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- <div class="topheader">SndLib</div>
- <div class="center">Bill Schottstaedt (bil@ccrma.stanford.edu)</div>
- <div class="related">
- related documentation:
- <a href="snd.html">snd.html </a>
- <a href="grfsnd.html">grfsnd.html </a>
- <a href="extsnd.html">extsnd.html </a>
- <a href="sndscm.html">sndscm.html </a>
- <a href="sndclm.html">sndclm.html </a>
- <a href="s7.html">s7.html </a>
- <a href="index.html">index.html</a>
- </div>
- <div class="header">Contents</div>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a>
- <li><a href="#headers">Headers</a>
- <li><a href="#data">Data</a>
- <li><a href="#hardware">Hardware</a>
- <li><a href="#music5">Music V</a>
- <li><a href="#examples">Examples</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#sndinfo">SndInfo</a>
- <li><a href="#sndplay">SndPlay</a>
- <li><a href="#sndsine">SndSine</a>
- <li><a href="#clmosc">clmosc</a>
- <li><a href="#otherexamples">Other Examples</a>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#sndlibxen">Extension Languages</a>
- </ul>
- <div class="header" id="introduction">Introduction</div>
- <p>sndlib is a collection of sound file and sound synthesis
- function written in C and running currently in various Unices
- via OSS or ALSA, Mac OSX, and on old Windows systems.
- To build sndlib (sndlib.so if possible, and sndlib.a):
- </p>
- <pre>
- ./configure
- make
- </pre>
- <p>To install it, 'make install' — I've tested this process in Linux.
- </p>
- <p>The following files make up sndlib:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>io.c (read and write sound file data)
- <li>headers.c (read and write sound file headers)
- <li>audio.c (read and write sound hardware ports)
- <li>sound.c (provide slightly higher level access to the preceding files)
- <li>sndlib.h (header for the preceding files)
- <li>sndlib2xen.c and sndlib-strings.h (tie preceding into s7, Ruby, or Forth)
- <li>clm.c and clm.h (Music V implementation)
- <li>clm2xen.c, vct.c and vct.h (tie clm.c into s7, Ruby, or Forth)
- <li>xen.h, xen.c (the embedded language support)
- </ul>
- <p>
- The naming scheme is more as less as follows:
- the sndlib prefix is "mus" so
- function names start with "mus_" and constants start with "MUS_".
- Functions involving sound files referenced through the file name
- start with "mus_sound_", functions involving files at a lower level
- with "mus_file_", functions involving header access with "mus_header_",
- functions involving audio hardware access with "mus_audio_",
- and various
- others just with "mus_" (number translations, etc). Conversions use
- the word "to" as in "mus_samples_to_bytes".
- </p>
- <div class="header" id="headers">Headers</div>
- <p>Sound files have built-in descriptors known as headers.
- The following functions return the information in the header.
- In each case the argument to the function is the full file
- name of the sound file.
- </p>
- <pre>
- mus_long_t mus_sound_samples (const char *arg) /* samples of sound according to header */
- mus_long_t mus_sound_framples (const char *arg) /* samples per channel */
- float mus_sound_duration (const char *arg) /* sound duration in seconds */
- mus_long_t mus_sound_length (const char *arg) /* true file length in bytes */
- int mus_sound_datum_size (const char *arg) /* bytes per sample */
- mus_long_t mus_sound_data_location (const char *arg) /* location of first sample (bytes) */
- int mus_sound_bits_per_sample(const char *arg) /* bits per sample */
- int mus_bytes_per_sample(int format) /* bytes per sample */
- int mus_sound_chans (const char *arg) /* number of channels (samples are interleaved) */
- int mus_sound_srate (const char *arg) /* sampling rate */
- mus_header_t mus_sound_header_type (const char *arg) /* header type (aiff etc) */
- mus_sample_t mus_sound_sample_type (const char *arg) /* sample type (alaw etc) */
- int mus_sound_original_format (const char *arg) /* unmodified sample type specifier */
- int mus_sound_type_specifier (const char *arg) /* original header type identifier */
- char *mus_sound_comment (const char *arg) /* comment if any */
- mus_long_t mus_sound_comment_start (const char *arg) /* comment start (bytes) if any */
- mus_long_t mus_sound_comment_end (const char *arg) /* comment end (bytes) */
- int *mus_sound_loop_info(const char *arg) /* 8 loop vals (mode,start,end) then base-detune and base-note (empty list if no loop info found) */
- int mus_sound_write_date (const char *arg) /* bare (uninterpreted) file write date */
- int mus_sound_initialize(void) /* initialize everything */
- </pre>
- <p>The following can be used to provide user-understandable descriptions
- of the header type and the sample type:</p>
- <pre>
- char *mus_header_type_name(mus_header_t type) /* "AIFF" etc */
- char *mus_sample_type_name(mus_sample_t samp_type) /* "16-bit big endian linear" etc */
- char *mus_header_type_to_string(mus_header_t type)
- char *mus_sample_type_to_string(mus_sample_t samp_type)
- const char *mus_sample_type_short_name(mus_sample_t samp_type)
- </pre>
- <p>In all cases if an error occurs, -1 (MUS_ERROR) is returned, and some sort of error message
- is printed; to customize error handling, use mus_set_error_handler and mus_set_print_handler.
- </p>
- <pre>
- mus_error_handler_t *mus_error_set_handler(mus_error_handler_t *new_error_handler);
- mus_print_handler_t *mus_print_set_handler(mus_print_handler_t *new_print_handler);
- </pre>
- <p>To decode the error indication, use:</p>
- <pre>
- char *mus_error_to_string(int err);
- </pre>
- <p>Header data is cached internally, so the actual header is read
- only if it hasn't already been read, or the write date has changed.
- Loop points are also available, if there's interest. To go below the
- "sound" level, see headers.c — once a header has been read, all the
- components that have been found can be read via functions such as
- <b>mus_header_srate</b>.
- </p>
- <div class="header" id="data">Data</div>
- <p>The following functions provide access to
- sound file data:</p>
- <pre>
- int mus_sound_open_input (const char *arg)
- int mus_sound_open_output (const char *arg, int srate, int chans, mus_sample_t sample_type, mus_header_t header_type, const char *comment)
- int mus_sound_reopen_output (const char *arg, mus_header_t type, mus_sample_t format, mus_long_t data_loc)
- int mus_sound_close_input (int fd)
- int mus_sound_close_output (int fd, mus_long_t bytes_of_data)
- int mus_sound_read (int fd, int beg, int end, int chans, mus_float_t **bufs)
- int mus_sound_write (int fd, int beg, int end, int chans, mus_float_t **bufs)
- mus_long_t mus_sound_seek_frample (int fd, mus_long_t frample)
- </pre>
- <p>mus_float_t defaults to double. It is set when
- sndlib is built, and refers to Sndlib's internal representation of sample values.
- </p>
- <p>mus_sound_open_input opens arg for reading. Most standard
- uncompressed formats are readable. This function returns the associated
- file number, or -1 upon failure. </p>
- <p>mus_sound_close_input closes an open sound file. Its argument is
- the integer returned by mus_sound_open_input.</p>
- <p>mus_sound_open_output opens (creates) the file arg, setting its sampling rate
- to be srate, number of channels to chans, sample type
- to sample_type (see sndlib.h for these types: MUS_BSHORT,
- means 16-bit 2's complement big endian fractions),
- header type to header_type (AIFF for example; the available
- writable header types are MUS_AIFC (or AIFF), MUS_RIFF ('wave'), MUS_RF64,
- MUS_NEXT, MUS_NIST, MUS_CAFF, and MUS_IRCAM), and comment (if any) to
- comment. The header is not considered complete without
- an indication of the data size, but since this is rarely known
- in advance, it is supplied when the sound file is closed. mus_sound_open_output
- function returns the associated file number.</p>
- <p>mus_sound_close_output first updates the file's header to
- reflect the final data size bytes_of_data, then closes
- the file. The argument fd is the integer returned by
- mus_sound_open_output.</p>
- <p>mus_sound_read reads data from the file indicated by fd,
- placing data in the array obufs as mus_float_t values (floats normally).
- chans determines how many arrays of
- samples are in obufs, which is filled by mus_sound_read from its
- index beg to end with zero padding if necessary.
- </p>
- <p>mus_sound_write writes samples to the file indicated by fd,
- starting for each of chans channels in obufs at
- beg and ending at end.</p>
- <p>mus_sound_seek_frample moves the read or write position for the
- file indicated by fd to the desired frample.
- </p>
- <div class="header" id="hardware">Hardware</div>
- <p>The following functions provide access to audio harware. If an
- error occurs, they return -1 (MUS_ERROR). </p>
- <pre>
- int mus_audio_initialize(void)
- int mus_audio_open_output(int dev, int srate, int chans, mus_sample_t format, int size)
- int mus_audio_open_input(int dev, int srate, int chans, mus_sample_t format, int size)
- int mus_audio_write(int line, char *buf, int bytes)
- int mus_audio_close(int line)
- int mus_audio_read(int line, char *buf, int bytes)
- </pre>
- <p>mus_audio_initialize takes care of any necessary initialization.</p>
- <p>mus_audio_open_input opens an audio port to read sound data (i.e. a microphone, line in, etc).
- The input device is dev (see sndlib.h for details; when in doubt, use MUS_AUDIO_DEFAULT).
- The input sampling rate is srate or as close as we
- can get to it. The number of input channels (if available) is chans.
- The input sample type is format (when in doubt, use the macro MUS_AUDIO_COMPATIBLE_FORMAT).
- And the input buffer size (if settable at all) is size (bytes). This
- function returns an integer to distinguish its port from others that might be
- in use.
- </p>
- <p>mus_audio_open_output opens an audio port to write data (i.e. speakers, line out, etc).
- The output device is dev (see sndlib.h). Its sampling rate is srate, number
- of channels chans, sample type format, and buffer size size. This
- function returns the associated line number of the output port.</p>
- <p>mus_audio_close closes the port (input or output) associated with line.</p>
- <p>mus_audio_read reads sound data from line. The incoming 'bytes' bytes of data are placed
- in buf. If no error was returned from mus_audio_open_input, the data is in the format requested
- by that function with channels interleaved.</p>
- <p>mus_audio_write writes 'bytes' bytes of data in buf to the output
- port associated with line. This data is assumed to be in the format
- requested by mus_audio_open_output with channels interleaved.</p>
- <div class="header" id="music5">Music V</div>
- <p>clm.c and friends implement all the generators found in CLM, a
- music V implementation, and clm2xen.c ties these into the languages supported by the
- xen package (currently s7, Ruby, and Forth). The
- primary clm documentation (which describes both the Scheme and Common Lisp implementations)
- is clm.html found in clm-5.tar.gz or sndclm.html in snd-16.tar.gz alongside sndlib at ccrma-ftp.
- The simplest way to try these out is to load them into Snd; see extsnd.html,
- <a href="sndscm.html#exampdoc">examp.scm</a>, and <a href="sndscm.html#sndtestdoc">snd-test.scm</a> in snd-16.tar.gz for more details.
- The following briefly describes the C calls (see clm.h).
- </p>
- <p>clm.c implements a bunch of generators and sound IO handlers. Each generator
- has three associated functions, make-gen, gen, and gen_p; the first
- creates the generator (if needed), the second gets the next sample from
- the generator, and the last examines some pointer to determine if it is
- that kind of generator. In addition, there are a variety of generic
- functions that generators respond to: mus_free, for example, frees a
- generator, and mus_frequency returns its current frequency, if relevant.
- All generators are pointers to mus_any structs.
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>oscil — generate a sine wave.
- <ul>
- <li>mus_any *mus_make_oscil (float freq, float phase)
- <li>float mus_oscil (mus_any *o, float fm, float pm)
- <li>int mus_oscil_p (mus_any *ptr)
- </ul>
- <pre>
- mus_any *osc;
- osc = mus_make_oscil(440.0, 0.0);
- if (mus_oscil_p(osc))
- fprintf(stderr, "%.3f, %.3f ", .1 * mus_oscil(osc, 0.0, 0.0), mus_frequency(osc));
- mus_free(osc);
- </pre>
- </ul>
- <p>The other generators are:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>sum_of_cosines: generate a pulse train made up of cosines
- <li>sum_of_sines: generate a sum of sines
- <li>delay: a delay line with optional interpolation
- <li>tap: read delay line
- <li>comb: comb filter
- <li>notch: notch filter
- <li>all_pass: all pass filter
- <li>table_lookup: interpolating table lookup
- <li>sawtooth_wave, triangle_wave, pulse_train, square_wave
- <li>rand: white noise (a step function)
- <li>rand-interp: interpolating noise
- <li>asymmetric_fm: a variety of FM
- <li>one_zero, two_zero, one_pole, two_pole: basic filters
- <li>formant: create a formant region (two poles, two zeros)
- <li>sine_summation: another way to create sine waves
- <li>filter, fir_filter, iir_filter: direct form filters of any order
- <li>wave_train: sequence of possibly overlapping waves
- <li>env: envelopes
- <li>polyshape, polywave: waveshaping
- <li>readin, file_to_sample, file_to_frample, in_any: file sample input
- <li>locsig, sample_to_file, frample_to_file, out_any: file sample output
- <li>src: sampling rate conversion
- <li>granulate: granular synthesis
- <li>convolve: convolution
- <li>phase-vocoder: phase vocoder
- <li>moving-average: moving window average
- <li>ssb-am: single side-bank amplitude modulation
- </ul>
- <p>Some useful functions provided by clm.c are: </p>
- <ul>
- <li>float mus_radians_to_hz(float rads): convert radians/sample to cycles/sec.
- <li>float mus_hz_to_radians(float hz): and the reverse.
- <li>float mus_degrees_to_radians(float deg): convert degrees to radians.
- <li>float mus_radians_to_degrees(float rads): and the reverse.
- <li>float mus_srate(void): current sampling rate
- <li>float mus_set_srate(float rate): set current sampling rate
- <li>float mus_ring_modulate(float sig1, float sig2): multiply sig1 by sig2
- <li>float mus_amplitude_modulate(float s1, float s2, float s3): AM
- <li>float mus_contrast_enhancement(float sig, float index)
- <li>float mus_dot_product(float *data1, float *data2, int size)
- <li>void mus_clear_array(float *arr, int size)
- <li>float mus_array_interp(float *wave, float phase, int size)
- <li>float mus_polynomial(float *coeffs, float x, int ncoeffs);
- <li>void mus_multiply_arrays(float *data, float *window, int len);
- <li>void mus_rectangular_to_polar(float *rl, float *im, int size);
- <li>void mus_spectrum(float *rdat, float *idat, float *window, int n, int type)
- <li>void mus_fft(float *rl, float *im, int n, int isign)
- <li>float *mus_make_fft_window(int size, int type, float beta)
- <li>void mus_convolution(float* rl1, float* rl2, int n, int ipow)
- <li>float *mus_partials_to_wave(float *partial_data, int partials, float *table, int table_size, int normalize)
- <li>float *mus_phase_partials_to_wave(float *partial_data, int partials, float *table, int table_size, int normalize)
- <li>float mus_samples_to_seconds(mus_long_t samps)
- <li>mus_long_t mus_seconds_to_samples(float secs)
- </ul>
- <p>and various others: see clm.h.</p>
- <p>The more useful generic functions are:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>int mus_free(mus_any *ptr)
- <li>char *mus_describe(mus_any *gen)
- <li>float mus_phase(mus_any *gen)
- <li>float mus_set_phase(mus_any *gen, float val)
- <li>float mus_set_frequency(mus_any *gen, float val)
- <li>float mus_frequency(mus_any *gen)
- <li>float mus_run(mus_any *gen, float arg1, float arg2)
- <li>int mus_length(mus_any *gen)
- <li>int mus_set_length(mus_any *gen, int len)
- <li>float *mus_data(mus_any *gen)
- <li>float *mus_set_data(mus_any *gen, float *data)
- <li>char *mus_name(mus_any *ptr)
- <li>float mus_scaler(mus_any *gen)
- <li>float mus_set_scaler(mus_any *gen, float val)
- <li>float mus_apply(mus_any *gen, ...)
- </ul>
- <p>Errors are reported
- through mus_error which can be redirected or muffled. See clm2xen.c for an example.
- </p>
- <div class="header" id="examples">Examples</div>
- <div class="innerheader" id="sndinfo">sndinfo</div>
- <p>This program prints out a description of a sound file (sndinfo.c).</p>
- <pre>
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int fd, chans, srate;
- mus_long_t samples;
- float length;
- time_t date;
- char *comment;
- char timestr[64];
- mus_sound_initialize(); /* initialize sndlib */
- fd = mus_file_open_read(argv[1]); /* see if it exists */
- if (fd != -1)
- {
- close(fd);
- date = mus_sound_write_date(argv[1]);
- srate = mus_sound_srate(argv[1]);
- chans = mus_sound_chans(argv[1]);
- samples = mus_sound_samples(argv[1]);
- comment = mus_sound_comment(argv[1]);
- length = (double)samples / (float)(chans * srate);
- strftime(timestr, 64, "%a %d-%b-%y %H:%M %Z", localtime(&date));
- fprintf(stdout, "%s:\n srate: %d\n chans: %d\n length: %f\n",
- argv[1], srate, chans, length);
- fprintf(stdout, " header: %s\n sample type: %s\n written: %s\n comment: %s\n",
- mus_header_type_name(mus_sound_header_type(argv[1])),
- mus_sample_type_name(mus_sound_sample_type(argv[1])),
- timestr, comment);
- }
- else
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", argv[1], strerror(errno));
- return(0);
- }
- </pre>
- <div class="innerheader" id="sndplay">sndplay</div>
- <p>This code plays a sound file (sndplay.c):</p>
- <pre>
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int fd, afd, i, j, n, k, chans, srate, outbytes;
- mus_long_t framples;
- mus_float_t **bufs;
- short *obuf;
- mus_sound_initialize();
- fd = mus_sound_open_input(argv[1]);
- if (fd != -1)
- {
- chans = mus_sound_chans(argv[1]);
- srate = mus_sound_srate(argv[1]);
- framples = mus_sound_framples(argv[1]);
- outbytes = BUFFER_SIZE * chans * 2;
- bufs = (mus_float_t **)calloc(chans, sizeof(mus_float_t *));
- for (i=0;i<chans;i++)
- bufs[i] = (mus_float_t *)calloc(BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof(mus_float_t));
- obuf = (short *)calloc(BUFFER_SIZE * chans, sizeof(short));
- afd = mus_audio_open_output(MUS_AUDIO_DEFAULT, srate, chans, MUS_AUDIO_COMPATIBLE_FORMAT, outbytes);
- if (afd != -1)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < framples; i += BUFFER_SIZE)
- {
- mus_sound_read(fd, 0, BUFFER_SIZE - 1, chans, bufs);
- for (k = 0, j = 0; k < BUFFER_SIZE; k++, j += chans)
- for (n = 0; n < chans; n++)
- obuf[j + n] = MUS_SAMPLE_TO_SHORT(bufs[n][k]);
- mus_audio_write(afd, (char *)obuf, outbytes);
- }
- mus_audio_close(afd);
- }
- mus_sound_close_input(fd);
- for (i = 0; i < chans; i++) free(bufs[i]);
- free(bufs);
- free(obuf);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- </pre>
- <div class="innerheader" id="sndsine">sndsine</div>
- <p>This program writes a one channel NeXT/Sun sound file
- containing a sine wave at 440 Hz.</p>
- <pre>
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int fd, i, k, framples;
- float phase, incr;
- mus_float_t *obuf[1];
- mus_sound_initialize();
- fd = mus_sound_open_output(argv[1], 22050, 1, MUS_BSHORT, MUS_NEXT, "created by sndsine");
- if (fd != -1)
- {
- framples = 22050;
- phase = 0.0;
- incr = 2 * M_PI * 440.0 / 22050.0;
- obuf[0] = (mus_float_t *)calloc(BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof(mus_float_t));
- k = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < framples; i++)
- {
- obuf[0][k] = MUS_FLOAT_TO_SAMPLE(0.1 * sin(phase)); /* amp = .1 */
- phase += incr;
- k++;
- if (k == BUFFER_SIZE)
- {
- mus_sound_write(fd, 0, BUFFER_SIZE-1, 1, obuf);
- k=0;
- }
- }
- if (k > 0) mus_sound_write(fd, 0, k - 1, 1, obuf);
- mus_sound_close_output(fd, 22050 * mus_bytes_per_sample(MUS_BSHORT));
- free(obuf[0]);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- </pre>
- <div class="innerheader" id="clmosc">clmosc</div>
- <p>This is program uses the clm.c oscillator and output functions to write the same sine wave
- as we wrote in SndSine.</p>
- <pre>
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int i;
- mus_any *osc, *op;
- mus_sound_initialize();
- osc = mus_make_oscil(440.0, 0.0);
- op = mus_make_sample_to_file("test.snd", 1, MUS_BSHORT, MUS_NEXT);
- if (op)
- for (i = 0; i < 22050; i++)
- mus_sample_to_file(op, i, 0, .1 * mus_oscil(osc, 0.0, 0.0));
- mus_free(osc);
- if (op) mus_free(op);
- return(0);
- }
- </pre>
- <p>Here is the fm-violin and a sample with-sound call:</p>
- <pre>
- static int feq(float x, int i) {return(fabs(x-i)<.00001);}
- void fm_violin(float start, float dur, float frequency, float amplitude, float fm_index, mus_any *op)
- {
- float pervibfrq = 5.0,
- ranvibfrq = 16.0,
- pervibamp = .0025,
- ranvibamp = .005,
- noise_amount = 0.0,
- noise_frq = 1000.0,
- gliss_amp = 0.0,
- fm1_rat = 1.0,
- fm2_rat = 3.0,
- fm3_rat = 4.0,
- reverb_amount = 0.0,
- degree = 0.0,
- distance = 1.0;
- float fm_env[] = {0.0, 1.0, 25.0, 0.4, 75.0, 0.6, 100.0, 0.0};
- float amp_env[] = {0.0, 0.0, 25.0, 1.0, 75.0, 1.0, 100.0, 0.0};
- float frq_env[] = {0.0, -1.0, 15.0, 1.0, 25.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0};
- int beg = 0, end, easy_case = 0, npartials, i;
- float *coeffs, *partials;
- float frq_scl, maxdev, logfrq, sqrtfrq, index1, index2, index3, norm;
- float vib = 0.0, modulation = 0.0, fuzz = 0.0, indfuzz = 1.0;
- mus_any *carrier, *fmosc1, *fmosc2, *fmosc3, *ampf;
- mus_any *indf1, *indf2, *indf3, *fmnoi = NULL, *pervib, *ranvib, *frqf = NULL, *loc;
- beg = start * mus_srate();
- end = beg + dur * mus_srate();
- frq_scl = mus_hz_to_radians(frequency);
- maxdev = frq_scl * fm_index;
- if ((noise_amount == 0.0) &&
- (feq(fm1_rat, floor(fm1_rat))) &&
- (feq(fm2_rat, floor(fm2_rat))) &&
- (feq(fm3_rat, floor(fm3_rat))))
- easy_case = 1;
- logfrq = log(frequency);
- sqrtfrq = sqrt(frequency);
- index1 = maxdev * 5.0 / logfrq;
- if (index1 > M_PI) index1 = M_PI;
- index2 = maxdev * 3.0 * (8.5 - logfrq) / (3.0 + frequency * .001);
- if (index2 > M_PI) index2 = M_PI;
- index3 = maxdev * 4.0 / sqrtfrq;
- if (index3 > M_PI) index3 = M_PI;
- if (easy_case)
- {
- npartials = floor(fm1_rat);
- if ((floor(fm2_rat)) > npartials) npartials = floor(fm2_rat);
- if ((floor(fm3_rat)) > npartials) npartials = floor(fm3_rat);
- npartials++;
- partials = (float *)calloc(npartials, sizeof(float));
- partials[(int)(fm1_rat)] = index1;
- partials[(int)(fm2_rat)] = index2;
- partials[(int)(fm3_rat)] = index3;
- coeffs = mus_partials_to_polynomial(npartials, partials, 1);
- norm = 1.0;
- }
- else norm = index1;
- carrier = mus_make_oscil(frequency, 0.0);
- if (easy_case == 0)
- {
- fmosc1 = mus_make_oscil(frequency * fm1_rat, 0.0);
- fmosc2 = mus_make_oscil(frequency * fm2_rat, 0.0);
- fmosc3 = mus_make_oscil(frequency * fm3_rat, 0.0);
- }
- else fmosc1 = mus_make_oscil(frequency, 0.0);
- ampf = mus_make_env(amp_env, 4, amplitude, 0.0, 1.0, dur, 0, NULL);
- indf1 = mus_make_env(fm_env, 4, norm, 0.0, 1.0, dur, 0, NULL);
- if (gliss_amp != 0.0)
- frqf = mus_make_env(frq_env, 4, gliss_amp * frq_scl, 0.0, 1.0, dur, 0, NULL);
- if (easy_case == 0)
- {
- indf2 = mus_make_env(fm_env, 4, index2, 0.0, 1.0, dur, 0, NULL);
- indf3 = mus_make_env(fm_env, 4, index3, 0.0, 1.0, dur, 0, NULL);
- }
- pervib = mus_make_triangle_wave(pervibfrq, frq_scl * pervibamp, 0.0);
- ranvib = mus_make_rand_interp(ranvibfrq, frq_scl * ranvibamp);
- if (noise_amount != 0.0) fmnoi = mus_make_rand(noise_frq, noise_amount * M_PI);
- loc = mus_make_locsig(degree, distance, reverb_amount, 1, (mus_any *)op, 0, NULL, MUS_INTERP_LINEAR);
- for (i = beg; i < end; i++)
- {
- if (noise_amount != 0.0) fuzz = mus_rand(fmnoi, 0.0);
- if (frqf) vib = mus_env(frqf); else vib = 0.0;
- vib += mus_triangle_wave(pervib, 0.0) + mus_rand_interp(ranvib, 0.0);
- if (easy_case)
- modulation = mus_env(indf1) *
- mus_polynomial(coeffs, mus_oscil(fmosc1, vib, 0.0), npartials);
- else
- modulation = mus_env(indf1) * mus_oscil(fmosc1, (fuzz + fm1_rat * vib), 0.0) +
- mus_env(indf2) * mus_oscil(fmosc2, (fuzz + fm2_rat * vib), 0.0) +
- mus_env(indf3) * mus_oscil(fmosc3, (fuzz + fm3_rat * vib), 0.0);
- mus_locsig(loc, i, mus_env(ampf) * mus_oscil(carrier, vib + indfuzz * modulation, 0.0));
- }
- mus_free(pervib);
- mus_free(ranvib);
- mus_free(carrier);
- mus_free(fmosc1);
- mus_free(ampf);
- mus_free(indf1);
- if (fmnoi) mus_free(fmnoi);
- if (frqf) mus_free(frqf);
- if (!(easy_case))
- {
- mus_free(indf2);
- mus_free(indf3);
- mus_free(fmosc2);
- mus_free(fmosc3);
- }
- else
- free(partials);
- mus_free(loc);
- }
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- mus_any *op = NULL;
- mus_sound_initialize();
- op = mus_make_sample_to_file("test.snd", 1, MUS_BSHORT, MUS_NEXT);
- if (op)
- {
- fm_violin(0.0, 20.0, 440.0, .3, 1.0, op);
- mus_free(op);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- </pre>
- <p>The CLM version is v.ins, the Scheme version can be found in <a href="sndscm.html#vdoc">v.scm</a>,
- and the Ruby version is in v.rb.
- This code can be run:</p>
- <pre>
- cc v.c -o vc -O3 -lm io.o headers.o audio.o sound.o clm.o -DLINUX
- </pre>
- <p>For generators such as src that take a function for "as-needed" input,
- you can use something like:</p>
- <pre>
- static mus_float_t input_as_needed(void *arg, int dir) {/* get input here — arg is "sf" passed below */}
- static SCM call_phase-vocoder(void)
- {
- mus_any *pv;
- int sf; /* file channel or whatever */
- pv = mus_make_phase_vocoder(NULL, 512, 4, 128, 0.5, NULL, NULL, NULL, (void *)sf);
- mus_phase_vocoder(pv, &input_as_needed);
- /* etc */
- }
- </pre>
- <!--
- void src_file(const char *file, double ratio)
- {
- mus_any **rds, **srcs;
- char *temp_out;
- const char *comment;
- int k, chan, chans, width = 32, out_fd, sample_type, header_type, buffer_size;
- mus_long_t samp, old_samps, new_samps;
- mus_float_t old_srate, new_srate;
- mus_float_t **obufs;
- old_srate = mus_srate();
- new_srate = mus_sound_srate(file); /* need have no connection with previous CLM srate setting */
- mus_set_srate(new_srate);
- chans = mus_sound_chans(file);
- sample_type = mus_sound_sample_type(file);
- header_type = mus_sound_header_type(file);
- comment = mus_sound_comment(file);
- buffer_size = mus_file_buffer_size();
- old_samps = mus_sound_framples(file);
- new_samps = old_samps / ratio; /* old-srate/new-srate in-coming */
- temp_out = snd_tempnam();
- out_fd = mus_sound_open_output(temp_out, new_srate, chans, sample_type, header_type, comment);
- srcs = (mus_any **)malloc(chans * sizeof(mus_any *));
- rds = (mus_any **)malloc(chans * sizeof(mus_any *));
- obufs = (mus_float_t **)malloc(chans * sizeof(mus_float_t));
- for (chan = 0; chan < chans; chan++)
- {
- rds[chan] = mus_make_readin(file, chan, 0, 1);
- srcs[chan] = mus_make_src(NULL, ratio, width, (void *)rds[chan]);
- obufs[chan] = (mus_float_t *)malloc(buffer_size * sizeof(mus_float_t));
- }
- for (k = 0, samp = 0; samp < new_samps; samp++)
- {
- for (chan = 0; chan < chans; chan++)
- obufs[chan][k] = MUS_FLOAT_TO_SAMPLE(mus_src(srcs[chan], 0.0, &input_as_needed));
- k++;
- if (k == buffer_size)
- {
- mus_sound_write(out_fd, 0, buffer_size - 1, chans, obufs);
- k = 0;
- }
- }
- if (k > 0)
- mus_sound_write(out_fd, 0, k - 1, chans, obufs);
- mus_sound_close_output(out_fd, new_samps * chans * mus_bytes_per_sample(sample_type));
- mus_sound_forget(file);
- for (chan = 0; chan < chans; chan++)
- {
- free(obufs[chan]);
- mus_free(srcs[chan]);
- mus_free(rds[chan]);
- }
- free(obufs);
- free(srcs);
- free(rds);
- move_file(temp_out, file);
- free(temp_out);
- mus_set_srate(old_srate);
- }
- -->
- <p>
- Michael Scholz
- has written a package using these functions, and several CLM instruments:
- see the sndins directory, and in particular the README file, for details.
- </p>
- <div class="innerheader" id="otherexamples">Other examples</div>
- <p>The primary impetus for the sound library was the development
- of Snd and CLM, both of which are freely available.
- </p>
- <div class="header" id="sndlibxen">Extension Languages</div>
- <p>Much of sndlib is accessible at run time in any program that has one of
- the languages supported by the xen package (s7, Ruby, Forth);
- the modules sndlib2xen and clm2xen tie most of the library into that language
- making it possible to call the library functions from its interpreter. The documentation
- is scattered around, unfortunately: the clm side is in sndclm.html and extsnd.html with many
- examples in Snd's <a href="sndscm.html#exampdoc">examp.scm</a>. Most of these are obvious translations of the
- constants and functions described above into Scheme. To initialize sndlib, call Init_sndlib,
- or, at run time, use s7's loader and s7_init_sndlib:
- </p>
- <pre>
- (let ((sndlib (load "libsndlib.so"
- (inlet (curlet)
- (cons 'init_func 's7_init_sndlib)))))
- ....)
- </pre>
- <p>Init_sndlib ties most of the functions mentioned above into the extension language (s7, Forth, or Ruby).
- </p>
- <pre>
- mus-next mus-aifc mus-rf64 mus-riff mus-nist mus-raw mus-ircam mus-aiff mus-bicsf mus-soundfont mus-voc mus-svx mus-caff
- mus-bshort mus-lshort mus-mulaw mus-alaw mus-byte mus-ubyte mus-bfloat
- mus-lfloat mus-bint mus-lint mus-b24int mus-l24int mus-bdouble mus-ldouble
- mus-ubshort mus-ulshort
- mus-sound-samples (filename) samples of sound according to header (can be incorrect)
- mus-sound-framples (filename) framples of sound according to header (can be incorrect)
- mus-sound-duration (filename) duration of sound in seconds
- mus-sound-datum-size (filename) bytes per sample
- mus-sound-data-location (filename) location of first sample (bytes)
- mus-sound-chans (filename) number of channels (samples are interleaved)
- mus-sound-srate (filename) sampling rate
- mus-sound-header-type (filename) header type (e.g. mus-aiff)
- mus-sound-sample-type (filename) sample type (e.g. mus-bshort)
- mus-sound-length (filename) true file length (bytes)
- mus-sound-type-specifier (filename) original header type identifier
- mus-sound-maxamp(filename) returns a list of max amps and locations thereof
- mus-sound-loop-info(filename) returns list of 4 loop values (the actual mark positions here, not
- the so-called id's), then base-note and base-detune
- mus-header-type-name (type) e.g. "AIFF"
- mus-sample-type-name (format) e.g. "16-bit big endian linear"
- mus-sound-comment (filename) header comment, if any
- mus-sound-write-date (filename) sound write date
- sample-type-bytes-per-sample (format) bytes per sample
- mus-sound-open-input (filename) open filename (a sound file) returning an integer ("fd" below)
- mus-sound-open-output (filename srate chans sample-type header-type comment)
- create a new sound file with the indicated attributes, return "fd"
- mus-sound-reopen-output (filename chans sample-type header-type data-location)
- reopen (without disturbing) filename, ready to be written
- mus-sound-close-input (fd) close sound file
- mus-sound-close-output (fd bytes) close sound file and update its length indication, if any
- mus-sound-read (fd beg end chans sdata) read data from sound file fd loading the data array from beg to end
- sdata is a float-vector that should be able to accommodate the read
- mus-sound-write (fd beg end chans sdata) write data to sound file fd
- mus-sound-seek-frample (fd frample) move to frample in sound file fd
- mus-file-clipping (fd) whether output is clipped in file 'fd'
- mus-clipping () global clipping choice
- mus-oss-set-buffers (num size) in Linux (OSS) sets the number and size of the OSS "fragments"
- ;;; this function prints header information
- (define info
- (lambda (file)
- (string-append
- file
- ": chans: " (number->string (mus-sound-chans file))
- ", srate: " (number->string (mus-sound-srate file))
- ", " (mus-header-type-name (mus-sound-header-type file))
- ", " (mus-sample-type-name (mus-sound-sample-type file))
- ", len: " (number->string
- (/ (mus-sound-samples file)
- (* (mus-sound-chans file) (mus-sound-srate file)))))))
- </pre>
- <div class="innerheader">s7 repl and sndlib</div>
- <pre>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include "mus-config.h"
- #include "s7.h"
- #include "xen.h"
- #include "clm.h"
- #include "clm2xen.h"
- static void mus_error_to_s7(int type, char *msg)
- {
- s7_error(s7, /* s7 is declared in xen.h, defined in xen.c */
- s7_make_symbol(s7, "mus-error"),
- s7_cons(s7, s7_make_string(s7, msg), s7_nil(s7)));
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- s7 = s7_init();
- s7_xen_initialize(s7);
- Init_sndlib();
- mus_error_set_handler(mus_error_to_s7); /* catch low-level errors and pass them to s7-error */
- if (argc == 2)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "load %s\n", argv[1]);
- s7_load(s7, argv[1]);
- }
- else
- {
- s7_load(s7, "repl.scm");
- s7_eval_c_string(s7, "((*repl* 'run))");
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /* gcc -o sl sl.c /home/bil/test/sndlib/libsndlib.a -Wl,-export-dynamic -lasound -lm -I. -ldl -lgsl -lgslcblas -lfftw3
- *
- * (load "sndlib-ws.scm")
- * (load "v.scm")
- * (set! *clm-player* (lambda (file) (system (format #f "sndplay ~A" file))))
- * (with-sound (:play #t) (fm-violin 0 1 330 .1))
- */
- </pre>
- <div class="related">
- related documentation:
- <a href="snd.html">snd.html </a>
- <a href="grfsnd.html">grfsnd.html </a>
- <a href="extsnd.html">extsnd.html </a>
- <a href="sndscm.html">sndscm.html </a>
- <a href="sndclm.html">sndclm.html </a>
- <a href="s7.html">s7.html </a>
- <a href="index.html">index.html</a>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>