_aiff_loop_info(int *data)
- {
- /* include modes */
- if (data)
- {
- loop_starts[0] = data[0];
- loop_ends[0] = data[1];
- loop_starts[1] = data[2];
- loop_ends[1] = data[3];
- base_note = data[4];
- base_detune = data[5];
- loop_modes[0] = data[6];
- loop_modes[1] = data[7];
- }
- else
- {
- loop_modes[0] = 0;
- loop_modes[1] = 0;
- }
- }
- bool mus_is_header_type(int n)
- {
- switch (n)
- {
- case MUS_NEXT: case MUS_AIFC: case MUS_RIFF: case MUS_RF64: case MUS_BICSF: case MUS_NIST:
- case MUS_INRS: case MUS_ESPS: case MUS_SVX: case MUS_VOC: case MUS_SNDT: case MUS_RAW: case MUS_SOX:
- case MUS_SMP: case MUS_AVR: case MUS_IRCAM: case MUS_SD1: case MUS_SPPACK: case MUS_MUS10:
- case MUS_HCOM: case MUS_PSION: case MUS_MAUD: case MUS_IEEE: case MUS_MATLAB: case MUS_ADC:
- case MUS_OMF: case MUS_QUICKTIME: case MUS_ASF: case MUS_YAMAHA_SY99: case MUS_KURZWEIL_2000:
- case MUS_AIFF: case MUS_PAF: case MUS_CSL: case MUS_FILE_SAMP: case MUS_PVF: case MUS_SOUNDFORGE:
- case MUS_MAUI: case MUS_SDIF: case MUS_OGG: case MUS_FLAC: case MUS_SPEEX: case MUS_MPEG:
- #if G7XX
- case MUS_NVF:
- #endif
- return(true);
- break;
- }
- return(false);
- }
- bool mus_is_sample_type(int n)
- {
- switch (n)
- {
- case MUS_BSHORT: case MUS_MULAW: case MUS_BYTE: case MUS_BFLOAT: case MUS_BINT: case MUS_ALAW:
- case MUS_UBYTE: case MUS_B24INT: case MUS_BDOUBLE: case MUS_LSHORT: case MUS_LINT: case MUS_LFLOAT:
- return(true);
- break;
- }
- return(false);
- }