- ;;; lint for s7 scheme
- ;;;
- ;;; (lint "file.scm") checks file.scm for infelicities
- ;;; to control the kinds of checks, set the variables below.
- ;;; for tests and examples, see lint-test in s7test.scm
- (provide 'lint.scm)
- (define *report-unused-parameters* #f) ; many of these are reported anyway if they are passed some non-#f value
- (define *report-unused-top-level-functions* #f) ; very common in Scheme, but #t makes the ghastly leakage of names obvious
- (define *report-shadowed-variables* #f) ; shadowed parameters, etc
- (define *report-undefined-identifiers* #f) ; names we can't account for
- (define *report-multiply-defined-top-level-functions* #f) ; top-level funcs defined in more than one file
- (define *report-nested-if* 4) ; 3 is lowest, this sets the nesting level that triggers an if->cond suggestion
- (define *report-short-branch* 12) ; controls when a lop-sided if triggers a reordering suggestion
- (define *report-one-armed-if* 90) ; if -> when/unless, can be #f/#t; if an integer, sets tree length which triggers revision (80 is too small)
- (define *report-loaded-files* #f) ; if load is encountered, include that file in the lint process
- (define *report-any-!-as-setter* #t) ; unknown funcs/macros ending in ! are treated as setters
- (define *report-doc-strings* #f) ; old-style (CL) doc strings
- (define *report-func-as-arg-arity-mismatch* #f) ; as it says... (slow, and this error almost never happens)
- (define *report-constant-expressions-in-do* #f) ; kinda dumb
- (define *report-bad-variable-names* '(l ll O ~)) ; bad names -- a list to check such as:
- ;;; '(l ll .. ~ data datum new item info temp tmp temporary val vals value foo bar baz aux dummy O var res retval result count str)
- (define *report-built-in-functions-used-as-variables* #f) ; string and length are the most common cases
- (define *report-forward-functions* #f) ; functions used before being defined
- (define *report-sloppy-assoc* #t) ; i.e. (cdr (assoc x y)) and the like
- (define *report-bloated-arg* 24) ; min arg expr tree size that can trigger a rewrite-as-let suggestion (32 is too high I think)
- (define *report-clobbered-function-return-value* #f) ; function returns constant sequence, which is then stomped on -- very rare!
- (define *report-boolean-functions-misbehaving* #t) ; function name ends in #\? but function returns a non-boolean value -- dubious.
- (define *report-repeated-code-fragments* #t)
- ;;; work-in-progress
- (define *fragments-size* 128) ; biggest seen if 512: 180 -- appears to be in a test suite
- (define *report-blocks* #f) ; report huge blocks that could be moved into the closure
- (define *lint* #f) ; the lint let
- ;; this gives other programs a way to extend or edit lint's tables: for example, the
- ;; table of functions that are simple (no side effects) is (*lint* 'no-side-effect-functions)
- ;; see snd-lint.scm.
- ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (when (provided? 'pure-s7)
- (define (make-polar mag ang) (complex (* mag (cos ang)) (* mag (sin ang))))
- (define (char-ci=? . chars) (apply char=? (map char-upcase chars)))
- (define (char-ci<=? . chars) (apply char<=? (map char-upcase chars)))
- (define (char-ci>=? . chars) (apply char>=? (map char-upcase chars)))
- (define (char-ci<? . chars) (apply char<? (map char-upcase chars)))
- (define (char-ci>? . chars) (apply char>? (map char-upcase chars)))
- (define (string-ci=? . strs) (apply string=? (map string-upcase strs)))
- (define (string-ci<=? . strs) (apply string<=? (map string-upcase strs)))
- (define (string-ci>=? . strs) (apply string>=? (map string-upcase strs)))
- (define (string-ci<? . strs) (apply string<? (map string-upcase strs)))
- (define (string-ci>? . strs) (apply string>? (map string-upcase strs)))
- (define (let->list e)
- (if (let? e)
- (reverse! (map values e))
- (error 'wrong-type-arg "let->list argument should be an environment: ~A" str))))
- (format *stderr* "loading lint.scm~%")
- (set! reader-cond #f)
- (define-macro (reader-cond . clauses) `(values)) ; clobber reader-cond to avoid (incorrect) unbound-variable errors
- #|
- ;; debugging version
- (define-expansion (lint-format str caller . args)
- `(begin
- (format outport "lint.scm line ~A~%" ,(port-line-number))
- (lint-format-1 ,str ,caller ,@args)))
- (define-expansion (lint-format* caller . args)
- `(begin
- (format outport "lint.scm line ~A~%" ,(port-line-number))
- (lint-format*-1 ,caller ,@args)))
- |#
- ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (define lint
- (let ((no-side-effect-functions
- (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (hash-table-set! ht op #t))
- '(* + - / < <= = > >=
- abs acos acosh and angle append aritable? arity ash asin asinh assoc assq assv atan atanh
- begin boolean? byte-vector byte-vector?
- caaaar caaadr caaar caadar caaddr caadr caar cadaar cadadr cadar caddar cadddr caddr cadr
- call-with-input-string call-with-input-file
- c-pointer c-pointer? c-object? call-with-exit car case catch cdaaar cdaadr cdaar cdadar cdaddr cdadr cdar cddaar cddadr
- cddar cdddar cddddr cdddr cddr cdr ceiling char->integer char-alphabetic? char-ci<=?
- char-ci<? char-ci=? char-ci>=? char-ci>? char-downcase char-lower-case? char-numeric?
- char-position char-ready? char-upcase char-upper-case? char-whitespace? char<=? char<?
- char=? char>=? char>? char? complex complex? cond cons constant? continuation? cos
- cosh curlet current-error-port current-input-port current-output-port cyclic-sequences
- defined? denominator dilambda? do dynamic-wind
- eof-object? eq? equal? eqv? even? exact->inexact exact? exp expt
- float? float-vector float-vector-ref float-vector? floor for-each funclet
- gcd gensym gensym? ; why was gensym omitted earlier?
- hash-table hash-table* hash-table-entries hash-table-ref hash-table? help hook-functions
- if imag-part inexact->exact inexact? infinite? inlet input-port?
- int-vector int-vector-ref int-vector? iterator-at-end? iterator-sequence integer->char
- integer-decode-float integer-length integer? iterator?
- keyword->symbol keyword?
- lambda lambda* lcm let->list length let let* let-ref let? letrec letrec* list list->string list->vector list-ref
- list-tail list? log logand logbit? logior lognot logxor
- macro? magnitude make-byte-vector make-float-vector make-int-vector make-hash-table make-hook make-iterator make-keyword make-list make-polar
- make-rectangular make-shared-vector make-string make-vector map max member memq memv min modulo morally-equal?
- nan? negative? not null? number->string number? numerator
- object->string odd? openlet? or outlet output-port? owlet
- pair-line-number pair-filename pair? port-closed? port-filename port-line-number positive? procedure-documentation
- procedure-setter procedure-signature procedure-source procedure? proper-list? provided?
- quasiquote quote quotient
- random-state random-state->list random-state? rational? rationalize real-part real? remainder reverse rootlet round
- s7-version sequence? sin sinh square sqrt stacktrace string string->list string->number string->symbol string-append
- string-ci<=? string-ci<? string-ci=? string-ci>=? string-ci>? string-downcase string-length
- string-position string-ref string-upcase string<=? string<? string=? string>=? string>? string?
- sublet substring symbol symbol->dynamic-value symbol->keyword symbol->string symbol->value symbol?
- tan tanh tree-leaves truncate
- unless
- values vector vector-append vector->list vector-dimensions vector-length vector-ref vector?
- when with-baffle with-let with-input-from-file with-input-from-string with-output-to-string
- zero?
- #_{list} #_{apply_values} #_{append} unquote))
- ;; do not include file-exists? or directory?
- ;; should this include peek-char or unlet ?
- ht))
- (built-in-functions (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (hash-table-set! ht op #t))
- '(symbol? gensym? keyword? let? openlet? iterator? constant? macro? c-pointer? c-object?
- input-port? output-port? eof-object? integer? number? real? complex? rational? random-state?
- char? string? list? pair? vector? float-vector? int-vector? byte-vector? hash-table?
- continuation? procedure? dilambda? boolean? float? proper-list? sequence? null? gensym
- symbol->string string->symbol symbol symbol->value symbol->dynamic-value symbol-access
- make-keyword symbol->keyword keyword->symbol outlet rootlet curlet unlet sublet varlet
- cutlet inlet owlet coverlet openlet let-ref let-set! make-iterator iterate iterator-sequence
- iterator-at-end? provided? provide defined? c-pointer port-line-number port-filename
- pair-line-number pair-filename port-closed? current-input-port current-output-port
- current-error-port let->list char-ready? close-input-port close-output-port flush-output-port
- open-input-file open-output-file open-input-string open-output-string get-output-string
- newline write display read-char peek-char write-char write-string read-byte write-byte
- read-line read-string read call-with-input-string call-with-input-file with-input-from-string
- with-input-from-file call-with-output-string call-with-output-file with-output-to-string
- with-output-to-file real-part imag-part numerator denominator even? odd? zero? positive?
- negative? infinite? nan? complex magnitude angle rationalize abs exp log sin cos tan asin
- acos atan sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh sqrt expt floor ceiling truncate round lcm gcd
- + - * / max min quotient remainder modulo = < > <= >= logior logxor logand lognot ash
- random-state random inexact->exact exact->inexact integer-length make-polar make-rectangular
- logbit? integer-decode-float exact? inexact? random-state->list number->string string->number
- char-upcase char-downcase char->integer integer->char char-upper-case? char-lower-case?
- char-alphabetic? char-numeric? char-whitespace? char=? char<? char>? char<=? char>=?
- char-position string-position make-string string-ref string-set! string=? string<? string>?
- string<=? string>=? char-ci=? char-ci<? char-ci>? char-ci<=? char-ci>=? string-ci=? string-ci<?
- string-ci>? string-ci<=? string-ci>=? string-copy string-fill! list->string string-length
- string->list string-downcase string-upcase string-append substring string object->string
- format cons car cdr set-car! set-cdr! caar cadr cdar cddr caaar caadr cadar cdaar caddr
- cdddr cdadr cddar caaaar caaadr caadar cadaar caaddr cadddr cadadr caddar cdaaar cdaadr
- cdadar cddaar cdaddr cddddr cddadr cdddar assoc member list list-ref list-set! list-tail
- make-list length copy fill! reverse reverse! sort! append assq assv memq memv vector-append
- list->vector vector-fill! vector-length vector->list vector-ref vector-set! vector-dimensions
- make-vector make-shared-vector vector float-vector make-float-vector float-vector-set!
- float-vector-ref int-vector make-int-vector int-vector-set! int-vector-ref string->byte-vector
- byte-vector make-byte-vector hash-table hash-table* make-hash-table hash-table-ref
- hash-table-set! hash-table-entries cyclic-sequences call/cc call-with-current-continuation
- call-with-exit load autoload eval eval-string apply for-each map dynamic-wind values
- catch throw error procedure-documentation procedure-signature help procedure-source funclet
- procedure-setter arity aritable? not eq? eqv? equal? morally-equal? gc s7-version emergency-exit
- exit dilambda make-hook hook-functions stacktrace tree-leaves object->let
- #_{list} #_{apply_values} #_{append} unquote))
- ht))
- (makers (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (set! (h op) #t))
- '(gensym sublet inlet make-iterator let->list random-state random-state->list number->string object->let
- make-string string string-copy copy list->string string->list string-append substring object->string
- format cons list make-list reverse append vector-append list->vector vector->list make-vector
- make-shared-vector vector make-float-vector float-vector make-int-vector int-vector byte-vector
- hash-table hash-table* make-hash-table make-hook #_{list} #_{append} gentemp)) ; gentemp for other schemes
- h))
- (non-negative-ops (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (set! (h op) #t))
- '(string-length vector-length abs magnitude denominator gcd lcm tree-leaves
- char->integer byte-vector-ref byte-vector-set! hash-table-entries write-byte
- char-position string-position pair-line-number port-line-number))
- h))
- (numeric-ops (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (set! (h op) #t))
- '(+ * - /
- sin cos tan asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh
- log exp expt sqrt make-polar complex
- imag-part real-part abs magnitude angle max min exact->inexact
- modulo remainder quotient lcm gcd
- rationalize inexact->exact random
- logior lognot logxor logand numerator denominator
- floor round truncate ceiling ash))
- h))
- (bools (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (set! (h op) #t))
- '(symbol? integer? rational? real? number? complex? float? keyword? gensym? byte-vector? string? list? sequence?
- char? boolean? float-vector? int-vector? vector? let? hash-table? input-port? null? pair? proper-list?
- output-port? iterator? continuation? dilambda? procedure? macro? random-state? eof-object? c-pointer?
- unspecified? c-object? constant?))
- h))
- (booleans (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (set! (h op) #t))
- '(symbol? integer? rational? real? number? complex? float? keyword? gensym? byte-vector? string? list? sequence?
- char? boolean? float-vector? int-vector? vector? let? hash-table? input-port? null? pair? proper-list?
- output-port? iterator? continuation? dilambda? procedure? macro? random-state? eof-object? c-pointer? c-object?
- unspecified? exact? inexact? defined? provided? even? odd? char-whitespace? char-numeric? char-alphabetic?
- negative? positive? zero? constant? infinite? nan? char-upper-case? char-lower-case? directory? file-exists?))
- h))
- (reversibles (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (set! (h (car op)) (cadr op)))
- '((< >) (> <) (<= >=) (>= <=)
- (* *) (+ +) (= =) (char=? char=?) (string=? string=?)
- (eq? eq?) (eqv? eqv?) (equal? equal?) (morally-equal? morally-equal?)
- (logand logand) (logxor logxor) (logior logior)
- (max max) (min min) (lcm lcm) (gcd gcd)
- (char<? char>?) (char>? char<?) (char<=? char>=?) (char>=? char<=?)
- (string<? string>?) (string>? string<?) (string<=? string>=?) (string>=? string<=?)
- (char-ci<? char-ci>?) (char-ci>? char-ci<?) (char-ci<=? char-ci>=?) (char-ci>=? char-ci<=?)
- (string-ci<? string-ci>?) (string-ci>? string-ci<?) (string-ci<=? string-ci>=?) (string-ci>=? string-ci<=?)))
- h))
- (syntaces (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (set! (h op) #t))
- '(quote if begin let let* letrec letrec* cond case or and do set! unless when
- with-let with-baffle
- lambda lambda* define define*
- define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro*
- define-constant define-expansion))
- h))
- (outport #t)
- (linted-files ())
- (big-constants (make-hash-table))
- (other-names-counts (make-hash-table))
- (*e* #f)
- (other-identifiers (make-hash-table))
- (quote-warnings 0)
- (last-simplify-boolean-line-number -1)
- (last-simplify-numeric-line-number -1)
- (last-simplify-cxr-line-number -1)
- (last-if-line-number -1)
- (last-checker-line-number -1)
- (last-cons-line-number -1)
- (last-rewritten-internal-define #f)
- (line-number -1)
- (pp-left-margin 4)
- (lint-left-margin 1)
- (*current-file* "")
- (*top-level-objects* (make-hash-table))
- (*output-port* *stderr*)
- (fragments (let ((v (make-vector *fragments-size* #f)))
- (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
- ((= i *fragments-size*))
- (set! (v i) (make-hash-table)))
- v))
- (*max-cdr-len* 16)) ; 40 is too high, 24 questionable, if #f the let+do rewrite is turned off
- (set! *e* (curlet))
- (set! *lint* *e*) ; external access to (for example) the built-in-functions hash-table via (*lint* 'built-in-functions)
- ;; -------- lint-format --------
- (define target-line-length 80)
- (define (truncated-list->string form)
- ;; return form -> string with limits on its length
- (let* ((str (object->string form))
- (len (length str)))
- (if (< len target-line-length)
- str
- (do ((i (- target-line-length 6) (- i 1)))
- ((or (= i 40)
- (char-whitespace? (str i)))
- (string-append (substring str 0 (if (<= i 40)
- (- target-line-length 6)
- i))
- "..."))))))
- (define lint-pp #f) ; avoid crosstalk with other schemes' definitions of pp and pretty-print (make-var also collides)
- (define lint-pretty-print #f)
- (let ()
- (require write.scm)
- (set! lint-pp pp);
- (set! lint-pretty-print pretty-print))
- (define (lists->string f1 f2)
- ;; same but 2 strings that may need to be lined up vertically
- (let ((str1 (object->string f1))
- (str2 (object->string f2)))
- (let ((len1 (length str1))
- (len2 (length str2)))
- (when (> len1 target-line-length)
- (set! str1 (truncated-list->string f1))
- (set! len1 (length str1)))
- (when (> len2 target-line-length)
- (set! ((funclet lint-pretty-print) '*pretty-print-left-margin*) pp-left-margin)
- (set! ((funclet lint-pretty-print) '*pretty-print-length*) (- 114 pp-left-margin))
- (set! str2 (lint-pp f2))
- (set! len2 (length str2)))
- (format #f (if (< (+ len1 len2) target-line-length)
- (values "~A -> ~A" str1 str2)
- (values "~%~NC~A ->~%~NC~A" pp-left-margin #\space str1 pp-left-margin #\space str2))))))
- (define (truncated-lists->string f1 f2)
- ;; same but 2 strings that may need to be lined up vertically and both are truncated
- (let ((str1 (object->string f1))
- (str2 (object->string f2)))
- (let ((len1 (length str1))
- (len2 (length str2)))
- (when (> len1 target-line-length)
- (set! str1 (truncated-list->string f1))
- (set! len1 (length str1)))
- (when (> len2 target-line-length)
- (set! str2 (truncated-list->string f2))
- (set! len2 (length str2)))
- (format #f (if (< (+ len1 len2) target-line-length)
- (values "~A -> ~A" str1 str2)
- (values "~%~NC~A ->~%~NC~A" pp-left-margin #\space str1 pp-left-margin #\space str2))))))
- (define made-suggestion 0)
- (define (lint-format str caller . args)
- (let ((outstr (apply format #f
- (string-append (if (< 0 line-number 100000)
- "~NC~A (line ~D): "
- "~NC~A: ")
- str "~%")
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (truncated-list->string caller)
- (if (< 0 line-number 100000)
- (values line-number args)
- args))))
- (set! made-suggestion (+ made-suggestion 1))
- (display outstr outport)
- (if (> (length outstr) (+ target-line-length 40))
- (newline outport))))
- (define (lint-format* caller . strs)
- (let* ((outstr (format #f
- (if (< 0 line-number 100000)
- "~NC~A (line ~D): "
- "~NC~A:~A")
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (truncated-list->string caller)
- (if (< 0 line-number 100000)
- line-number
- " ")))
- (current-end (length outstr)))
- ;; (set! made-suggestion (+ made-suggestion 1))
- (display outstr outport)
- (for-each (lambda (s)
- (let ((len (length s)))
- (if (> (+ len current-end) target-line-length)
- (begin
- (format outport "~%~NC~A" (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space s)
- (set! current-end len))
- (begin
- (display s outport)
- (set! current-end (+ current-end len))))))
- strs)
- (newline outport)))
- (define (local-line-number tree)
- (let ((tree-line (if (pair? tree) (pair-line-number tree) 0)))
- (if (and (< 0 tree-line 100000)
- (not (= tree-line line-number)))
- (format #f " (line ~D)" tree-line)
- "")))
- ;; -------- vars --------
- (define var-name car)
- (define (var? v) (and (pair? v) (let? (cdr v))))
- (define var-member assq)
- (define var-ref (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'ref)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'ref x))))
- (define var-set (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'set)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'set x))))
- (define var-history (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'history)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'history x))))
- (define var-ftype (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'ftype)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'ftype x))))
- (define var-retcons (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'retcons)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'retcons x))))
- (define var-arglist (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'arglist)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'arglist x))))
- (define var-definer (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'definer)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'definer x))))
- (define var-leaves (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'leaves)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'leaves x))))
- (define var-scope (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'scope)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'scope x))))
- (define var-setters (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'setters)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'setters x))))
- (define var-env (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'env)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'env x))))
- (define var-decl (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'decl)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'decl x))))
- (define var-match-list (dilambda (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'match-list)) (lambda (v x) (let-set! (cdr v) 'match-list x))))
- (define var-initial-value (lambda (v) (let-ref (cdr v) 'initial-value))) ; not (easily) settable
- (define var-side-effect (dilambda (lambda (v)
- (if (null? (let-ref (cdr v) 'side-effect))
- (let-set! (cdr v) 'side-effect (get-side-effect v))
- (let-ref (cdr v) 'side-effect)))
- (lambda (v x)
- (let-set! (cdr v) 'side-effect x))))
- (define var-signature (dilambda (lambda (v)
- (if (null? (let-ref (cdr v) 'signature))
- (let-set! (cdr v) 'signature (get-signature v))
- (let-ref (cdr v) 'signature)))
- (lambda (v x)
- (let-set! (cdr v) 'signature x))))
- (define* (make-var name initial-value definer)
- (let ((old (hash-table-ref other-identifiers name)))
- (cons name (inlet 'initial-value initial-value
- 'definer definer
- 'history (if old
- (begin
- (hash-table-set! other-identifiers name #f)
- (if initial-value (cons initial-value old) old))
- (if initial-value (list initial-value) ()))
- 'scope ()
- 'setters ()
- 'set 0
- 'ref (if old (length old) 0)))))
- ;; -------- the usual list functions --------
- (define (remove item sequence)
- (cond ((null? sequence) ())
- ((equal? item (car sequence)) (cdr sequence))
- (else (cons (car sequence) (remove item (cdr sequence))))))
- (define (remove-all item sequence)
- (map (lambda (x)
- (if (equal? x item)
- (values)
- x))
- sequence))
- (define (remove-if p lst)
- (cond ((null? lst) ())
- ((p (car lst)) (remove-if p (cdr lst)))
- (else (cons (car lst)
- (remove-if p (cdr lst))))))
- (define (lint-remove-duplicates lst env)
- (reverse (let rem-dup ((lst lst)
- (nlst ()))
- (cond ((null? lst) nlst)
- ((and (member (car lst) nlst)
- (not (and (pair? (car lst))
- (side-effect? (car lst) env))))
- (rem-dup (cdr lst) nlst))
- (else (rem-dup (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) nlst)))))))
- (define applicable? arity)
- (define every?
- (let ((documentation "(every? func sequence) returns #t if func approves of every member of sequence")
- (signature '(boolean? procedure? sequence?)))
- (lambda (f sequence)
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (for-each (lambda (arg) (if (not (f arg)) (return #f))) sequence)
- #t)))))
- (define any?
- (let ((documentation "(any? func sequence) returns #t if func approves of any member of sequence")
- (signature '(boolean? procedure? sequence?)))
- (lambda (f sequence)
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (for-each (lambda (arg) (if (f arg) (return #t))) sequence)
- #f)))))
- (define collect-if
- (let ((documentation "(collect-if type func sequence) gathers the elements of sequence that satisfy func, and returns them via type:\n\
- (collect-if list integer? #(1.4 2/3 1 1+i 2)) -> '(1 2)"))
- (lambda (type f sequence)
- (apply type (map (lambda (arg) (if (f arg) arg (values))) sequence)))))
- (define find-if
- (let ((documentation "(find-if func sequence) applies func to each member of sequence.\n\
- If func approves of one, find-if returns that member of the sequence"))
- (lambda (f sequence)
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (for-each (lambda (arg)
- (if (f arg)
- (return arg)))
- sequence)
- #f)))))
- ;; -------- trees --------
- (define copy-tree
- (let ((documentation "(copy-tree lst) returns a full copy of lst"))
- (lambda (lis)
- (if (pair? lis)
- (cons (copy-tree (car lis))
- (copy-tree (cdr lis)))
- lis))))
- (define (tree-count1 x tree count)
- (if (eq? x tree)
- (+ count 1)
- (if (or (>= count 2)
- (not (pair? tree))
- (eq? (car tree) 'quote))
- count
- (tree-count1 x (car tree) (tree-count1 x (cdr tree) count)))))
- (define (tree-count2 x tree count)
- (if (eq? x tree)
- (+ count 1)
- (if (or (>= count 3)
- (not (pair? tree))
- (eq? (car tree) 'quote))
- count
- (tree-count2 x (car tree) (tree-count2 x (cdr tree) count)))))
- (define (proper-tree? tree)
- (or (not (pair? tree))
- (and (proper-list? tree)
- (every? proper-tree? (cdr tree)))))
- (define (gather-symbols tree)
- (let ((syms ()))
- (let walk ((p tree))
- (if (pair? p)
- (if (symbol? (car p))
- (if (not (eq? (car p) 'quote))
- (for-each (lambda (a)
- (if (symbol? a)
- (if (not (memq a syms))
- (set! syms (cons a syms)))
- (if (pair? a) (walk a))))
- (cdr p)))
- (if (pair? (car p))
- (begin
- (walk (car p))
- (walk (cdr p)))))
- (if (and (symbol? tree)
- (not (memq tree syms)))
- (set! syms (cons tree syms)))))
- syms))
- (define (tree-arg-member sym tree)
- (and (proper-list? tree)
- (or (and (memq sym (cdr tree))
- tree)
- (and (pair? (car tree))
- (tree-arg-member sym (car tree)))
- (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (for-each
- (lambda (b)
- (cond ((and (pair? b)
- (tree-arg-member sym b))
- => return)))
- (cdr tree))
- #f))))))
- (define (tree-memq sym tree) ; ignore quoted lists, accept symbol outside a pair
- (or (eq? sym tree)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (not (eq? (car tree) 'quote))
- (or (eq? (car tree) sym)
- (tree-memq sym (car tree))
- (tree-memq sym (cdr tree))))))
- (define (tree-member sym tree)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (or (eq? (car tree) sym)
- (tree-member sym (car tree))
- (tree-member sym (cdr tree)))))
- (define (tree-equal-member sym tree)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (or (equal? (car tree) sym)
- (tree-member sym (car tree))
- (tree-member sym (cdr tree)))))
- (define (tree-unquoted-member sym tree)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (not (eq? (car tree) 'quote))
- (or (eq? (car tree) sym)
- (tree-unquoted-member sym (car tree))
- (tree-unquoted-member sym (cdr tree)))))
- (define (tree-car-member sym tree)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (or (eq? (car tree) sym)
- (and (pair? (car tree))
- (tree-car-member sym (car tree)))
- (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (member sym (cdr tree) tree-car-member)))))
- (define (tree-sym-set-member sym set tree) ; sym as arg, set as car
- (and (pair? tree)
- (or (memq (car tree) set)
- (and (pair? (car tree))
- (tree-sym-set-member sym set (car tree)))
- (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (or (member sym (cdr tree))
- (member #f (cdr tree) (lambda (a b) (tree-sym-set-member sym set b))))))))
- (define (tree-set-member set tree)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (not (eq? (car tree) 'quote))
- (or (memq (car tree) set)
- (tree-set-member set (car tree))
- (tree-set-member set (cdr tree)))))
- (define (tree-table-member table tree)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (or (hash-table-ref table (car tree))
- (tree-table-member table (car tree))
- (tree-table-member table (cdr tree)))))
- (define (tree-set-car-member set tree) ; set as car
- (and (pair? tree)
- (or (and (memq (car tree) set)
- tree)
- (and (pair? (car tree))
- (tree-set-car-member set (car tree)))
- (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (member #f (cdr tree) (lambda (a b) (tree-set-car-member set b)))))))
- (define (tree-table-car-member set tree) ; hash-table as car
- (and (pair? tree)
- (or (and (hash-table-ref set (car tree))
- tree)
- (and (pair? (car tree))
- (tree-table-car-member set (car tree)))
- (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (member #f (cdr tree) (lambda (a b) (tree-table-car-member set b)))))))
- (define (maker? tree)
- (tree-table-car-member makers tree))
- (define (tree-symbol-walk tree syms)
- (if (pair? tree)
- (if (eq? (car tree) 'quote)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (symbol? (cadr tree))
- (not (memq (cadr tree) (car syms))))
- (tree-symbol-walk (cddr tree) (begin (set-car! syms (cons (cadr tree) (car syms))) syms)))
- (if (eq? (car tree) {list})
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cadr tree))
- (eq? (caadr tree) 'quote)
- (symbol? (cadadr tree))
- (not (memq (cadadr tree) (cadr syms))))
- (tree-symbol-walk (cddr tree) (begin (list-set! syms 1 (cons (cadadr tree) (cadr syms))) syms)))
- (begin
- (tree-symbol-walk (car tree) syms)
- (tree-symbol-walk (cdr tree) syms))))))
- ;; -------- types --------
- (define (quoted-undotted-pair? x)
- (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'quote)
- (pair? (cdr x))
- (pair? (cadr x))
- (positive? (length (cadr x)))))
- (define (quoted-null? x)
- (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'quote)
- (pair? (cdr x))
- (null? (cadr x))))
- (define (any-null? x)
- (or (null? x)
- (and (pair? x)
- (case (car x)
- ((quote)
- (and (pair? (cdr x))
- (null? (cadr x))))
- ((list)
- (null? (cdr x)))
- (else #f)))))
- (define (quoted-not? x)
- (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'quote)
- (pair? (cdr x))
- (not (cadr x))))
- (define (quoted-symbol? x)
- (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'quote)
- (pair? (cdr x))
- (symbol? (cadr x))))
- (define (code-constant? x)
- (and (or (not (symbol? x))
- (keyword? x))
- (or (not (pair? x))
- (eq? (car x) 'quote))))
- (define (just-symbols? form)
- (or (null? form)
- (symbol? form)
- (and (pair? form)
- (symbol? (car form))
- (just-symbols? (cdr form)))))
- (define (list-any? f lst)
- (if (pair? lst)
- (or (f (car lst))
- (list-any? f (cdr lst)))
- (f lst)))
- (define syntax?
- (let ((syns (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each (lambda (x)
- (hash-table-set! h x #t))
- (list quote if when unless begin set! let let* letrec letrec* cond and or case do
- lambda lambda* define define* define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro*
- define-constant with-baffle macroexpand with-let))
- h)))
- (lambda (obj) ; a value, not a symbol
- (hash-table-ref syns obj))))
- ;; -------- func info --------
- (define (arg-signature fnc env)
- (and (symbol? fnc)
- (let ((fd (var-member fnc env)))
- (if (var? fd)
- (and (symbol? (var-ftype fd))
- (var-signature fd))
- (or (and (eq? *e* *lint*)
- (procedure-signature fnc))
- (let ((f (symbol->value fnc *e*)))
- (and (procedure? f)
- (procedure-signature f))))))))
- (define (arg-arity fnc env)
- (and (symbol? fnc)
- (let ((fd (var-member fnc env)))
- (if (var? fd)
- (and (not (eq? (var-decl fd) 'error))
- (arity (var-decl fd)))
- (let ((f (symbol->value fnc *e*)))
- (and (procedure? f)
- (arity f)))))))
- (define (dummy-func caller form f)
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (eval f))
- (lambda args
- (lint-format* caller
- (string-append "in " (truncated-list->string form) ", ")
- (apply format #f (cadr args))))))
- (define (count-values body)
- (let ((mn #f)
- (mx #f))
- (if (pair? body)
- (let counter ((ignored #f) ; 'ignored is for member's benefit
- (tree (list-ref body (- (length body) 1))))
- (if (pair? tree)
- (if (eq? (car tree) 'values)
- (let ((args (- (length tree) 1)))
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (if (and (pair? p) (eq? (car p) 'values))
- (set! args (- (+ (args (length p)) 2)))))
- (cdr tree))
- (set! mn (min (or mn args) args))
- (set! mx (max (or mx args) args)))
- (begin
- (if (pair? (car tree))
- (counter 'values (car tree)))
- (if (pair? (cdr tree))
- (member #f (cdr tree) counter)))))
- #f)) ; return #f so member doesn't quit early
- (and mn (list mn mx))))
- (define (get-signature v)
- (define (signer endb env)
- (and (not (side-effect? endb env))
- (cond ((not (pair? endb))
- (and (not (symbol? endb))
- (list (->lint-type endb))))
- ((arg-signature (car endb) env)
- => (lambda (a)
- (and (pair? a)
- (list (car a)))))
- ((and (eq? (car endb) 'if)
- (pair? (cddr endb)))
- (let ((a1 (signer (caddr endb) env))
- (a2 (and (pair? (cdddr endb))
- (signer (cadddr endb) env))))
- (if (not a2)
- a1
- (and (equal? a1 a2) a1))))
- (else #f))))
- (let ((ftype (var-ftype v))
- (initial-value (var-initial-value v))
- (arglist (var-arglist v))
- (env (var-env v)))
- (let ((body (and (memq ftype '(define define* lambda lambda* let))
- (cddr initial-value))))
- (and (pair? body)
- (let ((sig (signer (list-ref body (- (length body) 1)) env)))
- (if (not (pair? sig))
- (set! sig (list #t)))
- (when (and (proper-list? arglist)
- (not (any? keyword? arglist)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (arg) ; new function's parameter
- (set! sig (cons #t sig))
- ;; (if (pair? arg) (set! arg (car arg)))
- ;; causes trouble when tree-count1 sees keyword args in s7test.scm
- (if (= (tree-count1 arg body 0) 1)
- (let ((p (tree-arg-member arg body)))
- (when (pair? p)
- (let ((f (car p))
- (m (memq arg (cdr p))))
- (if (pair? m)
- (let ((fsig (arg-signature f env)))
- (if (pair? fsig)
- (let ((chk (catch #t (lambda () (fsig (- (length p) (length m)))) (lambda args #f))))
- (if (and (symbol? chk) ; it defaults to #t
- (not (memq chk '(integer:any? integer:real?))))
- (set-car! sig chk)))))))))))
- arglist))
- (and (any? (lambda (a) (not (eq? a #t))) sig)
- (reverse sig)))))))
- (define (args->proper-list args)
- (cond ((symbol? args) (list args))
- ((not (pair? args)) args)
- ((pair? (car args)) (cons (caar args) (args->proper-list (cdr args))))
- (else (cons (car args) (args->proper-list (cdr args))))))
- (define (out-vars func-name arglist body)
- (let ((ref ())
- (set ()))
- (let var-walk ((tree body)
- (e (cons func-name arglist)))
- (define (var-walk-body tree e)
- (when (pair? tree)
- (for-each (lambda (p) (set! e (var-walk p e))) tree)))
- (define (shadowed v)
- (if (and (or (memq v e) (memq v ref))
- (not (memq v set)))
- (set! set (cons v set)))
- v)
- (if (symbol? tree)
- (if (not (or (memq tree e) (memq tree ref) (defined? tree (rootlet))))
- (set! ref (cons tree ref)))
- (when (pair? tree)
- (if (not (pair? (cdr tree)))
- (var-walk (car tree) e)
- (case (car tree)
- ((set! vector-set! list-set! hash-table-set! float-vector-set! int-vector-set!
- string-set! let-set! fill! string-fill! list-fill! vector-fill!
- reverse! sort! set-car! set-cdr!)
- (let ((sym (if (symbol? (cadr tree))
- (cadr tree)
- (if (pair? (cadr tree)) (caadr tree)))))
- (if (not (or (memq sym e) (memq sym set)))
- (set! set (cons sym set)))
- (var-walk (cddr tree) e)))
- ((let letrec)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree)))
- (let* ((named (symbol? (cadr tree)))
- (vars (if named
- (list (shadowed (cadr tree)))
- ()))
- (varlist ((if named caddr cadr) tree)))
- (when (pair? varlist)
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (when (and (pair? v)
- (pair? (cdr v)))
- (var-walk (cadr v) e)
- (set! vars (cons (shadowed (car v)) vars))))
- ((if named caddr cadr) tree)))
- (var-walk-body ((if named cdddr cddr) tree) (append vars e)))))
- ((let* letrec*)
- (let* ((named (symbol? (cadr tree)))
- (vars (if named (list (cadr tree)) ()))
- (varlist ((if named caddr cadr) tree)))
- (when (pair? varlist)
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (when (and (pair? v)
- (pair? (cdr v)))
- (var-walk (cadr v) (append vars e))
- (set! vars (cons (shadowed (car v)) vars))))
- varlist))
- (var-walk-body ((if named cdddr cddr) tree) (append vars e))))
- ((case)
- (when (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree)))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (when (pair? c)
- (var-walk (cdr c) e)))
- (cddr tree))))
- ((quote) #f)
- ((do)
- (let ((vars ()))
- (when (pair? (cadr tree))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (when (and (pair? v)
- (pair? (cdr v)))
- (var-walk (cadr v) e)
- (set! vars (cons (shadowed (car v)) vars))))
- (cadr tree))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (if (and (pair? v)
- (pair? (cdr v))
- (pair? (cddr v)))
- (var-walk (caddr v) (append vars e))))
- (cadr tree)))
- (when (pair? (cddr tree))
- (var-walk (caddr tree) (append vars e))
- (var-walk-body (cdddr tree) (append vars e)))))
- ((lambda lambda*)
- (var-walk-body (cddr tree) (append (args->proper-list (cadr tree)) e)))
- ((define* define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro*)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree)))
- (begin
- (set! e (cons (caadr tree) e))
- (var-walk-body (cddr tree) (append (args->proper-list (cdadr tree)) e)))))
- ((define define-constant)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree)))
- (if (symbol? (cadr tree))
- (begin
- (var-walk (caddr tree) e)
- (set! e (cons (cadr tree) e)))
- (begin
- (set! e (cons (caadr tree) e))
- (var-walk-body (cddr tree) (append (args->proper-list (cdadr tree)) e))))))
- (else
- (var-walk (car tree) e)
- (var-walk (cdr tree) e))))))
- e)
- (list ref set)))
- (define (get-side-effect v)
- (let ((ftype (var-ftype v)))
- (or (not (memq ftype '(define define* lambda lambda*)))
- (let ((body (cddr (var-initial-value v)))
- (env (var-env v))
- (args (cons (var-name v) (args->proper-list (var-arglist v)))))
- (let ((outvars (append (cadr (out-vars (var-name v) args body)) args)))
- (any? (lambda (f)
- (side-effect-with-vars? f env outvars))
- body))))))
- (define (last-par x)
- (let ((len (length x)))
- (and (positive? len)
- (x (- len 1)))))
- (define* (make-fvar name ftype arglist decl initial-value env)
- ;(format *stderr* "fvar: ~A~%" name)
- (let ((new (let ((old (hash-table-ref other-identifiers name)))
- (cons name
- (inlet 'signature ()
- 'side-effect ()
- 'allow-other-keys (and (pair? arglist)
- (memq ftype '(define* define-macro* define-bacro* defmacro*))
- (eq? (last-par arglist) :allow-other-keys))
- 'scope ()
- 'setters ()
- 'env env
- 'initial-value initial-value
- 'values (and (pair? initial-value) (count-values (cddr initial-value)))
- 'leaves #f
- 'match-list #f
- 'decl decl
- 'arglist arglist
- 'ftype ftype
- 'retcons #f
- 'history (if old
- (begin
- (hash-table-set! other-identifiers name #f)
- (if initial-value (cons initial-value old) old))
- (if initial-value (list initial-value) ()))
- 'set 0
- 'ref (if old (length old) 0))))))
- (reduce-function-tree new env)
- new))
- (define (return-type sym e)
- (let ((sig (arg-signature sym e)))
- (and (pair? sig)
- (or (eq? (car sig) 'values) ; turn it into #t for now
- (car sig))))) ; this might be undefined in the current context (eg oscil? outside clm)
- (define any-macro?
- (let ((macros (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (m)
- (set! (h m) #t))
- '(call-with-values let-values define-values let*-values cond-expand require quasiquote
- multiple-value-bind reader-cond match while))
- h)))
- (lambda (f env)
- (or (hash-table-ref macros f)
- (let ((fd (var-member f env)))
- (and (var? fd)
- (memq (var-ftype fd) '(define-macro define-macro* define-expansion
- define-bacro define-bacro* defmacro defmacro* define-syntax))))))))
- (define (any-procedure? f env)
- (or (hash-table-ref built-in-functions f)
- (let ((v (var-member f env)))
- (and (var? v)
- (memq (var-ftype v) '(define define* lambda lambda*))))))
- (define ->simple-type
- (let ((markers (list (cons :call/exit 'continuation?)
- (cons :call/cc 'continuation?)
- (cons :dilambda 'dilambda?)
- (cons :lambda 'procedure?))))
- (lambda (c)
- (cond ((pair? c) 'pair?)
- ((integer? c) 'integer?)
- ((rational? c) 'rational?)
- ((real? c) 'real?)
- ((number? c) 'number?)
- ((string? c) 'string?)
- ((null? c) 'null?)
- ((char? c) 'char?)
- ((boolean? c) 'boolean?)
- ((keyword? c)
- (cond ((assq c markers) => cdr)
- (else 'keyword?)))
- ((vector? c) 'vector?)
- ((float-vector? c) 'float-vector?)
- ((int-vector? c) 'int-vector?)
- ((byte-vector? c) 'byte-vector?)
- ((let? c) 'let?)
- ((hash-table? c) 'hash-table?)
- ((input-port? c) 'input-port?)
- ((output-port? c) 'output-port?)
- ((iterator? c) 'iterator?)
- ((continuation? c) 'continuation?)
- ((dilambda? c) 'dilambda?)
- ((procedure? c) 'procedure?)
- ((macro? c) 'macro?)
- ((random-state? c) 'random-state?)
- ((c-pointer? c) 'c-pointer?)
- ((c-object? c) 'c-object?)
- ((eof-object? c) 'eof-object?)
- ((syntax? c) 'syntax?)
- ((assq c '((#<unspecified> . unspecified?) (#<undefined> . undefined?))) => cdr)
- (#t #t)))))
- (define (define->type c)
- (and (pair? c)
- (case (car c)
- ((define)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr c))
- (pair? (cadr c)))
- 'procedure?
- (and (pair? (cddr c))
- (->lint-type (caddr c)))))
- ((define* lambda lambda* case-lambda) 'procedure?)
- ((dilambda) 'dilambda?)
- ((define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro* defmacro defmacro* define-expansion) 'macro?)
- ((:call/cc :call/exit) 'continuation?)
- (else #t))))
- (define (->lint-type c)
- (cond ((not (pair? c)) (->simple-type c))
- ((not (symbol? (car c))) (or (pair? (car c)) 'pair?))
- ((not (eq? (car c) 'quote)) (or (return-type (car c) ()) (define->type c)))
- ((symbol? (cadr c)) 'symbol?)
- (else (->simple-type (cadr c))))) ; don't look for return type!
- (define (compatible? type1 type2) ; we want type1, we have type2 -- is type2 ok?
- (or (eq? type1 type2)
- (not (symbol? type1))
- (not (symbol? type2))
- (not (hash-table-ref booleans type1))
- (not (hash-table-ref booleans type2))
- (eq? type2 'constant?)
- (case type1
- ((number? complex?) (memq type2 '(float? real? rational? integer? number? complex? exact? inexact? zero? negative? positive? even? odd? infinite? nan?)))
- ((real?) (memq type2 '(float? rational? integer? complex? number? exact? inexact? zero? negative? positive? even? odd? infinite? nan?)))
- ((zero?) (memq type2 '(float? real? rational? integer? number? complex? exact? inexact? even?)))
- ((negative? positive?) (memq type2 '(float? real? rational? integer? complex? number? exact? inexact? even? odd? infinite? nan?)))
- ((float?) (memq type2 '(real? complex? number? inexact? zero? negative? positive? infinite? nan?)))
- ((rational?) (memq type2 '(integer? real? complex? number? exact? zero? negative? positive? even? odd?)))
- ((integer?) (memq type2 '(real? rational? complex? number? exact? even? odd? zero? negative? positive?)))
- ((odd? even?) (memq type2 '(real? rational? complex? number? exact? integer? zero? negative? positive?)))
- ((exact?) (memq type2 '(real? rational? complex? number? integer? zero? negative? positive?)))
- ((inexact?) (memq type2 '(real? number? complex? float? zero? negative? positive? infinite? nan?)))
- ((infinite? nan?) (memq type2 '(real? number? complex? positive? negative? inexact? float?)))
- ((vector?) (memq type2 '(float-vector? int-vector? sequence?)))
- ((float-vector? int-vector?) (memq type2 '(vector? sequence?)))
- ((sequence?) (memq type2 '(list? pair? null? proper-list? vector? float-vector? int-vector? byte-vector?
- string? let? hash-table? c-object? iterator? procedure?))) ; procedure? for extended iterator
- ((symbol?) (memq type2 '(gensym? keyword? defined? provided?)))
- ((constant?) #t)
- ((keyword? gensym? defined? provided?) (eq? type2 'symbol?))
- ((list?) (memq type2 '(null? pair? proper-list? sequence?)))
- ((proper-list?) (memq type2 '(null? pair? list? sequence?)))
- ((pair? null?) (memq type2 '(list? proper-list? sequence?)))
- ((dilambda?) (memq type2 '(procedure? macro? iterator?)))
- ((procedure?) (memq type2 '(dilambda? iterator? macro? sequence?)))
- ((macro?) (memq type2 '(dilambda? iterator? procedure?)))
- ((iterator?) (memq type2 '(dilambda? procedure? sequence?)))
- ((string?) (memq type2 '(byte-vector? sequence? directory? file-exists?)))
- ((hash-table? let? c-object?)
- (eq? type2 'sequence?))
- ((byte-vector? directory? file-exists?)
- (memq type2 '(string? sequence?)))
- ((input-port? output-port?)
- (eq? type2 'boolean?))
- ((char? char-whitespace? char-numeric? char-alphabetic? char-upper-case? char-lower-case?)
- (memq type2 '(char? char-whitespace? char-numeric? char-alphabetic? char-upper-case? char-lower-case?)))
- (else #f))))
- (define (any-compatible? type1 type2)
- ;; type1 and type2 can be either a list of types or a type
- (if (symbol? type1)
- (if (symbol? type2)
- (compatible? type1 type2)
- (and (pair? type2)
- (or (compatible? type1 (car type2))
- (any-compatible? type1 (cdr type2)))))
- (and (pair? type1)
- (or (compatible? (car type1) type2)
- (any-compatible? (cdr type1) type2)))))
- (define (subsumes? type1 type2)
- (or (eq? type1 type2)
- (case type1
- ((integer?) (memq type2 '(even? odd?)))
- ((rational?) (memq type2 '(integer? exact? odd? even?)))
- ((exact?) (memq type2 '(integer? rational?)))
- ((real?) (memq type2 '(integer? rational? float? negative? positive? zero? odd? even?)))
- ((complex? number?) (memq type2 '(integer? rational? float? real? complex? number? negative? positive? zero?
- even? odd? exact? inexact? nan? infinite?)))
- ((list?) (memq type2 '(pair? null? proper-list?)))
- ((proper-list?) (eq? type2 'null?))
- ((vector?) (memq type2 '(float-vector? int-vector?)))
- ((symbol?) (memq type2 '(keyword? gensym? defined? provided?)))
- ((sequence?) (memq type2 '(list? pair? null? proper-list? vector? float-vector? int-vector? byte-vector?
- string? let? hash-table? c-object? directory? file-exists?)))
- ((char?) (memq type2 '(char-whitespace? char-numeric? char-alphabetic? char-upper-case? char-lower-case?)))
- (else #f))))
- (define (never-false expr)
- (or (eq? expr #t)
- (let ((type (if (pair? expr)
- (return-type (car expr) ())
- (->lint-type expr))))
- (and (symbol? type)
- (not (symbol? expr))
- (not (memq type '(boolean? values)))))))
- (define (never-true expr)
- (or (not expr)
- (and (pair? expr)
- (eq? (car expr) 'not)
- (pair? (cdr expr))
- (never-false (cadr expr)))))
- (define (prettify-checker-unq op)
- (if (pair? op)
- (string-append (prettify-checker-unq (car op)) " or " (prettify-checker-unq (cadr op)))
- (case op
- ((rational?) "rational")
- ((real?) "real")
- ((complex?) "complex")
- ((null?) "null")
- ((length) "a sequence")
- ((unspecified?) "untyped")
- ((undefined?) "not defined")
- (else
- (let ((op-name (symbol->string op)))
- (string-append (if (memv (op-name 0) '(#\a #\e #\i #\o #\u)) "an " "a ")
- (substring op-name 0 (- (length op-name) 1))))))))
- (define (prettify-checker op)
- (if (pair? op)
- (string-append (prettify-checker-unq (car op)) " or " (prettify-checker (cadr op)))
- (let ((op-name (symbol->string op)))
- (case op
- ((rational? real? complex? null?) op-name)
- ((unspecified?) "untyped")
- ((undefined?) "not defined")
- (else (string-append (if (memv (op-name 0) '(#\a #\e #\i #\o #\u)) "an " "a ") op-name))))))
- (define (side-effect-with-vars? form env vars)
- ;; (format *stderr* "~A~%" form)
- ;; could evaluation of form have any side effects (like IO etc)
- (if (or (not (proper-list? form)) ; we don't want dotted lists or () here
- (null? form))
- (and (symbol? form)
- (or (eq? form '=>) ; (cond ((x => y))...) -- someday check y...
- (let ((e (var-member form env)))
- (if (var? e)
- (and (symbol? (var-ftype e))
- (var-side-effect e))
- (and (not (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions form))
- (procedure? (symbol->value form *e*))))))) ; i.e. function passed as argument
- ;; can't optimize ((...)...) because the car might eval to a function
- (or (and (not (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions (car form)))
- ;; if it's not in the no-side-effect table and ...
- (let ((e (var-member (car form) env)))
- (or (not (var? e))
- (not (symbol? (var-ftype e)))
- (var-side-effect e)))
- (or (not (eq? (car form) 'format)) ; (format #f ...)
- (not (pair? (cdr form))) ; (format)!
- (cadr form))
- (or (null? vars)
- (not (memq (car form) '(set!
- ;vector-set! list-set! hash-table-set! float-vector-set! int-vector-set! string-set! let-set!
- ;fill! string-fill! list-fill! vector-fill!
- ;reverse! sort!
- define define* define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro*)))))
- ;; it's not the common (format #f ...) special case, then...(goto case below)
- ;; else return #t: side-effects are possible -- this is too hard to read
- (case (car form)
- ((define-constant define-expansion) #t)
- ((define define* define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro*)
- (null? vars))
- ((set!
- ;vector-set! list-set! hash-table-set! float-vector-set! int-vector-set! string-set! let-set!
- ;fill! string-fill! list-fill! vector-fill!
- ;reverse! sort!
- )
- (or (not (pair? (cdr form)))
- (not (symbol? (cadr form)))
- (memq (cadr form) vars)))
- ((quote) #f)
- ((case)
- (or (not (pair? (cdr form)))
- (side-effect-with-vars? (cadr form) env vars) ; the selector
- (let case-effect? ((f (cddr form)))
- (and (pair? f)
- (or (not (pair? (car f)))
- (any? (lambda (ff) (side-effect-with-vars? ff env vars)) (cdar f))
- (case-effect? (cdr f)))))))
- ((cond)
- (or (not (pair? (cadr form)))
- (let cond-effect? ((f (cdr form))
- (e env))
- (and (pair? f)
- (or (and (pair? (car f))
- (any? (lambda (ff) (side-effect-with-vars? ff e vars)) (car f)))
- (cond-effect? (cdr f) e))))))
- ((let let* letrec letrec*)
- ;; here if the var value involves a member of vars, we have to add it to vars
- (or (< (length form) 3)
- (let ((syms (cadr form))
- (body (cddr form)))
- (when (symbol? (cadr form))
- (set! syms (caddr form))
- (set! body (cdddr form)))
- (if (and (pair? vars)
- (pair? syms))
- (for-each (lambda (sym)
- (when (and (pair? sym)
- (pair? (cdr sym))
- (tree-set-member vars (cdr sym)))
- (set! vars (cons (car sym) vars))))
- syms))
- (or (let let-effect? ((f syms) (e env) (v vars))
- (and (pair? f)
- (or (not (pair? (car f)))
- (not (pair? (cdar f))) ; an error, reported elsewhere: (let ((x)) x)
- (side-effect-with-vars? (cadar f) e v)
- (let-effect? (cdr f) e v))))
- (any? (lambda (ff) (side-effect-with-vars? ff env vars)) body)))))
- ((do)
- (or (< (length form) 3)
- (not (list? (cadr form)))
- (not (list? (caddr form)))
- (let do-effect? ((f (cadr form)) (e env))
- (and (pair? f)
- (or (not (pair? (car f)))
- (not (pair? (cdar f)))
- (side-effect-with-vars? (cadar f) e vars)
- (and (pair? (cddar f))
- (side-effect-with-vars? (caddar f) e vars))
- (do-effect? (cdr f) e))))
- (any? (lambda (ff) (side-effect-with-vars? ff env vars)) (caddr form))
- (any? (lambda (ff) (side-effect-with-vars? ff env vars)) (cdddr form))))
- ;; ((lambda lambda*) (any? (lambda (ff) (side-effect-with-vars? ff env vars)) (cddr form))) ; this is trickier than it looks
- (else
- ;(format *stderr* "check args: ~A~%" form)
- (or (any? (lambda (f) ; any subform has a side-effect
- (and (not (null? f))
- (side-effect-with-vars? f env vars)))
- (cdr form))
- (let ((sig (procedure-signature (car form)))) ; sig has func arg and it is not known safe
- (and (pair? sig)
- (memq 'procedure? (cdr sig))
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (for-each
- (lambda (sg arg)
- (when (and (eq? sg 'procedure?)
- (not (and (symbol? arg)
- (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions arg))))
- (return #t)))
- (cdr sig) (cdr form))
- #f))))))))))
- (define (side-effect? form env)
- (side-effect-with-vars? form env ()))
- (define (just-constants? form env)
- ;; can we probably evaluate form given just built-in stuff?
- ;; watch out here -- this is used later by 'if, so (defined 'hiho) should not be evalled to #f!
- (if (not (pair? form))
- (constant? form)
- (and (symbol? (car form))
- (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions (car form))
- (hash-table-ref built-in-functions (car form)) ; and not hook-functions
- (not (var-member (car form) env)) ; e.g. exp declared locally as a list
- (every? (lambda (p) (just-constants? p env)) (cdr form)))))
- (define (equal-ignoring-constants? a b)
- (or (morally-equal? a b)
- (and (symbol? a)
- (constant? a)
- (morally-equal? (symbol->value a) b))
- (and (symbol? b)
- (constant? b)
- (morally-equal? (symbol->value b) a))
- (and (pair? a)
- (pair? b)
- (equal-ignoring-constants? (car a) (car b))
- (equal-ignoring-constants? (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
- (define (repeated-member? lst env)
- (and (pair? lst)
- (or (and (not (and (pair? (car lst))
- (side-effect? (car lst) env)))
- (pair? (cdr lst))
- (member (car lst) (cdr lst)))
- (repeated-member? (cdr lst) env))))
- (define (update-scope v caller env)
- (unless (or (memq caller (var-scope v))
- (assq caller (var-scope v)))
- (let ((cv (var-member caller env)))
- (set! (var-scope v)
- (cons (if (and (var? cv)
- (memq (var-ftype cv) '(define lambda define* lambda*))) ; named-let does not define ftype
- caller
- (cons caller env))
- (var-scope v))))))
- (define (check-for-bad-variable-name caller vname)
- (define (bad-variable-name-numbered vname bad-names)
- (let ((str (symbol->string vname)))
- (let loop ((bads bad-names))
- (and (pair? bads)
- (let* ((badstr (symbol->string (car bads)))
- (pos (string-position badstr str)))
- (or (and (eqv? pos 0)
- (string->number (substring str (length badstr))))
- (loop (cdr bads))))))))
- (if (and (symbol? vname)
- (pair? *report-bad-variable-names*)
- (or (memq vname *report-bad-variable-names*)
- (let ((sname (symbol->string vname)))
- (and (> (length sname) 8)
- (or (string=? "compute" (substring sname 0 7)) ; compute-* is as bad as get-*
- (string=? "calculate" (substring sname 0 9))))) ; perhaps one exception: computed-goto*
- (bad-variable-name-numbered vname *report-bad-variable-names*)))
- (lint-format "surely there's a better name for this variable than ~A" caller vname)))
- (define (set-ref name caller form env)
- ;; if name is in env, set its "I've been referenced" flag
- (let ((data (var-member name env)))
- (if (var? data)
- (begin
- (set! (var-ref data) (+ (var-ref data) 1))
- (update-scope data caller env)
- (if (and form (not (memq form (var-history data))))
- (set! (var-history data) (cons form (var-history data)))))
- (if (not (defined? name (rootlet)))
- (let ((old (hash-table-ref other-identifiers name)))
- (check-for-bad-variable-name caller name)
- (hash-table-set! other-identifiers name (if old (cons form old) (list form)))))))
- env)
- (define (set-set name caller form env)
- (let ((data (var-member name env)))
- (when (var? data)
- (set! (var-set data) (+ (var-set data) 1))
- (update-scope data caller env)
- (if (not (memq caller (var-setters data)))
- (set! (var-setters data) (cons caller (var-setters data))))
- (if (not (memq form (var-history data)))
- (set! (var-history data) (cons form (var-history data))))
- (set! (var-signature data) #f)
- (set! (var-ftype data) #f))))
- (define (proper-list lst)
- ;; return lst as a proper list
- (if (not (pair? lst))
- lst
- (cons (car lst)
- (if (pair? (cdr lst))
- (proper-list (cdr lst))
- (if (null? (cdr lst))
- ()
- (list (cdr lst)))))))
- (define (keywords lst)
- (do ((count 0)
- (p lst (cdr p)))
- ((null? p) count)
- (if (keyword? (car p))
- (set! count (+ count 1)))))
- (define (eqv-selector clause)
- (if (not (pair? clause))
- (memq clause '(else #t))
- (case (car clause)
- ((memq memv member)
- (and (= (length clause) 3)
- (cadr clause)))
- ((eq? eqv? = equal? char=? char-ci=? string=? string-ci=?)
- (and (= (length clause) 3)
- ((if (code-constant? (cadr clause)) caddr cadr) clause)))
- ((or)
- (and (pair? (cdr clause))
- (eqv-selector (cadr clause))))
- ((not null? eof-object? zero? boolean?)
- (and (pair? (cdr clause))
- (cadr clause)))
- (else #f))))
- (define (->eqf x)
- (case x
- ((char?) '(eqv? char=?))
- ((integer? rational? real? number? complex?) '(eqv? =))
- ((symbol? keyword? boolean? null? procedure? syntax? macro? undefined? unspecified?) '(eq? eq?))
- ((string? byte-vector?) '(equal? string=?))
- ((pair? vector? float-vector? int-vector? hash-table?) '(equal? equal?))
- ((eof-object?) '(eq? eof-object?))
- (else
- (if (and (pair? x)
- (pair? (cdr x))
- (null? (cddr x))
- (or (and (memq 'boolean? x)
- (or (memq 'real? x) (memq 'number? x) (memq 'integer? x)))
- (and (memq 'eof-object? x)
- (or (memq 'char? x) (memq 'integer? x)))))
- '(eqv? eqv?)
- '(#t #t)))))
- (define (eqf selector env)
- (cond ((symbol? selector)
- (if (and (not (var-member selector env))
- (or (hash-table-ref built-in-functions selector)
- (hash-table-ref syntaces selector)))
- '(eq? eq?)
- '(#t #t)))
- ((not (pair? selector))
- (->eqf (->lint-type selector)))
- ((eq? (car selector) 'quote)
- (cond ((or (symbol? (cadr selector))
- (memq (cadr selector) '(#f #t #<unspecified> #<undefined> #<eof> ())))
- '(eq? eq?))
- ((char? (cadr selector)) '(eqv? char=?))
- ((string? (cadr selector)) '(equal? string=?))
- ((number? (cadr selector)) '(eqv? =))
- (else '(equal? equal?))))
- ((and (eq? (car selector) 'list)
- (null? (cdr selector)))
- '(eq? eq?))
- ((symbol? (car selector))
- (let ((sig (arg-signature (car selector) env)))
- (if (pair? sig)
- (->eqf (car sig))
- '(#t #t))))
- (else '(#t #t))))
- (define (unquoted x)
- (if (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'quote))
- (cadr x)
- x))
- (define (distribute-quote x)
- (map (lambda (item)
- (if (or (symbol? item)
- (pair? item))
- `(quote ,item)
- item))
- x))
- (define (focus-str str focus)
- (let ((len (length str)))
- (if (< len 40)
- str
- (let ((pos (string-position focus str))
- (focus-len (length focus)))
- (if (not pos)
- str
- (if (<= pos 20)
- (string-append (substring str 0 (min 60 (- len 1) (+ focus-len pos 20))) " ...")
- (string-append "... " (substring str (- pos 20) (min (- len 1) (+ focus-len pos 20))) " ...")))))))
- (define (check-star-parameters f args env)
- (if (list-any? (lambda (k) (memq k '(:key :optional))) args)
- (let ((kw (if (memq :key args) :key :optional)))
- (format outport "~NC~A: ~A is no longer accepted: ~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space f kw
- (focus-str (object->string args) (symbol->string kw)))))
- (if (member 'pi args (lambda (a b) (or (eq? b 'pi) (and (pair? b) (eq? (car b) 'pi)))))
- (format outport "~NC~A: parameter can't be a constant: ~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space f
- (focus-str (object->string args) "pi")))
- (let ((r (memq :rest args)))
- (when (pair? r)
- (if (not (pair? (cdr r)))
- (format outport "~NC~A: :rest parameter needs a name: ~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space f args)
- (if (pair? (cadr r))
- (format outport "~NC~A: :rest parameter can't specify a default value: ~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space f args)))))
- (let ((a (memq :allow-other-keys args)))
- (if (and (pair? a)
- (pair? (cdr a)))
- (format outport "~NC~A: :allow-other-keys should be at the end of the parameter list: ~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space f
- (focus-str (object->string args) ":allow-other-keys"))))
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (if (and (pair? p)
- (pair? (cdr p)))
- (lint-walk f (cadr p) env)))
- args))
- (define (checked-eval form)
- (and (proper-list? form) ;(not (infinite? (length form))) but when would a dotted list work?
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (eval (copy form :readable)))
- (lambda args
- :checked-eval-error))))
- (define (return-type-ok? type ret)
- (or (eq? type ret)
- (and (pair? ret)
- (memq type ret))))
- (define last-and-incomplete-arg2 #f)
- (define (and-incomplete form head arg1 arg2 env) ; head: 'and | 'or (not ...) | 'if | 'if2 -- symbol arg1 in any case
- (unless (memq (car arg2) '(and or not list cons vector)) ; these don't tell us anything about arg1's type
- (let ((v (var-member arg1 env))) ; try to avoid the member->cdr trope
- (unless (or (eq? arg2 last-and-incomplete-arg2)
- (and (var? v)
- (pair? (var-history v))
- (member #f (var-history v)
- (lambda (a b)
- (and (pair? b)
- (memq (car b) '(char-position string-position format string->number assoc assq assv memq memv member)))))))
- (let* ((pos (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) ; get arg number of arg1 in arg2
- (p arg2 (cdr p))) ; 0th=car -> (and x (x))
- ((or (null? p)
- (eq? (car p) arg1))
- i)))
- (arg-type (let ((sig (and (positive? pos) ; procedure-signature for arg2
- (arg-signature (car arg2) env))))
- (if (zero? pos) ; it's type indication for arg1's position
- 'procedure? ; or sequence? -- how to distinguish? use 'applicable?
- (and (pair? sig)
- (< pos (length sig))
- (list-ref sig pos))))))
- (let ((ln (and (< 0 line-number 100000) line-number))
- (comment (if (and (eq? arg-type 'procedure?)
- (= pos 0)
- (pair? (cdr arg2)))
- " ; or maybe sequence? " "")))
- (set! last-and-incomplete-arg2 arg2) ; ignore unwanted repetitions due to recursive simplifications
- (if (symbol? arg-type)
- (let ((old-arg (case head
- ((and if cond when) arg1)
- ((or if2) `(not ,arg1))))
- (new-arg (case head
- ((and if cond when) `(,arg-type ,arg1))
- ((or if2) `(not (,arg-type ,arg1))))))
- (format outport "~NCin ~A~A,~%~NCperhaps change ~S to ~S~A~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (if ln (format #f " (line ~D)" ln) "")
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- old-arg new-arg comment)))))))))
- (define (and-redundant? arg1 arg2)
- (let ((type1 (car arg1))
- (type2 (car arg2)))
- (and (symbol? type1)
- (symbol? type2)
- (hash-table-ref booleans type1)
- (or (hash-table-ref booleans type2) ; return #f if not (obviously) redundant, else return which of the two to keep
- (memq type2 '(= char=? string=? not eq?)))
- (if (eq? type1 type2)
- type1
- (case type1
- ((number? complex?)
- (case type2
- ((float? real? rational? integer?) type2)
- ((number? complex?) type1)
- ((=) (let ((x ((if (number? (caddr arg2)) caddr cadr) arg2)))
- (and (number? x)
- (if (= x (floor x)) 'memv 'eqv?))))
- (else #f)))
- ((real?)
- (case type2
- ((float? rational? integer?) type2)
- ((number? complex?) type1)
- ((=) (let ((x ((if (real? (caddr arg2)) caddr cadr) arg2)))
- (and (real? x)
- (if (= x (floor x)) 'memv 'eqv?))))
- (else #f)))
- ((float?)
- (and (memq type2 '(real? complex? number? inexact?)) type1))
- ((rational?)
- (case type2
- ((integer?) type2)
- ((real? complex? number? exact?) type1)
- ((=)
- (and (or (rational? (caddr arg2))
- (rational? (cadr arg2)))
- 'eqv?))
- (else #f)))
- ((integer?)
- (case type2
- ((real? rational? complex? number? exact?) type1)
- ((=)
- (and (or (integer? (caddr arg2))
- (integer? (cadr arg2)))
- 'eqv?))
- (else #f)))
- ((exact?)
- (and (memq type2 '(rational? integer?)) type2))
- ((even? odd?)
- (and (memq type2 '(integer? rational? real? complex? number?)) type1)) ; not zero? -> 0.0
- ((zero?)
- (and (memq type2 '(complex? number? real?)) type1))
- ((negative? positive?)
- (and (eq? type2 'real?) type1))
- ((inexact?)
- (and (eq? type2 'float?) type2))
- ((infinite? nan?)
- (and (memq type2 '(number? complex? inexact?)) type1))
- ((vector?)
- (and (memq type2 '(float-vector? int-vector?)) type2))
- ((float-vector? int-vector?)
- (and (eq? type2 'vector?) type1))
- ((symbol?)
- (case type2
- ((keyword? gensym?) type2)
- ((eq?)
- (and (or (quoted-symbol? (cadr arg2))
- (quoted-symbol? (caddr arg2)))
- 'eq?))
- (else #f)))
- ((keyword?)
- (case type2
- ((symbol? constant?) type1)
- ((eq?)
- (and (or (keyword? (cadr arg2))
- (keyword? (caddr arg2)))
- 'eq?))
- (else #f)))
- ((gensym? defined? provided?)
- (and (eq? type2 'symbol?) type1))
- ((boolean?)
- (and (or (eq? type2 'not)
- (and (eq? type2 'eq?)
- (or (boolean? (cadr arg2))
- (boolean? (caddr arg2)))))
- type2))
- ((list?)
- (and (memq type2 '(null? pair? proper-list?)) type2))
- ((null?)
- (and (memq type2 '(list? proper-list?)) type1))
- ((pair?)
- (and (eq? type2 'list?) type1))
- ((proper-list?)
- (and (eq? type2 'null?) type2))
- ((string?)
- (case type2
- ((byte-vector?) type2)
- ((string=?)
- (and (or (eq? (->lint-type (cadr arg2)) 'string?)
- (eq? (->lint-type (caddr arg2)) 'string?))
- 'equal?))
- (else #f)))
- ((char?)
- (and (eq? type2 'char=?)
- (or (eq? (->lint-type (cadr arg2)) 'char?)
- (eq? (->lint-type (caddr arg2)) 'char?))
- 'eqv?))
- ((char-numeric? char-whitespace? char-alphabetic? char-upper-case? char-lower-case?)
- (and (eq? type2 'char?) type1))
- ((byte-vector? directory? file-exists?)
- (and (eq? type2 'string?) type1))
- (else #f))))))
- (define (and-forgetful form head arg1 arg2 env)
- (unless (or (memq (car arg2) '(and or not list cons vector)) ; these don't tell us anything about arg1's type
- (eq? arg2 last-and-incomplete-arg2))
- (let* ((pos (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) ; get arg number of arg1 in arg2
- (p arg2 (cdr p))) ; 0th=car -> (and x (x))
- ((or (null? p)
- (equal? (car p) (cadr arg1)))
- (if (null? p) -1 i))))
- (arg-type (let ((sig (and (positive? pos) ; procedure-signature for arg2
- (arg-signature (car arg2) env))))
- (if (zero? pos) ; its type indication for arg1's position
- 'procedure? ; or sequence? -- how to distinguish? use 'applicable?
- (and (pair? sig)
- (< pos (length sig))
- (list-ref sig pos))))))
- (when (symbol? arg-type)
- (let ((new-type (and-redundant? arg1 (cons arg-type (cdr arg1)))))
- (when (and new-type
- (not (eq? new-type (car arg1))))
- (let ((old-arg (case head
- ((and if cond when) arg1)
- ((or if2) `(not ,arg1))))
- (new-arg (case head
- ((and if cond when) `(,new-type ,(cadr arg1)))
- ((or if2) `(not (,new-type ,(cadr arg1))))))
- (ln (and (< 0 line-number 100000) line-number))
- (comment (if (and (eq? arg-type 'procedure?)
- (= pos 0)
- (pair? (cdr arg2)))
- " ; or maybe sequence? " "")))
- (set! last-and-incomplete-arg2 arg2)
- (format outport "~NCin ~A~A,~%~NCperhaps change ~S to ~S~A~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (if ln (format #f " (line ~D)" ln) "")
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- old-arg new-arg comment)))))))
- ;; perhaps change pair? -> eq? or ignore it?
- (when (and (pair? (cdr arg2))
- (not (eq? (car arg1) 'pair?)))
- (let ((a2 (if (eq? (car arg2) 'not)
- (cadr arg2)
- arg2)))
- (when (and (pair? a2)
- (memq (car a2) '(memq memv member assq assv assoc eq? eqv? equal?))
- (equal? (cadr arg1) (cadr a2)))
- (let ((new-e (case (car (->eqf (car arg1)))
- ((eq?)
- (case (car a2)
- ((memq assq eq?) (car a2))
- ((memv member) 'memq)
- ((assv assoc) 'assq)
- ((eqv? equal?) 'eq?)))
- ((eqv?)
- (case (car a2)
- ((memv assv eqv?) (car a2))
- ((memq member) 'memv)
- ((assq assoc) 'assv)
- ((eq? equal?) 'eqv?)))
- ((equal?)
- (case (car a2)
- ((member assoc equal?) (car a2))
- ((memq memv) 'member)
- ((assq assv) 'assoc)
- ((eq? eqv?) 'equal?)))
- (else (car a2)))))
- (when (and (not (eq? (car a2) new-e))
- (symbol? new-e))
- (let ((ln (and (< 0 line-number 100000) line-number)))
- (format outport "~NCin ~A~A,~%~NCperhaps change ~A to ~A~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (if ln (format #f " (line ~D)" ln) "")
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (truncated-list->string a2)
- `(,new-e ...)))))))))
- ;; --------------------------------
- (define simplify-boolean
- (let ((notables (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (set! (h (car op)) (cadr op)))
- '((< >=) (> <=) (<= >) (>= <)
- (char<? char>=?) (char>? char<=?) (char<=? char>?) (char>=? char<?)
- (string<? string>=?) (string>? string<=?) (string<=? string>?) (string>=? string<?)
- (char-ci<? char-ci>=?) (char-ci>? char-ci<=?) (char-ci<=? char-ci>?) (char-ci>=? char-ci<?)
- (string-ci<? string-ci>=?) (string-ci>? string-ci<=?) (string-ci<=? string-ci>?) (string-ci>=? string-ci<?)
- (odd? even?) (even? odd?) (exact? inexact?) (inexact? exact?)))
- h))
- (relsub
- (let ((relops '((< <= > number?) (<= < >= number?) (> >= < number?) (>= > <= number?)
- (char<? char<=? char>? char?) (char<=? char<? char>=? char?) ; these never happen
- (char>? char>=? char<? char?) (char>=? char>? char<=? char?)
- (string<? string<=? string>? string?) (string<=? string<? string>=? string?)
- (string>? string>=? string<? string?) (string>=? string>? string<=? string?))))
- (lambda (A B rel-op env)
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (when (and (pair? A)
- (pair? B)
- (= (length A) (length B) 3))
- (let ((Adata (assq (car A) relops))
- (Bdata (assq (car B) relops)))
- (when (and Adata Bdata)
- (let ((op1 (car A))
- (op2 (car B))
- (A1 (cadr A))
- (A2 (caddr A))
- (B1 (cadr B))
- (B2 (caddr B)))
- (let ((x (if (and (not (number? A1))
- (member A1 B))
- A1
- (and (not (number? A2))
- (member A2 B)
- A2))))
- (when x
- (let ((c1 (if (equal? x A1) A2 A1))
- (c2 (if (equal? x B1) B2 B1))
- (type (cadddr Adata)))
- (if (or (side-effect? c1 env)
- (side-effect? c2 env)
- (side-effect? x env))
- (return 'ok))
- (if (equal? x A2) (set! op1 (caddr Adata)))
- (if (equal? x B2) (set! op2 (caddr Bdata)))
- (let ((typer #f)
- (gtes #f)
- (gts #f)
- (eqop #f))
- (case type
- ((number?)
- (set! typer number?)
- (set! gtes '(>= <=))
- (set! gts '(< >))
- (set! eqop '=))
- ((char?)
- (set! typer char?)
- (set! gtes '(char>=? char<=?))
- (set! gts '(char<? char>?))
- (set! eqop 'char=?))
- ((string?)
- (set! typer string?)
- (set! gtes '(string>=? string<=?))
- (set! gts '(string<? string>?))
- (set! eqop 'string=?)))
- (case rel-op
- ((and)
- (cond ((equal? c1 c2)
- (cond ((eq? op1 op2)
- (return `(,op1 ,x ,c1)))
- ((eq? op2 (cadr (assq op1 relops)))
- (return `(,(if (memq op2 gtes) op1 op2) ,x ,c1)))
- ((and (memq op1 gtes)
- (memq op2 gtes))
- (return `(,eqop ,x ,c1)))
- (else (return #f))))
- ((and (typer c1)
- (typer c2))
- (cond ((or (eq? op1 op2)
- (eq? op2 (cadr (assq op1 relops))))
- (return (if ((symbol->value op1) c1 c2)
- `(,op1 ,x ,c1)
- `(,op2 ,x ,c2))))
- ((eq? op1 (caddr (assq op2 relops)))
- (if ((symbol->value op1) c2 c1)
- (return `(,op1 ,c2 ,x ,c1))
- (if (memq op1 gts)
- (return #f))))
- ((and (eq? op2 (hash-table-ref reversibles (cadr (assq op1 relops))))
- ((symbol->value op1) c1 c2))
- (return #f))))
- ((eq? op2 (caddr (assq op1 relops)))
- (return `(,op1 ,c2 ,x ,c1)))))
- ((or)
- (cond ((equal? c1 c2)
- (cond ((eq? op1 op2)
- (return `(,op1 ,x ,c1)))
- ((eq? op2 (cadr (assq op1 relops)))
- (return `(,(if (memq op2 gtes) op2 op1) ,x ,c1)))
- ((and (memq op1 gts)
- (memq op2 gts))
- (return `(not (,eqop ,x ,c1))))
- (else (return #t))))
- ((and (typer c1)
- (typer c2))
- (cond ((or (eq? op1 op2)
- (eq? op2 (cadr (assq op1 relops))))
- (return (if ((symbol->value op1) c1 c2)
- `(,op2 ,x ,c2)
- `(,op1 ,x ,c1))))
- ((eq? op1 (caddr (assq op2 relops)))
- (if ((symbol->value op1) c2 c1)
- (return #t))
- (return `(not (,(cadr (assq op1 relops)) ,c1 ,x ,c2))))
- ((and (eq? op2 (hash-table-ref reversibles (cadr (assq op1 relops))))
- ((symbol->value op1) c2 c1))
- (return #t))))
- ((eq? op2 (caddr (assq op1 relops)))
- (return `(not (,(cadr (assq op1 relops)) ,c1 ,x ,c2)))))))))))))))
- 'ok))))))
- (lambda (in-form true false env)
- (define (classify e)
- (if (not (just-constants? e env))
- e
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (let ((val (eval e)))
- (if (boolean? val)
- val
- e)))
- (lambda ignore e))))
- (define (contradictory? ands)
- (let ((vars ()))
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (do ((b ands (cdr b)))
- ((null? b) #f)
- (if (and (pair? b)
- (pair? (car b))
- (pair? (cdar b)))
- (let ((func (caar b))
- (args (cdar b)))
- (if (memq func '(eq? eqv? equal?))
- (if (and (symbol? (car args))
- (code-constant? (cadr args)))
- (set! func (->lint-type (cadr args)))
- (if (and (symbol? (cadr args))
- (code-constant? (car args)))
- (set! func (->lint-type (car args))))))
- (if (symbol? func)
- (for-each
- (lambda (arg)
- (if (symbol? arg)
- (let ((type (assq arg vars)))
- (if (not type)
- (set! vars (cons (cons arg func) vars))
- (if (not (compatible? (cdr type) func))
- (return #t))))))
- args)))))))))
- (define (and-redundants env . args)
- (do ((locals ())
- (diffs #f)
- (p args (cdr p)))
- ((or (null? p)
- (not (and (pair? (car p))
- (pair? (cdar p))
- (hash-table-ref booleans (caar p)))))
- (and (null? p)
- (pair? locals)
- (or diffs
- (any? (lambda (a) (pair? (cddr a))) locals))
- (let ((keepers ()))
- (for-each (lambda (a)
- (let ((next-a (cdr a)))
- (cond ((null? (cdr next-a))
- (set! keepers (cons (car next-a) keepers)))
- ((null? (cddr next-a))
- (let ((res (apply and-redundant? (reverse next-a))))
- (if res
- (begin
- (set! keepers (cons ((if (eq? res (caar next-a)) car cadr) next-a) keepers))
- (set! diffs #t))
- (set! keepers (cons (car next-a) (cons (cadr next-a) keepers))))))
- (else
- (let ((ar (reverse next-a)))
- (let ((ar1 (car ar))
- (ar2 (cadr ar))
- (ar3 (caddr ar)))
- (let ((res1 (and-redundant? ar1 ar2)) ; if res1 either 1 or 2 is out
- (res2 (and-redundant? ar2 ar3)) ; if res2 either 2 or 3 is out
- (res3 (and-redundant? ar1 ar3))) ; if res3 either 1 or 3 is out
- ;; only in numbers can 3 actually be reducible
- (if (not (or res1 res2 res3))
- (set! keepers (append (cdr a) keepers))
- (begin
- (set! diffs #t)
- (if (and (or (not res1)
- (eq? res1 (car ar1)))
- (or (not res3)
- (eq? res3 (car ar1))))
- (set! keepers (cons ar1 keepers)))
- (if (and (or (not res1)
- (eq? res1 (car ar2)))
- (or (not res2)
- (eq? res2 (car ar2))))
- (set! keepers (cons ar2 keepers)))
- (if (and (or (not res2)
- (eq? res2 (car ar3)))
- (or (not res3)
- (eq? res3 (car ar3))))
- (set! keepers (cons ar3 keepers)))
- (if (pair? (cdddr ar))
- (set! keepers (append (reverse (cdddr ar)) keepers))))))))))))
- (reverse locals))
- (and diffs (reverse keepers)))))
- (let* ((bool (car p))
- (local (assoc (cadr bool) locals)))
- (if (pair? local)
- (if (member bool (cdr local))
- (set! diffs #t)
- (set-cdr! local (cons bool (cdr local))))
- (set! locals (cons (list (cadr bool) bool) locals))))))
- (define (and-not-redundant arg1 arg2)
- (let ((type1 (car arg1)) ; (? ...)
- (type2 (caadr arg2))) ; (not (? ...))
- (and (symbol? type1)
- (symbol? type2)
- (or (hash-table-ref booleans type1)
- (memq type1 '(= char=? string=?)))
- (hash-table-ref booleans type2)
- (if (eq? type1 type2) ; (and (?) (not (?))) -> #f
- 'contradictory
- (case type1
- ((pair?)
- (case type2
- ((list?) 'contradictory)
- ((proper-list?) #f)
- (else arg1)))
- ((null?)
- (if (eq? type2 'list?)
- 'contradictory
- arg1))
- ((list?)
- (case type2
- ((pair?) 'null?)
- ((null?) 'pair?)
- ((proper-list?) #f)
- (else arg1)))
- ((proper-list?)
- (case type2
- ((list? pair?) 'contradictory)
- ((null?) #f)
- (else arg1)))
- ((symbol?)
- (and (not (memq type2 '(keyword? gensym?)))
- arg1))
- ((char=?)
- (if (eq? type2 'char?)
- 'contradictory
- (and (or (char? (cadr arg1))
- (char? (caddr arg1)))
- `(eqv? ,@(cdr arg1))))) ; arg2 might be (not (eof-object?...))
- ((real?)
- (case type2
- ((rational? exact?) `(float? ,@(cdr arg1)))
- ((inexact?) `(rational? ,@(cdr arg1)))
- ((complex? number?) 'contradictory)
- ((negative? positive? even? odd? zero? integer?) #f)
- (else arg1)))
- ((integer?)
- (case type2
- ((real? complex? number? rational? exact?) 'contradictory)
- ((float? inexact? infinite? nan?) arg1)
- (else #f)))
- ((rational?)
- (case type2
- ((real? complex? number? exact?) 'contradictory)
- ((float? inexact? infinite? nan?) arg1)
- (else #f)))
- ((complex? number?)
- (and (memq type2 '(complex? number?))
- 'contradictory))
- ((float?)
- (case type2
- ((real? complex? number? inexact?) 'contradictory)
- ((rational? integer? exact?) arg1)
- (else #f)))
- ((exact?)
- (case type2
- ((rational?) 'contradictory)
- ((inexact? infinite? nan?) arg1)
- (else #f)))
- ((even? odd?)
- (case type2
- ((integer? exact? rational? real? number? complex?) 'contradictory)
- ((infinite? nan?) arg1)
- (else #f)))
- ((zero? negative? positive?)
- (and (memq type2 '(complex? number? real?))
- 'contradictory))
- ((infinite? nan?)
- (case type2
- ((number? complex? inexact?) 'contradictory)
- ((integer? rational? exact? even? odd?) arg1)
- (else #f)))
- ((char-whitespace? char-numeric? char-alphabetic? char-upper-case? char-lower-case?)
- (and (eq? type2 'char?)
- 'contradictory))
- ((directory? file-exists?)
- (and (memq type2 '(string? sequence?))
- 'contradictory))
- (else
- ;; none of the rest happen
- #f))))))
- (define (or-not-redundant arg1 arg2)
- (let ((type1 (car arg1)) ; (? ...)
- (type2 (caadr arg2))) ; (not (? ...))
- (and (symbol? type1)
- (symbol? type2)
- (or (hash-table-ref bools type1)
- (memq type1 '(= char=? string=?)))
- (hash-table-ref bools type2)
- (if (eq? type1 type2) ; (or (?) (not (?))) -> #t
- 'fatuous
- (case type1
- ((null?)
- (case type2
- ((list?) ; not proper-list? here
- `(not (pair? ,(cadr arg1))))
- ((proper-list?) #f)
- (else arg2)))
- ((eof-object?)
- arg2) ; not keyword? here because (or (not (symbol? x)) (keyword? x)) is not reducible to (not (symbol? x))
- ((string?)
- (and (not (eq? type2 'byte-vector?)) arg2))
- (else #f))))))
- (define (bsimp x) ; quick check for common easy cases
- (set! last-simplify-boolean-line-number line-number)
- (if (not (and (pair? x)
- (pair? (cdr x))))
- x
- (case (car x)
- ((and) (and (cadr x) ; (and #f ...) -> #f
- x))
- ((or) (if (and (cadr x) ; (or #t ...) -> #t
- (code-constant? (cadr x)))
- (cadr x)
- x))
- (else
- (if (not (and (= (length x) 2)
- (pair? (cadr x))
- (symbol? (caadr x))))
- x
- (let ((rt (if (eq? (caadr x) 'quote)
- (->simple-type (cadadr x))
- (return-type (caadr x) env)))
- (head (car x)))
- (or (and (subsumes? head rt) #t) ; don't return the memq list!
- (and (or (memq rt '(#t #f values))
- (any-compatible? head rt))
- (case head
- ((null?) (if (eq? (caadr x) 'list)
- (null? (cdadr x))
- x))
- ((pair?) (if (eq? (caadr x) 'list)
- (pair? (cdadr x))
- x))
- ((negative?) (and (not (hash-table-ref non-negative-ops (caadr x)))
- x))
- (else x))))))))))
- (define (bcomp x) ; not so quick...
- (cond ((not (pair? x))
- x)
- ((eq? (car x) 'and)
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (let ((newx (list 'and)))
- (do ((p (cdr x) (cdr p))
- (sidex newx)
- (endx newx))
- ((null? p) newx)
- (let ((next (car p)))
- (if (or (not next) ; #f in and -> end of expr
- (member next false))
- (if (eq? sidex newx) ; no side-effects
- (return #f)
- (begin
- (set-cdr! endx (list #f))
- (return newx)))
- (if (or (code-constant? next) ; (and ... true-expr ...)
- (member next sidex) ; if a member, and no side-effects since, it must be true
- (member next true))
- (if (and (null? (cdr p))
- (not (equal? next (car endx))))
- (set-cdr! endx (list next)))
- (begin
- (set-cdr! endx (list next))
- (set! endx (cdr endx))
- (if (side-effect? next env)
- (set! sidex endx)))))))))))
- ((not (eq? (car x) 'or))
- x)
- (else
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (let ((newx (list 'or)))
- (do ((p (cdr x) (cdr p))
- (sidex newx)
- (endx newx))
- ((null? p) newx)
- (let ((next (car p)))
- (if (or (and next ; (or ... #t ...)
- (code-constant? next))
- (member next true))
- (begin
- (set-cdr! endx (list next))
- (return newx)) ; we're done since this is true
- (if (or (not next)
- (member next sidex) ; so its false in some way
- (member next false))
- (if (and (null? (cdr p))
- (not (equal? next (car endx))))
- (set-cdr! endx (list next)))
- (begin
- (set-cdr! endx (list next))
- (set! endx (cdr endx))
- (if (side-effect? next env)
- (set! sidex endx)))))))))))))
- (define (gather-or-eqf-elements eqfnc sym vals)
- (let* ((func (case eqfnc
- ((eq?) 'memq)
- ((eqv? char=?) 'memv)
- (else 'member)))
- (equals (if (and (eq? func 'member)
- (not (eq? eqfnc 'equal?)))
- (list eqfnc)
- ()))
- (elements (lint-remove-duplicates (map unquoted vals) env)))
- (cond ((null? (cdr elements))
- `(,eqfnc ,sym ,@elements))
- ((and (eq? eqfnc 'char=?)
- (= (length elements) 2)
- (char-ci=? (car elements) (cadr elements)))
- `(char-ci=? ,sym ,(car elements)))
- ((and (eq? eqfnc 'string=?)
- (= (length elements) 2)
- (string-ci=? (car elements) (cadr elements)))
- `(string-ci=? ,sym ,(car elements)))
- ((member elements '((#t #f) (#f #t)))
- `(boolean? ,sym)) ; zero? doesn't happen
- (else
- `(,func ,sym ',(reverse elements) ,@equals)))))
- (define (reversible-member expr lst)
- (and (pair? lst)
- (or (member expr lst)
- (and (eqv? (length expr) 3)
- (let ((rev-op (hash-table-ref reversibles (car expr))))
- (and rev-op
- (member (list rev-op (caddr expr) (cadr expr)) lst)))))))
- (define and-rel-ops (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each (lambda (op)
- (hash-table-set! h op #t))
- '(< = > <= >= char-ci>=? char-ci<? char-ready? char<? char-ci=? char>?
- char<=? char-ci>? char-ci<=? char>=? char=? string-ci<=? string=?
- string-ci>=? string<? string-ci<? string-ci=? string-ci>? string>=? string<=? string>?
- eqv? equal? eq? morally-equal?))
- h))
- ;; --------------------------------
- ;; start of simplify-boolean code
- ;; this is not really simplify boolean as in boolean algebra because in scheme there are many unequal truths, but only one falsehood
- ;; 'and and 'or are not boolean operators in a sense
- ;; (format *stderr* "simplify: ~A~%" in-form)
- (and (not (or (reversible-member in-form false)
- (and (pair? in-form)
- (eq? (car in-form) 'not)
- (pair? (cdr in-form)) ; (not)!
- (reversible-member (cadr in-form) true))))
- (or (and (reversible-member in-form true) #t)
- (and (pair? in-form)
- (eq? (car in-form) 'not)
- (pair? (cdr in-form))
- (reversible-member (cadr in-form) false)
- #t)
- (if (not (pair? in-form))
- in-form
- (let ((form (bcomp (bsimp in-form))))
- (if (not (and (pair? form)
- (memq (car form) '(or and not))))
- (classify form)
- (let ((len (length form)))
- (let ((op (case (car form)
- ((or) 'and)
- ((and) 'or)
- (else #f))))
- (if (and op
- (>= len 3)
- (every? (lambda (p)
- (and (pair? p)
- (pair? (cdr p))
- (pair? (cddr p))
- (eq? (car p) op)))
- (cdr form)))
- (let ((first (cadadr form)))
- (if (every? (lambda (p)
- (equal? (cadr p) first))
- (cddr form))
- (set! form `(,op ,first (,(car form) ,@(map (lambda (p)
- (if (null? (cdddr p))
- (caddr p)
- `(,op ,@(cddr p))))
- (cdr form)))))
- (if (null? (cdddr (cadr form)))
- (let ((last (caddr (cadr form))))
- (if (every? (lambda (p)
- (and (null? (cdddr p))
- (equal? (caddr p) last)))
- (cddr form))
- (set! form `(,op (,(car form) ,@(map cadr (cdr form))) ,last)))))))))
- ;; (or (and A B) (and A C)) -> (and A (or B C))
- ;; (or (and A B) (and C B)) -> (and (or A C) B)
- ;; (and (or A B) (or A C)) -> (or A (and B C))
- ;; (and (or A B) (or C B)) -> (or (and A C) B)
- (case (car form)
- ;; --------------------------------
- ((not)
- (if (not (= len 2))
- form
- (let* ((arg (cadr form))
- (val (classify (if (and (pair? arg)
- (memq (car arg) '(and or not)))
- (simplify-boolean arg true false env)
- arg)))
- (arg-op (and (pair? arg)
- (car arg))))
- (cond ((boolean? val)
- (not val))
- ((or (code-constant? arg)
- (and (pair? arg)
- (symbol? arg-op)
- (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions arg-op)
- (let ((ret (return-type arg-op env)))
- (and (or (symbol? ret) (pair? ret))
- (not (return-type-ok? 'boolean? ret))))
- (not (var-member arg-op env))))
- #f)
- ((and (pair? val) ; (not (not ...)) -> ...
- (pair? (cdr val)) ; this is usually internally generated,
- (memq (car val) '(not if cond case begin))) ; so the message about (and x #t) is in special-case-functions below
- (case (car val)
- ((not)
- (cadr val))
- ((if)
- (let ((if-true (simplify-boolean `(not ,(caddr val)) () () env))
- (if-false (or (not (pair? (cdddr val))) ; (not #<unspecified>) -> #t
- (simplify-boolean `(not ,(cadddr val)) () () env))))
- ;; ideally we'd call if-walker on this to simplify further
- `(if ,(cadr val) ,if-true ,if-false)))
- ((cond case)
- `(,(car val)
- ,@(if (eq? (car val) 'cond) () (list (cadr val)))
- ,@(map (lambda (c)
- (if (not (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (cdr c))))
- c
- (let* ((len (length (cdr c)))
- (new-last (let ((last (list-ref c len)))
- (if (and (pair? last)
- (eq? (car last) 'error))
- last
- (simplify-boolean `(not ,last) () () env)))))
- `(,(car c) ,@(copy (cdr c) (make-list (- len 1))) ,new-last))))
- ((if (eq? (car val) 'cond) cdr cddr) val))))
- ((begin)
- (let* ((len1 (- (length val) 1))
- (new-last (simplify-boolean `(not ,(list-ref val len1)) () () env)))
- `(,@(copy val (make-list len1)) ,new-last)))))
- ((not (equal? val arg))
- `(not ,val))
- ((not (pair? arg))
- form)
- ((and (memq arg-op '(and or)) ; (not (or|and x (not y))) -> (and|or (not x) y)
- (= (length arg) 3)
- (or (and (pair? (cadr arg))
- (eq? (caadr arg) 'not))
- (and (pair? (caddr arg))
- (eq? (caaddr arg) 'not))))
- (let ((rel (if (eq? arg-op 'or) 'and 'or)))
- `(,rel ,@(map (lambda (p)
- (if (and (pair? p)
- (eq? (car p) 'not))
- (cadr p)
- (simplify-boolean `(not ,p) () () env)))
- (cdr arg)))))
- ((<= (length arg) 3) ; avoid (<= 0 i 12) and such
- (case arg-op
- ((< > <= >= odd? even? exact? inexact?char<? char>? char<=? char>=? string<? string>? string<=? string>=?
- char-ci<? char-ci>? char-ci<=? char-ci>=? string-ci<? string-ci>? string-ci<=? string-ci>=?)
- `(,(hash-table-ref notables arg-op) ,@(cdr arg)))
- ;; null? is not quite right because (not (null? 3)) -> #t
- ;; char-upper-case? and lower are not switchable here
- ((zero?) ; (not (zero? (logand p 2^n | (ash 1 i)))) -> (logbit? p i)
- (let ((zarg (cadr arg))) ; (logand...)
- (if (not (and (pair? zarg)
- (eq? (car zarg) 'logand)
- (pair? (cdr zarg))
- (pair? (cddr zarg))
- (null? (cdddr zarg))))
- form
- (let ((arg1 (cadr zarg))
- (arg2 (caddr zarg))) ; these are never reversed
- (or (and (pair? arg2)
- (pair? (cdr arg2))
- (eq? (car arg2) 'ash)
- (eqv? (cadr arg2) 1)
- `(logbit? ,arg1 ,(caddr arg2)))
- (and (integer? arg2)
- (positive? arg2)
- (zero? (logand arg2 (- arg2 1))) ; it's a power of 2
- `(logbit? ,arg1 ,(floor (log arg2 2)))) ; floor for freeBSD?
- form)))))
- (else form)))
- (else form)))))
- ;; --------------------------------
- ((or)
- (case len
- ((1) #f)
- ((2) (if (code-constant? (cadr form)) (cadr form) (classify (cadr form))))
- (else
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (when (= len 3)
- (let ((arg1 (cadr form))
- (arg2 (caddr form)))
- (if (and (pair? arg2) ; (or A (and ... A ...)) -> A
- (eq? (car arg2) 'and)
- (member arg1 (cdr arg2))
- (not (side-effect? arg2 env)))
- (return arg1))
- (if (and (pair? arg1) ; (or (and ... A) A) -> A
- (eq? (car arg1) 'and)
- (equal? arg2 (list-ref arg1 (- (length arg1) 1)))
- (not (side-effect? arg1 env)))
- (return arg2))
- (when (pair? arg2)
- (if (and (eq? (car arg2) 'and) ; (or A (and (not A) B)) -> (or A B)
- (pair? (cadr arg2))
- (eq? (caadr arg2) 'not)
- (equal? arg1 (cadadr arg2)))
- (return `(or ,arg1 ,@(cddr arg2))))
- (when (pair? arg1)
- (when (eq? (car arg1) 'not)
- (if (symbol? (cadr arg1))
- (if (memq (cadr arg1) arg2)
- (begin
- (if (eq? (car arg2) 'boolean?)
- (return arg2))
- (and-incomplete form 'or (cadr arg1) arg2 env))
- (do ((p arg2 (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (memq (cadr arg1) (car p))))
- (if (pair? p)
- (and-incomplete form 'or (cadr arg1) (car p) env)))))
- (if (and (pair? (cadr arg1)) ; (or (not (number? x)) (> x 2)) -> (or (not (real? x)) (> x 2))
- (hash-table-ref bools (caadr arg1)))
- (if (member (cadadr arg1) arg2)
- (and-forgetful form 'or (cadr arg1) arg2 env)
- (do ((p arg2 (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (member (cadadr arg1) (car p))))
- (if (pair? p)
- (and-forgetful form 'or (cadr arg1) (car p) env)))))))
- (if (and (eq? (car arg2) 'and) ; (or (not A) (and A B)) -> (or (not A) B) -- this stuff actually happens!
- (equal? (cadr arg1) (cadr arg2)))
- (return `(or ,arg1 ,@(cddr arg2)))))
- (when (and (eq? (car arg1) 'and)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'and)
- (= 3 (length arg1) (length arg2))
- ;; (not (side-effect? arg1 env)) ; maybe??
- (or (equal? (cadr arg1) `(not ,(cadr arg2)))
- (equal? `(not ,(cadr arg1)) (cadr arg2)))
- (not (equal? (caddr arg1) `(not ,(caddr arg2))))
- (not (equal? `(not ,(caddr arg1)) (caddr arg2))))
- ;; kinda dumb, but common: (or (and A B) (and (not A) C)) -> (if A B C)
- ;; the other side: (and (or A B) (or (not A) C)) -> (if A C (and B #t)), but it never happens
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" 'or
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (pair? (cadr arg1))
- (eq? (caadr arg1) 'not))
- `(if ,(cadr arg2) ,(caddr arg2) ,(caddr arg1))
- `(if ,(cadr arg1) ,(caddr arg1) ,(caddr arg2))))))
- (let ((t1 (and (pair? (cdr arg1))
- (pair? (cdr arg2))
- (or (equal? (cadr arg1) (cadr arg2))
- (and (pair? (cddr arg2))
- (null? (cdddr arg2))
- (equal? (cadr arg1) (caddr arg2))))
- (not (side-effect? arg1 env))
- (and-redundant? arg1 arg2))))
- (if t1
- (return (if (eq? t1 (car arg1)) arg2 arg1))))
- ;; if all clauses are (eq-func x y) where one of x/y is a symbol|simple-expr repeated throughout
- ;; and the y is a code-constant, or -> memq and friends.
- ;; This could also handle cadr|caddr reversed, but it apparently never happens.
- (if (and (or (and (eq? (car arg2) '=)
- (memq (car arg1) '(< > <= >=)))
- (and (eq? (car arg1) '=)
- (memq (car arg2) '(< > <= >=))))
- (= (length arg1) 3)
- (equal? (cdr arg1) (cdr arg2)))
- (return `(,(if (or (memq (car arg1) '(< <=))
- (memq (car arg2) '(< <=)))
- '<= '>=)
- ,@(cdr arg1))))
- ;; this makes some of the code above redundant
- (let ((rel (relsub arg1 arg2 'or env)))
- (if (or (boolean? rel)
- (pair? rel))
- (return rel)))
- ;; (or (pair? x) (null? x)) -> (list? x)
- (when (and (pair? (cdr arg1))
- (pair? (cdr arg2))
- (equal? (cadr arg1) (cadr arg2)))
- (if (and (memq (car arg1) '(null? pair?))
- (memq (car arg2) '(null? pair?))
- (not (eq? (car arg1) (car arg2))))
- (return `(list? ,(cadr arg1))))
- (if (and (eq? (car arg1) 'zero?) ; (or (zero? x) (positive? x)) -> (not (negative? x)) -- other cases don't happen
- (memq (car arg2) '(positive? negative?)))
- (return `(not (,(if (eq? (car arg2) 'positive?) 'negative? 'positive?) ,(cadr arg1))))))
- ;; (or (and A B) (and (not A) (not B))) -> (eq? (not A) (not B))
- ;; more accurately (if A B (not B)), but every case I've seen is just boolean
- ;; perhaps also (or (not (or A B)) (not (or (not A) (not B)))), but it never happens
- (let ((a1 (cadr form))
- (a2 (caddr form)))
- (when (and (pair? a1)
- (pair? a2)
- (eq? (car a1) 'and)
- (eq? (car a2) 'and)
- (= (length a1) 3)
- (= (length a2) 3))
- (let ((A ((if (and (pair? (cadr a1)) (eq? (caadr a1) 'not)) cadadr cadr) a1))
- (B (if (and (pair? (caddr a1)) (eq? (caaddr a1) 'not)) (cadr (caddr a1)) (caddr a1))))
- (if (or (equal? form `(or (and ,A ,B) (and (not ,A) (not ,B))))
- (equal? form `(or (and (not ,A) (not ,B)) (and ,A ,B))))
- (return `(eq? (not ,A) (not ,B))))
- (if (or (equal? form `(or (and ,A (not ,B)) (and (not ,A) ,B)))
- (equal? form `(or (and (not ,A) ,B) (and ,A (not ,B)))))
- (return `(not (eq? (not ,A) (not ,B))))))))
- (when (and (pair? (cdr arg1))
- (pair? (cdr arg2))
- (not (eq? (car arg1) (car arg2))))
- (when (subsumes? (car arg1) (car arg2))
- (return arg1))
- (if (eq? (car arg1) 'not)
- (let ((temp arg1))
- (set! arg1 arg2)
- (set! arg2 temp)))
- (when (and (eq? (car arg2) 'not)
- (pair? (cadr arg2))
- (pair? (cdadr arg2))
- (not (eq? (caadr arg2) 'let?))
- (or (equal? (cadr arg1) (cadadr arg2))
- (and (pair? (cddr arg1))
- (equal? (caddr arg1) (cadadr arg2))))
- (eq? (return-type (car arg1) env) 'boolean?)
- (eq? (return-type (caadr arg2) env) 'boolean?))
- (let ((t2 (or-not-redundant arg1 arg2)))
- (when t2
- (if (eq? t2 'fatuous)
- (return #t)
- (if (pair? t2)
- (return t2)))))))
- ;; (or (if a c d) (if b c d)) -> (if (or a b) c d) never happens, sad to say
- ;; or + if + if does happen but not in this easily optimized form
- )))) ; len = 3
- ;; len > 3 or nothing was caught above
- (let ((nots 0)
- (revers 0)
- (arglen (- len 1)))
- (for-each (lambda (a)
- (if (pair? a)
- (if (eq? (car a) 'not)
- (set! nots (+ nots 1))
- (if (hash-table-ref notables (car a))
- (set! revers (+ revers 1))))))
- (cdr form))
- (if (= nots arglen) ; every arg is `(not ...)
- (let ((nf (simplify-boolean `(and ,@(map cadr (cdr form))) () () env)))
- (return (simplify-boolean `(not ,nf) () () env)))
- (if (and (> arglen 2)
- (or (> nots (/ (* 2 arglen) 3))
- (and (> arglen 2)
- (> nots (/ arglen 2))
- (> revers 0))))
- (let ((nf (simplify-boolean `(and ,@(map (lambda (p)
- (cond ((not (pair? p))
- `(not ,p))
- ((eq? (car p) 'not)
- (cadr p))
- ((hash-table-ref notables (car p)) =>
- (lambda (op)
- `(,op ,@(cdr p))))
- (else `(not ,p))))
- (cdr form)))
- () () env)))
- (return (simplify-boolean `(not ,nf) () () env))))))
- (let ((sym #f)
- (eqfnc #f)
- (vals ())
- (start #f))
- (define (constant-arg p)
- (if (code-constant? (cadr p))
- (set! vals (cons (cadr p) vals))
- (and (code-constant? (caddr p))
- (set! vals (cons (caddr p) vals)))))
- (define (upgrade-eqf)
- (set! eqfnc (if (memq eqfnc '(string=? string-ci=? = equal?))
- 'equal?
- (if (memq eqfnc '(#f eq?)) 'eq? 'eqv?))))
- (do ((fp (cdr form) (cdr fp)))
- ((null? fp))
- (let ((p (and (pair? fp)
- (car fp))))
- (if (and (pair? p)
- (if (not sym)
- (set! sym (eqv-selector p))
- (equal? sym (eqv-selector p)))
- (or (not (memq eqfnc '(char-ci=? string-ci=? =)))
- (memq (car p) '(char-ci=? string-ci=? =)))
- ;; = can't share: (equal? 1 1.0) -> #f, so (or (not x) (= x 1)) can't be simplified
- ;; except via member+morally-equal? but that brings in float-epsilon and NaN differences.
- ;; We could add both: 1 1.0 as in cond?
- ;;
- ;; another problem: using memx below means the returned value of the expression
- ;; may not match the original (#t -> '(...)), so perhaps we should add a one-time
- ;; warning about this, and wrap it in (pair? (mem...)) as an example.
- ;;
- ;; and another thing... the original might be broken: (eq? x #(1)) where equal?
- ;; is more sensible, but that also changes the behavior of the expression:
- ;; (memq x '(#(1))) may be #f (or #t!) when (member x '(#(1))) is '(#(1)).
- ;;
- ;; I think I'll try to turn out a more-or-less working expression, but warn about it.
- (case (car p)
- ((string=? equal?)
- (set! eqfnc (if (or (not eqfnc)
- (eq? eqfnc (car p)))
- (car p)
- 'equal?))
- (and (= (length p) 3)
- (constant-arg p)))
- ((char=?)
- (if (memq eqfnc '(#f char=?))
- (set! eqfnc 'char=?)
- (if (not (eq? eqfnc 'equal?))
- (set! eqfnc 'eqv?)))
- (and (= (length p) 3)
- (constant-arg p)))
- ((eq? eqv?)
- (let ((leqf (car (->eqf (->lint-type ((if (code-constant? (cadr p)) cadr caddr) p))))))
- (cond ((not eqfnc)
- (set! eqfnc leqf))
- ((or (memq leqf '(#t equal?))
- (not (eq? eqfnc leqf)))
- (set! eqfnc 'equal?))
- ((memq eqfnc '(#f eq?))
- (set! eqfnc leqf))))
- (and (= (length p) 3)
- (constant-arg p)))
- ((char-ci=? string-ci=? =)
- (and (or (not eqfnc)
- (eq? eqfnc (car p)))
- (set! eqfnc (car p))
- (= (length p) 3)
- (constant-arg p)))
- ((eof-object?)
- (upgrade-eqf)
- (set! vals (cons #<eof> vals)))
- ((not)
- (upgrade-eqf)
- (set! vals (cons #f vals)))
- ((boolean?)
- (upgrade-eqf)
- (set! vals (cons #f (cons #t vals))))
- ((zero?)
- (if (memq eqfnc '(#f eq?)) (set! eqfnc 'eqv?))
- (set! vals (cons 0 (cons 0.0 vals))))
- ((null?)
- (upgrade-eqf)
- (set! vals (cons () vals)))
- ((memq memv member)
- (cond ((eq? (car p) 'member)
- (set! eqfnc 'equal?))
- ((eq? (car p) 'memv)
- (set! eqfnc (if (eq? eqfnc 'string=?) 'equal? 'eqv?)))
- ((not eqfnc)
- (set! eqfnc 'eq?)))
- (and (= (length p) 3)
- (pair? (caddr p))
- (eq? 'quote (caaddr p))
- (pair? (cadr (caddr p)))
- (set! vals (append (cadr (caddr p)) vals))))
- (else #f)))
- (if (not start)
- (set! start fp)
- (if (null? (cdr fp))
- (return (if (eq? start (cdr form))
- (gather-or-eqf-elements eqfnc sym vals)
- `(or ,@(copy (cdr form) (make-list (let loop ((g (cdr form)) (len 0))
- (if (eq? g start)
- len
- (loop (cdr g) (+ len 1))))))
- ,(gather-or-eqf-elements eqfnc sym vals))))))
- (when start
- (if (eq? fp (cdr start))
- (begin
- (set! sym #f)
- (set! eqfnc #f)
- (set! vals ())
- (set! start #f))
- ;; here we have possible header stuff + more than one match + trailing stuff
- (let ((trailer (if (not (and (pair? fp)
- (pair? (cdr fp))))
- fp
- (let ((nfp (simplify-boolean `(or ,@fp) () () env)))
- ((if (and (pair? nfp)
- (eq? (car nfp) 'or))
- cdr list)
- nfp)))))
- (return (if (eq? start (cdr form))
- `(or ,(gather-or-eqf-elements eqfnc sym vals)
- ,@trailer)
- `(or ,@(copy (cdr form) (make-list (let loop ((g (cdr form)) (len 0))
- (if (eq? g start)
- len
- (loop (cdr g) (+ len 1))))))
- ,(gather-or-eqf-elements eqfnc sym vals)
- ,@trailer)))))))))
- (do ((selector #f) ; (or (and (eq?...)...)....) -> (case ....)
- (keys ())
- (fp (cdr form) (cdr fp)))
- ((or (null? fp)
- (let ((p (and (pair? fp)
- (car fp))))
- (not (and (pair? p)
- (eq? (car p) 'and)
- (pair? (cdr p))
- (pair? (cadr p))
- (pair? (cdadr p))
- (or selector
- (set! selector (cadadr p)))
- (let ((expr (cadr p))
- (arg1 (cadadr p)))
- (case (car expr)
- ((null?)
- (and (equal? selector arg1)
- (not (memq () keys))
- (set! keys (cons () keys))))
- ;; we have to make sure no keys are repeated:
- ;; (or (and (eq? x 'a) (< y 1)) (and (eq? x 'a) (< y 2)))
- ;; this rewrite has become much trickier than expected...
- ((boolean?)
- (and (equal? selector arg1)
- (not (memq #f keys))
- (not (memq #t keys))
- (set! keys (cons #f (cons #t keys)))))
- ((eof-object?)
- (and (equal? selector arg1)
- (not (memq #<eof> keys))
- (set! keys (cons #<eof> keys))))
- ((zero?)
- (and (equal? selector arg1)
- (not (memv 0 keys))
- (not (memv 0.0 keys))
- (set! keys (cons 0.0 (cons 0 keys)))))
- ((memq memv)
- (and (equal? selector arg1)
- (pair? (cddr expr))
- (pair? (caddr expr))
- (eq? (caaddr expr) 'quote)
- (pair? (cadr (caddr expr)))
- (not (any? (lambda (g)
- (memv g keys))
- (cadr (caddr expr))))
- (set! keys (append (cadr (caddr expr)) keys))))
- ((eq? eqv? char=?)
- (and (pair? (cddr expr))
- (null? (cdddr expr))
- (or (and (equal? selector arg1)
- (code-constant? (caddr expr))
- (not (memv (unquoted (caddr expr)) keys))
- (set! keys (cons (unquoted (caddr expr)) keys)))
- (and (equal? selector (caddr expr))
- (code-constant? arg1)
- (not (memv (unquoted arg1) keys))
- (set! keys (cons (unquoted arg1) keys))))))
- ((not)
- ;; no hits here for last+not eq(etc)+no collision in keys
- (and (equal? selector arg1)
- (not (memq #f keys))
- (set! keys (cons #f keys))))
- (else #f)))))))
- (if (null? fp)
- (return `(case ,selector
- ,@(map (lambda (p)
- (let ((result (if (null? (cdddr p))
- (caddr p)
- `(and ,@(cddr p))))
- (key (let ((expr (cadr p)))
- (case (car expr)
- ((eq? eqv? char=?)
- (let ((repeats (equal? selector (cadr expr))))
- (list (unquoted ((if repeats caddr cadr) expr)))))
- ((memq memv) (unquoted (caddr expr)))
- ((null?) (list ()))
- ((eof-object?) (list #<eof>))
- ((zero?) (list 0 0.0))
- ((not) (list #f))
- ((boolean?) (list #t #f))))))
- (list key result)))
- (cdr form))
- (else #f))))))
- (do ((new-form ())
- (retry #f)
- (exprs (cdr form) (cdr exprs)))
- ((null? exprs)
- (return (and (pair? new-form)
- (if (null? (cdr new-form))
- (car new-form)
- (if retry
- (simplify-boolean `(or ,@(reverse new-form)) () () env)
- `(or ,@(reverse new-form)))))))
- (let ((val (classify (car exprs)))
- (old-form new-form))
- (when (and (pair? val)
- (memq (car val) '(and or not)))
- (set! val (classify (simplify-boolean val true false env)))
- (when (and (> len 3)
- (pair? val)
- (eq? (car val) 'not)
- (pair? (cdr exprs)))
- (if (symbol? (cadr val))
- (if (and (pair? (cadr exprs))
- (memq (cadr val) (cadr exprs)))
- (and-incomplete form 'or (cadr val) (cadr exprs) env)
- (do ((ip (cdr exprs) (cdr ip))
- (found-it #f))
- ((or found-it
- (not (pair? ip))))
- (do ((p (car ip) (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (memq (cadr val) p)
- (set! found-it p)))
- (if (pair? found-it)
- (and-incomplete form 'or (cadr val) found-it env))))))
- (when (and (pair? (cadr val))
- (pair? (cadr exprs))
- (hash-table-ref bools (caadr val)))
- (if (member (cadadr val) (cadr exprs))
- (and-forgetful form 'or (cadr val) (cadr exprs) env)
- (do ((p (cadr exprs) (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (member (cadadr val) (car p))))
- (if (pair? p)
- (and-forgetful form 'or (cadr val) (car p) env)))))))))
- (if (not (or retry
- (equal? val (car exprs))))
- (set! retry #t))
- (cond ((not val)) ; #f in or is ignored
- ((or (eq? val #t) ; #t or any non-#f constant in or ends the expression
- (code-constant? val))
- (set! new-form (if (null? new-form) ; (or x1 123) -> value of x1 first
- (list val)
- (cons val new-form)))
- ;; reversed when returned
- (set! exprs '(#t)))
- ((and (pair? val) ; (or ...) -> splice into current
- (eq? (car val) 'or))
- (set! exprs (append val (cdr exprs)))) ; we'll skip the 'or in do step
- ((not (or (memq val new-form)
- (and (pair? val) ; and redundant tests
- (hash-table-ref booleans (car val))
- (any? (lambda (p)
- (and (pair? p)
- (subsumes? (car p) (car val))
- (equal? (cadr val) (cadr p))))
- new-form))))
- (set! new-form (cons val new-form))))
- (if (and (not (eq? new-form old-form))
- (pair? (cdr new-form)))
- (let ((rel (relsub (cadr new-form) (car new-form) 'or env))) ; new-form is reversed
- (if (or (boolean? rel)
- (pair? rel))
- (set! new-form (cons rel (cddr new-form))))))))))))))
- ;; --------------------------------
- ((and)
- (case len
- ((1) #t)
- ((2) (classify (cadr form)))
- (else
- (and (not (contradictory? (cdr form)))
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (when (= len 3)
- (let ((arg1 (cadr form))
- (arg2 (caddr form)))
- (if (and (pair? arg2) ; (and A (or A ...)) -> A
- (eq? (car arg2) 'or)
- (equal? arg1 (cadr arg2))
- (not (side-effect? arg2 env)))
- (return arg1))
- (if (and (pair? arg1) ; (and (or ... A ...) A) -> A
- (eq? (car arg1) 'or)
- (member arg2 (cdr arg1))
- (not (side-effect? arg1 env)))
- (return arg2))
- ;; the and equivalent of (or (not A) (and A B)) never happens
- (when (pair? arg2)
- (if (symbol? arg1) ; (and x (pair? x)) -> (pair? x)
- (if (memq arg1 arg2)
- (begin
- (case (car arg2)
- ((not) (return #f))
- ((boolean?) (return `(eq? ,arg1 #t))))
- (and-incomplete form 'and arg1 arg2 env)
- (if (hash-table-ref booleans (car arg2))
- (return arg2)))
- (do ((p arg2 (cdr p))) ; (and x (+ (log x) 1)) -> (and (number? x)...)
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (memq arg1 (car p))))
- (if (pair? p)
- (and-incomplete form 'and arg1 (car p) env)))))
- (if (and (pair? arg1) ; (and (number? x) (> x 2)) -> (and (real? x) (> x 2))
- (hash-table-ref bools (car arg1)))
- (if (member (cadr arg1) arg2)
- (and-forgetful form 'and arg1 arg2 env)
- (do ((p arg2 (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (member (cadr arg1) (car p))))
- (if (pair? p)
- (and-forgetful form 'and arg1 (car p) env))))))))
- (if (and (not (side-effect? arg1 env))
- (equal? arg1 arg2)) ; (and x x) -> x
- (return arg1))
- (when (and (pair? arg1)
- (pair? arg2)
- (pair? (cdr arg1))
- (pair? (cdr arg2)))
- (let ((t1 (and (or (equal? (cadr arg1) (cadr arg2))
- (and (pair? (cddr arg2))
- (null? (cdddr arg2))
- (equal? (cadr arg1) (caddr arg2))))
- (not (side-effect? arg1 env))
- (and-redundant? arg1 arg2)))) ; (and (integer? x) (number? x)) -> (integer? x)
- (if t1
- (return (cond
- ((memq t1 '(eq? eqv? equal?))
- `(,t1 ,@(cdr arg2)))
- ((eq? t1 'memv)
- (let ((x ((if (equal? (cadr arg1) (cadr arg2)) caddr cadr) arg2)))
- (if (rational? x)
- `(memv ,(cadr arg1) '(,x ,(* 1.0 x)))
- `(memv ,(cadr arg1) '(,(floor x) ,x)))))
- ((eq? t1 (car arg1)) arg1)
- (else arg2)))))
- (when (and (hash-table-ref reversibles (car arg1))
- (pair? (cddr arg1))
- (null? (cdddr arg1))
- (pair? (cddr arg2))
- (null? (cdddr arg2))
- (not (side-effect? arg2 env)) ; arg1 is hit in any case
- (or (eq? (car arg1) (car arg2)) ; either ops are equal or
- (let ((rf (hash-table-ref reversibles (car arg2)))) ; try reversed op for arg2
- (and (eq? (car arg1) rf)
- (set! arg2 (cons rf (reverse (cdr arg2))))))))
- (when (and (memq (car arg1) '(< <= >= >)) ; (and (op x y) (op x z)) -> (op x (min|max y z))
- (equal? (cadr arg1) (cadr arg2)))
- (if (and (rational? (caddr arg1))
- (rational? (caddr arg2)))
- (return `(,(car arg1)
- ,(cadr arg1)
- ,((if (memq (car arg1) '(< <=)) min max) (caddr arg1) (caddr arg2)))))
- (return `(,(car arg1)
- ,(cadr arg1)
- (,(if (memq (car arg1) '(< <=)) 'min 'max) ,(caddr arg1) ,(caddr arg2)))))
- (when (or (equal? (caddr arg1) (cadr arg2)) ; (and (op x y) (op y z))
- (equal? (cadr arg1) (caddr arg2)) ; (and (op x y) (op z x))
- (and (memq (car arg1) '(= char=? string=? char-ci=? string-ci=?))
- (or (equal? (cadr arg1) (cadr arg2))
- (equal? (caddr arg1) (caddr arg2)))))
- (let ((op1 (car arg1))
- (arg1-1 (cadr arg1))
- (arg1-2 (caddr arg1))
- (arg2-1 (cadr arg2))
- (arg2-2 (caddr arg2)))
- (return
- (cond ((equal? arg1-2 arg2-1) ; (and (op x y) (op y z)) -> (op x y z)
- (if (equal? arg1-1 arg2-2)
- (if (memq op1 '(= char=? string=? char-ci=? string-ci=?))
- arg1
- (and (memq op1 '(<= >= char<=? char>=? string<=? string>=?
- char-ci<=? char-ci>=? string-ci<=? string-ci>=?))
- `(,(case op1
- ((>= <=) '=)
- ((char<= char>=) 'char=?)
- ((char-ci<= char-ci>=) 'char-ci=?)
- ((string<= string>=) 'string=?)
- ((string-ci<= string-ci>=) 'string-ci=?))
- ,@(cdr arg1))))
- (and (or (not (code-constant? arg1-1))
- (not (code-constant? arg2-2))
- ((symbol->value op1) arg1-1 arg2-2))
- `(,op1 ,arg1-1 ,arg2-1 ,arg2-2))))
- ((equal? arg1-1 arg2-2) ; (and (op x y) (op z x)) -> (op z x y)
- (if (equal? arg1-2 arg2-1)
- (and (memq op1 '(= char=? string=? char-ci=? string-ci=?))
- arg1)
- (and (or (not (code-constant? arg2-1))
- (not (code-constant? arg1-2))
- ((symbol->value op1) arg2-1 arg1-2))
- `(,op1 ,arg2-1 ,arg1-1 ,arg1-2))))
- ;; here we're restricted to equalities and we know arg1 != arg2
- ((equal? arg1-1 arg2-1) ; (and (op x y) (op x z)) -> (op x y z)
- (if (and (code-constant? arg1-2)
- (code-constant? arg2-2))
- (and ((symbol->value op1) arg1-2 arg2-2)
- arg1)
- `(,op1 ,arg1-1 ,arg1-2 ,arg2-2)))
- ;; equalities again
- ((and (code-constant? arg1-1)
- (code-constant? arg2-1))
- (and ((symbol->value op1) arg1-1 arg2-1)
- arg1))
- (else `(,op1 ,arg1-1 ,arg1-2 ,arg2-1)))))))
- ;; check some special cases
- (when (and (or (equal? (cadr arg1) (cadr arg2))
- (and (pair? (cddr arg2))
- (null? (cdddr arg2))
- (equal? (cadr arg1) (caddr arg2))))
- (hash-table-ref booleans (car arg1)))
- (when (or (eq? (car arg1) 'zero?) ; perhaps rational? and integer? here -- not many hits
- (eq? (car arg2) 'zero?))
- (if (or (memq (car arg1) '(integer? rational? exact?))
- (memq (car arg2) '(integer? rational? exact?)))
- (return `(eqv? ,(cadr arg1) 0)))
- (if (or (eq? (car arg1) 'inexact?)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'inexact?))
- (return `(eqv? ,(cadr arg1) 0.0))))
- (when (hash-table-ref and-rel-ops (car arg2))
- (when (and (eq? (car arg1) 'symbol?)
- (memq (car arg2) '(eq? eqv? equal?))
- (or (quoted-symbol? (cadr arg2))
- (quoted-symbol? (caddr arg2))))
- (return `(eq? ,@(cdr arg2))))
- (when (and (eq? (car arg1) 'positive?)
- (eq? (car arg2) '<)
- (eq? (cadr arg1) (cadr arg2)))
- (return `(< 0 ,(cadr arg1) ,(caddr arg2))))))
- (when (and (member (cadr arg1) arg2)
- (memq (car arg2) '(string=? char=? eq? eqv? equal?))
- (null? (cdddr arg2))
- (hash-table-ref bools (car arg1))
- (or (and (code-constant? (cadr arg2))
- (compatible? (car arg1) (->lint-type (cadr arg2))))
- (and (code-constant? (caddr arg2))
- (compatible? (car arg1) (->lint-type (caddr arg2))))))
- (return `(,(if (eq? (car arg1) 'char?) ,eqv? 'equal?) ,@(cdr arg2))))
- (when (and (equal? (cadr arg1) (cadr arg2))
- (eq? (car arg1) 'inexact?)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'real?))
- (return `(and ,arg2 ,arg1)))
- ;; this makes some of the code above redundant
- (let ((rel (relsub arg1 arg2 'and env)))
- (if (or (boolean? rel)
- (pair? rel))
- (return rel)))
- ;; (and ... (not...))
- (unless (eq? (car arg1) (car arg2))
- (if (eq? (car arg1) 'not)
- (let ((temp arg1))
- (set! arg1 arg2)
- (set! arg2 temp)))
- (when (and (eq? (car arg2) 'not)
- (pair? (cadr arg2))
- (pair? (cdadr arg2))
- (not (eq? (caadr arg2) 'let?))
- (or (equal? (cadr arg1) (cadadr arg2))
- (and (pair? (cddr arg1))
- (equal? (caddr arg1) (cadadr arg2))))
- (eq? (return-type (car arg1) env) 'boolean?)
- (eq? (return-type (caadr arg2) env) 'boolean?))
- (let ((t2 (and-not-redundant arg1 arg2)))
- (cond ;((not t2) #f)
- ((eq? t2 'contradictory) (return #f))
- ((symbol? t2) (return `(,t2 ,@(cdr arg1))))
- ((pair? t2) (return t2))))))
- (if (hash-table-ref bools (car arg1))
- (let ((p (member (cadr arg1) (cdr arg2))))
- (when p
- (let ((sig (arg-signature (car arg2) env))
- (pos (- (length arg2) (length p))))
- (when (pair? sig)
- (let ((arg-type (and (> (length sig) pos)
- (list-ref sig pos))))
- (unless (compatible? (car arg1) arg-type)
- (let ((ln (and (< 0 line-number 100000) line-number)))
- (format outport "~NCin ~A~A, ~A is ~A, but ~A wants ~A"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (if ln (format #f " (line ~D)" ln) "")
- (cadr arg1)
- (prettify-checker-unq (car arg1))
- (car arg2)
- (prettify-checker arg-type))))))))))
- (cond ((not (and (eq? (car arg1) 'equal?) ; (and (equal? (car a1) (car a2)) (equal? (cdr a1) (cdr a2))) -> (equal? a1 a2)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'equal?)
- (pair? (cadr arg1))
- (pair? (caddr arg1))
- (pair? (cadr arg2))
- (pair? (caddr arg2))
- (eq? (caadr arg1) (caaddr arg1)))))
- ((assq (caadr arg1)
- '((car cdr #t)
- (caar cdar car) (cadr cddr cdr)
- (caaar cdaar caar) (caadr cdadr cadr) (caddr cdddr cddr) (cadar cddar cdar)
- (cadddr cddddr cdddr) (caaaar cdaaar caaar) (caaadr cdaadr caadr) (caadar cdadar cadar)
- (caaddr cdaddr caddr) (cadaar cddaar cdaar) (cadadr cddadr cdadr) (caddar cdddar cddar)))
- => (lambda (x)
- (if (and (eq? (caadr arg2) (cadr x))
- (eq? (caaddr arg2) (cadr x))
- (equal? (cadadr arg1) (cadadr arg2))
- (equal? (cadr (caddr arg1)) (cadr (caddr arg2))))
- (return (if (symbol? (caddr x))
- `(equal? (,(caddr x) ,(cadadr arg1)) (,(caddr x) ,(cadr (caddr arg1))))
- `(equal? ,(cadadr arg1) ,(cadr (caddr arg1)))))))))
- )))
- ;; len > 3 or nothing was caught above
- (let ((nots 0)
- (revers 0)
- (arglen (- len 1)))
- (for-each (lambda (a)
- (if (pair? a)
- (if (eq? (car a) 'not)
- (set! nots (+ nots 1))
- (if (hash-table-ref notables (car a))
- (set! revers (+ revers 1))))))
- (cdr form))
- (if (= nots arglen) ; every arg is `(not ...)
- (let ((nf (simplify-boolean `(or ,@(map cadr (cdr form))) () () env)))
- (return (simplify-boolean `(not ,nf) () () env)))
- (if (and (> arglen 2)
- (or (>= nots (/ (* 3 arglen) 4)) ; > 2/3 seems to get some ugly rewrites
- (and (>= nots (/ (* 2 arglen) 3)) ; was > 1/2 here
- (> revers 0))))
- (let ((nf (simplify-boolean `(or ,@(map (lambda (p)
- (cond ((not (pair? p))
- `(not ,p))
- ((eq? (car p) 'not)
- (cadr p))
- ((hash-table-ref notables (car p)) =>
- (lambda (op)
- `(,op ,@(cdr p))))
- (else `(not ,p))))
- (cdr form)))
- () () env)))
- (return (simplify-boolean `(not ,nf) () () env))))))
- (if (every? (lambda (a)
- (and (pair? a)
- (eq? (car a) 'zero?)))
- (cdr form))
- (return `(= 0 ,@(map cadr (cdr form)))))
- (let ((diff (apply and-redundants env (cdr form))))
- (when diff
- (if (null? (cdr diff))
- (return (car diff)))
- (return (simplify-boolean `(and ,@diff) () () env))))
- ;; now there are redundancies below (see subsumes?) but they assumed the tests were side-by-side
- (do ((new-form ())
- (retry #f)
- (exprs (cdr form) (cdr exprs)))
- ((null? exprs)
- (or (null? new-form) ; (and) -> #t
- (let ((newer-form (let ((nform (reverse new-form)))
- (map (lambda (x cdr-x)
- (if (and x (code-constant? x))
- (values)
- x))
- nform (cdr nform)))))
- (return
- (cond ((null? newer-form)
- (car new-form))
- ((and (eq? (car new-form) #t) ; trailing #t is dumb if next-to-last is boolean func
- (pair? (cdr new-form))
- (pair? (cadr new-form))
- (symbol? (caadr new-form))
- (eq? (return-type (caadr new-form) env) 'boolean?))
- (if (null? (cdr newer-form))
- (car newer-form)
- `(and ,@newer-form)))
- (retry
- (simplify-boolean `(and ,@newer-form ,(car new-form)) () () env))
- (else `(and ,@newer-form ,(car new-form))))))))
- (let* ((e (car exprs))
- (val (classify e))
- (old-form new-form))
- (if (and (pair? val)
- (memq (car val) '(and or not)))
- (set! val (classify (set! e (simplify-boolean val () false env))))
- (when (and (> len 3)
- (pair? (cdr exprs)))
- (if (symbol? val)
- (if (and (pair? (cadr exprs))
- (memq val (cadr exprs)))
- (let ((nval (simplify-boolean `(and ,val ,(cadr exprs)) () false env)))
- (if (and (pair? nval)
- (eq? (car nval) 'and))
- (and-incomplete form 'and val (cadr exprs) env)
- (begin
- (set! val nval)
- (set! exprs (cdr exprs)))))
- (do ((ip (cdr exprs) (cdr ip))
- (found-it #f))
- ((or found-it
- (not (pair? ip))))
- (do ((p (car ip) (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (memq val p)
- (let ((nval (simplify-boolean `(and ,val ,p) () false env)))
- (if (and (pair? nval)
- (eq? (car nval) 'and))
- (set! found-it p)
- (let ((ln (and (< 0 line-number 100000) line-number)))
- (format outport "~NCin ~A~A,~%~NCperhaps change ~S to ~S~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (if ln (format #f " (line ~D)" ln) "")
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- `(and ... ,val ... ,p)
- nval)
- (set! found-it #t)))))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (memq val (car p))
- (set! found-it (car p))))
- (if (pair? found-it)
- (and-incomplete form 'and val found-it env))))))
- (when (and (pair? val)
- (pair? (cadr exprs))
- (hash-table-ref bools (car val)))
- (if (member (cadr val) (cadr exprs))
- (and-forgetful form 'and val (cadr exprs) env)
- (do ((p (cadr exprs) (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (member (cadr val) (car p))))
- (if (pair? p)
- (and-forgetful form 'and val (car p) env)))))))))
- (if (not (or retry
- (equal? e (car exprs))))
- (set! retry #t))
- ;(format *stderr* "val: ~A, e: ~A~%" val e)
- ;; (and x1 x2 x1) is not reducible
- ;; the final thing has to remain at the end, but can be deleted earlier if it can't short-circuit the evaluation,
- ;; but if there are expressions following the first x1, we can't be sure that it is not
- ;; protecting them:
- ;; (and false-or-0 (display (list-ref lst false-or-0)) false-or-0)
- ;; so I'll not try to optimize that case. But (and x x) is optimizable.
- (cond ((eq? val #t)
- (if (null? (cdr exprs)) ; (and x y #t) should not remove the #t
- (if (or (and (pair? e)
- (eq? (return-type (car e) env) 'boolean?))
- (eq? e #t))
- (set! new-form (cons val new-form))
- (if (or (null? new-form)
- (not (equal? e (car new-form))))
- (set! new-form (cons e new-form))))
- (if (and (not (eq? e #t))
- (or (null? new-form)
- (not (member e new-form))))
- (set! new-form (cons e new-form)))))
- ((not val) ; #f in 'and' ends the expression
- (set! new-form (if (or (null? new-form)
- (just-symbols? new-form))
- '(#f)
- (cons #f new-form)))
- (set! exprs '(#f)))
- ((and (pair? e) ; if (and ...) splice into current
- (eq? (car e) 'and))
- (set! exprs (append e (cdr exprs))))
- ((and (pair? e) ; (and (list? p) (pair? p) ...) -> (and (pair? p) ...)
- (pair? (cdr exprs))
- (pair? (cadr exprs))
- (eq? (and-redundant? e (cadr exprs)) (caadr exprs))
- (equal? (cadr e) (cadadr exprs))))
- ((and (pair? e) ; (and (list? p) (not (null? p)) ...) -> (and (pair? p) ...)
- (memq (car e) '(list? pair?))
- (pair? (cdr exprs))
- (let ((p (cadr exprs)))
- (and (pair? p)
- (eq? (car p) 'not)
- (pair? (cadr p))
- (eq? (caadr p) 'null?)
- (equal? (cadr e) (cadadr p)))))
- (set! new-form (cons `(pair? ,(cadr e)) new-form))
- (set! exprs (cdr exprs)))
- ((not (and (pair? e) ; (and ... (or ... 123) ...) -> splice out or
- (pair? (cdr exprs))
- (eq? (car e) 'or)
- (pair? (cdr e))
- (pair? (cddr e))
- (cond ((list-ref e (- (length e) 1)) => code-constant?) ; (or ... #f)
- (else #f))))
- (if (not (and (pair? new-form)
- (or (eq? val (car new-form)) ; omit repeated tests
- (and (pair? val) ; and redundant tests
- (hash-table-ref booleans (car val))
- (any? (lambda (p)
- (and (pair? p)
- (subsumes? (car val) (car p))
- (equal? (cadr val) (cadr p))))
- new-form)))))
- (set! new-form (cons val new-form)))))
- (if (and (not (eq? new-form old-form))
- (pair? (cdr new-form)))
- (let ((rel (relsub (car new-form) (cadr new-form) 'and env)))
- ;; rel #f should halt everything as above, and it looks ugly in the output,
- ;; but it never happens in real code
- (if (or (pair? rel)
- (boolean? rel))
- (set! new-form (cons rel (cddr new-form))))))))))))))))))))))))
- (define (splice-if f lst)
- (cond ((null? lst) ())
- ((not (pair? lst)) lst)
- ((and (pair? (car lst))
- (f (caar lst)))
- (append (splice-if f (cdar lst))
- (splice-if f (cdr lst))))
- (else (cons (car lst)
- (splice-if f (cdr lst))))))
- (define (horners-rule form)
- (and (pair? form)
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (do ((p form (cdr p))
- (coeffs #f)
- (top 0)
- (sym #f))
- ((not (pair? p))
- (do ((x (- top 1) (- x 1))
- (result (coeffs top)))
- ((< x 0)
- result)
- (set! result
- (if (zero? (coeffs x))
- `(* ,sym ,result)
- `(+ ,(coeffs x) (* ,sym ,result))))))
- (let ((cx (car p)))
- (cond ((number? cx)
- (if (not coeffs) (set! coeffs (make-vector 4 0)))
- (set! (coeffs 0) (+ (coeffs 0) cx)))
- ((symbol? cx)
- (if (not sym)
- (set! sym cx)
- (if (not (eq? sym cx))
- (return #f)))
- (if (not coeffs) (set! coeffs (make-vector 4 0)))
- (set! top (max top 1))
- (set! (coeffs 1) (+ (coeffs 1) 1)))
- ((not (and (pair? cx)
- (eq? (car cx) '*)))
- (return #f))
- (else
- (let ((ctr 0)
- (ax 1))
- (for-each (lambda (qx)
- (if (symbol? qx)
- (if (not sym)
- (begin
- (set! sym qx)
- (set! ctr 1))
- (if (not (eq? sym qx))
- (return #f)
- (set! ctr (+ ctr 1))))
- (if (number? qx)
- (set! ax (* ax qx))
- (return #f))))
- (cdr cx))
- (if (not coeffs) (set! coeffs (make-vector 4 0)))
- (if (>= ctr (length coeffs))
- (set! coeffs (copy coeffs (make-vector (* ctr 2) 0))))
- (set! top (max top ctr))
- (set! (coeffs ctr) (+ (coeffs ctr) ax)))))))))))
- (define (simplify-numerics form env)
- ;; this returns a form, possibly the original simplified
- (let ((real-result? (lambda (op) (memq op '(imag-part real-part abs magnitude angle max min exact->inexact inexact
- modulo remainder quotient lcm gcd))))
- (rational-result? (lambda (op) (memq op '(rationalize inexact->exact exact))))
- (integer-result? (lambda (op) (memq op '(logior lognot logxor logand numerator denominator floor round truncate ceiling ash)))))
- (define (inverse-op op)
- (case op
- ((sin) 'asin) ((cos) 'acos) ((tan) 'atan) ((asin) 'sin) ((acos) 'cos) ((atan) 'tan)
- ((sinh) 'asinh) ((cosh) 'acosh) ((tanh) 'atanh) ((asinh) 'sinh) ((acosh) 'cosh) ((atanh) 'tanh)
- ((log) 'exp) ((exp) 'log)))
- (define (just-rationals? form)
- (or (null? form)
- (rational? form)
- (and (pair? form)
- (rational? (car form))
- (just-rationals? (cdr form)))))
- (define (just-reals? form)
- (or (null? form)
- (real? form)
- (and (pair? form)
- (real? (car form))
- (just-reals? (cdr form)))))
- (define (just-integers? form)
- (or (null? form)
- (integer? form)
- (and (pair? form)
- (integer? (car form))
- (just-integers? (cdr form)))))
- (define (simplify-arg x)
- (if (or (null? x) ; constants and the like look dumb if simplified
- (not (proper-list? x))
- (not (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions (car x)))
- (var-member (car x) env))
- x
- (let ((f (simplify-numerics x env)))
- (if (and (pair? f)
- (just-rationals? f))
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (eval f))
- (lambda ignore f))
- f))))
- (define (remove-inexactions val)
- (when (and (or (assq 'exact->inexact val)
- (assq 'inexact val))
- (not (tree-member 'random val))
- (any? number? val))
- (set! val (map (lambda (x)
- (if (and (pair? x)
- (memq (car x) '(inexact exact->inexact)))
- (cadr x)
- x))
- val))
- (if (not (any? (lambda (x)
- (and (number? x)
- (inexact? x)))
- val))
- (do ((p val (cdr p)))
- ((or (null? p)
- (number? (car p)))
- (if (pair? p)
- (set-car! p (* 1.0 (car p))))))))
- val)
- ;; polar notation (@) is never used anywhere except test suites
- (let* ((args (map simplify-arg (cdr form)))
- (len (length args)))
- (case (car form)
- ((+)
- (case len
- ((0) 0)
- ((1) (car args))
- (else
- (let ((val (remove-all 0 (splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x '+)) args))))
- (if (every? (lambda (x) (or (not (number? x)) (rational? x))) val)
- (let ((rats (collect-if list rational? val)))
- (if (and (pair? rats)
- (pair? (cdr rats)))
- (let ((y (apply + rats)))
- (set! val (if (zero? y)
- (collect-if list (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) val)
- (cons y (collect-if list (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) val))))))))
- (set! val (remove-inexactions val))
- (if (any? (lambda (p) ; collect all + and - vals -> (- (+ ...) ...)
- (and (pair? p)
- (eq? (car p) '-)))
- val)
- (let ((plus ())
- (minus ())
- (c 0))
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (if (not (and (pair? p)
- (eq? (car p) '-)))
- (if (rational? p)
- (set! c (+ c p))
- (set! plus (cons p plus)))
- (if (null? (cddr p))
- (if (rational? (cadr p))
- (set! c (- c (cadr p)))
- (set! minus (cons (cadr p) minus)))
- (begin
- (if (rational? (cadr p))
- (set! c (+ c (cadr p)))
- (set! plus (cons (cadr p) plus)))
- (for-each (lambda (p1)
- (if (rational? p1)
- (set! c (- c p1))
- (set! minus (cons p1 minus))))
- (cddr p))))))
- val)
- (simplify-numerics `(- (+ ,@(reverse plus) ,@(if (positive? c) (list c) ()))
- ,@(reverse minus) ,@(if (negative? c) (list (abs c)) ()))
- env))
- (case (length val)
- ((0) 0)
- ((1) (car val)) ; (+ x) -> x
- ((2)
- (let ((arg1 (car val))
- (arg2 (cadr val)))
- (cond ((and (real? arg2) ; (+ x -1) -> (- x 1)
- (negative? arg2)
- (not (number? arg1)))
- `(- ,arg1 ,(abs arg2)))
- ((and (real? arg1) ; (+ -1 x) -> (- x 1)
- (negative? arg1)
- (not (number? arg2)))
- `(- ,arg2 ,(abs arg1)))
- ((and (pair? arg1)
- (eq? (car arg1) '*) ; (+ (* a b) (* a c)) -> (* a (+ b c))
- (pair? arg2)
- (eq? (car arg2) '*)
- (any? (lambda (a)
- (member a (cdr arg2)))
- (cdr arg1)))
- (do ((times ())
- (pluses ())
- (rset (cdr arg2))
- (p (cdr arg1) (cdr p)))
- ((null? p)
- ;; times won't be () because we checked above for a match
- ;; if pluses is (), arg1 is completely included in arg2
- ;; if rset is (), arg2 is included in arg1
- (simplify-numerics `(* ,@(reverse times)
- (+ (* ,@(reverse (if (pair? pluses) pluses (list (if (null? pluses) 1 pluses)))))
- (* ,@rset)))
- env))
- (if (member (car p) rset)
- (begin
- (set! times (cons (car p) times))
- (set! rset (remove (car p) rset)))
- (set! pluses (cons (car p) pluses)))))
- ((and (pair? arg1) (eq? (car arg1) '/) ; (+ (/ a b) (/ c b)) -> (/ (+ a c) b)
- (pair? arg2) (eq? (car arg2) '/)
- (pair? (cddr arg1)) (pair? (cddr arg2))
- (equal? (cddr arg1) (cddr arg2)))
- `(/ (+ ,(cadr arg1) ,(cadr arg2)) ,@(cddr arg1)))
- (else `(+ ,@val)))))
- (else
- (or (horners-rule val)
- ;; not many cases here, oddly enough, Horner's rule gets most
- ;; (+ (/ (f x) 3) (/ (g x) 3) (/ (h x) 3) 15) [ignoring problems involving overflow]
- `(+ ,@val)))))))))
- ((*)
- (case len
- ((0) 1)
- ((1) (car args))
- (else
- (let ((val (remove-all 1 (splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x '*)) args))))
- (if (every? (lambda (x) (or (not (number? x)) (rational? x))) val)
- (let ((rats (collect-if list rational? val)))
- (if (and (pair? rats)
- (pair? (cdr rats)))
- (let ((y (apply * rats)))
- (set! val (if (= y 1)
- (collect-if list (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) val)
- (cons y (collect-if list (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) val))))))))
- (set! val (remove-inexactions val))
- (case (length val)
- ((0) 1)
- ((1) (car val)) ; (* x) -> x
- ((2)
- (let ((arg1 (car val))
- (arg2 (cadr val)))
- (cond ((just-rationals? val)
- (let ((new-val (apply * val))) ; huge numbers here are less readable
- (if (< (abs new-val) 1000000)
- new-val
- `(* ,@val))))
- ((memv 0 val) ; (* x 0) -> 0
- 0)
- ((memv -1 val)
- `(- ,@(remove -1 val))) ; (* -1 x) -> (- x)
- ((not (pair? arg2))
- `(* ,@val))
- ((pair? arg1)
- (let ((op1 (car arg1))
- (op2 (car arg2)))
- (cond ((and (eq? op1 '-) ; (* (- x) (- y)) -> (* x y)
- (null? (cddr arg1))
- (eq? op2 '-)
- (null? (cddr arg2)))
- `(* ,(cadr arg1) ,(cadr arg2)))
- ((and (eq? op1 '/) ; (* (/ x) (/ y)) -> (/ (* x y)) etc
- (eq? op2 '/))
- (let ((op1-arg1 (cadr arg1))
- (op2-arg1 (cadr arg2)))
- (if (null? (cddr arg1))
- (if (null? (cddr arg2))
- `(/ (* ,op1-arg1 ,op2-arg1))
- (if (equal? op1-arg1 op2-arg1)
- `(/ ,(caddr arg2))
- (simplify-numerics `(/ ,op2-arg1 (* ,op1-arg1 ,(caddr arg2))) env)))
- (if (null? (cddr arg2))
- (if (equal? op1-arg1 op2-arg1)
- `(/ ,(caddr arg1))
- (simplify-numerics `(/ ,op1-arg1 (* ,(caddr arg1) ,op2-arg1)) env))
- (simplify-numerics `(/ (* ,op1-arg1 ,op2-arg1) (* ,@(cddr arg1) ,@(cddr arg2))) env)))))
- ((and (= (length arg1) 3)
- (equal? (cdr arg1) (cdr arg2))
- (case op1
- ((gcd) (eq? op2 'lcm))
- ((lcm) (eq? op2 'gcd))
- (else #f)))
- `(abs (* ,@(cdr arg1)))) ; (* (gcd a b) (lcm a b)) -> (abs (* a b)) but only if 2 args?
- ((and (eq? op1 'exp) ; (* (exp a) (exp b)) -> (exp (+ a b))
- (eq? op2 'exp))
- `(exp (+ ,(cadr arg1) ,(cadr arg2))))
- ((and (eq? op1 'sqrt) ; (* (sqrt x) (sqrt y)) -> (sqrt (* x y))
- (eq? op2 'sqrt))
- `(sqrt (* ,(cadr arg1) ,(cadr arg2))))
- ((not (and (eq? op1 'expt) (eq? op2 'expt)))
- `(* ,@val))
- ((equal? (cadr arg1) (cadr arg2)) ; (* (expt x y) (expt x z)) -> (expt x (+ y z))
- `(expt ,(cadr arg1) (+ ,(caddr arg1) ,(caddr arg2))))
- ((equal? (caddr arg1) (caddr arg2)) ; (* (expt x y) (expt z y)) -> (expt (* x z) y)
- `(expt (* ,(cadr arg1) ,(cadr arg2)) ,(caddr arg1)))
- (else `(* ,@val)))))
- ((and (number? arg1) ; (* 2 (random 3.0)) -> (random 6.0)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'random)
- (number? (cadr arg2))
- (not (rational? (cadr arg2))))
- `(random ,(* arg1 (cadr arg2))))
- (else `(* ,@val)))))
- (else
- (cond ((just-rationals? val)
- (let ((new-val (apply * val))) ; huge numbers here are less readable
- (if (< (abs new-val) 1000000)
- new-val
- `(* ,@val))))
- ((memv 0 val) ; (* x 0 2) -> 0
- 0)
- ((memv -1 val)
- `(- (* ,@(remove -1 val)))) ; (* -1 x y) -> (- (* x y))
- ((any? (lambda (p) ; collect * and / vals -> (/ (* ...) ...)
- (and (pair? p)
- (eq? (car p) '/)))
- val)
- (let ((mul ())
- (div ()))
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (if (not (and (pair? p)
- (eq? (car p) '/)))
- (set! mul (cons p mul))
- (if (null? (cddr p))
- (set! div (cons (cadr p) div))
- (begin
- (set! mul (cons (cadr p) mul))
- (set! div (append (cddr p) div))))))
- val)
- (for-each (lambda (n)
- (when (member n div)
- (set! div (remove n div))
- (set! mul (remove n mul))))
- (copy mul))
- (let ((expr (if (null? mul)
- (if (null? div)
- `(*) ; for simplify-numerics' benefit
- `(/ 1 ,@(reverse div)))
- (if (null? div)
- `(* ,@(reverse mul))
- `(/ (* ,@(reverse mul)) ,@(reverse div))))))
- (simplify-numerics expr env))))
- (else `(* ,@val)))))))))
- ((-)
- (set! args (remove-inexactions args))
- (case len
- ((0) form)
- ((1) ; negate
- (if (number? (car args))
- (- (car args))
- (if (not (list? (car args)))
- `(- ,@args)
- (case (length (car args))
- ((2) (if (eq? (caar args) '-)
- (cadar args) ; (- (- x)) -> x
- `(- ,@args)))
- ((3) (if (eq? (caar args) '-)
- `(- ,(caddar args) ,(cadar args)) ; (- (- x y)) -> (- y x)
- `(- ,@args)))
- (else `(- ,@args))))))
- ((2)
- (let ((arg1 (car args))
- (arg2 (cadr args)))
- (cond ((just-rationals? args) (apply - args)) ; (- 3 2) -> 1
- ((eqv? arg1 0) `(- ,arg2)) ; (- 0 x) -> (- x)
- ((eqv? arg2 0) arg1) ; (- x 0) -> x
- ((equal? arg1 arg2) 0) ; (- x x) -> 0
- ((and (pair? arg2)
- (eq? (car arg2) '-)
- (pair? (cdr arg2)))
- (if (null? (cddr arg2))
- `(+ ,arg1 ,(cadr arg2)) ; (- x (- y)) -> (+ x y)
- (simplify-numerics `(- (+ ,arg1 ,@(cddr arg2)) ,(cadr arg2)) env))) ; (- x (- y z)) -> (- (+ x z) y)
- ((and (pair? arg2) ; (- x (+ y z)) -> (- x y z)
- (eq? (car arg2) '+))
- (simplify-numerics `(- ,arg1 ,@(cdr arg2)) env))
- ((and (pair? arg1) ; (- (- x y) z) -> (- x y z)
- (eq? (car arg1) '-))
- (if (> (length arg1) 2)
- `(- ,@(cdr arg1) ,arg2)
- (simplify-numerics `(- (+ ,(cadr arg1) ,arg2)) env))) ; (- (- x) y) -> (- (+ x y))
- ((and (pair? arg2) ; (- x (truncate x)) -> (remainder x 1)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'truncate)
- (equal? arg1 (cadr arg2)))
- `(remainder ,arg1 1))
- ((and (real? arg2) ; (- x -1) -> (+ x 1)
- (negative? arg2)
- (not (number? arg1)))
- `(+ ,arg1 ,(abs arg2)))
- (else `(- ,@args)))))
- (else
- (if (just-rationals? args)
- (apply - args)
- (let ((val (remove-all 0 (splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x '+)) (cdr args)))))
- (if (every? (lambda (x) (or (not (number? x)) (rational? x))) val)
- (let ((rats (collect-if list rational? val)))
- (if (and (pair? rats)
- (pair? (cdr rats)))
- (let ((y (apply + rats)))
- (set! val (if (zero? y)
- (collect-if list (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) val)
- (cons y (collect-if list (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) val))))))))
- (set! val (cons (car args) val))
- (let ((first-arg (car args))
- (nargs (cdr val)))
- (if (member first-arg nargs)
- (begin
- (set! nargs (remove first-arg nargs)) ; remove once
- (set! first-arg 0)))
- (cond ((null? nargs) first-arg) ; (- x 0 0 0)?
- ((eqv? first-arg 0)
- (if (null? (cdr nargs))
- (if (number? (car nargs))
- (- (car nargs))
- `(- ,(car nargs))) ; (- 0 0 0 x)?
- `(- (+ ,@nargs)))) ; (- 0 z y) -> (- (+ x y))
- ((not (and (pair? (car args))
- (eq? (caar args) '-)))
- `(- ,@(cons first-arg nargs)))
- ((> (length (car args)) 2) ; (- (- x y) z w) -> (- x y z w)
- (simplify-numerics `(- ,@(cdar args) ,@(cdr args)) env))
- (else (simplify-numerics `(- (+ ,(cadar args) ,@(cdr args))) env)))))))))
- ((/)
- (set! args (remove-inexactions args))
- (case len
- ((0) form)
- ((1) ; invert
- (if (number? (car args))
- (if (zero? (car args))
- `(/ ,(car args))
- (/ (car args)))
- (if (not (pair? (car args)))
- `(/ ,@args)
- (case (caar args)
- ((/)
- (case (length (car args))
- ((2) ; (/ (/ x)) -> x
- (cadar args))
- ((3) ; (/ (/ z x)) -> (/ x z)
- `(/ ,@(reverse (cdar args))))
- (else
- (if (eqv? (cadar args) 1)
- `(* ,@(cddar args)) ; (/ (/ 1 x y)) -> (* x y)
- `(/ (* ,@(cddar args)) ,(cadar args)))))) ; (/ (/ z x y)) -> (/ (* x y) z)
- ((expt) ; (/ (expt x y)) -> (expt x (- y))
- `(expt ,(cadar args) (- ,(caddar args))))
- ((exp) ; (/ (exp x)) -> (exp (- x))
- `(exp (- ,(cadar args))))
- (else `(/ ,@args))))))
- ((2)
- (if (and (just-rationals? args)
- (not (zero? (cadr args))))
- (apply / args) ; including (/ 0 12) -> 0
- (let ((arg1 (car args))
- (arg2 (cadr args)))
- (let ((op1 (and (pair? arg1) (car arg1)))
- (op2 (and (pair? arg2) (car arg2))))
- (let ((op1-arg1 (and op1 (pair? (cdr arg1)) (cadr arg1)))
- (op2-arg1 (and op2 (pair? (cdr arg2)) (cadr arg2))))
- (cond ((eqv? arg1 1) ; (/ 1 x) -> (/ x)
- (simplify-numerics `(/ ,arg2) env))
- ((eqv? arg2 1) ; (/ x 1) -> x
- arg1)
- ((and (pair? arg1) ; (/ (/ a b) c) -> (/ a b c)
- (eq? op1 '/)
- (pair? (cddr arg1))
- (not (and (pair? arg2)
- (eq? op2 '/))))
- `(/ ,op1-arg1 ,@(cddr arg1) ,arg2))
- ((and (pair? arg1) ; (/ (/ a) (/ b)) -> (/ b a)??
- (eq? op1 '/)
- (pair? arg2)
- (eq? '/ op2))
- (let ((a1 (if (null? (cddr arg1)) (list 1 op1-arg1) (cdr arg1)))
- (a2 (if (null? (cddr arg2)) (list 1 op2-arg1) (cdr arg2))))
- (simplify-numerics `(/ (* ,(car a1) ,@(cdr a2)) (* ,@(cdr a1) ,(car a2))) env)))
- ((and (pair? arg2)
- (eq? op2 '*)
- (not (side-effect? arg1 env))
- (member arg1 (cdr arg2)))
- (let ((n (remove arg1 (cdr arg2))))
- (if (and (pair? n) (null? (cdr n)))
- `(/ ,@n) ; (/ x (* y x)) -> (/ y)
- `(/ 1 ,@n)))) ; (/ x (* y x z)) -> (/ 1 y z)
- ((and (pair? arg2) ; (/ c (/ a b)) -> (/ (* c b) a)
- (eq? op2 '/))
- (cond ((null? (cddr arg2))
- `(* ,arg1 ,op2-arg1)) ; ignoring divide by zero here (/ x (/ y)) -> (* x y)
- ((eqv? op2-arg1 1)
- `(* ,arg1 ,@(cddr arg2))) ; (/ x (/ 1 y z)) -> (* x y z) -- these never actually happen
- ((not (pair? (cddr arg2)))
- `(/ ,@args)) ; no idea...
- ((and (rational? arg1)
- (rational? op2-arg1)
- (null? (cdddr arg2)))
- (let ((val (/ arg1 op2-arg1)))
- (if (= val 1)
- (caddr arg2)
- (if (= val -1)
- `(- ,(caddr arg2))
- `(* ,val ,(caddr arg2))))))
- (else `(/ (* ,arg1 ,@(cddr arg2)) ,op2-arg1))))
- #|
- ;; can't decide about this -- result usually looks cruddy
- ((and (pair? arg2) ; (/ x (* y z)) -> (/ x y z)
- (eq? op2 '*))
- `(/ ,arg1 ,@(cdr arg2)))
- |#
- ((and (pair? arg1) ; (/ (log x) (log y)) -> (log x y) -- (log number) for (log y) never happens
- (pair? arg2)
- (= (length arg1) (length arg2) 2)
- (case op1
- ((log) (eq? op2 'log))
- ((sin)
- (and (eq? op2 'cos)
- (equal? op1-arg1 op2-arg1)))
- (else #f)))
- (if (eq? op1 'log)
- `(log ,op1-arg1 ,op2-arg1)
- `(tan ,op1-arg1)))
- ((and (pair? arg1) ; (/ (- x) (- y)) -> (/ x y)
- (pair? arg2)
- (eq? op1 '-)
- (eq? op2 '-)
- (= (length arg1) (length arg2) 2))
- `(/ ,op1-arg1 ,op2-arg1))
- ((and (pair? arg1) ; (/ (* x y) (* z y)) -> (/ x z)
- (pair? arg2)
- (eq? op1 '*)
- (case op2
- ((*)
- (and (= (length arg1) (length arg2) 3)
- (equal? (caddr arg1) (caddr arg2))))
- ((log)
- (cond ((assq 'log (cdr arg1))
- => (lambda (p)
- (= (length p) 2)))
- (else #f)))
- (else #f)) ; (/ (* 12 (log x)) (log 2)) -> (* 12 (log x 2))
- (if (eq? op2 '*)
- `(/ ,op1-arg1 ,op2-arg1)
- (let ((used-log op2-arg1))
- `(* ,@(map (lambda (p)
- (if (and used-log
- (pair? p)
- (eq? (car p) 'log))
- (let ((val `(log ,(cadr p) ,used-log)))
- (set! used-log #f)
- val)
- p))
- (cdr arg1)))))))
- ((and (pair? arg1) ; (/ (sqrt x) x) -> (/ (sqrt x))
- (eq? (car arg1) 'sqrt)
- (equal? (cadr arg1) arg2))
- `(/ ,arg1))
- ((and (pair? arg2) ; (/ x (sqrt x)) -> (sqrt x)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'sqrt)
- (equal? (cadr arg2) arg1))
- arg2)
- (else `(/ ,@args))))))))
- (else
- (if (and (just-rationals? args)
- (not (memv 0 (cdr args)))
- (not (memv 0.0 (cdr args))))
- (apply / args)
- (let ((nargs ; (/ x a (* b 1 c) d) -> (/ x a b c d)
- (remove-all 1 (splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x '*)) (cdr args)))))
- (if (null? nargs) ; (/ x 1 1) -> x
- (car args)
- (if (and (member (car args) (cdr args))
- (not (side-effect? (car args) env)))
- (let ((n (remove (car args) (cdr args))))
- (if (null? (cdr n))
- `(/ ,@n) ; (/ x y x) -> (/ y)
- `(/ 1 ,@n))) ; (/ x y x z) -> (/ 1 y z)
- `(/ ,@(cons (car args) nargs)))))))))
- ((sin cos tan asin acos sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh exp)
- ;; perhaps someday, for amusement:
- ;; (sin (acos x)) == (cos (asin x)) == (sqrt (- 1 (expt x 2)))
- ;; (asin (cos x)) == (acos (sin x)) == (- (* 1/2 pi) x)
- (cond ((not (= len 1))
- `(,(car form) ,@args))
- ((and (pair? (car args)) ; (sin (asin x)) -> x
- (= (length (car args)) 2)
- (eq? (caar args) (inverse-op (car form))))
- (cadar args))
- ((eqv? (car args) 0) ; (sin 0) -> 0
- (case (car form)
- ((sin asin sinh asinh tan tanh atanh) 0)
- ((exp cos cosh) 1)
- (else `(,(car form) ,@args))))
- ((and (eq? (car form) 'cos) ; (cos (- x)) -> (cos x)
- (pair? (car args))
- (eq? (caar args) '-)
- (null? (cddar args)))
- `(cos ,(cadar args)))
- ((or (eq? (car args) 'pi) ; (sin pi) -> 0.0
- (and (pair? (car args))
- (eq? (caar args) '-)
- (eq? (cadar args) 'pi)
- (null? (cddar args))))
- (case (car form)
- ((sin tan) 0.0)
- ((cos) -1.0)
- (else `(,(car form) ,@args))))
- ((eqv? (car args) 0.0) ; (sin 0.0) -> 0.0
- ((symbol->value (car form)) 0.0))
- ((and (eq? (car form) 'acos) ; (acos -1) -> pi
- (eqv? (car args) -1))
- 'pi)
- ((and (eq? (car form) 'exp) ; (exp (* a (log b))) -> (expt b a)
- (pair? (car args))
- (eq? (caar args) '*))
- (let ((targ (cdar args)))
- (cond ((not (= (length targ) 2))
- `(,(car form) ,@args))
- ((and (pair? (car targ))
- (eq? (caar targ) 'log)
- (pair? (cdar targ))
- (null? (cddar targ)))
- `(expt ,(cadar targ) ,(cadr targ)))
- ((and (pair? (cadr targ))
- (eq? (caadr targ) 'log)
- (pair? (cdadr targ))
- (null? (cddadr targ)))
- `(expt ,(cadadr targ) ,(car targ)))
- (else `(,(car form) ,@args)))))
- (else `(,(car form) ,@args))))
- ((log)
- (cond ((not (pair? args)) form)
- ((eqv? (car args) 1) 0) ; (log 1 ...) -> 0
- ((and (= len 1) ; (log (exp x)) -> x
- (pair? (car args))
- (= (length (car args)) 2)
- (eq? (caar args) 'exp))
- (cadar args))
- ((and (pair? (car args)) ; (log (sqrt x)) -> (* 1/2 (log x))
- (eq? (caar args) 'sqrt))
- `(* 1/2 (log ,(cadar args) ,@(cdr args))))
- ((and (pair? (car args)) ; (log (expt x y)) -> (* y (log x))
- (eq? (caar args) 'expt))
- `(* ,(caddar args) (log ,(cadar args) ,@(cdr args))))
- ((not (and (= len 2) ; (log x x) -> 1.0
- (equal? (car args) (cadr args))))
- `(log ,@args))
- ((integer? (car args)) 1)
- (else 1.0)))
- ((sqrt)
- (cond ((not (pair? args))
- form)
- ((and (rational? (car args))
- (rational? (sqrt (car args)))
- (= (car args) (sqrt (* (car args) (car args)))))
- (sqrt (car args))) ; don't collapse (sqrt (* a a)), a=-1 for example, or -1-i -> 1+i whereas 1-i -> 1-i etc
- ((and (pair? (car args))
- (eq? (caar args) 'exp))
- `(exp (/ ,(cadar args) 2))) ; (sqrt (exp x)) -> (exp (/ x 2))
- (else `(sqrt ,@args))))
- ((floor round ceiling truncate)
- (cond ((not (= len 1))
- form)
- ((number? (car args))
- (catch #t
- (lambda () (apply (symbol->value (car form)) args))
- (lambda any `(,(car form) ,@args))))
- ((not (pair? (car args)))
- `(,(car form) ,@args))
- ((or (integer-result? (caar args))
- (and (eq? (caar args) 'random)
- (integer? (cadar args))))
- (car args))
- ((memq (caar args) '(inexact->exact exact))
- `(,(car form) ,(cadar args)))
- ((memq (caar args) '(* + / -)) ; maybe extend this list
- `(,(car form) (,(caar args) ,@(map (lambda (p)
- (if (and (pair? p)
- (memq (car p) '(inexact->exact exact)))
- (cadr p)
- p))
- (cdar args)))))
- ((and (eq? (caar args) 'random)
- (eq? (car form) 'floor)
- (float? (cadar args))
- (= (floor (cadar args)) (cadar args)))
- `(random ,(floor (cadar args))))
- (else `(,(car form) ,@args))))
- ((abs magnitude)
- (cond ((not (= len 1))
- form)
- ((and (pair? (car args)) ; (abs (abs x)) -> (abs x)
- (hash-table-ref non-negative-ops (caar args)))
- (car args))
- ((rational? (car args))
- (abs (car args)))
- ((not (pair? (car args)))
- `(,(car form) ,@args))
- ((and (memq (caar args) '(modulo random))
- (= (length (car args)) 3) ; (abs (modulo x 2)) -> (modulo x 2)
- (real? (caddar args))
- (positive? (caddar args)))
- (car args))
- ((and (eq? (caar args) '-) ; (abs (- x)) -> (abs x)
- (pair? (cdar args))
- (null? (cddar args)))
- `(,(car form) ,(cadar args)))
- (else `(,(car form) ,@args))))
- ((imag-part)
- (if (not (= len 1))
- form
- (if (or (real? (car args))
- (and (pair? (car args))
- (real-result? (caar args))))
- 0.0
- `(imag-part ,@args))))
- ((real-part)
- (if (not (= len 1))
- form
- (if (or (real? (car args))
- (and (pair? (car args))
- (real-result? (caar args))))
- (car args)
- `(real-part ,@args))))
- ((denominator)
- (if (not (= len 1))
- form
- (if (or (integer? (car args))
- (and (pair? (car args))
- (integer-result? (caar args))))
- 1
- `(denominator ,(car args)))))
- ((numerator)
- (cond ((not (= len 1))
- form)
- ((or (integer? (car args))
- (and (pair? (car args))
- (integer-result? (caar args))))
- (car args))
- ((rational? (car args))
- (numerator (car args)))
- (else `(numerator ,(car args)))))
- ((random)
- (cond ((not (and (= len 1)
- (number? (car args))))
- `(random ,@args))
- ((eqv? (car args) 0)
- 0)
- ((morally-equal? (car args) 0.0)
- 0.0)
- (else `(random ,@args))))
- ((complex make-rectangular)
- (if (and (= len 2)
- (morally-equal? (cadr args) 0.0)) ; morally so that 0 matches
- (car args)
- `(complex ,@args)))
- ((make-polar)
- (if (and (= len 2)
- (morally-equal? (cadr args) 0.0))
- (car args)
- `(make-polar ,@args)))
- ((rationalize lognot ash modulo remainder quotient)
- (cond ((just-rationals? args)
- (catch #t ; catch needed here for things like (ash 2 64)
- (lambda ()
- (apply (symbol->value (car form)) args))
- (lambda ignore
- `(,(car form) ,@args)))) ; use this form to pick up possible arg changes
- ((and (eq? (car form) 'ash) ; (ash x 0) -> x
- (= len 2) ; length of args
- (eqv? (cadr args) 0))
- (car args))
- ((case (car form)
- ((quotient) ; (quotient (remainder x y) y) -> 0
- (and (= len 2)
- (pair? (car args))
- (eq? (caar args) 'remainder)
- (= (length (car args)) 3)
- (eqv? (caddar args) (cadr args))))
- ((ash modulo) ; (modulo 0 x) -> 0
- (and (= len 2) (eqv? (car args) 0)))
- (else #f))
- 0)
- ((and (eq? (car form) 'modulo) ; (modulo (abs x) y) -> (modulo x y)
- (= len 2)
- (pair? (car args))
- (eq? (caar args) 'abs))
- `(modulo ,(cadar args) ,(cadr args)))
- (else `(,(car form) ,@args))))
- ((expt)
- (cond ((not (= len 2))
- form)
- ((and (eqv? (car args) 0) ; (expt 0 x) -> 0
- (not (eqv? (cadr args) 0)))
- (if (and (integer? (cadr args))
- (negative? (cadr args)))
- (lint-format "attempt to divide by 0: ~A" 'expt (truncated-list->string form)))
- 0)
- ((or (and (eqv? (cadr args) 0) ; (expt x 0) -> 1
- (not (eqv? (car args) 0)))
- (eqv? (car args) 1)) ; (expt 1 x) -> 1
- 1)
- ((eqv? (cadr args) 1) ; (expt x 1) -> x
- (car args))
- ((eqv? (cadr args) -1) ; (expt x -1) -> (/ x)
- `(/ ,(car args)))
- ((just-rationals? args) ; (expt 2 3) -> 8
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (let ((val (apply expt args)))
- (if (and (integer? val)
- (< (abs val) 1000000))
- val
- `(expt ,@args))))
- (lambda args
- `(expt ,@args)))) ; (expt (expt x y) z) -> (expt x (* y z))
- ((and (pair? (car args))
- (eq? (caar args) 'expt))
- `(expt ,(cadar args) (* ,(caddar args) ,(cadr args))))
- (else `(expt ,@args))))
- ((angle)
- (cond ((not (pair? args)) form)
- ((eqv? (car args) -1) 'pi)
- ((or (morally-equal? (car args) 0.0)
- (eq? (car args) 'pi))
- 0.0)
- (else `(angle ,@args))))
- ((atan)
- (cond ((and (= len 1) ; (atan (x y)) -> (atan x y)
- (pair? (car args))
- (= (length (car args)) 3)
- (eq? (caar args) '/))
- `(atan ,@(cdar args)))
- ((and (= len 2) ; (atan 0 -1) -> pi
- (eqv? (car args) 0)
- (eqv? (cadr args) -1))
- 'pi)
- (else `(atan ,@args))))
- ((inexact->exact exact)
- (cond ((not (= len 1))
- form)
- ((or (rational? (car args))
- (and (pair? (car args))
- (or (rational-result? (caar args))
- (integer-result? (caar args))
- (and (eq? (caar args) 'random)
- (rational? (cadar args))))))
- (car args))
- ((number? (car args))
- (catch #t (lambda () (inexact->exact (car args))) (lambda any `(,(car form) ,@args))))
- (else `(,(car form) ,@args))))
- ((exact->inexact inexact)
- (cond ((not (= len 1))
- form)
- ((memv (car args) '(0 0.0))
- 0.0)
- ((not (and (pair? (car args))
- (not (eq? (caar args) 'random))
- (hash-table-ref numeric-ops (caar args))
- (any? number? (cdar args))))
- `(,(car form) ,@args))
- ((any? (lambda (x)
- (and (number? x)
- (inexact? x)))
- (cdar args))
- (car args))
- (else
- (let ((new-form (copy (car args))))
- (do ((p (cdr new-form) (cdr p)))
- ((or (null? p)
- (number? (car p)))
- (if (pair? p)
- (set-car! p (* 1.0 (car p))))
- new-form))))))
- ;; not (inexact (random 3)) -> (random 3.0) because results are different
- ((logior)
- (set! args (lint-remove-duplicates (remove-all 0 (splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x 'logior)) args)) env))
- (if (every? (lambda (x) (or (not (number? x)) (integer? x))) args)
- (let ((rats (collect-if list integer? args)))
- (if (and (pair? rats)
- (pair? (cdr rats)))
- (let ((y (apply logior rats)))
- (set! args (if (zero? y)
- (collect-if list (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) args)
- (cons y (collect-if list (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) args))))))))
- (cond ((null? args) 0) ; (logior) -> 0
- ((null? (cdr args)) (car args)) ; (logior x) -> x
- ((memv -1 args) -1) ; (logior ... -1 ...) -> -1
- ((just-integers? args) (apply logior args))
- (else `(logior ,@args))))
- ((logand)
- (set! args (lint-remove-duplicates (remove-all -1 (splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x 'logand)) args)) env))
- (if (every? (lambda (x) (or (not (number? x)) (integer? x))) args)
- (let ((rats (collect-if list integer? args)))
- (if (and (pair? rats)
- (pair? (cdr rats)))
- (let ((y (apply logand rats)))
- (set! args (if (= y -1)
- (collect-if list (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) args)
- (cons y (collect-if list (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) args))))))))
- (cond ((null? args) -1)
- ((null? (cdr args)) (car args)) ; (logand x) -> x
- ((memv 0 args) 0)
- ((just-integers? args) (apply logand args))
- (else `(logand ,@args))))
- ;; (logand 1 (logior 2 x)) -> (logand 1 x)?
- ;; (logand 1 (logior 1 x)) -> 1
- ;; (logand 3 (logior 1 x))?
- ;; similarly for (logior...(logand...))
- ((logxor)
- (set! args (splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x 'logxor)) args)) ; is this correct??
- (cond ((null? args) 0) ; (logxor) -> 0
- ((null? (cdr args)) (car args)) ; (logxor x) -> x??
- ((just-integers? args) (apply logxor args)) ; (logxor 1 2) -> 3
- ((and (= len 2) (equal? (car args) (cadr args))) 0) ; (logxor x x) -> 0
- (else `(logxor ,@args)))) ; (logxor x (logxor y z)) -> (logxor x y z)
- ((gcd)
- (set! args (lint-remove-duplicates (splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x 'gcd)) args) env))
- (cond ((null? args) 0)
- ((memv 1 args) 1)
- ((just-rationals? args)
- (catch #t ; maybe (gcd -9223372036854775808 -9223372036854775808)
- (lambda ()
- (apply gcd args))
- (lambda ignore
- `(gcd ,@args))))
- ((null? (cdr args)) `(abs ,(car args)))
- ((eqv? (car args) 0) `(abs ,(cadr args)))
- ((eqv? (cadr args) 0) `(abs ,(car args)))
- (else `(gcd ,@args))))
- ((lcm)
- (set! args (lint-remove-duplicates (splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x 'lcm)) args) env))
- (cond ((null? args) 1) ; (lcm) -> 1
- ((memv 0 args) 0) ; (lcm ... 0 ...) -> 0
- ((just-rationals? args) ; (lcm 3 4) -> 12
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (apply lcm args))
- (lambda ignore
- `(lcm ,@args))))
- ((null? (cdr args)) ; (lcm x) -> (abs x)
- `(abs ,(car args)))
- (else `(lcm ,@args))))
- ((max min)
- (if (not (pair? args))
- form
- (begin
- (set! args (lint-remove-duplicates (splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x (car form))) args) env))
- (if (any? (lambda (p) ; if non-negative-op, remove any non-positive numbers
- (and (pair? p)
- (hash-table-ref non-negative-ops (car p))))
- args)
- (set! args (remove-if (lambda (x)
- (and (real? x)
- (not (positive? x))))
- args)))
- (if (= len 1)
- (car args)
- (if (just-reals? args)
- (apply (symbol->value (car form)) args)
- (let ((nums (collect-if list number? args))
- (other (if (eq? (car form) 'min) 'max 'min)))
- (if (and (pair? nums)
- (just-reals? nums)) ; non-real case checked elsewhere (later)
- (let ((relop (if (eq? (car form) 'min) >= <=)))
- (if (pair? (cdr nums))
- (set! nums (list (apply (symbol->value (car form)) nums))))
- (let ((new-args (append nums (collect-if list (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) args))))
- (let ((c1 (car nums)))
- (set! new-args (collect-if list (lambda (x)
- (or (not (pair? x))
- (<= (length x) 2)
- (not (eq? (car x) other))
- (let ((c2 (find-if number? (cdr x))))
- (or (not c2)
- (relop c1 c2)))))
- new-args)))
- (if (< (length new-args) (length args))
- (set! args new-args)))))
- ;; if (max c1 (min c2 . args1) . args2) where (> c1 c2) -> (max c1 . args2), if = -> c1
- ;; if (min c1 (max c2 . args1) . args2) where (< c1 c2) -> (min c1 . args2), if = -> c1
- ;; and if (max 4 x (min x 4)) -- is it (max x 4)?
- ;; (max a b) is (- (min (- a) (- b))), but that doesn't help here -- the "-" gets in our way
- ;; (min (- a) (- b)) -> (- (max a b))?
- ;; (+ a (max|min b c)) = (max|min (+ a b) (+ a c)))
- (if (null? (cdr args)) ; (max (min x 3) (min x 3)) -> (max (min x 3)) -> (min x 3)
- (car args)
- (if (and (null? (cddr args)) ; (max|min x (min|max x ...) -> x
- (or (and (pair? (car args))
- (eq? (caar args) other)
- (member (cadr args) (car args))
- (not (side-effect? (cadr args) env)))
- (and (pair? (cadr args))
- (eq? (caadr args) other)
- (member (car args) (cadr args))
- (not (side-effect? (car args) env)))))
- ((if (pair? (car args)) cadr car) args)
- `(,(car form) ,@args)))))))))
- (else
- `(,(car form) ,@args))))))
- (define (binding-ok? caller head binding env second-pass)
- ;; check let-style variable binding for various syntactic problems
- (cond (second-pass
- (and (pair? binding)
- (symbol? (car binding))
- (not (constant? (car binding)))
- (pair? (cdr binding))
- (or (null? (cddr binding))
- (and (eq? head 'do)
- (pair? (cddr binding)) ; (do ((i 0 . 1))...)
- (null? (cdddr binding))))))
- ((not (pair? binding)) (lint-format "~A binding is not a list? ~S" caller head binding) #f) ; (let (a) a)
- ((not (symbol? (car binding))) (lint-format "~A variable is not a symbol? ~S" caller head binding) #f) ; (let ((1 2)) #f)
- ((keyword? (car binding)) (lint-format "~A variable is a keyword? ~S" caller head binding) #f) ; (let ((:a 1)) :a)
- ((constant? (car binding)) (lint-format "can't bind a constant: ~S" caller binding) #f) ; (let ((pi 2)) #f)
- ((not (pair? (cdr binding)))
- (lint-format (if (null? (cdr binding))
- "~A variable value is missing? ~S" ; (let ((a)) #f)
- "~A binding is an improper list? ~S") ; (let ((a . 1)) #f)
- caller head binding)
- #f)
- ((and (pair? (cddr binding)) ; (let loop ((pi 1.0) (+ pi 1))...)
- (or (not (eq? head 'do))
- (pair? (cdddr binding))))
- (lint-format "~A binding is messed up: ~A" caller head binding)
- #f)
- (else
- (if (and (eq? caller (car binding))
- (let ((fv (var-member caller env)))
- (and (var? fv)
- (memq (var-ftype fv) '(define lambda let define* lambda*)))))
- (lint-format "~A variable ~A in ~S shadows the current function?" caller head caller binding)
- (if (and *report-shadowed-variables* ; (let ((x 1)) (+ (let ((x 2)) (+ x 1)) x))
- (var-member (car binding) env))
- (lint-format "~A variable ~A in ~S shadows an earlier declaration" caller head (car binding) binding)))
- #t)))
- (define (check-char-cmp caller op form)
- (if (and (any? (lambda (x)
- (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'char->integer)))
- (cdr form))
- (every? (lambda (x)
- (or (and (integer? x)
- (<= 0 x 255))
- (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'char->integer))))
- (cdr form)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (< (char->integer x) 95) -> (char<? x #\_)
- (lists->string form
- `(,(case op ((=) 'char=?) ((>) 'char>?) ((<) 'char<?) ((>=) 'char>=?) (else 'char<=?))
- ,@(map (lambda (arg)
- ((if (integer? arg) integer->char cadr) arg))
- (cdr form)))))))
- (define (write-port expr) ; ()=not specified (*stdout*), #f=something is wrong (not enough args)
- (and (pair? expr)
- (if (eq? (car expr) 'newline)
- (if (pair? (cdr expr))
- (cadr expr)
- ())
- (and (pair? (cdr expr))
- (if (pair? (cddr expr))
- (caddr expr)
- ())))))
- (define (display->format d)
- (case (car d)
- ((newline) (copy "~%"))
- ((display)
- (let* ((arg (cadr d))
- (arg-arg (and (pair? arg)
- (pair? (cdr arg))
- (cadr arg))))
- (cond ((string? arg)
- arg)
- ((char? arg)
- (string arg))
- ((and (pair? arg)
- (eq? (car arg) 'number->string))
- (if (= (length arg) 3)
- (case (caddr arg)
- ((2) (values "~B" arg-arg))
- ((8) (values "~O" arg-arg))
- ((10) (values "~D" arg-arg))
- ((16) (values "~X" arg-arg))
- (else (values "~A" arg)))
- (values "~A" arg-arg)))
- ((not (and (pair? arg)
- (eq? (car arg) 'string-append)))
- (values "~A" arg))
- ((null? (cddr arg))
- (if (string? arg-arg)
- arg-arg
- (values "~A" arg-arg)))
- ((not (null? (cdddr arg)))
- (values "~A" arg))
- ((string? arg-arg)
- (values (string-append arg-arg "~A") (caddr arg)))
- ((string? (caddr arg))
- (values (string-append "~A" (caddr arg)) arg-arg))
- (else (values "~A" arg)))))
- ((write)
- ;; very few special cases actually happen here, unlike display above
- (if (string? (cadr d))
- (string-append "\"" (cadr d) "\"")
- (if (char? (cadr d))
- (string (cadr d))
- (values "~S" (cadr d)))))
- ((write-char)
- (if (char? (cadr d))
- (string (cadr d))
- (values "~C" (cadr d))))
- ((write-string) ; same as display but with possible start|end indices
- (let ((indices (and (pair? (cddr d)) ; port
- (pair? (cdddr d))
- (cdddr d))))
- (if (string? (cadr d))
- (if (not indices)
- (cadr d)
- (if (and (integer? (car indices))
- (or (null? (cdr indices))
- (and (pair? indices)
- (integer? (cadr indices)))))
- (apply substring (cadr d) indices)
- (values "~A" `(substring ,(cadr d) ,@indices))))
- (values "~A" (if indices `(substring ,(cadr d) ,@indices) (cadr d))))))))
- (define (identity? x) ; (lambda (x) x), or (define (x) x) -> procedure-source
- (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'lambda)
- (pair? (cdr x))
- (pair? (cadr x))
- (null? (cdadr x))
- (pair? (cddr x))
- (null? (cdddr x))
- (eq? (caddr x) (caadr x))))
- (define (cdr-count c)
- (case c ((cdr) 1) ((cddr) 2) ((cdddr) 3) (else 4)))
- (define (simple-lambda? x)
- (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'lambda)
- (pair? (cdr x))
- (pair? (cadr x))
- (null? (cdadr x))
- (pair? (cddr x))
- (null? (cdddr x))
- (= (tree-count1 (caadr x) (caddr x) 0) 1)))
- (define (less-simple-lambda? x)
- (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'lambda)
- (pair? (cdr x))
- (pair? (cadr x))
- (null? (cdadr x))
- (pair? (cddr x))
- (= (tree-count1 (caadr x) (cddr x) 0) 1)))
- (define (tree-subst new old tree)
- (cond ((equal? old tree)
- new)
- ((not (pair? tree))
- tree)
- ((eq? (car tree) 'quote)
- (copy-tree tree))
- (else (cons (tree-subst new old (car tree))
- (tree-subst new old (cdr tree))))))
- (define* (find-unique-name f1 f2 (i 1))
- (let ((sym (string->symbol (format #f "_~D_" i))))
- (if (not (or (eq? sym f1)
- (eq? sym f2)
- (tree-member sym f1)
- (tree-member sym f2)))
- sym
- (find-unique-name f1 f2 (+ i 1)))))
- (define (unrelop caller head form) ; assume len=3
- (let ((arg1 (cadr form))
- (arg2 (caddr form)))
- (if (and (pair? arg1)
- (= (length arg1) 3))
- (if (eq? (car arg1) '-)
- (if (memv arg2 '(0 0.0)) ; (< (- x y) 0) -> (< x y), need both 0 and 0.0 because (eqv? 0 0.0) is #f
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,head ,(cadr arg1) ,(caddr arg1))))
- (if (and (integer? arg2) ; (> (- x 50868) 256) -> (> x 51124)
- (integer? (caddr arg1)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,head ,(cadr arg1) ,(+ (caddr arg1) arg2))))))
- ;; (> (- x) (- y)) (> (- x 1) (- y 1)) and so on -- do these ever happen? (no, not even if we allow +-*/)
- (if (and (eq? (car arg1) '+) ; (< (+ x 1) 3) -> (< x 2)
- (integer? arg2)
- (integer? (caddr arg1)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,head ,(cadr arg1) ,(- arg2 (caddr arg1)))))))
- (if (and (pair? arg2)
- (= (length arg2) 3))
- (if (eq? (car arg2) '-)
- (if (memv arg1 '(0 0.0)) ; (< 0 (- x y)) -> (> x y)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,(hash-table-ref reversibles head)
- ,(cadr arg2) ,(caddr arg2))))
- (if (and (integer? arg1)
- (integer? (caddr arg2)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,(hash-table-ref reversibles head)
- ,(cadr arg2) ,(+ arg1 (caddr arg2)))))))
- (if (and (eq? (car arg2) '+) ; (< 256 (+ fltdur 50868)) -> (> fltdur -50612)
- (integer? arg1)
- (integer? (caddr arg2)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,(hash-table-ref reversibles head)
- ,(cadr arg2) ,(- arg1 (caddr arg2)))))))))))
- (define (check-start-and-end caller head form ff env)
- (if (or (and (integer? (car form))
- (integer? (cadr form))
- (apply >= form))
- (and (equal? (car form) (cadr form))
- (not (side-effect? (car form) env))))
- (lint-format "these ~A indices make no sense: ~A" caller head ff))) ; (copy x y 1 0)
- (define (other-case c)
- ((if (char-upper-case? c) char-downcase char-upcase) c))
- (define (check-boolean-affinity caller form env)
- ;; does built-in boolean func's arg make sense
- (when (= (length form) 2)
- (unless (or (and (symbol? (cadr form))
- (not (keyword? (cadr form))))
- (= line-number last-simplify-boolean-line-number))
- (let ((expr (simplify-boolean form () () env)))
- (if (not (equal? expr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form expr)) ; (char? '#\a) -> #t
- (if (code-constant? (cadr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (eval form)))))))
- (if (and (symbol? (cadr form)) ; (number? pi) -> #t
- (not (keyword? (cadr form)))
- (not (var-member (cadr form) env)))
- (let ((val (checked-eval form)))
- (if (not (eq? val :checked-eval-error))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form val)))))
- (when (and (pair? (cadr form))
- (symbol? (caadr form)))
- (let ((rt (if (eq? (caadr form) 'quote)
- (->simple-type (cadadr form))
- (return-type (caadr form) env)))
- (head (car form)))
- (if (subsumes? head rt)
- (lint-format "~A is always #t" caller (truncated-list->string form)) ; (char? '#\a) is always #t
- (if (not (or (memq rt '(#t #f values))
- (any-compatible? head rt)))
- (lint-format "~A is always #f" caller (truncated-list->string form)))))))) ; (number? (make-list 1)) is always #f
- (define combinable-cxrs (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (hash-table-set! h c (let ((name (symbol->string c)))
- (substring name 1 (- (length name) 1)))))
- '(car cdr caar cadr cddr cdar caaar caadr caddr cdddr cdaar cddar cadar cdadr cadddr cddddr))
- h))
- ;; not combinable: caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar
- (define (combine-cxrs form)
- (let ((cxr? (lambda (s)
- (and (pair? (cdr s))
- (pair? (cadr s))
- (memq (caadr s) '(car cdr cadr cddr cdar cdddr cddddr))))))
- (and (cxr? form)
- (let* ((arg1 (cadr form))
- (arg2 (and arg1 (cxr? arg1) (cadr arg1)))
- (arg3 (and arg2 (cxr? arg2) (cadr arg2))))
- (values (string-append (hash-table-ref combinable-cxrs (car form))
- (hash-table-ref combinable-cxrs (car arg1))
- (if arg2 (hash-table-ref combinable-cxrs (car arg2)) "")
- (if arg3 (hash-table-ref combinable-cxrs (car arg3)) ""))
- (cadr (or arg3 arg2 arg1)))))))
- #|
- ;; this builds the lists below:
- (let ((ci ())
- (ic ()))
- (for-each
- (lambda (c)
- (let ((name (reverse (substring (symbol->string c) 1 (- (length (symbol->string c)) 1)))))
- (do ((sum 0)
- (len (length name))
- (i 0 (+ i 1))
- (bit 0 (+ bit 2)))
- ((= i len)
- (set! ci (cons (cons c sum) ci))
- (set! ic (cons (cons sum c) ic)))
- (set! sum (+ sum (expt 2 (if (char=? (name i) #\a) bit (+ bit 1))))))))
- '(car cdr caar cadr cddr cdar caaar caadr caddr cdddr cdaar cddar cadar cdadr cadddr cddddr
- caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar))
- (list (reverse ci) (reverse ic)))
- |#
- (define cxr->int (hash-table '(car . 1) '(cdr . 2)
- '(caar . 5) '(cadr . 6) '(cddr . 10) '(cdar . 9)
- '(caaar . 21) '(caadr . 22) '(caddr . 26) '(cdddr . 42) '(cdaar . 37) '(cddar . 41) '(cadar . 25) '(cdadr . 38)
- '(cadddr . 106) '(cddddr . 170) '(caaaar . 85) '(caaadr . 86) '(caadar . 89) '(caaddr . 90) '(cadaar . 101) '(cadadr . 102)
- '(caddar . 105) '(cdaaar . 149) '(cdaadr . 150) '(cdadar . 153) '(cdaddr . 154) '(cddaar . 165) '(cddadr . 166) '(cdddar . 169)))
- (define int->cxr (hash-table '(1 . car) '(2 . cdr)
- '(5 . caar) '(6 . cadr) '(10 . cddr) '(9 . cdar)
- '(21 . caaar) '(22 . caadr) '(26 . caddr) '(42 . cdddr) '(37 . cdaar) '(41 . cddar) '(25 . cadar) '(38 . cdadr)
- '(106 . cadddr) '(170 . cddddr) '(85 . caaaar) '(86 . caaadr) '(89 . caadar) '(90 . caaddr) '(101 . cadaar) '(102 . cadadr)
- '(105 . caddar) '(149 . cdaaar) '(150 . cdaadr) '(153 . cdadar) '(154 . cdaddr) '(165 . cddaar) '(166 . cddadr) '(169 . cdddar)))
- (define (match-cxr c1 c2)
- (hash-table-ref int->cxr (logand (or (hash-table-ref cxr->int c1) 0)
- (or (hash-table-ref cxr->int c2) 0))))
- (define (mv-range producer env)
- (if (symbol? producer)
- (let ((v (var-member producer env)))
- (and (var? v)
- (pair? ((cdr v) 'values))
- ((cdr v) 'values)))
- (and (pair? producer)
- (if (memq (car producer) '(lambda lambda*))
- (count-values (cddr producer))
- (if (eq? (car producer) 'values)
- (let ((len (- (length producer) 1)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (p)
- (if (and (pair? p) (eq? (car p) 'values))
- (set! len (- (+ len (length p)) 2))))
- (cdr producer))
- (list len len))
- (mv-range (car producer) env))))))
- (define (eval-constant-expression caller form)
- (if (every? code-constant? (cdr form))
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (let ((val (eval (copy form :readable))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form val)))) ; (eq? #(0) #(0)) -> #f
- (lambda args
- #t))))
- (define (unbegin x)
- ((if (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'begin))
- cdr list)
- x))
- (define (un_{list} tree)
- (if (not (pair? tree))
- tree
- (if (eq? (car tree) #_{list})
- (if (assq #_{apply_values} (cdr tree))
- (if (and (pair? (cadr tree))
- (eq? (caadr tree) #_{apply_values}))
- `(append ,(cadadr tree) ,(cadr (caddr tree)))
- `(cons ,(cadr tree) ,(cadr (caddr tree))))
- (cons 'list (un_{list} (cdr tree))))
- (cons (if (eq? (car tree) #_{append})
- 'append
- (un_{list} (car tree)))
- (un_{list} (cdr tree))))))
- (define (qq-tree? tree)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (or (eq? (car tree) #_{apply_values})
- (if (and (eq? (car tree) #_{list})
- (assq #_{apply_values} (cdr tree)))
- (or (not (= (length tree) 3))
- (not (and (pair? (caddr tree))
- (eq? (caaddr tree) #_{apply_values})))
- (qq-tree? (cadr (caddr tree)))
- (let ((applying (and (pair? (cadr tree))
- (eq? (caadr tree) #_{apply_values}))))
- (qq-tree? ((if applying cadadr cadr) tree))))
- (or (qq-tree? (car tree))
- (qq-tree? (cdr tree)))))))
- (define special-case-functions
- (let ((special-case-table (make-hash-table)))
- (define (hash-special key value)
- (if (hash-table-ref special-case-table key)
- (format *stderr* "~A already has a value: ~A~%" key (hash-table-ref special-case-table key)))
- (hash-table-set! special-case-table key value))
- ;; ---------------- member and assoc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-memx caller head form env)
- (define (list-one? p)
- (and (pair? p)
- (pair? (cdr p))
- (null? (cddr p))
- (case (car p)
- ((list) cadr)
- ((quote)
- (and (pair? (cadr p))
- (null? (cdadr p))
- (if (symbol? (caadr p))
- (lambda (x)
- (list 'quote (caadr x)))
- caadr)))
- (else #f))))
- (when (= (length form) 4)
- (let ((func (list-ref form 3)))
- (if (symbol? func)
- (if (memq func '(eq? eqv? equal?)) ; (member x y eq?) -> (memq x y)
- (let ((op (if (eq? head 'member) ; (member (car x) entries equal?) -> (member (car x) entries)
- (case func ((eq?) 'memq) ((eqv?) 'memv) (else 'member))
- (case func ((eq?) 'assq) ((eqv?) 'assv) (else 'assoc)))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,op ,(cadr form) ,(caddr form)))))
- (let ((sig (procedure-signature (symbol->value func)))) ; arg-signature here is too cranky
- (if (and (pair? sig)
- (not (eq? 'boolean? (car sig)))
- (not (and (pair? (car sig))
- (memq 'boolean? (car sig)))))
- (lint-format "~A is a questionable ~A function" caller func head)))) ; (member 1 x abs)
- ;; func not a symbol
- (if (and (pair? func)
- (= (length func) 3) ; (member 'a x (lambda (a b c) (eq? a b)))
- (eq? (car func) 'lambda)
- (pair? (cadr func))
- (pair? (caddr func)))
- (if (not (memv (length (cadr func)) '(2 -1)))
- (lint-format "~A equality function (optional third arg) should take two arguments" caller head)
- (if (eq? head 'member)
- (let ((eq (caddr func))
- (args (cadr func)))
- (if (and (memq (car eq) '(eq? eqv? equal?))
- (eq? (car args) (cadr eq))
- (pair? (caddr eq))
- (eq? (car (caddr eq)) 'car)
- (pair? (cdr (caddr eq)))
- (pair? (cdr args))
- (eq? (cadr args) (cadr (caddr eq))))
- (lint-format "member might perhaps be ~A" ; (member 'a x (lambda (a b) (eq? a (car b))))
- caller
- (if (or (eq? func 'eq?)
- (eq? (car (caddr func)) 'eq?))
- 'assq
- (if (eq? (car (caddr func)) 'eqv?)
- 'assv
- 'assoc)))))))))))
- (when (= (length form) 3)
- (let ((selector (cadr form))
- (items (caddr form)))
- (let ((current-eqf (case head ((memq assq) 'eq?) ((memv assv) 'eqv?) (else 'equal?)))
- (selector-eqf (car (eqf selector env)))
- (one-item (and (memq head '(memq memv member)) (list-one? items))))
- ;; one-item assoc doesn't simplify cleanly
- (if one-item
- (let* ((target (one-item items))
- (iter-eqf (eqf target env)))
- (if (or (symbol? target)
- (and (pair? target)
- (not (eq? (car target) 'quote))))
- (set! target (list 'quote target))) ; ; (member x (list "asdf")) -> (string=? x "asdf") -- maybe equal? here?
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,(cadr iter-eqf) ,selector ,target))))
- ;; not one-item
- (letrec ((duplicates? (lambda (lst fnc)
- (and (pair? lst)
- (or (fnc (car lst) (cdr lst))
- (duplicates? (cdr lst) fnc)))))
- (duplicate-constants? (lambda (lst fnc)
- (and (pair? lst)
- (or (and (constant? (car lst))
- (fnc (car lst) (cdr lst)))
- (duplicate-constants? (cdr lst) fnc))))))
- (if (and (symbol? selector-eqf) ; (memq 1.0 x): perhaps memq -> memv
- (not (eq? selector-eqf current-eqf)))
- (lint-format "~A: perhaps ~A -> ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form) head
- (if (memq head '(memq memv member))
- (case selector-eqf ((eq?) 'memq) ((eqv?) 'memv) ((equal?) 'member))
- (case selector-eqf ((eq?) 'assq) ((eqv?) 'assv) ((equal?) 'assoc)))))
- ;; --------------------------------
- ;; check for head mismatch with items
- (when (pair? items)
- (when (or (eq? (car items) 'list)
- (and (eq? (car items) 'quote)
- (pair? (cadr items))))
- (let ((elements ((if (eq? (car items) 'quote) cadr cdr) items)))
- (let ((baddy #f))
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (set! baddy ((if (eq? (car items) 'list) duplicate-constants? duplicates?)
- elements (symbol->value head))))
- (lambda args #f))
- (if (pair? baddy) ; (member x (list "asd" "abc" "asd"))
- (lint-format "duplicated entry ~S in ~A" caller (car baddy) items)))
- (when (proper-list? elements)
- (let ((maxf #f)
- (keys (if (eq? (car items) 'quote)
- (if (memq head '(memq memv member))
- elements
- (and (every? pair? elements)
- (map car elements)))
- (if (memq head '(memq memv member))
- (and (every? code-constant? elements)
- elements)
- (and (every? (lambda (e)
- (and (pair? e)
- (eq? (car e) 'quote)))
- elements)
- (map caadr elements))))))
- (when (proper-list? keys)
- (if (eq? (car items) 'quote)
- (do ((p keys (cdr p)))
- ((or (null? p)
- (memq maxf '(equal? #t))))
- (let ((element (car p)))
- (if (symbol? element)
- (if (not maxf)
- (set! maxf 'eq?))
- (if (pair? element)
- (begin
- (if (and (eq? (car element) 'quote)
- (pair? (cdr element)))
- (lint-format "stray quote? ~A" caller form)) ; (memq x '(a 'b c))
- (set! maxf #t))
- (let ((type (if (symbol? element)
- 'eq?
- (car (->eqf (->simple-type element))))))
- (if (or (memq maxf '(#f eq?))
- (memq type '(#t equal?)))
- (set! maxf type)))))))
- ;; else (list ...)
- (do ((p keys (cdr p)))
- ((or (null? p)
- (memq maxf '(equal? #t))))
- (let ((element (car p)))
- (if (symbol? element)
- (set! maxf #t)
- (let ((type (car (eqf element env))))
- (if (or (memq maxf '(#f eq?))
- (memq type '(#t equal?)))
- (set! maxf type)))))))
- (case maxf
- ((eq?)
- (if (not (memq head '(memq assq))) ; (member (car op) '(x y z))
- (lint-format "~A could be ~A in ~A" caller
- head
- (if (memq head '(memv member)) 'memq 'assq)
- form)))
- ((eqv?)
- (if (not (memq head '(memv assv))) ; (memq (strname 0) '(#\{ #\[ #\()))
- (lint-format "~A ~Aould be ~A in ~A" caller
- head
- (if (memq head '(memq assq)) "sh" "c")
- (if (memq head '(memq member)) 'memv 'assv)
- form)))
- ((equal? #t) ; (memq (car op) '("a" #()))
- (if (not (memq head '(member assoc)))
- (lint-format "~A should be ~A in ~A" caller
- head
- (if (memq head '(memq memv)) 'member 'assoc)
- form)))))))
- ;; --------------------------------
- (if (and (= (length elements) 2) ; (memq expr '(#t #f))
- (memq #t elements)
- (memq #f elements))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(boolean? ,selector))))))
- ;; not (memv x '(0 0.0)) -> (zero? x) because x might not be a number
- (case (car items)
- ((map)
- (let ((memx (memq head '(memq memv member))))
- (when (and memx (= (length items) 3))
- (let ((mapf (cadr items))
- (map-items (caddr items)))
- (cond ((eq? mapf 'car) ; (memq x (map car y)) -> (assq x y)
- (lint-format "perhaps use assoc: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,(case current-eqf ((eq?) 'assq) ((eqv?) 'assv) ((equal?) 'assoc))
- ,selector ,map-items))))
- ((eq? selector #t)
- (if (eq? mapf 'null?) ; (memq #t (map null? items)) -> (memq () items)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(memq () ,map-items)))
- (let ((b (if (eq? mapf 'b) 'c 'b)))
- ;; (memq #t (map cadr items)) -> (member #t items (lambda (a b) (cadr b)))
- (lint-format "perhaps avoid 'map: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(member #t ,map-items (lambda (a ,b) (,mapf ,b))))))))
- ((and (pair? selector)
- (eq? (car selector) 'string->symbol) ; this could be extended, but it doesn't happen
- (eq? mapf 'string->symbol)
- (not (and (pair? map-items)
- (eq? (car map-items) 'quote))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- ;; (memq (string->symbol x) (map string->symbol y)) -> (member x y string=?)
- (lists->string form `(member ,(cadr selector) ,map-items string=?))))
- (else
- ;; (member x (map b items)) -> (member x items (lambda (a c) (equal? a (b c))))
- (let ((b (if (eq? mapf 'b) 'c 'b))) ; a below can't collide because eqf won't return 'a
- (lint-format "perhaps avoid 'map: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(member ,selector ,map-items
- (lambda (a ,b) (,current-eqf a (,mapf ,b)))))))))))))
- ((string->list) ; (memv c (string->list s)) -> (char-position c s)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(char-position ,(cadr form) ,@(cdr items)))))
- ((cons) ; (member x (cons y z)) -> (or (equal? x y) (member x z))
- (if (not (pair? selector))
- (lint-format "perhaps avoid 'cons: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(or (,current-eqf ,selector ,(cadr items))
- (,head ,selector ,(caddr items)))))))
- ((append) ; (member x (append (list x) y)) -> (or (equal? x x) (member x y))
- (if (and (not (pair? selector))
- (= (length items) 3)
- (pair? (cadr items))
- (eq? (caadr items) 'list)
- (null? (cddadr items)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(or (,current-eqf ,selector ,(cadadr items))
- (,head ,selector ,(caddr items))))))))))))
- (when (and (memq head '(memq memv))
- (pair? items)
- (eq? (car items) 'quote)
- (pair? (cadr items)))
- (let ((nitems (length (cadr items))))
- (if (pair? selector) ; (memv (string-ref x 0) '(+ -)) -> #f etc
- (let ((sig (arg-signature (car selector) env)))
- (if (and (pair? sig)
- (symbol? (car sig))
- (not (eq? (car sig) 'values)))
- (let ((vals (map (lambda (item)
- (if ((symbol->value (car sig)) item) item (values)))
- (cadr items))))
- (if (not (= (length vals) nitems))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (and (pair? vals)
- `(,head ,selector ',vals)))))))))
- (if (> nitems 20)
- (lint-format "perhaps use a hash-table here, rather than ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (let ((bad (find-if (lambda (x)
- (not (or (symbol? x)
- (char? x)
- (number? x)
- (procedure? x) ; (memq abs '(1 #_abs 2)) !
- (memq x '(#f #t () #<unspecified> #<undefined> #<eof>)))))
- (cadr items))))
- (if bad
- (lint-format (if (and (pair? bad)
- (eq? (car bad) 'unquote))
- (values "stray comma? ~A" caller) ; (memq x '(a (unquote b) c))
- (values "pointless list member: ~S in ~A" caller bad))
- ;; quoted item here is caught above ; (memq x '(a (+ 1 2) 3))
- form))))))))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-memx))
- '(memq assq memv assv member assoc)))
- ;; ---------------- car, cdr, etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-crx caller head form env)
- (if (not (= line-number last-simplify-cxr-line-number))
- ((lambda* (cxr arg)
- (when cxr
- (set! last-simplify-cxr-line-number line-number)
- (cond ((< (length cxr) 5) ; (car (cddr x)) -> (caddr x)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,(symbol "c" cxr "r") ,arg))))
- ;; if it's car|cdr followed by cdr's, use list-ref|tail
- ((not (char-position #\a cxr)) ; (cddddr (cddr x)) -> (list-tail x 6)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(list-tail ,arg ,(length cxr)))))
- ((not (char-position #\a (substring cxr 1))) ; (car (cddddr (cddr x))) -> (list-ref x 6)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(list-ref ,arg ,(- (length cxr) 1)))))
- (else (set! last-simplify-cxr-line-number -1)))))
- (combine-cxrs form)))
- (when (pair? (cadr form))
- (let ((arg (cadr form)))
- (when (eq? head 'car)
- (case (car arg)
- ((list-tail) ; (car (list-tail x y)) -> (list-ref x y)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(list-ref ,(cadr arg) ,(caddr arg)))))
- ((memq memv member assq assv assoc)
- (if (pair? (cdr arg)) ; (car (memq x ...)) is either x or (car #f) -> error
- (lint-format "~A is ~A, or an error" caller (truncated-list->string form) (cadr arg))))))
- (when (and (eq? (car arg) 'or) ; (cdr (or (assoc x y) (cons 1 2))) -> (cond ((assoc x y) => cdr) (else 2))
- (not (eq? form last-rewritten-internal-define))
- (= (length arg) 3))
- (let ((arg1 (cadr arg))
- (arg2 (caddr arg)))
- (if (and (pair? arg2)
- (or (and (memq (car arg2) '(cons list #_{list}))
- (eq? head 'cdr))
- (memq (car arg2) '(error throw))
- (and (eq? (car arg2) 'quote)
- (pair? (cdr arg2))
- (pair? (cadr arg2)))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form ; (cdr (or (assoc n oi) (list n y))) -> (cond ((assoc n oi) => cdr) (else (list y)))
- `(cond (,arg1 => ,head)
- (else ,(case (car arg2)
- ((quote) ((symbol->value head) (cadr arg2)))
- ((cons) (caddr arg2))
- ((error throw) arg2)
- (else `(list ,@(cddr arg2)))))))))))
- (if (and (pair? arg) ; (cdr '(a)) -> ()
- (eq? (car arg) 'quote)
- (pair? (cdr arg))
- (pair? (cadr arg))
- (not (var-member head env)))
- (let ((val (checked-eval form)))
- (if (not (eq? val :checked-eval-error))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A -> ~A~A" caller
- (object->string form)
- (if (or (pair? val) (symbol? val)) "'" "")
- (object->string val)))))
- (if (and (memq head '(car cdr))
- (eq? (car arg) 'cons))
- (lint-format "(~A~A) is the same as ~A" ; (car (cons 1 2)) is the same as 1
- caller head
- (truncated-list->string arg)
- (truncated-list->string ((if (eq? head 'car) cadr caddr) arg))))
- (when (memq head '(car cadr caddr cadddr))
- (if (memq (car arg) '(string->list vector->list)) ; (car (string->list x)) -> (string-ref x 0)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form
- `(,(if (eq? (car arg) 'string->list) 'string-ref 'vector-ref)
- ,(cadr arg)
- ,(case head ((car) 0) ((cadr) 1) ((caddr) 2) (else 3)))))
- (if (memq (car arg) '(reverse reverse!))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A~A" caller ; (car (reverse x)) -> (list-ref x (- (length x) 1))
- (if (eq? head 'car)
- "use 'last from srfi-1, or "
- "")
- (lists->string form
- (if (symbol? (cadr arg))
- `(list-ref ,(cadr arg)
- (- (length ,(cadr arg))
- ,(case head ((car) 1) ((cadr) 2) ((caddr) 3) (else 4))))
- `(let ((_1_ ,(cadr arg))) ; let is almost certainly cheaper than reverse
- (list-ref _1_ (- (length _1_)
- ,(case head ((car) 1) ((cadr) 2) ((caddr) 3) (else 4))))))))))))))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special (car f) sp-crx))
- combinable-cxrs))
- ;; not combinable cxrs:
- ;; caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar
- ;; cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar
- ;; ---------------- set-car! ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-set-car! caller head form env)
- (when (= (length form) 3)
- (let ((target (cadr form)))
- (if (pair? target)
- (case (car target)
- ((list-tail) ; (set-car! (list-tail x y) z) -> (list-set! x y z)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(list-set! ,(cadr target) ,(caddr target) ,(caddr form)))))
- ((cdr cddr cdddr cddddr) ; (set-car! (cddr (cdddr x)) y) -> (list-set! x 5 y)
- (set! last-simplify-cxr-line-number line-number)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (pair? (cadr target))
- (memq (caadr target) '(cdr cddr cdddr cddddr)))
- ;; (set-car! (cdr (cddr x)) y) -> (list-set! x 3 y)
- `(list-set! ,(cadadr target)
- ,(+ (cdr-count (car target)) (cdr-count (caadr target)))
- ,(caddr form))
- ;; (set-car! (cdr x) y) -> (list-set! x 1 y)
- `(list-set! ,(cadr target)
- ,(cdr-count (car target))
- ,(caddr form)))))))))))
- (hash-special 'set-car! sp-set-car!))
- ;; ---------------- not ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-not caller head form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cadr form)))
- (if (eq? (caadr form) 'not)
- (let ((str (truncated-list->string (cadadr form)))) ; (not (not x)) -> (and x #t)
- (lint-format "if you want a boolean, (not (not ~A)) -> (and ~A #t)" 'paranoia str str))
- (let ((sig (arg-signature (caadr form) env)))
- (if (and (pair? sig)
- (if (pair? (car sig)) ; (not (+ x y))
- (not (memq 'boolean? (car sig)))
- (not (memq (car sig) '(#t values boolean?)))))
- (lint-format "~A can't be true (~A never returns #f)" caller (truncated-list->string form) (caadr form))))))
- (if (not (= line-number last-simplify-boolean-line-number))
- (let ((val (simplify-boolean form () () env)))
- (set! last-simplify-boolean-line-number line-number)
- (if (not (equal? form val)) ; (not (and (> x 2) (not z))) -> (or (<= x 2) z)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form val))))))
- (hash-special 'not sp-not))
- ;; ---------------- and/or ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-and caller head form env)
- (if (not (= line-number last-simplify-boolean-line-number))
- (let ((val (simplify-boolean form () () env)))
- (set! last-simplify-boolean-line-number line-number)
- (if (not (equal? form val)) ; (and (not x) (not y)) -> (not (or x y))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form val)))))
- (if (pair? (cdr form))
- (do ((p (cdr form) (cdr p)))
- ((null? (cdr p)))
- (if (and (pair? (car p))
- (eq? (caar p) 'if)
- (= (length (car p)) 3)) ; (and (member n cvars) (if (pair? open) (not (member n open))) (not (eq? n open)))
- (lint-format "one-armed if might cause confusion here: ~A" caller form)))))
- (hash-special 'and sp-and)
- (hash-special 'or sp-and))
- ;; ---------------- = ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-= caller head form env)
- (let ((len (length form)))
- (if (and (> len 2)
- (let any-real? ((lst (cdr form))) ; ignore 0.0 and 1.0 in this since they normally work
- (and (pair? lst)
- (or (and (number? (car lst))
- (not (rational? (car lst)))
- (not (member (car lst) '(0.0 1.0) =)))
- (any-real? (cdr lst)))))) ; (= x 1.5)
- (lint-format "= can be troublesome with floats: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (let ((cleared-form (cons = (remove-if (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) (cdr form)))))
- (if (and (> (length cleared-form) 2)
- (not (checked-eval cleared-form))) ; (= 1 y 2)
- (lint-format "this comparison can't be true: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- (when (= len 3)
- (let ((arg1 (cadr form))
- (arg2 (caddr form)))
- ;; (= (+ x a) (+ y a)) and various equivalents happen very rarely (only in test suites it appears)
- (let ((var (or (and (memv arg1 '(0 1))
- (pair? arg2)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'length)
- (cadr arg2))
- (and (memv arg2 '(0 1))
- (pair? arg1)
- (eq? (car arg1) 'length)
- (cadr arg1)))))
- ;; we never seem to have var-member/initial-value/history here to distinguish types
- ;; and a serious attempt to do so was a bust.
- (if var
- (if (or (eqv? arg1 0) ; (= (length x) 0) -> (null? x)
- (eqv? arg2 0))
- (lint-format "perhaps (assuming ~A is a list), ~A" caller var
- (lists->string form `(null? ,var)))
- (if (symbol? var) ; (= (length x) 1) -> (and (pair? x) (null? (cdr x)))
- (lint-format "perhaps (assuming ~A is a list), ~A" caller var
- (lists->string form `(and (pair? ,var) (null? (cdr ,var))))))))))
- (unrelop caller '= form))
- (check-char-cmp caller '= form)))
- (hash-special '= sp-=))
- ;; ---------------- < > <= >= ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-< caller head form env)
- (let ((cleared-form (cons head ; keep operator
- (remove-if (lambda (x)
- (not (number? x)))
- (cdr form)))))
- (if (and (> (length cleared-form) 2)
- (not (checked-eval cleared-form))) ; (< x 1 2 0 y)
- (lint-format "this comparison can't be true: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- (if (= (length form) 3)
- (unrelop caller head form)
- (when (> (length form) 3)
- (if (and (memq head '(< >)) ; (< x y x) -> #f
- (repeated-member? (cdr form) env))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (truncated-lists->string form #f))
- (if (and (memq head '(<= >=))
- (repeated-member? (cdr form) env))
- (do ((last-arg (cadr form))
- (new-args (list (cadr form)))
- (lst (cddr form) (cdr lst)))
- ((null? lst)
- (if (repeated-member? new-args env) ; (<= x y x z x) -> (= x y z)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (truncated-lists->string form `(= ,@(lint-remove-duplicates (reverse new-args) env))))
- (if (< (length new-args) (length (cdr form)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (<= x x y z) -> (= x y z)
- (truncated-lists->string form (or (null? (cdr new-args))
- `(= ,@(reverse new-args))))))))
- (unless (equal? (car lst) last-arg)
- (set! last-arg (car lst))
- (set! new-args (cons last-arg new-args))))))))
- (cond ((not (= (length form) 3)))
- ((and (real? (cadr form))
- (or (< (cadr form) 0)
- (and (zero? (cadr form))
- (eq? head '>)))
- (pair? (caddr form)) ; (> 0 (string-length x))
- (hash-table-ref non-negative-ops (caaddr form)))
- (lint-format "~A can't be negative: ~A" caller (caaddr form) (truncated-list->string form)))
- ((and (real? (caddr form))
- (or (< (caddr form) 0)
- (and (zero? (caddr form))
- (eq? head '<)))
- (pair? (cadr form)) ; (< (string-length x) 0)
- (hash-table-ref non-negative-ops (caadr form)))
- (lint-format "~A can't be negative: ~A" caller (caadr form) (truncated-list->string form)))
- ((and (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) 'length))
- (let ((arg (cadadr form)))
- (when (symbol? arg) ; (>= (length x) 0) -> (list? x)
- ;; see comment above about distinguishing types! (twice I've wasted my time)
- (if (eqv? (caddr form) 0)
- (lint-format "perhaps~A ~A" caller
- (if (eq? head '<) "" (format #f " (assuming ~A is a proper list)," arg))
- (lists->string form
- (case head
- ((<) `(and (pair? ,arg) (not (proper-list? ,arg))))
- ((<=) `(null? ,arg))
- ((>) `(pair? ,arg))
- ((>=) `(list? ,arg)))))
- (if (and (eqv? (caddr form) 1)
- (not (eq? head '>))) ; (<= (length x) 1) -> (or (null? x) (null? (cdr x)))
- (lint-format "perhaps (assuming ~A is a proper list), ~A" caller arg
- (lists->string form
- (case head
- ((<) `(null? ,arg))
- ((<=) `(or (null? ,arg) (null? (cdr ,arg))))
- ((>) `(and (pair? ,arg) (pair? (cdr ,arg))))
- ((>=) `(pair? ,arg))))))))))
- ((and (pair? (caddr form))
- (eq? (caaddr form) 'length))
- (let ((arg (cadr (caddr form))))
- (when (symbol? arg) ; (>= 0 (length x)) -> (null? x)
- (if (eqv? (cadr form) 0)
- (lint-format "perhaps~A ~A" caller
- (if (eq? head '>) "" (format #f " (assuming ~A is a proper list)," arg))
- (lists->string form
- (case head
- ((<) `(pair? ,arg))
- ((<=) `(list? ,arg))
- ((>) `(and (pair? ,arg) (not (proper-list? ,arg))))
- ((>=) `(null? ,arg)))))
- (if (and (eqv? (cadr form) 1)
- (not (eq? head '<))) ; (> 1 (length x)) -> (null? x)
- (lint-format "perhaps (assuming ~A is a proper list), ~A" caller arg
- (lists->string form
- (case head
- ((<) `(and (pair? ,arg) (pair? (cdr ,arg))))
- ((<=) `(pair? ,arg))
- ((>) `(null? ,arg))
- ((>=) `(or (null? ,arg) (null? (cdr ,arg))))))))))))
- ((and (eq? head '<)
- (eqv? (caddr form) 1)
- (pair? (cadr form)) ; (< (vector-length x) 1) -> (equal? x #())
- (memq (caadr form) '(string-length vector-length)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,(if (eq? (caadr form) 'string-length) 'string=? 'equal?)
- ,(cadadr form)
- ,(if (eq? (caadr form) 'string-length) "" #())))))
- ((and (eq? head '>)
- (eqv? (cadr form) 1)
- (pair? (caddr form)) ; (> 1 (string-length x)) -> (string=? x "")
- (memq (caaddr form) '(string-length vector-length)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,(if (eq? (caaddr form) 'string-length) 'string=? 'equal?)
- ,(cadr (caddr form))
- ,(if (eq? (caaddr form) 'string-length) "" #())))))
- ((and (memq head '(<= >=))
- (or (and (eqv? (caddr form) 0)
- (pair? (cadr form)) ; (<= (string-length m) 0) -> (= (string-length m) 0)
- (hash-table-ref non-negative-ops (caadr form)))
- (and (eqv? (cadr form) 0)
- (pair? (caddr form))
- (hash-table-ref non-negative-ops (caaddr form)))))
- (lint-format "~A is never negative, so ~A" caller
- ((if (eqv? (caddr form) 0) caadr caaddr) form)
- (lists->string form (or (not (eq? (eq? head '<=)
- (eqv? (caddr form) 0)))
- `(= ,@(cdr form))))))
- ((and (eqv? (caddr form) 256)
- (pair? (cadr form)) ; (< (char->integer key) 256) -> #t
- (eq? (caadr form) 'char->integer))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (and (memq head '(< <=)) #t))))
- ((or (and (eqv? (cadr form) 0) ; (> (numerator x) 0) -> (> x 0)
- (pair? (caddr form))
- (eq? (caaddr form) 'numerator))
- (and (eqv? (caddr form) 0)
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) 'numerator)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (eqv? (cadr form) 0)
- `(,head ,(cadr form) ,(cadr (caddr form)))
- `(,head ,(cadadr form) ,(caddr form)))))))
- (check-char-cmp caller head form))
- ;; could change (> x 0) to (positive? x) and so on, but the former is clear and ubiquitous
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-<))
- '(< > <= >=))) ; '= handled above
- ;; ---------------- char< char> etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-char< caller head form env)
- ;; only once: (char<=? #\0 c #\1)
- (let ((cleared-form (cons head ; keep operator
- (remove-if (lambda (x)
- (not (char? x)))
- (cdr form)))))
- (if (and (> (length cleared-form) 2) ; (char>? x #\a #\b y)
- (not (checked-eval cleared-form)))
- (lint-format "this comparison can't be true: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- (if (and (eq? head 'char-ci=?) ; (char-ci=? x #\return)
- (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cddr form))
- (null? (cdddr form)) ; (char-ci=? x #\return)
- (or (and (char? (cadr form))
- (char=? (cadr form) (other-case (cadr form))))
- (and (char? (caddr form))
- (char=? (caddr form) (other-case (caddr form))))))
- (lint-format "char-ci=? could be char=? here: ~A" caller form)
- (when (and (eq? head 'char=?) ; (char=? #\a (char-downcase x)) -> (char-ci=? #\a x)
- (let ((casef (let ((op #f))
- (lambda (a)
- (or (char? a)
- (and (pair? a)
- (memq (car a) '(char-downcase char-upcase))
- (if op
- (eq? op (car a))
- (set! op (car a)))))))))
- (every? casef (cdr form))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form ; (char=? #\a (char-downcase x)) -> (char-ci=? #\a x)
- `(char-ci=? ,@(map (lambda (a)
- (if (and (pair? a)
- (memq (car a) '(char-upcase char-downcase)))
- (cadr a)
- a))
- (cdr form))))))))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-char<))
- '(char<? char>? char<=? char>=? char=? char-ci<? char-ci>? char-ci<=? char-ci>=? char-ci=?)))
- ;; ---------------- string< string> etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-string< caller head form env)
- (let ((cleared-form (cons head ; keep operator
- (remove-if (lambda (x)
- (not (string? x)))
- (cdr form)))))
- (if (and (> (length cleared-form) 2) ; (string>? "a" x "b" y)
- (not (checked-eval cleared-form)))
- (lint-format "this comparison can't be true: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- (if (and (> (length form) 2)
- (let ((casef (let ((op #f)) ; (string=? x (string-downcase y)) -> (string-ci=? x y)
- (lambda (a)
- (and (pair? a)
- (memq (car a) '(string-downcase string-upcase))
- (if op
- (eq? op (car a))
- (set! op (car a))))))))
- (every? casef (cdr form))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (string=? (string-downcase x) (string-downcase y)) -> (string-ci=? x y)
- (lists->string form
- (let ((op (case head
- ((string=?) 'string-ci=?)
- ((string<=?) 'string-ci<=?)
- ((string>=?) 'string-ci>=?)
- ((string<?) 'string-ci<?)
- ((string>?) 'string-ci>?)
- (else head))))
- `(,op ,@(map (lambda (a)
- (if (and (pair? a)
- (memq (car a) '(string-upcase string-downcase)))
- (cadr a)
- a))
- (cdr form)))))))
- (if (any? (lambda (a) ; string-copy is redundant in arg list
- (and (pair? a)
- (memq (car a) '(copy string-copy))
- (null? (cddr a))))
- (cdr form))
- (let cleaner ((args (cdr form)) (new-args ())) ; (string=? "" (string-copy "")) -> (string=? "" "")
- (if (not (pair? args))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,head ,@(reverse new-args))))
- (let ((a (car args)))
- (cleaner (cdr args)
- (cons (if (and (pair? a)
- (memq (car a) '(copy string-copy))
- (null? (cddr a)))
- (cadr a)
- a)
- new-args))))))
- (when (and (eq? head 'string=?)
- (= (length form) 3)) ; (string=? (symbol->string a) (symbol->string b)) -> (eq? a b)
- (if (and (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) 'symbol->string)
- (pair? (caddr form))
- (eq? (caaddr form) 'symbol->string))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(eq? ,(cadadr form) ,(cadr (caddr form)))))
- (let ((s1 #f)
- (s2 #f))
- (if (and (string? (cadr form))
- (= (length (cadr form)) 1))
- (begin
- (set! s1 (cadr form))
- (set! s2 (caddr form)))
- (if (and (string? (caddr form))
- (= (length (caddr form)) 1))
- (begin
- (set! s1 (caddr form))
- (set! s2 (cadr form)))))
- (if (and s1 ; (string=? (substring r 0 1) "S")
- (pair? s2)
- (eq? (car s2) 'substring)
- (= (length s2) 4)
- (eqv? (list-ref s2 2) 0)
- (eqv? (list-ref s2 3) 1))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(char=? (string-ref ,(cadr s2) 0) ,(string-ref s1 0))))))))
- (if (every? (lambda (a) ; (string=? "#" (string (string-ref s 0))) -> (char=? #\# (string-ref s 0))
- (or (and (string? a)
- (= (length a) 1))
- (and (pair? a)
- (eq? (car a) 'string))))
- (cdr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,(symbol "char" (substring (symbol->string head) 6))
- ,@(map (lambda (a)
- (if (string? a)
- (string-ref a 0)
- (cadr a)))
- (cdr form)))))))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-string<))
- '(string<? string>? string<=? string>=? string=? string-ci<? string-ci>? string-ci<=? string-ci>=? string-ci=?)))
- ;; ---------------- length ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-length caller head form env)
- (when (pair? (cdr form))
- (if (pair? (cadr form))
- (let ((arg (cadr form))
- (arg-args (cdadr form)))
- (case (car arg)
- ((string->list vector->list)
- (if (null? (cdr arg-args)) ; string->list has start:end etc ; (length (string->list x)) -> (length x)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(length ,(car arg-args))))
- (if (pair? (cddr arg-args))
- (if (and (integer? (caddr arg-args)) ; (length (vector->list x 1)) -> (- (length x) 1)
- (integer? (cadr arg-args)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A -> ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form) (max 0 (- (caddr arg-args) (cadr arg-args))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(- ,(caddr arg-args) ,(cadr arg-args)))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(- (length ,(car arg-args)) ,(cadr arg-args)))))))
- ((reverse reverse! list->vector list->string let->list)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(length ,(car arg-args)))))
- ((cons) ; (length (cons item items)) -> (+ (length items) 1)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(+ (length ,(cadr arg-args)) 1))))
- ((make-list) ; (length (make-list 3)) -> 3
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (car arg-args))))
- ((list) ; (length (list 'a 'b 'c)) -> 3
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (- (length arg) 1))))
- ((append) ; (length (append x y)) -> (+ (length x) (length y))
- (if (= (length arg) 3)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(+ (length ,(car arg-args)) (length ,(cadr arg-args)))))))
- ((quote) ; (length '(1 2 3)) -> 3
- (if (list? (car arg-args))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (length (car arg-args))))))))
- ;; not pair cadr
- (if (code-constant? (cadr form)) ; (length 0) -> #f
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A -> ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (length ((if (and (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) 'quote))
- cadadr cadr)
- form)))))))
- (hash-special 'length sp-length))
- ;; ---------------- zero? positive? negative? ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-zero? caller head form env)
- (when (pair? (cdr form))
- (let ((arg (cadr form)))
- (if (and (real? arg) ; (zero? 0) -> #t
- (null? (cddr form))
- (not (var-member head env)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (eval form))))
- (when (pair? arg)
- (if (and (eq? head 'negative?) ; (negative? (string-length s))")
- (hash-table-ref non-negative-ops (car arg)))
- (lint-format "~A can't be negative: ~A" caller (caadr form) (truncated-list->string form)))
- (case (car arg)
- ((-)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (zero? (- x)) -> (zero? x)
- (lists->string form
- (let ((op '((zero? = zero?) (positive? > negative?) (negative? < positive?))))
- (if (null? (cddr arg))
- `(,(caddr (assq head op)) ,(cadr arg))
- (if (null? (cdddr arg))
- `(,(cadr (assq head op)) ,(cadr arg) ,(caddr arg))
- `(,(cadr (assq head op)) ,(cadr arg) (+ ,@(cddr arg)))))))))
- ((numerator) ; (negative? (numerator x)) -> (negative? x)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,head ,(cadadr form)))))
- ((denominator) ; (zero? (denominator x)) -> error
- (if (eq? head 'zero)
- (lint-format "denominator can't be zero: ~A" caller form)))
- ((string-length) ; (zero? (string-length x)) -> (string=? x "")
- (if (eq? head 'zero?)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(string=? ,(cadadr form) "")))))
- ((vector-length) ; (zero? (vector-length c)) -> (equal? c #())
- (if (eq? head 'zero?)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(equal? ,(cadadr form) #())))))
- ((length) ; (zero? (length routes)) -> (null? routes)
- (if (eq? head 'zero?)
- (lint-format "perhaps (assuming ~A is list) use null? instead of length: ~A" caller (cadr arg)
- (lists->string form `(null? ,(cadr arg)))))))))))
- ;; (zero? (logand...)) is nearly always preceded by not and handled elsewhere
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-zero?))
- '(zero? positive? negative?)))
- ;; ---------------- / ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-/ caller head form env)
- (cond ((not (pair? (cdr form))))
- ((and (null? (cddr form))
- (number? (cadr form))
- (zero? (cadr form))) ; (/ 0)
- (lint-format "attempt to invert zero: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- ((and (pair? (cddr form)) ; (/ x y 2 0)
- (memv 0 (cddr form)))
- (lint-format "attempt to divide by 0: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (else
- (let ((len (assq 'length (cdr form))))
- (if len (lint-format "~A will cause division by 0 if ~A is empty" caller len (cadr len)))))))
- (hash-special '/ sp-/))
- ;; ---------------- copy ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-copy caller head form env)
- (cond ((and (pair? (cdr form)) ; (copy (copy x)) could be (copy x)
- (or (number? (cadr form))
- (boolean? (cadr form))
- (char? (cadr form))
- (and (pair? (cadr form))
- (memq (caadr form) '(copy string-copy))) ; or any maker?
- (and (pair? (cddr form))
- (equal? (cadr form) (caddr form)))))
- (lint-format "~A could be ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form) (cadr form)))
- ((and (pair? (cdr form)) ; (copy (owlet)) could be (owlet)
- (equal? (cadr form) '(owlet)))
- (lint-format "~A could be (owlet): owlet is copied internally" caller form))
- ((= (length form) 5)
- (check-start-and-end caller 'copy (cdddr form) form env))))
- (hash-special 'copy sp-copy))
- ;; ---------------- string-copy ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-string-copy caller head form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form)) ; (string-copy (string-copy x)) could be (string-copy x)
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (memq (caadr form) '(copy string-copy string make-string string-upcase string-downcase
- string-append list->string symbol->string number->string)))
- (lint-format "~A could be ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form) (cadr form))))
- (hash-special 'string-copy sp-string-copy))
- ;; ---------------- string-down|upcase ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-string-upcase caller head form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (string? (cadr form))) ; (string-downcase "SPEAK") -> "speak"
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form
- ((if (eq? head 'string-upcase) string-upcase string-downcase)
- (cadr form))))))
- (hash-special 'string-upcase sp-string-upcase)
- (hash-special 'string-downcase sp-string-upcase))
- ;; ---------------- string ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-string caller head form env)
- (if (every? (lambda (x)
- (and (char? x)
- (char<=? #\space x #\~))) ; #\0xx chars here look dumb
- (cdr form))
- (lint-format "~A could be ~S" caller (truncated-list->string form) (apply string (cdr form)))
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form)) ; (string (string-ref x 0)) -> (substring x 0 1)
- (pair? (cadr form)))
- (if (and (eq? (caadr form) 'string-ref)
- (null? (cddr form)))
- (let ((arg (cdadr form)))
- (if (integer? (cadr arg)) ; (string (string-ref x 0)) -> (substring x 0 1)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(substring ,(car arg) ,(cadr arg) ,(+ 1 (cadr arg)))))))
- (if (and (not (null? (cddr form)))
- (memq (caadr form) '(char-upcase char-downcase))
- (every? (lambda (p)
- (eq? (caadr form) (car p)))
- (cddr form)))
- ;; (string (char-downcase (string-ref x 1)) (char-downcase (string-ref x 2))) ->
- ;; (string-downcase (string (string-ref x 1) (string-ref x 2)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,(if (eq? (caadr form) 'char-upcase) 'string-upcase 'string-downcase)
- (string ,@(map cadr (cdr form)))))))))))
- ;; repeated args as in vector/list (sp-list below) got no hits
- (hash-special 'string sp-string))
- ;; ---------------- string? ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-string? caller head form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (memq (caadr form) '(format number->string)))
- (if (eq? (caadr form) 'format) ; (string? (number->string x)) -> #t
- (lint-format "format returns either #f or a string, so ~A" caller (lists->string form (cadr form)))
- (lint-format "number->string always returns a string, so ~A" caller (lists->string form #t)))
- (check-boolean-affinity caller form env)))
- (hash-special 'string? sp-string?))
- ;; ---------------- number? ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-number? caller head form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) 'string->number)) ; (number? (string->number x)) -> (string->number x)
- (lint-format "string->number returns either #f or a number, so ~A" caller (lists->string form (cadr form)))
- (check-boolean-affinity caller form env)))
- (hash-special 'number? sp-number?))
- ;; ---------------- exact? inexact? infinite? nan? ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-exact? caller head form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (number? (cadr form)))
- (check-boolean-affinity caller form env)))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-exact?))
- '(exact? inexact? infinite? nan?)))
- ;; ---------------- symbol? etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-symbol? caller head form env)
- (check-boolean-affinity caller form env))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-symbol?))
- '(symbol? rational? real? complex? float? keyword? gensym? byte-vector? proper-list? sequence? constant?
- char? boolean? float-vector? int-vector? vector? let? hash-table? input-port? c-object?
- output-port? iterator? continuation? dilambda? procedure? macro? random-state? eof-object? c-pointer?)))
- ;; ---------------- pair? list? ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-pair? caller head form env)
- (check-boolean-affinity caller form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form)) ; (pair? (member x y)) -> (member x y)
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (memq (caadr form) '(memq memv member assq assv assoc procedure-signature)))
- (lint-format "~A returns either #f or a pair, so ~A" caller (caadr form)
- (lists->string form (cadr form)))))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-pair?))
- '(pair? list?)))
- ;; ---------------- integer? ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-integer? caller head form env)
- (check-boolean-affinity caller form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form)) ; (integer? (char-position x y)) -> (char-position x y)
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (memq (caadr form) '(char-position string-position)))
- (lint-format "~A returns either #f or an integer, so ~A" caller (caadr form)
- (lists->string form (cadr form)))))
- (hash-special 'integer? sp-integer?))
- ;; ---------------- null? ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-null? caller head form env)
- (check-boolean-affinity caller form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form)) ; (null? (string->list x)) -> (zero? (length x))
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (memq (caadr form) '(vector->list string->list let->list)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(zero? (length ,(cadadr form)))))))
- (hash-special 'null? sp-null?))
- ;; ---------------- odd? even? ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-odd? caller head form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form)) ; (odd? (- x 1)) -> (even? x)
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (memq (caadr form) '(+ -))
- (= (length (cadr form)) 3))
- (let* ((arg1 (cadadr form))
- (arg2 (caddr (cadr form)))
- (int-arg (or (and (integer? arg1) arg1)
- (and (integer? arg2) arg2))))
- (if int-arg
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (integer? arg1)
- (integer? arg2))
- (eval form)
- `(,(if (eq? (eq? head 'even?) (even? int-arg)) 'even? 'odd?)
- ,(if (integer? arg1) arg2 arg1)))))))))
- (hash-special 'odd? sp-odd?)
- (hash-special 'even? sp-odd?))
- ;; ---------------- string-ref ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-string-ref caller head form env)
- (when (= (length form) 3)
- (if (equal? (cadr form) "")
- (lint-format "~A is an error" caller form)
- (when (every? code-constant? (cdr form)) ; (string-ref "abc" 0) -> #\a
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (let ((val (eval form)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form val))))
- (lambda args
- (lint-format "~A: ~A" caller
- (object->string form)
- (apply format #f (cadr args)))))))
- (when (pair? (cadr form))
- (let ((target (cadr form)))
- (case (car target)
- ((substring) ; (string-ref (substring x 1) 2) -> (string-ref x (+ 2 1))
- (if (= (length target) 3)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(string-ref ,(cadr target) (+ ,(caddr form) ,(caddr target)))))))
- ((symbol->string) ; (string-ref (symbol->string 'abs) 1) -> #\b
- (if (and (integer? (caddr form))
- (pair? (cadr target))
- (eq? (caadr target) 'quote)
- (symbol? (cadadr target)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (string-ref (symbol->string (cadadr target)) (caddr form))))))
- ((make-string) ; (string-ref (make-string 3 #\a) 1) -> #\a
- (if (and (integer? (cadr target))
- (integer? (caddr form))
- (> (cadr target) (caddr form)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (if (= (length target) 3) (caddr target) #\space))))))))))
- (hash-special 'string-ref sp-string-ref))
- ;; ---------------- vector-ref etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-vector-ref caller head form env)
- (unless (= line-number last-checker-line-number)
- (when (= (length form) 3)
- (let ((seq (cadr form)))
- (when (code-constant? (cadr form))
- (if (eqv? (length (cadr form)) 0)
- (lint-format "~A is an error" caller form)
- (when (every? code-constant? (cddr form)) ; (vector-ref #(1 2) 0) -> 1
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (let ((val (eval form)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A -> ~A~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (if (or (pair? val)
- (symbol? val))
- "'" "")
- (object->string val))))
- (lambda args
- (lint-format "~A: ~A" caller
- (object->string form)
- (apply format #f (cadr args))))))))
- (when (pair? seq)
- (if (and (memq (car seq) '(vector-ref int-vector-ref float-vector-ref list-ref hash-table-ref let-ref))
- (= (length seq) 3)) ; (vector-ref (vector-ref x i) j) -> (x i j)
- (let ((seq1 (cadr seq))) ; x
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (pair? seq1) ; (vector-ref (vector-ref (vector-ref x i) j) k) -> (x i j k)
- (memq (car seq1) '(vector-ref int-vector-ref float-vector-ref list-ref hash-table-ref let-ref))
- (= (length seq1) 3))
- `(,(cadr seq1) ,(caddr seq1) ,(caddr seq) ,(caddr form))
- `(,seq1 ,(caddr seq) ,(caddr form))))))
- (if (memq (car seq) '(make-vector make-list vector list
- make-float-vector make-int-vector float-vector int-vector
- make-hash-table hash-table hash-table*
- inlet))
- (lint-format "this doesn't make much sense: ~A" caller form)))
- (when (eq? head 'list-ref)
- (if (eq? (car seq) 'quote)
- (if (proper-list? (cadr seq)) ; (list-ref '(#t #f) (random 2)) -> (vector-ref #(#t #f) (random 2))
- (lint-format "perhaps use a vector: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(vector-ref ,(apply vector (cadr seq)) ,(caddr form)))))
- (let ((index (caddr form))) ; (list-ref (cdddr f) 2) -> (list-ref f 5)
- (if (and (memq (car seq) '(cdr cddr cdddr))
- (or (integer? index)
- (and (pair? index)
- (eq? (car index) '-)
- (integer? (caddr index)))))
- (let ((offset (cdr (assq (car seq) '((cdr . 1) (cddr . 2) (cdddr . 3))))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(list-ref ,(cadr seq)
- ,(if (integer? index)
- (+ index offset)
- (let ((noff (- (caddr index) offset)))
- (if (zero? noff)
- (cadr index)
- `(- ,(cadr index) ,noff)))))))))))))))
- (set! last-checker-line-number line-number)))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-vector-ref))
- '(vector-ref list-ref hash-table-ref let-ref int-vector-ref float-vector-ref)))
- ;; ---------------- vector-set! etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-vector-set! caller head form env)
- (when (= (length form) 4)
- (let ((target (cadr form))
- (index (caddr form))
- (val (cadddr form)))
- (cond ((and (pair? val) ; (vector-set! x 0 (vector-ref x 0))
- (= (length val) 3)
- (eq? target (cadr val))
- (equal? index (caddr val))
- (memq (car val) '(vector-ref list-ref hash-table-ref string-ref let-ref float-vector-ref int-vector-ref)))
- (lint-format "redundant ~A: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string form)))
- ((code-constant? target) ; (vector-set! #(0 1 2) 1 3)??
- (lint-format "~A is a constant that is discarded; perhaps ~A" caller target (lists->string form val)))
- ((not (pair? target)))
- ((and (not (eq? head 'string-set!)) ; (vector-set! (vector-ref x 0) 1 2) -- vector within vector
- (memq (car target) '(vector-ref list-ref hash-table-ref let-ref float-vector-ref int-vector-ref)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(set! (,@(cdr target) ,index) ,val))))
- ((memq (car target) '(make-vector vector make-string string make-list list append cons
- vector-append inlet sublet copy vector-copy string-copy list-copy)) ;list-copy is from r7rs
- (lint-format "~A is simply discarded; perhaps ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string target) ; (vector-set! (make-vector 3) 1 1) -- does this ever happen?
- (lists->string form val)))
- ((and (eq? head 'list-set!)
- (memq (car target) '(cdr cddr cdddr cddddr))
- (integer? (caddr form))) ; (list-set! (cdr x) 0 y) -> (list-set! x 1 y)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(list-set! ,(cadr target) ,(+ (caddr form) (cdr-count (car target))) ,(cadddr form)))))))))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-vector-set!))
- '(vector-set! list-set! hash-table-set! float-vector-set! int-vector-set! string-set! let-set!)))
- ;; ---------------- object->string ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-object->string caller head form env)
- (when (pair? (cdr form))
- (if (and (pair? (cadr form)) ; (object->string (object->string x)) could be (object->string x)
- (eq? (caadr form) 'object->string))
- (lint-format "~A could be ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form) (cadr form))
- (if (pair? (cddr form))
- (let ((arg2 (caddr form)))
- (if (and (code-constant? arg2) ; (object->string x :else)
- (not (memq arg2 '(#f #t :readable)))) ; #f and #t are display|write choice, :readable = ~W
- (lint-format "bad second argument: ~A" caller arg2)))))))
- (hash-special 'object->string sp-object->string))
- (define (all-caps-warning arg)
- (and (string? arg)
- (or (string-position "ERROR" arg)
- (string-position "WARNING" arg))))
- ;; ---------------- display ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-display caller head form env)
- (when (pair? (cdr form))
- (let ((arg (cadr form))
- (port (if (pair? (cddr form))
- (caddr form)
- ())))
- (cond ((all-caps-warning arg)
- (lint-format "There's no need to shout: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- ((not (and (pair? arg)
- (pair? (cdr arg)))))
- ((and (eq? (car arg) 'format) ; (display (format #f str x)) -> (format () str x)
- (not (cadr arg)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(format ,port ,@(cddr arg)))))
- ((and (eq? (car arg) 'apply) ; (display (apply format #f str x) p) -> (apply format p str x)
- (eq? (cadr arg) 'format)
- (pair? (cddr arg))
- (not (caddr arg)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(apply format ,port ,@(cdddr arg)))))
- ((and (pair? port)
- (eq? (car port) 'current-output-port))
- (lint-format "(current-output-port) is the default port for display: ~A" caller form))))))
- (hash-special 'display sp-display))
- ;; ---------------- flush-output-port, newline, close-output-port ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-flush-output-port caller head form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) 'current-output-port))
- (lint-format "(current-output-port) is the default port for ~A: ~A" caller head form)))
- (hash-special 'flush-output-port sp-flush-output-port)
- (hash-special 'close-output-port sp-flush-output-port)
- (hash-special 'newline sp-flush-output-port))
- ;; ---------------- write-char, write-byte, write ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-write-char caller head form env)
- (when (pair? (cdr form))
- (if (and (pair? (cddr form))
- (pair? (caddr form))
- (eq? (caaddr form) 'current-output-port))
- (lint-format "(current-output-port) is the default port for ~A: ~A" caller head form))
- (if (and (eq? head 'write-byte)
- (integer? (cadr form))
- (not (<= 0 (cadr form) 255)))
- (lint-format "write-byte argument must be (<= 0 byte 255): ~A" caller form)
- (if (and (eq? head 'write-char)
- (eqv? (cadr form) #\newline))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(newline ,@(cddr form))))))))
- (hash-special 'write-char sp-write-char)
- (hash-special 'write-byte sp-write-char)
- (hash-special 'write sp-write-char))
- ;; ---------------- read, port-filename, port-line-number, read-char, read-byte ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-read caller head form env)
- (when (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (null? (cddr form)))
- (if (and (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) 'current-input-port))
- (lint-format "(current-input-port) is the default port for ~A: ~A" caller head form)
- (if (and (eq? head 'port-filename)
- (memq (cadr form) '(*stdin* *stdout* *stderr*)))
- (lint-format "~A: ~S" caller form
- (case (cadr form) ((*stdin*) "*stdin*") ((*stdout*) "*stdout*") ((*stderr*) "*stderr*")))))))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (hash-special c sp-read))
- '(read port-filename port-line-number read-char read-byte peek-char close-input-port)))
- ;; ---------------- char-alphabetic? char-lower-case? char-numeric? char-upper-case? char-whitespace? etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-char-numeric caller head form env)
- (if (and (not (var-member (car form) env))
- (pair? (cdr form))
- (null? (cddr form))
- (char? (cadr form)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (eval form)))))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (hash-special c sp-char-numeric))
- '(char-alphabetic? char-lower-case? char-numeric? char-upper-case? char-whitespace? char-upcase char-downcase)))
- ;; ---------------- make-vector etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-make-vector caller head form env)
- ;; type of initial value (for make-float|int-vector) is checked elsewhere
- (if (and (= (length form) 4)
- (eq? head 'make-vector)) ; (make-vector 3 0 #t)
- (lint-format "make-vector no longer has a fourth argument: ~A" caller form))
- (if (>= (length form) 3)
- (case (caddr form)
- ((#<unspecified>)
- (if (eq? head 'make-vector) ; (make-vector 3 #<unspecified>)
- (lint-format "#<unspecified> is the default initial value in ~A" caller form)))
- ((0)
- (if (not (eq? head 'make-vector))
- (lint-format "0 is the default initial value in ~A" caller form)))
- ((0.0)
- (if (eq? head 'make-float-vector)
- (lint-format "0.0 is the default initial value in ~A" caller form)))))
- (when (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (integer? (cadr form))
- (zero? (cadr form)))
- (if (pair? (cddr form)) ; (make-vector 0 0.0)
- (lint-format "initial value is pointless here: ~A" caller form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form #()))))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-make-vector))
- '(make-vector make-int-vector make-float-vector)))
- ;; ---------------- make-string make-byte-vector ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-make-string caller head form env)
- (when (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (integer? (cadr form))
- (zero? (cadr form)))
- (if (pair? (cddr form)) ; (make-byte-vector 0 0)
- (lint-format "initial value is pointless here: ~A" caller form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form "")))) ; #u8() but (equal? #u8() "") -> #t so lint combines these clauses!
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-make-string))
- '(make-string make-byte-vector)))
- ;; ---------------- make-list ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-make-list caller head form env)
- (when (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (integer? (cadr form))
- (zero? (cadr form)))
- (if (pair? (cddr form)) ; (make-list 0 #f)
- (lint-format "initial value is pointless here: ~A" caller form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form ()))))
- (hash-special 'make-list sp-make-list))
- ;; ---------------- reverse string->list etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-reverse caller head form env)
- ;; not string->number -- no point in copying a number and it's caught below
- (when (pair? (cdr form))
- (if (code-constant? (cadr form))
- (let ((seq (checked-eval form)))
- (if (not (eq? seq :checked-eval-error)) ; (symbol->string 'abs) -> "abs"
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A -> ~A~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (if (pair? seq) "'" "")
- (if (symbol? seq)
- (object->string seq :readable)
- (object->string seq))))))
- (when (and (pair? (cadr form))
- (pair? (cdadr form)))
- (let ((inverses '((reverse . reverse)
- (reverse! . reverse!)
- ;; reverse and reverse! are not completely interchangable:
- ;; (reverse (cons 1 2)): (2 . 1)
- ;; (reverse! (cons 1 2)): error: reverse! argument, (1 . 2), is a pair but should be a proper list
- (list->vector . vector->list)
- (vector->list . list->vector)
- (symbol->string . string->symbol)
- (string->symbol . symbol->string)
- (list->string . string->list)
- (string->list . list->string)
- (number->string . string->number))))
- (let ((inv-op (assq head inverses))
- (arg (cadr form))
- (arg-args (cdadr form))
- (arg-of-arg (cadadr form))
- (func-of-arg (caadr form)))
- (if (pair? inv-op) (set! inv-op (cdr inv-op)))
- (cond ((eq? func-of-arg inv-op) ; (vector->list (list->vector x)) -> x
- (if (eq? head 'string->symbol)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form arg-of-arg))
- (lint-format "~A could be (copy ~S)" caller form arg-of-arg)))
- ((and (eq? head 'list->string) ; (list->string (vector->list x)) -> (copy x (make-string (length x)))
- (eq? func-of-arg 'vector->list))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(copy ,arg-of-arg (make-string (length ,arg-of-arg))))))
- ((and (eq? head 'list->string) ; (list->string (make-list x y)) -> (make-string x y)
- (eq? func-of-arg 'make-list))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(make-string ,@arg-args))))
- ((and (eq? head 'string->list) ; (string->list (string x y)) -> (list x y)
- (eq? func-of-arg 'string))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(list ,@arg-args))))
- ((and (eq? head 'list->vector) ; (list->vector (make-list ...)) -> (make-vector ...)
- (eq? func-of-arg 'make-list))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(make-vector ,@arg-args))))
- ((and (eq? head 'list->vector) ; (list->vector (string->list x)) -> (copy x (make-vector (length x)))
- (eq? func-of-arg 'string->list))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(copy ,arg-of-arg (make-vector (length ,arg-of-arg))))))
- ((and (eq? head 'list->vector) ; (list->vector (append (vector->list v1) ...)) -> (append v1 ...)
- (eq? func-of-arg 'append)
- (every? (lambda (a)
- (and (pair? a)
- (eq? (car a) 'vector->list)))
- (cdadr form)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(append ,@(map cadr (cdadr form))))))
- ((and (eq? head 'vector->list) ; (vector->list (make-vector ...)) -> (make-list ...)
- (eq? func-of-arg 'make-vector))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(make-list ,@arg-args))))
- ((and (eq? head 'vector->list) ; (vector->list (vector ...)) -> (list ...)
- (eq? func-of-arg 'vector))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(list ,@arg-args))))
- ((and (eq? head 'vector->list) ; (vector->list (vector-copy ...)) -> (vector->list ...)
- (eq? func-of-arg 'vector-copy))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(vector->list ,@arg-args))))
- ((and (memq func-of-arg '(reverse reverse! copy))
- (pair? arg-of-arg) ; (list->string (reverse (string->list x))) -> (reverse x)
- (eq? (car arg-of-arg) inv-op))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,(if (eq? func-of-arg 'reverse!) 'reverse func-of-arg) ,(cadr arg-of-arg)))))
- ((and (memq head '(reverse reverse!)) ; (reverse (string->list x)) -> (string->list (reverse x)) -- often redundant
- (memq func-of-arg '(string->list vector->list sort!)))
- (cond ((not (eq? func-of-arg 'sort!))
- (if (null? (cdr arg-args))
- (lint-format "perhaps less consing: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,func-of-arg (reverse ,arg-of-arg))))))
- ((and (pair? arg-args) ; (reverse (sort! x <)) -> (sort x >)
- (pair? (cdr arg-args))
- (hash-table-ref reversibles (cadr arg-args)))
- => (lambda (op)
- (lint-format "possibly ~A" caller (lists->string form `(sort! ,arg-of-arg ,op)))))))
- ((and (pair? arg-of-arg)
- (memq func-of-arg '(cdr cddr cdddr cddddr list-tail))
- (case head
- ((list->string) (eq? (car arg-of-arg) 'string->list))
- ((list->vector) (eq? (car arg-of-arg) 'vector->list))
- (else #f)))
- (let ((len-diff (if (eq? func-of-arg 'list-tail)
- (cadr arg-args)
- (cdr-count func-of-arg))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (list->string (cdr (string->list x))) -> (substring x 1)
- (lists->string form (if (eq? head 'list->string)
- `(substring ,(cadr arg-of-arg) ,len-diff)
- `(copy ,(cadr arg-of-arg) (make-vector (- (length ,(cadr arg-of-arg)) ,len-diff))))))))
- ((and (memq head '(list->vector list->string))
- (eq? func-of-arg 'sort!) ; (list->vector (sort! (vector->list x) y)) -> (sort! x y)
- (pair? arg-of-arg)
- (eq? (car arg-of-arg) (if (eq? head 'list->vector) 'vector->list 'string->list)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(sort! ,(cadr arg-of-arg) ,(cadr arg-args)))))
- ((and (memq head '(list->vector list->string))
- (or (memq func-of-arg '(list cons))
- (quoted-undotted-pair? arg)))
- (let ((maker (if (eq? head 'list->vector) 'vector 'string)))
- (case func-of-arg
- ((list)
- (if (var-member maker env) ; (list->string (list x y z)) -> (string x y z)
- (lint-format "~A could be simplified, but you've shadowed '~A" caller (truncated-list->string form) maker)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,maker ,@arg-args)))))
- ((cons)
- (if (any-null? (cadr arg-args))
- (if (var-member maker env) ; (list->string (cons x ())) -> (string x)
- (lint-format "~A could be simplified, but you've shadowed '~A" caller (truncated-list->string form) maker)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,maker ,arg-of-arg)))))))))
- ((and (memq head '(list->string list->vector)) ; (list->string (reverse x)) -> (reverse (apply string x))
- (memq func-of-arg '(reverse reverse!)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(reverse (,head ,arg-of-arg)))))
- ((and (eq? head 'string->symbol) ; (string->symbol (string-append...)) -> (symbol ...)
- (or (memq func-of-arg '(string-append append))
- (and (eq? func-of-arg 'apply)
- (memq arg-of-arg '(string-append append)))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (eq? func-of-arg 'apply)
- `(apply symbol ,@(cdr arg-args))
- `(symbol ,@arg-args)))))
- ((and (eq? head 'string->symbol) ; (string->symbol (if (not (null? x)) x "abc")) -> (if (not (null? x)) (string->symbol x) 'abc)
- (eq? func-of-arg 'if)
- (or (string? (cadr arg-args))
- (string? (caddr arg-args)))
- (not (or (equal? (cadr arg-args) "") ; this is actually an error -- should we complain?
- (equal? (caddr arg-args) ""))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (string? (cadr arg-args))
- (if (string? (caddr arg-args))
- `(if ,arg-of-arg ',(string->symbol (cadr arg-args)) ',(string->symbol (caddr arg-args)))
- `(if ,arg-of-arg ',(string->symbol (cadr arg-args)) (string->symbol ,(caddr arg-args))))
- `(if ,arg-of-arg (string->symbol ,(cadr arg-args)) ',(string->symbol (caddr arg-args)))))))
- ((case head ; (reverse (reverse! x)) could be (copy x)
- ((reverse) (eq? func-of-arg 'reverse!))
- ((reverse!) (eq? func-of-arg 'reverse))
- (else #f))
- (lint-format "~A could be (copy ~S)" caller form arg-of-arg))
- ((and (pair? arg-of-arg) ; (op (reverse (inv-op x))) -> (reverse x)
- (eq? func-of-arg 'reverse)
- (eq? inv-op (car arg-of-arg)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(reverse ,(cadr arg-of-arg)))))))))
- (when (pair? (cddr form)) ; (string->list x y y) is ()
- (when (and (memq head '(vector->list string->list))
- (pair? (cdddr form)))
- (check-start-and-end caller head (cddr form) form env))
- (when (and (eq? head 'number->string) ; (number->string saturation 10)
- (eqv? (caddr form) 10))
- (lint-format "10 is the default radix for number->string: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- (when (memq head '(reverse reverse!))
- (if (and (eq? head 'reverse!)
- (symbol? (cadr form)))
- (let ((v (var-member (cadr form) env)))
- (if (and (var? v)
- (eq? (var-definer v) 'parameter))
- (lint-format "if ~A (a function argument) is a pair, ~A is ill-advised" caller
- (cadr form)
- (truncated-list->string form))))
- (when (pair? (cadr form))
- (let ((arg (cadr form))
- (arg-op (caadr form))
- (arg-args (cdadr form))
- (arg-arg (and (pair? (cdadr form)) (cadadr form))))
- (when (and (pair? arg-args)
- (pair? arg-arg))
- (if (and (memq arg-op '(cdr list-tail)) ; (reverse (cdr (reverse lst))) = all but last of lst -> copy to len-1
- (memq (car arg-arg) '(reverse reverse!))
- (symbol? (cadr arg-arg)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(copy ,(cadr arg-arg)
- (make-list (- (length ,(cadr arg-arg)) ,(if (eq? arg-op 'cdr) 1 (cadr arg-args))))))))
- (if (and (eq? arg-op 'append) ; (reverse (append (reverse b) res)) = (append (reverse res) b)
- (eq? (car arg-arg) 'reverse)
- (pair? (cdr arg-args))
- (null? (cddr arg-args)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(append (reverse ,(cadr arg-args)) ,(cadr arg-arg))))))
- (when (and (= (length arg) 3)
- (pair? (cadr arg-args)))
- (cond ((and (eq? arg-op 'map) ; (reverse (map abs (sort! x <))) -> (map abs (sort! x >))
- (eq? (caadr arg-args) 'sort!)
- (hash-table-ref reversibles (caddr (cadr arg-args))))
- => (lambda (op)
- (lint-format "possibly ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,arg-op ,arg-arg (sort! ,(cadadr arg-args) ,op)))))))
- ;; (reverse (apply vector (sort! x <))) doesn't happen (nor does this map case, but it's too pretty to leave out)
- (if (and (eq? arg-op 'cons) ; (reverse (cons x (reverse lst))) -- adds x to end -- (append lst (list x))
- (memq (caadr arg-args) '(reverse reverse!)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(append ,(cadadr arg-args) (list ,arg-arg))))))))))))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-reverse))
- '(reverse reverse! list->vector vector->list list->string string->list symbol->string string->symbol number->string)))
- ;; ---------------- char->integer string->number etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-char->integer caller head form env)
- (when (pair? (cdr form))
- (let ((inverses '((char->integer . integer->char)
- (integer->char . char->integer)
- (symbol->keyword . keyword->symbol)
- (keyword->symbol . symbol->keyword)
- (string->number . number->string)))
- (arg (cadr form)))
- (if (and (pair? arg)
- (pair? (cdr arg)) ; (string->number (number->string x)) could be x
- (eq? (car arg) (cond ((assq head inverses) => cdr))))
- (lint-format "~A could be ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form) (cadr arg))
- (case head
- ((integer->char)
- (if (let walk ((tree (cdr form)))
- (if (pair? tree)
- (and (walk (car tree))
- (walk (cdr tree)))
- (or (code-constant? tree)
- (not (side-effect? tree env)))))
- (let ((chr (checked-eval form))) ; (integer->char (+ (char->integer #\space) 215)) -> #\xf7
- (if (char? chr)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form chr))))))
- ((string->number)
- (if (and (pair? (cddr form))
- (integer? (caddr form)) ; type error is checked elsewhere
- (not (<= 2 (caddr form) 16))) ; (string->number "123" 21)
- (lint-format "string->number radix should be between 2 and 16: ~A" caller form)
- (if (and (pair? arg)
- (eq? (car arg) 'string)
- (pair? (cdr arg))
- (null? (cddr form))
- (null? (cddr arg))) ; (string->number (string num-char)) -> (- (char->integer num-char) (char->integer #\0))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(- (char->integer ,(cadr arg)) (char->integer #\0)))))))
- ((symbol->keyword)
- (if (and (pair? arg) ; (symbol->keyword (string->symbol x)) -> (make-keyword x)
- (eq? (car arg) 'string->symbol))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(make-keyword ,(cadr arg))))
- (if (quoted-symbol? arg)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (symbol->keyword (cadr arg)))))))
- ((keyword->symbol)
- (if (keyword? arg)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A -> '~A" caller (object->string form) (object->string (keyword->symbol arg))))))))))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-char->integer))
- '(char->integer integer->char symbol->keyword keyword->symbol string->number)))
- ;; ---------------- string-append ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-string-append caller head form env)
- (unless (= line-number last-checker-line-number)
- (let ((args (remove-all "" (splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x 'string-append)) (cdr form))))
- (combined #f))
- (when (or (any? string? args)
- (member 'string args (lambda (a b) (and (pair? b) (eq? (car b) a)))))
- (do ((nargs ()) ; look for (string...) (string...) in the arg list and combine
- (p args (cdr p)))
- ((null? p)
- (set! args (reverse nargs)))
- (cond ((not (pair? (cdr p)))
- (set! nargs (cons (car p) nargs)))
- ((and (pair? (car p))
- (eq? (caar p) 'string)
- (pair? (cadr p))
- (eq? (caadr p) 'string))
- (set! nargs (cons `(string ,@(cdar p) ,@(cdadr p)) nargs))
- (set! combined #t)
- (set! p (cdr p)))
- ((and (string? (car p))
- (string? (cadr p)))
- (set! nargs (cons (string-append (car p) (cadr p)) nargs))
- (set! combined #t)
- (set! p (cdr p)))
- (else (set! nargs (cons (car p) nargs))))))
- (cond ((null? args) ; (string-append) -> ""
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form "")))
- ((null? (cdr args)) ; (string-append a) -> a
- (if (not (tree-memq 'values (cdr form)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A~A" caller (lists->string form (car args))
- (if combined "" ", or use copy")))) ; (string-append x "") appears to be a common substitute for string-copy
- ((every? string? args) ; (string-append "a" "b") -> "ab"
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (apply string-append args))))
- ((every? (lambda (a) ; (string-append "a" (string #\b)) -> "ab"
- (or (string? a)
- (and (pair? a)
- (eq? (car a) 'string)
- (char? (cadr a)))))
- args)
- (catch #t
- (lambda () ; (string-append (string #\C) "ZLl*()def") -> "CZLl*()def"
- (let ((val (if (not (any? pair? args))
- (apply string-append args)
- (eval (cons 'string-append args)))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A -> ~S" caller (truncated-list->string form) val)))
- (lambda args #f)))
- ((every? (lambda (c) ; (string-append (make-string 3 #\a) (make-string 2 #\b)) -> (format #f "~NC~NC" 3 #\a 2 #\b)
- (and (pair? c)
- (eq? (car c) 'make-string)
- (pair? (cdr c))
- (pair? (cddr c))))
- (cdr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(format #f ,(apply string-append (make-list (abs (length (cdr form))) "~NC"))
- ,@(map (lambda (c) (values (cadr c) (caddr c))) (cdr form))))))
- ((not (equal? args (cdr form))) ; (string-append x (string-append y z)) -> (string-append x y z)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(string-append ,@args)))))
- (set! last-checker-line-number line-number))))
- (hash-special 'string-append sp-string-append))
- ;; ---------------- vector-append ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-vector-append caller head form env)
- (unless (= line-number last-checker-line-number)
- (let ((args (remove-all #() (splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x 'vector-append)) (cdr form)))))
- (cond ((null? args) ; (vector-append) -> #()
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form #())))
- ((null? (cdr args)) ; (vector-append x) -> (copy x)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(copy ,(car args)))))
- ((every? vector? args) ; (vector-append #(1 2) (vector-append #(3))) -> #(1 2 3)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (apply vector-append args))))
- ((not (equal? args (cdr form))) ; (vector-append x (vector-append y z)) -> (vector-append x y z)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(vector-append ,@args)))))
- (set! last-checker-line-number line-number))))
- (hash-special 'vector-append sp-vector-append))
- ;; ---------------- cons ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-cons caller head form env)
- (cond ((or (not (= (length form) 3))
- (= last-cons-line-number line-number))
- #f)
- ((and (pair? (caddr form))
- (or (eq? (caaddr form) 'list) ; (cons x (list ...)) -> (list x ...)
- (and (eq? (caaddr form) #_{list})
- (not (tree-member #_{apply_values} (cdaddr form))))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(list ,(cadr form) ,@(un_{list} (cdaddr form))))))
- ((any-null? (caddr form)) ; (cons x '()) -> (list x)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(list ,(cadr form)))))
- ((not (pair? (caddr form))))
- ((and (pair? (cadr form)) ; (cons (car x) (cdr x)) -> (copy x)
- (let ((x (assq (caadr form)
- '((car cdr #t)
- (caar cdar car) (cadr cddr cdr)
- (caaar cdaar caar) (caadr cdadr cadr) (caddr cdddr cddr) (cadar cddar cdar)
- (cadddr cddddr cdddr) (caaaar cdaaar caaar) (caaadr cdaadr caadr) (caadar cdadar cadar)
- (caaddr cdaddr caddr) (cadaar cddaar cdaar) (cadadr cddadr cdadr) (caddar cdddar cddar)))))
- (and x
- (eq? (cadr x) (caaddr form))
- (caddr x))))
- => (lambda (cfunc)
- (if (and cfunc
- (equal? (cadadr form) (cadr (caddr form)))
- (not (side-effect? (cadadr form) env)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form
- (if (symbol? cfunc)
- `(copy (,cfunc ,(cadadr form)))
- `(copy ,(cadadr form))))))))
- ((eq? (caaddr form) 'cons) ; list handled above
- ; (cons a (cons b (cons ...))) -> (list a b ...), input ending in nil of course
- (let loop ((args (list (cadr form))) (chain (caddr form)))
- (if (pair? chain)
- (if (eq? (car chain) 'list)
- (begin
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(list ,@(reverse args) ,@(cdr chain))))
- (set! last-cons-line-number line-number))
- (if (and (eq? (car chain) 'cons)
- (pair? (cdr chain))
- (pair? (cddr chain)))
- (if (any-null? (caddr chain))
- (begin
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(list ,@(reverse args) ,(cadr chain))))
- (set! last-cons-line-number line-number))
- (if (and (pair? (caddr chain))
- (memq (caaddr chain) '(cons list)))
- (loop (cons (cadr chain) args) (caddr chain)))))))))))
- (hash-special 'cons sp-cons))
- ;; ---------------- append ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-append caller head form env)
- (unless (= line-number last-checker-line-number)
- (set! last-checker-line-number line-number)
- (letrec ((splice-append (lambda (lst)
- (cond ((null? lst)
- ())
- ((not (pair? lst))
- lst)
- ((and (pair? (car lst))
- (eq? (caar lst) 'append))
- (if (null? (cdar lst))
- (if (null? (cdr lst)) ; (append) at end -> () to keep copy intact?
- (list ())
- (splice-append (cdr lst)))
- (append (splice-append (cdar lst)) (splice-append (cdr lst)))))
- ((and (pair? (car lst))
- (eq? (caar lst) 'copy)
- (pair? (cdr lst))
- (null? (cddar lst)))
- (cons (cadar lst) (splice-append (cdr lst))))
- ((or (null? (cdr lst))
- (not (or (any-null? (car lst))
- (and (pair? (car lst))
- (eq? (caar lst) 'list)
- (null? (cdar lst))))))
- (cons (car lst) (splice-append (cdr lst))))
- (else (splice-append (cdr lst)))))))
- (let ((new-args (splice-append (cdr form)))) ; (append '(1) (append '(2) '(3))) -> (append '(1) '(2) '(3))
- (let ((len1 (length new-args))
- (suggestion made-suggestion))
- (if (and (> len1 2)
- (null? (list-ref new-args (- len1 1)))
- (pair? (list-ref new-args (- len1 2)))
- (memq (car (list-ref new-args (- len1 2))) '(list cons append map string->list vector->list make-list)))
- (begin
- (set-cdr! (list-tail new-args (- len1 2)) ())
- (set! len1 (- len1 1))))
- (define (append->list . items)
- (let ((lst (list 'list)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (item)
- (set! lst (append lst (if (eq? (car item) 'list)
- (cdr item)
- (distribute-quote (cadr item))))))
- items)
- lst))
- (if (positive? len1)
- (let ((last (list-ref new-args (- len1 1))))
- ;; (define (f) (append '(1) '(2))) (define a (f)) (set! (a 1) 32) (f) -> '(1 32)
- (if (and (pair? last)
- (eq? (car last) 'quote)
- (pair? (cdr last))
- (pair? (cadr last)))
- (lint-format "append does not copy its last argument, so ~A is dangerous" caller form))))
- (case len1
- ((0) ; (append) -> ()
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form ())))
- ((1) ; (append x) -> x
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (car new-args))))
- ((2) ; (append (list x) ()) -> (list x)
- (let ((arg2 (cadr new-args))
- (arg1 (car new-args)))
- (cond ((or (any-null? arg2)
- (equal? arg2 '(list))) ; (append x ()) -> (copy x)
- (lint-format "perhaps clearer: ~A" caller (lists->string form `(copy ,arg1))))
- ((null? arg1) ; (append () x) -> x
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form arg2)))
- ((not (pair? arg1)))
- ((and (pair? arg2) ; (append (list x y) '(z)) -> (list x y z) or extensions thereof
- (or (eq? (car arg1) 'list)
- (quoted-undotted-pair? arg1))
- (or (eq? (car arg2) 'list)
- (quoted-undotted-pair? arg2)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (apply append->list new-args))))
- ((and (eq? (car arg1) 'list) ; (append (list x) y) -> (cons x y)
- (pair? (cdr arg1))
- (null? (cddr arg1)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(cons ,(cadr arg1) ,arg2))))
- ((and (eq? (car arg1) 'list) ; (append (list x y) z) -> (cons x (cons y z))
- (pair? (cdr arg1))
- (pair? (cddr arg1))
- (null? (cdddr arg1)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(cons ,(cadr arg1) (cons ,(caddr arg1) ,arg2)))))
- ;; not sure about this: reports the un-qq'd form (and never happens)
- ((and (eq? (car arg1) #_{list})
- (not (qq-tree? arg1)))
- (set! last-checker-line-number -1)
- (sp-append caller 'append `(append ,(un_{list} arg1) ,arg2) env))
- ((and (eq? (car arg1) 'vector->list)
- (pair? arg2)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'vector->list))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(vector->list (append ,(cadr arg1) ,(cadr arg2))))))
- ((and (eq? (car arg1) 'quote) ; (append '(x) y) -> (cons 'x y)
- (pair? (cadr arg1))
- (null? (cdadr arg1)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (or (symbol? (caadr arg1))
- (pair? (caadr arg1)))
- `(cons ',(caadr arg1) ,arg2)
- `(cons ,(caadr arg1) ,arg2)))))
- ((not (equal? (cdr form) new-args)) ; (append () '(1 2) 1) -> (append '(1 2) 1)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(append ,@new-args)))))))
- (else
- (cond ((every? (lambda (item)
- (and (pair? item)
- (or (eq? (car item) 'list)
- (quoted-undotted-pair? item))))
- new-args) ; (append '(1) (append '(2) '(3)) '(4)) -> (list 1 2 3 4)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (apply append->list new-args))))
- ((and (pair? (car new-args)) ; (append (list x) y (list z)) -> (cons x (append y (list z)))?
- (eq? (caar new-args) 'list)
- (null? (cddar new-args)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(cons ,(cadar new-args) (append ,@(cdr new-args))))))
- ((let ((n-1 (list-ref new-args (- len1 2))))
- (and (pair? n-1)
- (eq? (car n-1) 'list)
- (pair? (cdr n-1))
- (null? (cddr n-1)))) ; (append x (list y) z) -> (append x (cons y z))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(append ,@(copy new-args (make-list (- len1 2)))
- (cons ,(cadr (list-ref new-args (- len1 2)))
- ,(list-ref new-args (- len1 1)))))))
- ((not (equal? (cdr form) new-args)) ; (append x y (append)) -> (append x y ())
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(append ,@new-args)))))))
- (if (and (= made-suggestion suggestion)
- (not (equal? (cdr form) new-args)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(append ,@new-args)))))))))
- (hash-special 'append sp-append))
- ;; ---------------- apply ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-apply caller head form env)
- (when (pair? (cdr form))
- (let ((len (length form))
- (suggestion made-suggestion))
- (if (= len 2) ; (apply f) -> (f)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (list (cadr form))))
- (if (not (or (<= len 2) ; it might be (apply)...
- (symbol? (cadr form))
- (applicable? (cadr form))))
- (lint-format "~S is not applicable: ~A" caller (cadr form) (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((happy #f)
- (f (cadr form)))
- (unless (or (<= len 2)
- (any-macro? f env)
- (eq? f 'macroexpand)) ; handled specially (syntactic, not a macro)
- (when (and (symbol? f)
- (not (var-member f env)))
- (let ((func (symbol->value f *e*)))
- (if (procedure? func)
- (let ((ary (arity func)))
- (when (pair? ary) ; (apply real? 1 3 rest)
- (if (> (- len 3) (cdr ary)) ; last apply arg might be var=()
- (lint-format "too many arguments for ~A: ~A" caller f form))
- (if (and (= len 3)
- (= (car ary) 1)
- (= (cdr ary) 1)) ; (apply car x) -> (car (car x))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,f (car ,(caddr form)))))))))))
- (let ((last-arg (form (- len 1))))
- (if (and (not (list? last-arg))
- (code-constant? last-arg)) ; (apply + 1)
- (lint-format "last argument should be a list: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (= len 3)
- (let ((args (caddr form))
- (cdr-args (and (pair? (caddr form)) (cdaddr form))))
- (if (identity? f) ; (apply (lambda (x) x) y) -> (car y)
- (lint-format "perhaps (assuming ~A is a list of one element) ~A" caller args
- (lists->string form `(car ,args)))
- (if (simple-lambda? f) ; (apply (lambda (x) (f x)) y) -> (f (car y))
- (lint-format "perhaps (assuming ~A is a list of one element) ~A" caller args
- (lists->string form (tree-subst (list 'car args) (caadr f) (caddr f))))))
- (cond ((eq? f 'list) ; (apply list x) -> x?
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form args)))
- ((any-null? args) ; (apply f ()) -> (f)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (list f))))
- ((or (not (pair? args))
- (case (car args)
- ((list) ; (apply f (list a b)) -> (f a b)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,f ,@cdr-args))))
- ((quote) ; (apply eq? '(a b)) -> (eq? 'a 'b)
- (and (= suggestion made-suggestion)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,f ,@(distribute-quote (car cdr-args)))))))
- ((cons) ; (apply f (cons a b)) -> (apply f a b)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (pair? (cadr cdr-args))
- (eq? (caadr cdr-args) 'cons))
- `(apply ,f ,(car cdr-args) ,@(cdadr cdr-args))
- `(apply ,f ,@cdr-args)))))
- ((append) ; (apply f (append (list ...)...)) -> (apply f ... ...)
- (and (pair? (car cdr-args))
- (eq? (caar cdr-args) 'list)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(apply ,f ,@(cdar cdr-args)
- ,(if (null? (cdr cdr-args)) ()
- (if (null? (cddr cdr-args)) (cadr cdr-args)
- `(append ,@(cdr cdr-args)))))))))
- ((reverse reverse!) ; (apply vector (reverse x)) -> (reverse (apply vector x))
- (and (memq f '(string vector int-vector float-vector))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(reverse (apply ,f ,(car cdr-args)))))))
- ((make-list) ; (apply string (make-list x y)) -> (make-string x y)
- (if (memq f '(string vector))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,(if (eq? f 'string) 'make-string 'make-vector)
- ,@cdr-args)))))
- ((map)
- (case f
- ((string-append) ; (apply string-append (map ...))
- (if (eq? (car cdr-args) 'symbol->string)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (apply string-append (map symbol->string ...))
- (lists->string form `(format #f "~{~A~}" ,(cadr cdr-args))))
- (if (simple-lambda? (car cdr-args))
- (let ((body (caddar cdr-args)))
- (if (and (pair? body)
- (eq? (car body) 'string-append)
- (= (length body) 3)
- (or (and (string? (cadr body))
- (eq? (caddr body) (caadar cdr-args)))
- (and (string? (caddr body))
- (eq? (cadr body) (caadar cdr-args)))))
- (let ((str (string-append "~{"
- (if (string? (cadr body)) (cadr body) "~A")
- (if (string? (caddr body)) (caddr body) "~A")
- "~}")))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(format #f ,str ,(cadr cdr-args))))))))))
- ((string) ; (apply string (map char-downcase x)) -> (string-downcase (apply string x))
- (if (memq (car cdr-args) '(char-upcase char-downcase))
- (lint-format "perhaps, assuming ~A is a list, ~A" caller (cadr cdr-args)
- (lists->string form `(,(if (eq? (car cdr-args) 'char-upcase)
- 'string-upcase 'string-downcase)
- (apply string ,(cadr cdr-args)))))))
- ((append) ; (apply append (map vector->list args)) -> (vector->list (apply append args))
- (and (eq? (car cdr-args) 'vector->list)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(vector->list (apply append ,@(cdr cdr-args)))))))
- (else #f)))
- ;; (apply append (map...)) is very common but changing it to
- ;; (map (lambda (x) (apply values (f x))) ...) from (apply append (map f ...))
- ;; is not an obvious win. The code is more complicated, and currently apply values
- ;; copies its args (as do apply and append -- how many copies are there here?!
- ;; need to check for only one apply values
- ((#_{list}) ; (apply f `(,x ,@z)) -> (apply f x z)
- (let ((last-arg (list-ref args (- (length args) 1))))
- (if (and (pair? last-arg)
- (eq? (car last-arg) #_{apply_values})
- (= (tree-count1 #_{apply_values} args 0) 1))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(apply ,f
- ,@(copy args (make-list (- (length args) 2)) 1)
- ,(cadr last-arg))))
- (if (not (tree-member #_{apply_values} cdr-args))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,f ,@(un_{list} cdr-args)))))))))))))
- (begin ; len > 3
- (when (and (pair? last-arg)
- (eq? (car last-arg) 'list) ; (apply f y z (list a b)) -> (f y z a b)
- (not (hash-table-ref syntaces f))) ; also not any-macro I presume
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (append (copy (cdr form) (make-list (- len 2)))
- (cdr last-arg)))))
- ;; can't cleanly go from (apply write o p) to (write o (car p)) since p can be ()
- (when (and (not happy)
- (not (memq f '(define define* define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro* lambda lambda*)))
- (any-null? last-arg)) ; (apply f ... ()) -> (f ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,f ,@(copy (cddr form) (make-list (- len 3)))))))))))))))
- (if (and (= suggestion made-suggestion)
- (symbol? (cadr form)))
- (let ((ary (arg-arity (cadr form) env)))
- (if (and (pair? ary) ; (apply make-string tcnt initializer) -> (make-string tcnt (car initializer))
- (= (cdr ary) (- len 2)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,@(copy (cdr form) (make-list (- len 2))) (car ,(list-ref form (- len 1))))))))))))
- (hash-special 'apply sp-apply))
- ;; ---------------- format ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-format caller head form env)
- (if (< (length form) 3)
- (begin
- (cond ((< (length form) 2) ; (format)
- (lint-format "~A has too few arguments: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string form)))
- ((and (pair? (cadr form)) ; (format (format #f str))
- (eq? (caadr form) 'format))
- (lint-format "redundant format: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- ((and (code-constant? (cadr form)) ; (format 1)
- (not (string? (cadr form))))
- (lint-format "format with one argument takes a string: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- ((and (string? (cadr form)) ; (format "str") -> str
- (eq? head 'format) ; not snd-display
- (not (char-position #\~ (cadr form))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (cadr form)))))
- env)
- (let ((control-string ((if (string? (cadr form)) cadr caddr) form))
- (args ((if (string? (cadr form)) cddr cdddr) form)))
- (define count-directives
- (let ((format-control-char (let ((chars (make-vector 256 #f)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (c)
- (vector-set! chars (char->integer c) #t))
- '(#\A #\S #\C #\F #\E #\G #\O #\D #\B #\X #\P #\N #\W #\, #\{ #\} #\* #\@
- #\a #\s #\c #\f #\e #\g #\o #\d #\b #\x #\p #\n #\w
- #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9))
- chars)))
- (lambda (str caller form)
- (let ((curlys 0)
- (dirs 0)
- (pos (char-position #\~ str)))
- (when pos
- (do ((len (length str))
- (tilde-time #t)
- (i (+ pos 1) (+ i 1)))
- ((>= i len)
- (if tilde-time ; (format #f "asdf~")
- (lint-format "~A control string ends in tilde: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string form))))
- (if tilde-time
- (let ((c (string-ref str i)))
- (when (and (= curlys 0)
- (not (memv c '(#\~ #\T #\t #\& #\% #\^ #\| #\newline #\}))) ; ~* consumes an arg
- (not (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (do ((k i (+ k 1)))
- ((= k len) #f)
- ;; this can be confused by pad chars in ~T
- (if (not (or (char-numeric? (string-ref str k))
- (char=? (string-ref str k) #\,)))
- (return (char-ci=? (string-ref str k) #\t))))))))
- ;; the possibilities are endless, so I'll stick to the simplest
- (if (not (vector-ref format-control-char (char->integer c))) ; (format #f "~H" 1)
- (lint-format "unrecognized format directive: ~C in ~S, ~S" caller c str form))
- (set! dirs (+ dirs 1))
- ;; ~n so try to figure out how many args are needed (this is not complete)
- (when (char-ci=? c #\n)
- (let ((j (+ i 1)))
- (if (>= j len) ; (format p "~A~A" x)
- (lint-format "missing format directive: ~S" caller str)
- (begin
- ;; if ,n -- add another, if then not T, add another
- (cond ((not (char=? (string-ref str j) #\,)))
- ((>= (+ j 1) len)
- (lint-format "missing format directive: ~S" caller str))
- ((char-ci=? (string-ref str (+ j 1)) #\n)
- (set! dirs (+ dirs 1))
- (set! j (+ j 2)))
- ((char-numeric? (string-ref str (+ j 1)))
- (set! j (+ j 2)))
- (else (set! j (+ j 1))))
- (if (>= j len)
- (lint-format "missing format directive: ~S" caller str)
- (if (not (char-ci=? (string-ref str j) #\t))
- (set! dirs (+ dirs 1)))))))))
- (set! tilde-time #f)
- (case c
- ((#\{) (set! curlys (+ curlys 1)))
- ((#\}) (set! curlys (- curlys 1)))
- ((#\^ #\|)
- (if (zero? curlys) ; (format #f "~^")
- (lint-format "~A has ~~~C outside ~~{~~}?" caller str c))))
- (if (and (< (+ i 2) len)
- (member (substring str i (+ i 3)) '("%~&" "^~^" "|~|" "&~&" "\n~\n") string=?))
- (lint-format "~A in ~A could be ~A" caller ; (format #f "~%~&")
- (substring str (- i 1) (+ i 3))
- str
- (substring str (- i 1) (+ i 1)))))
- (begin
- (set! pos (char-position #\~ str i))
- (if pos
- (begin
- (set! tilde-time #t)
- (set! i pos))
- (set! i len))))))
- (if (not (= curlys 0)) ; (format #f "~{~A" 1)
- (lint-format "~A has ~D unmatched ~A~A: ~A"
- caller head
- (abs curlys)
- (if (positive? curlys) "{" "}")
- (if (> curlys 1) "s" "")
- (truncated-list->string form)))
- dirs))))
- (when (and (eq? head 'format)
- (string? (cadr form))) ; (format "s")
- (lint-format "please include the port argument to format, perhaps ~A" caller `(format () ,@(cdr form))))
- (if (any? all-caps-warning (cdr form))
- (lint-format "There's no need to shout: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (if (and (eq? (cadr form) 't) ; (format t " ")
- (not (var-member 't env)))
- (lint-format "'t in ~A should probably be #t" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (if (not (string? control-string))
- (if (not (proper-list? args))
- (lint-format "~S looks suspicious" caller form))
- (let ((ndirs (count-directives control-string caller form))
- (nargs (if (list? args) (length args) 0)))
- (let ((pos (char-position #\null control-string)))
- (if (and pos (< pos (length control-string))) ; (format #f "~a\x00b" x)
- (lint-format "#\\null in a format control string will confuse both lint and format: ~S in ~A" caller control-string form)))
- (if (not (or (= ndirs nargs)
- (tree-memq 'values form)))
- (lint-format "~A has ~A arguments: ~A" ; (format #f "~nT" 1 2)
- caller head
- (if (> ndirs nargs) "too few" "too many")
- (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (and (not (cadr form)) ; (format #f "123")
- (zero? ndirs)
- (not (char-position #\~ control-string)))
- (lint-format "~A could be ~S, (format is a no-op here)" caller (truncated-list->string form) (caddr form))))))
- (when (pair? args)
- (for-each
- (lambda (a)
- (if (pair? a)
- (case (car a)
- ((number->string)
- (if (null? (cddr a)) ; (format #f "~A" (number->string x))
- (lint-format "format arg ~A could be ~A" caller a (cadr a))
- (if (and (pair? (cddr a))
- (integer? (caddr a))
- (memv (caddr a) '(2 8 10 16)))
- (if (= (caddr a) 10)
- (lint-format "format arg ~A could be ~A" caller a (cadr a))
- (lint-format "format arg ~A could use the format directive ~~~A and change the argument to ~A" caller a
- (case (caddr a) ((2) "B") ((8) "O") (else "X"))
- (cadr a))))))
- ((symbol->string) ; (format #f "~A" (symbol->string 'x))
- (lint-format "format arg ~A could be ~A" caller a (cadr a)))
- ((make-string) ; (format #f "~A" (make-string len c))
- (lint-format "format arg ~A could use the format directive ~~NC and change the argument to ... ~A ~A ..." caller a
- (cadr a) (if (char? (caddr a)) (format #f "~W" (caddr a)) (caddr a))))
- ((string-append) ; (format #f "~A" (string-append x y))
- (lint-format "format appends strings, so ~A seems wasteful" caller a)))))
- args)))))
- (hash-special 'format sp-format))
- ;; ---------------- error ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-error caller head form env)
- (if (any? all-caps-warning (cdr form))
- (lint-format "There's no need to shout: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- (hash-special 'error sp-error))
- ;; ---------------- sort! ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-sort caller head form env)
- (if (= (length form) 3)
- (let ((func (caddr form)))
- (if (memq func '(= eq? eqv? equal? string=? char=? string-ci=? char-ci=?))
- (lint-format "sort! with ~A may hang: ~A" caller func (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (symbol? func)
- (let ((sig (procedure-signature (symbol->value func))))
- (if (and (pair? sig)
- (not (eq? 'boolean? (car sig)))
- (not (and (pair? (car sig))
- (memq 'boolean? (car sig))))) ; (sort! x abs)
- (lint-format "~A is a questionable sort! function" caller func))))))))
- (hash-special 'sort! sp-sort))
- ;; ---------------- substring ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-substring caller head form env)
- (if (every? code-constant? (cdr form))
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (let ((val (eval form))) ; (substring "abracadabra" 2 7) -> "racad"
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A -> ~S" caller (truncated-list->string form) val)))
- (lambda (type info)
- (lint-format "~A -> ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form) (apply format #f info))))
- (let ((str (cadr form)))
- (when (string? str) ; (substring "++++++" 0 2) -> (make-string 2 #\+)
- (let ((len (length str)))
- (when (and (> len 0)
- (string=? str (make-string len (string-ref str 0))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((chars (if (null? (cddr form))
- len
- (if (pair? (cdddr form))
- (if (eqv? (caddr form) 0)
- (cadddr form)
- `(- ,(cadddr form) ,(caddr form)))
- `(- ,len ,(caddr form))))))
- `(make-string ,chars ,(string-ref str 0))))))))
- (when (pair? (cddr form))
- (when (null? (cdddr form))
- (when (and (pair? str) ; (substring (substring x 1) 2) -> (substring x 3)
- (eq? (car str) 'substring)
- (null? (cdddr str)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (integer? (caddr form))
- (integer? (caddr str)))
- `(substring ,(cadr str) ,(+ (caddr str) (caddr form)))
- `(substring ,(cadr str) (+ ,(caddr str) ,(caddr form)))))))
- ;; end indices are complicated -- since this rarely happens, not worth the trouble
- (if (eqv? (caddr form) 0) ; (substring x 0) -> (copy x)
- (lint-format "perhaps clearer: ~A" caller (lists->string form `(copy ,str)))))
- (when (pair? (cdddr form))
- (let ((end (cadddr form)))
- (if (equal? (caddr form) end) ; (substring x (+ y 1) (+ y 1)) is ""
- (lint-format "leaving aside errors, ~A is \"\"" caller form))
- (when (and (pair? str)
- (eqv? (caddr form) 0)
- (eq? (car str) 'string-append)
- (= (length str) 3))
- (let ((in-arg2 (caddr str)))
- (if (and (pair? in-arg2) ; (substring (string-append str (make-string len #\space)) 0 len) -> (copy str (make-string len #\space))
- (eq? (car in-arg2) 'make-string)
- (equal? (cadddr form) (cadr in-arg2)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(copy ,(cadr str) (make-string ,(cadddr form) ,(caddr in-arg2))))))))
- (if (and (pair? end) ; (substring x start (length|string-length x)) -> (substring s start)
- (memq (car end) '(string-length length))
- (equal? (cadr end) str))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (copy form (make-list 3))))
- (when (symbol? end)
- (let ((v (var-member end env)))
- (if (and (var? v)
- (equal? `(string-length ,str) (var-initial-value v))
- (not (any? (lambda (p)
- (set!? p env))
- (var-history v)))) ; if len is still (string-length x), (substring x 1 len) -> (substring x 1)
- (lint-format "perhaps, if ~A is still ~A, ~A" caller end (var-initial-value v)
- (lists->string form (copy form (make-list 3))))))))))))))
- (hash-special 'substring sp-substring))
- ;; ---------------- list, *vector ----------------
- (let ((seq-maker (lambda (seq)
- (cdr (assq seq '((list . make-list)
- (vector . make-vector)
- (float-vector . make-float-vector)
- (int-vector . make-int-vector)
- (byte-vector . make-byte-vector))))))
- (seq-default (lambda (seq)
- (cdr (assq seq '((list . #f)
- (vector . #<unspecified>)
- (float-vector . 0.0)
- (int-vector . 0)
- (byte-vector . 0)))))))
- (define (sp-list caller head form env)
- (let ((len (length form))
- (val (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (cadr form))))
- (when (and (> len 4)
- (every? (lambda (a) (equal? a val)) (cddr form)))
- (if (code-constant? val) ; (vector 12 12 12 12 12 12) -> (make-vector 6 12)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (eqv? (seq-default head) val)
- `(,(seq-maker head) ,(- len 1))
- `(,(seq-maker head) ,(- len 1) ,val)))
- (if (and (sequence? val)
- (not (null? val)))
- (format #f "~%~NCor wrap (copy ~S) in a function and call that ~A times"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- val (- len 1))
- ""))
- (if (pair? val)
- (if (or (side-effect? val env)
- (hash-table-ref makers (car val)))
- (if (> (tree-leaves val) 3)
- ;; I think we need to laboriously repeat the function call here:
- ;; (let ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
- ;; (define f (let ((ctr 0)) (lambda (x y z) (set! ctr (+ ctr 1)) (+ x y ctr (* 2 z)))))
- ;; (list (f a b c) (f a b c) (f a b c) (f a b c))
- ;; so (apply list (make-list 4 (_1_))) or variants thereof fail
- ;; (eval (append '(list) (make-list 4 '(_1_))))
- ;; works, but it's too ugly.
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(let ((_1_ (lambda () ,val)))
- (,head ,@(make-list (- len 1) '(_1_)))))))
- ;; if seq copy else
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (vector (car x) (car x) (car x) (car x)) -> (make-vector 4 (car x))
- (lists->string form `(,(seq-maker head) ,(- len 1) ,val)))))))))
- (for-each (lambda (f) (hash-special f sp-list)) '(list vector int-vector float-vector byte-vector)))
- ;; ---------------- list-tail ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-list-tail caller head form env)
- (if (= (length form) 3)
- (if (eqv? (caddr form) 0) ; (list-tail x 0) -> x
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (cadr form)))
- (if (and (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) 'list-tail))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (list-tail (list-tail x 1) 2) -> (list-tail x 3)
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (integer? (caddr form))
- (integer? (caddr (cadr form))))
- `(list-tail ,(cadadr form) ,(+ (caddr (cadr form)) (caddr form)))
- `(list-tail ,(cadadr form) (+ ,(caddr (cadr form)) ,(caddr form))))))))))
- (hash-special 'list-tail sp-list-tail))
- ;; ---------------- eq? ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-eq? caller head form env)
- (if (< (length form) 3) ; (eq?)
- (lint-format "eq? needs 2 arguments: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (let* ((arg1 (cadr form))
- (arg2 (caddr form))
- (eq1 (eqf arg1 env))
- (eq2 (eqf arg2 env))
- (specific-op (and (eq? (cadr eq1) (cadr eq2))
- (not (memq (cadr eq1) '(eqv? equal?)))
- (cadr eq1))))
- (eval-constant-expression caller form)
- (if (or (eq? (car eq1) 'equal?)
- (eq? (car eq2) 'equal?)) ; (eq? #(0) #(0))
- (lint-format "eq? should be equal?~A in ~S" caller (if specific-op (format #f " or ~A" specific-op) "") form)
- (if (or (eq? (car eq1) 'eqv?)
- (eq? (car eq2) 'eqv?)) ; (eq? x 1.5)
- (lint-format "eq? should be eqv?~A in ~S" caller (if specific-op (format #f " or ~A" specific-op) "") form)))
- (let ((expr 'unset))
- (cond ((or (not arg1) ; (eq? #f x) -> (not x)
- (quoted-not? arg1))
- (set! expr (simplify-boolean `(not ,arg2) () () env)))
- ((or (not arg2) ; (eq? x #f) -> (not x)
- (quoted-not? arg2))
- (set! expr (simplify-boolean `(not ,arg1) () () env)))
- ((and (any-null? arg1) ; (eq? () x) -> (null? x)
- (not (code-constant? arg2)))
- (set! expr (or (equal? arg2 '(list)) ; (eq? () (list)) -> #t
- `(null? ,arg2))))
- ((and (any-null? arg2) ; (eq? x ()) -> (null? x)
- (not (code-constant? arg1)))
- (set! expr (or (equal? arg1 '(list))
- `(null? ,arg1))))
- ((and (eq? arg1 #t) ; (eq? #t <boolean-expr>) -> boolean-expr
- (pair? arg2)
- (eq? (return-type (car arg2) env) 'boolean?))
- (set! expr arg2))
- ((and (eq? arg2 #t) ; (eq? <boolean-expr> #t) -> boolean-expr
- (pair? arg1)
- (eq? (return-type (car arg1) env) 'boolean?))
- (set! expr arg1)))
- (if (not (eq? expr 'unset)) ; (eq? x '()) -> (null? x)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form expr)))))))
- (hash-special 'eq? sp-eq?))
- ;; ---------------- eqv? equal? ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-eqv? caller head form env)
- (define (useless-copy? a)
- (and (pair? a)
- (memq (car a) '(copy string-copy vector-copy list-copy))
- (null? (cddr a))))
- (if (< (length form) 3)
- (lint-format "~A needs 2 arguments: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string form))
- (let* ((arg1 (cadr form))
- (arg2 (caddr form))
- (eq1 (eqf arg1 env))
- (eq2 (eqf arg2 env))
- (specific-op (and (eq? (cadr eq1) (cadr eq2))
- (not (memq (cadr eq1) '(eq? eqv? equal?)))
- (cadr eq1))))
- (eval-constant-expression caller form)
- (if (or (useless-copy? arg1)
- (useless-copy? arg2)) ; (equal? (vector-copy #(a b c)) #(a b c)) -> (equal? #(a b c) #(a b c))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,head ,(if (useless-copy? arg1) (cadr arg1) arg1)
- ,(if (useless-copy? arg2) (cadr arg2) arg2)))))
- (if (and (string? (cadr form))
- (= (length (cadr form)) 1))
- (let ((s2 (caddr form)))
- (if (pair? s2)
- (if (eq? (car s2) 'string) ; (equal? "[" (string r)) -> (char=? #\[ r)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(char=? ,(string-ref (cadr form) 0) ,(cadr s2))))
- (if (and (eq? (car s2) 'substring)
- (= (length s2) 4) ; (equal? "^" (substring s 0 1)) -> (char=? #\^ (string-ref s 0))
- (eqv? (list-ref s2 2) 0)
- (eqv? (list-ref s2 3) 1))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(char=? ,(string-ref (cadr form) 0) (string-ref ,(cadr s2) 0)))))))))
- (if (and (not (eq? (cadr eq1) (cadr eq2))) ; (eqv? ":" (string-ref s 0))
- (memq (cadr eq1) '(char=? string=?))
- (memq (cadr eq2) '(char=? string=?)))
- (lint-format "this can't be right: ~A" caller form))
- ;; (equal? a (list b)) and equivalents happens a lot, but is the extra consing worse than
- ;; (and (pair? a) (equal? (car a) b) (null? (cdr a))) -- code readability seems more important here
- (cond ((or (eq? (car eq1) 'equal?)
- (eq? (car eq2) 'equal?))
- (if (eq? head 'equal?)
- (if specific-op ; equal? could be string=? in (equal? (string x) (string-append y z))
- (lint-format "~A could be ~A in ~S" caller head specific-op form))
- (lint-format "~A should be equal?~A in ~S" caller head
- (if specific-op (format #f " or ~A" specific-op) "")
- form)))
- ((or (eq? (car eq1) 'eqv?)
- (eq? (car eq2) 'eqv?))
- (if (eq? head 'eqv?)
- (if specific-op ; (eqv? (integer->char x) #\null)
- (lint-format "~A could be ~A in ~S" caller head specific-op form))
- (lint-format "~A ~A be eqv?~A in ~S" caller head
- (if (eq? head 'eq?) "should" "could")
- (if specific-op (format #f " or ~A" specific-op) "")
- form)))
- ((not (or (eq? (car eq1) 'eq?)
- (eq? (car eq2) 'eq?))))
- ((not (and arg1 arg2)) ; (eqv? x #f) -> (not x)
- (lint-format "~A could be not: ~A" caller head (lists->string form `(not ,(or arg1 arg2)))))
- ((or (any-null? arg1)
- (any-null? arg2)) ; (eqv? x ()) -> (null? x)
- (lint-format "~A could be null?: ~A" caller head
- (lists->string form
- (if (any-null? arg1)
- `(null? ,arg2)
- `(null? ,arg1)))))
- (else ; (eqv? x 'a)
- (lint-format "~A could be eq?~A in ~S" caller head
- (if specific-op (format #f " or ~A" specific-op) "")
- form))))))
- (hash-special 'eqv? sp-eqv?)
- (hash-special 'equal? sp-eqv?))
- ;; ---------------- map for-each ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-map caller head form env)
- (let* ((len (length form))
- (args (- len 2)))
- (if (< len 3) ; (map (lambda (v) (vector-ref v 0)))
- (lint-format "~A missing argument~A in: ~A"
- caller head
- (if (= len 2) "" "s")
- (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((func (cadr form))
- (ary #f))
- ;; if zero or one args, the map/for-each is either a no-op or a function call
- (if (any? any-null? (cddr form)) ; (map abs ())
- (lint-format "this ~A has no effect (null arg)" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (and (not (tree-memq 'values form)) ; e.g. flatten in s7.html
- (any? (lambda (p)
- (and (pair? p)
- (case (car p)
- ((quote)
- (and (pair? (cadr p))
- (null? (cdadr p))))
- ((list)
- (null? (cddr p)))
- ((cons)
- (any-null? (caddr p)))
- (else #f))))
- (cddr form))) ; (for-each display (list a)) -> (display a)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((args (map (lambda (a)
- (if (pair? a)
- (case (car a)
- ((list cons)
- (cadr a)) ; slightly inaccurate
- ((quote)
- (caadr a))
- (else `(,a 0))) ; not car -- might not be a list
- `(,a 0))) ; but still not right -- arg might be a hash-table
- (cddr form))))
- (if (eq? head 'for-each)
- `(,(cadr form) ,@args)
- `(list (,(cadr form) ,@args))))))))
- ;; 2 happens a lot, but introduces evaluation order quibbles
- ;; we used to check for values if list arg -- got 4 hits!
- (if (and (symbol? func)
- (procedure? (symbol->value func *e*)))
- (begin
- (set! ary (arity (symbol->value func *e*)))
- (if (and (eq? head 'map)
- (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions func)
- (= len 3)
- (pair? (caddr form))
- (or (eq? (caaddr form) 'quote)
- (and (eq? (caaddr form) 'list)
- (every? code-constant? (cdaddr form)))))
- (catch #t
- (lambda () ; (map symbol->string '(a b c d)) -> '("a" "b" "c" "d")
- (let ((val (eval form)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (list 'quote val)))))
- (lambda args #f))))
- (when (and (pair? func)
- (memq (car func) '(lambda lambda*)))
- (if (pair? (cadr func))
- (let ((arglen (length (cadr func))))
- (set! ary (if (eq? (car func) 'lambda)
- (if (negative? arglen)
- (cons (abs arglen) 512000)
- (cons arglen arglen))
- (cons 0 (if (or (negative? arglen)
- (memq :rest (cadr func)))
- 512000 arglen))))))
- (if (= len 3)
- (let ((body (cddr func))) ; (map (lambda (a) #f) x) -> (make-list (abs (length x)) #f)
- (if (and (null? (cdr body))
- (code-constant? (car body)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(make-list (abs (length ,(caddr form))) ,(car body)))))))))
- (if (pair? ary)
- (if (< args (car ary)) ; (map (lambda (a b) a) '(1 2))
- (lint-format "~A has too few arguments in: ~A"
- caller head
- (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (> args (cdr ary)) ; (map abs '(1 2) '(3 4))
- (lint-format "~A has too many arguments in: ~A"
- caller head
- (truncated-list->string form)))))
- (for-each
- (lambda (obj)
- (if (and (pair? obj)
- (memq (car obj) '(vector->list string->list let->list)))
- (lint-format* caller ; (vector->list #(1 2)) could be simplified to: #(1 2)
- (truncated-list->string obj)
- " could be simplified to: "
- (truncated-list->string (cadr obj))
- (string-append " ; (" (symbol->string head) " accepts non-list sequences)"))))
- (cddr form))
- (when (eq? head 'map)
- (when (and (memq func '(char-downcase char-upcase))
- (pair? (caddr form)) ; (map char-downcase (string->list str)) -> (string->list (string-downcase str))
- (eq? (caaddr form) 'string->list))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(string->list (,(if (eq? func 'char-upcase) 'string-upcase 'string-downcase)
- ,(cadr (caddr form)))))))
- (when (identity? func) ; to check f here as var is more work ; (map (lambda (x) x) lst) -> lst
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (caddr form)))))
- (let ((arg1 (caddr form)))
- (when (and (pair? arg1)
- (memq (car arg1) '(cdr cddr cdddr cddddr list-tail))
- (pair? (cdr arg1))
- (pair? (cadr arg1))
- (memq (caadr arg1) '(string->list vector->list)))
- (let ((string-case (eq? (caadr arg1) 'string->list))
- (len-diff (if (eq? (car arg1) 'list-tail)
- (caddr arg1)
- (cdr-count (car arg1))))) ; (cdr (vector->list v)) -> (make-shared-vector v (- (length v) 1) 1)
- (lint-format "~A accepts ~A arguments, so perhaps ~A" caller head
- (if string-case 'string 'vector)
- (lists->string arg1 (if string-case
- `(substring ,(cadadr arg1) ,len-diff)
- `(make-shared-vector ,(cadadr arg1) (- (length ,(cadadr arg1)) ,len-diff) ,len-diff)))))))
- (when (and (eq? head 'for-each)
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) 'lambda)
- (pair? (cdadr form)) ; (for-each (lambda (x) (+ (abs x) 1)) lst)
- (not (any? (lambda (x) (side-effect? x env)) (cddadr form))))
- (lint-format "pointless for-each: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (when (= args 1)
- (let ((seq (caddr form)))
- (when (pair? seq)
- (case (car seq)
- ((cons) ; (for-each display (cons msgs " "))
- (if (and (pair? (cdr seq))
- (pair? (cddr seq))
- (code-constant? (caddr seq)))
- (lint-format "~A will ignore ~S in ~A" caller head (caddr seq) seq)))
- ((map)
- (when (= (length seq) 3)
- ;; a toss-up -- probably faster to combine funcs here, and easier to read?
- ;; but only if first arg is only used once in first func, and everything is simple (one-line or symbol)
- (let* ((seq-func (cadr seq))
- (arg-name (find-unique-name func seq-func)))
- (if (symbol? func) ; (map f (map g h)) -> (map (lambda (_1_) (f (g _1_))) h) -- dubious
- (if (symbol? seq-func)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,head (lambda (,arg-name)
- (,func (,seq-func ,arg-name)))
- ,(caddr seq))))
- (if (simple-lambda? seq-func)
- ;; (map f (map (lambda (x) (g x)) h)) -> (map (lambda (x) (f (g x))) h)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,head (lambda (,arg-name)
- (,func ,(tree-subst arg-name (caadr seq-func) (caddr seq-func))))
- ,(caddr seq))))))
- (if (less-simple-lambda? func)
- (if (symbol? seq-func)
- ;; (map (lambda (x) (f x)) (map g h)) -> (map (lambda (x) (f (g x))) h)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,head (lambda (,arg-name)
- ,@(tree-subst (list seq-func arg-name) (caadr func) (cddr func)))
- ,(caddr seq))))
- (if (simple-lambda? seq-func)
- ;; (map (lambda (x) (f x)) (map (lambda (x) (g x)) h)) -> (map (lambda (x) (f (g x))) h)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,head (lambda (,arg-name)
- ,@(tree-subst (tree-subst arg-name (caadr seq-func) (caddr seq-func))
- (caadr func) (cddr func)))
- ,(caddr seq)))))))))))))
- ;; repetitive code...
- (when (eq? head 'for-each) ; args = 1 above ; (for-each display (list a)) -> (format () "~A" a)
- (let ((func (cadr form)))
- (if (memq func '(display write newline write-char write-string))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (if (and (pair? seq)
- (memq (car seq) '(list quote)))
- (let ((op (if (eq? func 'write) "~S" "~A"))
- (len (- (length seq) 1)))
- (lists->string form `(format () ,(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
- (str ""))
- ((= i len) str)
- (set! str (string-append str op)))
- ,@(cdr seq))))
- (let ((op (if (eq? func 'write) "~{~S~}" "~{~A~}")))
- (lists->string form `(format () ,op ,seq)))))
- (when (and (pair? func)
- (eq? (car func) 'lambda))
- (let ((body (cddr func)))
- (let ((op (write-port (car body)))
- (larg (and (pair? (cadr func))
- (caadr func))))
- (when (and (symbol? larg)
- (null? (cdadr func)) ; just one arg (one sequence to for-each) for now
- (every? (lambda (x)
- (and (pair? x)
- (memq (car x) '(display write newline write-char write-string))
- (or (eq? (car x) 'newline)
- (eq? (cadr x) larg)
- (string? (cadr x))
- (eqv? (cadr x) #\space)
- (and (pair? (cadr x))
- (pair? (cdadr x))
- (eq? (caadr x) 'number->string)
- (eq? (cadadr x) larg)))
- (eq? (write-port x) op)))
- body))
- ;; (for-each (lambda (x) (display x) (write-char #\space)) msg)
- ;; (for-each (lambda (elt) (display elt)) lst)
- (let ((ctrl-string "")
- (arg-ctr 0))
- (define* (gather-format str (arg :unset))
- (set! ctrl-string (string-append ctrl-string str)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (d)
- (if (or (memq larg d)
- (and (pair? (cdr d))
- (pair? (cadr d))
- (memq larg (cadr d))))
- (set! arg-ctr (+ arg-ctr 1)))
- (gather-format (display->format d)))
- body)
- (when (= arg-ctr 1) ; (for-each (lambda (x) (display x)) args) -> (format () "~{~A~}" args)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(format ,op ,(string-append "~{" ctrl-string "~}") ,seq)))))))))
- )))))))))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-map))
- '(map for-each)))
- ;; ---------------- magnitude ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-magnitude caller head form env)
- (if (and (= (length form) 2) ; (magnitude 2/3)
- (memq (->lint-type (cadr form)) '(integer? rational? real?)))
- (lint-format "perhaps use abs here: ~A" caller form)))
- (hash-special 'magnitude sp-magnitude))
- ;; ---------------- open-input-file open-output-file ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-open-input-file caller head form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cddr form))
- (string? (caddr form)) ; (open-output-file x "fb+")
- (not (memv (string-ref (caddr form) 0) '(#\r #\w #\a)))) ; b + then e m c x if gcc
- (lint-format "unexpected mode: ~A" caller form)))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-open-input-file))
- '(open-input-file open-output-file)))
- ;; ---------------- values ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-values caller head form env)
- (cond ((member 'values (cdr form) (lambda (a b)
- (and (pair? b) ; (values 2 (values 3 4) 5) -> (values 2 3 4 5)
- (eq? (car b) 'values))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(values ,@(splice-if (lambda (x) (eq? x 'values)) (cdr form))))))
- ((= (length form) 2)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form ; (values ({list} 'x ({apply_values} y))) -> (cons 'x y)
- (if (and (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) #_{list})
- (not (qq-tree? (cadr form))))
- (un_{list} (cadr form))
- (cadr form)))))
- ((and (assq #_{list} (cdr form))
- (not (any? (lambda (a)
- (and (pair? a)
- (memq (car a) '(#_{list} #_{apply_values}))
- (qq-tree? a)))
- (cdr form))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form ; (values ({list} 'x y) a) -> (values (list 'x y) a)
- `(values ,@(map (lambda (a)
- (if (and (pair? a)
- (eq? (car a) #_{list}))
- (un_{list} a)
- a))
- (cdr form))))))))
- (hash-special 'values sp-values))
- ;; ---------------- call-with-values ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-call/values caller head form env) ; (call/values p c) -> (c (p))
- (when (= (length form) 3)
- (let ((producer (cadr form))
- (consumer (caddr form)))
- (let* ((produced-values (mv-range producer env))
- (consumed-values (and produced-values
- (or (and (symbol? consumer)
- (arg-arity consumer env))
- (and (pair? consumer)
- (eq? (car consumer) 'lambda)
- (pair? (cadr consumer))
- (let ((len (length (cadr consumer))))
- (if (negative? len)
- (cons (abs len) (cdr (arity +))) ; 536870912 = MAX_ARITY in s7.c
- (cons len len))))))))
- (if (and consumed-values
- (or (> (car consumed-values) (car produced-values))
- (< (cdr consumed-values) (cadr produced-values))))
- (let ((clen ((if (> (car consumed-values) (car produced-values)) car cdr) consumed-values)))
- (lint-format "call-with-values consumer ~A wants ~D value~P, but producer ~A returns ~A"
- caller
- (truncated-list->string consumer)
- clen clen
- (truncated-list->string producer)
- ((if (> (car consumed-values) (car produced-values)) car cadr) produced-values)))))
- (cond ((not (pair? producer)) ; (call-with-values log c)
- (if (and (symbol? producer)
- (not (memq (return-type producer ()) '(#t #f values))))
- (lint-format "~A does not return multiple values" caller producer)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,consumer (,producer))))))
- ((not (eq? (car producer) 'lambda)) ; (call-with-values (eval p env) (eval c env)) -> ((eval c env) ((eval p env)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,consumer (,producer)))))
- ((pair? (cadr producer)) ; (call-with-values (lambda (x) 0) list)
- (lint-format "~A requires too many arguments" caller (truncated-list->string producer)))
- ((symbol? (cadr producer)) ; (call-with-values (lambda x 0) list)
- (lint-format "~A's parameter ~A will always be ()" caller (truncated-list->string producer) (cadr producer)))
- ((and (pair? (cddr producer)) ; (call-with-values (lambda () (read-char p)) cons)
- (null? (cdddr producer))) ; (call-with-values (lambda () (values 1 2 3)) list) -> (list 1 2 3)
- (let ((body (caddr producer)))
- (if (or (code-constant? body)
- (and (pair? body)
- (symbol? (car body))
- (not (memq (return-type (car body) ()) '(#t #f values)))))
- (lint-format "~A does not return multiple values" caller body)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (pair? body)
- (eq? (car body) 'values))
- `(,consumer ,@(cdr body))
- `(,consumer ,body)))))))
- (else (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,consumer (,producer)))))))))
- (hash-special 'call-with-values sp-call/values))
- ;; ---------------- multiple-value-bind ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-mvb caller head form env)
- (when (>= (length form) 4)
- (let ((vars (cadr form))
- (producer (caddr form))
- (body (cdddr form)))
- (if (null? vars)
- (lint-format "this multiple-value-bind is pointless; perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (side-effect? producer env)
- `(begin ,producer ,@body)
- (if (null? (cdr body))
- (car body)
- `(begin ,@body)))))
- (unless (symbol? vars) ; else any number of values is ok
- (let ((vals (mv-range producer env)) ; (multiple-value-bind (a b) (values 1 2 3) b)
- (args (length vars)))
- (if (and (pair? vals)
- (not (<= (car vals) args (cadr vals))))
- (lint-format "multiple-value-bind wants ~D values, but ~A returns ~A"
- caller args
- (truncated-list->string producer)
- ((if (< args (car vals)) car cadr) vals)))
- (if (and (pair? producer) ; (multiple-value-bind (a b) (f) b) -> ((lambda (a b) b) (f))
- (symbol? (car producer))
- (not (memq (return-type (car producer) ()) '(#t #f values))))
- (lint-format "~A does not return multiple values" caller (car producer))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (null? (cdr body))
- (pair? (car body))
- (equal? vars (cdar body))
- (defined? (caar body))
- (equal? (arity (symbol->value (caar body))) (cons args args)))
- `(,(caar body) ,producer)
- `((lambda ,vars ,@body) ,producer)))))))))))
- (hash-special 'multiple-value-bind sp-mvb))
- ;; ---------------- let-values ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-let-values caller head form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cadr form)))
- (if (null? (cdadr form)) ; just one set of vars
- (let ((call (caadr form)))
- (if (and (pair? call)
- (pair? (cdr call)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (let-values (((x) (values 1))) x) -> ((lambda (x) x) (values 1))
- (lists->string form
- `((lambda ,(car call)
- ,@(cddr form))
- ,(cadr call))))))
- (if (every? pair? (cadr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (let-values (((x) (values 1)) ((y) (values 2))) (list x y)) ...
- (lists->string
- form
- `(with-let
- (apply sublet (curlet)
- (list ,@(map (lambda (v)
- `((lambda ,(car v)
- (values ,@(map (lambda (name)
- (values (symbol->keyword name) name))
- (args->proper-list (car v)))))
- ,(cadr v)))
- (cadr form))))
- ,@(cddr form))))))))
- (hash-special 'let-values sp-let-values))
- ;; ---------------- let*-values ----------------
- (hash-special 'let*-values
- (lambda (caller head form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cadr form)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form ; (let*-values (((a) (f x))) (+ a b)) -> (let ((a (f x))) (+ a b))
- (let loop ((var-data (cadr form)))
- (let ((v (car var-data)))
- (if (and (pair? (car v)) ; just one var
- (null? (cdar v)))
- (if (null? (cdr var-data))
- `(let ((,(caar v) ,(cadr v))) ,@(cddr form))
- `(let ((,(caar v) ,(cadr v))) ,(loop (cdr var-data))))
- (if (null? (cdr var-data))
- `((lambda ,(car v) ,@(cddr form)) ,(cadr v))
- `((lambda ,(car v) ,(loop (cdr var-data))) ,(cadr v)))))))))))
- ;; ---------------- define-values ----------------
- (hash-special 'define-values
- (lambda (caller head form env)
- (when (pair? (cdr form))
- (if (null? (cadr form))
- (lint-format "~A is pointless" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (when (pair? (cddr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (define-values (x y) (values 3 2)) -> (varlet (curlet) ((lambda (x y) (curlet)) (values 3 2)))
- (cond ((symbol? (cadr form))
- (lists->string form `(define ,(cadr form) (list ,(caddr form)))))
- ((and (pair? (cadr form))
- (null? (cdadr form)))
- (lists->string form `(define ,(caadr form) ,(caddr form))))
- (else
- (let-temporarily ((target-line-length 120))
- (truncated-lists->string form
- `(varlet (curlet)
- ((lambda ,(cadr form)
- (curlet))
- ,(caddr form)))))))))))))
- ;; ---------------- eval ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-eval caller head form env)
- (case (length form)
- ((2)
- (let ((arg (cadr form)))
- (if (not (pair? arg))
- (if (not (symbol? arg)) ; (eval 32)
- (lint-format "this eval is pointless; perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form arg)))
- (case (car arg)
- ((quote) ; (eval 'x)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (cadr arg))))
- ((string->symbol) ; (eval (string->symbol "x")) -> x
- (if (string? (cadr arg))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (string->symbol (cadr arg))))))
- ((with-input-from-string call-with-input-string)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr arg)) ; (eval (call-with-input-string port read)) -> (eval-string port)
- (pair? (cddr arg))
- (eq? (caddr arg) 'read))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(eval-string ,(cadr arg))))))
- ((read)
- (if (and (= (length arg) 2) ; (eval (read (open-input-string expr))) -> (eval-string expr)
- (pair? (cadr arg))
- (eq? (caadr arg) 'open-input-string))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(eval-string ,(cadadr arg))))))
- ((list)
- (if (every? (lambda (p) ; (eval (list '* 2 x)) -> (* 2 (eval x))
- (or (symbol? p)
- (code-constant? p)))
- (cdr arg))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (map (lambda (p)
- (if (and (pair? p)
- (eq? (car p) 'quote))
- (cadr p)
- (if (code-constant? p)
- p
- (list 'eval p))))
- (cdr arg))))))))))
- ((3)
- (let ((arg (cadr form))
- (e (caddr form)))
- (if (and (pair? arg)
- (eq? (car arg) 'quote))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (eval 'x env) -> (env 'x)
- (lists->string form
- (if (symbol? (cadr arg))
- `(,e ,arg)
- `(with-let ,e ,@(unbegin (cadr arg)))))))))))
- (hash-special 'eval sp-eval))
- ;; ---------------- fill! etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-fill! caller head form env)
- (if (= (length form) 5)
- (check-start-and-end caller head (cdddr form) form env)))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-fill!))
- '(fill! string-fill! list-fill! vector-fill!)))
- ;; ---------------- write-string ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-write-string caller head form env)
- (cond ((= (length form) 4)
- (check-start-and-end caller 'write-string (cddr form) form env))
- ((and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cddr form))
- (pair? (caddr form))
- (eq? (caaddr form) 'current-output-port))
- (lint-format "(current-output-port) is the default port for ~A: ~A" caller head form))
- ((equal? (cadr form) (string #\newline))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(newline ,@(cddr form)))))))
- (hash-special 'write-string sp-write-string))
- ;; ---------------- read-line ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-read-line caller head form env)
- (if (and (= (length form) 3)
- (code-constant? (caddr form))
- (not (boolean? (caddr form)))) ; (read-line in-port 'concat)
- (lint-format "the third argument should be boolean (#f=default, #t=include trailing newline): ~A" caller form)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) 'current-input-port))
- (lint-format "(current-input-port) is the default port for ~A: ~A" caller head form))))
- (hash-special 'read-line sp-read-line))
- ;; ---------------- string-length ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-string-length caller head form env)
- (when (= (length form) 2)
- (if (string? (cadr form)) ; (string-length "asdf") -> 4
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A -> ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form) (string-length (cadr form)))
- (if (and (pair? (cadr form)) ; (string-length (make-string 3)) -> 3
- (eq? (caadr form) 'make-string))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (cadadr form)))))))
- (hash-special 'string-length sp-string-length))
- ;; ---------------- vector-length ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-vector-length caller head form env)
- (when (= (length form) 2)
- (if (vector? (cadr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A -> ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form) (vector-length (cadr form)))
- (let ((arg (cadr form)))
- (if (pair? arg)
- (if (eq? (car arg) 'make-vector) ; (vector-length (make-vector 10)) -> 10
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (cadr arg)))
- (if (memq (car arg) '(copy vector-copy))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form ; (vector-length (vector-copy arr start end)) -> (- end start)
- (if (null? (cddr arg))
- `(vector-length ,(cadr arg))
- (if (eq? (car arg) 'copy)
- `(vector-length ,(caddr arg))
- (let ((start (caddr arg))
- (end (if (null? (cdddr arg))
- `(vector-length ,(cadr arg))
- (cadddr arg))))
- `(- ,end ,start)))))))))))))
- (hash-special 'vector-length sp-vector-length))
- ;; ---------------- dynamic-wind ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-dw caller head form env)
- (when (= (length form) 4)
- (let ((init (cadr form))
- (body (caddr form))
- (end (cadddr form))
- (empty 0))
- ;; (equal? init end) as a mistake doesn't seem to happen
- (when (and (pair? init)
- (eq? (car init) 'lambda))
- (if (not (null? (cadr init)))
- (lint-format "dynamic-wind init function should be a thunk: ~A" caller init))
- (if (pair? (cddr init))
- (let ((last-expr (list-ref init (- (length init) 1))))
- (if (not (pair? last-expr))
- (if (null? (cdddr init))
- (set! empty 1))
- (unless (side-effect? last-expr env)
- (if (null? (cdddr init))
- (set! empty 1)) ; (dynamic-wind (lambda () (s7-version)) (lambda () (list)) (lambda () #f))
- (lint-format "this could be omitted: ~A in ~A" caller last-expr init))))))
- (if (and (pair? body)
- (eq? (car body) 'lambda))
- (if (not (null? (cadr body)))
- (lint-format "dynamic-wind body function should be a thunk: ~A" caller body))
- (set! empty 3)) ; don't try to access body below
- (when (and (pair? end)
- (eq? (car end) 'lambda))
- (if (not (null? (cadr end)))
- (lint-format "dynamic-wind end function should be a thunk: ~A" caller end))
- (if (pair? (cddr end))
- (let ((last-expr (list-ref end (- (length end) 1))))
- (if (not (pair? last-expr))
- (if (null? (cdddr end))
- (set! empty (+ empty 1)))
- (unless (side-effect? last-expr env) ; or if no side-effects in any (also in init)
- (if (null? (cdddr end))
- (set! empty (+ empty 1)))
- (lint-format "this could be omitted: ~A in ~A" caller last-expr end)))
- (if (= empty 2) ; (dynamic-wind (lambda () #f) (lambda () #()) (lambda () #f)) -> #()
- (lint-format "this dynamic-wind is pointless, ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (if (null? (cdddr body)) (caddr body) `(begin ,@(cddr body))))))))))))
- (hash-special 'dynamic-wind sp-dw))
- ;; ---------------- *s7* ----------------
- (hash-special '*s7*
- (let ((s7-fields (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-table-set! h f #t))
- '(print-length safety cpu-time heap-size free-heap-size gc-freed max-string-length max-list-length
- max-vector-length max-vector-dimensions default-hash-table-length initial-string-port-length
- gc-protected-objects file-names rootlet-size c-types stack-top stack-size stacktrace-defaults
- max-stack-size stack catches exits float-format-precision bignum-precision default-rationalize-error
- default-random-state morally-equal-float-epsilon hash-table-float-epsilon undefined-identifier-warnings
- gc-stats symbol-table-locked? c-objects history-size profile-info))
- h)))
- (lambda (caller head form env)
- (if (= (length form) 2)
- (let ((arg (cadr form)))
- (if (and (pair? arg)
- (eq? (car arg) 'quote)
- (symbol? (cadr arg)) ; (*s7* 'vector-print-length)
- (not (hash-table-ref s7-fields (cadr arg))))
- (lint-format "unknown *s7* field: ~A" caller arg)))))))
- ;; ---------------- throw ----------------
- (hash-special 'throw
- (lambda (caller head form env)
- (if (pair? (cdr form))
- (let* ((tag (cadr form))
- (eq (eqf tag env)))
- (if (not (member eq '((eq? eq?) (#t #t))))
- (lint-format "~A tag ~S is unreliable (catch uses eq? to match tags)" caller 'throw tag))))))
- ;; ---------------- make-hash-table ----------------
- (hash-special 'make-hash-table
- (lambda (caller head form env)
- (if (= (length form) 3)
- (let ((func (caddr form)))
- (if (and (symbol? func) ; (make-hash-table eq? symbol-hash)
- (not (memq func '(eq? eqv? equal? morally-equal? char=? char-ci=? string=? string-ci=? =))))
- (lint-format "make-hash-table function, ~A, is not a hash function" caller func))))))
- ;; ---------------- deprecated funcs ----------------
- (let ((deprecated-ops '((global-environment . rootlet)
- (current-environment . curlet)
- (make-procedure-with-setter . dilambda)
- (procedure-with-setter? . dilambda?)
- (make-random-state . random-state))))
- (define (sp-deprecate caller head form env) ; (make-random-state 123 432)
- (lint-format "~A is deprecated; use ~A" caller head (cond ((assq head deprecated-ops) => cdr))))
- (for-each (lambda (op)
- (hash-special (car op) sp-deprecate))
- deprecated-ops))
- ;; ---------------- eq null eqv equal ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-null caller head form env)
- (if (not (var-member head env)) ; (if (null (cdr x)) 0)
- (lint-format "misspelled '~A? in ~A?" caller head form)))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-null))
- '(null eq eqv equal))) ; (null (cdr...))
- ;; ---------------- set-car set-cdr list-set vector-set string-set ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-set caller head form env)
- (if (not (var-member head env)) ; (list-set x 1 y)
- (lint-format "misspelled '~A! in ~A?" caller head form)))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special f sp-set))
- '(set-car set-cdr list-set vector-set string-set)))
- ;; set and sort occur a million times, but aren't interesting
- ;; ---------------- string-index ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-string-index caller head form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cddr form))
- (not (var-member 'string-index env))
- (or (char? (caddr form))
- (let ((sig (arg-signature (caddr form) env)))
- (and (pair? sig)
- (eq? (car sig) 'char?)))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (string-index path #\/) -> (char-position #\/ path)
- (lists->string form `(char-position ,(caddr form) ,(cadr form) ,@(cdddr form))))))
- (hash-special 'string-index sp-string-index))
- ;; ---------------- cons* ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-cons* caller head form env)
- (unless (var-member 'cons env)
- (case (length form)
- ((2) (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (cadr form))))
- ((3) (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form ; cons* x y) -> (cons x y)
- (if (any-null? (caddr form))
- `(list ,(cadr form))
- `(cons ,@(cdr form))))))
- ((4) (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form ; (cons* (symbol->string v) " | " (w)) -> (cons (symbol->string v) (cons " | " (w)))
- (if (any-null? (cadddr form))
- `(list ,(cadr form) ,(caddr form))
- `(cons ,(cadr form) (cons ,@(cddr form))))))))))
- (hash-special 'cons* sp-cons*))
- ;; ---------------- the-environment etc ----------------
- (let ((other-names '((the-environment . curlet)
- (interaction-environment . curlet)
- (system-global-environment . rootlet)
- (user-global-environment . rootlet)
- (user-initial-environment . rootlet)
- (procedure-environment . funclet)
- (environment? . let?)
- (environment-set! . let-set!)
- (environment-ref . let-ref)
- (fluid-let . let-temporarily)
- (unquote-splicing apply values ...)
- (bitwise-and . logand)
- (bitwise-ior . logior)
- (bitwise-xor . logxor)
- (bitwise-not . lognot)
- (bit-and . logand)
- (bit-or . logior)
- (bit-xor . logxor)
- (bit-not . lognot)
- (arithmetic-shift . ash)
- (vector-for-each . for-each)
- (string-for-each . for-each)
- (list-copy . copy)
- (bytevector? . byte-vector?)
- (bytevector . byte-vector)
- (make-bytevector . make-byte-vector)
- (bytevector-u8-ref . byte-vector-ref)
- (bytevector-u8-set! . byte-vector-set!)
- (bytevector-length . length)
- (write-bytevector . write-string)
- (hash-set! . hash-table-set!) ; Guile
- (hash-ref . hash-table-ref)
- (hashq-set! . hash-table-set!)
- (hashq-ref . hash-table-ref)
- (hashv-set! . hash-table-set!)
- (hashv-ref . hash-table-ref)
- (hash-table-get . hash-table-ref) ; Gauche
- (hash-table-put! . hash-table-set!)
- (hash-table-num-entries . hash-table-entries)
- (hashtable? . hash-table?) ; Bigloo
- (hashtable-size . hash-table-entries)
- (hashtable-get . hash-table-ref)
- (hashtable-set! . hash-table-set!)
- (hashtable-put! . hash-table-set!)
- (hash-for-each . for-each)
- (exact-integer? . integer?)
- (truncate-quotient . quotient)
- (truncate-remainder . remainder)
- (floor-remainder . modulo)
- (read-u8 . read-byte)
- (write-u8 . write-byte)
- (write-simple . write)
- (peek-u8 . peek-char)
- (u8-ready? . char-ready?)
- (open-input-bytevector . open-input-string)
- (open-output-bytevector . open-output-string)
- (raise . error)
- (raise-continuable . error))))
- (define (sp-other-names caller head form env)
- (if (not (var-member head env))
- (let ((counts (or (hash-table-ref other-names-counts head) 0)))
- (when (< counts 2)
- (hash-table-set! other-names-counts head (+ counts 1))
- (lint-format "~A is probably ~A in s7" caller head (cdr (assq head other-names)))))))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (hash-special (car f) sp-other-names))
- other-names))
- (hash-special '1+
- (lambda (caller head form env)
- (if (not (var-member '1+ env))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(+ ,(cadr form) 1))))))
- (let ()
- (define (sp-1- caller head form env)
- (if (not (var-member '-1+ env))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(- ,(cadr form) 1)))))
- (hash-special '-1+ sp-1-)
- (hash-special '1- sp-1-))
- ;; ---------------- push! pop! ----------------
- (hash-special 'push!
- (lambda (caller head form env) ; not predefined
- (if (= (length form) 3)
- (set-set (caddr form) caller form env))))
- (hash-special 'pop!
- (lambda (caller head form env) ; also not predefined
- (if (= (length form) 2)
- (set-set (cadr form) caller form env))))
- ;; ---------------- receive ----------------
- (hash-special 'receive
- (lambda (caller head form env) ; this definition comes from Guile
- (if (and (> (length form) 3)
- (not (var-member 'receive env)))
- ((hash-table-ref special-case-table 'call-with-values)
- caller 'call-with-values
- `(call-with-values
- (lambda () ,(caddr form))
- (lambda ,(cadr form) ,@(cdddr form)))
- env))))
- ;; ---------------- and=> ----------------
- (hash-special 'and=>
- (lambda (caller head form env) ; (and=> (ref w k) v) -> (cond ((ref w k) => v) (else #f))
- (when (and (= (length form) 3)
- (not (var-member 'and=> env)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(cond (,(cadr form) => ,(caddr form)) (else #f)))))))
- ;; ---------------- and-let* ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (sp-and-let caller head form env)
- (when (and (> (length form) 2)
- (not (var-member 'and-let* env)))
- (let loop ((bindings (cadr form)))
- (cond ((pair? bindings)
- (if (binding-ok? caller 'and-let* (car bindings) env #f)
- (loop (cdr bindings))))
- ((not (null? bindings))
- (lint-format "~A variable list is not a proper list? ~S" caller 'and-let* bindings))
- ((and (pair? (cadr form)) ; (and-let* ((x (f y))) (abs x)) -> (cond ((f y) => abs))
- (null? (cdadr form))
- (pair? (cddr form)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form ; (and-let* ((x (f y))) (abs x)) -> (cond ((f y) => abs))
- (if (and (null? (cdddr form))
- (pair? (caddr form))
- (pair? (cdaddr form))
- (null? (cddr (caddr form)))
- (eq? (caaadr form) (cadr (caddr form))))
- `(cond (,(cadar (cadr form)) => ,(caaddr form)))
- `(cond (,(cadar (cadr form)) => (lambda (,(caaadr form)) ,@(cddr form))))))))))))
- (hash-special 'and-let* sp-and-let))
- special-case-table))
- ;; end special-case-functions
- ;; ----------------------------------------
- (define (unused-parameter? x) #t)
- (define (unused-set-parameter? x) #t)
- (define (check-args caller head form checkers env max-arity)
- ;; check for obvious argument type problems
- ;; caller = overall caller, head = current caller, checkers = proc or list of procs for checking args
- (define (every-compatible? type1 type2)
- (if (symbol? type1)
- (if (symbol? type2)
- (compatible? type1 type2)
- (and (pair? type2) ; here everything has to match
- (compatible? type1 (car type2))
- (every-compatible? type1 (cdr type2))))
- (and (pair? type1) ; here any match is good
- (or (compatible? (car type1) type2)
- (any-compatible? (cdr type1) type2)))))
- (define (check-checker checker at-end)
- (if (eq? checker 'integer:real?)
- (if at-end 'real? 'integer?)
- (if (eq? checker 'integer:any?)
- (or at-end 'integer?)
- checker)))
- (define (any-checker? types arg)
- (if (and (symbol? types)
- (not (eq? types 'values)))
- ((symbol->value types *e*) arg)
- (and (pair? types)
- (or (any-checker? (car types) arg)
- (any-checker? (cdr types) arg)))))
- (define (report-arg-trouble caller form head arg-number checker arg uop)
- (define (prettify-arg-number argn)
- (if (or (not (= argn 1))
- (pair? (cddr form)))
- (format #f "~D " argn)
- ""))
- (when (and (or arg (not (eq? checker 'output-port?)))
- (not (and (eq? checker 'string?)
- (pair? arg)
- (eq? (car arg) 'format)
- (not (null? (cadr arg))))) ; other case involves a symbol that is an output-port
- (not (and (pair? arg)
- (eq? (car arg) 'length)))) ; same for length
- (let ((op (if (and (eq? checker 'real?)
- (eq? uop 'number?))
- 'complex?
- uop)))
- (if (and (pair? op)
- (member checker op any-compatible?))
- (if (and *report-sloppy-assoc*
- (not (var-member :catch env)))
- (lint-format* caller ; (round (char-position #\a "asb"))
- (string-append "in " (truncated-list->string form) ", ")
- (string-append (symbol->string head) "'s argument " (prettify-arg-number arg-number))
- (string-append "should be " (prettify-checker-unq checker) ", ")
- (string-append "but " (truncated-list->string arg) " might also be "
- (object->string (car (remove-if (lambda (o) (any-compatible? checker o)) op))))))
- (lint-format* caller ; (string-ref (char-position #\a "asb") 1)
- (string-append "in " (truncated-list->string form) ", ")
- (string-append (symbol->string head) "'s argument " (prettify-arg-number arg-number))
- (string-append "should be " (prettify-checker-unq checker) ", ")
- (string-append "but " (truncated-list->string arg) " is " (prettify-checker op)))))))
- (when *report-func-as-arg-arity-mismatch*
- (let ((v (var-member head env)))
- (when (and (var? v)
- (memq (var-ftype v) '(define define* lambda lambda*))
- (zero? (var-set v)) ; perhaps this needs to wait for report-usage?
- (pair? (var-arglist v)))
- (let ((source (var-initial-value v)))
- (when (and (pair? source)
- (pair? (cdr source))
- (pair? (cddr source)))
- (let ((vhead (cddr source))
- (head-arglist (var-arglist v))
- (arg-number 1))
- (when (pair? vhead)
- (for-each
- (lambda (arg)
- ;; only check func if head is var-member and has procedure-source (var-[initial-]value?)
- ;; and arg has known arity, and check only if arg(par) is car, not (for example) cadr of apply
- (let ((ari (if (symbol? arg)
- (arg-arity arg env)
- (and (pair? arg)
- (eq? (car arg) 'lambda)
- (let ((len (length (cadr arg))))
- (and (integer? len)
- (cons (abs len)
- (if (negative? len) 500000 len)))))))
- (par (and (> (length head-arglist) (- arg-number 1))
- (list-ref head-arglist (- arg-number 1)))))
- (when (and (symbol? par)
- (pair? ari)
- (or (> (car ari) 0)
- (< (cdr ari) 20)))
- ;; fwalk below needs to be smart about tree walking so that
- ;; it does not confuse (c) in (lambda (c)...) with a call on the function c.
- ;; check only if current parameter name is not shadowed
- (let fwalk ((sym par) (tree vhead))
- (when (pair? tree)
- (if (eq? (car tree) sym)
- (let ((args (- (length tree) 1)))
- (if (> (car ari) args)
- (lint-format "~A's parameter ~A is passed ~A and called ~A, but ~A needs ~A argument~P" caller
- head par
- (truncated-list->string arg)
- (truncated-list->string tree)
- (truncated-list->string arg)
- (car ari) (car ari))
- (if (> args (cdr ari))
- (lint-format "~A's parameter ~A is passed ~A and called ~A, but ~A takes only ~A argument~P" caller
- head par
- (truncated-list->string arg)
- (truncated-list->string tree)
- (truncated-list->string arg)
- (cdr ari) (cdr ari)))))
- (case (car tree)
- ((let let*)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree)))
- (let ((vs ((if (symbol? (cadr tree)) caddr cadr) tree)))
- (if (not (any? (lambda (a) (or (not (pair? a)) (eq? sym (car a)))) vs))
- (fwalk sym ((if (symbol? (cadr tree)) cdddr cddr) tree))))))
- ((do letrec letrec*)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree))
- (not (any? (lambda (a) (or (not (pair? a)) (eq? sym (car a)))) (cadr tree))))
- (fwalk sym (cddr tree))))
- ((lambda lambda*)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree))
- (not (any? (lambda (a) (eq? sym a)) (args->proper-list (cadr tree)))))
- (fwalk sym (cddr tree))))
- ((define define-constant)
- (if (and (not (eq? sym (cadr tree)))
- (pair? (cadr tree))
- (not (any? (lambda (a) (eq? sym a)) (args->proper-list (cdadr tree)))))
- (fwalk sym (cddr tree))))
- ((define* define-macro define-macro* define-expansion define-bacro define-bacro*)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree))
- (not (any? (lambda (a) (eq? sym a)) (args->proper-list (cdadr tree)))))
- (fwalk sym (cddr tree))))
- ((quote) #f)
- ((case)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree)))
- (for-each (lambda (c) (fwalk sym (cdr c))) (cddr tree))))
- (else
- (if (pair? (car tree))
- (fwalk sym (car tree)))
- (if (pair? (cdr tree))
- (for-each (lambda (p) (fwalk sym p)) (cdr tree))))))))))
- (set! arg-number (+ arg-number 1)))
- (cdr form)))))))))
- (when (pair? checkers)
- (let ((arg-number 1)
- (flen (- (length form) 1)))
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (done)
- (for-each
- (lambda (arg)
- (let ((checker (check-checker (if (pair? checkers) (car checkers) checkers) (= arg-number flen))))
- ;; check-checker only fixes up :at-end cases
- (define (check-arg expr)
- (unless (symbol? expr)
- (let ((op (->lint-type expr)))
- (if (not (or (memq op '(#f #t values))
- (every-compatible? checker op)))
- (report-arg-trouble caller form head arg-number checker expr op)))))
- (define (check-cond-arg expr)
- (unless (symbol? expr)
- (let ((op (->lint-type expr)))
- (when (pair? op)
- (set! op (remove 'boolean? op)) ; this is for cond test, no result -- returns test if not #f, so it can't be #f!
- (if (null? (cdr op))
- (set! op (car op))))
- (if (not (or (memq op '(#f #t values))
- (every-compatible? checker op)))
- (report-arg-trouble caller form head arg-number checker expr op)))))
- ;; special case checker?
- (if (and (symbol? checker)
- (not (memq checker '(unused-parameter? unused-set-parameter?)))
- (not (hash-table-ref built-in-functions checker)))
- (let ((chk (symbol->value checker)))
- (if (and (procedure? chk)
- (equal? (arity chk) '(2 . 2)))
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (let ((res (chk form arg-number)))
- (set! checker #t)
- (if (symbol? res)
- (set! checker res)
- (if (string? res)
- (lint-format "~A's argument, ~A, should be ~A" caller head arg res)))))
- (lambda (type info)
- (set! checker #t))))))
- (if (and (pair? arg)
- (pair? (car arg)))
- (let ((rtn (return-type (caar arg) env)))
- (if (memq rtn '(boolean? real? integer? rational? number? complex? float? keyword? symbol? null? char?))
- (lint-format* caller ; (cons ((pair? x) 2) y)
- (string-append (symbol->string head) "'s argument ")
- (string-append (truncated-list->string arg) " looks odd: ")
- (string-append (object->string (caar arg)) " returns " (symbol->string rtn))
- " which is not applicable"))))
- (when (or (pair? checker)
- (symbol? checker)) ; otherwise ignore type check on this argument (#t -> anything goes)
- (if arg
- (if (eq? checker 'unused-parameter?)
- (lint-format* caller ; (define (f5 a . b) a) (f5 1 2)
- (string-append (symbol->string head) "'s parameter " (number->string arg-number))
- " is not used, but a value is passed: "
- (truncated-list->string arg))
- (if (eq? checker 'unused-set-parameter?)
- (lint-format* caller ; (define (f21 x y) (set! x 3) (+ y 1)) (f21 (+ z 1) z)
- (string-append (symbol->string head) "'s parameter " (number->string arg-number))
- "'s value is not used, but a value is passed: "
- (truncated-list->string arg)))))
- (if (not (pair? arg))
- (let ((val (cond ((not (symbol? arg))
- arg)
- ((constant? arg)
- (symbol->value arg))
- ((and (hash-table-ref built-in-functions arg)
- (not (var-member :with-let env))
- (not (var-member arg env)))
- (symbol->value arg *e*))
- (else arg))))
- (if (not (or (and (symbol? val)
- (not (keyword? val)))
- (any-checker? checker val)))
- (let ((op (->lint-type val)))
- (unless (memq op '(#f #t values))
- (report-arg-trouble caller form head arg-number checker arg op)))))
- (case (car arg)
- ((quote) ; '1 -> 1
- (let ((op (if (pair? (cadr arg)) 'list?
- (if (symbol? (cadr arg))
- 'symbol?
- (->lint-type (cadr arg))))))
- ;; arg is quoted expression
- (if (not (or (memq op '(#f #t values))
- (every-compatible? checker op)))
- (report-arg-trouble caller form head arg-number checker arg op))))
- ;; arg is an expression
- ((begin let let* letrec letrec* with-let)
- (check-arg (and (pair? (cdr arg))
- (list-ref arg (- (length arg) 1)))))
- ((if)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr arg))
- (pair? (cddr arg)))
- (let ((t (caddr arg))
- (f (if (pair? (cdddr arg)) (cadddr arg))))
- (check-arg t)
- (when (and f (not (symbol? f)))
- (check-arg f)))))
- ((dynamic-wind catch)
- (if (= (length arg) 4)
- (let ((f (caddr arg)))
- (if (and (pair? f)
- (eq? (car f) 'lambda))
- (let ((len (length f)))
- (if (> len 2)
- (check-arg (list-ref f (- len 1)))))))))
- ((do)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr arg))
- (pair? (cddr arg)))
- (let ((end+res (caddr arg)))
- (check-arg (if (pair? (cdr end+res))
- (list-ref end+res (- (length end+res) 1))
- ())))))
- ((case)
- (for-each
- (lambda (clause)
- (if (and (pair? clause)
- (pair? (cdr clause))
- (not (eq? (cadr clause) '=>)))
- (check-arg (list-ref clause (- (length clause) 1)))))
- (cddr arg)))
- ((cond)
- (for-each
- (lambda (clause)
- (if (pair? clause)
- (if (pair? (cdr clause))
- (if (not (eq? (cadr clause) '=>))
- (check-arg (list-ref clause (- (length clause) 1))))
- (check-cond-arg (car clause)))))
- (cdr arg)))
- ((call/cc call-with-exit call-with-current-continuation)
- ;; find func in body (as car of list), check its arg as return value
- (when (and (pair? (cdr arg))
- (pair? (cadr arg))
- (eq? (caadr arg) 'lambda))
- (let ((f (cdadr arg)))
- (when (and (pair? f)
- (pair? (car f))
- (symbol? (caar f))
- (null? (cdar f)))
- (define c-walk
- (let ((rtn (caar f)))
- (lambda (tree)
- (if (pair? tree)
- (if (eq? (car tree) rtn)
- (check-arg (if (null? (cdr tree)) () (cadr tree)))
- (begin
- (c-walk (car tree))
- (for-each (lambda (x) (if (pair? x) (c-walk x))) (cdr tree))))))))
- (for-each c-walk (cdr f))))))
- ((values)
- (cond ((not (positive? (length arg))))
- ((null? (cdr arg)) ; #<unspecified>
- (if (not (any-checker? checker #<unspecified>))
- (report-arg-trouble caller form head arg-number checker arg 'unspecified?)))
- ((null? (cddr arg))
- (check-arg (cadr arg)))
- (else
- (for-each
- (lambda (expr rest)
- (check-arg expr)
- (set! arg-number (+ arg-number 1))
- (if (> arg-number max-arity) (done))
- (if (list? checkers)
- (if (null? (cdr checkers))
- (done)
- (set! checkers (cdr checkers)))))
- (cdr arg) (cddr arg))
- (check-arg (list-ref arg (- (length arg) 1))))))
- (else
- (let ((op (return-type (car arg) env)))
- (let ((v (var-member (car arg) env)))
- (if (and (var? v)
- (not (memq form (var-history v))))
- (set! (var-history v) (cons form (var-history v)))))
- ;; checker is arg-type, op is expression type (can also be a pair)
- (if (and (not (memq op '(#f #t values)))
- (not (memq checker '(unused-parameter? unused-set-parameter?)))
- (or (not (every-compatible? checker op))
- (and (just-constants? arg env) ; try to eval the arg
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (not (any-checker? checker (eval arg))))
- (lambda ignore-catch-error-args
- #f)))))
- (report-arg-trouble caller form head arg-number checker arg op)))))))
- (if (list? checkers)
- (if (null? (cdr checkers))
- (done)
- (set! checkers (cdr checkers)))
- (if (memq checker '(unused-parameter? unused-set-parameter?))
- (set! checker #t)))
- (set! arg-number (+ arg-number 1))
- (if (> arg-number max-arity) (done))))
- (cdr form)))))))
- (define check-unordered-exprs
- (let ((changers (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each (lambda (s)
- (hash-table-set! h s #t))
- '(set!
- read read-byte read-char read-line read-string
- write write-byte write-char write-string format display newline
- reverse! set-cdr! sort! string-fill! vector-fill! fill!
- emergency-exit exit error throw))
- h)))
- (lambda (caller form vals env)
- (define (report-trouble)
- (lint-format* caller ; (let ((x (read-byte)) (y (read-byte))) (- x y))
- (string-append "order of evaluation of " (object->string (car form)) "'s ")
- (string-append (if (memq (car form) '(let letrec do)) "bindings" "arguments") " is unspecified, ")
- (string-append "so " (truncated-list->string form) " is trouble")))
- (let ((reads ())
- (writes ())
- (jumps ()))
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (when (and (pair? p)
- (not (var-member (car p) env))
- (hash-table-ref changers (car p)))
- (if (pair? jumps)
- (return (report-trouble)))
- (case (car p)
- ((read read-char read-line read-byte)
- (if (null? (cdr p))
- (if (memq () reads)
- (return (report-trouble))
- (set! reads (cons () reads)))
- (if (memq (cadr p) reads)
- (return (report-trouble))
- (set! reads (cons (cadr p) reads)))))
- ((read-string)
- (if (or (null? (cdr p))
- (null? (cddr p)))
- (if (memq () reads)
- (return (report-trouble))
- (set! reads (cons () reads)))
- (if (memq (caddr p) reads)
- (return (report-trouble))
- (set! reads (cons (caddr p) reads)))))
- ((display write write-char write-string write-byte)
- (if (null? (cddr p))
- (if (memq () writes)
- (return (report-trouble))
- (set! writes (cons () writes)))
- (if (memq (caddr p) writes)
- (return (report-trouble))
- (set! writes (cons (caddr p) writes)))))
- ((newline)
- (if (null? (cdr p))
- (if (memq () writes)
- (return (report-trouble))
- (set! writes (cons () writes)))
- (if (memq (cadr p) writes)
- (return (report-trouble))
- (set! writes (cons (cadr p) writes)))))
- ((format)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr p))
- (not (string? (cadr p)))
- (cadr p)) ; i.e. not #f
- (if (memq (cadr p) writes)
- (return (report-trouble))
- (set! writes (cons (cadr p) writes)))))
- ((fill! string-fill! vector-fill! reverse! sort! set! set-cdr!)
- ;; here there's trouble if cadr used anywhere -- but we need to check for shadowing
- (if (any? (lambda (np)
- (and (not (eq? np p))
- (tree-memq (cadr p) np)))
- vals)
- (return (report-trouble))))
- ((throw error exit emergency-exit)
- (if (or (pair? reads) ; jumps already checked above
- (pair? writes))
- (return (report-trouble))
- (set! jumps (cons p jumps)))))))
- vals)))))))
- (define check-call
- (let ((repeated-args-table (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (set! (h op) #t))
- '(= / max min < > <= >= - quotient remainder modulo rationalize and or
- string=? string<=? string>=? string<? string>? string-ci=? string-ci<=? string-ci>=? string-ci<? string-ci>?
- char=? char<=? char>=? char<? char>? char-ci=? char-ci<=? char-ci>=? char-ci<? char-ci>?
- boolean=? symbol=?))
- h))
- (repeated-args-table-2 (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (set! (h op) #t))
- '(= max min < > <= >= and or
- string=? string<=? string>=? string<? string>? string-ci=? string-ci<=? string-ci>=? string-ci<? string-ci>?
- char=? char<=? char>=? char<? char>? char-ci=? char-ci<=? char-ci>=? char-ci<? char-ci>?
- boolean=? symbol=?))
- h)))
- (lambda (caller head form env)
- (let ((data (var-member head env)))
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cddr form))
- (any-procedure? head env))
- (check-unordered-exprs caller form (cdr form) env))
- (if (var? data)
- (let ((fdata (cdr data)))
- ;; a local var
- (when (symbol? (fdata 'ftype))
- (let ((args (fdata 'arglist))
- (ary (and (not (eq? (fdata 'decl) 'error))
- (arity (fdata 'decl))))
- (sig (var-signature data)))
- (when (pair? ary)
- (let ((req (car ary))
- (opt (cdr ary))
- (pargs (if (pair? args)
- (proper-list args)
- (if (symbol? args)
- (list args)
- ()))))
- (let ((call-args (- (length form) 1)))
- (if (< call-args req)
- (begin
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (if (pair? p)
- (let ((v (var-member (car p) env)))
- (if (var? v)
- (let ((vals (let-ref (cdr v) 'values)))
- (if (pair? vals)
- (set! call-args (+ call-args -1 (cadr vals)))))))))
- (cdr form))
- (if (not (or (>= call-args req)
- (tree-memq 'values (cdr form))
- (tree-memq 'dilambda (fdata 'initial-value))))
- (lint-format "~A needs ~D argument~A: ~A"
- caller head
- req (if (> req 1) "s" "")
- (truncated-list->string form))))
- (if (> (- call-args (keywords (cdr form))) opt) ; multiple-values can make this worse, (values)=nothing doesn't apply here
- (lint-format "~A has too many arguments: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string form)))))
- (unless (fdata 'allow-other-keys)
- (let ((last-was-key #f)
- (have-keys 0)
- (warned #f)
- (rest (if (and (pair? form) (pair? (cdr form))) (cddr form) ())))
- (for-each
- (lambda (arg)
- (if (and (keyword? arg)
- (not last-was-key)) ; keyarg might have key value
- (begin
- (set! have-keys (+ have-keys 1))
- (if (not (member (keyword->symbol arg) pargs
- (lambda (a b)
- (eq? a (if (pair? b) (car b) b)))))
- (lint-format "~A keyword argument ~A (in ~A) does not match any argument in ~S" caller
- head arg (truncated-list->string form) pargs))
- (if (memq arg rest)
- (lint-format "~W is repeated in ~A" caller arg (cdr form)))
- (set! last-was-key #t))
- (begin
- (when (and (positive? have-keys)
- (not last-was-key)
- (not warned))
- (set! warned #t)
- (lint-format "non-keyword argument ~A follows previous keyword~P" caller arg have-keys))
- (set! last-was-key #f)))
- (if (pair? rest)
- (set! rest (cdr rest))))
- (cdr form))))
- (check-args caller head form (if (pair? sig) (cdr sig) ()) env opt)
- ;; for a complete var-history, we could run through the args here even if no type info
- ;; also if var passed to macro -- what to do?
- ;; look for problematic macro expansion
- (when (memq (fdata 'ftype) '(define-macro define-macro* defmacro defmacro*))
- (unless (list? (fdata 'macro-ops))
- (let ((syms (list () ())))
- (tree-symbol-walk ((if (memq (fdata 'ftype) '(define-macro define-macro*))
- cddr cdddr)
- (fdata 'initial-value))
- syms)
- (varlet fdata 'macro-locals (car syms) 'macro-ops (cadr syms))))
- (when (or (pair? (fdata 'macro-locals))
- (pair? (fdata 'macro-ops)))
- (let ((bad-locals ())
- (bad-quoted-locals ()))
- (for-each
- (lambda (local)
- (if (tree-unquoted-member local (cdr form))
- (set! bad-locals (cons local bad-locals))))
- (fdata 'macro-locals))
- (when (null? bad-locals)
- (for-each
- (lambda (local)
- (if (tree-member local (cdr form))
- (set! bad-quoted-locals (cons local bad-quoted-locals))))
- (fdata 'macro-locals)))
- (let ((bad-ops ()))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (let ((curf (var-member op env))
- (oldf (var-member op (fdata 'env))))
- (if (and (not (eq? curf oldf))
- (or (pair? (fdata 'env))
- (defined? op (rootlet))))
- (set! bad-ops (cons op bad-ops)))))
- (fdata 'macro-ops))
- (when (or (pair? bad-locals)
- (pair? bad-quoted-locals)
- ;; (define-macro (mac8 b) `(let ((a 12)) (+ (symbol->value ,b) a)))
- ;; (let ((a 1)) (mac8 'a))
- ;; far-fetched!
- (pair? bad-ops))
- (lint-format "possible problematic macro expansion:~% ~A ~A collide with subsequently defined ~A~A~A"
- caller
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (if (or (pair? bad-locals)
- (pair? bad-ops))
- "may"
- "could conceivably")
- (if (pair? bad-locals)
- (format #f "~{'~A~^, ~}" bad-locals)
- (if (pair? bad-quoted-locals)
- (format #f "~{'~A~^, ~}" bad-quoted-locals)
- ""))
- (if (and (pair? bad-locals) (pair? bad-ops)) ", " "")
- (if (pair? bad-ops)
- (format #f "~{~A~^, ~}" bad-ops)
- "")))))))
- )))))
- ;; not local var
- (when (symbol? head)
- (let ((head-value (symbol->value head *e*))) ; head might be "arity"!
- (when (or (procedure? head-value)
- (macro? head-value))
- ;; check arg number
- (let ((ary (arity head-value)))
- (let ((args (- (length form) 1))
- (min-arity (car ary))
- (max-arity (cdr ary)))
- (if (< args min-arity)
- (lint-format "~A needs ~A~D argument~A: ~A"
- caller head
- (if (= min-arity max-arity) "" "at least ")
- min-arity
- (if (> min-arity 1) "s" "")
- (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (and (not (procedure-setter head-value))
- (> (- args (keywords (cdr form))) max-arity))
- (lint-format "~A has too many arguments: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string form))))
- (when (and (procedure? head-value)
- (pair? (cdr form))) ; there are args (the not-enough-args case is checked above)
- (if (zero? max-arity)
- (lint-format "too many arguments: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (begin
- (for-each (lambda (arg)
- (if (pair? arg)
- (if (negative? (length arg))
- (lint-format "missing quote? ~A in ~A" caller arg form)
- (if (eq? (car arg) 'unquote)
- (lint-format "stray comma? ~A in ~A" caller arg form)))))
- (cdr form))
- ;; if keywords, check that they are acceptable
- ;; this only applies to lambda*'s that have been previously loaded (lint doesn't create them)
- (let ((source (procedure-source head-value)))
- (if (and (pair? source)
- (eq? (car source) 'lambda*))
- (let ((decls (cadr source)))
- (if (not (memq :allow-other-keys decls))
- (for-each
- (lambda (arg)
- (if (and (keyword? arg)
- (not (eq? arg :rest))
- (not (member arg decls
- (lambda (a b)
- (eq? (keyword->symbol a) (if (pair? b) (car b) b))))))
- (lint-format "~A keyword argument ~A (in ~A) does not match any argument in ~S" caller
- head arg (truncated-list->string form) decls)))
- (cdr form))))))
- ;; we've already checked for head in the current env above
- (if (and (or (memq head '(eq? eqv?))
- (and (= (length form) 3)
- (hash-table-ref repeated-args-table head)))
- (repeated-member? (cdr form) env))
- (lint-format "this looks odd: ~A"
- caller
- ;; sigh (= a a) could be used to check for non-finite numbers, I suppose,
- ;; and (/ 0 0) might be deliberate (as in gmp)
- ;; also (min (random x) (random x)) is not pointless
- (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (and (hash-table-ref repeated-args-table-2 head)
- (repeated-member? (cdr form) env))
- (lint-format "it looks odd to have repeated arguments in ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- (when (memq head '(eq? eqv?))
- (define (repeated-member-with-not? lst env)
- (and (pair? lst)
- (let ((this-repeats (and (not (and (pair? (car lst))
- (side-effect? (car lst) env)))
- (or (member (list 'not (car lst)) (cdr lst))
- (and (pair? (car lst))
- (eq? (caar lst) 'not)
- (= (length (car lst)) 2)
- (member (cadar lst) (cdr lst)))))))
- (or this-repeats
- (repeated-member-with-not? (cdr lst) env)))))
- (if (repeated-member-with-not? (cdr form) env)
- (lint-format "this looks odd: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- ;; now try to check arg types
- (let ((arg-data (cond ((procedure-signature (symbol->value head *e*)) => cdr) (else #f))))
- (if (pair? arg-data)
- (check-args caller head form arg-data env max-arity))
- ))))))))))))))
- (define (indirect-set? vname func arg1)
- (case func
- ((set-car! set-cdr! vector-set! list-set! string-set!)
- (eq? arg1 vname))
- ((set!)
- (and (pair? arg1)
- (eq? (car arg1) vname)))
- (else #f)))
- (define (env-difference name e1 e2 lst)
- (if (or (null? e1)
- (null? e2)
- (eq? (car e1) (car e2)))
- (reverse lst)
- (env-difference name (cdr e1) e2
- (if (eq? name (var-name (car e1)))
- lst
- (cons (car e1) lst)))))
- (define report-usage
- (let ((unwrap-cxr (hash-table '(caar car) '(cadr cdr) '(cddr cdr) '(cdar car)
- '(caaar caar car) '(caadr cadr cdr) '(caddr cddr cdr) '(cdddr cddr cdr)
- '(cdaar caar car) '(cddar cdar car) '(cadar cadr car) '(cdadr cadr cdr)
- '(cadddr cdddr cddr cdr) '(cddddr cdddr cddr cdr) '(caaaar caaar caar car) '(caaadr caadr cadr cdr)
- '(caadar cadar cdar car) '(caaddr caddr cddr cdr) '(cadaar cdaar caar car) '(cadadr cdadr cadr cdr)
- '(caddar cddar cdar car) '(cdaaar caaar caar car) '(cdaadr caadr cadr cdr) '(cdadar cadar cdar car)
- '(cdaddr caddr cddr cdr) '(cddaar cdaar caar car) '(cddadr cdadr cadr cdr) '(cdddar cddar cdar car))))
- (lambda (caller head vars env)
- ;; report unused or set-but-unreferenced variables, then look at the overall history
- ;; vars used before defined are kind of a mess -- history has #f for the (unknown) enclosing form
- ;; and any definition wipes out the accumulated pre-def uses -- this should be by closed-body and
- ;; ignore local defines (i.e. really only define[x] propagates backwards) -- changing this is
- ;; tricky (fools current unused func arg + value message for example).
- (define (all-types-agree v)
- (let ((base-type (->lint-type (var-initial-value v)))
- (vname (var-name v)))
- (let ((typef (lambda (p)
- (or (not (and (pair? p)
- (eq? (car p) 'set!)
- (eq? vname (cadr p))))
- (let ((nt (->lint-type (caddr p))))
- (or (subsumes? base-type nt)
- (and (subsumes? nt base-type)
- (set! base-type nt))
- (and (memq nt '(pair? null? proper-list?))
- (memq base-type '(pair? null? proper-list?))
- (set! base-type 'list?))))))))
- (and (every? typef (var-history v))
- base-type))))
- (when (and (not (eq? head 'begin)) ; begin can redefine = set a variable
- (pair? vars)
- (proper-list? vars))
- (do ((cur vars (cdr cur))
- (rst (cdr vars) (cdr rst)))
- ((null? rst))
- (let ((vn (var-name (car cur))))
- (if (not (memq vn '(:lambda :dilambda)))
- (let ((repeat (var-member vn rst)))
- (when repeat
- (let ((type (if (eq? (var-definer repeat) 'parameter) 'parameter 'variable)))
- (if (eq? (var-definer (car cur)) 'define)
- (lint-format "~A ~A ~A is redefined ~A" caller head type vn
- (if (equal? head "")
- (if (not (tree-memq vn (var-initial-value (car cur))))
- "at the top level."
- (format #f "at the top level. Perhaps use set! instead: ~A"
- (truncated-list->string `(set! ,vn ,(var-initial-value (car cur))))))
- (format #f "in the ~A body. Perhaps use set! instead: ~A"
- head (truncated-list->string `(set! ,vn ,(var-initial-value (car cur)))))))
- (lint-format "~A ~A ~A is declared twice" caller head type vn)))))))))
- (let ((old-line-number line-number)
- (outer-form (cond ((var-member :let env) => var-initial-value) (else #f))))
- (for-each
- (lambda (local-var)
- (let ((vname (var-name local-var))
- (otype (if (eq? (var-definer local-var) 'parameter) 'parameter 'variable)))
- ;; (let ((x 0)...) ... (set! x 1)...) -> move the set! value to let init value
- ;; car body as set! is handled in let-walker etc
- (when (and (pair? outer-form)
- (positive? (var-set local-var))
- (memq (car outer-form) '(let let*))
- (list? (cadr outer-form))
- (not (side-effect? (var-initial-value local-var) env)))
- (let ((nxt (let ((len (length (var-history local-var))))
- (and (> len 1)
- (list-ref (var-history local-var) (- len 2))))))
- (when (and (pair? nxt)
- (eq? (car nxt) 'set!)
- (eq? (cadr nxt) vname)
- (code-constant? (caddr nxt)) ; so vname is not involved etc
- (not (tree-memq vname (caddr outer-form))) ; not redundant with next -- need to exclude this case
- (let ((f (member vname (cdddr outer-form) tree-memq)))
- (and (pair? f)
- (eq? (car f) nxt))))
- (lint-format "perhaps change ~A's initial value to ~A, and remove ~A in ~A" caller
- vname (caddr nxt) nxt (truncated-list->string outer-form)))))
- ;; if's possible for an unused function to have ref=1, null cdr history, but it appears to
- ;; always involve curlet exports and the like.
- ;; do all refs to an unset var go through the same function (at some level)
- (when (and (zero? (var-set local-var))
- (> (var-ref local-var) 1))
- (let ((hist (var-history local-var)))
- (when (and (pair? hist)
- (pair? outer-form) ; if outer-form is #f, local-var is probably a top-level var
- (not (and (memq (car outer-form) '(let let*)) ; not a named-let parameter
- (symbol? (cadr outer-form)))))
- (let ((first (car hist))) ; all but the initial binding have to match this
- (when (pair? first)
- (let ((op (car first)))
- (when (and (symbol? op)
- (not (eq? op 'unquote))
- (not (hash-table-ref makers op))
- (not (eq? vname op)) ; not a function (this kind if repetition is handled elsewhere)
- (pair? (cdr hist))
- (pair? (cddr hist))
- (pair? (cdr first))
- (not (side-effect? first env))
- (every? (lambda (a)
- (or (eq? a vname)
- (code-constant? a)))
- (cdr first))
- (or (code-constant? (var-initial-value local-var))
- (= (tree-count1 vname first 0) 1))
- (every? (lambda (a)
- (and (pair? a)
- (or (equal? first a)
- (and (eq? (hash-table-ref reversibles (car first)) (car a))
- (equal? (cdr first) (reverse (cdr a))))
- (set! op (match-cxr op (car a))))))
- (if (eq? otype 'parameter)
- (cdr hist)
- (copy (cdr hist) (make-list (- (length hist) 2))))))
- (let* ((new-op (or op (car first)))
- (set-target (let walker ((tree outer-form)) ; check for new-op dilambda as target of set!
- (and (pair? tree)
- (or (and (eq? (car tree) 'set!)
- (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cadr tree))
- (eq? (caadr tree) new-op))
- (walker (car tree))
- (walker (cdr tree)))))))
- (unless set-target
- (if (eq? otype 'parameter)
- (if (> (var-ref local-var) 2)
- (lint-format "parameter ~A is always accessed (~A times) via ~S" caller
- vname (var-ref local-var) `(,new-op ,@(cdr first))))
- (lint-format* caller
- (symbol->string vname)
- " is not set, and is always accessed via "
- (object->string `(,new-op ,@(cdr first)))
- " so its binding could probably be "
- ;; "probably" here because the accesses could have hidden protective assumptions
- ;; i.e. full accessor is not valid at point of let binding
- (object->string `(,vname (,new-op ,@(tree-subst (var-initial-value local-var) vname (cdr first)))))
- " in "
- (truncated-list->string outer-form))))))))))))
- ;; translate to dilambda fixing arg if necessary and mention generic set!
- (let ((init (var-initial-value local-var)))
- (when (and (pair? init)
- (eq? (car init) 'define)
- (pair? (cadr init)))
- (let* ((vstr (symbol->string vname))
- (len (length vstr)))
- (when (> len 4)
- (let ((setv #f)
- (newv #f))
- (if (string=? (substring vstr 0 4) "get-")
- (let ((sv (symbol "set-" (substring vstr 4))))
- (set! setv (or (var-member sv vars)
- (var-member sv env)))
- (set! newv (string->symbol (substring vstr 4))))
- (if (string=? (substring vstr (- len 4)) "-ref")
- (let ((sv (symbol (substring vstr 0 (- len 4)) "-set!")))
- (set! setv (or (var-member sv vars)
- (var-member sv env)))
- (set! newv (string->symbol (substring vstr 0 (- len 4)))))
- (let ((pos (string-position "-get-" vstr)))
- (when pos ; this doesn't happen very often, others: Get-, -ref-, -set!- are very rare
- (let ((sv (let ((s (copy vstr))) (set! (s (+ pos 1)) #\s) (string->symbol s))))
- (set! setv (or (var-member sv vars)
- (var-member sv env)))
- (set! newv (symbol (substring vstr 0 pos)
- (substring vstr (+ pos 4))))))))) ; +4 to include #\-
- (when (and setv
- (not (var-member newv vars))
- (not (var-member newv env)))
- (let ((getter init)
- (setter (var-initial-value setv)))
- (when (and (pair? setter)
- (eq? (car setter) 'define)
- (pair? (cadr setter)))
- (let ((getargs (cdadr getter))
- (setargs (cdadr setter)))
- (unless (null? setargs)
- (if (or (eq? newv getargs)
- (and (pair? getargs)
- (memq newv getargs)))
- (let ((unique (find-unique-name getter newv)))
- (set! getter (tree-subst unique newv getter))
- (set! getargs (cdadr getter))))
- (if (or (eq? newv setargs)
- (and (pair? setargs)
- (memq newv setargs)))
- (let ((unique (find-unique-name setter newv)))
- (set! setter (tree-subst unique newv setter))
- (set! setargs (cdadr setter))))
- (let ((getdots (if (null? getargs) "" " ..."))
- (setdots (if (or (not (pair? setargs)) (null? (cdr setargs))) "" " ..."))
- (setvalue (and (proper-list? setargs)
- (list-ref setargs (- (length setargs) 1)))))
- (if setvalue
- (format outport "~NC~A: perhaps use dilambda and generalized set! for ~A and ~A:~%~
- ~NCreplace (~A~A) with (~A~A) and (~A~A ~A) with (set! (~A~A) ~A)~%~
- ~NC~A~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- caller
- vname (var-name setv)
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- vname getdots newv getdots
- (var-name setv) setdots setvalue
- newv setdots setvalue
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (lint-pp `(define ,newv (dilambda
- (lambda ,getargs ,@(cddr getter))
- (lambda ,setargs ,@(cddr setter))))))))))))))))))
- ;; bad variable names
- (cond ((hash-table-ref syntaces vname)
- (lint-format "~A ~A named ~A is asking for trouble" caller head otype vname))
- ((eq? vname 'l)
- (lint-format "\"l\" is a really bad variable name" caller))
- ((and *report-built-in-functions-used-as-variables*
- (hash-table-ref built-in-functions vname))
- (lint-format "~A ~A named ~A is asking for trouble" caller
- (if (and (pair? (var-scope local-var))
- (null? (cdr (var-scope local-var)))
- (symbol? (car (var-scope local-var))))
- (car (var-scope local-var))
- head)
- otype vname))
- (else (check-for-bad-variable-name caller vname)))
- (unless (memq vname '(:lambda :dilambda))
- (if (and (eq? otype 'variable)
- (or *report-unused-top-level-functions*
- (not (eq? caller top-level:))))
- (let ((scope (var-scope local-var))) ; might be #<undefined>?
- (if (pair? scope) (set! scope (remove vname scope)))
- (when (and (pair? scope)
- (null? (cdr scope))
- (symbol? (car scope))
- (not (var-member (car scope) (let search ((e env))
- (if (null? e)
- env
- (if (eq? (caar e) vname)
- e
- (search (cdr e))))))))
- (format outport "~NC~A~A is ~A only in ~A~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (if (eq? caller top-level:)
- "top-level: "
- "")
- vname
- (if (memq (var-ftype local-var) '(define lambda define* lambda*)) "called" "used")
- (car scope)))))
- (if (and (eq? (var-ftype local-var) 'define-expansion)
- (not (eq? caller top-level:)))
- (format outport "~NCdefine-expansion for ~A is not at the top-level, so it is ignored~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- vname))
- ;; look for port opened but not closed
- ;; (let ((p (open-output-file str))) (display 32 p) x)
- (when (and (pair? outer-form)
- (not (tree-memq vname (list-ref outer-form (- (length outer-form) 1))))) ; vname never returned from outer-form??
- (let ((hist (var-history local-var))
- (open-set '(open-input-string open-input-file open-output-string open-output-file))
- (open-form #f))
- (when (and (any? (lambda (tree)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (or (and (memq (car tree) open-set)
- (pair? (cdr tree))
- (not (memq vname (cdr tree))))
- (and (eq? (car tree) 'set!)
- (pair? (cdr tree))
- (eq? (cadr tree) vname)
- (pair? (cddr tree))
- (pair? (caddr tree))
- (memq (caaddr tree) open-set)))
- (set! open-form tree)))
- hist)
- (not (tree-set-member '(close-input-port close-output-port close-port close current-output-port current-input-port) hist)))
- (lint-format "in ~A~% perhaps ~A is opened via ~A, but never closed" caller
- (truncated-list->string outer-form)
- vname open-form))))
- ;; redundant vars are hard to find -- tons of false positives
- (if (zero? (var-ref local-var))
- (when (and (or (not (equal? head ""))
- *report-unused-top-level-functions*)
- (or *report-unused-parameters*
- (not (eq? otype 'parameter))))
- (if (positive? (var-set local-var))
- (let ((sets (map (lambda (call)
- (if (and (pair? call)
- (not (eq? (var-definer local-var) 'do))
- (eq? (car call) 'set!)
- (eq? (cadr call) vname))
- call
- (values)))
- (var-history local-var))))
- (if (pair? sets)
- (if (null? (cdr sets))
- (lint-format "~A set, but not used: ~A" caller
- vname (truncated-list->string (car sets)))
- (lint-format "~A set, but not used: ~{~S~^ ~}" caller
- vname sets))
- (lint-format "~A set, but not used: ~A from ~A" caller
- vname (truncated-list->string (var-initial-value local-var)) (var-definer local-var))))
- ;; not ref'd or set
- (if (not (memq vname '(documentation signature iterator? defanimal)))
- (let ((val (if (pair? (var-history local-var)) (car (var-history local-var)) (var-initial-value local-var)))
- (def (var-definer local-var)))
- (let-temporarily ((line-number (if (eq? caller top-level:) -1 line-number)))
- ;; eval confuses this message (eval '(+ x 1)), no other use of x [perhaps check :let initial-value = outer-form]
- ;; so does let-ref syntax: (apply (*e* 'g1)...) will miss this reference to g1
- (if (symbol? def)
- (if (eq? otype 'parameter)
- (lint-format "~A not used" caller vname)
- (lint-format* caller
- (string-append (object->string vname) " not used, initially: ")
- (string-append (truncated-list->string val) " from " (symbol->string def))))
- (lint-format* caller
- (string-append (object->string vname) " not used, value: ")
- (truncated-list->string val))))))))
- ;; not zero var-ref
- (let ((arg-type #f))
- (when (and (not (memq (var-definer local-var) '(parameter named-let named-let*)))
- (pair? (var-history local-var))
- (or (zero? (var-set local-var))
- (set! arg-type (all-types-agree local-var))))
- (let ((vtype (or arg-type ; this can't be #f unless no sets so despite appearances there's no contention here
- (eq? caller top-level:) ; might be a global var where init value is largely irrelevant
- (->lint-type (var-initial-value local-var))))
- (lit? (code-constant? (var-initial-value local-var))))
- (do ((clause (var-history local-var) (cdr clause)))
- ((null? (cdr clause))) ; ignore the initial value which depends on a different env
- (let ((call (car clause)))
- (if (pair? call) (set! line-number (pair-line-number call)))
- (when (pair? call)
- (let ((func (car call))
- (call-arg1 (and (pair? (cdr call)) (cadr call))))
- ;; check for assignments into constants
- (if (and lit?
- (indirect-set? vname func call-arg1))
- (lint-format "~A's value, ~A, is a literal constant, so this set! is trouble: ~A" caller
- vname (var-initial-value local-var) (truncated-list->string call)))
- (when (symbol? vtype)
- (when (and (not (eq? caller top-level:))
- (not (memq vtype '(boolean? #t values)))
- (memq func '(if when unless)) ; look for (if x ...) where x is never #f, this happens a dozen or so times
- (or (eq? (cadr call) vname)
- (and (pair? (cadr call))
- (eq? (caadr call) 'not)
- (eq? (cadadr call) vname))))
- (lint-format "~A is never #f, so ~A" caller
- vname
- (lists->string
- call
- (if (eq? vname (cadr call))
- (case func
- ((if) (caddr call))
- ((when) (if (pair? (cdddr call)) `(begin ,@(cddr call)) (caddr call)))
- ((unless) #<unspecified>))
- (case func
- ((if) (if (pair? (cdddr call)) (cadddr call)))
- ((when) #<unspecified>)
- ((unless) (if (pair? (cdddr call)) `(begin ,@(cddr call)) (caddr call))))))))
- ;; check for incorrect types in function calls
- (unless (memq vtype '(boolean? null?)) ; null? here avoids problems with macros that call set!
- (let ((p (memq vname (cdr call))))
- (when (pair? p)
- (let ((sig (arg-signature func env))
- (pos (- (length call) (length p))))
- (when (and (pair? sig)
- (< pos (length sig)))
- (let ((desired-type (list-ref sig pos)))
- (if (not (compatible? vtype desired-type))
- (lint-format "~A is ~A, but ~A in ~A wants ~A" caller
- vname (prettify-checker-unq vtype)
- func (truncated-list->string call)
- (prettify-checker desired-type))))))))
- (let ((suggest made-suggestion))
- ;; check for pointless vtype checks
- (when (and (hash-table-ref bools func)
- (not (eq? vname func)))
- (when (or (eq? vtype func)
- (and (compatible? vtype func)
- (not (subsumes? vtype func))))
- (lint-format "~A is ~A, so ~A is #t" caller vname (prettify-checker-unq vtype) call))
- (unless (compatible? vtype func)
- (lint-format "~A is ~A, so ~A is #f" caller vname (prettify-checker-unq vtype) call)))
- (case func
- ;; need a way to mark exported variables so they won't be checked in this process
- ;; case can happen here, but it never seems to trigger a type error
- ((eq? eqv? equal?)
- ;; (and (pair? x) (eq? x #\a)) etc
- (when (or (and (code-constant? call-arg1)
- (not (compatible? vtype (->lint-type call-arg1))))
- (and (code-constant? (caddr call))
- (not (compatible? vtype (->lint-type (caddr call))))))
- (lint-format "~A is ~A, so ~A is #f" caller vname (prettify-checker-unq vtype) call)))
- ((and or)
- (when (let amidst? ((lst call))
- (and (pair? lst)
- (pair? (cdr lst))
- (or (eq? (car lst) vname)
- (amidst? (cdr lst))))) ; don't clobber possible trailing vname (returned by expression)
- (lint-format "~A is ~A, so ~A" caller ; (let ((x 1)) (and x (< x 1))) -> (< x 1)
- vname (prettify-checker-unq vtype)
- (lists->string call
- (simplify-boolean (remove vname call) () () vars)))))
- ((not)
- (if (eq? vname (cadr call))
- (lint-format "~A is ~A, so ~A" caller
- vname (prettify-checker-unq vtype)
- (lists->string call #f))))
- ((/) (if (and (number? (var-initial-value local-var))
- (zero? (var-initial-value local-var))
- (zero? (var-set local-var))
- (memq vname (cddr call)))
- (lint-format "~A is ~A, so ~A is an error" caller
- vname (var-initial-value local-var)
- call))))
- ;; the usual eqx confusion
- (when (and (= suggest made-suggestion)
- (memq vtype '(char? number? integer? real? float? rational? complex?)))
- (if (memq func '(eq? equal?))
- (lint-format "~A is ~A, so ~A ~A be eqv? in ~A" caller
- vname (prettify-checker-unq vtype) func
- (if (eq? func 'eq?) "should" "could")
- call))
- ;; check other boolean exprs
- (when (and (zero? (var-set local-var))
- (number? (var-initial-value local-var))
- (eq? vname call-arg1)
- (null? (cddr call))
- (hash-table-ref booleans func))
- (let ((val (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- ((symbol->value func (rootlet)) (var-initial-value local-var)))
- (lambda args
- 'error))))
- (if (boolean? val)
- (lint-format "~A is ~A, so ~A is ~A" caller vname (var-initial-value local-var) call val))))))
- ;; implicit index checks -- these are easily fooled by macros
- (when (and (memq vtype '(vector? float-vector? int-vector? string? list? byte-vector?))
- (pair? (cdr call)))
- (when (eq? func vname)
- (let ((init (var-initial-value local-var)))
- (if (not (compatible? 'integer? (->lint-type call-arg1)))
- (lint-format "~A is ~A, but the index ~A is ~A" caller
- vname (prettify-checker-unq vtype)
- call-arg1 (prettify-checker (->lint-type call-arg1))))
- (if (integer? call-arg1)
- (if (negative? call-arg1)
- (lint-format "~A's index ~A is negative" caller vname call-arg1)
- (if (zero? (var-set local-var))
- (let ((lim (cond ((code-constant? init)
- (length init))
- ((memq (car init) '(vector float-vector int-vector string list byte-vector))
- (- (length init) 1))
- (else
- (and (pair? (cdr init))
- (integer? (cadr init))
- (memq (car init) '(make-vector make-float-vector make-int-vector
- make-string make-list make-byte-vector))
- (cadr init))))))
- (if (and (real? lim)
- (>= call-arg1 lim))
- (lint-format "~A has length ~A, but index is ~A" caller vname lim call-arg1))))))))
- (when (eq? func 'implicit-set)
- ;; ref is already checked in other history entries
- (let ((ref-type (case vtype
- ((float-vector?) 'real?) ; not 'float? because ints are ok here
- ((int-vector? byte-vector?) 'integer)
- ((string?) 'char?)
- (else #f))))
- (if ref-type
- (let ((val-type (->lint-type (caddr call))))
- (if (not (compatible? val-type ref-type))
- (lint-format "~A wants ~A, but the value in ~A is ~A" caller
- vname (prettify-checker-unq ref-type)
- `(set! ,@(cdr call))
- (prettify-checker val-type)))))
- ))))))
- ))) ; do loop through clauses
- ;; check for duplicated calls involving local-var
- (when (and (> (var-ref local-var) 8)
- (zero? (var-set local-var))
- (eq? (var-ftype local-var) #<undefined>))
- (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each (lambda (call)
- (when (and (pair? call)
- (not (eq? (car call) vname)) ; ignore functions for now
- (not (side-effect? call env)))
- (hash-table-set! h call (+ 1 (or (hash-table-ref h call) 0)))
- (cond ((hash-table-ref unwrap-cxr (car call))
- => (lambda (lst)
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (hash-table-set! h (cons c (cdr call)) (+ 1 (or (hash-table-ref h (cons c (cdr call))) 0))))
- lst))))))
- (var-history local-var))
- (let ((repeats ()))
- (for-each (lambda (call)
- (if (and (> (cdr call) (max 3 (/ 20 (tree-leaves (car call))))) ; was 5
- (not (memq (caar call) '(make-vector make-float-vector)))
- (or (null? (cddar call))
- (every? (lambda (p)
- (or (not (symbol? p))
- (eq? p vname)))
- (cdar call))))
- (set! repeats (cons (string-append (truncated-list->string (car call)) " occurs ")
- (cons (string-append (object->string (cdr call)) " times"
- (if (pair? repeats) ", " ""))
- repeats)))))
- h)
- (if (pair? repeats)
- (apply lint-format*
- caller
- (string-append (object->string vname) " is not set, but ")
- repeats)))))
- ;; check for function parameters whose values never change and are not just symbols
- (when (and (> (var-ref local-var) 3)
- (zero? (var-set local-var))
- (memq (var-ftype local-var) '(define lambda))
- (pair? (var-arglist local-var))
- (let loop ((calls (var-history local-var))) ; if func passed as arg, ignore it
- (or (null? calls)
- (null? (cdr calls))
- (and (pair? (car calls))
- (not (memq (var-name local-var) (cdar calls)))
- (loop (cdr calls))))))
- (let ((pars (map list (proper-list (var-arglist local-var)))))
- (do ((clauses (var-history local-var) (cdr clauses)))
- ((null? (cdr clauses))) ; ignore the initial value
- (if (and (pair? (car clauses))
- (eq? (caar clauses) (var-name local-var)))
- (for-each (lambda (arg par) ; collect all arguments for each parameter
- (if (not (member arg (cdr par))) ; we haven't seen this argument yet, so
- (set-cdr! par (cons arg (cdr par))))) ; add it to the list for this parameter
- (cdar clauses)
- pars)))
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr p))
- (null? (cddr p)) ; so all calls, this parameter has the same value
- (not (symbol? (cadr p))))
- (lint-format "~A's '~A parameter is always ~S (~D calls)" caller
- (var-name local-var) (car p) (cadr p) (var-ref local-var))))
- pars)))
- )))) ; end (if zero var-ref)
- ;; vars with multiple incompatible ascertainable types don't happen much and obvious type errors are extremely rare
- (when (and *report-clobbered-function-return-value*
- (positive? (var-set local-var)))
- (let ((start (var-initial-value local-var)))
- (let ((func #f)
- (retcons? (and (pair? start)
- (let ((v (var-member (car start) env)))
- (and (var? v)
- (eq? (var-retcons v) #t))))))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (when (pair? f)
- (case (car f)
- ((set!)
- (set! retcons? (and (pair? (cdr f))
- (eq? (cadr f) vname)
- (pair? (cddr f))
- (pair? (caddr f))
- (let ((v (var-member (caaddr f) env)))
- (and (var? v)
- (eq? #t (var-retcons v))
- (set! func f))))))
- ((string-set! list-set! vector-set! set-car! set-cdr!)
- (if (and retcons?
- (eq? (cadr f) vname))
- (lint-format "~A returns a constant sequence, but ~A appears to clobber it" caller
- func f))))))
- (reverse (var-history local-var))))))
- )))
- vars)
- (set! line-number old-line-number)))))
- (define (find-call sym body)
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (let tree-call ((tree body))
- (if (and (pair? tree)
- (not (eq? (car tree) 'quote)))
- (begin
- (if (eq? (car tree) sym)
- (return tree))
- (if (memq (car tree) '(let let* letrec letrec* do lambda lambda* define))
- (return #f)) ; possible shadowing -- not worth the infinite effort to corroborate
- (if (pair? (car tree))
- (tree-call (car tree)))
- (if (pair? (cdr tree))
- (do ((p (cdr tree) (cdr p)))
- ((not (pair? p)) #f)
- (tree-call (car p))))))))))
- (define (check-returns caller f env) ; f is not the last form in the body
- (if (not (or (side-effect? f env)
- (eq? '=> f)))
- (lint-format "this could be omitted: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string f))
- (when (pair? f)
- (case (car f)
- ((if)
- (when (and (pair? (cdr f))
- (pair? (cddr f)))
- (let ((true (caddr f))
- (false (if (pair? (cdddr f)) (cadddr f) 'no-false)))
- (let ((true-ok (side-effect? true env))
- (false-ok (or (eq? false 'no-false)
- (side-effect? false env))))
- (if true-ok
- (if (pair? true)
- (check-returns caller true env))
- (lint-format "this branch is pointless~A: ~A in ~A" caller
- (local-line-number true)
- (truncated-list->string true)
- (truncated-list->string f)))
- (if false-ok
- (if (pair? false)
- (check-returns caller false env))
- (lint-format "this branch is pointless~A: ~A in ~A" caller
- (local-line-number false)
- (truncated-list->string false)
- (truncated-list->string f)))))))
- ((cond case)
- ;; here all but last result exprs are already checked
- ;; redundant begin can confuse this, but presumably we'll complain about that elsewhere
- ;; also even in mid-body, if else clause has a side-effect, an earlier otherwise pointless clause might be avoiding that
- (let ((has-else (let ((last-clause (list-ref f (- (length f) 1))))
- (and (pair? last-clause)
- (memq (car last-clause) '(else #t))
- (any? (lambda (c)
- (side-effect? c env))
- (cdr last-clause))))))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (if (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (cdr c))
- (not (memq '=> (cdr c))))
- (let ((last-expr (list-ref c (- (length c) 1))))
- (cond ((side-effect? last-expr env)
- (if (pair? last-expr)
- (check-returns caller last-expr env)))
- (has-else
- (if (or (pair? (cddr c))
- (eq? (car f) 'cond))
- (lint-format "this ~A clause's result could be omitted" caller
- (truncated-list->string c))
- (if (not (memq last-expr '(#f #t #<unspecified>))) ; it's not already obvious
- (lint-format "this ~A clause's result could be simply #f" caller
- (truncated-list->string c)))))
- ((and (eq? (car f) 'case)
- (or (eq? last-expr (cadr c))
- (not (any? (lambda (p) (side-effect? p env)) (cdr c)))))
- (lint-format "this case clause can be omitted: ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string c)))
- (else (lint-format "this is pointless: ~A in ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string last-expr)
- (truncated-list->string c)))))))
- ((if (eq? (car f) 'cond) cdr cddr) f))))
- ((let let*)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr f))
- (not (symbol? (cadr f)))
- (pair? (cddr f)))
- (let ((last-expr (list-ref f (- (length f) 1))))
- (if (side-effect? last-expr env)
- (if (pair? last-expr)
- (check-returns caller last-expr env))
- (lint-format "this is pointless~A: ~A in ~A" caller
- (local-line-number last-expr)
- (truncated-list->string last-expr)
- (truncated-list->string f))))))
- ;; perhaps use truncated-lists->string here??
- ((and)
- (let ((len (length f)))
- (case len
- ((1) (lint-format "this ~A is pointless" caller f))
- ((2) (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string f (cadr f))))
- ((3) (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string f `(if ,(cadr f) ,(caddr f))))) ; (begin (and x (display y)) (log z)) -> (if x (display y))
- (else (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string f `(if ,(cadr f) (and ,@(cddr f)))))))))
- ((or)
- (let ((len (length f)))
- (case len
- ((1) (lint-format "this ~A is pointless" caller f))
- ((2) (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string f (cadr f))))
- ((3) (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string f `(if (not ,(cadr f)) ,(caddr f)))))
- (else (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string f `(if (not ,(cadr f)) (or ,@(cddr f)))))))))
- ((not)
- (lint-format "this ~A is pointless" caller f))
- ((letrec letrec* with-let unless when begin with-baffle)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr f))
- (pair? (cddr f)))
- (let ((last-expr (list-ref f (- (length f) 1))))
- (if (side-effect? last-expr env)
- (if (pair? last-expr)
- (check-returns caller last-expr env))
- ;; (begin (if x (begin (display x) z)) z)
- (lint-format "this is pointless~A: ~A in ~A" caller
- (local-line-number last-expr)
- (truncated-list->string last-expr)
- (truncated-list->string f))))))
- ((do)
- (let ((returned (if (and (pair? (cdr f))
- (pair? (cddr f)))
- (let ((end+res (caddr f)))
- (if (pair? (cdr end+res))
- (list-ref end+res (- (length end+res) 1)))))))
- (if (or (eq? returned #<unspecified>)
- (and (pair? returned)
- (side-effect? returned env)))
- (if (pair? returned)
- (check-returns caller returned env))
- ;; (begin (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 10) i) (display i)) x)
- (lint-format "~A: result ~A~A is not used" caller
- (truncated-list->string f)
- (truncated-list->string returned)
- (local-line-number returned)))))
- ((call-with-exit)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr f))
- (pair? (cadr f))
- (eq? (caadr f) 'lambda)
- (pair? (cdadr f))
- (pair? (cadadr f)))
- (let ((return (car (cadadr f))))
- (let walk ((tree (cddadr f)))
- (if (pair? tree)
- (if (eq? (car tree) return)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (or (not (boolean? (cadr tree)))
- (pair? (cddr tree))))
- ;; (begin (call-with-exit (lambda (quit) (if (< x 0) (quit (+ x 1))) (display x))) (+ x 2))
- (lint-format "th~A call-with-exit return value~A will be ignored: ~A" caller
- (if (pair? (cddr tree))
- (values "ese" "s")
- (values "is" ""))
- tree))
- (for-each walk tree)))))))
- ((map)
- (if (pair? (cdr f)) ; (begin (map g123 x) x)
- (lint-format "map could be for-each: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string `(for-each ,@(cdr f))))))
- ((reverse!)
- (if (pair? (cdr f)) ; (let ((x (list 23 1 3))) (reverse! x) x)
- (lint-format "~A might leave ~A in an undefined state; perhaps ~A" caller (car f) (cadr f)
- `(set! ,(cadr f) ,f))))
- ((format)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr f))
- (eq? (cadr f) #t)) ; (let () (format #t "~A" x) x)
- (lint-format "perhaps use () with format since the string value is discarded:~% ~A"
- caller `(format () ,@(cddr f)))))))))
- (define lint-current-form #f)
- (define lint-mid-form #f)
- (define (escape? form env)
- (and (pair? form)
- (let ((v (var-member (car form) env)))
- (if (var? v)
- (memq (var-definer v) '(call/cc call-with-current-continuation call-with-exit))
- (memq (car form) '(error throw))))))
- (define (lint-walk-body caller head body env)
- (when (pair? body)
- (when (and (pair? (car body))
- (pair? (cdar body)))
- (when (and (not (eq? last-rewritten-internal-define (car body))) ; we already rewrote this
- (pair? (cdr body)) ; define->named let, but this is only ok in a "closed" situation, not (begin (define...)) for example
- (pair? (cadr body))
- (memq (caar body) '(define define*))
- (pair? (cadar body)))
- (let ((fname (caadar body))
- (fargs (cdadar body))
- (fbody (cddar body)))
- (when (and (symbol? fname)
- (proper-list? fargs)
- (= (tree-count1 fname (cdr body) 0) 1)
- (not (any? keyword? fargs)))
- (let ((call (find-call fname (cdr body))))
- (when (pair? call)
- (let ((new-args (if (eq? (caar body) 'define)
- (map list fargs (cdr call))
- (let loop ((pars fargs)
- (vals (cdr call))
- (args ()))
- (if (null? pars)
- (reverse args)
- (loop (cdr pars)
- (if (pair? vals)
- (values (cdr vals)
- (cons (list ((if (pair? (car pars)) caar car) pars) (car vals)) args))
- (values ()
- (cons (if (pair? (car pars)) (car pars) (list (car pars) #f)) args))))))))
- (new-let (if (eq? (caar body) 'define) 'let 'let*)))
- (if (and (pair? fbody)
- (pair? (cdr fbody))
- (string? (car fbody)))
- (set! fbody (cdr fbody)))
- ;; (... (define* (f1 a b) (+ a b)) (f1 :c 1)) -> (... (let ((a :c) (b 1)) (+ a b)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string `(... ,@body)
- (if (= (tree-count2 fname body 0) 2)
- (if (null? fargs)
- (if (null? (cdr fbody))
- `(... ,@(tree-subst (car fbody) call (cdr body)))
- `(... ,@(tree-subst `(let () ,@fbody) call (cdr body))))
- `(... ,@(tree-subst `(let ,new-args ,@fbody) call (cdr body))))
- `(... ,@(tree-subst `(,new-let ,fname ,new-args ,@fbody) call (cdr body))))))))))))
- ;; look for non-function defines at the start of the body and use let(*) instead
- ;; we're in a closed body here, so the define can't propagate backwards
- (let ((first-expr (car body)))
- ;; another case: f(args) (let(...)set! arg < no let>)
- (when (and (eq? (car first-expr) 'define)
- (symbol? (cadr first-expr))
- (pair? (cddr first-expr))
- ;;(not (tree-car-member (cadr first-expr) (caddr first-expr)))
- ;;(not (tree-set-car-member '(lambda lambda*) (caddr first-expr)))
- (not (and (pair? (caddr first-expr))
- (memq (caaddr first-expr) '(lambda lambda*))))
- (> (length body) 2))
- ;; this still is not ideal -- we need to omit let+lambda as well
- (do ((names ())
- (letx 'let)
- (vars&vals ())
- (p body (cdr p)))
- ((not (and (pair? p)
- (let ((expr (car p)))
- (and (pair? expr)
- (eq? (car expr) 'define)
- (symbol? (cadr expr)) ; not (define (f ...))
- (pair? (cddr expr))
- (not (and (pair? (caddr expr)) ; not (define f (lambda...))
- (memq (caaddr expr) '(lambda let lambda* let* letrec letrec*))))))))
- ;; (... (define x 3) 32) -> (... (let ((x 3)) ...))
- (if (pair? vars&vals)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string `(... ,@body)
- `(... (,letx ,(reverse vars&vals)
- ...))))))
- ;; define acts like letrec(*), not let -- reference to name in lambda body is current name
- (let ((expr (cdar p)))
- (set! vars&vals (cons (if (< (tree-leaves (cdr expr)) 12)
- expr
- (list (car expr) '...))
- vars&vals))
- (if (tree-set-member names (cdr expr))
- (set! letx 'let*))
- (set! names (cons (car expr) names)))))))
- (let ((len (length body)))
- (when (> len 2) ; ... (define (x...)...) (x ...) -> (let (...) ...) or named let -- this happens a lot!
- (let ((n-1 (list-ref body (- len 2))) ; or (define (x ...)...) (some expr calling x once) -> named let etc
- (n (list-ref body (- len 1))))
- (when (and (pair? n-1)
- (eq? (car n-1) 'define)
- (pair? (cadr n-1))
- (symbol? (caadr n-1))
- (proper-list? (cdadr n-1))
- (pair? n)
- (or (and (eq? (car n) (caadr n-1))
- (eqv? (length (cdadr n-1)) (length (cdr n)))) ; not values -> let!
- (and (< (tree-leaves n-1) 12)
- (tree-car-member (caadr n-1) (cdr n)) ; skip car -- see preceding
- (= (tree-count1 (caadr n-1) n 0) 1))))
- (let ((outer-form (cond ((var-member :let env) => var-initial-value) (else #f)))
- (new-var (caadr n-1)))
- (when (and (pair? outer-form)
- (not (let walker ((tree outer-form)) ; check even the enclosing env -- define in do body back ref'd in stepper for example
- (or (eq? new-var tree)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (not (eq? n tree))
- (not (eq? n-1 tree))
- (not (eq? (car tree) 'quote))
- (or (walker (car tree))
- (walker (cdr tree))))))))
- (let ((named (if (tree-memq new-var (cddr n-1)) (list new-var) ())))
- (if (eq? (car n) (caadr n-1))
- (lint-format "perhaps change ~A to a ~Alet: ~A" caller new-var (if (pair? named) "named " "")
- (lists->string outer-form `(... (let ,@named ,(map list (cdadr n-1) (cdr n)) ...))))
- (let ((call (find-call new-var n)))
- (when (and (pair? call)
- (eqv? (length (cdadr n-1)) (length (cdr call))))
- (let ((new-call `(let ,@named ,(map list (cdadr n-1) (cdr call)) ,@(cddr n-1))))
- (lint-format "perhaps embed ~A: ~A" caller new-var
- (lists->string outer-form `(... ,(tree-subst new-call call n)))))))))))))
- (let ((suggest made-suggestion))
- (unless (tree-memq 'curlet (list-ref body (- len 1)))
- (do ((q body (cdr q))
- (k 0 (+ k 1)))
- ((null? q))
- (let ((expr (car q)))
- (when (and (pair? expr)
- (eq? (car expr) 'define)
- (pair? (cdr expr))
- (pair? (cddr expr))
- (null? (cdddr expr)))
- (let ((name (and (symbol? (cadr expr)) (cadr expr))))
- (when name
- (do ((last-ref k)
- (p (cdr q) (cdr p))
- (i (+ k 1) (+ i 1)))
- ((null? p)
- (if (and (< k last-ref (+ k 2))
- (pair? (list-ref body (+ k 1))))
- (let ((end-dots (if (< last-ref (- len 1)) '(...) ()))
- (letx (if (tree-member name (cddr expr)) 'letrec 'let))
- (use-expr (list-ref body (+ k 1)))
- (seen-earlier (or (var-member name env)
- (do ((s body (cdr s)))
- ((or (eq? s q)
- (and (pair? (car s))
- (tree-memq name (car s))))
- (not (eq? s q)))))))
- (cond (seen-earlier)
- ((not (eq? (car use-expr) 'define))
- (let-temporarily ((target-line-length 120))
- ;; (... (define f14 (lambda (x y) (if (positive? x) (+ x y) y))) (+ (f11 1 2) (f14 1 2))) ->
- ;; (... (let ((f14 (lambda (x y) (if (positive? x) (+ x y) y)))) (+ (f11 1 2) (f14 1 2))))
- (lint-format "the scope of ~A could be reduced: ~A" caller name
- (truncated-lists->string `(... ,expr ,use-expr ,@end-dots)
- `(... (,letx ((,name ,(caddr expr)))
- ,use-expr)
- ,@end-dots)))))
- ((eq? (cadr use-expr) name)
- ;; (let () (display 33) (define x 2) (define x (+ x y)) (display 43)) ->
- ;; (... (set! x (+ x y)) ...)
- (lint-format "use set! to redefine ~A: ~A" caller name
- (lists->string `(... ,use-expr ,@end-dots)
- `(... (set! ,name ,(caddr use-expr)) ,@end-dots))))
- ((pair? (cadr use-expr))
- (if (symbol? (caadr use-expr))
- (let-temporarily ((target-line-length 120))
- ;; (let () (display 32) (define x 2) (define (f101 y) (+ x y)) (display 41) (f101 2)) ->
- ;; (... (define f101 (let ((x 2)) (lambda (y) (+ x y)))) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps move ~A into ~A's closure: ~A" caller name (caadr use-expr)
- (truncated-lists->string `(... ,expr ,use-expr ,@end-dots)
- `(... (define ,(caadr use-expr)
- (,letx ((,name ,(caddr expr)))
- (lambda ,(cdadr use-expr)
- ,@(cddr use-expr))))
- ,@end-dots))))))
- ((and (symbol? (cadr use-expr))
- (pair? (cddr use-expr)))
- (let-temporarily ((target-line-length 120))
- (if (and (pair? (caddr use-expr))
- (eq? (caaddr use-expr) 'lambda))
- ;; (let () (display 34) (define x 2) (define f101 (lambda (y) (+ x y))) (display 41) (f101 2))
- ;; (... (define f101 (let ((x 2)) (lambda (y) (+ x y)))) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps move ~A into ~A's closure: ~A" caller name (cadr use-expr)
- (truncated-lists->string `(... ,expr ,use-expr ,@end-dots)
- `(... (define ,(cadr use-expr)
- (,letx ((,name ,(caddr expr)))
- ,(caddr use-expr)))
- ,@end-dots)))
- ;; (... (define lib (r file)) (define exports (caddr lib)) ...) ->
- ;; (... (define exports (let ((lib (r file))) (caddr lib))) ...)
- (lint-format "the scope of ~A could be reduced: ~A" caller name
- (truncated-lists->string `(... ,expr ,use-expr ,@end-dots)
- `(... (define ,(cadr use-expr)
- (,letx ((,name ,(caddr expr)))
- ,(caddr use-expr)))
- ,@end-dots))))))))
- (when (and (> len 3)
- (< k last-ref (+ k 3)) ; larger cases happen very rarely -- 3 or 4 altogether
- (pair? (list-ref body (+ k 1)))
- (pair? (list-ref body (+ k 2))))
- (let ((end-dots (if (< last-ref (- len 1)) '(...) ()))
- (letx (if (tree-member name (cddr expr)) 'letrec 'let))
- (seen-earlier (or (var-member name env)
- (do ((s body (cdr s)))
- ((or (eq? s q)
- (and (pair? (car s))
- (tree-memq name (car s))))
- (not (eq? s q)))))))
- (unless seen-earlier
- (let ((use-expr1 (list-ref body (+ k 1)))
- (use-expr2 (list-ref body (+ k 2))))
- (if (not (or (tree-set-member '(define lambda) use-expr1)
- (tree-set-member '(define lambda) use-expr2)))
- ;; (... (define f101 (lambda (y) (+ x y))) (display 41) (f101 2)) ->
- ;; (... (let ((f101 (lambda (y) (+ x y)))) (display 41) (f101 2)))
- (lint-format "the scope of ~A could be reduced: ~A" caller name
- (let-temporarily ((target-line-length 120))
- (truncated-lists->string `(... ,expr ,use-expr1 ,use-expr2 ,@end-dots)
- `(... (,letx ((,name ,(caddr expr)))
- ,use-expr1
- ,use-expr2)
- ,@end-dots)))))))))))
- (when (tree-memq name (car p))
- (set! last-ref i)))))))))
- (when (= suggest made-suggestion)
- ;; look for define+binding-expr at end and combine
- (do ((prev-f #f)
- (fs body (cdr fs)))
- ((not (pair? fs)))
- (let ((f (car fs)))
- ;; define can come after the use, and in an open body can be equivalent to set!:
- ;; (let () (if x (begin (define y 12) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i y)) (f i))) (define y 21)) y)
- ;; (let () (define (f x) (+ y x)) (if z (define y 12) (define y 1)) (f 12))
- ;; so we can't do this check in walk-open-body
- ;;
- ;; define + do -- if cadr prev-f not used in do inits, fold into do, else use let
- ;; the let case is semi-redundant (it's already reported elsewhere)
- (when (and (pair? prev-f)
- (pair? f)
- (eq? (car prev-f) 'define)
- (symbol? (cadr prev-f))
- (not (hash-table-ref other-identifiers (cadr prev-f))) ; (cadr prev-f) already ref'd, so it's a member of env
- (or (null? (cdr fs))
- (not (tree-memq (cadr prev-f) (cdr fs)))))
- (if (eq? (car f) 'do)
- ;; (... (define z (f x)) (do ((i z (+ i 1))) ((= i 3)) (display (+ z i))) ...) -> (do ((i (f x) (+ i 1))) ((= i 3)) (display (+ z i)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string `(... ,prev-f ,f ...)
- (if (any? (lambda (p)
- (tree-memq (cadr prev-f) (cadr p)))
- (cadr f))
- (if (and (eq? (cadr prev-f) (cadr (caadr f)))
- (null? (cdadr f)))
- `(do ((,(caaadr f) ,(caddr prev-f) ,(caddr (caadr f)))) ,@(cddr f))
- `(let (,(cdr prev-f)) ,f))
- `(do (,(cdr prev-f)
- ,@(cadr f))
- ,@(cddr f)))))
- ;; just changing define -> let seems officious, though it does reduce (cadr prev-f)'s scope
- (if (and (or (and (eq? (car f) 'let)
- (not (tree-memq (cadr prev-f) (cadr f))))
- (eq? (car f) 'let*))
- (not (symbol? (cadr f))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string
- `(... ,prev-f ,f ,@(if (null? (cdr fs)) () '(...)))
- `(... (,(car f) (,(cdr prev-f) ,@(cadr f)) ...) ,@(if (null? (cdr fs)) () '(...))))))))
- (set! prev-f f))))))))
- ;; definer as last in body is rare outside let-syntax, and tricky -- only one clear optimizable case found
- (lint-walk-open-body caller head body env))
- (define (lint-walk-open-body caller head body env)
- ;; walk a body (a list of forms, the value of the last of which might be returned)
- (if (not (proper-list? body))
- (lint-format "stray dot? ~A" caller (truncated-list->string body))
- (let ((prev-f #f)
- (old-current-form lint-current-form)
- (old-mid-form lint-mid-form)
- (prev-len 0)
- (f-len 0)
- (repeats 0)
- (start-repeats body)
- (repeat-arg 0)
- (dpy-f #f)
- (dpy-start #f)
- (rewrote-already #f)
- (len (length body)))
- (if (eq? head 'do) (set! len (+ len 1))) ; last form in do body is not returned
- (do ((fs body (cdr fs))
- (ctr 0 (+ ctr 1)))
- ((not (pair? fs)))
- (let* ((f (car fs))
- (f-func (and (pair? f) (car f))))
- (when (and (pair? f)
- (pair? (cdr f)))
- (if (eq? f-func 'define)
- (let ((vname (if (symbol? (cadr f))
- (cadr f)
- (and (pair? (cadr f))
- (symbol? (caadr f))
- (caadr f)))))
- ;; if already in env, check shadowing request
- (if (and *report-shadowed-variables*
- (var-member vname env))
- ;; (let ((f33 33)) (define f33 4) (g f33 1))
- (lint-format "~A variable ~A in ~S shadows an earlier declaration" caller head vname f))))
- ;; mid-body defines happen by the million, so resistance is futile
- ;; -------- repeated if/when etc --------
- (when (and (pair? prev-f) ; (if A ...) (if A ...) -> (when A ...) or equivalents
- (memq (car prev-f) '(if when unless))
- (memq f-func '(if when unless))
- (pair? (cdr prev-f))
- (pair? (cddr f)) ; possible broken if statement
- (pair? (cddr prev-f)))
- (define (tree-change-member set tree)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (not (eq? (car tree) 'quote))
- (or (and (eq? (car tree) 'set!)
- (memq (cadr tree) set))
- (tree-change-member set (car tree))
- (tree-change-member set (cdr tree)))))
- (let ((test1 (cadr prev-f))
- (test2 (cadr f)))
- ;; (if A...) (if (not A)...) happens very rarely -- only two rewritable hits
- (let ((equal-tests ; test1 = test2 [check for side-effects already]
- (lambda ()
- (if (and (pair? (caddr prev-f))
- (escape? (caddr prev-f) env))
- ;; (begin (if x (error 'oops)) (if x y)) -> begin: x is #f in (if x y) -- this never happens
- (lint-format "~A is #f in ~A" caller
- test2 (truncated-list->string f)))
- ;; (... (if (and A B) (f C)) (if (and B A) (g E) (h F)) ...) -> (... (if (and A B) (begin (f C) (g E)) (begin (h F))) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string
- `(... ,prev-f ,f ...)
- (if (eq? f-func 'if)
- (if (and (null? (cdddr prev-f))
- (null? (cdddr f)))
- ;; if (null (cdr fs)) we have to make sure the returned value is not changed by our rewrite
- ;; but when/unless return their last value in s7 (or #<unspecified>), so I think this is ok
- (if (and (pair? test1)
- (eq? (car test1) 'not))
- `(... (unless ,(cadr test1)
- ,@(unbegin (caddr prev-f))
- ,@(unbegin (caddr f))) ...)
- `(... (when ,test1
- ,@(unbegin (caddr prev-f))
- ,@(unbegin (caddr f))) ...))
- `(... (if ,test1
- (begin
- ,@(unbegin (caddr prev-f))
- ,@(unbegin (caddr f)))
- (begin
- ,@(if (pair? (cdddr prev-f)) (unbegin (cadddr prev-f)) ())
- ,@(if (pair? (cdddr f)) (unbegin (cadddr f)) ())))
- ...))
- `(,f-func ,test1 ; f-func = when|unless
- ,@(cddr prev-f)
- ,@(cddr f)))))))
- (test1-in-test2
- (lambda ()
- (if (null? (cddr test2))
- (set! test2 (cadr test2)))
- ;; (... (if A (f B)) (when (and A C) (g D) (h E)) ...) -> (... (when A (f B) (when C (g D) (h E))) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string `(... ,prev-f ,f ...)
- (if (or (null? (cdddr prev-f))
- (eq? (car prev-f) 'when)) ; so prev-f is when or 1-arm if (as is f)
- `(... (when ,test1
- ,@(cddr prev-f)
- (when ,test2
- ,@(cddr f)))
- ,@(if (null? (cdr fs)) () '(...)))
- ;; prev-f is 2-arm if and f is when or 1-arm if (the other case is too ugly)
- `(... (if ,test1
- (begin
- ,(caddr prev-f)
- (when ,test2
- ,@(cddr f)))
- ,@(cdddr prev-f)) ...))))))
- (test2-in-test1
- (lambda ()
- (if (null? (cddr test1))
- (set! test1 (cadr test1)))
- ;; (... (if (and A B) (f C)) (if A (g E)) ...) -> (... (when A (when B (f C)) (g E)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string `(... ,prev-f ,f ...)
- (if (or (null? (cdddr f))
- (eq? f-func 'when)) ; so f is when or 1-arm if (as is prev-f)
- `(... (when ,test2
- (when ,test1
- ,@(cddr prev-f))
- ,@(cddr f))
- ,@(if (null? (cdr fs)) () '(...)))
- ;; f is 2-arm if and prev-f is when or 1-arm if
- `(... (if ,test2
- (begin
- (when ,test1
- ,@(cddr prev-f))
- ,(caddr f))
- ,(cadddr f))
- ,@(if (null? (cdr fs)) () '(...)))))))))
- (cond ((equal? test1 test2)
- (if (and (eq? f-func (car prev-f))
- (not (side-effect? test1 env))
- (not (tree-change-member (gather-symbols test1) (cdr prev-f))))
- (equal-tests)))
- ((or (eq? f-func 'unless)
- (eq? (car prev-f) 'unless))) ; too hard!
- ;; look for test1 as member of test2 (so we can use test1 as the outer test)
- ((and (pair? test2)
- (eq? (car test2) 'and)
- (member test1 (cdr test2))
- (or (eq? f-func 'when) ; f has to be when or 1-arm if
- (null? (cdddr f)))
- (or (pair? (cdr fs)) ; if prev-f has false branch, we have to ignore the return value of f
- (eq? (car prev-f) 'when)
- (null? (cdddr prev-f)))
- (not (side-effect? test2 env))
- (not (tree-change-member (gather-symbols test1) (cddr prev-f))))
- (set! test2 (remove test1 test2))
- (test1-in-test2))
- ;; look for test2 as member of test1
- ((and (pair? test1)
- (eq? (car test1) 'and)
- (member test2 (cdr test1))
- (or (eq? (car prev-f) 'when) ; prev-f has to be when or 1-arm if
- (null? (cdddr prev-f)))
- (not (side-effect? test1 env))
- (not (tree-change-member (gather-symbols test2) (cddr prev-f))))
- (set! test1 (remove test2 test1))
- (test2-in-test1))
- ;; look for some intersection of test1 and test2
- ((and (pair? test1)
- (pair? test2)
- (eq? (car test1) 'and)
- (eq? (car test2) 'and)
- (not (side-effect? test1 env))
- (not (side-effect? test2 env))
- (not (tree-change-member (gather-symbols test2) (cddr prev-f))))
- (let ((intersection ())
- (new-test1 ())
- (new-test2 ()))
- (for-each (lambda (tst)
- (if (member tst test2)
- (set! intersection (cons tst intersection))
- (set! new-test1 (cons tst new-test1))))
- (cdr test1))
- (for-each (lambda (tst)
- (if (not (member tst test1))
- (set! new-test2 (cons tst new-test2))))
- (cdr test2))
- (when (pair? intersection)
- (if (null? new-test1)
- (if (null? new-test2)
- (begin
- (set! test1 `(and ,@(reverse intersection)))
- (equal-tests))
- (when (and (or (eq? f-func 'when)
- (null? (cdddr f)))
- (or (pair? (cdr fs))
- (eq? (car prev-f) 'when)
- (null? (cdddr prev-f))))
- (set! test1 `(and ,@(reverse intersection)))
- (set! test2 `(and ,@(reverse new-test2)))
- (test1-in-test2)))
- (if (null? new-test2)
- (when (or (eq? (car prev-f) 'when)
- (null? (cdddr prev-f)))
- (set! test2 `(and ,@(reverse intersection)))
- (set! test1 `(and ,@(reverse new-test1)))
- (test2-in-test1))
- (when (and (or (eq? f-func 'when)
- (null? (cdddr f)))
- (or (eq? (car prev-f) 'when)
- (null? (cdddr prev-f))))
- ;; (... (if (and A B) (f C)) (when (and B C) (g E)) ...) -> (... (when B (when A (f C)) (when C (g E))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (let ((outer-test (if (null? (cdr intersection))
- (car intersection)
- `(and ,@(reverse intersection)))))
- (set! new-test1 (if (null? (cdr new-test1))
- (car new-test1)
- `(and ,@(reverse new-test1))))
- (set! new-test2 (if (null? (cdr new-test2))
- (car new-test2)
- `(and ,@(reverse new-test2))))
- (lists->string `(... ,prev-f ,f ...)
- `(... (when ,outer-test
- (when ,new-test1
- ,@(cddr prev-f))
- (when ,new-test2
- ,@(cddr f)))
- ,@(if (null? (cdr fs)) () '(...)))))))))))))))))
- ;; --------
- ;; check for repeated calls, but only one arg currently can change (more args = confusing separation in code)
- (let ((feq (and (pair? prev-f)
- (pair? f)
- (eq? f-func (car prev-f))
- (or (equal? (cdr f) (cdr prev-f))
- (do ((fp (cdr f) (cdr fp))
- (pp (cdr prev-f) (cdr pp))
- (i 1 (+ i 1)))
- ((or (and (null? pp)
- (null? fp))
- (not (pair? pp))
- (not (pair? fp))
- (if (= i repeat-arg) ; ignore the arg that's known to be changing
- (side-effect? (car pp) env)
- (and (not (equal? (car pp) (car fp)))
- (or (positive? repeat-arg)
- (and (set! repeat-arg i) ; call this one the changer
- #f)))))
- (and (null? pp)
- (null? fp))))))))
- (if feq
- (set! repeats (+ repeats 1)))
- (when (or (not feq)
- (= ctr (- len 1))) ; this assumes we're not returning the last value?
- (when (and (> repeats 2)
- (not (hash-table-ref syntaces (car prev-f)))) ; macros should be ok here if args are constants
- (if (zero? repeat-arg) ; simple case -- all exprs are identical
- (let ((step 'i))
- (if (tree-member step prev-f)
- (set! step (find-unique-name prev-f)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A... ->~%~NC(do ((~A 0 (+ ~A 1))) ((= ~A ~D)) ~A)" caller
- (truncated-list->string prev-f)
- pp-left-margin #\space
- step step step (+ repeats 1)
- prev-f))
- (let ((fs-end (if (not feq) fs (cdr fs)))
- (args ())
- (constants? #t)
- (func-name (car prev-f))
- (new-arg (if (tree-member 'arg prev-f)
- (find-unique-name prev-f)
- 'arg)))
- (do ((p start-repeats (cdr p)))
- ((eq? p fs-end))
- (set! args (cons (list-ref (car p) repeat-arg) args))
- (if constants? (set! constants? (code-constant? (car args)))))
- (let ((func (if (and (= repeat-arg 1)
- (null? (cddar start-repeats)))
- func-name
- `(lambda (,new-arg)
- ,(let ((call (copy prev-f)))
- (list-set! call repeat-arg new-arg)
- call)))))
- (if constants?
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A... ->~%~NC(for-each ~S '(~{~S~^ ~}))" caller
- (truncated-list->string (car start-repeats))
- pp-left-margin #\space
- func
- (map unquoted (reverse args)))
- (let ((v (var-member func-name env)))
- (if (or (and (var? v)
- (memq (var-ftype v) '(define define* lambda lambda*)))
- (procedure? (symbol->value func-name *e*)))
- ;; (let () (write-byte 0) (write-byte 1) (write-byte 2) (write-byte 3) (write-byte 4)) ->
- ;; (for-each write-byte '(0 1 2 3 4))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A... ->~%~NC(for-each ~S (vector ~{~S~^ ~}))" caller
- ;; vector rather than list because it is easier on the GC (list copies in s7)
- (truncated-list->string (car start-repeats))
- pp-left-margin #\space
- func
- (reverse args))
- (if (not (or (var? v)
- (macro? (symbol->value func-name *e*))))
- ;; (let () (writ 0) (writ 1) (writ 2) (writ 3) (writ (* x 2))) -> (for-each writ (vector 0 1 2 3 (* x 2)))
- (lint-format "assuming ~A is not a macro, perhaps ~A" caller
- func-name
- (lists->string (list '... (car start-repeats) '...)
- `(for-each ,func (vector ,@(reverse args)))))))))))))
- (set! repeats 0)
- (set! repeat-arg 0)
- (set! start-repeats fs)))
- ;; --------
- (if (pair? f)
- (begin
- (set! f-len (length f))
- (if (eq? f-func 'begin)
- (lint-format "redundant begin: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string f))))
- (begin
- (if (symbol? f)
- (set-ref f caller f env))
- (set! f-len 0)))
- ;; set-car! + set-cdr! here is usually "clever" code assuming eq?ness, so we can't rewrite it using cons
- ;; but copy does not create a new cons... [if at end of body, the return values will differ]
- (when (= f-len prev-len 3)
- (when (and (memq f-func '(set-car! set-cdr!)) ; ...(set-car! x (car y)) (set-cdr! x (cdr y))... -> (copy y x)
- (memq (car prev-f) '(set-car! set-cdr!))
- (not (eq? (car prev-f) f-func))
- (equal? (cadr f) (cadr prev-f)))
- (let ((ncar (caddr (if (eq? f-func 'set-car!) f prev-f)))
- (ncdr (caddr (if (eq? f-func 'set-car!) prev-f f))))
- (if (and (pair? ncar)
- (eq? (car ncar) 'car)
- (pair? ncdr)
- (eq? (car ncdr) 'cdr)
- (equal? (cadr ncar) (cadr ncdr)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A~A ~A~A -> ~A" caller
- (if (= ctr 0) "" "...")
- (truncated-list->string prev-f)
- (truncated-list->string f)
- (if (= ctr (- len 1)) "" "...")
- `(copy ,(cadr ncar) ,(cadr f))))))
- ;; successive if's that can be combined into case
- ;; else in last if could be accommodated as well
- (when (and (not rewrote-already)
- (eq? f-func 'if)
- (eq? (car prev-f) 'if)
- (pair? (cadr f))
- (pair? (cadr prev-f))
- (= (length f) 3)
- (= (length prev-f) 3)
- (memq (caadr prev-f) '(eq? eqv? = char=?)) ; not memx
- (memq (caadr f) '(eq? eqv? = char=?)))
- (let ((a1 (cadadr prev-f))
- (a2 (caddr (cadr prev-f)))
- (b1 (cadadr f))
- (b2 (caddr (cadr f)))) ; other possibilities are never hit
- (when (and (equal? a1 b1)
- (code-constant? a2)
- (code-constant? b2)
- (not (tree-change-member (list a1) (cddr prev-f)))) ; or any symbol in a1?
- (set! rewrote-already #t)
- ;; (... (if (= x 1) (display y)) (if (= x 2) (f y)) ...) -> (case x ((1) (display y)) ((2) (f y)) ((3) (display z)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string `(... ,prev-f ,f ...)
- `(case ,a1
- ((,(unquoted a2)) ,@(unbegin (caddr prev-f)))
- ((,(unquoted b2)) ,@(unbegin (caddr f)))
- ,@(do ((more ())
- (nfs (cdr fs) (cdr nfs)))
- ((let ((nf (if (pair? nfs) (car nfs) ())))
- (not (and (pair? nf)
- (eq? (car nf) 'if)
- (= (length nf) 3)
- (pair? (cadr nf))
- (memq (caadr nf) '(eq? eqv? = char=?))
- (equal? a1 (cadadr nf))
- (code-constant? (caddr (cadr nf))))))
- ;; maybe add (not (tree-change-member (list a1) (cddr last-f)))
- ;; but it never is needed
- (reverse more))
- (if (pair? nfs)
- (set! more (cons (cons (list (unquoted (caddr (cadar nfs))))
- (unbegin (caddar nfs)))
- more))))))))))
- (when (and (eq? f-func 'set!)
- (eq? (car prev-f) 'set!))
- (let ((arg1 (caddr prev-f))
- (arg2 (caddr f))
- (settee (cadr f)))
- (if (and (or (and (equal? settee arg1) ; (set! x y) (set! y x)
- (equal? arg2 (cadr prev-f)))
- (and (equal? settee (cadr prev-f)) ; (set! x y) (set! x y)
- (equal? arg1 arg2)))
- (not (tree-equal-member settee arg2)))
- (lint-format "this pair of set!s looks odd: ~A" caller
- `(... ,prev-f ,f ...)))
- (cond ((not (eq? settee (cadr prev-f)))
- (if (and (symbol? (cadr prev-f)) ; (set! x (A)) (set! y (A)) -> (set! x (A)) (set! y x)
- (pair? arg1) ; maybe more trouble than it's worth
- (equal? arg1 arg2)
- (not (eq? (car arg1) 'quote))
- (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions (car arg1))
- (not (tree-unquoted-member (cadr prev-f) arg1))
- (not (side-effect? arg1 env))
- (not (maker? arg1)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string f `(set! ,settee ,(cadr prev-f))))))
- ((not (and (pair? arg2) ; (set! x 0) (set! x 1) -> "this could be omitted: (set! x 0)"
- (tree-unquoted-member settee arg2)))
- (if (not (or (side-effect? arg1 env)
- (side-effect? arg2 env)))
- (lint-format "this could be omitted: ~A" caller prev-f)))
- ((and (pair? arg1) ; (set! x (cons 1 z)) (set! x (cons 2 x)) -> (set! x (cons 2 (cons 1 z)))
- (pair? arg2)
- (eq? (car arg1) 'cons)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'cons)
- (eq? settee (caddr arg2))
- (not (eq? settee (cadr arg2))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A ~A -> ~A" caller
- prev-f f
- `(set! ,settee (cons ,(cadr arg2) (cons ,@(cdr arg1))))))
- ((and (pair? arg1) ; (set! x (append x y)) (set! x (append x z)) -> (set! x (append x y z))
- (pair? arg2)
- (eq? (car arg1) 'append)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'append)
- (eq? settee (cadr arg1))
- (eq? settee (cadr arg2))
- (not (tree-memq settee (cddr arg1)))
- (not (tree-memq settee (cddr arg2))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A ~A -> ~A" caller
- prev-f f
- `(set! ,settee (append ,settee ,@(cddr arg1) ,@(cddr arg2)))))
- ((and (= (tree-count1 settee arg2 0) 1) ; (set! x y) (set! x (+ x 1)) -> (set! x (+ y 1))
- (or (not (pair? arg1))
- (< (tree-leaves arg1) 5)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A ~A ->~%~NC~A" caller
- prev-f f pp-left-margin #\space
- (object->string `(set! ,settee ,(tree-subst arg1 settee arg2)))))))))
- (if (< ctr (- len 1))
- (begin ; f is not the last form, so its value is ignored
- (if (and (escape? f env)
- (pair? (cdr fs)) ; do special case
- (every? (lambda (arg)
- (not (and (symbol? arg)
- (let ((v (var-member arg env)))
- (and (var? v)
- (eq? (var-initial-value v) :call/cc))))))
- (cdr f)))
- (if (= ctr (- len 2))
- ;; (let () (error 'oops "an error") #t)
- (lint-format "~A makes this pointless: ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string f)
- (truncated-list->string (cadr fs)))
- ;; (begin (stop) (exit 6) (print 4) (stop))
- (lint-format "~A makes the rest of the body unreachable: ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string f)
- (truncated-list->string (list '... (cadr fs) '...)))))
- (check-returns caller f env))
- ;; here f is the last form in the body
- (when (and (pair? prev-f)
- (pair? (cdr prev-f)))
- (case (car prev-f)
- ((display write write-char write-byte)
- (if (and (equal? f (cadr prev-f))
- (not (side-effect? f env)))
- ;; (cond ((= x y) y) (else (begin (display x) x)))
- (lint-format "~A returns its first argument, so this could be omitted: ~A" caller
- (car prev-f) (truncated-list->string f))))
- ((vector-set! float-vector-set! int-vector-set! byte-vector-set!
- string-set! list-set! hash-table-set! let-set! set-car! set-cdr!)
- (if (equal? f (list-ref prev-f (- (length prev-f) 1)))
- ;; (begin (vector-set! x 0 (* y 2)) (* y 2))
- (lint-format "~A returns the new value, so this could be omitted: ~A" caller
- (car prev-f) (truncated-list->string f)))
- (if (and (pair? f)
- (pair? (cdr f))
- (eq? (cadr prev-f) (cadr f))
- (not (code-constant? (cadr f)))
- (case (car prev-f)
- ((vector-set! float-vector-set! int-vector-set!)
- (memq f-func '(vector-ref float-vector-ref int-vector-ref)))
- ((list-set!)
- (eq? f-func 'list-ref))
- ((string-set!)
- (eq? f-func 'string-ref))
- ((set-car!)
- (eq? f-func 'car))
- ((set-cdr!)
- (eq? f-func 'cdr))
- (else #f))
- (or (memq f-func '(car cdr)) ; no indices
- (and (pair? (cddr f)) ; for the others check that indices match
- (equal? (caddr f) (caddr prev-f))
- (pair? (cdddr prev-f))
- (not (pair? (cddddr prev-f)))
- (not (pair? (cdddr f)))
- (not (side-effect? (caddr f) env)))))
- ;; (let ((x (list 1 2))) (set-car! x 3) (car x))
- (lint-format "~A returns the new value, so this could be omitted: ~A" caller
- (car prev-f) (truncated-list->string f))))
- ((copy)
- (if (or (and (null? (cddr prev-f))
- (equal? (cadr prev-f) f))
- (and (pair? (cddr prev-f))
- (null? (cdddr prev-f))
- (equal? (caddr prev-f) f)))
- (lint-format "~A returns the new value, so ~A could be omitted" caller
- (truncated-list->string prev-f)
- (truncated-list->string f))))
- ((set! define define* define-macro define-constant define-macro*
- defmacro defmacro* define-expansion define-bacro define-bacro*)
- (cond ((not (and (pair? (cddr prev-f)) ; (set! ((L 1) 2)) an error, but lint should keep going
- (or (and (equal? (caddr prev-f) f) ; (begin ... (set! x (...)) (...))
- (not (side-effect? f env)))
- (and (symbol? f) ; (begin ... (set! x ...) x)
- (eq? f (cadr prev-f))) ; also (begin ... (define x ...) x)
- (and (not (eq? (car prev-f) 'set!))
- (pair? (cadr prev-f)) ; (begin ... (define (x...)...) x)
- (eq? f (caadr prev-f)))))))
- ((not (memq (car prev-f) '(define define*)))
- (lint-format "~A returns the new value, so this could be omitted: ~A" caller
- (car prev-f) (truncated-list->string f)))
- ((symbol? (cadr prev-f))
- (lint-format "perhaps omit ~A and return ~A" caller
- (cadr prev-f)
- (caddr prev-f)))
- ((= (tree-count2 f body 0) 2)
- ;; (let () (define (f1 x) (+ x 1)) f1) -> (lambda (x) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps omit ~A, and change ~A" caller
- f
- (lists->string `(,(car prev-f) ,(cadr prev-f) ...)
- `(,(if (eq? (car prev-f) 'define) 'lambda 'lambda*)
- ,(cdadr prev-f)
- ...))))
- (else (lint-format "~A returns the new value, so this could be omitted: ~A" caller
- (car prev-f) f)))))))
- ; possibly still not right if letrec?
- ;; needs f fs prev-f dpy-f dpy-start ctr len
- ;; trap lint-format
- (let ((dpy-case (and (pair? f)
- (memq f-func '(display write newline write-char write-string))))) ; flush-output-port?
- (when (and dpy-case
- (not dpy-start))
- (set! dpy-f fs)
- (set! dpy-start ctr))
- (when (and (integer? dpy-start)
- (> (- ctr dpy-start) (if dpy-case 1 2))
- (or (= ctr (- len 1))
- (not dpy-case)))
- ;; display sequence starts at dpy-start, goes to ctr (prev-f) unless not dpy-case
- (let ((ctrl-string "")
- (args ())
- (dctr 0)
- (dpy-last (if (not dpy-case) prev-f f))
- (op (write-port (car dpy-f)))
- (exprs (make-list (if dpy-case (- ctr dpy-start -1) (- ctr dpy-start)) ())))
- (define* (gather-format str (arg :unset))
- (set! ctrl-string (string-append ctrl-string str))
- (unless (eq? arg :unset) (set! args (cons arg args))))
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (done)
- (for-each
- (lambda (d)
- (if (not (equal? (write-port d) op))
- (begin
- (lint-format "unexpected port change: ~A -> ~A in ~A" caller op (write-port d) d) ; ??
- (done)))
- (list-set! exprs dctr d)
- (set! dctr (+ dctr 1))
- (gather-format (display->format d))
- (when (eq? d dpy-last) ; op can be null => send to (current-output-port), return #f or #<unspecified>
- ;; (begin (display x) (newline) (display y) (newline)) -> (format () "~A~%~A~%" x y)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string `(... ,@exprs)
- `(format ,op ,ctrl-string ,@(reverse args))))
- (done)))
- dpy-f))))
- (set! dpy-start #f))
- (unless dpy-case (set! dpy-start #f)))
- (if (and (pair? f)
- (memq head '(defmacro defmacro* define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro*))
- (tree-member 'unquote f))
- (lint-format "~A probably has too many unquotes: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string f)))
- (set! prev-f f)
- (set! prev-len f-len)
- (set! lint-current-form f)
- (if (= ctr (- len 1))
- (set! env (lint-walk caller f env))
- (begin
- (set! lint-mid-form f)
- (let ((e (lint-walk caller f env)))
- (if (and (pair? e)
- (not (memq (var-name (car e)) '(:lambda :dilambda))))
- (set! env e)))))
- (set! lint-current-form #f)
- (set! lint-mid-form #f)
- ;; need to put off this ref tick until we have a var for it (lint-walk above)
- (when (and (= ctr (- len 1))
- (pair? f)
- (pair? (cdr f)))
- (if (and (pair? (cadr f))
- (memq f-func '(define define* define-macro define-constant define-macro* define-expansion define-bacro define-bacro*)))
- (set-ref (caadr f) caller f env)
- (if (memq f-func '(defmacro defmacro*))
- (set-ref (cadr f) caller f env))))
- ))
- (set! lint-mid-form old-mid-form)
- (set! lint-current-form old-current-form)))
- env)
- (define (return-walker last func)
- (if (not (pair? last))
- (func last)
- (case (car last)
- ((begin let let* letrec letrec* when unless with-baffle with-let)
- (when (pair? (cdr last))
- (let ((len (length last)))
- (when (positive? len)
- (return-walker (list-ref last (- len 1)) func)))))
- ((if)
- (when (and (pair? (cdr last))
- (pair? (cddr last)))
- (return-walker (caddr last) func)
- (if (pair? (cdddr last))
- (return-walker (cadddr last) func))))
- ((cond)
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (if (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (cdr c)))
- (return-walker (list-ref c (- (length c) 1)) func)))
- (cdr last)))
- ((case)
- (when (and (pair? (cdr last))
- (pair? (cddr last)))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (if (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (cdr c)))
- (return-walker (list-ref c (- (length c) 1)) func)))
- (cddr last))))
- ((do)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr last))
- (pair? (cddr last))
- (pair? (caddr last))
- (pair? (cdaddr last)))
- (return-walker (list-ref (caddr last) (- (length (caddr last)) 1)) func)))
- ((set!)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr last))
- (pair? (cddr last)))
- (func (caddr last))))
- (else (func last)) ; includes quote
- ;; call-with-exit et al also or|and
- ;; or|and -- call return-walker on each entry?
- ;; call-with-exit: walker on last on body, and scan for return func, walker on arg(s...)->values?
- )))
- (define (check-sequence-constant function-name last)
- (return-walker last
- (lambda (in-seq)
- (when (or (not (pair? in-seq))
- (eq? (car in-seq) 'quote))
- (let ((seq (if (and (pair? in-seq)
- (pair? (cdr in-seq))) ; (quote . 1)??
- (cadr in-seq)
- in-seq)))
- (when (and (sequence? seq)
- (not (zero? (length seq))))
- (lint-format "returns ~A constant: ~A~S" function-name ; (define-macro (m a) `(+ 1 a))
- (if (pair? seq)
- (values "a list" "'" seq)
- (values (prettify-checker-unq (->lint-type in-seq)) "" seq)))
- (throw 'sequence-constant-done))))))) ; just report one constant -- the full list is annoying
- (define lint-function-body #f) ; a momentary kludge??
- (define (lint-walk-function-body definer function-name args body env)
- ;; walk function body, with possible doc string at the start
- (when (and (pair? body)
- (pair? (cdr body))
- (string? (car body)))
- (if *report-doc-strings*
- (lint-format "old-style doc string: ~S, in s7 use 'documentation:~%~NC~A" function-name
- (car body) (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (lint-pp `(define ,function-name
- (let ((documentation ,(car body)))
- (,(if (eq? definer 'define) 'lambda
- (if (eq? definer 'define*) 'lambda*
- definer))
- ,args
- ,@(cdr body)))))))
- (set! body (cdr body))) ; ignore old-style doc-string
- ;; (set! arg ...) never happens as last in body
- ;; but as first in body, it happens ca 100 times
- (if (and (pair? body)
- (pair? (car body))
- (eq? (caar body) 'set!)
- (or (eq? (cadar body) args)
- (and (pair? args)
- (memq (cadar body) args))))
- ;; (define (f21 x y) (set! x 3) (+ y 1))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" function-name
- (lists->string (car body) `(let ((,(cadar body) ,(caddar body))) ...))))
- ;; as first in let of body, maybe a half-dozen
- (let ((tag 'yup))
- (catch 'sequence-constant-done
- (lambda ()
- (check-sequence-constant function-name (list-ref body (- (length body) 1))) ; some of these are innocuous -- lambda forms in midst of outer body etc
- (set! tag 'nope))
- (lambda args #f))
- (if (eq? tag 'yup)
- (let ((v (var-member function-name env)))
- (if (var? v)
- (set! (var-retcons v) #t)))))
- (set! lint-function-body body)
- (lint-walk-body function-name definer body env))
- (define (lint-walk-function definer function-name args body form env)
- ;; check out function arguments (adding them to the current env), then walk its body
- ;; first check for (define (hi...) (ho...)) where ho has no opt args (and try to ignore possible string constant doc string)
- (when (eq? definer 'define)
- (let ((bval (if (and (pair? body)
- (string? (car body)))
- (cdr body) ; strip away the (old-style) documentation string
- body)))
- (cond ((not (and (pair? bval) ; not (define (hi a) . 1)!
- (pair? (car bval))
- (null? (cdr bval))
- (symbol? (caar bval))))) ; not (define (hi) ((if #f + abs) 0))
- ((or (equal? args (cdar bval))
- (and (hash-table-ref reversibles (caar bval))
- (equal? args (reverse (cdar bval)))))
- (let* ((cval (caar bval))
- (p (symbol->value cval *e*))
- (ary (arity p)))
- (if (or (procedure? p)
- (let ((e (var-member cval env) ))
- (and e
- (var? e)
- (symbol? (var-ftype e))
- (let ((def (var-initial-value e))
- (e-args (var-arglist e)))
- (and
- (pair? def)
- (memq (var-ftype e) '(define lambda))
- (or (and (null? args)
- (null? e-args))
- (and (symbol? args)
- (symbol? e-args))
- (and (pair? args)
- (pair? e-args)
- (= (length args) (length e-args)))))))))
- (lint-format "~A~A could be (define ~A ~A)" function-name
- (if (and (procedure? p)
- (not (= (car ary) (cdr ary)))
- (not (= (length args) (cdr ary))))
- (format #f "leaving aside ~A's optional arg~P, " cval (- (cdr ary) (length args)))
- "")
- function-name
- function-name
- (if (equal? args (cdar bval))
- cval
- (hash-table-ref reversibles (caar bval))))
- (if (and (null? args) ; perhaps this can be extended to any equal args
- (null? (cdar bval)))
- ;; (define (getservent) (getserv)) -> (define getservent getserv)
- (lint-format "~A could probably be ~A" function-name
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (truncated-list->string `(define ,function-name ,cval)))))))
- ((and (or (symbol? args)
- (and (pair? args)
- (negative? (length args))))
- (eq? (caar bval) 'apply)
- (pair? (cdar bval))
- (symbol? (cadar bval))
- (not (memq (cadar bval) '(and or)))
- (pair? (cddar bval))
- (or (and (eq? args (caddar bval))
- (null? (cdddar bval)))
- (and (pair? args)
- (equal? (cddar bval) (proper-list args)))))
- ;; (define (f1 . x) (apply + x)) -> (define f1 +)
- (lint-format "~A could be (define ~A ~A)" function-name function-name function-name (cadar bval)))
- ((and (hash-table-ref combinable-cxrs (caar bval))
- (pair? (cadar bval)))
- ((lambda* (cr arg)
- (and cr
- (< (length cr) 5)
- (pair? args)
- (null? (cdr args))
- (eq? (car args) arg)
- (let ((f (symbol "c" cr "r")))
- (if (eq? f function-name)
- ;; (define (cadddr l) (caddr (cdr l)))
- (lint-format "this redefinition of ~A is pointless (use (with-let (unlet)...) or #_~A)" definer function-name function-name)
- ;; (define (f1 x) (cdr (car x))) -> (define f1 cdar)
- (lint-format "~A could be (define ~A ~A)" function-name function-name function-name f)))))
- (combine-cxrs (car bval))))
- ((not (and (memq (caar bval) '(list-ref list-tail))
- (pair? (cdar bval))
- (pair? (cddar bval))
- (pair? args)
- (eq? (car args) (cadar bval))
- (null? (cdr args)))))
- ((eq? (caar bval) 'list-ref)
- (case (caddar bval)
- ((0) (lint-format "~A could be (define ~A car)" function-name function-name function-name))
- ((1) (lint-format "~A could be (define ~A cadr)" function-name function-name function-name))
- ((2) (lint-format "~A could be (define ~A caddr)" function-name function-name function-name))
- ((3) (lint-format "~A could be (define ~A cadddr)" function-name function-name function-name))))
- (else
- (case (caddar bval)
- ((1) (lint-format "~A could be (define ~A cdr)" function-name function-name function-name))
- ((2) (lint-format "~A could be (define ~A cddr)" function-name function-name function-name))
- ((3) (lint-format "~A could be (define ~A cdddr)" function-name function-name function-name))
- ((4) (lint-format "~A could be (define ~A cddddr)" function-name function-name function-name)))))))
- (let ((fvar (and (symbol? function-name)
- (make-fvar :name (if (memq definer '(lambda lambda*))
- :lambda
- (if (eq? definer 'dilambda)
- :dilambda
- function-name))
- :ftype definer
- :initial-value form
- :env env
- :arglist (if (memq definer '(lambda lambda*))
- (cadr form)
- ((if (memq definer '(defmacro defmacro*)) caddr cdadr) form))))))
- (when fvar
- (let ((fvar-let (cdr fvar)))
- (set! (fvar-let 'decl)
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (case definer
- ((lambda)
- (set! (fvar-let 'allow-other-keys) #t)
- (eval (list definer (cadr form) #f)))
- ((lambda*)
- (set! (fvar-let 'allow-other-keys) (eq? (last-par (cadr form)) :allow-other-keys))
- (eval (list definer (copy (cadr form)) #f))) ; eval can remove :allow-other-keys!
- ((define*)
- (set! (fvar-let 'allow-other-keys) (eq? (last-par (cdadr form)) :allow-other-keys))
- (eval (list definer (cons '_ (copy (cdadr form))) #f)))
- ((defmacro defmacro*)
- (set! (fvar-let 'allow-other-keys) (or (not (eq? definer 'defmacro*))
- (eq? (last-par (caddr form)) :allow-other-keys)))
- (eval (list definer '_ (caddr form) #f)))
- ((define-constant)
- (set! (fvar-let 'allow-other-keys) #t)
- (eval (list 'define (cons '_ (cdadr form)) #f)))
- (else
- (set! (fvar-let 'allow-other-keys) (or (not (memq definer '(define-macro* define-bacro*)))
- (eq? (last-par (cdadr form)) :allow-other-keys)))
- (eval (list definer (cons '_ (cdadr form)) #f)))))
- (lambda args
- 'error)))))
- (if (null? args)
- (begin
- (if (memq definer '(define* lambda* defmacro* define-macro* define-bacro*))
- (lint-format "~A could be ~A" ; (define* (f1) 32)
- function-name definer
- (symbol (substring (symbol->string definer) 0 (- (length (symbol->string definer)) 1)))))
- (let ((cur-env (if fvar (cons fvar env) env)))
- (let ((nvars (let ((e (lint-walk-function-body definer function-name args body cur-env)))
- (and (not (eq? e cur-env))
- (env-difference function-name e cur-env ())))))
- (if (pair? nvars)
- (report-usage function-name definer nvars cur-env)))
- cur-env))
- (if (not (or (symbol? args)
- (pair? args)))
- (begin
- (lint-format "strange ~A parameter list ~A" function-name definer args)
- env)
- (let ((args-as-vars (if (symbol? args) ; this is getting arg names to add to the environment
- (list (make-var :name args :definer 'parameter))
- (map (lambda (arg)
- (if (symbol? arg)
- (if (memq arg '(:rest :allow-other-keys))
- (values) ; omit :rest and :allow-other-keys
- (make-var :name arg :definer 'parameter))
- (if (not (and (pair? arg)
- (= (length arg) 2)
- (memq definer '(define* lambda* defmacro* define-macro* define-bacro* definstrument define*-public))))
- (begin
- (lint-format "strange parameter for ~A: ~S" function-name definer arg)
- (values))
- (begin
- (if (not (or (cadr arg) ; (define* (f4 (a #f)) a)
- (eq? definer 'define*-public))) ; who knows?
- (lint-format "the default argument value is #f in ~A ~A" function-name definer arg))
- (make-var :name (car arg) :definer 'parameter)))))
- (proper-list args)))))
- (let* ((cur-env (cons (make-var :name :let
- :initial-value form
- :definer definer)
- (append args-as-vars (if fvar (cons fvar env) env))))
- (nvars (let ((e (lint-walk-function-body definer function-name args body cur-env)))
- (and (not (eq? e cur-env))
- (env-difference function-name e cur-env ())))))
- (report-usage function-name definer (append (or nvars ()) args-as-vars) cur-env))
- (when (and (var? fvar)
- (memq definer '(define lambda define-macro)))
- ;; look for unused parameters that are passed a value other than #f
- (let ((set ())
- (unused ()))
- (for-each
- (lambda (arg-var)
- (if (zero? (var-ref arg-var))
- (if (positive? (var-set arg-var))
- (set! set (cons (var-name arg-var) set))
- (if (not (memq (var-name arg-var) '(documentation signature iterator?)))
- (set! unused (cons (var-name arg-var) unused))))))
- args-as-vars)
- (when (or (pair? set)
- (pair? unused))
- (let ((proper-args (args->proper-list args)))
- (let ((sig (var-signature fvar))
- (len (+ (length proper-args) 1)))
- (if (not sig)
- (set! sig (make-list len #t))
- (if (< (length sig) len)
- (set! sig (copy sig (make-list len #t)))))
- (let ((siglist (cdr sig)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (arg)
- (if (memq arg unused)
- (set-car! siglist 'unused-parameter?)
- (if (memq arg set)
- (set-car! siglist 'unused-set-parameter?)))
- (set! siglist (cdr siglist)))
- proper-args))
- (set! (var-signature fvar) sig))))))
- (if fvar
- (cons fvar env)
- env))))))
- (define (check-bool-cond caller form c1 c2 env)
- ;; (cond (x #f) (#t #t)) -> (not x)
- ;; c1/c2 = possibly combined, so in (cond (x #t) (y #t) (else #f)), c1: ((or x y) #t), so -> (or x y)
- (and (pair? c1)
- (= (length c1) 2)
- (pair? c2)
- (pair? (cdr c2))
- (memq (car c2) '(#t else))
- (or (and (boolean? (cadr c1))
- (or (and (null? (cddr c2))
- (boolean? (cadr c2))
- (not (equal? (cadr c1) (cadr c2))) ; handled elsewhere
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (if (eq? (cadr c1) #t)
- (car c1)
- (simplify-boolean `(not ,(car c1)) () () env)))))
- (and (not (cadr c1)) ; (cond (x #f) (else y)) -> (and (not x) y)
- (let ((cc1 (simplify-boolean `(not ,(car c1)) () () env)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (null? (cddr c2))
- `(and ,cc1 ,(cadr c2))
- `(and ,cc1 (begin ,@(cdr c2))))))))
- (and (pair? (car c1)) ; (cond ((null? x) #t) (else y)) -> (or (null? x) y)
- (eq? (return-type (caar c1) env) 'boolean?)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (null? (cddr c2))
- `(or ,(car c1) ,(cadr c2))
- `(or ,(car c1) (begin ,@(cdr c2)))))))))
- (and (boolean? (cadr c2))
- (null? (cddr c2))
- (not (equal? (cadr c1) (cadr c2)))
- ;; (cond ((= 3 (length eq)) (caddr eq)) (else #f)) -> (and (= 3 (length eq)) (caddr eq))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (cadr c2)
- `(or (not ,(car c1)) ,(cadr c1))
- (if (and (pair? (car c1))
- (eq? (caar c1) 'and))
- (append (car c1) (cdr c1))
- `(and ,@c1)))))))))
- (define (case-branch test eqv-select exprs)
- (case (car test)
- ((eq? eqv? = equal? char=?)
- (if (equal? eqv-select (cadr test))
- `((,(unquoted (caddr test))) ,@exprs)
- `((,(unquoted (cadr test))) ,@exprs)))
- ((memq memv member)
- `(,(unquoted (caddr test)) ,@exprs))
- ((not)
- `((#f) ,@exprs))
- ((null?)
- `((()) ,@exprs))
- ((eof-object?)
- `((#<eof>) ,@exprs))
- ((zero?)
- `((0 0.0) ,@exprs))
- ((boolean?)
- `((#t #f) ,@exprs))
- ((char-ci=?)
- (if (equal? eqv-select (cadr test))
- `(,(list (caddr test) (other-case (caddr test))) ,@exprs)
- `(,(list (cadr test) (other-case (cadr test))) ,@exprs)))
- (else
- `(,(map (lambda (p)
- (case (car p)
- ((eq? eqv? = equal? char=?)
- (unquoted ((if (equal? eqv-select (cadr p)) caddr cadr) p)))
- ((memq memv member) (apply values (caddr p)))
- ((not) #f)
- ((null?) ())
- ((eof-object?) #<eof>)
- ((zero?) (values 0 0.0))
- ((boolean?) (values #t #f))
- ((char-ci=?)
- (if (equal? eqv-select (cadr p))
- (values (caddr p) (other-case (caddr p)))
- (values (cadr p) (other-case (cadr p)))))
- (else (error "oops"))))
- (cdr test))
- ,@exprs))))
- (define (cond->case eqv-select new-clauses)
- `(case ,eqv-select
- ,@(map (lambda (clause)
- (let ((test (car clause))
- (exprs (cdr clause)))
- (if (null? exprs) ; cond returns the test result if no explicit results
- (set! exprs (list #t))) ; but all tests here return a boolean, and we win only if #t?? (memx is an exception)
- (if (memq test '(else #t))
- `(else ,@exprs)
- (case-branch test eqv-select exprs))))
- new-clauses)))
- (define (eqv-code-constant? x)
- (or (number? x)
- (char? x)
- (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'quote)
- (or (symbol? (cadr x))
- (and (not (pair? (cadr x)))
- (eqv-code-constant? (cadr x)))))
- (memq x '(#t #f () #<unspecified> #<undefined> #<eof>))))
- (define (cond-eqv? clause eqv-select or-ok)
- (if (not (pair? clause))
- (memq clause '(else #t))
- ;; it's eqv-able either directly or via memq/memv, or via (or ... eqv-able clauses)
- ;; all clauses involve the same (eventual case) selector
- (case (car clause)
- ((eq? eqv? = equal? char=? char-ci=?)
- (if (eqv-code-constant? (cadr clause))
- (equal? eqv-select (caddr clause))
- (and (eqv-code-constant? (caddr clause))
- (equal? eqv-select (cadr clause)))))
- ((memq memv member)
- (and (equal? eqv-select (cadr clause))
- (pair? (caddr clause))
- (eq? (caaddr clause) 'quote)
- (or (not (eq? (car clause) 'member))
- (every? (lambda (x)
- (or (number? x)
- (char? x)
- (symbol? x)
- (memq x '(#t #f () #<unspecified> #<undefined> #<eof>))))
- (cdr (caddr clause))))))
- ((or)
- (and or-ok
- (every? (lambda (p)
- (cond-eqv? p eqv-select #f))
- (cdr clause))))
- ((not null? eof-object? zero? boolean?)
- (equal? eqv-select (cadr clause)))
- (else #f))))
- (define (find-constant-exprs caller vars body)
- (if (or (tree-set-member '(call/cc call-with-current-continuation lambda lambda* define define*
- define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro* define-constant define-expansion)
- body)
- (let set-walk ((tree body)) ; generalized set! causes confusion
- (and (pair? tree)
- (or (and (eq? (car tree) 'set!)
- (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cadr tree)))
- (set-walk (car tree))
- (set-walk (cdr tree))))))
- ()
- (let ((refs (let ((vs (out-vars caller vars body)))
- (remove-if (lambda (v)
- (or (assq v vars) ; vars = do-loop steppers
- (memq v (cadr vs)))) ; (cadr vs) = sets
- (car vs))))
- ;; refs are the external variables accessed in the do-loop body
- ;; that are not set or shadowed or changed (vector-set! etc)
- (constant-exprs ()))
- (let expr-walk ((tree body))
- (when (pair? tree)
- (if (let all-ok? ((tree tree))
- (if (symbol? tree)
- (memq tree refs)
- (or (not (pair? tree))
- (eq? (car tree) 'quote)
- (and (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions (car tree))
- (or (not (hash-table-ref syntaces (car tree)))
- (memq (car tree) '(if begin cond or and unless when)))
- (not (hash-table-ref makers (car tree)))
- (list? (cdr tree))
- (every? all-ok? (cdr tree))))))
- (if (not (or (eq? (car tree) 'quote) (member tree constant-exprs)))
- (set! constant-exprs (cons tree constant-exprs)))
- (begin
- (if (pair? (car tree))
- (expr-walk (car tree)))
- (when (pair? (cdr tree))
- (let ((f (cdr tree)))
- (case (car f)
- ((case)
- (when (and (pair? (cdr f))
- (pair? (cddr f)))
- (expr-walk (cadr f))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (expr-walk (cdr c)))
- (cddr f))))
- ((letrec letrec*)
- (when (pair? (cddr f))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (if (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (cdr c)))
- (expr-walk (cadr c))))
- (cadr f))
- (expr-walk (cddr f))))
- ((let let*)
- (when (pair? (cddr f))
- (if (symbol? (cadr f))
- (set! f (cdr f)))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (if (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (cdr c)))
- (expr-walk (cadr c))))
- (cadr f))
- (expr-walk (cddr f))))
- ((do)
- (when (and (list? (cadr f))
- (list? (cddr f))
- (pair? (cdddr f)))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (if (pair? (cddr c))
- (expr-walk (caddr c))))
- (cadr f))
- (expr-walk (cdddr f))))
- (else (for-each expr-walk f)))))))))
- (when (pair? constant-exprs)
- (set! constant-exprs (remove-if (lambda (p)
- (or (null? (cdr p))
- (and (null? (cddr p))
- (memq (car p) '(not -))
- (symbol? (cadr p)))
- (tree-unquoted-member 'port-line-number p)))
- constant-exprs)))
- constant-exprs)))
- (define (partition-form start len)
- (let ((ps (make-vector len))
- (qs (make-vector len)))
- (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
- (p start (cdr p)))
- ((= i len))
- (set! (ps i) (cadar p))
- (set! (qs i) (reverse (cadar p))))
- (let ((header-len (length (ps 0))))
- (let ((trailer-len header-len)
- (result-min-len header-len))
- (do ((i 1 (+ i 1)))
- ((= i len))
- (set! result-min-len (min result-min-len (length (ps i))))
- (do ((k 1 (+ k 1))
- (p (cdr (ps i)) (cdr p))
- (f (cdr (ps 0)) (cdr f)))
- ((or (= k header-len)
- (not (pair? p))
- (not (equal? (car p) (car f))))
- (set! header-len k)))
- (do ((k 0 (+ k 1))
- (q (qs i) (cdr q))
- (f (qs 0) (cdr f)))
- ((or (= k trailer-len)
- (not (pair? q))
- (not (equal? (car q) (car f))))
- (set! trailer-len k))))
- (if (= result-min-len header-len)
- (begin
- (set! header-len (- header-len 1))
- (set! trailer-len 0)))
- (if (<= result-min-len (+ header-len trailer-len))
- (set! trailer-len (- result-min-len header-len 1)))
- (values header-len trailer-len result-min-len)))))
- (define (one-call-and-dots body) ; body is unchanged here, so it's not interesting
- (if (< (tree-leaves body) 30)
- (if (null? (cdr body))
- body
- (list (car body) '...))
- (if (pair? (car body))
- (list (list (caar body) '...))
- (list (car body) '...))))
- (define (replace-redundant-named-let caller form outer-name outer-args inner)
- (when (proper-list? outer-args) ; can be null
- (let ((inner-name (cadr inner))
- (inner-args (caddr inner))
- (inner-body (cdddr inner)))
- (do ((p outer-args (cdr p))
- (a inner-args (cdr a)))
- ((or (null? p)
- (not (pair? a))
- (not (pair? (car a)))
- (and (not (eq? (car p) (caar a)))
- (tree-memq (car p) inner-body)))
- ;; args can be reversed, but rarely match as symbols
- (when (and (null? p)
- (or (null? a)
- (and (null? (cdr a))
- (code-constant? (cadar a)))))
- (let* ((args-match (do ((p outer-args (cdr p))
- (a inner-args (cdr a)))
- ((or (null? p)
- (not (eq? (car p) (caar a)))
- (not (eq? (caar a) (cadar a))))
- (null? p))))
- (args-aligned (and (not args-match)
- (do ((p outer-args (cdr p))
- (a inner-args (cdr a)))
- ((or (null? p)
- (not (eq? (car p) (cadar a))))
- (null? p))))))
- (when (or args-match args-aligned)
- (let ((definer (if (null? a) 'define 'define*))
- (extras (if (and (pair? a)
- (quoted-null? (cadar a)))
- (list (list (caar a) ()))
- a)))
- ;; (define (f61 x) (let loop ((y x)) (if (positive? y) (loop (- y 1)) 0))) -> (define (f61 y) (if (positive? y) (f61 (- y 1)) 0))
- (lint-format "~A ~A" caller
- (if (null? a) "perhaps" "a toss-up -- perhaps")
- (lists->string form
- `(,definer (,outer-name
- ,@(if args-match
- outer-args
- (do ((result ())
- (p outer-args (cdr p))
- (a inner-args (cdr a)))
- ((null? p)
- (reverse result))
- (set! result (cons (caar a) result))))
- ,@extras)
- ,@(tree-subst outer-name inner-name inner-body)))))))))))))
- (define (set!? form env)
- (and *report-any-!-as-setter* ; (inc! x) when inc! is unknown, assume it sets x
- (symbol? (car form))
- (pair? (cdr form))
- (or (symbol? (cadr form))
- (and (pair? (cddr form))
- (symbol? (caddr form))))
- (not (var-member (car form) env))
- (not (hash-table-ref built-in-functions (car form)))
- (let ((str (symbol->string (car form))))
- (char=? (string-ref str (- (length str) 1)) #\!))))
- (define (set-target name form env)
- (and (pair? form)
- (or (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (or (eq? (cadr form) name) ; (pop! x)
- (and (pair? (cddr form)) ; (push! y x)
- (eq? (caddr form) name)))
- (or (eq? (car form) 'set!) ; (set! x y)
- (set!? form env)))
- (set-target name (car form) env)
- (set-target name (cdr form) env))))
- (define (check-definee caller sym form env)
- (cond ((keyword? sym) ; (define :x 1)
- (lint-format "keywords are constants ~A" caller sym))
- ((and (eq? sym 'pi) ; (define pi (atan 0 -1))
- (member (caddr form) '((atan 0 -1)
- (acos -1)
- (* 2 (acos 0))
- (* 4 (atan 1))
- (* 4 (atan 1 1)))))
- (lint-format "~A is one of its many names, but pi is a predefined constant in s7" caller (caddr form)))
- ((constant? sym) ; (define most-positive-fixnum 432)
- (lint-format "~A is a constant in s7: ~A" caller sym form))
- ((eq? sym 'quote)
- (lint-format "either a stray quote, or a real bad idea: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- ((pair? sym)
- (check-definee caller (car sym) form env))
- ((let ((v (var-member sym env)))
- (and (var? v)
- (eq? (var-definer v) 'define-constant)
- (not (equal? (caddr form) (var-initial-value v)))))
- => (lambda (v)
- (let ((line (if (and (pair? (var-initial-value v))
- (positive? (pair-line-number (var-initial-value v))))
- (format #f "(line ~D): " (pair-line-number (var-initial-value v)))
- "")))
- (lint-format "~A in ~A is already a constant, defined ~A~A" caller sym
- (truncated-list->string form)
- line
- (truncated-list->string (var-initial-value v))))))))
- (define binders (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (op)
- (set! (h op) #t))
- '(let let* letrec letrec* do
- lambda lambda* define define*
- call/cc call-with-current-continuation
- define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro* define-constant define-expansion
- load eval eval-string require))
- h))
- (define lint-let-reduction-factor 3) ; maybe make this a global switch -- the higher this number, the fewer let-reduction suggestions
- (define walker-functions
- (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- ;; ---------------- define ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (define-walker caller form env)
- (if (< (length form) 2)
- (begin
- (lint-format "~S makes no sense" caller form)
- env)
- (let ((sym (cadr form))
- (val (cddr form))
- (head (car form)))
- (if (symbol? sym)
- (begin
- (check-definee caller sym form env)
- (if (memq head '(define define-constant define-envelope
- define-public define*-public defmacro-public define-inlinable
- define-integrable define^))
- (let ((len (length form)))
- (if (not (= len 3)) ; (define a b c)
- (lint-format "~A has ~A value~A?"
- caller (truncated-list->string form)
- (if (< len 3)
- (values "no" "")
- (values "too many" "s")))))
- (lint-format "~A is messed up" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (if (not (pair? val))
- env
- (begin
- (if (and (null? (cdr val))
- (equal? sym (car val))) ; (define a a)
- (lint-format "this ~A is either not needed, or is an error: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string form)))
- (if (not (pair? (car val)))
- (begin
- (cond ((and (not (memq caller '(module cond-expand)))
- (hash-table-ref other-identifiers sym))
- => (lambda (p)
- (lint-format "~A is used before it is defined: ~A" caller sym form))))
- (cons (make-var :name sym :initial-value (car val) :definer head) env))
- (let ((e (lint-walk (if (and (pair? (car val))
- (eq? (caar val) 'letrec))
- 'define sym)
- (car val) env)))
- (if (or (not (pair? e))
- (eq? e env)
- (not (memq (var-name (car e)) '(:lambda :dilambda)))) ; (define x (lambda ...))
- (cons (make-var :name sym :initial-value (car val) :definer head) env)
- (begin
- (set! (var-name (car e)) sym)
- (let ((val (caddr form)))
- (when (and (eq? (car val) 'lambda) ; (define sym (lambda args (let name...))), let here happens rarely
- (proper-list? (cadr val))
- (pair? (caddr val))
- (null? (cdddr val))
- (eq? (caaddr val) 'let)
- (symbol? (cadr (caddr val))))
- (replace-redundant-named-let caller form sym (cadr val) (caddr val))))
- ;; (define x (letrec ((y (lambda...))) (lambda (...) (y...)))) -> (define (x...)...)
- (let* ((let-form (cdaddr form))
- (var (and (pair? (car let-form))
- (null? (cdar let-form)) ; just one var in let/rec
- (caar let-form))))
- ;; let-form here can be cdr of (lambda...) or (let|letrec ... lambda)
- (when (and (pair? var)
- (symbol? (car var))
- (pair? (cdr let-form))
- (pair? (cadr let-form))
- (null? (cddr let-form)) ; just one form in the let/rec
- (pair? (cdr var))
- (pair? (cadr var))
- (pair? (cdadr var))
- (eq? (caadr var) 'lambda) ; var is lambda
- (proper-list? (cadadr var))) ; it has no rest arg
- (let ((body (cadr let-form)))
- (when (and (eq? (car body) 'lambda) ; let/rec body is lambda calling var
- (proper-list? (cadr body)) ; rest args are a headache
- (pair? (caddr body))) ; (lambda (...) (...) where car is letrec func name
- (if (eq? (caaddr body) (car var))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(define (,sym ,@(cadr body))
- (let ,(car var)
- ,(map list (cadadr var) (cdaddr body))
- ,@(cddadr var)))))
- (let ((call (find-call (car var) (caddr body))))
- (when (and (pair? call) ; inner lambda body is (...some-expr...(sym...) ...)
- (= (tree-count1 (car var) (caddr body) 0) 1))
- (let ((new-call `(let ,(car var)
- ,(map list (cadadr var) (cdr call))
- ,@(cddadr var))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(define (,sym ,@(cadr body))
- ,(tree-subst new-call call
- (caddr body)))))))))))))
- e))))))) ; symbol? sym
- ;; not (symbol? sym)
- (if (and (pair? sym) ; cadr form
- (pair? val) ; cddr form
- (not (pair? (car sym)))) ; pair would indicate a curried func or something equally stupid
- (let ((outer-args (cdr sym))
- (outer-name (car sym)))
- (cond ((not *report-forward-functions*))
- ;; need to ignore macro usages here -- this happens ca 20000 times!
- ((hash-table-ref other-identifiers (car sym))
- => (lambda (p)
- (lint-format "~A is used before it is defined" caller (car sym)))))
- (if (and *report-boolean-functions-misbehaving*
- (symbol? (car sym))
- (not (memq head '(lambda lambda*))) ; how to catch this case? -- this appears to be ignored
- (char=? #\? ((reverse (symbol->string (car sym))) 0)))
- (catch 'one-is-enough
- (lambda ()
- (return-walker (list-ref val (- (length val) 1))
- (lambda (last)
- (when (or (and (code-constant? last)
- (not (boolean? last))
- (not (and (pair? last)
- (eq? (car last) 'quote)
- (boolean? (cadr last)))))
- (and (pair? last)
- (let ((sig (arg-signature (car last) env)))
- (and (pair? sig)
- (if (pair? (car sig))
- (not (tree-set-member '(boolean? #t values) (car sig)))
- (not (memq (car sig) '(boolean? #t values))))))))
- (lint-format "~A looks boolean, but it can return ~A" caller (car sym) (truncated-list->string last))
- (throw 'one-is-enough)))))
- (lambda args #f)))
- (check-definee caller (car sym) form env)
- (when (pair? (car val))
- (when (eq? (caar val) 'let)
- (when (pair? (cadar val))
- (do ((inner-vars (cadar val))
- (p outer-args (cdr p)))
- ((not (pair? p)))
- (cond ((assq (car p) inner-vars) =>
- (lambda (v)
- (if (eq? (cadr v) (car p))
- ;; (define (f70 a b) (let ((a a) (b b)) (+ a b)))
- (lint-format "in ~A this let binding is pointless: ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string form)
- v)))))))
- ;; define + redundant named-let -- sometimes rewrites to define*
- (when (and (symbol? (cadar val))
- (null? (cdr val)))
- (replace-redundant-named-let caller form outer-name outer-args (car val))))
- ;; perhaps this block should be on a *report-* switch --
- ;; it translates some internal defines into named lets
- ;; (or just normal lets, etc)
- ;; this is not redundant given the walk-body translations because here
- ;; we have the outer parameters and can check those against the inner ones
- ;; leading (sometimes) to much nicer rewrites.
- (when (and (eq? (caar val) 'define) ; define* does not happen here
- (pair? (cdr val))
- (pair? (cadar val))) ; inner define (name ...)
- (let ((inner-name (caadar val))
- (inner-args (cdadar val))
- (inner-body (cddar val))
- (outer-body (cdddr form)))
- (when (and (symbol? inner-name)
- (proper-list? inner-args)
- (pair? (car outer-body))
- (= (tree-count1 inner-name outer-body 0) 1))
- (let ((call (find-call inner-name outer-body)))
- (when (pair? call)
- (set! last-rewritten-internal-define (car val))
- (let ((new-call (if (tree-memq inner-name inner-body)
- (if (and (null? inner-args)
- (null? outer-args))
- (if (null? (cdr inner-body))
- (car (tree-subst outer-name inner-name inner-body))
- `(begin ,@(tree-subst outer-name inner-name inner-body)))
- `(let ,inner-name
- ,(if (null? inner-args) () (map list inner-args (cdr call)))
- ,@inner-body))
- (if (or (null? inner-args)
- (and (equal? inner-args outer-args)
- (equal? inner-args (cdr call))))
- (if (null? (cdr inner-body))
- (car (tree-subst outer-name inner-name inner-body))
- `(begin ,@(tree-subst outer-name inner-name inner-body)))
- `(let ,(map list inner-args (cdr call))
- ,@inner-body)))))
- ;; (define (f11 a b) (define (f12 a b) (if (positive? a) (+ a b) b)) (f12 a b)) ->
- ;; (define (f11 a b) (if (positive? a) (+ a b) b))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,head ,sym
- ,@(let ((p (tree-subst new-call call outer-body)))
- (if (and (pair? p)
- (pair? (car p))
- (eq? (caar p) 'begin))
- (cdar p)
- p))))))))))))
- (when (pair? outer-args)
- (if (repeated-member? (proper-list outer-args) env)
- (lint-format "~A parameter is repeated: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string sym)))
- (cond ((memq head '(define* define-macro* define-bacro* define*-public))
- (check-star-parameters outer-name outer-args env))
- ((list-any? keyword? outer-args)
- (lint-format "~A parameter can't be a keyword: ~A" caller outer-name sym))
- ((memq 'pi outer-args)
- (lint-format "~A parameter can't be a constant: ~A" caller outer-name sym)))
- ;; look for built-in names used as parameter names and used as functions internally(!)
- ;; this requires a tree walker to ignore (for example) (let loop ((string string))...)
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (let ((par (if (pair? p) (car p) p)))
- (when (or (hash-table-ref built-in-functions par)
- (hash-table-ref syntaces par))
- (let ((call (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (let loop ((tree (cddr form)))
- (if (pair? tree)
- (if (eq? (car tree) par)
- (return tree)
- (case (car tree)
- ((quote) #f)
- ((let let*)
- (if (pair? (cdr tree))
- (if (symbol? (cadr tree))
- (if (not (tree-memq par (caddr tree)))
- (loop (cdddr tree)))
- (if (not (tree-memq par (cadr tree)))
- (loop (cddr tree))))))
- ((letrec letrec*)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (not (tree-memq par (cadr tree))))
- (loop (cddr tree))))
- ((do)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree))
- (not (tree-memq par (cadr tree))))
- (loop (cdddr tree))))
- (else
- (if (pair? (cdr tree))
- (for-each loop (cdr tree)))
- (if (pair? (car tree))
- (loop (car tree))))))))))))
- (if (and (pair? call)
- (pair? (cdr call))
- (not (eq? par (cadr call))))
- (lint-format* caller ; (define (f50 abs) (abs -1))
- (string-append (object->string outer-name) "'s parameter " (symbol->string par))
- (string-append " is called " (truncated-list->string call))
- ": find a less confusing parameter name!"))))))
- outer-args))
- (when (and (eq? head 'define-macro)
- (pair? val)
- (null? (cdr val)))
- (let ((body (car val)))
- (if (and (null? outer-args) ; look for C macros translated as define-macro! -- this happens a lot sad to say
- (or (not (symbol? body))
- (keyword? body))
- (or (not (pair? body))
- (and (eq? (car body) 'quote)
- (not (symbol? (cadr body)))
- (or (not (pair? (cadr body)))
- (eq? (caadr body) 'quote)))
- (not (or (memq (car body) '(quote quasiquote list cons append))
- (tree-set-member '(#_{list} #_{apply_values} #_{append}) body)))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A or ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(define ,outer-name ,(unquoted (car val))))
- (truncated-list->string `(define (,outer-name) ,(unquoted (car val))))))
- (when (pair? body)
- (case (car body)
- ((#_{list})
- (when (and (quoted-symbol? (cadr body))
- (proper-list? outer-args))
- (if (and (equal? (cddr body) outer-args)
- (or (not (hash-table-ref syntaces (cadadr body))) ; (define-macro (x y) `(lambda () ,y))
- (memq (cadadr body) '(set! define))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(define ,outer-name ,(cadadr body))))
- (if (and (not (hash-table-ref syntaces (cadadr body)))
- (not (any-macro? (cadadr body) env))
- (every? (lambda (a)
- (or (code-constant? a)
- (and (memq a outer-args)
- (= (tree-count1 a (cddr body) 0) 1))))
- (cddr body)))
- ;; marginal -- there are many debatable cases here
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(define (,outer-name ,@outer-args)
- (,(cadadr body) ,@(map unquoted (cddr body)))))))))
- (let ((pargs (args->proper-list outer-args)))
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (if (and (pair? p)
- (eq? (car p) 'quote)
- (pair? (cdr p))
- (pair? (cadr p))
- (tree-set-member pargs (cadr p)))
- (lint-format "missing comma? ~A" caller form)))
- (cdr body))))
- ((quote)
- ;; extra comma (unquote) is already caught elsewhere
- (if (and (pair? (cdr body))
- (pair? (cadr body))
- (tree-set-member (args->proper-list outer-args) (cadr body)))
- (lint-format "missing comma? ~A" caller form)))))))
- (if (and (eq? head 'definstrument)
- (string? (car val)))
- (set! val (cdr val)))
- (if (keyword? outer-name)
- env
- (lint-walk-function head outer-name outer-args val form env)))
- (begin ; not (and (pair? sym)...)
- (lint-format "strange form: ~A" head (truncated-list->string form))
- (when (and (pair? sym)
- (pair? (car sym)))
- (let ((outer-args (cdr sym))
- (outer-name (if (eq? head 'define*) (remove :optional (car sym)) (car sym))))
- (if (symbol? (car outer-name))
- ;; perhaps a curried definition -- as a public service, we'll rewrite the dumb thing
- (begin
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,head ,outer-name
- (lambda ,outer-args
- ,@(cddr form)))))
- (lint-walk-function head (car outer-name) (cdr outer-name) val form env)) ;val=(cddr form) I think
- (when (pair? (car outer-name))
- (if (symbol? (caar outer-name))
- (begin
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,head ,(car outer-name)
- (lambda ,(cdr outer-name)
- (lambda ,outer-args
- ,@(cddr form))))))
- (lint-walk-function head (caar outer-name) (cdar outer-name) val form env))
- (when (and (pair? (caar outer-name))
- (symbol? (caaar outer-name)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,head ,(caar outer-name)
- (lambda ,(cdar outer-name)
- (lambda ,(cdr outer-name)
- (lambda ,outer-args
- ,@(cddr form)))))))
- (lint-walk-function head (caaar outer-name) (cdaar outer-name) val form env)))))))
- env))))))
- (for-each (lambda (op)
- (hash-table-set! h op define-walker))
- '(define define* define-constant
- define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro* define-expansion
- definstrument defanimal define-envelope ; for clm
- define-public define*-public defmacro-public define-inlinable
- define-integrable define^))) ; these give more informative names in Guile and scmutils (MIT-scheme))
- ;; ---------------- dilambda ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (dilambda-walker caller form env)
- ;(format *stderr* "~A~%" form)
- (let ((len (length form)))
- (if (not (= len 3))
- (begin
- (lint-format "dilambda takes two arguments: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- env)
- (let ((getter (cadr form))
- (setter (caddr form)))
- (check-call caller 'dilambda form env)
- (lint-walk caller setter env)
- (let ((e (lint-walk caller getter env))) ; goes to lint-walk-function -> :lambda as first in e
- (if (and (pair? e)
- (eq? (var-name (car e)) :lambda))
- (set! (var-name (car e)) :dilambda))
- e)))))
- (hash-table-set! h 'dilambda dilambda-walker))
- ;; ---------------- lambda ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (lambda-walker caller form env)
- (let ((len (length form))
- (head (car form)))
- (if (< len 3)
- (begin
- (lint-format "~A is messed up in ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string form))
- env)
- (let ((args (cadr form)))
- (when (list? args)
- (let ((arglen (length args)))
- (if (null? args)
- (if (eq? head 'lambda*) ; (lambda* ()...) -> (lambda () ...)
- (lint-format "lambda* could be lambda ~A" caller form))
- (begin ; args is a pair ; (lambda (a a) ...)
- (let ((val (caddr form)))
- (if (and (pair? val)
- (eq? (car val) 'let)
- (pair? (cadr val)))
- (do ((inner-vars (cadr val))
- (p (cadr form) (cdr p)))
- ((not (pair? p)))
- (cond ((assq (car p) inner-vars) =>
- (lambda (v)
- (if (eq? (cadr v) (car p))
- (lint-format "in ~A this let binding is pointless: ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string form)
- v))))))))
- (if (repeated-member? (proper-list args) env)
- (lint-format "~A parameter is repeated: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string args)))
- (if (eq? head 'lambda*) ; (lambda* (a :b) ...)
- (check-star-parameters head args env)
- (if (list-any? keyword? args) ; (lambda (:key) ...)
- (lint-format "lambda arglist can't handle keywords (use lambda*)" caller)))))
- (when (and (eq? head 'lambda) ; (lambda () (f)) -> f, (lambda (a b) (f a b)) -> f
- (not (eq? caller 'case-lambda))
- (= len 3)
- (>= arglen 0)) ; not a dotted list
- (let ((body (caddr form)))
- (cond ((not (and (pair? body)
- (symbol? (car body))
- (not (memq (car body) '(and or))))))
- ((equal? args (cdr body))
- ;; (lambda (a b) (> a b)) -> >
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (car body))))
- ((equal? (reverse args) (cdr body))
- (let ((rf (hash-table-ref reversibles (car body))))
- ;; (lambda (a b) (> b a)) -> <
- (if rf (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form rf)))))
- ((and (= arglen 1)
- (hash-table-ref combinable-cxrs (car body)))
- ((lambda* (cr arg) ; lambda* not lambda because combine-cxrs might return just #f
- (and cr
- (< (length cr) 5)
- (eq? (car args) arg)
- ;; (lambda (x) (cdr (cdr (car x)))) -> cddar
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (symbol "c" cr "r")))))
- (combine-cxrs body))))))))
- (if (and (or (symbol? args) ; (lambda args (apply f args)) -> f
- (and (pair? args) ; (lambda #\a ...) !
- (negative? (length args))))
- (eq? head 'lambda)
- (not (eq? caller 'case-lambda))
- (= len 3))
- (let ((body (caddr form)))
- (if (and (pair? body)
- (eq? (car body) 'apply)
- (pair? (cdr body))
- (symbol? (cadr body))
- (not (memq (cadr body) '(and or)))
- (pair? (cddr body))
- (or (eq? args (caddr body))
- (and (pair? args)
- (equal? (cddr body) (proper-list args)))))
- ;; (lambda args (apply + args)) -> +
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (cadr body))))))
- (lint-walk-function head caller args (cddr form) form env)
- ;; not env as return value here -- return the lambda+old env via lint-walk-function
- ))))
- (hash-table-set! h 'lambda lambda-walker)
- (hash-table-set! h 'lambda* lambda-walker))
- ;; ---------------- set! ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (set-walker caller form env)
- (if (not (= (length form) 3))
- (begin
- (lint-format "set! has too ~A arguments: ~S" caller (if (> (length form) 3) "many" "few") form)
- env)
- (let ((settee (cadr form))
- (setval (caddr form)))
- (if (symbol? setval)
- (set-ref setval caller form env))
- (let ((result (lint-walk caller setval env)))
- (if (symbol? settee)
- (if (constant? settee) ; (set! pi 3)
- (lint-format "can't set! ~A (it is a constant)" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((v (var-member settee env)))
- (if (and (var? v)
- (eq? (var-definer v) 'define-constant))
- (let ((line (if (and (pair? (var-initial-value v))
- (positive? (pair-line-number (var-initial-value v))))
- (format #f "(line ~D): " (pair-line-number (var-initial-value v)))
- "")))
- (lint-format "can't set! ~A in ~A (it is a constant: ~A~A)" caller settee
- (truncated-list->string form)
- line
- (truncated-list->string (var-initial-value v)))))))
- (if (not (pair? settee)) ; (set! 3 1)
- (lint-format "can't set! ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (begin
- (if (memq (car settee) '(vector-ref list-ref string-ref hash-table-ref))
- ;; (set! (vector-ref v 0) 3)
- (lint-format "~A as target of set!~A" caller (car settee) (truncated-list->string form)))
- (lint-walk caller settee env) ; this counts as a reference since it's by reference so to speak
- ;; try type check (dilambda signatures)
- (when (symbol? (car settee))
- (let ((f (symbol->value (car settee) *e*)))
- (when (dilambda? f)
- (let ((sig (procedure-signature (procedure-setter f)))
- (settee-len (length settee)))
- (when (and (pair? sig)
- (positive? settee-len)
- (pair? (list-tail sig settee-len)))
- (let ((checker (list-ref sig settee-len))
- (arg-type (->lint-type setval)))
- (when (and (symbol? checker)
- (not (compatible? checker arg-type)))
- ;; (set! (print-length) "asd")
- (lint-format "~A: new value should be a~A ~A: ~S: ~A"
- caller (car settee)
- (if (char=? (string-ref (format #f "~A" checker) 0) #\i) "n" "")
- checker arg-type
- (truncated-list->string form)))))))))
- (set! settee (do ((sym (car settee) (car sym)))
- ((not (pair? sym)) sym))))))
- (if (symbol? (cadr form)) ; see do directly above -- sets settee so we have to go back to (cadr form)
- (set-set (cadr form) caller form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cadr form))
- (symbol? settee))
- (set-ref settee caller `(implicit-set ,@(cdr form)) env)))
- (if (equal? (cadr form) setval) ; not settee here! ; (set! a a)
- (lint-format "pointless set! ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (when (and (pair? setval)
- (symbol? settee))
- (case (car setval)
- ((if) ; (set! x (if y x 1)) -> (if (not y) (set! x 1))
- (if (= (length setval) 4)
- (if (eq? settee (caddr setval))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(if (not ,(cadr setval)) (set! ,settee ,(cadddr setval)))))
- (if (eq? settee (cadddr setval))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(if ,(cadr setval) (set! ,settee ,(caddr setval)))))))))
- ((cond) ; (set! x (cond (z w) (else x))) -> (if z (set! x w)) -- this never happens
- (if (and (= (length setval) 3)
- (memq (caaddr setval) '(#t else))
- (null? (cddr (caddr setval)))
- (null? (cddadr setval)))
- (if (eq? (cadr (caddr setval)) (cadr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(if ,(caadr setval) (set! ,(cadr form) ,(cadadr setval)))))
- (if (eq? (cadadr setval) (cadr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(if (not ,(caadr setval)) (set! ,(cadr form) ,(cadr (caddr setval))))))))))
- ((or) ; (set! x (or x y)) -> (if (not x) (set! x y))
- (if (and (= (length setval) 3) ; the other case here is not improved by using 'if
- (eq? settee (cadr setval)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(if (not ,settee) (set! ,settee ,(caddr setval)))))))
- ((and)
- (if (= (length setval) 3) ; (set! x (and x y)) -> (if x (set! x y))
- (if (eq? settee (cadr setval))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(if ,settee (set! ,settee ,(caddr setval)))))
- (if (eq? settee (caddr setval))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(if (not ,(cadr setval)) (set! ,settee #f))))))))))
- result))))
- (hash-table-set! h 'set! set-walker))
- ;; ---------------- quote ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (quote-walker caller form env)
- (let ((len (length form)))
- (if (negative? len)
- (lint-format "stray dot in quote's arguments? ~S" caller form)
- (if (not (= len 2))
- (lint-format "quote has too ~A arguments: ~S" caller (if (> len 2) "many" "few") form)
- (let ((arg (cadr form)))
- (if (pair? arg)
- (if (> (length arg) 8)
- (hash-table-set! big-constants arg (+ 1 (or (hash-table-ref big-constants arg) 0))))
- (unless (or (>= quote-warnings 20)
- (and (symbol? arg)
- (not (keyword? arg))))
- (set! quote-warnings (+ quote-warnings 1)) ; (char? '#\a)
- (lint-format "quote is not needed here: ~A~A" caller ; this is by far the most common message from lint
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (if (= quote-warnings 20) "; will ignore this error henceforth." ""))))))))
- env)
- (hash-table-set! h 'quote quote-walker))
- ;; ---------------- if ----------------
- (let ()
- (define definers (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
- (for-each (lambda (d)
- (hash-table-set! h d #t))
- '(define define* define-constant lambda lambda* curlet require load eval eval-string
- define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro* define-expansion
- definstrument defanimal define-envelope
- define-values define-module define-method
- define-syntax define-public define-inlinable define-integrable define^))
- h))
- (define (if-walker caller form env)
- (let ((len (length form)))
- (if (> len 4)
- (lint-format "if has too many clauses: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (< len 3)
- (lint-format "if has too few clauses: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((test (cadr form))
- (true (caddr form))
- (false (if (= len 4) (cadddr form) 'no-false))
- (expr (simplify-boolean (cadr form) () () env))
- (suggestion made-suggestion)
- (true-op (and (pair? (caddr form)) (caaddr form)))
- (true-rest (and (pair? (caddr form)) (cdaddr form)))
- (false-op (and (= len 4) (pair? (cadddr form)) (car (cadddr form))))
- (false-rest (and (= len 4) (pair? (cadddr form)) (cdr (cadddr form)))))
- (if (eq? false #<unspecified>)
- (lint-format "this #<unspecified> is redundant: ~A" caller form))
- (if (and (symbol? test)
- (pair? true)
- (memq test true))
- (and-incomplete form 'if test true env)
- (when (pair? test)
- (if (and (eq? (car test) 'not)
- (symbol? (cadr test))
- (pair? false)
- (memq (cadr test) false))
- (and-incomplete form 'if2 (cadr test) false env))
- (if (and (hash-table-ref bools (car test))
- (pair? true))
- (if (member (cadr test) true)
- (and-forgetful form 'if test true env)
- (do ((p true (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (member (cadr test) (car p))))
- (if (pair? p)
- (and-forgetful form 'if test (car p) env)))))
- (if (and (eq? (car test) 'not)
- (pair? (cadr test))
- (pair? false)
- (hash-table-ref bools (caadr test)))
- (if (member (cadadr test) false)
- (and-forgetful form 'if2 (cadr test) false env)
- (do ((p false (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (member (cadadr test) (car p))))
- (if (pair? p)
- (and-forgetful form 'if2 (cadr test) (car p) env)))))))))
- (when (and (pair? true)
- (pair? false)
- (not (memq true-op (list 'quote {list})))
- (not (any-macro? true-op env))
- (or (not (hash-table-ref syntaces true-op))
- (memq true-op '(let let* set! and or begin)))
- (pair? true-rest))
- (define (tree-subst-eq new old tree)
- ;; tree-subst above substitutes every occurence of 'old with 'new, so we check
- ;; in advance that 'old only occurs once in the tree (via tree-count1). Here
- ;; 'old may occur any number of times, but we want to change it only once,
- ;; so we keep the actual pointer to it and use eq?. (This assumes no shared code?)
- (cond ((eq? old tree)
- (cons new (cdr tree)))
- ((not (pair? tree))
- tree)
- ((eq? (car tree) 'quote)
- (copy-tree tree))
- (else (cons (tree-subst-eq new old (car tree))
- (tree-subst-eq new old (cdr tree))))))
- ;; maybe move the unless before this
- (let ((diff (let differ-in-one ((p true)
- (q false))
- (and (pair? p)
- (pair? q)
- (if (equal? (car p) (car q))
- (differ-in-one (cdr p) (cdr q))
- (and (equal? (cdr p) (cdr q))
- (or (and (pair? (car p))
- (not (eq? (caar p) 'quote))
- (pair? (car q))
- (not (eq? (caar q) 'quote))
- (differ-in-one (car p) (car q)))
- (list p (list (car p) (car q))))))))))
- (if (pair? diff)
- (unless (or (and (equal? true-op (caadr diff)) ; (if x (+ y 1) (- y 1)) -- are we trying to keep really simple stuff out?
- (or (hash-table-ref syntaces true-op)
- (hash-table-ref syntaces false-op))
- (any? pair? true-rest)) ; (if x (set! y (+ x 1)) (set! y 1))
- (and (eq? true-op 'set!) ; (if x (set! y w) (set! z w))
- (equal? (caar diff) (car true-rest))))
- (let ((subst-loc (car diff)))
- ;; for let/let* if tree-subst position can't affect the test, just subst, else save test first
- ;; named let diff in args gets no hits
- (if (memq true-op '(let let*))
- (if (not (or (symbol? (car true-rest)) ; assume named let is moving an if outside the loop
- (eq? subst-loc true-rest))) ; avoid confusion about the vars list
- (let ((vars (car true-rest)))
- ;; (if x (let ((y (abs x))) (display z) y) (let ((y (log x))) (display z) y)) -> (let ((y ((if x abs log) x))) (display z) y)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (pair? vars)
- (case true-op
- ((let) (tree-memq subst-loc vars))
- ((let*) (tree-memq subst-loc (car vars)))
- (else #f)))
- (tree-subst-eq `(if ,expr ,@(cadr diff)) subst-loc true)
- `(let ((_1_ ,expr))
- ,(tree-subst-eq `(if _1_ ,@(cadr diff)) subst-loc true)))))))
- ;; also not any-macro? (car true|false) probably
- ;; (if x (set! y #t) (set! y #f)) -> (set! y x)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (cond ((eq? true-op (caadr diff)) ; very common!
- ;; (if x (f y) (g y)) -> ((if x f g) y)
- ;; but f and g can't be or/and unless there are no expressions
- ;; I now like all of these -- originally found them odd: CL influence!
- (if (equal? true-op test)
- `((or ,test ,false-op) ,@true-rest)
- `((if ,test ,true-op ,false-op) ,@true-rest)))
- ((and (eq? (caadr diff) #t)
- (not (cadadr diff)))
- ;; (if x (set! y #t) (set! y #f)) -> (set! y x)
- (tree-subst-eq test subst-loc true))
- ((and (not (caadr diff))
- (eq? (cadadr diff) #t))
- ;; (if x (set! y #f) (set! y #t)) -> (set! y (not x))
- (tree-subst-eq (simplify-boolean `(not ,expr) () () env)
- subst-loc true))
- ((equal? (caadr diff) test)
- ;; (if x (set! y x) (set! y 21)) -> (set! y (or x 21))
- (tree-subst-eq (simplify-boolean `(or ,@(cadr diff)) () () env)
- subst-loc true))
- ((or (memq true-op '(set! begin and or))
- (let list-memq ((a subst-loc) (lst true))
- (and (pair? lst)
- (or (eq? a lst)
- (list-memq a (cdr lst))))))
- ;; (if x (set! y z) (set! y w)) -> (set! y (if x z w))
- ;; true op moved out, if expr moved in
- ;; (if A (and B C) (and B D)) -> (and B (if A C D))
- ;; here differ-in-one means that preceding/trailing stuff must subst-loc exactly
- (tree-subst-eq `(if ,expr ,@(cadr diff)) subst-loc true))
- ;; paranoia... normally the extra let is actually not needed,
- ;; but it's very hard to distinguish the bad cases
- (else
- `(let ((_1_ ,expr))
- ,(tree-subst-eq `(if _1_ ,@(cadr diff)) subst-loc true)))))))))
- ;; else not pair? diff
- (unless (memq true-op '(let let*))
- ;; differ-in-trailers can (sometimes) take advantage of values
- (let ((enddiff (let differ-in-trailers ((p true)
- (q false)
- (c 0))
- (and (pair? p)
- (pair? q)
- (if (equal? (car p) (car q))
- (differ-in-trailers (cdr p) (cdr q) (+ c 1))
- (and (> c 1)
- (let ((op (if (memq true-op '(and or + * begin max min)) true-op 'values)))
- (list p
- (if (null? (cdr p)) (car p) `(,op ,@p))
- (if (null? (cdr q)) (car q) `(,op ,@q))))))))))
- ;; (if A (+ B C E) (+ B D)) -> (+ B (if A (+ C E) D))
- ;; if p/q null, don't change because for example
- ;; (if A (or B C) (or B C D F)) can't be (or B C (if A ...))
- ;; but if this were not and/or, it could be (+ B (if A C (values C D F)))
- (if (pair? enddiff)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (tree-subst `((if ,expr ,@(cdr enddiff))) (car enddiff) true)))
- ;; differ-in-headers looks for equal trailers
- ;; (if A (+ B B E C) (+ D D E C)) -> (+ (if A (+ B B) (+ D D)) E C)
- ;; these are not always (read: almost never) an improvement
- (when (and (eq? true-op false-op)
- (not (eq? true-op 'values))
- (or (not (eq? true-op 'set!))
- (equal? (car true-rest) (car false-rest))))
- (let ((headdiff (let differ-in-headers ((p true-rest)
- (q false-rest)
- (c 0)
- (rp ())
- (rq ()))
- (and (pair? p)
- (pair? q)
- (if (equal? p q)
- (and (> c 0) ; once case is handled elsewhere?
- (list p (reverse rp) (reverse rq)))
- (differ-in-headers (cdr p) (cdr q)
- (+ c 1)
- (cons (car p) rp) (cons (car q) rq)))))))
- (when (pair? headdiff)
- (let ((op (if (memq true-op '(and or + * begin max min)) true-op 'values)))
- (let ((tp (if (null? (cdadr headdiff))
- (caadr headdiff)
- `(,op ,@(cadr headdiff))))
- (tq (if (null? (cdaddr headdiff))
- (caaddr headdiff)
- `(,op ,@(caddr headdiff)))))
- ;; (if A (+ B B E C) (+ D D E C)) -> (+ (if A (+ B B) (+ D D)) E C)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,true-op
- (if ,expr ,tp ,tq)
- ,@(car headdiff)))))))))))))))
- ;; (when (and (pair? true)...)
- ;; end tree-subst section
- (unless (= last-if-line-number line-number)
- (do ((iff form (cadddr iff))
- (iffs 0 (+ iffs 1)))
- ((not (and (<= iffs 2)
- (pair? iff)
- (= (length iff) 4)
- (eq? (car iff) 'if)))
- (when (or (> iffs 2)
- (and (= iffs 2)
- (pair? iff)
- (= (length iff) 3)
- (eq? (car iff) 'if)))
- (set! last-if-line-number line-number)
- ;; (if a b (if c d (if e f g))) -> (cond (a b) (c d) (e f) (else g))
- (lint-format "perhaps use cond: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(cond ,@(do ((iff form (cadddr iff))
- (clauses ()))
- ((not (and (pair? iff)
- (= (length iff) 4)
- (eq? (car iff) 'if)))
- (append (reverse clauses)
- (if (and (pair? iff)
- (= (length iff) 3)
- (eq? (car iff) 'if))
- `((,(cadr iff) ,@(unbegin (caddr iff))))
- `((else ,@(unbegin iff))))))
- (set! clauses (cons (cons (cadr iff) (unbegin (caddr iff))) clauses))))))))))
- (if (never-false test)
- (lint-format "if test is never false: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (and (never-true test) true) ; complain about (if #f #f) later
- ;; (if #f x y)
- (lint-format "if test is never true: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- (cond ((side-effect? test env))
- ((or (equal? test true) ; (if x x y) -> (or x y)
- (equal? expr true))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (simplify-boolean (if (eq? false 'no-false)
- `(or ,expr #<unspecified>)
- `(or ,expr ,false))
- () () env))))
- ((or (equal? test `(not ,true)) ; (if x (not x) y) -> (and (not x) y)
- (equal? `(not ,test) true)) ; (if (not x) x y) -> (and x y)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (simplify-boolean (if (eq? false 'no-false)
- `(and ,true #<unspecified>)
- `(and ,true ,false))
- () () env))))
- ((or (equal? test false) ; (if x y x) -> (and x y)
- (equal? expr false))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (simplify-boolean `(and ,expr ,true) () () env))))
- ((or (equal? `(not ,test) false) ; (if x y (not x)) -> (or (not x) y)
- (equal? test `(not ,false))) ; (if (not x) y x) -> (or x y)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (simplify-boolean `(or ,false ,true) () () env)))))
- (when (and (pair? true)
- (eq? true-op 'cond)
- (not (eq? false-op 'cond))
- (not (boolean? false))) ; these cases are handled elsewhere via or/and
- ;; (if A (cond...) B) -> (cond ((not A) B) ...)
- ;; if no false and cond is one-shot => this can be optimized to (cond ((and (not A) C) => ...))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (let ((nexpr (simplify-boolean (list 'not expr) () () env))
- (nfalse (if (eq? false 'no-false)
- (if (eq? form lint-mid-form)
- ()
- '(#<unspecified>))
- (list (if (and (pair? false)
- (> (tree-leaves false) 100))
- (if (pair? (car false))
- (list (list (caar false) '...))
- (list (car false) '...))
- false)))))
- (lists->string form `(cond (,nexpr ,@nfalse) ,@true-rest)))))
- ;; true-op = case happens a lot, but never in a way that (not expr)->false can be combined in the case
- (when (= len 4)
- (when (and (pair? true)
- (eq? true-op 'if))
- (let ((true-test (car true-rest))
- (true-true (cadr true-rest)))
- (if (= (length true) 4)
- (let ((true-false (caddr true-rest)))
- (if (equal? expr (simplify-boolean `(not ,true-test) () () env))
- ;; (if a (if (not a) B C) A) -> (if a C A)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(if ,expr ,true-false ,false))))
- (if (equal? expr true-test)
- ;; (if x (if x z w) y) -> (if x z y)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(if ,expr ,true-true ,false))))
- (if (equal? false true-false)
- ;; (if a (if b B A) A) -> (if (and a b) B A)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (simplify-boolean
- (if (not false)
- `(and ,expr ,true-test ,true-true)
- `(if (and ,expr ,true-test) ,true-true ,false))
- () () env)))
- (if (equal? false true-true)
- ;; (if a (if b A B) A) -> (if (and a (not b)) B A)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (simplify-boolean
- (if (not false)
- `(and ,expr (not ,true-test) ,true-false)
- `(if (and ,expr (not ,true-test)) ,true-false ,false))
- () () env)))))
- ;; (if a (if b d e) (if c d e)) -> (if (if a b c) d e)? reversed does not happen.
- ;; (if a (if b d) (if c d)) -> (if (if a b c) d)
- ;; (if a (if b d e) (if (not b) d e)) -> (if (eq? (not a) (not b)) d e)
- (when (and (pair? false)
- (eq? false-op 'if)
- (= (length false) 4)
- (not (equal? true-test (car false-rest)))
- (equal? (cdr true-rest) (cdr false-rest)))
- (let ((false-test (car false-rest)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (cond ((and (pair? true-test)
- (eq? (car true-test) 'not)
- (equal? (cadr true-test) false-test))
- `(if (not (eq? (not ,expr) ,true-test))
- ,@(cdr true-rest)))
- ((and (pair? false-test)
- (eq? (car false-test) 'not)
- (equal? true-test (cadr false-test)))
- `(if (eq? (not ,expr) ,false-test)
- ,@(cdr true-rest)))
- ((> (+ (tree-leaves expr)
- (tree-leaves true-test)
- (tree-leaves false-test))
- 12)
- `(let ((_1_ (if ,expr ,true-test ,false-test)))
- (if _1_ ,@(cdr true-rest))))
- (else
- `(if (if ,expr ,true-test ,false-test) ,@(cdr true-rest)))))))))
- (begin ; (length true) != 4
- (if (equal? expr (simplify-boolean `(not ,true-test) () () env))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (if a (if (not a) B) A) -> (if (not a) A)
- (lists->string form `(if (not ,expr) ,false))))
- (if (equal? expr true-test) ; (if x (if x z) w) -> (if x z w)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(if ,expr ,true-true ,false))))
- (if (equal? false true-true) ; (if a (if b A) A)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (let ((nexpr (simplify-boolean `(or (not ,expr) ,true-test) () () env)))
- (lists->string form `(if ,nexpr ,false)))))))))
- (when (pair? false)
- (case false-op
- ((cond) ; (if a A (cond...)) -> (cond (a A) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(cond (,expr ,true) ,@false-rest))))
- ((if)
- (when (= (length false) 4)
- (let ((false-test (car false-rest))
- (false-true (cadr false-rest))
- (false-false (caddr false-rest)))
- (if (equal? true false-true)
- ;; (if a A (if b A B)) -> (if (or a b) A B)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (if (and (pair? false-false)
- (eq? (car false-false) 'if)
- (equal? true (caddr false-false)))
- (lists->string form
- (let ((nexpr (simplify-boolean
- `(or ,expr ,false-test ,(cadr false-false))
- () () env)))
- `(if ,nexpr ,true ,@(cdddr false-false))))
- (if true
- (let ((nexpr (simplify-boolean `(or ,expr ,false-test) () () env)))
- (lists->string form `(if ,nexpr ,true ,false-false)))
- (lists->string form
- (simplify-boolean
- `(and (not (or ,expr ,false-test)) ,false-false)
- () () env)))))
- (if (equal? true false-false)
- ;; (if a A (if b B A)) -> (if (or a (not b)) A B)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (if true
- (let ((nexpr (simplify-boolean `(or ,expr (not ,false-test)) () () env)))
- (lists->string form `(if ,nexpr ,true ,false-true)))
- (lists->string form
- (simplify-boolean
- `(and (not (or ,expr (not ,false-test))) ,false-true)
- () () env))))))))
- (if (and (pair? true)
- (eq? true-op 'if)
- (= (length true) 3)
- (= (length false) 3)
- (equal? (cdr true-rest) (cdr false-rest)))
- ;; (if a (if b d) (if c d)) -> (if (if a b c) d)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (> (+ (tree-leaves expr)
- (tree-leaves (car true-rest))
- (tree-leaves (car false-rest)))
- 12)
- `(let ((_1_ (if ,expr ,(car true-rest) ,(car false-rest))))
- (if _1_ ,@(cdr true-rest)))
- `(if (if ,expr ,(car true-rest) ,(car false-rest)) ,@(cdr true-rest)))))))
- ((map) ; (if (null? x) () (map abs x)) -> (map abs x)
- (if (and (pair? test)
- (eq? (car test) 'null?)
- (or (null? true)
- (equal? true (cadr test)))
- (equal? (cadr test) (cadr false-rest))
- (or (null? (cddr false-rest))
- (not (side-effect? (cddr false-rest) env))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form false))))
- ((case)
- (if (and (pair? expr)
- (cond-eqv? expr (car false-rest) #t))
- ;; (if (eof-object? x) 32 (case x ((#\a) 3) (else 4))) -> (case x ((#<eof>) 32) ((#\a) 3) (else 4))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(case ,(car false-rest)
- ,(case-branch expr (car false-rest) (list true))
- ,@(cdr false-rest))))))))
- ) ; (= len 4)
- (if (pair? false)
- (let ((false-test (and (pair? false-rest) (car false-rest))))
- (if (and (eq? false-op 'if) ; (if x 3 (if (not x) 4)) -> (if x 3 4)
- (pair? false-rest)
- (not (side-effect? test env)))
- (if (or (equal? test false-test)
- (equal? expr false-test))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(if ,expr ,true ,@(cddr false-rest))))
- (if (and (pair? false-test)
- (eq? (car false-test) 'not)
- (or (equal? test (cadr false-test))
- (equal? expr (cadr false-test))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(if ,expr ,true ,(cadr false-rest)))))))
- (if (and (eq? false-op 'if) ; (if test0 expr (if test1 expr)) -> if (or test0 test1) expr)
- (null? (cddr false-rest)) ; other case is dealt with above
- (equal? true (cadr false-rest)))
- (let ((test1 (simplify-boolean `(or ,expr ,false-test) () () env)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(if ,test1 ,true ,@(cddr false-rest)))))))
- (when (and (eq? false 'no-false) ; no false branch
- (pair? true))
- (when (pair? test)
- (let ((test-op (car test)))
- ;; the min+max case is seldom hit, and takes about 50 lines
- (when (and (memq test-op '(< > <= >=))
- (null? (cdddr test)))
- (let ((rel-arg1 (cadr test))
- (rel-arg2 (caddr test)))
- ;; (if (< x y) (set! x y) -> (set! x (max x y))
- (if (eq? true-op 'set!)
- (let ((settee (car true-rest))
- (setval (cadr true-rest)))
- (if (and (member settee test)
- (member setval test)) ; that's all there's room for
- (let ((f (if (equal? settee (if (memq test-op '(< <=)) rel-arg1 rel-arg2)) 'max 'min)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(set! ,settee (,f ,@true-rest)))))))
- ;; (if (<= (list-ref ind i) 32) (list-set! ind i 32)) -> (list-set! ind i (max (list-ref ind i) 32))
- (if (memq true-op '(list-set! vector-set!))
- (let ((settee (car true-rest))
- (index (cadr true-rest))
- (setval (caddr true-rest)))
- (let ((mx-op (if (and (equal? setval rel-arg1)
- (eqv? (length rel-arg2) 3)
- (equal? settee (cadr rel-arg2))
- (equal? index (caddr rel-arg2)))
- (if (memq test-op '(< <=)) 'min 'max)
- (and (equal? setval rel-arg2)
- (eqv? (length rel-arg1) 3)
- (equal? settee (cadr rel-arg1))
- (equal? index (caddr rel-arg1))
- (if (memq test-op '(< <=)) 'max 'min)))))
- (if mx-op
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,true-op ,settee ,index (,mx-op ,@(cdr test))))))))))))))
- (cond ((not (eq? (car true) 'if)) ; (if test0 (if test1 expr)) -> (if (and test0 test1) expr)
- (if (memq true-op '(when unless)) ; (if test0 (when test1 expr...)) -> (when (and test0 test1) expr...)
- (let ((test1 (simplify-boolean (if (eq? true-op 'when)
- `(and ,expr ,(car true-rest))
- `(and ,expr (not ,(car true-rest))))
- () () env)))
- ;; (if (and (< x 1) y) (when z (display z) x)) -> (when (and (< x 1) y z) (display z) x)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (pair? test1)
- (eq? (car test1) 'not))
- `(unless ,(cadr test1) ,@(cdr true-rest))
- `(when ,test1 ,@(cdr true-rest))))))))
- ((null? (cddr true-rest))
- (let ((test1 (simplify-boolean `(and ,expr ,(car true-rest)) () () env)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(if ,test1 ,(cadr true-rest))))))
- ((equal? expr (car true-rest))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form true)))
- ((equal? (car true-rest) `(not ,expr))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (caddr true-rest)))))))
- (if (and (pair? test)
- (memq (car test) '(< <= > >= =)) ; (if (< x y) x y) -> (min x y)
- (null? (cdddr test))
- (member false test)
- (member true test))
- (if (eq? (car test) '=) ; (if (= x y) y x) -> y [this never happens]
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form false))
- (let ((f (if (equal? (cadr test) (if (memq (car test) '(< <=)) true false))
- 'min 'max)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,f ,true ,false))))))
- (cond ((eq? expr #t) ; (if #t #f) -> #f
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form true)))
- ((not expr)
- (if (eq? false 'no-false)
- (if true ; (if #f x) as a kludgey #<unspecified>
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form #<unspecified>)))
- ;; (if (negative? (gcd x y)) a b) -> b
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form false))))
- ((not (equal? true false))
- (if (boolean? true)
- (if (boolean? false) ; ! (if expr #t #f) turned into something less verbose
- ;; (if x #f #t) -> (not x)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (if true
- expr
- (simplify-boolean `(not ,expr) () () env))))
- (when (= suggestion made-suggestion)
- ;; (if x #f y) -> (and (not x) y)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (if true
- (if (eq? false 'no-false)
- expr
- (simplify-boolean `(or ,expr ,false) () () env))
- (simplify-boolean
- (if (eq? false 'no-false)
- `(not ,expr)
- `(and (not ,expr) ,false))
- () () env))))))
- (if (and (boolean? false)
- (= suggestion made-suggestion))
- ;; (if x y #t) -> (or (not x) y)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (let ((nexpr (if false
- (if (and (pair? expr) (eq? (car expr) 'not))
- `(or ,(cadr expr) ,true)
- `(or (not ,expr) ,true))
- `(and ,expr ,true))))
- (lists->string form (simplify-boolean nexpr () () env)))))))
- ((= len 4)
- ;; (if x (+ y 1) (+ y 1)) -> (+ y 1)
- (lint-format "if is not needed here: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (if (not (side-effect? test env))
- true
- `(begin ,expr ,true))))))
- (when (and (= suggestion made-suggestion)
- (not (equal? expr test))) ; make sure the boolean simplification gets reported
- ;; (or (not (pair? x)) (not (pair? z))) -> (not (and (pair? x) (pair? z)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string test expr)))
- (when (pair? true)
- (if (and (pair? test)
- (pair? true-rest)
- (null? (cdr true-rest))
- (or (equal? test (car true-rest))
- (equal? expr (car true-rest))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (eq? false 'no-false)
- `(cond (,expr => ,true-op))
- `(cond (,expr => ,true-op) (else ,false))))))
- (when (and (pair? false)
- (eq? true-op 'if)
- (eq? false-op 'if)
- (= (length true) (length false) 4)
- (equal? (car true-rest) (car false-rest)))
- (if (and (equal? (cadr true-rest) (caddr false-rest)) ; (if A (if B a b) (if B b a)) -> (if (eq? (not A) (not B)) a b)
- (equal? (caddr true-rest) (cadr false-rest)))
- (let* ((switch #f)
- (a (if (and (pair? expr)
- (eq? (car expr) 'not))
- (begin (set! switch #t) expr)
- (simplify-boolean `(not ,expr) () () env)))
- (b (if (and (pair? (car true-rest))
- (eq? (caar true-rest) 'not))
- (begin (set! switch (not switch)) (car true-rest))
- (simplify-boolean `(not ,(car true-rest)) () () env))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if switch
- `(if (eq? ,a ,b) ,(cadr false-rest) ,(cadr true-rest))
- `(if (eq? ,a ,b) ,(cadr true-rest) ,(cadr false-rest))))))
- (unless (or (side-effect? expr env)
- (equal? (cdr true-rest) (cdr false-rest))) ; handled elsewhere
- (if (equal? (cadr true-rest) (cadr false-rest)) ; (if A (if B a b) (if B a c)) -> (if B a (if A b c))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(if ,(car true-rest) ,(cadr true-rest)
- (if ,expr ,(caddr true-rest) ,(caddr false-rest)))))
- (if (equal? (caddr true-rest) (caddr false-rest)) ; (if A (if B a b) (if B c b)) -> (if B (if A a c) b)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(if ,(car true-rest)
- (if ,expr ,(cadr true-rest) ,(cadr false-rest))
- ,(caddr true-rest))))))))))
- ;; --------
- (when (and (= suggestion made-suggestion)
- (not (= line-number last-if-line-number)))
- ;; unravel complicated if-then-else nestings into a single cond, if possible.
- ;;
- ;; The (> new-len *report-nested-if*) below can mean (nearly) all nested ifs are turned into conds.
- ;; For a long time I thought the if form was easier to read, but now
- ;; I like cond better. But cond also has serious readability issues:
- ;; it needs to be clearer where the test separates from the result,
- ;; and in a stack of these clauses, it's hard to see anything at all.
- ;; Maybe a different color for the test than the result?
- ;;
- ;; Also, the check for tree-leaves being hugely different is taken
- ;; from C -- I think it is easier to read a large if statement if
- ;; the shortest clause is at the start -- especially in a nested if where
- ;; it can be nearly impossible to see which dangling one-liner matches
- ;; which if (this even in emacs because it unmarks or doesn't remark the matching
- ;; paren as you're trying to scroll up to it).
- ;;
- ;; the cond form is not always an improvement:
- ;; (if A (if B (if C a b) (if C c d)) (if B (if C e f) (if C g h)))
- ;; (cond (A (cond (B (cond (C a) (else b))) ... oh forget it ...))))
- ;; perhaps: (case (+ (if A 4 0) (if B 2 0) (if C 1 0)) ((#b000)...))!
- ;; how often (and how deeply nested) does this happen? -- not very, but nesting can be ridiculous.
- ;; and this assumes all tests are always hit
- (define (swap-clauses form)
- (if (not (pair? (cdddr form)))
- form
- (let ((expr (cadr form))
- (ltrue (caddr form))
- (lfalse (cadddr form)))
- (let ((true-n (tree-leaves ltrue))
- (false-n (if (not (pair? lfalse))
- 1
- (tree-leaves lfalse))))
- (if (< false-n (/ true-n 4))
- (let ((new-expr (simplify-boolean `(not ,expr) () () env)))
- (if (and (pair? ltrue)
- (eq? (car ltrue) 'if))
- (set! ltrue (swap-clauses ltrue)))
- (if (and (pair? ltrue)
- (eq? (car ltrue) 'cond))
- `(cond (,new-expr ,@(unbegin lfalse))
- ,@(cdr ltrue))
- `(cond (,new-expr ,@(unbegin lfalse))
- (else ,@(unbegin ltrue)))))
- (begin
- (if (and (pair? lfalse)
- (eq? (car lfalse) 'if))
- (set! lfalse (swap-clauses lfalse)))
- (if (and (pair? lfalse)
- (eq? (car lfalse) 'cond))
- `(cond (,expr ,@(unbegin ltrue))
- ,@(cdr lfalse))
- `(cond (,expr ,@(unbegin ltrue))
- (else ,@(unbegin lfalse))))))))))
- (let ((new-if (swap-clauses form)))
- (if (eq? (car new-if) 'cond)
- (if (> (length new-if) *report-nested-if*)
- (begin
- (set! last-if-line-number line-number)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form new-if)))
- (when (= len 4)
- (let ((true-len (tree-leaves (caddr form))))
- (if (and (> true-len *report-short-branch*)
- (< (tree-leaves (cadddr form)) (/ true-len *report-short-branch*)))
- (let ((new-expr (simplify-boolean `(not ,(cadr form)) () () env)))
- (lint-format "perhaps place the much shorter branch first~A: ~A" caller
- (local-line-number (cadr form))
- (truncated-lists->string form `(if ,new-expr ,false ,true))))))))))
- ;; if+let() -> when: about a dozen hits
- (let ((ntrue (and (pair? true) ; (if A B (let () (display x))) -> (if A B (begin (display x)))
- (eq? true-op 'let)
- (pair? (cdr true))
- (null? (cadr true))
- (not (tree-table-member definers (cddr true)))
- (cddr true)))
- (nfalse (and (pair? false)
- (eq? false-op 'let)
- (pair? (cdr false))
- (null? (cadr false))
- (not (tree-table-member definers (cddr false)))
- (cddr false))))
- (if (or ntrue nfalse)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (eq? false 'no-false)
- `(when ,expr ,@ntrue)
- (if ntrue
- (if nfalse
- `(if ,expr (begin ,@ntrue) (begin ,@nfalse))
- `(if ,expr (begin ,@ntrue) ,false))
- `(if ,expr ,true (begin ,@nfalse))))))))
- (when (= len 4)
- ;; move repeated test to top, if no inner false branches
- ;; (if A (if B C) (if B D)) -> (if B (if A C D))
- (when (and (pair? true)
- (pair? false)
- (eq? true-op 'if)
- (eq? false-op 'if)
- (equal? (car true-rest) (car false-rest))
- (null? (cddr true-rest))
- (null? (cddr false-rest)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(if ,(car true-rest)
- (if ,expr
- ,(cadr true-rest)
- ,(cadr false-rest))))))
- ;; move repeated start/end statements out of the if
- (let ((ltrue (if (and (pair? true) (eq? true-op 'begin)) true (list 'begin true)))
- (lfalse (if (and (pair? false) (eq? false-op 'begin)) false (list 'begin false))))
- (let ((true-len (length ltrue))
- (false-len (length lfalse)))
- (let ((start (if (and (equal? (cadr ltrue) (cadr lfalse))
- (not (side-effect? expr env))) ; expr might affect start, so we can't pull it ahead
- (list (cadr ltrue))
- ()))
- (end (if (and (not (= true-len false-len 2))
- (equal? (list-ref ltrue (- true-len 1))
- (list-ref lfalse (- false-len 1))))
- (list (list-ref ltrue (- true-len 1)))
- ())))
- (when (or (pair? start)
- (pair? end))
- (let ((new-true (cdr ltrue))
- (new-false (cdr lfalse)))
- (when (pair? end)
- (set! new-true (copy new-true (make-list (- true-len 2)))) ; (copy lst ()) -> ()
- (set! new-false (copy new-false (make-list (- false-len 2)))))
- (when (pair? start)
- (if (pair? new-true) (set! new-true (cdr new-true)))
- (if (pair? new-false) (set! new-false (cdr new-false))))
- (when (or (pair? end)
- (and (pair? new-true)
- (pair? new-false))) ; otherwise the rewrite changes the returned value
- (if (pair? new-true)
- (set! new-true (if (null? (cdr new-true))
- (car new-true)
- (cons 'begin new-true))))
- (if (pair? new-false)
- (set! new-false (if (null? (cdr new-false))
- (car new-false)
- (cons 'begin new-false))))
- ;; (if x (display y) (begin (set! z y) (display y))) -> (begin (if (not x) (set! z y)) (display y))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((body (if (null? new-true)
- `(if (not ,expr) ,new-false)
- (if (null? new-false)
- `(if ,expr ,new-true)
- `(if ,expr ,new-true ,new-false)))))
- `(begin ,@start
- ,body
- ,@end))))))))))
- (when (and (= suggestion made-suggestion) ; not redundant -- this will repeat the earlier suggestion in many cases
- (not (= line-number last-if-line-number))
- (pair? expr) ; (if (not a) A B) -> (if a B A)
- (eq? (car expr) 'not)
- (> (tree-leaves true) (tree-leaves false)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(if ,(cadr expr) ,false ,true))))
- ;; this happens occasionally -- scarcely worth this much code! (gather copied vars outside the if)
- (when (and (pair? true)
- (pair? false)
- (eq? true-op 'let)
- (eq? false-op 'let)
- (pair? (car true-rest))
- (pair? (car false-rest)))
- (let ((true-vars (map car (car true-rest)))
- (false-vars (map car (car false-rest)))
- (shared-vars ()))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (if (and (memq v false-vars)
- (equal? (cadr (assq v (car true-rest)))
- (cadr (assq v (car false-rest)))))
- (set! shared-vars (cons v shared-vars))))
- true-vars)
- (when (pair? shared-vars)
- ;; now remake true/false lets (maybe nil) without shared-vars
- (let ((ntv ())
- (nfv ())
- (sv ()))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (if (memq (car v) shared-vars)
- (set! sv (cons v sv))
- (set! ntv (cons v ntv))))
- (car true-rest))
- (set! ntv (if (or (pair? ntv)
- (pair? (cddr true-rest))) ; even define is safe here because outer let blocks it just as inner let used to
- `(let ,(reverse ntv) ,@(cdr true-rest))
- (cadr true-rest)))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (if (not (memq (car v) shared-vars))
- (set! nfv (cons v nfv))))
- (car false-rest))
- (set! nfv (if (or (pair? nfv)
- (pair? (cddr false-rest)))
- `(let ,(reverse nfv) ,@(cdr false-rest))
- (cadr false-rest)))
- ;; (if (> (+ a b) 3) (let ((a x) (c y)) (* a (log c))) (let ((b z) (c y)) (+... ->
- ;; (let ((c y)) (if (> (+ a b) 3) (let ((a x)) (* a (log c))) (let ((b z)) (+ b (log c)))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (not (or (side-effect? expr env)
- (tree-set-member (map car sv) expr)))
- `(let ,(reverse sv) (if ,expr ,ntv ,nfv))
- (let ((uniq (find-unique-name form)))
- `(let ((,uniq ,expr))
- (let ,(reverse sv)
- (if ,uniq ,ntv ,nfv))))))))))))) ; (when (and (= suggestion made-suggestion)...))
- (when (and *report-one-armed-if*
- (eq? false 'no-false)
- (or (not (integer? *report-one-armed-if*))
- (> (tree-leaves true) *report-one-armed-if*)))
- ;; (if a (begin (set! x y) z)) -> (when a (set! x y) z)
- (lint-format "~A~A~A perhaps ~A" caller
- (if (integer? *report-one-armed-if*)
- "this one-armed if is too big"
- "")
- (local-line-number test)
- (if (integer? *report-one-armed-if*) ";" "")
- (truncated-lists->string
- form (if (and (pair? expr)
- (eq? (car expr) 'not))
- `(unless ,(cadr expr) ,@(unbegin true))
- `(when ,expr ,@(unbegin true))))))
- (if (symbol? expr)
- (set-ref expr caller form env)
- (lint-walk caller expr env))
- (if (symbol? true)
- (set-ref true caller form env)
- (set! env (lint-walk caller true env)))
- (if (symbol? false)
- (if (not (eq? false 'no-false))
- (set-ref false caller form env))
- (set! env (lint-walk caller false env))))))
- env))
- (hash-table-set! h 'if if-walker))
- ;; -------- when, unless --------
- (let ()
- (define (when-walker caller form env)
- (if (< (length form) 3)
- (begin
- (lint-format "~A is messed up: ~A" caller (car form) (truncated-list->string form))
- env)
- (let ((test (cadr form))
- (head (car form)))
- (if (and (pair? test)
- (eq? (car test) 'not))
- ;; (when (not a) (set! x y)) -> (unless a (set! x y))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A"
- caller
- (truncated-lists->string form
- `(,(if (eq? head 'when) 'unless 'when)
- ,(cadr test)
- ,@(cddr form)))))
- (if (never-false test)
- (lint-format "~A test is never false: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (never-true test) ; (unless #f...)
- (lint-format "~A test is never true: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string form))))
- (if (symbol? test)
- (begin
- (set-ref test caller form env)
- (if (and (eq? head 'when)
- (pair? (cddr form))
- (pair? (caddr form)))
- (if (memq test (caddr form))
- (and-incomplete form head test (caddr form) env)
- (do ((p (caddr form) (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (memq test (car p))))
- (if (pair? p)
- (and-incomplete form head test (car p) env)))))))
- (when (pair? test)
- (if (and (eq? (car test) 'and)
- (pair? (cdr test))
- (pair? (cddr test))
- (null? (cdddr test)))
- (let ((arg1 (cadr test))
- (arg2 (caddr test)))
- (if (or (and (pair? arg1)
- (eq? (car arg1) 'not))
- (and (pair? arg2)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'not)))
- (if (eq? head 'unless)
- ;; (unless (and x (not y)) (display z)) -> (when (or (not x) y) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(when ,(simplify-boolean `(not ,test) () () env) ...)))
- (if (and (pair? arg1)
- (eq? (car arg1) 'not)
- (pair? arg2)
- (eq? (car arg2) 'not))
- ;; (when (and (not x) (not y)) (display z)) -> (unless (or x y) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(unless (or ,(cadr arg1) ,(cadr arg2)) ...))))))))
- (lint-walk caller test env)))
- (when (and (pair? (cddr form)) ; (when t1 (if t2 A)) -> (when (and t1 t2) A)
- (null? (cdddr form))
- (pair? (caddr form)))
- (let ((body (caddr form)))
- (if (eq? (car body) 'cond) ; (when (cond ...)) -> (cond ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (truncated-lists->string form
- `(cond (,(if (eq? (car form) 'when)
- (simplify-boolean `(not ,(cadr form)) () () env)
- (cadr form))
- #f)
- ,@(cdr body))))
- (when (or (memq (car body) '(when unless))
- (and (eq? (car body) 'if)
- (pair? (cdr body))
- (pair? (cddr body))
- (null? (cdddr body))))
- (let ((new-test (let ((inner-test (if (eq? (car body) 'unless)
- `(not ,(cadr body))
- (cadr body)))
- (outer-test (if (eq? head 'unless)
- `(not ,test)
- test)))
- (simplify-boolean `(and ,outer-test ,inner-test) () () env))))
- ;; (when (and (< x 1) y) (if z (display z))) -> (when (and (< x 1) y z) (display z))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (pair? new-test)
- (eq? (car new-test) 'not))
- `(unless ,(cadr new-test) ,@(cddr body))
- `(when ,new-test ,@(cddr body))))))))))
- (lint-walk-open-body caller head (cddr form) env))))
- (hash-table-set! h 'when when-walker)
- (hash-table-set! h 'unless when-walker))
- ;; ---------------- cond ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (cond-walker caller form env)
- (let ((ctr 0)
- (suggest made-suggestion)
- (len (- (length form) 1)))
- (if (< len 1)
- (lint-format "cond is messed up: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((exprs ())
- (result :unset)
- (has-else #f)
- (has-combinations #f)
- (simplifications ())
- (prev-clause #f)
- (all-eqv #t)
- (eqv-select #f))
- ;; (cond (A (and B C)) (else (and B D))) et al never happens
- ;; also (cond (A C) (B C)) -> (if (or A B) C) [non-pair C]
- ;; ----------------
- ;; if regular cond + else
- ;; scan all return blocks
- ;; if all one form, and either header or trailer always match,
- ;; rewrite as header + cond|if + trailer
- ;; given values and the presence of else, every possibility is covered
- ;; at least (car result) has to match across all
- (when (and (> len 1) ; (cond (else ...)) is handled elsewhere
- (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (not (tree-set-member '(unquote #_{list}) form)))
- (let ((first-clause (cadr form))
- (else-clause (list-ref form len)))
- (when (and (pair? (cdr first-clause))
- (null? (cddr first-clause))
- (pair? (cadr first-clause))
- (pair? else-clause))
- (let ((first-result (cadr first-clause))
- (first-func (caadr first-clause)))
- (if (and (memq (car else-clause) '(#t else))
- (pair? (cdr else-clause))
- (pair? (cadr else-clause))
- (or (equal? (caadr first-clause) (caadr else-clause)) ; there's some hope we'll match
- (escape? (cadr else-clause) env)))
- (let ((else-error (escape? (cadr else-clause) env)))
- (when (and (pair? (cdr first-result))
- (not (eq? first-func 'values))
- (or (not (hash-table-ref syntaces first-func))
- (eq? first-func 'set!))
- (every? (lambda (c)
- (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (cdr c))
- (pair? (cadr c))
- (null? (cddr c))
- (pair? (cdadr c))
- (or (equal? first-func (caadr c))
- (and (eq? c else-clause)
- else-error))))
- (cddr form)))
- ((lambda (header-len trailer-len result-min-len)
- (when (and (or (not (eq? first-func 'set!))
- (> header-len 1))
- (or (not (eq? first-func '/))
- (> header-len 1)
- (> trailer-len 0)))
- (let ((header (copy first-result (make-list header-len)))
- (trailer (copy first-result (make-list trailer-len) (- (length first-result) trailer-len))))
- (if (= len 2)
- (unless (equal? first-result (cadr else-clause)) ; handled elsewhere (all results equal -> result)
- ;; (cond (x (for-each (lambda (x) (display (+ x a))) (f y))) (else (for-each... ->
- ;; (for-each (lambda (x) (display (+ x a))) (if x (f y) (g y)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (let ((else-result (cadr else-clause)))
- (let ((first-mid-len (- (length first-result) header-len trailer-len))
- (else-mid-len (- (length else-result) header-len trailer-len)))
- (let ((fmid (if (= first-mid-len 1)
- (list-ref first-result header-len)
- `(values ,@(copy first-result (make-list first-mid-len) header-len))))
- (emid (if else-error
- else-result
- (if (= else-mid-len 1)
- (list-ref else-result header-len)
- `(values ,@(copy else-result (make-list else-mid-len) header-len))))))
- (lists->string form `(,@header (if ,(car first-clause) ,fmid ,emid) ,@trailer)))))))
- ;; len > 2 so use cond in the revision
- (let ((middle (map (lambda (c)
- (if (and else-error
- (eq? c else-clause))
- else-clause
- (let ((test (car c))
- (result (cadr c)))
- (let ((mid-len (- (length result) header-len trailer-len)))
- `(,test ,(if (= mid-len 1)
- (list-ref result header-len)
- `(values ,@(copy result (make-list mid-len) header-len))))))))
- (cdr form))))
- ;; (cond ((< x 1) (+ x 1)) ((< y 1) (+ x 3)) (else (+ x 2))) -> (+ x (cond ((< x 1) 1) ((< y 1) 3) (else 2)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,@header (cond ,@middle) ,@trailer))))))))
- (partition-form (cdr form) (if else-error (- len 1) len)))))
- ;; not escaping else here because the trailing args might be evaluated first
- (when (and (not (hash-table-ref syntaces (car first-result)))
- (every? (lambda (c)
- (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (cdr c))
- (pair? (cadr c))
- (null? (cddr c))
- (not (hash-table-ref syntaces (caadr c)))
- (equal? (cdadr c) (cdr first-result))))
- (cddr form)))
- (if (every? (lambda (c)
- (eq? first-func (caadr c))) ; all result clauses are the same!?
- (cddr form)) ; possibly no else, so not always a duplicate message
- ;; (cond (X (f y z)) (Y (f y z)) (Z (f y z))) -> (if (or X Y Z) (f y z))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(if (or ,@(map car (cdr form)))
- ,first-result)))
- ;; here we need an else clause else (apply #<unspecified> args)
- (if (memq (car else-clause) '(#t else))
- ;; (cond (X (f y z)) (else (g y z))) -> ((cond (X f) (else g)) y z)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `((cond ,@(map (lambda (c)
- (list (car c) (caadr c)))
- (cdr form)))
- ,@(cdr first-result))))))))))))
- ;; ----------------
- (let ((falses ())
- (trues ()))
- (for-each
- (lambda (clause)
- (set! ctr (+ ctr 1))
- (if (not (pair? clause))
- (begin
- (set! all-eqv #f)
- (set! has-combinations #f)
- ;; ; (cond 1)
- (lint-format "cond clause ~A in ~A is not a pair?" caller clause (truncated-list->string form)))
- (begin
- (when all-eqv
- (unless eqv-select
- (set! eqv-select (eqv-selector (car clause))))
- (set! all-eqv (and eqv-select
- (not (and (pair? (cdr clause))
- (eq? (cadr clause) '=>))) ; case sends selector, but cond sends test result
- (cond-eqv? (car clause) eqv-select #t))))
- (if (and (pair? prev-clause)
- (not has-combinations)
- (> len 2)
- (equal? (cdr clause) (cdr prev-clause)))
- (if (memq (car clause) '(else #t)) ; (cond ... (x z) (else z)) -> (cond ... (else z))
- (unless (side-effect? (car prev-clause) env)
- ;; (cond (x y) (z 32) (else 32))
- (lint-format* caller
- "this clause could be omitted: "
- (truncated-list->string prev-clause)))
- (set! has-combinations #t))) ; handle these later
- (set! prev-clause clause)
- (let ((expr (simplify-boolean (car clause) trues falses env))
- (test (car clause))
- (sequel (cdr clause))
- (first-sequel (and (pair? (cdr clause)) (cadr clause))))
- (if (not (equal? expr test))
- (set! simplifications (cons (cons clause expr) simplifications)))
- (if (symbol? test)
- (if (and (not (eq? test 'else))
- (pair? first-sequel))
- (if (memq test first-sequel)
- (and-incomplete form 'cond test first-sequel env)
- (do ((p first-sequel (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (memq test (car p))))
- (if (pair? p)
- (and-incomplete form 'cond test (car p) env))))))
- (if (and (pair? test)
- (pair? first-sequel)
- (hash-table-ref bools (car test)))
- (if (member (cadr test) first-sequel)
- (and-forgetful form 'cond test first-sequel env)
- (do ((p first-sequel (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (member (cadr test) (car p))))
- (if (pair? p)
- (and-forgetful form 'cond test (car p) env)))))))
- ;; code here to check every arg against its use in the sequel found no problems?!?
- (cond ((memq test '(else #t))
- (set! has-else #t)
- (when (pair? sequel)
- (if (eq? first-sequel #<unspecified>)
- ;; (cond ((= x y) z) (else #<unspecified>)
- (lint-format "this #<unspecified> is redundant: ~A" caller clause))
- (if (and (pair? first-sequel) ; (cond (a A) (else (cond ...))) -> (cond (a A) ...)
- (null? (cdr sequel))) ; similarly for if, when, and unless
- (case (car first-sequel)
- ((cond)
- ;; (cond ((< x 1) 2) (else (cond ((< y 3) 2) (#t 4))))
- (lint-format "else clause could be folded into the outer cond: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (append (copy form (make-list ctr))
- (cdr first-sequel)))))
- ((if)
- ;; (cond (a A) (else (if b B)))
- (lint-format "else clause could be folded into the outer cond: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (append (copy form (make-list ctr))
- (if (= (length first-sequel) 3)
- (list (cdr first-sequel))
- `((,(cadr first-sequel) ,@(unbegin (caddr first-sequel)))
- (else ,@(unbegin (cadddr first-sequel)))))))))
- ((when unless)
- ;; (cond (a A) (else (when b B)))
- (lint-format "else clause could be folded into the outer cond: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (append (copy form (make-list ctr))
- (if (eq? (car first-sequel) 'when)
- `((,(cadr first-sequel) ,@(cddr first-sequel)))
- `(((not ,(cadr first-sequel)) ,@(cddr first-sequel))))))))))))
- ((not (= ctr len)))
- ((equal? test ''else)
- ;; (cond (x y) ('else z))
- (lint-format "odd cond clause test: is 'else supposed to be else? ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string clause)))
- ((and (eq? test 't)
- (not (var-member 't env)))
- ;; (cond ((= x 1) 1) (t 2)
- (lint-format "odd cond clause test: is t supposed to be #t? ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string clause))))
- (if (never-false expr)
- (if (not (= ctr len))
- ;; (cond ((getenv s) x) ((= y z) w))
- (lint-format "cond test ~A is never false: ~A" caller (car clause) (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (not (or (memq expr '(#t else))
- (side-effect? test env)))
- (lint-format "cond last test could be #t: ~A" caller form)))
- (if (never-true expr)
- ;; (cond ((< 3 1) 2))
- (lint-format "cond test ~A is never true: ~A" caller (car clause) (truncated-list->string form))))
- (unless (side-effect? test env)
- (cond ((or (memq test '(else #t))
- (not (pair? sequel))
- (pair? (cdr sequel))))
- ((equal? test first-sequel)
- ;; (cond ((= x 0) x) ((= x 1) (= x 1)))
- (lint-format "no need to repeat the test: ~A" caller (lists->string clause (list test))))
- ((and (pair? first-sequel)
- (pair? (cdr first-sequel))
- (null? (cddr first-sequel))
- (equal? test (cadr first-sequel)))
- (if (eq? (car first-sequel) 'not)
- ;; (cond ((> x 2) (not (> x 2))))
- (lint-format "perhaps replace ~A with #f" caller first-sequel)
- ;; (cond (x (abs x)))
- (lint-format "perhaps use => here: ~A" caller
- (lists->string clause (list test '=> (car first-sequel))))))
- ((and (eq? first-sequel #t)
- (pair? test)
- (not (memq (car test) '(or and)))
- (eq? (return-type (car test) env) 'boolean?))
- ;; (cond ((null? x) #t) (else y))
- (lint-format "this #t could be omitted: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string clause))))
- (if (member test exprs)
- ;; (cond ((< x 2) 3) ((> x 0) 4) ((< x 2) 5))
- (lint-format "cond test repeated: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string clause))
- (set! exprs (cons test exprs))))
- (if (boolean? expr)
- (if (not expr)
- ;; (cond ((< 3 1) 2))
- (lint-format "cond test is always false: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string clause))
- (if (not (= ctr len))
- ;; (cond (#t 2) (x 3))
- (lint-format "cond #t clause is not the last: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- (if (eq? test 'else)
- (if (not (= ctr len))
- ;; (cond (else 2) (x 3))
- (lint-format "cond else clause is not the last: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (lint-walk caller test env)))
- (if (and (symbol? expr)
- (not (var-member expr env))
- (procedure? (symbol->value expr *e*)))
- ;; (cond (< x 1) (else 1))
- (lint-format "strange cond test: ~A in ~A is a procedure" caller expr clause))
- (if (eq? result :unset)
- (set! result sequel)
- (if (not (equal? result sequel))
- (set! result :unequal)))
- (cond ((not (pair? sequel))
- (if (not (null? sequel)) ; (not (null?...)) here is correct -- we're looking for stray dots
- (lint-format "cond clause is messed up: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string clause))))
- ((not (eq? first-sequel '=>))
- (lint-walk-open-body caller 'cond sequel env))
- ((or (not (pair? (cdr sequel)))
- (pair? (cddr sequel)))
- ;; (cond (x =>))
- (lint-format "cond => target is messed up: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string clause)))
- (else (let ((f (cadr sequel)))
- (if (symbol? f)
- (let ((val (symbol->value f *e*)))
- (when (procedure? val)
- (if (not (aritable? val 1)) ; here values might be in test expr
- ;; (cond (x => expt))
- (lint-format "=> target (~A) may be unhappy: ~A" caller f clause))
- (let ((sig (procedure-signature val)))
- (if (and (pair? sig)
- (pair? (cdr sig)))
- (let ((from-type (->lint-type expr))
- (to-type (cadr sig)))
- (if (not (or (memq from-type '(#f #t values))
- (memq to-type '(#f #t values))
- (any-compatible? to-type from-type)))
- ;; (cond ((> x 0) => abs) (else y))
- (lint-format "in ~A, ~A returns a ~A, but ~A expects ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string clause)
- expr (prettify-checker-unq from-type)
- f to-type)))))))
- (if (and (pair? f)
- (eq? (car f) 'lambda)
- (pair? (cdr f))
- (pair? (cadr f))
- (not (= (length (cadr f)) 1)))
- (lint-format "=> target (~A) may be unhappy: ~A" caller f clause)))
- (lint-walk caller f env))))
- (if (side-effect? expr env)
- (begin
- (set! falses ())
- (set! trues ())
- (set! result :unequal))
- (begin
- (if (not (member expr falses))
- (set! falses (cons expr falses)))
- (when (pair? expr)
- (if (and (eq? (car expr) 'not)
- (not (member (cadr expr) trues)))
- (set! trues (cons (cadr expr) trues)))
- (if (eq? (car expr) 'or)
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (if (not (member p falses))
- (set! falses (cons p falses))))
- (cdr expr))))))))))
- (cdr form))) ; for-each clause
- (if has-else
- (if (pair? result) ; all result clauses are the same (and not implicit)
- ;; (cond (x #t) (else #t)) -> #t
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form
- (if (null? (cdr result))
- (car result)
- `(begin ,@result)))))
- (let* ((last-clause (and (> len 1)
- (list-ref form len)))
- (last-res (let ((clen (and (pair? last-clause)
- (length last-clause))))
- (and (integer? clen)
- (> clen 1)
- (list-ref last-clause (- clen 1))))))
- (if (and (pair? last-res)
- (memq (car last-res) '(#t else)))
- ;; (cond (x y) (y z (else 3)))
- (lint-format "perhaps cond else clause is misplaced: ~A in ~A" caller last-res last-clause))))
- (when (and (= len 2)
- (not (check-bool-cond caller form (cadr form) (caddr form) env))
- (pair? (cadr form)) ; (cond 1 2)!
- (pair? (caddr form)))
- (let ((c1 (cadr form))
- (c2 (caddr form)))
- (if (equal? (simplify-boolean (car c1) () () env)
- (simplify-boolean `(not ,(car c2)) () () env))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (cond ((x) y) ((not (x)) z)) -> (cond ((x) y) (else z))
- (lists->string form `(cond ,c1 (else ,@(cdr c2)))))
- (when (and (pair? (car c1)) ; (cond ((not x) y) (else z)) -> (cond (x z) (else y))
- (pair? (cdr c1)) ; null case is handled elsewhere
- (eq? (caar c1) 'not)
- (memq (car c2) '(else #t)))
- (let ((c1-len (tree-leaves (cdr c1))) ; try to avoid the dangling short case as in if
- (c2-len (tree-leaves (cdr c2))))
- (when (and (< (+ c1-len c2-len) 100)
- (> (* c1-len 4) c2-len)) ; maybe 4 is too much
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (or (pair? (cddr c1))
- (pair? (cddr c2)))
- `(cond (,(cadar c1) ,@(cdr c2)) (else ,@(cdr c1)))
- `(if ,(cadar c1) ,(cadr c2) ,(cadr c1)))))))))))
- (when has-combinations
- (do ((new-clauses ())
- (current-clauses ())
- (clauses (cdr form) (cdr clauses)))
- ((null? clauses)
- (let ((len2 (= (length new-clauses) 2)))
- (unless (and len2 ; i.e. don't go to check-bool-cond
- (check-bool-cond caller form (cadr new-clauses) (car new-clauses) env))
- ;; (cond ((= x 3) 3) ((= x 2) 4) ((= x 1) 4)) -> (case x ((3) 3) ((2 1) 4))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string
- form
- (cond (all-eqv
- (cond->case eqv-select (reverse new-clauses)))
- ((not (and len2
- (pair? (car new-clauses))
- (memq (caar new-clauses) '(else #t))
- (pair? (cadr new-clauses))
- (pair? (caadr new-clauses))
- (eq? (caaadr new-clauses) 'or)
- (null? (cdadr new-clauses))))
- `(cond ,@(reverse new-clauses)))
- ((null? (cddar new-clauses)) ; (cond (A) (B) (else C)) -> (or A B C)
- `(or ,@(cdaadr new-clauses) ,(cadar new-clauses)))
- (else `(or ,@(cdaadr new-clauses) (begin ,@(cdar new-clauses))))))))
- (set! simplifications ())
- (set! all-eqv #f)))
- (let* ((clause (car clauses))
- (result (cdr clause))) ; can be null in which case the test is the result
- (cond ((and (pair? simplifications)
- (assq clause simplifications))
- => (lambda (e)
- (set! clause (cons (cdr e) result)))))
- (if (and (pair? (cdr clauses))
- (equal? result (cdadr clauses)))
- (set! current-clauses (cons clause current-clauses))
- (if (pair? current-clauses)
- (begin
- (set! current-clauses (cons clause current-clauses))
- (set! new-clauses (cons
- (cons (simplify-boolean `(or ,@(map car (reverse current-clauses))) () () env)
- result)
- new-clauses))
- (set! current-clauses ()))
- (set! new-clauses (cons clause new-clauses)))))))
- (when (and all-eqv
- (> len (if has-else 2 1))) ; (cond (x y)) -- kinda dumb, but (if x y) isn't much shorter
- ;; (cond ((= x 0) x) ((= x 1) (= x 1))) -> (case x ((0) x) ((1) (= x 1)))
- (lint-format "perhaps use case instead of cond: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (cond->case eqv-select (cdr form)))))
- (if (and (= len 2)
- has-else
- (null? (cdadr form)))
- (let ((else-clause (if (null? (cddr (caddr form)))
- (cadr (caddr form))
- `(begin ,@(cdr (caddr form))))))
- ;; (cond ((a)) (else A)) -> (or (a) A)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(or ,(caadr form) ,else-clause)))))
- ;; --------
- (unless (or has-combinations all-eqv)
- ;; look for repeated ((op x c1) c2) -> ((assoc x '((c1 . c2)...)) => cdr) anywhere in the clause list
- (let ((nc ())
- (op #f)
- (sym-access #f)
- (start #f)
- (changed #f))
- ;; extending this to memx possibilities got only 1 hit and involved ca. 20 lines
- (define (car-with-expr cls)
- (cond ((and (pair? simplifications)
- (assq cls simplifications))
- => (lambda (e)
- (set! changed #t)
- (cons (cdr e) (cdr cls))))
- (else cls)))
- (define (start-search clauses test)
- (if (code-constant? (cadr test))
- (if (memq (car test) '(= string=? string-ci=? eq? eqv? equal? char=? char-ci=?))
- (set! sym-access caddr))
- (if (code-constant? (caddr test))
- (set! sym-access cadr)))
- (if sym-access
- (begin
- (set! start clauses)
- (set! op (car test)))
- (set! nc (cons (car-with-expr (car clauses)) nc))))
- (do ((clauses (cdr form) (cdr clauses)))
- ((or (null? clauses)
- (not (pair? (car clauses))))
- (if (and changed
- (null? clauses))
- ;; (cond ((< x 2) 3) ((> x 0) 4) ((< x 2) 5)) -> (cond ((< x 2) 3) ((> x 0) 4))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(cond ,@(reverse (map (lambda (c)
- (if (not (car c)) (values) c))
- nc)))))))
- (let ((test (caar clauses)))
- (let ((ok-but-at-end #f)
- (looks-ok (let ((result (cdar clauses)))
- (and (pair? test)
- (pair? (cdr test))
- (pair? (cddr test))
- (null? (cdddr test))
- (pair? result)
- (null? (cdr result))
- (not (symbol? (car result)))
- (or (not (pair? (car result))) ; quoted lists look bad in this context
- (and (eq? (caar result) 'quote)
- (not (pair? (cadar result)))))))))
- (if (not start)
- (if (and looks-ok
- (not (null? (cdr clauses))))
- (start-search clauses test)
- (set! nc (cons (car-with-expr (car clauses)) nc)))
- (unless (and looks-ok
- (eq? (car test) op)
- (equal? (sym-access test) (sym-access (caar start)))
- (code-constant? ((if (eq? sym-access cadr) caddr cadr) test))
- (not (set! ok-but-at-end (null? (cdr clauses)))))
- (if (eq? (cdr start) clauses) ; only one item in the block, or two but it's just two at the end
- (begin
- (set! nc (cons (car start) nc))
- (if (and looks-ok
- (not (null? (cdr clauses))))
- (start-search clauses test)
- (begin
- (set! start #f)
- (set! nc (cons (car-with-expr (car clauses)) nc)))))
- ;; multiple hits -- can we combine them?
- (let ((alist ())
- (cc (if (eq? sym-access cadr) caddr cadr)))
- (set! changed #t)
- (do ((sc start (cdr sc)))
- ((if ok-but-at-end
- (null? sc)
- (eq? sc clauses))
- (case op
- ((eq?)
- (set! nc (cons `((assq ,(sym-access (caar start)) ',(reverse alist)) => cdr) nc)))
- ((eqv? char=?)
- (set! nc (cons `((assv ,(sym-access (caar start)) ',(reverse alist)) => cdr) nc)))
- ((equal?)
- (set! nc (cons `((assoc ,(sym-access (caar start)) ',(reverse alist)) => cdr) nc)))
- ((string=?)
- ;; this is probably faster than assoc + string=?, but it creates symbols
- (let ((nlst (map (lambda (c)
- (cons (string->symbol (car c)) (cdr c)))
- alist)))
- (set! nc (cons `((assq (string->symbol ,(sym-access (caar start))) ',(reverse nlst)) => cdr) nc))))
- (else
- (set! nc (cons `((assoc ,(sym-access (caar start)) ',(reverse alist) ,op) => cdr) nc)))))
- (set! alist (cons (cons (unquoted (cc (caar sc))) (unquoted (cadar sc))) alist)))
- (if (and looks-ok
- (not (null? (cdr clauses))))
- (start-search clauses test)
- (begin
- (set! start #f)
- (if (not ok-but-at-end)
- (set! nc (cons (car-with-expr (car clauses)) nc))))))))))))))
- ;; look for case at end (case in the middle is tricky due to #f handling)
- (when (and (> len 3)
- (= suggest made-suggestion))
- (let ((rform (reverse form))
- (eqv-select #f)
- (elen (if has-else (- len 1) len)))
- (if has-else (set! rform (cdr rform)))
- (set! eqv-select (eqv-selector (caar rform)))
- (when eqv-select
- (do ((clauses rform (cdr clauses))
- (ctr 0 (+ ctr 1)))
- ((or (null? clauses)
- (let ((clause (car clauses)))
- (or (and (pair? (cdr clause))
- (eq? (cadr clause) '=>)) ; case sends selector, but cond sends test result
- (not (cond-eqv? (car clause) eqv-select #t)))))
- (when (and (pair? clauses)
- (> ctr 1))
- ;; (cond ((pair? x) 3) ((eq? x 'a) z) ((eq? x 'b) (* 2 z)) ((eq? x 'c)... ->
- ;; (if (pair? x) 3 (case x ((a) z) ((b) (* 2 z)) ((c) (display z))))
- (lint-format "possibly use case at the end: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((else-case (cond->case eqv-select ; cond->case will handle the else branch
- (list-tail (cdr form) (- elen ctr)))))
- (if (= (- elen ctr) 1)
- (if (equal? (cdadr form) '(#f))
- `(and (not ,(caadr form)) ,else-case)
- `(if ,@(cadr form) ,else-case))
- `(cond ,@(copy (cdr form) (make-list (- elen ctr)))
- (else ,else-case))))))))))))
- ;; --------
- ;; repeated test exprs handled once
- (let ((exprs ())
- (reps ())
- (ctr 0)
- (pos 0)
- (head-len 0)
- (else-leaves 0)
- (else-result #f))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (set! pos (+ pos 1))
- (cond ((and (pair? c)
- (memq (car c) '(#t else)))
- (set! else-result (cdr c))
- (set! else-leaves (tree-leaves else-result)))
- ((not (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (car c))
- (or (eq? (caar c) 'and)
- (member (car c) reps))))
- (set! exprs ())
- (set! reps ())
- (set! ctr 0))
- ((null? exprs)
- (set! head-len pos)
- (set! exprs (cdar c))
- (set! reps exprs)
- (set! ctr 1))
- (else
- (set! ctr (+ ctr 1))
- (set! reps (remove-if (lambda (rc)
- (not (or (equal? rc (car c))
- (member rc (cdar c)))))
- reps)))))
- (cdr form))
- (when (and (pair? reps)
- (> ctr 1)
- (< else-leaves (* ctr (length reps) 3)))
- ;; (cond ((pair? z) 32) ((and (pair? x) (pair? w)) 12) ((pair? x) 2) (else 0)) ->
- ;; (cond ((pair? z) 32) ((not (pair? x)) 0) ((pair? w) 12) (else 2))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((not-reps
- (simplify-boolean (if (null? (cdr reps))
- `(not ,(car reps))
- `(not (and ,@reps)))
- () () env)))
- `(,@(copy form (make-list head-len))
- (,not-reps
- ,@(or else-result '(#<unspecified>)))
- ,@(let mapper ((clauses (list-tail form head-len))
- (lst ()))
- (if (null? clauses)
- (reverse lst)
- (let ((new-clause
- (let ((c (car clauses)))
- (if (memq (car c) '(else #t))
- c
- `(,(if (member (car c) reps)
- 'else
- (remove-if (lambda (rc)
- (member rc reps))
- (car c)))
- ,@(cdr c))))))
- (if (and (pair? new-clause)
- (pair? (car new-clause))
- (eq? (caar new-clause) 'and)
- (pair? (cdar new-clause))
- (null? (cddar new-clause)))
- (set-car! new-clause (cadar new-clause)))
- (if (memq (car new-clause) '(else #t))
- (reverse (cons new-clause lst))
- (mapper (cdr clauses) (cons new-clause lst))))))))))))
- (when (pair? (cadr form))
- (if (= len 1)
- (let ((clause (cadr form))) ; (cond (a)) -> a, (cond (a b)) -> (if a b) etc
- (if (null? (cdr clause))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (car clause)))
- (if (and (not (eq? (cadr clause) '=>))
- (or (pair? (cddr clause))
- (= suggest made-suggestion)))
- ;; (cond ((= x 1) 32)) -> (if (= x 1) 32)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (null? (cddr clause))
- `(if ,(car clause) ,(cadr clause))
- (if (and (pair? (car clause))
- (eq? (caar clause) 'not))
- `(unless ,@(cdar clause) ,@(cdr clause))
- `(when ,(car clause) ,@(cdr clause)))))))))
- (when has-else ; len > 1 here
- (let ((last-clause (list-ref form (- len 1)))) ; not the else branch! -- just before it.
- (when (and (= suggest made-suggestion) ; look for all results the same
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (pair? (cdadr form)))
- (let ((result (list-ref (cadr form) (- (length (cadr form)) 1)))
- (else-clause (cdr (list-ref form len))))
- (when (every? (lambda (c)
- (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (cdr c))
- (equal? result (list-ref c (- (length c) 1)))))
- (cddr form))
- ;; (cond ((and (display x) x) 32) (#t 32)) -> (begin (and (display x) x) 32)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (= len 2) ; one is else -- this case is very common
- (let* ((c1-len (length (cdr last-clause)))
- (new-c1 (case c1-len
- ((1) #f)
- ((2) (cadr last-clause))
- (else `(begin ,@(copy (cdr last-clause) (make-list (- c1-len 1)))))))
- (else-len (length else-clause))
- (new-else (case else-len
- ((1) #f)
- ((2) (car else-clause))
- (else `(begin ,@(copy else-clause (make-list (- else-len 1))))))))
- `(begin
- ,(if (= c1-len 1)
- (if new-else
- `(if (not ,(car last-clause)) ,new-else)
- (car last-clause))
- (if (= else-len 1)
- (if new-c1
- `(if ,(car last-clause) ,new-c1)
- (car last-clause))
- `(if ,(car last-clause) ,new-c1 ,new-else)))
- ,result))
- `(begin ; this almost never happens
- (cond ,@(map (lambda (c)
- (let ((len (length c)))
- (if (= len 2)
- (if (or (memq (car c) '(else #t))
- (not (side-effect? (car c) env)))
- (values)
- (car c))
- (copy c (make-list (- len 1))))))
- (cdr form)))
- ,result)))))))
- ;; a few dozen hits here
- ;; the 'case parallel gets 2 hits, complex selectors
- ;; len = (- (length form) 1) = number of clauses
- (when (and (> len 2)
- (or (null? (cdr last-clause))
- (and (pair? (cdr last-clause))
- (null? (cddr last-clause))
- (boolean? (cadr last-clause)))))
- (let ((else-clause (cdr (list-ref form len)))
- (next-clause (cdr (list-ref form (- len 2)))))
- (when (and (pair? else-clause)
- (null? (cdr else-clause))
- (boolean? (car else-clause))
- (not (equal? (cdr last-clause) else-clause))
- (pair? next-clause)
- (null? (cdr next-clause))
- (not (boolean? (car next-clause))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,@(copy form (make-list (- len 1)))
- (else ,(if (car else-clause)
- `(not ,(car last-clause))
- (car last-clause)))))))))
- ;; (cond ((= x y) 2) ((= x 2) #f) (else #t)) -> (cond ((= x y) 2) (else (not (= x 2))))
- ;; (cond ((= x y) 2) ((= x 2) #t) (else #f)) -> (cond ((= x y) 2) (else (= x 2)))
- (when (= len 3)
- (let ((first-clause (cadr form))
- (else-clause (cdr (list-ref form len))))
- (when (and (or (null? (cdr first-clause))
- (and (null? (cddr first-clause))
- (boolean? (cadr first-clause))))
- (pair? last-clause)
- (or (null? (cdr last-clause))
- (null? (cddr last-clause))))
- (if (and (pair? (cdr first-clause))
- (not (cadr first-clause)) ; (cond (A #f) (B #t) (else C)) -> (and (not A) (or B C))
- (or (null? (cdr last-clause))
- (eq? (cadr last-clause) #t)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (simplify-boolean
- `(and (not ,(car first-clause))
- (or ,(car last-clause)
- ,@(if (null? (cdr else-clause))
- else-clause
- `(begin ,@else-clause))))
- () () env)))
- (if (and (or (null? (cdr first-clause)) ; (cond (A #t) (B C) (else #f)) -> (or A (and B C))
- (eq? (cadr first-clause) #t))
- (not (car else-clause))
- (null? (cdr else-clause)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(or ,(car first-clause)
- (and ,@last-clause)))))))
- (when (and (equal? (cdr first-clause) else-clause) ; a = else result
- (pair? (cdr last-clause)) ; b does exist
- (not (eq? (cadr last-clause) '=>))) ; no => in b
- ;; (cond (A a) (B b) (else a)) -> (if (or A (not B)) a b)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((A (car first-clause))
- (a (cdr first-clause))
- (B (car last-clause))
- (b (cdr last-clause)))
- (let ((nexpr (simplify-boolean `(or ,A (not ,B)) () () env)))
- (cond ((not (and (null? (cdr a))
- (null? (cdr b))))
- `(cond (,nexpr ,@a) (else ,@b)))
- ((eq? (car a) #t)
- (if (not (car b))
- nexpr
- (simplify-boolean `(or ,nexpr ,(car b)) () () env)))
- ((car a) ; i.e a is not #f
- `(if ,nexpr ,(car a) ,(car b)))
- ((eq? (car b) #t)
- (simplify-boolean `(not ,nexpr) () () env))
- (else (simplify-boolean `(and (not ,nexpr) ,(car b)) () () env))))))))))
- (when (> len 3)
- ;; this is not ideal
- (let ((e (list-ref form len)) ; (cond (W X) (A B) (C D) (else B)) -> (cond (W X) ((or A (not C)) B) (else D))
- (b (list-ref form (- len 1)))
- (a (list-ref form (- len 2))))
- (if (and (pair? a)
- (pair? (cdr a)) ; is (else) a legal cond clause? -- yes, it returns else...
- (pair? e)
- (equal? (cdr a) (cdr e))
- (pair? b)
- (pair? (cdr b))
- (not (eq? (cadr b) '=>)))
- (let ((expr (simplify-boolean `(or ,(car a) (not ,(car b))) () () env)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(cond ,(if (> len 4) '... (cadr form))
- (,expr ,@(cdr a))
- (else ,@(cdr b)))))))))
- (let ((arg1 (cadr form))
- (arg2 (caddr form)))
- (when (and (pair? arg1)
- (pair? (car arg1))
- (pair? (cdr arg1))
- (pair? arg2)
- (eq? (caar arg1) 'and)
- (null? (cddr arg1))
- (pair? (cdr arg2))
- (null? (cddr arg2))
- (member (car arg2) (cdar arg1))
- (= (length (cdar arg1)) 2))
- ;; (cond ((and A B) c) (B d) (else e)) -> (cond (B (if A c d)) (else e))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(cond (,(car arg2)
- (if ,((if (equal? (car arg2) (cadar arg1)) caddar cadar) arg1)
- ,(cadr arg1)
- ,(cadr arg2)))
- ,@(cdddr form))))))
- (if (and (pair? last-clause) ; (cond ... ((or ...)) (else ...)) -> (cond ... (else (or ... ...)))
- (pair? (car last-clause))
- (null? (cdr last-clause))
- (eq? (caar last-clause) 'or))
- (let ((else-clause (let ((e (cdr (list-ref form len))))
- (if (null? (cdr e))
- (car e)
- `(begin ,@e)))))
- ;; (cond ((A) B) ((or C D)) (else E)) -> (cond ((A) B) (else (or C D E)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(cond ,@(copy (cdr form) (make-list (- len 2)))
- (else (or ,@(cdar last-clause) ,else-clause))))))))))
- (let ((last-clause (list-ref form (if has-else (- len 1) len)))) ; not the else branch! -- just before it.
- (if (and (pair? last-clause) ; (cond ... (A (cond ...)) (else B)) -> (cond ... ((not A) B) ...)
- (pair? (cdr last-clause))
- (null? (cddr last-clause))
- (pair? (cadr last-clause))
- (memq (caadr last-clause) '(if cond)))
- (let ((new-test (simplify-boolean `(not ,(car last-clause)) () () env))
- (new-result (if has-else
- (cdr (list-ref form len))
- (if (eq? form lint-mid-form)
- ()
- (list #<unspecified>)))))
- (if (eq? (caadr last-clause) 'cond)
- ;; (cond (A (cond (B c) (else D))) (else E)) -> (cond ((not A) E) (B c) (else D))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(cond ,@(copy (cdr form) (make-list (- len (if has-else 2 1))))
- (,new-test ,@new-result)
- ,@(cdadr last-clause))))
- (if (= (length (cadr last-clause)) 4)
- (let ((if-form (cdadr last-clause)))
- ;; (cond (A B) (C (if D d E)) (else F)) -> (cond (A B) ((not C) F) (D d) (else E))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(cond ,@(copy (cdr form) (make-list (- len (if has-else 2 1))))
- (,new-test ,@new-result)
- (,(car if-form) ,@(unbegin (cadr if-form)))
- (else ,@(unbegin (caddr if-form))))))))))
- (when (> len 2) ; rewrite nested conds as one cond
- (let ((lim (if has-else (- len 2) len))
- (tlen (tree-leaves form)))
- (when (< tlen 200)
- (set! tlen (/ tlen 4))
- (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
- (k (+ lim 1) (- k 1))
- (p (cdr form) (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (= i lim)))
- (let ((nc (car p)))
- (if (and (pair? nc)
- (pair? (cdr nc))
- (null? (cddr nc))
- (pair? (cadr nc))
- (eq? (caadr nc) 'cond)
- (>= (length (cdadr nc)) (* 2 k))
- (> (tree-leaves nc) tlen))
- (let ((new-test (simplify-boolean `(not ,(car nc)) () () env))
- (new-result (if (and has-else
- (= i (- lim 1))
- (null? (cddadr p))
- (null? (cddr (caddr p))))
- `(if ,(caadr p) ,(cadadr p) ,(cadr (caddr p)))
- `(cond ,@(cdr p)))))
- ;; (cond ((= x 0) 1) ((= x 3) (cond ((not y) 1) ((pair? y) 2) ((eq? y 'a) 3) (else 4))) ((< x 200) 2) (else 5)) ->
- ;; (cond ((= x 0) 1) ((not (= x 3)) (if (< x 200) 2 5)) ((not y) 1) ((pair? y) 2) ((eq? y 'a) 3) (else 4))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(cond ,@(copy (cdr form) (make-list i))
- (,new-test ,new-result)
- ,@(cdadr nc))))))))))))))))
- env))
- (hash-table-set! h 'cond cond-walker))
- ;; ---------------- case ----------------
- (let ()
- (define case-walker
- (let ((selector-types '(#t symbol? char? boolean? integer? rational? real? complex? number? null? eof-object?)))
- (lambda (caller form env)
- ;; here the keys are not evaluated, so we might have a list like (letrec define ...)
- ;; also unlike cond, only 'else marks a default branch (not #t)
- (if (< (length form) 3)
- ;; (case 3)
- (lint-format "case is messed up: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((sel-type #t)
- (selector (cadr form))
- (suggest made-suggestion))
- ;; ----------------
- ;; if regular case + else -- just like cond above
- (let ((len (- (length form) 2))) ; number of clauses
- (when (and (> len 1) ; (case x (else ...)) is handled elsewhere
- (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cddr form))
- (pair? (caddr form))
- (not (tree-set-member '(unquote #_{list}) form)))
- (let ((first-clause (caddr form))
- (else-clause (list-ref form (+ len 1))))
- (when (and (pair? else-clause)
- (eq? (car else-clause) 'else)
- (pair? (cdr first-clause))
- (pair? (cadr first-clause))
- (not (hash-table-ref syntaces (caadr first-clause)))
- (pair? (cdadr first-clause))
- (null? (cddr first-clause))
- (every? (lambda (c)
- (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (cdr c))
- (pair? (cadr c))
- (null? (cddr c))
- (not (hash-table-ref syntaces (caadr c)))
- (equal? (cdadr first-clause) (cdadr c))))
- (cdddr form)))
- ;; (case x ((a) (f y z)) (else (g y z))) -> ((if (eq? x 'a) f g) y z)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; all results share trailing args
- (lists->string form
- (if (and (= len 2)
- (symbol? (caar first-clause))
- (null? (cdar first-clause)))
- `((if (eq? ,(cadr form) ',(caar first-clause))
- ,(caadr first-clause)
- ,(caadr else-clause))
- ,@(cdadr first-clause))
- `((case ,(cadr form)
- ,@(map (lambda (c)
- (list (car c) (caadr c)))
- (cddr form)))
- ,@(cdadr first-clause))))))
- (when (and (pair? (cdr first-clause))
- (null? (cddr first-clause))
- (pair? (cadr first-clause))
- (pair? else-clause)
- (eq? (car else-clause) 'else)
- (pair? (cdr else-clause))
- (pair? (cadr else-clause))
- (or (equal? (caadr first-clause) (caadr else-clause)) ; there's some hope we'll match
- (escape? (cadr else-clause) env)))
- (let ((first-result (cadr first-clause))
- (first-func (caadr first-clause))
- (else-error (escape? (cadr else-clause) env)))
- (when (and (pair? (cdr first-result))
- (not (eq? first-func 'values))
- (or (not (hash-table-ref syntaces first-func))
- (eq? first-func 'set!))
- (every? (lambda (c)
- (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (cdr c))
- (pair? (cadr c))
- (null? (cddr c))
- (pair? (cdadr c))
- (or (equal? first-func (caadr c))
- (and (eq? c else-clause)
- else-error))))
- (cdddr form)))
- ((lambda (header-len trailer-len result-mid-len)
- (when (and (or (not (eq? first-func 'set!))
- (> header-len 1))
- (or (not (eq? first-func '/))
- (> header-len 1)
- (> trailer-len 0)))
- (let ((header (copy first-result (make-list header-len)))
- (trailer (copy first-result (make-list trailer-len) (- (length first-result) trailer-len))))
- (if (= len 2)
- (unless (equal? first-result (cadr else-clause)) ; handled elsewhere (all results equal -> result)
- ;; (case x ((1) (+ x 1)) (else (+ x 3))) -> (+ x (if (eqv? x 1) 1 3))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (let ((else-result (cadr else-clause)))
- (let ((first-mid-len (- (length first-result) header-len trailer-len))
- (else-mid-len (- (length else-result) header-len trailer-len)))
- (let* ((fmid (if (= first-mid-len 1)
- (list-ref first-result header-len)
- `(values ,@(copy first-result (make-list first-mid-len) header-len))))
- (emid (if else-error
- else-result
- (if (= else-mid-len 1)
- (list-ref else-result header-len)
- `(values ,@(copy else-result (make-list else-mid-len) header-len)))))
- (middle (if (= (length (car first-clause)) 1)
- `(eqv? ,(cadr form) ,(caar first-clause))
- `(memv ,(cadr form) ',(car first-clause)))))
- (lists->string form `(,@header (if ,middle ,fmid ,emid) ,@trailer)))))))
- ;; len > 2 so use case in the revision
- (let ((middle (map (lambda (c)
- (if (and else-error
- (eq? c else-clause))
- else-clause
- (let ((test (car c))
- (result (cadr c)))
- (let ((mid-len (- (length result) header-len trailer-len)))
- `(,test ,(if (= mid-len 1)
- (list-ref result header-len)
- `(values ,@(copy result (make-list mid-len) header-len))))))))
- (cddr form))))
- ;; (case x ((0) (log x 2)) ((1) (log x 3)) (else (error 'oops))) -> (log x (case x ((0) 2) ((1) 3) (else (error 'oops))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,@header (case ,(cadr form) ,@middle) ,@trailer))))))))
- (partition-form (cddr form) (if else-error (- len 1) len)))))))))
- ;; ----------------
- (if (every? (lambda (c) ; (case x ((a) a) ((b) b)) -> (symbol->value x)
- (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (car c))
- (symbol? (caar c))
- (null? (cdar c))
- (pair? (cdr c))
- (null? (cddr c))
- (eq? (caar c) (cadr c)))) ; the quoted case happens only in test suites
- (cddr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps (ignoring the unmatched case) ~A" caller (lists->string form `(symbol->value ,(cadr form)))))
- (when (= suggest made-suggestion)
- (let ((clauses (cddr form))) ; (case x ((a) #t) (else #f)) -> (eq? x 'a) -- this stuff actually happens!
- (if (null? (cdr clauses))
- (let ((clause (car clauses)))
- (when (and (pair? clause)
- (pair? (car clause))
- (pair? (cdr clause)))
- (let ((keys (car clause)))
- ;; (case 3 ((0) #t)) -> (if (eqv? 3 0) #t)
- ;; (case x ((#(0)) 2)) -> (if (eqv? x #(0)) 2)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((test (cond ((pair? (cdr keys))
- `(memv ,(cadr form) ',keys))
- ((and (symbol? (car keys))
- (not (keyword? (car keys))))
- `(eq? ,(cadr form) ',(car keys)))
- ((or (keyword? (car keys))
- (null? (car keys)))
- `(eq? ,(cadr form) ,(car keys)))
- ((not (boolean? (car keys)))
- `(eqv? ,(cadr form) ,(car keys)))
- ((car keys)
- (cadr form))
- (else `(not ,(cadr form)))))
- (op (if (and (pair? (cdr clause))
- (pair? (cddr clause)))
- 'when 'if)))
- `(,op ,test ,@(cdr clause))))))))
- (when (and (null? (cddr clauses))
- (pair? (car clauses))
- (pair? (cadr clauses))
- (eq? (caadr clauses) 'else)
- (pair? (cdar clauses))
- (pair? (cdadr clauses))
- (null? (cddar clauses))
- (null? (cddadr clauses))
- (not (equal? (cadadr clauses) (cadar clauses))))
- (let* ((akey (null? (cdaar clauses)))
- (keylist ((if akey caaar caar) clauses))
- (quoted (or (not akey) (symbol? keylist)))
- (op (if (every? symbol? (caar clauses))
- (if akey 'eq? 'memq)
- (if akey 'eqv? 'memv))))
- ;; can't use '= or 'char=? here because the selector may return anything
- ;; (case x ((#\a) 3) (else 4)) -> (if (eqv? x #\a) 3 4)
- ;; (case x ((a) #t) (else #f)) -> (eq? x 'a)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (cond ((and (boolean? (cadar clauses))
- (boolean? (cadadr clauses)))
- (if (cadadr clauses)
- (if quoted
- `(not (,op ,selector ',keylist))
- `(not (,op ,selector ,keylist)))
- (if quoted
- `(,op ,selector ',keylist)
- `(,op ,selector ,keylist))))
- ((not (cadadr clauses)) ; (else #f) happens a few times
- (simplify-boolean
- (if quoted
- `(and (,op ,selector ',keylist) ,(cadar clauses))
- `(and (,op ,selector ,keylist) ,(cadar clauses)))
- () () env))
- (quoted
- `(if (,op ,selector ',keylist) ,(cadar clauses) ,(cadadr clauses)))
- (else
- (let ((select-expr (if (and (eq? op 'eqv?)
- (boolean? keylist)
- (or (and (symbol? selector)
- (not keylist))
- (and (pair? selector)
- (symbol? (car selector))
- (let ((sig (arg-signature (car selector) env)))
- (and (pair? sig)
- (eq? (car sig) 'boolean?))))))
- (if keylist selector `(not ,selector))
- `(,op ,selector ,keylist))))
- `(if ,select-expr ,(cadar clauses) ,(cadadr clauses))))))))))))
- (if (and (not (pair? selector))
- (constant? selector))
- ;; (case 3 ((0) #t))
- (lint-format "case selector is a constant: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (if (symbol? selector)
- (set-ref selector caller form env)
- (lint-walk caller selector env))
- (if (and (pair? selector)
- (symbol? (car selector)))
- (begin
- (set! sel-type (return-type (car selector) env))
- (if (and (symbol? sel-type)
- (not (memq sel-type selector-types)))
- ;; (case (list 1) ((0) #t))
- (lint-format "case selector may not work with eqv: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string selector)))))
- (let ((all-keys ())
- (all-exprs ())
- (ctr 0)
- (result :unset)
- (exprs-repeated #f)
- (else-foldable #f)
- (has-else #f)
- (len (length (cddr form))))
- (for-each
- (lambda (clause)
- (set! ctr (+ ctr 1))
- (if (not (pair? clause))
- (lint-format "case clause should be a list: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string clause))
- (let ((keys (car clause))
- (exprs (cdr clause)))
- (if (null? exprs)
- ;; (case x (0))
- (lint-format "clause result is missing: ~A" caller clause))
- (if (eq? result :unset)
- (set! result exprs)
- (if (not (equal? result exprs))
- (set! result :unequal)))
- (if (member exprs all-exprs)
- (set! exprs-repeated exprs)
- (set! all-exprs (cons exprs all-exprs)))
- (if (and (pair? exprs)
- (null? (cdr exprs))
- (pair? (car exprs))
- (pair? (cdar exprs))
- (null? (cddar exprs))
- (equal? selector (cadar exprs)))
- (if (and (eq? (caar exprs) 'not)
- (not (memq #f keys)))
- ;; (case x ((0) (f x)) ((1) (not x)))
- (lint-format "in ~A, perhaps replace ~A with #f" caller clause (car exprs))
- ;; (case x ((0 1) (abs x)))
- (lint-format "perhaps use => here: ~A" caller
- (lists->string clause (list keys '=> (caar exprs))))))
- (if (pair? keys)
- (if (not (proper-list? keys))
- ;; (case x ((0) 1) ((1) 2) ((3 . 0) 4))
- (lint-format (if (null? keys)
- "null case key list: ~A"
- "stray dot in case case key list: ~A")
- caller (truncated-list->string clause))
- (for-each
- (lambda (key)
- (if (or (vector? key)
- (string? key)
- (pair? key))
- ;; (case x ((#(0)) 2))
- (lint-format "case key ~S in ~S is unlikely to work (case uses eqv? but it is a ~A)" caller
- key clause
- (cond ((vector? key) 'vector)
- ((pair? key) 'pair)
- (else 'string))))
- (if (member key all-keys)
- ;; (case x ((0) 1) ((1) 2) ((3 0) 4))
- (lint-format "repeated case key ~S in ~S" caller key clause)
- (set! all-keys (cons key all-keys)))
- ;; unintentional quote here, as in (case x ('a b)...) never happens and
- ;; is hard to distinguish from (case x ((quote a) b)...) which happens a lot
- (if (not (compatible? sel-type (->lint-type key)))
- ;; (case (string->symbol x) ((a) 1) ((2 3) 3))
- (lint-format "case key ~S in ~S is pointless" caller key clause)))
- keys))
- (if (not (eq? keys 'else))
- ;; (case ((1) 1) (t 2))
- (lint-format "bad case key ~S in ~S" caller keys clause)
- (begin
- (set! has-else clause)
- ;; exprs: (res) or if case, ((case ...)...)
- (if (not (= ctr len))
- ;; (case x (else 2) ((0) 1))
- (lint-format "case else clause is not the last: ~A"
- caller
- (truncated-list->string (cddr form)))
- (when (and (pair? exprs)
- (pair? (car exprs))
- (null? (cdr exprs)))
- (let ((expr (car exprs)))
- (case (car expr)
- ((case) ; just the case statement in the else clause
- (when (and (equal? selector (cadr expr))
- (not (side-effect? selector env)))
- (set! else-foldable (cddr expr))))
- ((if) ; just if -- if foldable, make it look like it came from case
- (when (and (equal? selector (eqv-selector (cadr expr)))
- (cond-eqv? (cadr expr) selector #t)
- (not (side-effect? selector env)))
- ;; else-foldable as (((keys-from-test) true-branch) (else false-branch))
- (set! else-foldable
- (if (pair? (cdddr expr))
- `(,(case-branch (cadr expr) selector (list (caddr expr)))
- (else ,(car (cdddr expr))))
- (list (case-branch (cadr expr) selector (cddr expr))))))))))))))
- (lint-walk-open-body caller (car form) exprs env))))
- (cddr form))
- (if (and has-else
- (pair? result)
- (not else-foldable))
- (begin
- ;; (case x (else (case x (else 1)))) -> 1
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form
- (if (null? (cdr result))
- (car result)
- `(begin ,@result))))
- (set! exprs-repeated #f)))
- ;; repeated result (but not all completely equal) and with else never happens
- (when (or exprs-repeated else-foldable)
- (let ((new-keys-and-exprs ())
- (mergers ())
- (else-clause (if else-foldable
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (return)
- (for-each (lambda (c) (if (eq? (car c) 'else) (return c))) else-foldable)
- ()))
- (or has-else ()))))
- (let ((merge-case-keys
- (let ((else-exprs (and (pair? else-clause) (cdr else-clause))))
- (define (a-few lst)
- (if (> (length lst) 3)
- (copy lst (make-list 4 '...) 0 3)
- lst))
- (lambda (clause)
- (let ((keys (car clause))
- (exprs (cdr clause)))
- (when (and (pair? exprs) ; ignore clauses that are messed up
- (not (eq? keys 'else))
- (not (equal? exprs else-exprs)))
- (let ((prev (member exprs new-keys-and-exprs (lambda (a b) (equal? a (cdr b))))))
- (if prev
- (let* ((cur-clause (car prev))
- (cur-keys (car cur-clause)))
- (when (pair? cur-keys)
- (set! mergers (cons (list (a-few keys) (a-few cur-keys)) mergers))
- (set-car! cur-clause
- (append cur-keys
- (map (lambda (key)
- (if (memv key cur-keys) (values) key))
- keys)))))
- (set! new-keys-and-exprs (cons (cons (copy (car clause))
- (cdr clause))
- new-keys-and-exprs))))))))))
- (for-each merge-case-keys (cddr form))
- (if (pair? else-foldable)
- (for-each merge-case-keys else-foldable)))
- (if (null? new-keys-and-exprs)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- ;; (case x (else (case x (else 1)))) -> 1
- (lists->string form
- (if (or (null? else-clause) ; can this happen? (it's caught above as an error)
- (null? (cdr else-clause)))
- ()
- (if (null? (cddr else-clause))
- (cadr else-clause)
- `(begin ,@(cdr else-clause))))))
- (begin
- ;; (null? (cdr new-keys-and-exprs)) is rare and kinda dumb -- cases look like test suite entries
- (for-each
- (lambda (clause)
- (if (and (pair? (car clause))
- (pair? (cdar clause)))
- (if (every? integer? (car clause))
- (set-car! clause (sort! (car clause) <))
- (if (every? char? (car clause))
- (set-car! clause (sort! (car clause) char<?))))))
- new-keys-and-exprs)
- (let ((new-form (if (pair? else-clause)
- `(case ,(cadr form) ,@(reverse new-keys-and-exprs) ,else-clause)
- `(case ,(cadr form) ,@(reverse new-keys-and-exprs)))))
- ;; (case x ((0) 32) ((1) 32)) -> (case x ((0 1) 32))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (if (pair? mergers)
- (format #f "merge keys ~{~{~A with ~A~}~^, ~}: ~A"
- (reverse mergers)
- (lists->string form new-form))
- (lists->string form new-form)))))))))))
- env)))
- (hash-table-set! h 'case case-walker))
- ;; ---------------- do ----------------
- (let ((cxars (hash-table '(car . ()) '(caar . car) '(cdar . cdr)
- '(caaar . caar) '(cdaar . cdar) '(cddar . cddr) '(cadar . cadr)
- '(caaaar . caaar) '(caadar . caadr) '(cadaar . cadar) '(caddar . caddr)
- '(cdaaar . cdaar) '(cdadar . cdadr) '(cddaar . cddar) '(cdddar . cdddr))))
- (define (car-subst sym new-sym tree)
- (cond ((or (not (pair? tree))
- (eq? (car tree) 'quote))
- tree)
- ((not (and (symbol? (car tree))
- (pair? (cdr tree))
- (null? (cddr tree))
- (eq? sym (cadr tree))))
- (cons (car-subst sym new-sym (car tree))
- (car-subst sym new-sym (cdr tree))))
- ((hash-table-ref cxars (car tree)) => (lambda (f) (if (symbol? f) (list f new-sym) new-sym)))
- (else tree)))
- (define (cadr-subst sym new-sym tree)
- ;(format *stderr* "subst: ~A ~A ~A~%" sym new-sym tree)
- (cond ((or (not (pair? tree))
- (eq? (car tree) 'quote))
- tree)
- ((and (memq (car tree) '(vector-ref string-ref list-ref))
- (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree))
- (null? (cdddr tree))
- (equal? sym (cadr tree)))
- new-sym)
- (else
- (cons (cadr-subst sym new-sym (car tree))
- (cadr-subst sym new-sym (cdr tree))))))
- (define (var-step v) ((cdr v) 'step))
- (define (do-walker caller form env)
- (let ((vars ()))
- (if (not (and (>= (length form) 3)
- (proper-list? (cadr form))
- (proper-list? (caddr form))))
- (lint-format "do is messed up: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((step-vars (cadr form))
- (inner-env #f))
- ;; do+lambda in body with stepper as free var never happens
- (unless (side-effect? form env)
- ;; a much more permissive check here (allowing sets of locals etc) got only a half-dozen hits
- (let ((end+result (caddr form)))
- (if (or (not (pair? end+result))
- (null? (cdr end+result)))
- ;; (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 1)))
- (lint-format "this do-loop could be replaced by (): ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (and (null? (cddr end+result))
- (code-constant? (cadr end+result)))
- ;; (begin (z 1) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i n) 32))): 32
- (lint-format "this do-loop could be replaced by ~A: ~A" caller (cadr end+result) (truncated-list->string form))))))
- ;; walk the init forms before adding the step vars to env
- (do ((bindings step-vars (cdr bindings)))
- ((not (pair? bindings))
- (if (not (null? bindings))
- (lint-format "do variable list is not a proper list? ~S" caller step-vars)))
- (when (binding-ok? caller 'do (car bindings) env #f)
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (if (not (or (eq? (var-initial-value v) (var-name v))
- (not (tree-memq (var-name v) (cadar bindings)))
- (hash-table-ref built-in-functions (var-name v))
- (tree-table-member binders (cadar bindings))))
- (if (not (var-member (var-name v) env))
- ;; (let ((xx 0)) (do ((x 1 (+ x 1)) (y x (- y 1))) ((= x 3) xx) (display y)): x
- (lint-format "~A in ~A does not appear to be defined in the calling environment" caller
- (var-name v) (car bindings))
- ;; (let ((x 0)) (do ((x 1 (+ x 1)) (y x (- y 1))) ((= x 3)) (display y))): y
- (lint-format "~A in ~A refers to the caller's ~A, not the do-loop variable" caller
- (var-name v) (car bindings) (var-name v)))))
- vars)
- (lint-walk caller (cadar bindings) env)
- (let ((new-var (let ((v (make-var :name (caar bindings)
- :definer 'do
- :initial-value (cadar bindings))))
- (let ((stepper (and (pair? (cddar bindings)) (caddar bindings))))
- (varlet (cdr v) :step stepper)
- (if stepper (set! (var-history v) (cons (list 'set! (caar bindings) stepper) (var-history v)))))
- v)))
- (set! vars (cons new-var vars)))))
- (set! inner-env (append vars env))
- ;; walk the step exprs
- (let ((baddies ())) ; these are step vars (with step exprs) used within other step vars step expressions
- (for-each (lambda (stepper)
- (when (and (binding-ok? caller 'do stepper env #t)
- (pair? (cddr stepper)))
- (let ((data (var-member (car stepper) vars)))
- (let ((old-ref (var-ref data)))
- (lint-walk caller (caddr stepper) inner-env)
- (set! (var-ref data) old-ref))
- (if (eq? (car stepper) (caddr stepper))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string stepper (list (car stepper) (cadr stepper)))))
- (set! (var-set data) (+ (var-set data) 1)))
- (when (and (pair? (caddr stepper))
- (not (eq? (car stepper) (cadr stepper)))
- (eq? (car (caddr stepper)) 'cdr)
- (eq? (cadr stepper) (cadr (caddr stepper))))
- (lint-format "this looks suspicious: ~A" caller stepper))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (if (and (var-step v)
- (not (eq? (var-name v) (car stepper)))
- (or (eq? (var-name v) (caddr stepper))
- (and (pair? (caddr stepper))
- (tree-unquoted-member (var-name v) (caddr stepper)))))
- (set! baddies (cons (car stepper) baddies))))
- vars)))
- step-vars)
- (check-unordered-exprs caller form (map var-initial-value vars) env)
- (when (pair? baddies)
- ;; (do ((i 0 j) (j ...))...) is unreadable -- which (binding of) j is i set to?
- ;; but this is tricky if there is more than one such variable -- if cross links, we'll need named let
- ;; and if no step expr, there's no confusion.
- ;; (do ((i 0 j) (j 1 i) (k 0 (+ k 1))) ((= k 4)) (format *stderr* "~A ~A~%" i j))
- ;; (let __1__ ((i 0) (j 1) (k 0)) (if (= k 4) () (begin (format *stderr* "~A ~A~%" i j) (__1__ j i (+ k 1)))))
- (let ((new-steppers (map (lambda (stepper)
- (if (memq (car stepper) baddies)
- `(,(car stepper) ,(cadr stepper))
- stepper))
- step-vars))
- (new-sets (map (lambda (stepper)
- (if (memq (car stepper) baddies)
- `(set! ,(car stepper) ,(caddr stepper))
- (values)))
- step-vars)))
- (if (or (null? (cdr baddies))
- (let ((trails new-sets))
- (not (any? (lambda (v) ; for each baddy, is it used in any following set!?
- (and (pair? (cdr trails))
- (set! trails (cdr trails))
- (tree-unquoted-member v trails)))
- (reverse baddies)))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(do ,new-steppers
- ,(caddr form)
- ,@(cdddr form)
- ,@new-sets)))
- ;; (do ((i 0 (+ i j)) (j 0 (+ k 1)) (k 1)) ((= i 10)) (display (+ i j k))) ->
- ;; (do ((i 0) (j 0 (+ k 1)) (k 1)) ((= i 10)) (display (+ i j k)) (set! i (+ i j)))
- (let* ((loop (find-unique-name form))
- (new-body (let ((let-loop `(,loop ,@(map (lambda (s)
- ((if (pair? (cddr s)) caddr car) s))
- step-vars))))
- (if (pair? (cdddr form))
- `(begin ,@(cdddr form) ,let-loop)
- let-loop))))
- (let ((test (if (pair? (caddr form))
- (caaddr form)
- ()))
- (result (if (not (and (pair? (caddr form))
- (pair? (cdaddr form))))
- ()
- (if (null? (cdr (cdaddr form)))
- (car (cdaddr form))
- `(begin ,@(cdaddr form))))))
- ;; (do ((i 0 j) (j 1 i) (k 0 (+ k 1))) ((= k 5) (set! x k) (+ k 1)) (display (+ i j)) -> use named let
- (lint-format "this do loop is unreadable; perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(let ,loop ,(map (lambda (s)
- (list (car s) (cadr s)))
- step-vars)
- (if ,test ,result ,new-body))))))))))
- ;; walk the body and end stuff (it's too tricky to find infinite do loops)
- (when (pair? (caddr form))
- (let ((end+result (caddr form)))
- (when (pair? end+result)
- (let ((end (car end+result)))
- (lint-walk caller end inner-env) ; this will call simplify-boolean
- (if (pair? (cdr end+result))
- (if (null? (cddr end+result))
- (begin
- (if (any-null? (cadr end+result))
- ;; (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 3) ()) (display i))
- (lint-format "nil return value is redundant: ~A" caller end+result))
- (lint-walk caller (cadr end+result) inner-env))
- (lint-walk-open-body caller 'do-result (cdr end+result) inner-env)))
- (if (and (symbol? end) (memq end '(= > < >= <= null? not)))
- ;; (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) (= i 10) (display i))
- (lint-format "perhaps missing parens: ~A" caller end+result))
- (cond ((never-false end)
- ;; (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((+ i 10) i))
- (lint-format "end test is never false: ~A" caller end))
- (end ; it's not #f
- (if (never-true end)
- (lint-format "end test is never true: ~A" caller end)
- (let ((v (and (pair? end)
- (memq (car end) '(< > <= >=))
- (pair? (cdr end))
- (symbol? (cadr end))
- (var-member (cadr end) vars))))
- ;; if found, v is the var info
- (when (pair? v)
- (let ((step (var-step v)))
- (when (pair? step)
- (let ((inc (and (memq (car step) '(+ -))
- (pair? (cdr step))
- (pair? (cddr step))
- (or (and (real? (cadr step)) (cadr step))
- (and (real? (caddr step)) (caddr step))))))
- (when (and (real? inc)
- (case (car step)
- ((+) (and (positive? inc)
- (memq (car end) '(< <=))))
- ((-) (and (positive? inc)
- (memq (car end) '(> >=))))
- (else #f)))
- ;; (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((< i len)) (display i)
- ;; (do ((i 0 (- i 1))) ((> i len)) (display i))
- (lint-format "do step looks like it doesn't match end test: ~A" caller
- (lists->string step end))))))))))
- ((pair? (cdr end+result))
- ;; (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) (#f i))
- (lint-format "result is unreachable: ~A" caller end+result)))
- (if (and (symbol? end)
- (not (var-member end env))
- (procedure? (symbol->value end *e*)))
- ;; (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) (abs i) (display i))
- (lint-format "strange do end-test: ~A in ~A is a procedure" caller end end+result))))))
- (lint-walk-body caller 'do (cdddr form) (cons (make-var :name :let
- :initial-value form
- :definer 'do)
- inner-env))
- ;; before report-usage, check for unused variables, and don't complain about them if
- ;; they are referenced in an earlier step expr.
- (do ((v vars (cdr v)))
- ((null? v))
- (let ((var (car v)))
- (when (zero? (var-ref var))
- ;; var was not seen in the end+result/body or any subsequent step exprs
- ;; vars is reversed order, so we need only scan var-step of the rest
- (if (side-effect? (var-step var) env)
- (set! (var-ref var) (+ (var-ref var) 1))
- (for-each
- (lambda (nv)
- (if (or (eq? (var-name var) (var-step nv))
- (and (pair? (var-step nv))
- (tree-unquoted-member (var-name var) (var-step nv))))
- (set! (var-ref var) (+ (var-ref var) 1))))
- (cdr v))))))
- (report-usage caller 'do vars inner-env)
- ;; look for constant expressions in the do body
- (when *report-constant-expressions-in-do*
- (let ((constant-exprs (find-constant-exprs 'do (map var-name vars) (cdddr form))))
- (when (pair? constant-exprs)
- (if (null? (cdr constant-exprs))
- ;; (do ((p (list 1) (cdr p))) ((null? p)) (set! y (log z 2)) (display x))
- (lint-format "in ~A, ~A appears to be constant" caller
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (car constant-exprs))
- (lint-format "in ~A, the following expressions appear to be constant:~%~NC~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (format #f "~{~A~^, ~}" constant-exprs))))))
- ;; if simple lambda expanded and exists only for the loop, remove let as well?
- ;; this can sometimes be simplified
- (let ((body (cdddr form)))
- (when (and (pair? body)
- (null? (cdr body))
- (pair? (car body)))
- ;; do+let: tons of hits but how to distinguish the rewritable ones?
- ;; very tricky if val is not a constant
- (if (and (eq? (caar body) 'let)
- (not (symbol? (cadar body)))
- (every? (lambda (c) (code-constant? (cadr c))) (cadar body)))
- ;; (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 3)) (let ((a 12)) (set! a (+ a i)) (display a))) ->
- ;; (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (a 12 12)) ((= i 3)) (set! a (+ a i)) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(do (,@(cadr form)
- ,@(map (lambda (c)
- (list (car c) (cadr c) (cadr c)))
- (cadar body)))
- ,(caddr form)
- ,@(one-call-and-dots (cddar body))))))
- (let ((v (var-member (caar body) env)))
- (when (and (var? v)
- (memq (var-ftype v) '(define lambda)))
- (let* ((vfunc (var-initial-value v))
- (vbody (cddr vfunc)))
- ;; we already detect a do body with no side-effects (walk-body)
- (when (and (proper-list? ((if (eq? (var-ftype v) 'define) cdadr cadr) vfunc))
- (null? (cdr vbody))
- (< (tree-leaves vbody) 16))
- (do ((pp (var-arglist v) (cdr pp)))
- ((or (null? pp)
- (> (tree-count1 (car pp) vbody 0) 1))
- (when (null? pp)
- (let ((new-body (copy vbody)))
- (for-each (lambda (par arg)
- (if (not (eq? par arg))
- (set! new-body (tree-subst arg par new-body))))
- (var-arglist v)
- (cdar body))
- ;; (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 10)) (f i)) -> (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 10)) (abs (* 2 i)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(do ,(cadr form)
- ,(caddr form)
- ,@new-body)))))))))))))
- ;; do -> for-each
- (when (and (pair? step-vars)
- (null? (cdr step-vars)))
- (let ((var (car step-vars)))
- (when (and (pair? (cdr var))
- (pair? (cddr var))
- (pair? (caddr var))
- (pair? (caddr form))
- (pair? (caaddr form))
- (null? (cdaddr form))
- (pair? (cdaddr var))
- (eq? (car var) (cadr (caddr var))))
- (let ((vname (car var))
- (end (caaddr form)))
- (case (caaddr var)
- ((cdr)
- (when (and (case (car end)
- ((null?)
- (eq? (cadr end) vname))
- ((not)
- (and (pair? (cadr end))
- (eq? (caadr end) 'pair?)
- (eq? (cadadr end) vname)))
- (else #f))
- (not (let walker ((tree (cdddr form))) ; since only (cxar sym) is accepted, surely sym can't be shadowed?
- (or (eq? tree vname)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (or (and (match-cxr 'cdr (car tree))
- (pair? (cdr tree))
- (eq? vname (cadr tree)))
- (and (not (hash-table-ref cxars (car tree)))
- (or (walker (car tree))
- (walker (cdr tree))))))))))
- ;; this assumes slightly more than the do-loop if (not (pair? var)) is the end-test
- ;; for-each wants a sequence, but the do loop checks that in advance.
- ;; (do ((p lst (cdr p))) ((null? p)) (display (car p))) -> (for-each (lambda ([p]) (display [p])) lst)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((new-sym (symbol "[" (symbol->string vname) "]")))
- `(for-each (lambda (,new-sym)
- ,@(car-subst vname new-sym (cdddr form)))
- ,(cadr var)))))))
- ((+)
- (when (and (eqv? (cadr var) 0)
- (pair? (cddr (caddr var)))
- (eqv? (caddr (caddr var)) 1)
- (null? (cdddr (caddr var))))
- (let ((end-var ((if (eq? vname (cadr end)) caddr cadr) end)))
- (if (and (pair? end-var)
- (memq (car end-var) '(length string-length vector-length)))
- (set! end-var (cadr end-var))
- (let ((v (var-member end-var env)))
- (if (and (var? v)
- (pair? (var-initial-value v))
- (memq (car (var-initial-value v)) '(length string-length vector-length)))
- (set! end-var (cadr (var-initial-value v))))))
- (when (and (memq (car end) '(= >=))
- (memq vname end)
- (tree-memq vname (cdddr form))
- (not (let walker ((tree (cdddr form)))
- (if (and (pair? tree)
- (memq vname tree)
- (memq (car tree) '(string-ref list-ref vector-ref))
- (eq? (caddr tree) vname))
- (not (equal? (cadr tree) end-var))
- (or (eq? tree vname)
- (and (pair? tree)
- (if (memq vname tree)
- (not (and (memq (car tree) '(string-ref list-ref vector-ref))
- (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree))
- (eq? (caddr tree) vname)))
- (or (walker (car tree))
- (walker (cdr tree))))))))))
- ;; (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i (vector-length x))) (find (vector-ref x i))) ->
- ;; (for-each (lambda ([x]) (find [x])) x)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((new-sym (symbol "[" (symbol->string (if (symbol? end-var) end-var (car end-var))) "]")))
- `(for-each (lambda (,new-sym)
- ,@(cadr-subst end-var new-sym (cdddr form)))
- ,end-var)))))))))))))
- ;; check for do-loop as copy/fill! stand-in and other similar cases
- (when (and (pair? vars)
- (null? (cdr vars)))
- (let ((end-test (and (pair? (caddr form)) (caaddr form)))
- (first-var (car step-vars))
- (body (cdddr form))
- (setv #f))
- (when (and (pair? end-test)
- (pair? body)
- (null? (cdr body))
- (pair? (car body))
- (memq (car end-test) '(>= =)))
- (let ((vname (car first-var))
- (start (cadr first-var))
- (step (and (pair? (cddr first-var))
- (caddr first-var)))
- (end (caddr end-test)))
- (when (and (pair? step)
- (eq? (car step) '+)
- (memq vname step)
- (memv 1 step)
- (null? (cdddr step))
- (or (eq? (cadr end-test) vname)
- (and (eq? (car end-test) '=)
- (eq? (caddr end-test) vname)
- (set! end (cadr end-test)))))
- ;; we have (do ((v start (+ v 1)|(+ 1 v))) ((= v end)|(= end v)|(>= v end)) one-statement)
- (set! body (car body))
- ;; write-char is the only other common case here -> write-string in a few cases
- (when (and (memq (car body) '(vector-set! float-vector-set! int-vector-set! list-set! string-set! byte-vector-set!))
- ;; integer type check here isn't needed because we're using this as an index below
- ;; the type error will be seen in report-usage if not earlier
- (eq? (caddr body) vname)
- (let ((val (cadddr body)))
- (set! setv val)
- (or (code-constant? val)
- (and (pair? val)
- (memq (car val) '(vector-ref float-vector-ref int-vector-ref list-ref string-ref byte-vector-ref))
- (eq? (caddr val) vname)))))
- ;; (do ((i 2 (+ i 1))) ((= i len)) (string-set! s i #\a)) -> (fill! s #\a 2 len)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (code-constant? setv)
- `(fill! ,(cadr body) ,(cadddr body) ,start ,end)
- `(copy ,(cadr setv) ,(cadr body) ,start ,end))))))))))))
- env))
- (hash-table-set! h 'do do-walker))
- ;; ---------------- let ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (let-walker caller form env)
- (if (or (< (length form) 3)
- (not (or (symbol? (cadr form))
- (list? (cadr form)))))
- ;; (let ((a 1) (set! a 2)))
- (lint-format "let is messed up: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((named-let (and (symbol? (cadr form)) (cadr form))))
- (if (keyword? named-let)
- ;; (let :x ((i y)) (x i))
- (lint-format "bad let name: ~A" caller named-let))
- (unless named-let
- (if (and (null? (cadr form)) ; this can be fooled by macros that define things
- (eq? form lint-current-form) ; i.e. we're in a body?
- (not (tree-set-member '(call/cc call-with-current-continuation lambda lambda* define define*
- define-macro define-macro* define-bacro define-bacro* define-constant define-expansion
- load eval eval-string require)
- (cddr form))))
- ;; (begin (let () (display x)) y)
- (lint-format "pointless let: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((body (cddr form)))
- (when (and (null? (cdr body))
- (pair? (car body)))
- (if (memq (caar body) '(let let*))
- (if (null? (cadr form))
- ;; (let () (let ((a x)) (+ a 1)))
- (lint-format "pointless let: ~A" caller (lists->string form (car body)))
- (if (null? (cadar body))
- ;; (let ((a x)) (let () (+ a 1)))
- (lint-format "pointless let: ~A" caller (lists->string form `(let ,(cadr form) ,@(cddar body))))))
- (if (and (memq (caar body) '(lambda lambda*)) ; or any definer?
- (null? (cadr form)))
- ;; (let () (lambda (a b) (if (positive? a) (+ a b) b))) -> (lambda (a b) (if (positive? a) (+ a b) b))
- (lint-format "pointless let: ~A" caller (lists->string form (car body)))))))))
- (let ((vars (if (or (not named-let)
- (keyword? named-let)
- (not (or (null? (caddr form))
- (and (proper-list? (caddr form))
- (every? pair? (caddr form))))))
- ()
- (list (make-fvar :name named-let
- :ftype 'let
- :decl (dummy-func caller form (list 'define (cons '_ (map car (caddr form))) #f))
- :arglist (map car (caddr form))
- :initial-value form
- :env env))))
- (varlist ((if named-let caddr cadr) form))
- (body ((if named-let cdddr cddr) form)))
- (if (not (list? varlist))
- (lint-format "let is messed up: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (if (and (null? varlist)
- (pair? body)
- (null? (cdr body))
- (not (side-effect? (car body) env)))
- ;; (let xx () z)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (car body)))))
- (do ((bindings varlist (cdr bindings)))
- ((not (pair? bindings))
- (if (not (null? bindings))
- ;; (let ((a 1) . b) a)
- (lint-format "let variable list is not a proper list? ~S" caller varlist)))
- (when (binding-ok? caller 'let (car bindings) env #f)
- (let ((val (cadar bindings)))
- (if (and (pair? val)
- (eq? 'lambda (car val))
- (tree-car-member (caar bindings) val)
- (not (var-member (caar bindings) env)))
- ;; (let ((x (lambda (a) (x 1)))) x)
- (lint-format "let variable ~A is called in its binding? Perhaps let should be letrec: ~A"
- caller (caar bindings)
- (truncated-list->string bindings))
- (unless named-let
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (if (and (tree-memq (var-name v) (cadar bindings))
- (not (hash-table-ref built-in-functions (var-name v)))
- (not (tree-table-member binders (cadar bindings))))
- (if (not (var-member (var-name v) env))
- ;; (let ((x 1) (y x)) (+ x y)): x in (y x)
- (lint-format "~A in ~A does not appear to be defined in the calling environment" caller
- (var-name v) (car bindings))
- ;; (let ((x 3)) (+ x (let ((x 1) (y x)) (+ x y)))): x in (y x)
- (lint-format "~A in ~A refers to the caller's ~A, not the let variable" caller
- (var-name v) (car bindings) (var-name v)))))
- vars)))
- (let ((e (if (symbol? val)
- (set-ref val caller form env)
- (lint-walk caller val env))))
- (if (and (pair? e)
- (not (eq? e env))
- (memq (var-name (car e)) '(:lambda :dilambda)))
- (let ((ldata (cdar e)))
- (set! (var-name (car e)) (caar bindings))
- (set! (ldata 'initial-value) val)
- (set! vars (cons (car e) vars)))
- (set! vars (cons (make-var :name (caar bindings)
- :initial-value val
- :definer (if named-let 'named-let 'let))
- vars)))))))
- (check-unordered-exprs caller form
- (map (if (not named-let)
- var-initial-value
- (lambda (v)
- (if (eq? (var-name v) named-let)
- (values)
- (var-initial-value v))))
- vars)
- env)
- (let ((suggest made-suggestion))
- (when (and (pair? varlist) ; (let ((x (A))) (if x (f x) B)) -> (cond ((A) => f) (else B)
- (pair? body)
- (pair? (car body))
- (null? (cdr body))
- (pair? (cdar body)))
- (when (and (pair? (car varlist)) ; ^ this happens a lot, so it's worth this tedious search
- (null? (cdr varlist)) ; also (let ((x (A))) (cond (x (f x))...)
- (pair? (cdar varlist))
- (pair? (cadar varlist)))
- (let ((p (car body))
- (vname (caar varlist))
- (vvalue (cadar varlist)))
- (when (and (not named-let) ; (let ((x (assq a y))) (set! z (if x (cadr x) 0))) -> (set! z (cond ((assq a y) => cadr) (else 0)))
- (not (memq (car p) '(if cond))) ; handled separately below
- (= (tree-count2 vname p 0) 2))
- (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
- (bp (cdr p) (cdr bp)))
- ((or (null? bp)
- (let ((b (car bp)))
- (and (pair? b)
- (eq? (car b) 'if)
- (= (tree-count2 vname b 0) 2)
- (eq? vname (cadr b))
- (pair? (caddr b))
- (pair? (cdaddr b))
- (null? (cddr (caddr b)))
- (eq? vname (cadr (caddr b))))))
- (if (pair? bp)
- (let ((else-clause (if (pair? (cdddar bp)) `((else ,@(cdddar bp))) ())))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,@(copy p (make-list (+ i 1)))
- (cond (,vvalue => ,(caaddr (car bp))) ,@else-clause)
- ,@(cdr bp)))))))))
- (when (and (eq? (car p) 'cond) ; (let ((x (f y))) (cond (x (g x)) ...)) -> (cond ((f y) => g) ...)
- (pair? (cadr p))
- (eq? (caadr p) vname)
- (pair? (cdadr p))
- (null? (cddadr p))
- (or (and (pair? (cadadr p))
- (pair? (cdr (cadadr p)))
- (null? (cddr (cadadr p))) ; one arg to func
- (eq? vname (cadr (cadadr p))))
- (eq? vname (cadadr p)))
- (or (null? (cddr p))
- (not (tree-unquoted-member vname (cddr p)))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (eq? vname (cadadr p))
- (if (and (pair? (cddr p))
- (pair? (caddr p))
- (memq (caaddr p) '(else #t t)))
- (if (null? (cddr (caddr p)))
- `(or ,vvalue ,(cadr (caddr p)))
- `(or ,vvalue (begin ,@(cdaddr p))))
- `(or ,vvalue
- (cond ,@(cddr p))))
- `(cond (,vvalue => ,(caadr (cadr p)))
- ,@(cddr p))))))
- (when (and (null? (cddr p)) ; (let ((x (+ y 1))) (abs x)) -> (abs (+ y 1))
- (eq? vname (cadr p))) ; not tree-subst or trailing (pair) args: the let might be forcing evaluation order
- (let ((v (var-member (car p) env)))
- (if (or (and (var? v)
- (memq (var-definer v) '(define define* lambda lambda*)))
- (hash-table-ref built-in-functions (car p)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(,(car p) ,vvalue)))
- (if (not (or (any-macro? vname env)
- (tree-unquoted-member vname (car p))))
- (lint-format "perhaps, assuming ~A is not a macro, ~A" caller (car p)
- (lists->string form `(,(car p) ,vvalue)))))))
- (when (pair? (cddr p))
- (when (and (eq? (car p) 'if)
- (pair? (cdddr p)))
- (let ((if-true (caddr p))
- (if-false (cadddr p)))
- (when (and (eq? (cadr p) vname) ; (let ((x (g y))) (if x #t #f)) -> (g y)
- (boolean? if-true)
- (boolean? if-false)
- (not (eq? if-true if-false)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (if if-true vvalue `(not ,vvalue)))))
- (when (and (pair? (cadr p)) ; (let ((x (f y))) (if (not x) B (g x))) -> (cond ((f y) => g) (else B))
- (eq? (caadr p) 'not)
- (eq? (cadadr p) vname)
- (pair? if-false)
- (pair? (cdr if-false))
- (null? (cddr if-false))
- (eq? vname (cadr if-false)))
- (let ((else-clause (if (eq? if-true vname)
- `((else #f))
- (if (and (pair? if-true)
- (tree-unquoted-member vname if-true))
- :oops! ; if the let var appears in the else portion, we can't do anything with =>
- `((else ,if-true))))))
- (unless (eq? else-clause :oops!)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form `(cond (,vvalue => ,(car if-false)) ,@else-clause))))))))
- (let ((crf #f))
- ;; all this stuff still misses (cond ((not x)...)) and (set! y (if x (cdr x)...)) i.e. need embedding in this case
- (when (and (or (and (memq (car p) '(if and)) ; (let ((x (f y))) (and x (g x))) -> (cond ((f y) => g) (else #f))
- (eq? (cadr p) vname))
- (and (eq? (car p) 'or)
- (equal? (cadr p) `(not ,vname)))
- (and (pair? vvalue)
- (memq (car vvalue) '(assoc assv assq member memv memq))
- (pair? (cadr p))
- (or (eq? (caadr p) 'pair?)
- (and (eq? (caadr p) 'null?)
- ;; (let ((x (assoc y z))) (if (null? x) (g x)))
- (lint-format "in ~A, ~A can't be null because ~A in ~A only returns #f or a pair"
- caller p vname (car vvalue) (truncated-list->string (car varlist)))
- #f))
- (eq? (cadadr p) vname)))
- (or (and (pair? (caddr p))
- (pair? (cdaddr p))
- (null? (cddr (caddr p))) ; one func arg
- (or (eq? vname (cadr (caddr p)))
- (and (hash-table-ref combinable-cxrs (caaddr p))
- ((lambda* (cr arg) ; lambda* not lambda because combine-cxrs might return just #f
- (and cr
- (< (length cr) 5)
- (eq? vname arg)
- (set! crf (symbol "c" cr "r"))))
- (combine-cxrs (caddr p))))))
- (and (eq? (car p) 'if)
- (eq? (caddr p) vname)
- (not (tree-unquoted-member vname (cdddr p)))
- ;; (let ((x (g y))) (if x x (g z))) -> (or (g y) (g z))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (null? (cdddr p))
- vvalue
- `(or ,vvalue ,(cadddr p)))))
- #f))
- (pair? (caddr p))
- (or (eq? (car p) 'if)
- (null? (cdddr p))))
- (let ((else-clause (if (pair? (cdddr p))
- (if (eq? (cadddr p) vname)
- `((else #f)) ; this stands in for the local var
- (if (and (pair? (cadddr p))
- (tree-unquoted-member vname (cadddr p)))
- :oops! ; if the let var appears in the else portion, we can't do anything with =>
- `((else ,(cadddr p)))))
- (case (car p)
- ((and) '((else #f)))
- ((or) '((else #t)))
- (else ())))))
- (unless (eq? else-clause :oops!)
- ;; (let ((x (assoc y z))) (if x (cdr x))) -> (cond ((assoc y z) => cdr))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(cond (,vvalue => ,(or crf (caaddr p))) ,@else-clause))))))))
- )) ; one var in varlist
- ;; ----------------------------------------
- ;; move let in:
- ;; (let ((a (car x))) (if b (+ a (f a)) (display c))) -> (if b (let ((a (car x))) (+ a (f a))) (display c))
- ;; let* version gets only 3 hits
- (unless (or named-let
- (any? (lambda (c)
- (not (and (pair? c)
- (symbol? (car c))
- (pair? (cdr c))
- (not (side-effect? (cadr c) env)))))
- (cadr form)))
- (case (caar body)
- ((if)
- (let ((test (cadar body))
- (true (caddar body))
- (false (and (pair? (cdddar body)) (car (cdddar body))))
- (vars (map car (cadr form)))
- (false-let #f))
- (when (and (not (memq test vars))
- (not (tree-set-member vars test))
- (or (and (not (memq true vars))
- (not (tree-set-member vars true))
- (set! false-let #t))
- (not false)
- (not (or (memq false vars)
- (tree-set-member vars false))))
- (tree-set-member vars body)) ; otherwise we'll complain elsewhere about unused variables
- (lint-format "perhaps move the let to the ~A branch: ~A" caller
- (if false-let "false" "true")
- (lists->string form
- (let ((true-dots (if (> (tree-leaves true) 30) '... true))
- (false-dots (if (and (pair? false) (> (tree-leaves false) 30)) '... false)))
- (if false-let
- `(if ,test ,true-dots (let ,(cadr form) ,@(unbegin false-dots)))
- (if (pair? (cdddr (caddr form)))
- `(if ,test (let ,(cadr form) ,@(unbegin true-dots)) ,false-dots)
- `(if ,test (let ,(cadr form) ,@(unbegin true-dots)))))))))))
- ((cond)
- ;; happens about a dozen times
- (let ((vars (map car (cadr form))))
- (if (tree-set-member vars (cdar body))
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (quit)
- (let ((branch-let #f))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (if (and (not branch-let)
- (side-effect? (car c) env))
- (quit))
- (when (and (pair? c)
- (tree-set-member vars c))
- (if branch-let (quit))
- (set! branch-let c)))
- (cdar body))
- (if (and branch-let
- (not (memq (car branch-let) vars))
- (not (tree-set-member vars (car branch-let))))
- (lint-format "perhaps move the let into the '~A branch: ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string branch-let)
- (lists->string form
- (if (eq? branch-let (cadar body))
- `(cond (,(car branch-let) (let ,(cadr form) ,@(cdr branch-let))) ...)
- `(cond ... (,(car branch-let) (let ,(cadr form) ,@(cdr branch-let))) ...)))))))))))
- ((case)
- (let ((vars (map car (cadr form)))
- (test (cadar body)))
- (if (and (not (memq test vars))
- (not (tree-set-member vars test))
- (tree-set-member vars (cddar body)))
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (quit)
- (let ((branch-let #f))
- (for-each (lambda (c)
- (when (and (pair? c)
- (tree-set-member vars (cdr c)))
- (if branch-let (quit))
- (set! branch-let c)))
- (cddar body))
- (if branch-let
- (lint-format "perhaps move the let into the '~A branch: ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string branch-let)
- (lists->string form
- (if (eq? branch-let (caddar body))
- `(case ,test (,(car branch-let) (let ,(cadr form) ,@(cdr branch-let))) ...)
- `(case ,test ... (,(car branch-let) (let ,(cadr form) ,@(cdr branch-let))) ...)))))))))))
- ((when unless) ; no hits -- maybe someday?
- (let ((test (cadar body))
- (vars (map car (cadr form))))
- (unless (or (memq test vars)
- (tree-set-member vars test)
- (side-effect? test env))
- (lint-format "perhaps move the let inside the ~A: ~A" caller
- (caar body)
- (truncated-lists->string form `(,(caar body) ,test (let ,(cadr form) ,@(cddar body))))))))))
- ;; ----------------------------------------
- ;; (let ((x 1) (y 2)) (+ x y)) -> (+ 1 2)
- ;; this happens a lot, but it often looks like a form of documentation
- (when (and (= suggest made-suggestion)
- (not named-let)
- (< (length varlist) 8)
- (not (memq (caar body) '(lambda lambda* define define* define-macro)))
- (not (and (eq? (caar body) 'set!)
- (any? (lambda (v) (eq? (car v) (cadar body))) varlist)))
- (not (any-macro? (caar body) env))
- (not (any? (lambda (p)
- (and (pair? p)
- (not (eq? (car p) 'quote))
- (or (not (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions (car p)))
- (any? pair? (cdr p)))))
- (cdar body)))
- (every? (lambda (v)
- (and (pair? v)
- (pair? (cdr v))
- (< (tree-leaves (cadr v)) 8)
- (= (tree-count1 (car v) body 0) 1)))
- varlist))
- (let ((new-body (copy (car body)))
- (bool-arg? #f))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (if (not bool-arg?)
- (let tree-walk ((tree body))
- (if (pair? tree)
- (if (and (memq (car tree) '(or and))
- (memq (car v) (cdr tree)))
- (set! bool-arg? #t)
- (begin
- (tree-walk (car tree))
- (tree-walk (cdr tree)))))))
- (set! new-body (tree-subst (cadr v) (car v) new-body)))
- varlist)
- (lint-format (if bool-arg?
- "perhaps, ignoring short-circuit issues, ~A"
- "perhaps ~A")
- caller (lists->string form new-body))))
- ) ; null cdr body etc
- (when (and (pair? (cadr form)) ; (let ((x x)) (+ x 1)) -> (+ x 1), (let ((x x))...) does not copy x if x is a sequence
- (= suggest made-suggestion)
- (every? (lambda (c)
- (and (pair? c) ; the usual... (let binding might be messed up)
- (pair? (cdr c))
- (eq? (car c) (cadr c))))
- (cadr form))
- (not (and (pair? (caddr form))
- (memq (caaddr form) '(lambda lambda*)))))
- (let ((vs (map car (cadr form))))
- (unless (any? (lambda (p)
- (and (pair? p)
- (memq (cadr p) vs)
- (or (eq? (car p) 'set!)
- (set!? p env))))
- (cddr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps omit this useless let: ~A" caller
- (truncated-lists->string form
- (if (null? (cdddr form))
- (caddr form)
- `(begin ,@(cddr form))))))))
- ) ; suggest let
- (let* ((cur-env (cons (make-var :name :let
- :initial-value form
- :definer 'let)
- (append vars env)))
- (e (lint-walk-body (or named-let caller) 'let body cur-env)))
- (let ((nvars (and (not (eq? e cur-env))
- (env-difference caller e cur-env ()))))
- (if (pair? nvars)
- (if (memq (var-name (car nvars)) '(:lambda :dilambda))
- (begin
- (set! env (cons (car nvars) env))
- (set! nvars (cdr nvars)))
- (set! vars (append nvars vars)))))
- (if (and (pair? body)
- (equal? (list-ref body (- (length body) 1)) '(curlet))) ; the standard library tag
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (set! (var-ref v) (+ (var-ref v) 1)))
- e))
- (report-usage caller 'let vars e)
- ;; look for splittable lets and let-temporarily possibilities
- (when (and (pair? vars)
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (pair? (caadr form)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (local-var)
- (let ((vname (var-name local-var)))
- ;; ideally we'd collect vars that fit into one let etc
- (when (> (length body) (* 5 (var-set local-var)) 0)
- (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
- (preref #f)
- (p body (cdr p)))
- ((or (not (pair? (cdr p)))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (eq? (caar p) 'set!)
- (eq? (cadar p) vname)
- (> i 5)
- (begin
- (if (or preref
- (side-effect? (var-initial-value local-var) env))
- ;; (let ((x 32)) (display x) (set! y (f x)) (g (+ x 1) y) (a y) (f y) (g y) (h y) (i y) (set! x 3) (display x) (h y x))
- ;; (let ... (let ((x 3)) ...))
- (lint-format "perhaps add a new binding for ~A to replace ~A: ~A" caller
- vname
- (truncated-list->string (car p))
- (lists->string form
- `(let ...
- (let ((,vname ,(caddar p)))
- ...))))
- ;; (let ((x 32)) (set! y (f 1)) (a y) (f y) (g y) (h y) (i y) (set! x (+ x... -> (let () ... (let ((x (+ 32 1))) ...))
- (lint-format "perhaps move the ~A binding to replace ~A: ~A" caller
- vname
- (truncated-list->string (car p))
- (let ((new-value (if (tree-member vname (caddar p))
- (tree-subst (var-initial-value local-var) vname (copy (caddar p)))
- (caddar p))))
- (lists->string form
- `(let ,(let rewrite ((lst (cadr form)))
- (cond ((null? lst) ())
- ((and (pair? (car lst))
- (eq? (caar lst) vname))
- (rewrite (cdr lst)))
- (else (cons (if (< (tree-leaves (cadar lst)) 30)
- (car lst)
- (list (caar lst) '...))
- (rewrite (cdr lst))))))
- ...
- (let ((,vname ,new-value))
- ...))))))
- #t))))
- (if (tree-member vname (car p))
- (set! preref i))))
- (when (and (zero? (var-set local-var))
- (= (var-ref local-var) 2)) ; initial value and set!
- (do ((saved-name (var-initial-value local-var))
- (p body (cdr p))
- (last-pos #f)
- (first-pos #f))
- ((not (pair? p))
- (when (and (pair? last-pos)
- (not (eq? first-pos last-pos))
- (not (tree-equal-member saved-name (cdr last-pos))))
- ;; (let ((old-x x)) (set! x 12) (display (log x)) (set! x 1) (set! x old-x)) ->
- ;; (let-temporarily ((x 12)) (display (log x)) (set! x 1))
- (lint-format "perhaps use let-temporarily here: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((new-let `(let-temporarily
- ((,saved-name ,(if (pair? first-pos)
- (caddar first-pos)
- saved-name)))
- ,@(map (lambda (expr)
- (if (or (and (pair? first-pos)
- (eq? expr (car first-pos)))
- (eq? expr (car last-pos)))
- (values)
- expr))
- body))))
- (if (null? (cdr vars)) ; we know vars is a pair, want len=1
- new-let
- `(let ,(map (lambda (v)
- (if (eq? (car v) vname)
- (values)
- v))
- (cadr form))
- ,new-let)))))))
- ;; someday maybe look for additional saved vars, but this happens only in snd-test
- ;; also the let-temp could be reduced to the set locations (so the tree-equal-member
- ;; check above would be unneeded).
- (let ((expr (car p)))
- (when (and (pair? expr)
- (eq? (car expr) 'set!)
- (equal? (cadr expr) saved-name)
- (pair? (cddr expr)))
- (if (not first-pos)
- (set! first-pos p))
- (if (eq? (caddr expr) vname)
- (set! last-pos p))))))))
- vars)))
- (when (and (pair? varlist)
- (pair? (car varlist))
- (null? (cdr varlist)))
- (if (and (pair? body) ; (let ((x y)) x) -> y, named let is possible here
- (null? (cdr body))
- (eq? (car body) (caar varlist))
- (pair? (cdar varlist))) ; (let ((a))...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (cadar varlist))))
- ;; also (let ((x ...)) (let ((y x)...))) happens but it looks like automatically generated code or test suite junk
- ;; copied from letrec below -- happens about a dozen times
- (when (and (not named-let)
- (pair? (cddr form))
- (pair? (caddr form))
- (null? (cdddr form)))
- (let ((body (caddr form))
- (sym (caar varlist))
- (lform (and (pair? (caadr form))
- (pair? (cdaadr form))
- (cadar (cadr form)))))
- (if (and (pair? lform)
- (pair? (cdr lform))
- (eq? (car lform) 'lambda)
- (proper-list? (cadr lform)))
- ;; unlike in letrec, here there can't be recursion (ref to same name is ref to outer env)
- (if (eq? sym (car body))
- (if (not (tree-memq sym (cdr body)))
- ;; (let ((x (lambda (y) (+ y (x (- y 1)))))) (x 2)) -> (let ((y 2)) (+ y (x (- y 1))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string
- form `(let ,(map list (cadr lform) (cdr body))
- ,@(cddr lform)))))
- (if (= (tree-count1 sym body 0) 1)
- (let ((call (find-call sym body)))
- (when (pair? call)
- (let ((new-call `(let ,(map list (cadr lform) (cdr call))
- ,@(cddr lform))))
- ;; (let ((f60 (lambda (x) (* 2 x)))) (+ 1 (f60 y))) -> (+ 1 (let ((x y)) (* 2 x)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (tree-subst new-call call body))))))))))))
- (when (pair? body)
- (when (and (pair? (car body))
- (pair? (cdar body))
- (pair? (cddar body))
- (eq? (caar body) 'set!))
- (let ((settee (cadar body))
- (setval (caddar body)))
- (if (and (not named-let) ; (let ((x 0)...) (set! x 1)...) -> (let ((x 1)...)...)
- (not (tree-memq 'curlet setval))
- (cond ((assq settee vars)
- => (lambda (v)
- (or (and (code-constant? (var-initial-value v))
- (code-constant? setval))
- (not (any? (lambda (v1)
- (or (tree-memq (car v1) setval)
- (side-effect? (cadr v1) env)))
- varlist)))))
- (else #f)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; (let ((a 1)) (set! a 2)) -> 2
- (lists->string form
- (if (null? (cdr body)) ; this only happens in test suites...
- (if (null? (cdr varlist))
- setval
- `(let ,(map (lambda (v) (if (eq? (car v) settee) (values) v)) varlist)
- ,setval))
- `(let ,(map (lambda (v)
- (if (eq? (car v) settee)
- (list (car v) setval)
- v))
- varlist)
- ,@(if (null? (cddr body))
- (cdr body)
- `(,(cadr body) ...))))))
- ;; repetition for the moment
- (when (and (pair? varlist)
- (assq settee vars) ; settee is a local var
- (not (eq? settee named-let)) ; (let loop () (set! loop 3))!
- (or (null? (cdr body))
- (and (null? (cddr body))
- (eq? settee (cadr body))))) ; (let... (set! local val) local)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (or (tree-memq settee setval)
- (side-effect? (cadr (assq settee varlist)) env))
- `(let ,varlist ,setval)
- (if (null? (cdr varlist))
- setval
- `(let ,(remove-if (lambda (v)
- (eq? (car v) settee))
- varlist)
- ,setval)))))))))
- (unless named-let
- ;; if var val is symbol, val not used (not set!) in body (even hidden via function call)
- ;; and var not set!, and not a function parameter (we already reported those),
- ;; remove it (the var) and replace with val throughout
- (when (and (proper-list? (cadr form))
- (not (tree-set-member '(curlet lambda lambda* define define*) (cddr form))))
- (do ((changes ())
- (vs (cadr form) (cdr vs)))
- ((null? vs)
- (if (pair? changes)
- (let ((new-form (copy form)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (v)
- (list-set! new-form 1 (remove-if (lambda (p) (equal? p v)) (cadr new-form)))
- (set! new-form (tree-subst (cadr v) (car v) new-form)))
- changes)
- (lint-format "assuming we see all set!s, the binding~A ~{~A~^, ~} ~A pointless: perhaps ~A" caller
- (if (pair? (cdr changes)) "s" "")
- changes
- (if (pair? (cdr changes)) "are" "is")
- (lists->string form
- (if (< (tree-leaves new-form) 200)
- new-form
- `(let ,(cadr new-form)
- ,@(one-call-and-dots (cddr new-form)))))))))
- (let ((v (car vs)))
- (when (and (pair? v)
- (pair? (cdr v))
- (null? (cddr v)) ; good grief
- (symbol? (cadr v))
- (not (set-target (cadr v) body env))
- (not (set-target (car v) body env))
- (let ((data (var-member (cadr v) env)))
- (or (not (var? data))
- (and (not (eq? (var-definer data) 'parameter))
- (or (null? (var-setters data))
- (not (tree-set-member (var-setters data) body)))))))
- (set! changes (cons v changes))))))
- (when (pair? varlist)
- ;; if last is (set! local-var...) and no complications, complain
- (let ((last (list-ref body (- (length body) 1))))
- (when (and (pair? last)
- (eq? (car last) 'set!)
- (pair? (cdr last))
- (pair? (cddr last)) ; (set! a)
- (symbol? (cadr last))
- (assq (cadr last) varlist) ; (let ((a 1) (b (display 2))) (set! a 2))
- ;; this is overly restrictive:
- (not (tree-set-member '(call/cc call-with-current-continuation curlet lambda lambda*) form)))
- (lint-format "set! is pointless in ~A: use ~A" caller
- last (caddr last))))
- (when (and (pair? (car body))
- (eq? (caar body) 'do))
- (when (and (null? (cdr body)) ; removing this restriction gets only 3 hits
- (pair? (cadar body)))
- (let ((inits (map cadr (cadar body))))
- (when (every? (lambda (v)
- (and (= (tree-count1 (car v) (car body) 0) 1)
- (tree-memq (car v) inits)))
- varlist)
- (let ((new-cadr (copy (cadar body))))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (set! new-cadr (tree-subst (cadr v) (car v) new-cadr)))
- varlist)
- ;; (let ((a 1)) (do ((i a (+ i 1))) ((= i 3)) (display i))) -> (do ((i 1 (+ i 1))) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(do ,new-cadr ...)))))))
- ;; let->do -- sometimes a bad idea, set *max-cdr-len* to #f to disable this.
- ;; (the main objection is that the s7/clm optimizer can't handle it, and
- ;; instruments using it look kinda dumb -- the power of habit or something)
- (when (integer? *max-cdr-len*)
- (let ((inits (if (pair? (cadar body))
- (map cadr (cadar body))
- ()))
- (locals (if (pair? (cadar body))
- (map car (cadar body))
- ())))
- (unless (or (and (pair? inits)
- (any? (lambda (v)
- (or (memq (car v) locals) ; shadowing
- (tree-memq (car v) inits)
- (side-effect? (cadr v) env))) ; let var opens *stdin*, do stepper reads it at init
- varlist))
- (and (pair? (cdr body))
- (pair? (cddr body)))
- ;; moving more than one expr here is usually ugly -- the only exception I've
- ;; seen is where the do body is enormous and the end stuff very short, and
- ;; it (the end stuff) refers to the let/do variables -- in the unedited case,
- ;; the result is hard to see.
- (> (tree-leaves (cdr body)) *max-cdr-len*))
- ;; (let ((xx 0)) (do ((x 1 (+ x 1)) (y x (- y 1))) ((= x 3) xx) (display y))) ->
- ;; (do ((xx 0) (x 1 (+ x 1)) (y x (- y 1))) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((do-form (cdar body)))
- (if (null? (cdr body)) ; do is only expr in let
- `(do ,(append varlist (car do-form))
- ...)
- `(do ,(append varlist (car do-form))
- (,(and (pair? (cadr do-form)) (caadr do-form))
- ,@(if (side-effect? (cdadr do-form) env) (cdadr do-form) ())
- ,@(cdr body)) ; include rest of let as do return value
- ...)))))))))
- (when (and (> (length body) 3) ; setting this to 1 did not catch anything new
- (every? pair? varlist)
- (not (tree-set-car-member '(define define* define-macro define-macro*
- define-bacro define-bacro* define-constant define-expansion)
- body)))
- ;; define et al are like a continuation of the let bindings, so we can't restrict them by accident
- ;; (let ((x 1)) (define y x) ...)
- (let ((last-refs (map (lambda (v)
- (vector (var-name v) #f 0 v))
- vars))
- (got-lambdas (tree-set-car-member '(lambda lambda*) body)))
- ;; (let ((x #f) (y #t)) (set! x (lambda () y)) (set! y 5) (x))
- (do ((p body (cdr p))
- (i 0 (+ i 1)))
- ((null? p)
- (let ((end 0))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (set! end (max end (v 2))))
- last-refs)
- (if (and (< end (/ i lint-let-reduction-factor))
- (eq? form lint-current-form)
- (< (tree-leaves (car body)) 100))
- (let ((old-start (let ((old-pp ((funclet lint-pretty-print) '*pretty-print-left-margin*)))
- (set! ((funclet lint-pretty-print) '*pretty-print-left-margin*) (+ lint-left-margin 4))
- (let ((res (lint-pp `(let ,(cadr form)
- ,@(copy body (make-list (+ end 1)))))))
- (set! ((funclet lint-pretty-print) '*pretty-print-left-margin*) old-pp)
- res))))
- (lint-format "this let could be tightened:~%~NC~A ->~%~NC~A~%~NC~A ..." caller
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- old-start
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (lint-pp (list-ref body (+ end 1)))))
- (begin
- ;; look for bindings that can be severely localized
- (let ((locals (map (lambda (v)
- (if (and (integer? (v 1))
- (< (- (v 2) (v 1)) 2)
- (code-constant? (var-initial-value (v 3))))
- v
- (values)))
- last-refs)))
- ;; should this omit cases where most the let is in the one or two lines?
- (when (pair? locals)
- (set! locals (sort! locals (lambda (a b)
- (or (< (a 1) (b 1))
- (< (a 2) (b 2))))))
- (do ((lv locals (cdr lv)))
- ((null? lv))
- (let* ((v (car lv))
- (cur-line (v 1)))
- (let gather ((pv lv) (cur-vars ()) (max-line (v 2)))
- (if (or (null? (cdr pv))
- (not (= cur-line ((cadr pv) 1))))
- (begin
- (set! cur-vars (reverse (cons (car pv) cur-vars)))
- (set! max-line (max max-line ((car pv) 2)))
- (set! lv pv)
- (lint-format "~{~A~^, ~} ~A only used in expression~A (of ~A),~%~NC~A~A of~%~NC~A" caller
- (map (lambda (v) (v 0)) cur-vars)
- (if (null? (cdr cur-vars)) "is" "are")
- (format #f (if (= cur-line max-line)
- (values " ~D" (+ cur-line 1))
- (values "s ~D and ~D" (+ cur-line 1) (+ max-line 1))))
- (length body)
- (+ lint-left-margin 6) #\space
- (truncated-list->string (list-ref body cur-line))
- (if (= cur-line max-line)
- ""
- (format #f "~%~NC~A"
- (+ lint-left-margin 6) #\space
- (truncated-list->string (list-ref body max-line))))
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (truncated-list->string form)))
- (gather (cdr pv)
- (cons (car pv) cur-vars)
- (max max-line ((car pv) 2)))))))))
- (let ((mnv ())
- (cur-end i))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (when (and (or (null? mnv)
- (<= (v 2) cur-end))
- (positive? (var-ref (v 3)))
- (let ((expr (var-initial-value (v 3))))
- (not (any? (lambda (ov) ; watch out for shadowed vars
- (tree-memq (car ov) expr))
- varlist))))
- (set! mnv (if (= (v 2) cur-end)
- (cons v mnv)
- (list v)))
- (set! cur-end (v 2))))
- last-refs)
- ;; look for vars used only at the start of the let
- (when (and (pair? mnv)
- (< cur-end (/ i lint-let-reduction-factor))
- (> (- i cur-end) 3))
- ;; mnv is in the right order because last-refs is reversed
- (lint-format "the scope of ~{~A~^, ~} could be reduced: ~A" caller
- (map (lambda (v) (v 0)) mnv)
- (lists->string form
- `(let ,(map (lambda (v)
- (if (member (car v) mnv (lambda (a b) (eq? a (b 0))))
- (values)
- v))
- varlist)
- (let ,(map (lambda (v)
- (list (v 0) (var-initial-value (v 3))))
- mnv)
- ,@(copy body (make-list (+ cur-end 1))))
- ,(list-ref body (+ cur-end 1))
- ...)))))))))
- ;; body of do loop above
- (if (and (not got-lambdas)
- (pair? (car p))
- (pair? (cdr p))
- (eq? (caar p) 'set!)
- (var-member (cadar p) vars)
- (not (tree-memq (cadar p) (cdr p))))
- (if (not (side-effect? (caddar p) env)) ; (set! v0 (channel->vct 1000 100)) -> (channel->vct 1000 100)
- (lint-format "~A in ~A could be omitted" caller (car p) (truncated-list->string form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string (car p) (caddar p)))))
- ;; 1 use in cadr and none thereafter happens a few times, but looks like set-as-documentation mostly
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (when (tree-memq (v 0) (car p))
- (set! (v 2) i)
- (if (not (v 1)) (set! (v 1) i))))
- last-refs))))))
- ) ; (when (pair? body)...)
- ;; out of place and repetitive code...
- (when (and (pair? (cadr form))
- (pair? (cddr form))
- (null? (cdddr form))
- (pair? (caddr form)))
- (let ((inner (caddr form)) ; the inner let
- (outer-vars (cadr form)))
- (when (pair? (cdr inner))
- (let ((inner-vars (cadr inner)))
- (when (and (eq? (car inner) 'let)
- (symbol? inner-vars))
- (let ((named-body (cdddr inner))
- (named-args (caddr inner)))
- (unless (any? (lambda (v)
- (or (not (= (tree-count1 (car v) named-args 0) 1))
- (tree-memq (car v) named-body)))
- varlist)
- (let ((new-args (copy named-args)))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (set! new-args (tree-subst (cadr v) (car v) new-args)))
- varlist)
- ;; (let ((x 1) (y (f g 2))) (let loop ((a (+ x 1)) (b y)) (loop a b))) -> (let loop ((a (+ 1 1)) (b (f g 2))) (loop a b))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(let ,inner-vars ,new-args ,@named-body)))))))
- ;; maybe more code than this is worth -- combine lets
- (when (and (memq (car inner) '(let let*))
- (pair? inner-vars))
- (define (letstar . lets)
- (let loop ((vars (list 'curlet)) (forms lets))
- (and (pair? forms)
- (or (and (pair? (car forms))
- (or (tree-set-member vars (car forms))
- (any? (lambda (a)
- (or (not (pair? a))
- (not (pair? (cdr a)))
- (side-effect? (cadr a) env)))
- (car forms))))
- (loop (append (map car (car forms)) vars)
- (cdr forms))))))
- (cond ((and (null? (cdadr form)) ; let(1) + let* -> let*
- (eq? (car inner) 'let*)
- (not (symbol? inner-vars))) ; not named let*
- ;; (let ((a 1)) (let* ((b (+ a 1)) (c (* b 2))) (display (+ a b c)))) -> (let* ((a 1) (b (+ a 1)) (c (* b 2))) (display (+ a b c)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(let* ,(append outer-vars inner-vars)
- ,@(one-call-and-dots (cddr inner))))))
- ((and (pair? (cddr inner))
- (pair? (caddr inner))
- (null? (cdddr inner))
- (eq? (caaddr inner) 'let)
- (pair? (cdr (caddr inner)))
- (pair? (cadr (caddr inner))))
- (let* ((inner1 (cdaddr inner))
- (inner1-vars (car inner1)))
- (if (and (pair? (cdr inner1))
- (null? (cddr inner1))
- (pair? (cadr inner1))
- (eq? (caadr inner1) 'let)
- (pair? (cdadr inner1))
- (pair? (cadadr inner1)))
- (let* ((inner2 (cdadr inner1))
- (inner2-vars (car inner2)))
- (if (not (letstar outer-vars
- inner-vars
- inner1-vars
- inner2-vars))
- ;; (let ((a 1)) (let ((b 2)) (let ((c 3)) (let ((d 4)) (+ a b c d))))) -> (let ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)) (+ a b c d))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(let ,(append outer-vars inner-vars inner1-vars inner2-vars)
- ,@(one-call-and-dots (cdr inner2)))))))
- (if (not (letstar outer-vars
- inner-vars
- inner1-vars))
- ;; (let ((b 2)) (let ((c 3)) (let ((d 4)) (+ a b c d)))) -> (let ((b 2) (c 3) (d 4)) (+ a b c d))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(let ,(append outer-vars inner-vars inner1-vars)
- ,@(one-call-and-dots (cdr inner1)))))))))
- ((not (letstar outer-vars
- inner-vars))
- ;; (let ((c 3)) (let ((d 4)) (+ a b c d))) -> (let ((c 3) (d 4)) (+ a b c d))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(let ,(append outer-vars inner-vars)
- ,@(one-call-and-dots (cddr inner))))))
- ((and (null? (cdadr form)) ; 1 outer var
- (pair? inner-vars)
- (null? (cdadr inner))) ; 1 inner var, dependent on outer
- ;; (let ((x 0)) (let ((y (g 0))) (+ x y))) -> (let* ((x 0) (y (g 0))) (+ x y))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(let* ,(append outer-vars inner-vars)
- ,@(one-call-and-dots (cddr inner))))))))))))
- ))) ; messed up let
- env)
- (hash-table-set! h 'let let-walker))
- ;; ---------------- let* ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (let*-walker caller form env)
- (if (< (length form) 3)
- (lint-format "let* is messed up: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((named-let (and (symbol? (cadr form)) (cadr form))))
- (let ((vars (if named-let (list (make-var :name named-let
- :definer 'let*)) ()))
- (varlist ((if named-let caddr cadr) form))
- (body ((if named-let cdddr cddr) form)))
- (if (not (list? varlist))
- (lint-format "let* is messed up: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- ;; let->do (could go further down)
- (when (and (integer? *max-cdr-len*)
- (pair? varlist)
- (pair? body)
- (pair? (car body))
- (eq? (caar body) 'do)
- (< (tree-leaves (cdr body)) *max-cdr-len*))
- (let ((inits (if (pair? (cadar body))
- (map cadr (cadar body))
- ()))
- (locals (if (pair? (cadar body))
- (map car (cadar body))
- ()))
- (lv (list-ref varlist (- (length varlist) 1))))
- (unless (and (pair? inits)
- (or (memq (car lv) locals) ; shadowing
- (tree-memq (car lv) inits)
- (side-effect? (cadr lv) env)))
- ;; (let* ((x (log z))) (do ((i 0 (+ x z))) ((= i 3)) (display x))) -> (do ((x (log z)) (i 0 (+ x z))) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((new-do (let ((do-form (cdar body)))
- (if (null? (cdr body))
- `(do ,(cons lv (car do-form))
- ...)
- `(do ,(cons lv (car do-form))
- (,(and (pair? (cadr do-form)) (caadr do-form))
- ,@(if (side-effect? (cdadr do-form) env) (cdadr do-form) ())
- ,@(cdr body)) ; include rest of let as do return value
- ...)))))
- (case (length varlist)
- ((1) new-do)
- ((2) `(let (,(car varlist)) ,new-do))
- (else `(let* ,(copy varlist (make-list (- (length varlist) 1)))
- ,new-do)))))))))
- (do ((side-effects #f)
- (bindings varlist (cdr bindings)))
- ((not (pair? bindings))
- (if (not (null? bindings))
- (lint-format "let* variable list is not a proper list? ~S"
- caller ((if named-let caddr cadr) form)))
- (if (not (or side-effects
- (any? (lambda (v) (positive? (var-ref v))) vars)))
- ;; (let* ((x (log y))) x)
- (lint-format "let* could be let: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- ;; in s7, let evaluates var values top down, so this message is correct
- ;; even in cases like (let ((ind (open-sound...)) (mx (maxamp))) ...)
- ;; in r7rs, the order is not specified (section 4.2.2 of the spec), so
- ;; here we would restrict this message to cases where there is only
- ;; one variable, or where subsequent values are known to be independent.
- ;; if each function could tell us what globals it depends on or affects,
- ;; we could make this work in all cases.
- (when (binding-ok? caller 'let* (car bindings) env #f)
- (let ((expr (cadar bindings))
- (side (side-effect? (cadar bindings) env)))
- (if (not (or (eq? bindings varlist)
- ;; first var side-effect is innocuous (especially if it's the only one!)
- ;; does this need to protect against a side-effect that the next var accesses?
- ;; I think we're ok -- the accessed var must be exterior, and we go down in order
- side-effects))
- (set! side-effects side))
- (let ((e (lint-walk caller expr (append vars env))))
- (if (and (pair? e)
- (not (eq? e env))
- (memq (var-name (car e)) '(:lambda :dilambda)))
- (let ((ldata (cdar e)))
- (set! (var-name (car e)) (caar bindings))
- (set! (ldata 'initial-value) expr)
- (set! vars (cons (car e) vars)))
- (set! vars (cons (make-var :name (caar bindings)
- :initial-value expr
- :definer (if named-let 'named-let* 'let*))
- vars))))
- ;; look for duplicate values
- ;; someday protect against any shadows if included in any expr
- (unless (or side
- (not (pair? expr))
- (code-constant? expr)
- (maker? expr))
- (let ((name (caar bindings)))
- (let dup-check ((vs (cdr vars)))
- (if (and (pair? vs)
- (pair? (car vs))
- (not (eq? name (caar vs)))
- (not (tree-memq (caar vs) expr)))
- ;; perhaps also not side-effect of car vs initial-value (char-ready? + read + char-ready? again)
- (if (equal? expr (var-initial-value (car vs)))
- ;; (let* ((x (log y 2)) (y (log y 2)) (z (f x))) (+ x y z z))
- (lint-format "~A's value ~A could be ~A" caller
- name expr (caar vs))
- (dup-check (cdr vs))))))))))
- ;; if var is not used except in other var bindings, it can be moved out of this let*
- ;; collect vars not in body, used in only one binding, gather these cases, and rewrite the let*
- ;; repeated names are possible here
- ;; also cascading dependencies: (let* ((z 1) (y (+ z 2)) (x (< y 3))) (if x (f x)))
- ;; (let ((x (let ((y (let ((z 1))) (+ z 2))) (< y 3)))) ...) ??
- ;; new-vars: ((z y) (y x))
- (when (and (pair? vars)
- (pair? (cdr vars)))
- (let ((new-vars ())
- (vs-pos vars)
- (repeats (do ((p vars (cdr p)))
- ((or (null? p)
- (var-member (var-name (car p)) (cdr p)))
- (pair? p)))))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (let ((vname (var-name v))
- (vvalue #f))
- (if (not (tree-memq vname body))
- (let walker ((vs vars))
- (if (not (pair? vs))
- (if (and vvalue
- (or (not (side-effect? (var-initial-value v) env))
- (eq? vvalue (var-name (car vs-pos)))))
- (set! new-vars (cons (list vvalue vname (var-initial-value v)) new-vars)))
- (let ((b (car vs)))
- (if (or (eq? (var-name b) vname)
- (not (tree-memq vname (var-initial-value b)))) ; tree-memq matches the bare symbol (tree-member doesn't)
- (walker (cdr vs))
- (if (not vvalue)
- (begin
- (set! vvalue (var-name b))
- (walker (cdr vs)))))))))
- (set! vs-pos (cdr vs-pos))))
- (cdr vars)) ; vars is reversed from code order, new-vars is in code order
- (when (pair? new-vars)
- (define (gather-dependencies var val env)
- (let ((deps ()))
- (for-each (lambda (nv)
- (if (and (eq? (car nv) var)
- (or (not repeats)
- (tree-memq (cadr nv) val)))
- (set! deps (cons (list (cadr nv)
- (gather-dependencies (cadr nv) (caddr nv) env))
- deps))))
- new-vars)
- (if (> (tree-leaves val) 30)
- (set! val '...))
- (if (pair? deps)
- `(,(if (null? (cdr deps)) 'let 'let*)
- ,deps ,val)
- val)))
- (let ((new-let-binds (map (lambda (v)
- (if (member (var-name v) new-vars (lambda (name lst) (eq? name (cadr lst))))
- (values)
- `(,(var-name v) ,(gather-dependencies (var-name v) (var-initial-value v) env))))
- (reverse vars))))
- ;; (let* ((a 1) (b 2) (c (+ a 1))) (* c 2)) -> (let* ((b 2) (c (let ((a 1)) (+ a 1)))) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps restrict ~{~A~^, ~} which ~A not used in the let* body ~A" caller
- (map cadr new-vars)
- (if (null? (cdr new-vars)) "is" "are")
- (lists->string form
- `(,(if (null? (cdr new-let-binds))
- 'let 'let*)
- ,new-let-binds
- ...)))))
- ;; this could be folded into the for-each above
- (unless repeats
- (let ((outer-vars ())
- (inner-vars ()))
- (do ((vs (reverse vars) (cdr vs)))
- ((null? vs))
- (let* ((v (car vs))
- (vname (var-name v)))
- (if (not (or (side-effect? (var-initial-value v) env)
- (any? (lambda (trailing-var)
- ;; vname is possible inner let var if it is not mentioned in any trailing initial value
- ;; (repeated name can't happen here)
- (tree-memq vname (var-initial-value trailing-var)))
- (cdr vs))))
- (set! inner-vars (cons v inner-vars))
- (set! outer-vars (cons v outer-vars)))))
- (when (and (pair? outer-vars)
- (pair? inner-vars)
- (pair? (cdr inner-vars)))
- ;; (let* ((a 1) (b 2) (c (+ a 1))) (* c 2)) -> (let ((a 1)) (let ((b 2) (c (+ a 1))) ...))
- (lint-format "perhaps split this let*: ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,(if (pair? (cdr outer-vars)) 'let* 'let)
- ,(map (lambda (v)
- `(,(var-name v) ,(var-initial-value v)))
- (reverse outer-vars))
- (let ,(map (lambda (v)
- `(,(var-name v) ,(var-initial-value v)))
- (reverse inner-vars))
- ...)))))))
- )) ; pair? vars
- (let* ((cur-env (cons (make-var :name :let
- :initial-value form
- :definer 'let*)
- (append vars env)))
- (e (lint-walk-body caller 'let* body cur-env)))
- (let ((nvars (and (not (eq? e cur-env))
- (env-difference caller e cur-env ()))))
- (if (pair? nvars)
- (if (memq (var-name (car nvars)) '(:lambda :dilambda))
- (begin
- (set! env (cons (car nvars) env))
- (set! nvars (cdr nvars)))
- (set! vars (append nvars vars)))))
- (report-usage caller 'let* vars e))
- (when (and (not named-let)
- (pair? body)
- (pair? varlist)) ; from here to end
- ;; (let*->let*) combined into one
- (when (and (pair? (car body))
- (or (eq? (caar body) 'let*) ; let*+let* -> let*
- (and (eq? (caar body) 'let) ; let*+let(1) -> let*
- (or (null? (cadar body))
- (and (pair? (cadar body))
- (null? (cdadar body))))))
- (null? (cdr body))
- (not (symbol? (cadar body))))
- ;; (let* ((a 1) (b (+ a 2))) (let* ((c (+ b 3)) (d (+ c 4))) (display a) (+ a... ->
- ;; (let* ((a 1) (b (+ a 2)) (c (+ b 3)) (d (+ c 4))) (display a) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(let* ,(append varlist (cadar body))
- ,@(one-call-and-dots (cddar body))))))
- (when (and (proper-list? (cadr form))
- (not (tree-set-member '(curlet lambda lambda* define define*) (cddr form))))
- ;; see let above
- (do ((changes ())
- (vs (cadr form) (cdr vs)))
- ((null? vs)
- (if (pair? changes)
- (let ((new-form (copy form)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (v)
- (list-set! new-form 1 (remove-if (lambda (p) (equal? p v)) (cadr new-form)))
- (set! new-form (tree-subst (cadr v) (car v) new-form)))
- changes)
- ;; (let* ((x y) (a (* 2 x))) (+ (f a (+ a 1)) (* 3 x))) -> (let ((a (* 2 y))) (+ (f a (+ a 1)) (* 3 y)))
- (lint-format "assuming we see all set!s, the binding~A ~{~A~^, ~} ~A pointless: perhaps ~A" caller
- (if (pair? (cdr changes)) "s" "")
- changes
- (if (pair? (cdr changes)) "are" "is")
- (lists->string form
- (let ((header (if (and (pair? (cadr new-form))
- (pair? (cdadr new-form)))
- 'let* 'let)))
- (if (< (tree-leaves new-form) 200)
- `(,header ,@(cdr new-form))
- `(,header ,(cadr new-form)
- ,@(one-call-and-dots (cddr new-form))))))))))
- (let ((v (car vs)))
- (if (and (pair? v)
- (pair? (cdr v))
- (null? (cddr v))
- (symbol? (cadr v))
- (not (assq (cadr v) (cadr form))) ; value is not a local var
- (not (set-target (car v) body env))
- (not (set-target (cadr v) body env)))
- (let ((data (var-member (cadr v) env)))
- (if (and (or (not (var? data))
- (and (not (eq? (var-definer data) 'parameter))
- (or (null? (var-setters data))
- (not (tree-set-member (var-setters data) body)))))
- (not (any? (lambda (p)
- (and (pair? p)
- (pair? (cdr p))
- (or (set-target (cadr v) (cdr p) env)
- (set-target (car v) (cdr p) env)
- (and (var? data)
- (pair? (var-setters data))
- (tree-set-member (var-setters data) body)))))
- (cdr vs))))
- (set! changes (cons v changes))))))))
- (let* ((varlist-len (length varlist))
- (last-var (and (positive? varlist-len)
- (list-ref varlist (- varlist-len 1))))) ; from here to end
- (when (pair? last-var) ; successive vars, first used in second but nowhere else -- combine if (very!) simple-looking
- (do ((gone-vars ())
- (v varlist (cdr v)))
- ((or (null? v)
- (null? (cdr v)))
- (when (pair? gone-vars)
- (let ((waiter #f)
- (new-vars ())
- (save-vars ()))
- (set! gone-vars (reverse gone-vars))
- (set! new-vars (map (lambda (v)
- (if (and (pair? gone-vars)
- (eq? v (car gone-vars)))
- (begin
- (set! waiter v)
- (set! gone-vars (cdr gone-vars))
- (values))
- (if (not waiter)
- v
- (let ((new-v (tree-subst (cadr waiter) (car waiter) v)))
- (set! save-vars (cons (list (car waiter) (car v)) save-vars))
- (set! waiter #f)
- new-v))))
- varlist))
- ;; (let* ((y 3) (x (log y))) x) -> (let ((x (log 3))) ...)
- (lint-format "perhaps substitute ~{~{~A into ~A~}~^, ~}: ~A" caller
- (reverse save-vars)
- (lists->string form
- `(,(if (null? (cdr new-vars)) 'let 'let*)
- ,new-vars
- ...))))))
- (let ((cur-var (car v))
- (nxt-var (cadr v)))
- (when (and (pair? cur-var)
- (let ((v (var-member (car cur-var) vars)))
- (and (var? v)
- (zero? (var-set v))))
- (pair? nxt-var)
- (pair? (cdr cur-var))
- (pair? (cdr nxt-var))
- (< (tree-leaves (cadr cur-var)) 8)
- (not (and (pair? (cadr nxt-var))
- (eq? (caadr nxt-var) 'let) ; if named-let, forget it
- (pair? (cdadr nxt-var))
- (symbol? (cadadr nxt-var))))
- (or (not (pair? (cadr nxt-var)))
- (not (side-effect? (cadr cur-var) env))
- (every? (lambda (a)
- (or (code-constant? a)
- (assq a varlist)))
- (cdadr nxt-var)))
- (= (tree-count1 (car cur-var) (cadr nxt-var) 0) 1)
- (not (tree-memq (car cur-var) (cddr v)))
- (not (tree-memq (car cur-var) body)))
- (set! gone-vars (cons cur-var gone-vars))
- (set! v (cdr v)))))
- ;; if last var only occurs once in body, and timing can't be an issue, substitute its value
- ;; this largely copied from the let case above (but only one substitution)
- ;; in both cases, we're assuming that the possible last-var value's side-effect won't
- ;; affect other vars (in let* the local, in let something outside that might be used locally)
- ;; perhaps add (not (side-effect (cadr last-var) env))?
- (when (and (pair? (cdr last-var)) ; varlist-len can be 1 here
- (< (tree-leaves (cadr last-var)) 12)
- (= (tree-count1 (car last-var) body 0) 1)
- (pair? (car body))
- (null? (cdr body))
- (not (memq (caar body) '(lambda lambda* define define* define-macro)))
- (not (and (eq? (caar body) 'set!)
- (eq? (car last-var) (cadar body))))
- (not (any-macro? (caar body) env))
- (not (any? (lambda (p)
- (and (pair? p)
- (not (eq? (car p) 'quote))
- (or (not (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions (car p)))
- (any? pair? (cdr p)))))
- (cdar body))))
- ;; (let* ((a 1) (b 2) (c (+ a 1))) (* c 2)) -> (let* ((a 1) (b 2)) (* (+ a 1) 2))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,(if (<= varlist-len 2) 'let 'let*)
- ,(copy varlist (make-list (- varlist-len 1)))
- ,@(tree-subst (cadr last-var) (car last-var) body)))))
- (when (null? (cdr body)) ; (let* (...(x A)) (if x (f A) B)) -> (let(*) (...) (cond (A => f) (else B)))
- (when (pair? (cdr last-var))
- (let ((p (car body)))
- (when (and (pair? p)
- (pair? (cdr p))
- (case (car p)
- ((if and) (eq? (cadr p) (car last-var)))
- ((or) (equal? (cadr p) `(not ,(car last-var))))
- (else #f))
- (pair? (cddr p))
- (pair? (caddr p))
- (or (eq? (car p) 'if)
- (null? (cdddr p)))
- (pair? (cdaddr p))
- (not (eq? (caaddr p) (car last-var))) ; ! (let* (...(x A)) (if x (x x)))
- (null? (cddr (caddr p)))
- (eq? (car last-var) (cadr (caddr p))))
- (let ((else-clause (if (pair? (cdddr p)) ; only if 'if (see above)
- (if (eq? (cadddr p) (car last-var))
- `((else #f)) ; this stands in for the local var
- (if (and (pair? (cadddr p))
- (tree-unquoted-member (car last-var) (cadddr p)))
- :oops! ; if the let var appears in the else portion, we can't do anything with =>
- `((else ,(cadddr p)))))
- (case (car p)
- ((and) '((else #f)))
- ((or) '((else #t)))
- (else ())))))
- (unless (eq? else-clause :oops!)
- ;; (let* ((x (f y))) (and x (g x))) -> (cond ((f y) => g) (else #f)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (case varlist-len
- ((1) (lists->string form
- `(cond (,(cadr last-var) => ,(caaddr p)) ,@else-clause)))
- ((2) (lists->string form
- `(let (,(car varlist))
- (cond (,(cadr last-var) => ,(caaddr p)) ,@else-clause))))
- (else (lists->string form
- `(let* ,(copy varlist (make-list (- varlist-len 1)))
- (cond (,(cadr last-var) => ,(caaddr p)) ,@else-clause)))))))))))
- (when (and (pair? (car varlist)) ; same as let: (let* ((x y)) x) -> y -- (let* (x) ...)
- (not (pair? (car body))))
- (if (and (eq? (car body) (caar varlist))
- (null? (cdr varlist))
- (pair? (cdar varlist))) ; (let* ((a...)) a)
- ;; (let* ((x (log y))) x) -> (log y)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form (cadar varlist)))
- (if (and (> varlist-len 1) ; (let* (... (x y)) x) -> (let(*)(...) y)
- (pair? last-var)
- (pair? (cdr last-var))
- (null? (cddr last-var))
- (eq? (car body) (car last-var)))
- ;; (let* ((y 3) (x (log y))) x) -> (let ((y 3)) (log y))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(,(if (= varlist-len 2) 'let 'let*)
- ,(copy varlist (make-list (- varlist-len 1)))
- ,(cadr last-var)))))))))
- (when (and (> (length body) 3)
- (> (length vars) 1)
- (every? pair? varlist)
- (not (tree-set-car-member '(define define* define-macro define-macro*
- define-bacro define-bacro* define-constant define-expansion)
- body)))
- (let ((last-ref (vector (var-name (car vars)) #f 0 (car vars))))
- (do ((p body (cdr p))
- (i 0 (+ i 1)))
- ((null? p)
- (let ((cur-line (last-ref 1))
- (max-line (last-ref 2))
- (vname (last-ref 0)))
- (if (and (< max-line (/ i lint-let-reduction-factor))
- (> (- i max-line) 3))
- (lint-format "the scope of ~A could be reduced: ~A" caller
- vname
- (lists->string form
- `(,(if (> (length vars) 2) 'let* 'let)
- ,(copy varlist (make-list (- (length vars) 1)))
- (let (,(list vname (var-initial-value (last-ref 3))))
- ,@(copy body (make-list (+ max-line 1))))
- ,(list-ref body (+ max-line 1))
- ...)))
- (when (and (integer? cur-line)
- (< (- max-line cur-line) 2)
- (code-constant? (var-initial-value (last-ref 3))))
- (lint-format "~A is only used in expression~A (of ~A),~%~NC~A~A of~%~NC~A" caller
- vname
- (format #f (if (= cur-line max-line)
- (values " ~D" (+ cur-line 1))
- (values "s ~D and ~D" (+ cur-line 1) (+ max-line 1))))
- (length body)
- (+ lint-left-margin 6) #\space
- (truncated-list->string (list-ref body cur-line))
- (if (= cur-line max-line)
- ""
- (format #f "~%~NC~A"
- (+ lint-left-margin 6) #\space
- (truncated-list->string (list-ref body max-line))))
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (truncated-list->string form))))))
- (when (tree-memq (last-ref 0) (car p))
- (set! (last-ref 2) i)
- (if (not (last-ref 1)) (set! (last-ref 1) i))))))
- )))))
- env)
- (hash-table-set! h 'let* let*-walker))
- ;; ---------------- letrec ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (letrec-walker caller form env)
- (if (< (length form) 3) ; (letrec () . 1)
- (lint-format "~A is messed up: ~A" caller (car form) (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((vars ())
- (head (car form)))
- (cond ((null? (cadr form)) ; (letrec () 1)
- (lint-format "~A could be let: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string form)))
- ((not (pair? (cadr form))) ; (letrec a b)
- (lint-format "~A is messed up: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string form)))
- ((and (null? (cdadr form))
- (eq? head 'letrec*)) ; (letrec* ((a (lambda b (a 1)))) a)
- (lint-format "letrec* could be letrec: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- (do ((warned (or (eq? head 'letrec*)
- (not (pair? (cadr form)))
- (negative? (length (cadr form))))) ; malformed letrec
- (baddy #f)
- (bindings (cadr form) (cdr bindings)))
- ((not (pair? bindings))
- (if (not (null? bindings)) ; (letrec* letrec)!
- (lint-format "~A variable list is not a proper list? ~S" caller head (cadr form))))
- (when (and (not warned) ; letrec -> letrec*
- (pair? (car bindings))
- (pair? (cdar bindings))
- ;; type of current var is not important -- if used in non-function elsewhere,
- ;; it has to be letrec*
- (any? (lambda (b)
- (and (pair? b)
- (pair? (cdr b))
- (or (and (not (pair? (cadr b)))
- (eq? (caar bindings) (cadr b)))
- (tree-memq (caar bindings) (cadr b)))
- (not (tree-set-member '(lambda lambda* define define* case-lambda) (cadr b)))
- (set! baddy b)))
- (cdr bindings)))
- (set! warned #t)
- ;; (letrec ((x 32) (f1 (let ((y 1)) (lambda (z) (+ x y z)))) (f2 (f1 x))) (+ x f2))
- (lint-format "in ~A,~%~NCletrec should be letrec* because ~A is used in ~A's value (not a function): ~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (caar bindings)
- (car baddy)
- (cadr baddy)))
- (when (binding-ok? caller head (car bindings) env #f)
- (let ((init (if (and (eq? (caar bindings) (cadar bindings))
- (or (eq? head 'letrec)
- (not (var-member (caar bindings) vars))))
- (begin ; (letrec ((x x)) x)
- (lint-format "~A is the same as (~A #<undefined>) in ~A" caller
- (car bindings) (caar bindings) head)
- ;; in letrec* ((x 12) (x x)) is an error
- #<undefined>)
- (cadar bindings))))
- (set! vars (cons (make-var :name (caar bindings)
- :initial-value init
- :definer head)
- vars)))))
- (when (eq? head 'letrec)
- (check-unordered-exprs caller form (map var-initial-value vars) env))
- (when (pair? vars)
- (do ((bindings (cadr form) (cdr bindings)) ; if none of the local vars occurs in any of the values, no need for the "rec"
- (vs (map var-name vars)))
- ((or (not (pair? bindings))
- (not (pair? (car bindings)))
- (not (pair? (cdar bindings)))
- (memq (cadar bindings) vs)
- (tree-set-member vs (cadar bindings)))
- (when (null? bindings)
- (let ((letx (if (or (eq? head 'letrec)
- (do ((p (map cadr (cadr form)) (cdr p))
- (q (map car (cadr form)) (cdr q)))
- ((or (null? p)
- (side-effect? (car p) env)
- (memq (car q) (cdr q)))
- (null? p))))
- 'let 'let*)))
- ;; (letrec ((f1 (lambda (a) a))) 32)
- (lint-format "~A could be ~A: ~A" caller
- head letx
- (truncated-list->string form))))))
- (when (and (null? (cdr vars))
- (pair? (cddr form))
- (pair? (caddr form))
- (null? (cdddr form)))
- (let ((body (caddr form))
- (sym (var-name (car vars)))
- (lform (cadar (cadr form)))) ; the letrec var's lambda
- (when (and (pair? lform)
- (pair? (cdr lform))
- (eq? (car lform) 'lambda)
- (proper-list? (cadr lform))) ; includes ()
- (if (eq? sym (car body)) ; (letrec ((x (lambda ...))) (x...)) -> (let x (...)...)
- (if (and (not (tree-memq sym (cdr body)))
- (< (tree-leaves body) 100))
- ;; the limit on tree-leaves is for cases where the args are long lists of data --
- ;; more like for-each than let, and easier to read if the code is first, I think.
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string
- form `(let ,sym
- ,(map list (cadr lform) (cdr body))
- ,@(cddr lform)))))
- (if (and (not (eq? caller 'define))
- (= (tree-count1 sym body 0) 1))
- (let ((call (find-call sym body)))
- (when (pair? call)
- (let ((new-call `(let ,sym
- ,(map list (cadr lform) (cdr call))
- ,@(cddr lform))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form (tree-subst new-call call body))))))))))))
- ;; maybe (let () ...) here because (letrec ((x (lambda (y) (+ y 1)))) (x (define z 32))) needs to block z?
- ;; currently we get (let x ((y (define z 32))) (+ y 1))
- ;; and even that should be (let () (define z 32) (+ z 1)) or something similar
- ;; lambda here is handled under define??
- (let ((new-env (append vars env)))
- (when (pair? (cadr form))
- (for-each (lambda (binding)
- (if (binding-ok? caller head binding env #t)
- (lint-walk caller (cadr binding) new-env)))
- (cadr form)))
- (let* ((cur-env (cons (make-var :name :let
- :initial-value form
- :definer head)
- (append vars env)))
- (e (lint-walk-body caller head (cddr form) cur-env)))
- (let ((nvars (and (not (eq? e cur-env))
- (env-difference caller e cur-env ()))))
- (when (pair? nvars)
- (if (memq (var-name (car nvars)) '(:lambda :dilambda))
- (begin
- (set! env (cons (car nvars) env))
- (set! nvars (cdr nvars)))
- (set! vars (append nvars vars)))))
- (report-usage caller head vars e))))) ; constant exprs never happen here
- env)
- (hash-table-set! h 'letrec letrec-walker)
- (hash-table-set! h 'letrec* letrec-walker))
- ;; ---------------- begin ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (begin-walker caller form env)
- (if (not (proper-list? form))
- (begin ; (begin . 1)
- (lint-format "stray dot in begin? ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- env)
- (begin
- (when (pair? (cdr form))
- (if (null? (cddr form)) ; (begin (f y))
- (lint-format "begin could be omitted: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- ;; these two are questionable -- simpler, but scope enlarged
- (when (and (pair? (cadr form))
- (pair? (cddr form))
- (null? (cdddr form)))
- (if (and (eq? (caadr form) 'do)
- (< (tree-leaves (caddr form)) 24) ; or maybe (< ... (min 24 (tree-leaves do-form)))?
- (not (tree-set-member (map car (cadadr form)) (caddr form))))
- ;; (begin (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 3)) (display i)) 32) -> (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 3) 32) (display i))
- ;; the do loop has to end normally to go on? That is, moving the following expr into the do end section is safe?
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((do-form (cdadr form)))
- (let ((do-test (and (pair? (cadr do-form))
- (caadr do-form)))
- (new-end (if (and (pair? (cadr do-form))
- (pair? (cdadr do-form)))
- (append (cdadr do-form) (cddr form))
- (cddr form))))
- `(do ,(car do-form)
- (,do-test ,@new-end)
- ,@(cddr do-form))))))
- (if (and (memq (caadr form) '(let let* letrec letrec*)) ; same for begin + let + expr -- not sure about this...
- (not (symbol? (cadadr form)))
- (< (tree-leaves (caddr form)) 24) ; or maybe (< ... (min 24 (tree-leaves do-form)))?
- (not (tree-set-member (map car (cadadr form)) (caddr form))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (let ((let-form (cadr form)))
- `(,(car let-form) ,(cadr let-form)
- ,@(if (< (tree-leaves (cddr let-form)) 60)
- (cddr let-form)
- (one-call-and-dots (cddr let-form)))
- ,(caddr form))))))))))
- (lint-walk-open-body caller 'begin (cdr form) env))))
- (hash-table-set! h 'begin begin-walker))
- ;; ---------------- with-baffle ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (with-baffle-walker caller form env)
- ;; with-baffle introduces a new frame, so we need to handle it here
- (lint-walk-body caller 'with-baffle (cdr form)
- (cons (make-var :name :let
- :initial-value form
- :definer 'with-baffle)
- env))
- env)
- (hash-table-set! h 'with-baffle with-baffle-walker))
- ;; -------- with-let --------
- (let ()
- (define (with-let-walker caller form env)
- (if (< (length form) 3)
- (lint-format "~A is messed up: ~A" 'with-let caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((e (cadr form)))
- (if (or (and (code-constant? e)
- (not (let? e)))
- (and (pair? e)
- (let ((op (return-type (car e) env)))
- (and op
- (not (return-type-ok? 'let? op)))))) ; (with-let 123 123)
- (lint-format "~A: first argument should be an environment: ~A" 'with-let caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (if (symbol? e)
- (set-ref e caller form env)
- (if (pair? e)
- (begin
- (if (and (null? (cdr e))
- (eq? (car e) 'curlet)) ; (with-let (curlet) x)
- (lint-format "~A is not needed here: ~A" 'with-let caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (lint-walk caller e (cons (make-var :name :let
- :initial-value form
- :definer 'with-let)
- env)))))
- (let ((walked #f)
- (new-env (cons (make-var :name :with-let :initial-value form :definer 'with-let) env)))
- (if (or (and (symbol? e)
- (memq e '(*gtk* *motif* *gl* *libc* *libm* *libgdbm* *libgsl*)))
- (and (pair? e)
- (eq? (car e) 'sublet)
- (pair? (cdr e))
- (memq (cadr e) '(*gtk* *motif* *gl* *libc* *libm* *libgdbm* *libgsl*))
- (set! e (cadr e))))
- (let ((lib (if (defined? e)
- (symbol->value e)
- (let ((file (*autoload* e)))
- (and (string? file)
- (load file))))))
- (when (let? lib)
- (let-temporarily ((*e* lib))
- (let ((e (lint-walk-open-body caller 'with-let (cddr form) new-env)))
- (report-usage caller 'with-let
- (if (eq? e env)
- ()
- (env-difference caller e env ()))
- new-env)))
- (set! walked #t))))
- (unless walked
- (lint-walk-open-body caller 'with-let (cddr form) new-env)))))
- env)
- (hash-table-set! h 'with-let with-let-walker))
- ;; ---------------- defmacro ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (defmacro-walker caller form env)
- (if (or (< (length form) 4)
- (not (symbol? (cadr form))))
- (begin
- (lint-format "~A declaration is messed up: ~A" caller (car form) (truncated-list->string form))
- env)
- (let ((sym (cadr form))
- (args (caddr form))
- (body (cdddr form))
- (head (car form)))
- (if (and (pair? args)
- (repeated-member? args env)) ; (defmacro hi (a b a) a)
- (lint-format "~A parameter is repeated: ~A" caller head (truncated-list->string args))
- (lint-format "~A is deprecated; perhaps ~A" caller head ; (defmacro hi (a b) `(+ ,a ,b))
- (truncated-lists->string form
- `(,(if (eq? head 'defmacro) 'define-macro 'define-macro*)
- ,(cons sym args)
- ,@body))))
- (lint-walk-function head sym args body form env)
- (cons (make-var :name sym :initial-value form :definer head) env))))
- (hash-table-set! h 'defmacro defmacro-walker)
- (hash-table-set! h 'defmacro* defmacro-walker))
- ;; ---------------- load ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (load-walker caller form env)
- (check-call caller 'load form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (equal? (cadr form) ""))
- (lint-format "load needs a real file name, not the empty string: ~A" caller form))
- (lint-walk caller (cdr form) env)
- (if (and *report-loaded-files*
- (string? (cadr form)))
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (lint-file (cadr form) env))
- (lambda args
- env))
- env))
- (hash-table-set! h 'load load-walker))
- ;; ---------------- require ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (require-walker caller form env)
- (if (not (pair? (cdr form))) ; (require)
- (lint-format "~A is pointless" caller form)
- (if (any? string? (cdr form)) ; (require "repl.scm")
- (lint-format "in s7, require's arguments should be symbols: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))))
- (if (not *report-loaded-files*)
- env
- (let ((vars env))
- (for-each
- (lambda (f)
- (let ((file (*autoload* f)))
- (if (string? file)
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (set! vars (lint-file file vars)))
- (lambda args
- #f)))))
- (cdr form))
- vars)))
- (hash-table-set! h 'require require-walker))
- ;; ---------------- call-with-input-file etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (call-with-io-walker caller form env)
- (let ((len (if (eq? (car form) 'call-with-output-string) 2 3))) ; call-with-output-string func is the first arg, not second
- (when (= (length form) len)
- (let ((func (list-ref form (- len 1))))
- (if (= len 3)
- (lint-walk caller (cadr form) env))
- (if (not (and (pair? func)
- (eq? (car func) 'lambda)))
- (let ((f (and (symbol? func)
- (symbol->value func *e*))))
- (if (and (procedure? f)
- (not (aritable? f 1)))
- (lint-format "~A argument should be a function of one argument: ~A" caller (car form) func))
- (lint-walk caller func env))
- (let ((args (cadr func)))
- (let ((body (cddr func))
- (port (and (pair? args) (car args)))
- (head (car form)))
- (if (or (not port)
- (pair? (cdr args)))
- ;; (lambda () (write args) (newline))
- (lint-format "~A argument should be a function of one argument: ~A" caller head func)
- (if (and (null? (cdr body))
- (pair? (car body))
- (pair? (cdar body))
- (eq? (cadar body) port)
- (null? (cddar body)))
- ;; (call-with-input-file "file" (lambda (p) (read-char p))) -> (call-with-input-file "file" read-char)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if (= len 2)
- `(,head ,(caar body))
- `(,head ,(cadr form) ,(caar body)))))
- (let ((cc (make-var :name port
- :initial-value (list (case head
- ((call-with-input-string) 'open-input-string)
- ((call-with-output-string) 'open-output-string)
- ((call-with-input-file) 'open-input-file)
- ((call-with-output-file) 'open-output-file)))
- :definer head)))
- (lint-walk-body caller head body (cons cc
- (cons (make-var :name :let
- :initial-value form
- :definer head)
- env)))
- (report-usage caller head (list cc) env))))))))))
- env)
- (for-each (lambda (op)
- (hash-table-set! h op call-with-io-walker))
- '(call-with-input-string call-with-input-file call-with-output-file call-with-output-string)))
- ;; ---------------- catch ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (catch-walker caller form env)
- ;; catch tag is tricky -- it is evaluated, then eq? matches at error time, so we need
- ;; to catch constants that can't be eq?
- (if (not (= (length form) 4))
- (begin
- (lint-format "catch takes 3 arguments (tag body error-handler): ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (lint-walk caller (cdr form) env))
- (let ((tag (cadr form)))
- (if (or (and (not (pair? tag))
- (or (number? tag) (char? tag) (length tag)))
- (and (pair? tag)
- (eq? (car tag) 'quote)
- (or (not (pair? (cdr tag)))
- (length (cadr tag)))))
- ;; (catch #(0) (lambda () #f) (lambda a a))
- (lint-format "catch tag ~S is unreliable (catch uses eq? to match tags)" caller tag))
- (let ((body (caddr form))
- (error-handler (cadddr form)))
- ;; empty catch+catch apparently never happens
- (lint-walk caller body (cons (make-var :name :let
- :initial-value form
- :definer 'catch)
- (cons (make-var :name :catch
- :initial-value form
- :definer 'catch)
- env)))
- (lint-walk caller error-handler env))))
- env)
- (hash-table-set! h 'catch catch-walker))
- ;; ---------------- call-with-exit etc ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (call-with-exit-walker caller form env)
- (let ((continuation (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) 'lambda)
- (pair? (cdadr form))
- (pair? (cddadr form))
- (pair? (cadadr form))
- (car (cadadr form)))))
- (if (not (symbol? continuation))
- (lint-walk caller (cdr form) env)
- (let ((body (cddadr form))
- (head (car form)))
- (if (not (or (eq? head 'call-with-exit)
- (eq? continuation (car body))
- (tree-sym-set-member continuation '(lambda lambda* define define* curlet error apply) body)))
- ;; this checks for continuation as arg (of anything), and any of set as car
- ;; (call/cc (lambda (p) (+ x (p 1))))
- (lint-format* caller
- (string-append "perhaps " (symbol->string head))
- " could be call-with-exit: "
- (truncated-list->string form)))
- (if (not (tree-unquoted-member continuation body))
- ;; (call-with-exit (lambda (p) (+ x 1)))
- (lint-format "~A ~A ~A appears to be unused: ~A" caller head
- (if (eq? head 'call-with-exit) "exit function" "continuation")
- continuation
- (truncated-list->string form))
- (let ((last (and (proper-list? body)
- (list-ref body (- (length body) 1)))))
- (if (and (pair? last)
- (eq? (car last) continuation))
- ;; (call-with-exit (lambda (return) (display x) (return (+ x y))))
- (lint-format "~A is redundant here: ~A" caller continuation (truncated-list->string last)))))
- (let ((cc (make-var :name continuation
- :initial-value (if (eq? head 'call-with-exit) :call/exit :call/cc)
- :definer head)))
- (lint-walk-body caller head body (cons cc env))
- (report-usage caller head (list cc) env)))))
- env)
- (for-each (lambda (op)
- (hash-table-set! h op call-with-exit-walker))
- '(call/cc call-with-current-continuation call-with-exit)))
- ;; ---------------- import etc ----------------
- (for-each (lambda (op)
- (hash-table-set! h op (lambda (caller form env) env)))
- '(define-module import export))
- (hash-table-set!
- h 'provide
- (lambda (caller form env)
- (if (not (= (length form) 2))
- ;; (provide a b c)
- (lint-format "provide takes one argument: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form))
- (unless (symbol? (cadr form))
- (let ((op (->lint-type (cadr form))))
- (if (not (memq op '(symbol? #f #t values)))
- ;; (provide "test")
- (lint-format "provide's argument should be a symbol: ~S" caller form)))))
- env))
- (hash-table-set!
- h 'module ; module apparently has different syntax and expectations in various schemes
- (lambda (caller form env)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cddr form)))
- (lint-walk 'module (cddr form) env))
- env))
- (hash-table-set!
- h 'define-syntax
- (lambda (caller form env)
- ;; we need to put the macro name in env with ftype=define-syntax
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (symbol? (cadr form))
- (not (keyword? (cadr form)))) ; !! this thing is a disaster from the very start
- (cons (make-fvar (cadr form) :ftype 'define-syntax) env)
- env)))
- (hash-table-set!
- h 'define-method ; guile and mit-scheme have different syntaxes here
- (lambda (caller form env)
- (if (not (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cddr form))))
- env
- (if (symbol? (cadr form))
- (if (keyword? (cadr form))
- (lint-walk-body caller 'define-method (cdddr form) env)
- (let ((new-env (if (var-member (cadr form) env)
- env
- (cons (make-fvar (cadr form) :ftype 'define-method) env))))
- (lint-walk-body caller (cadr form) (cdddr form) new-env)))
- (let ((new-env (if (var-member (caadr form) env)
- env
- (cons (make-fvar (caadr form) :ftype 'define-method) env))))
- (lint-walk-body caller (caadr form) (cddr form) new-env))))))
- (hash-table-set! h 'let-syntax (lambda (caller form env)
- (lint-walk-body caller 'define-method (cddr form) env)
- env))
- (hash-table-set! h 'letrec-syntax (lambda (caller form env)
- (lint-walk-body caller 'define-method (cddr form) env)
- env))
- ;; ---------------- case-lambda ----------------
- (let ()
- (define (case-lambda-walker caller form env)
- (when (pair? (cdr form))
- (let ((lens ())
- (body ((if (string? (cadr form)) cddr cdr) form)) ; might have a doc string before the clauses
- (doc-string (and (string? (cadr form)) (cadr form))))
- (define (arg->defaults arg b1 b2 defaults)
- (and defaults
- (cond ((null? b1) (and (null? b2) defaults))
- ((null? b2) (and (null? b1) defaults))
- ((eq? arg b1) (cons b2 defaults))
- ((eq? arg b2) (cons b1 defaults))
- ((pair? b1)
- (and (pair? b2)
- (arg->defaults arg (car b1) (car b2) (arg->defaults arg (cdr b1) (cdr b2) defaults))))
- (else (and (equal? b1 b2) defaults)))))
- (for-each
- (lambda (choice)
- (if (pair? choice)
- (let ((len (length (car choice))))
- (if (member len lens)
- ;; (case-lambda (() 0) ((x y) x) ((x y) (+ x y)) ((x y z) (+ x y z)) (args (apply + args))
- (lint-format "repeated parameter list? ~A in ~A" caller (car choice) form))
- (set! lens (cons len lens))
- (lint-walk 'case-lambda (cons 'lambda choice) env))))
- body)
- (case (length lens)
- ((1)
- ;; (case-lambda (() (if #f #f))) -> (lambda () (if #f #f))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if doc-string
- `(let ((documentation ,doc-string))
- (lambda ,(caar body) ,@(cdar body)))
- `(lambda ,(caar body) ,@(cdar body))))))
- ((2)
- (when (let arglists-equal? ((args1 (caar body))
- (args2 (caadr body)))
- (if (null? args1)
- (and (pair? args2) (null? (cdr args2)))
- (and (pair? args1)
- (if (null? args2)
- (null? (cdr args1))
- (and (pair? args2)
- (eq? (car args1) (car args2))
- (arglists-equal? (cdr args1) (cdr args2)))))))
- (let* ((clause1 (car body))
- (body1 (cdr clause1))
- (clause2 (cadr body))
- (body2 (cdr clause2))
- (arglist (let ((arg1 (car clause1))
- (arg2 (car clause2)))
- (if (> (car lens) (cadr lens)) arg2 arg1))) ; lens is reversed
- (arg-name (list-ref arglist (- (length arglist) 1)))
- (diffs (arg->defaults arg-name body1 body2 ())))
- (when (and (pair? diffs)
- (null? (cdr diffs))
- (code-constant? (car diffs)))
- (let ((new-body (if (> (car lens) (cadr lens)) body2 body1))
- (new-arglist (if (not (car diffs))
- arglist
- (if (null? (cdr arglist))
- `((,arg-name ,(car diffs)))
- `(,(car arglist) (,arg-name ,(car diffs)))))))
- ;; (case-lambda (() (display x #f)) ((y) (display x y))) -> (lambda* (y) (display x y))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (if doc-string
- `(let ((documentation ,doc-string))
- (lambda* ,new-arglist ,@new-body))
- `(lambda* ,new-arglist ,@new-body))))))))))))
- env)
- (hash-table-set! h 'case-lambda case-lambda-walker))
- h))
- ;; end walker-functions
- ;; ----------------------------------------
- (define (hash-fragment reduced-form leaves env func orig-form)
- ;; func here is either #f or an env-style entry (cons name let) as produced by make-fvar,
- ;; the let entries accessed are initial-value, history, arglist
- (let ((old (hash-table-ref (fragments leaves) reduced-form))
- (line (pair-line-number orig-form)))
- ;(if func (format *stderr* "hash-fragment ~A ~A~%~%" (var-name func) reduced-form))
- (if (not (vector? old))
- (hash-table-set! (fragments leaves) reduced-form (vector 1 (list line) (and func (list func)) orig-form #f))
- ;; key = reduced-form
- ;; value = #(list uses line-numbers fvar original-form)
- (begin
- (vector-set! old 0 (+ (vector-ref old 0) 1))
- (vector-set! old 1 (cons (pair-line-number orig-form) (vector-ref old 1)))
- (when func
- (if (not (vector-ref old 2))
- (vector-set! old 2 (list func))
- (let ((caller (if (keyword? (var-name func)) 'define (var-name func))))
- (let search ((vs (vector-ref old 2)))
- (when (pair? vs)
- (let ((v (car vs)))
- (cond ((not (eqv? (length (var-arglist v)) (length (var-arglist func))))
- (search (cdr vs)))
- ((eq? (var-history v) :built-in)
- (lint-format "~A is the same as the built-in ~A ~A" caller
- (var-name func)
- (if (eq? (car (var-initial-value v)) 'define-macro) 'macro 'function)
- (var-name v)))
- ((not (var-member (var-name v) env))
- (lint-format "~A is the same as ~A" caller
- (var-name func)
- (if (< 0 (pair-line-number (var-initial-value v)) 100000)
- (format #f "~A (line ~D)" (var-name v) (pair-line-number (var-initial-value v)))
- (if (eq? (var-name func) (var-name v))
- (format #f "previous ~A" (var-name v))
- (var-name v)))))
- ((eq? (var-name v) (var-name func))
- (lint-format "~A definition repeated: ~A" caller
- (var-name func) (truncated-list->string (var-initial-value func))))
- (else
- (lint-format "~A could be (define ~A ~A)" caller
- (var-name func) (var-name func) (var-name v)))))))
- (vector-set! old 2 (cons func (vector-ref old 2))))))))))
- (define (reduce-tree new-form env fvar orig-form)
- ;(format *stderr* "reduce-tree: ~A ~A~%" new-form (and fvar (var-name fvar)))
- (let ((leaves (tree-leaves new-form)))
- (when (< 5 leaves *fragments-size*)
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (quit)
- (let ((outer-vars (if fvar
- (do ((e (list (list (var-name fvar) (symbol "_F_") 0 ())))
- (i 1 (+ i 1))
- (args (args->proper-list (var-arglist fvar)) (cdr args)))
- ((null? args) e)
- (set! e (cons (list (car args) (symbol "_" (number->string i) "_") i ()) e)))
- (list (list () '_1_) (list () '_2_) (list () '_3_))))
- (local-ctr 0))
- (let ((reduced-form
- (let walker ((tree new-form) (vars outer-vars))
- ;(format *stderr* "walker: ~A, vars: ~A~%" tree vars)
- (cond ((or (not (symbol? tree))
- (keyword? tree))
- (if (or (not (pair? tree))
- (eq? (car tree) 'quote))
- tree
- (case (car tree)
- ((let let*)
- ;; in let we need to sort locals by order of appearance in the body
- (if (not (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree))))
- (quit))
- (let ((locals ())
- (body ())
- (named-let (symbol? (cadr tree)))
- (lvars ()))
- (if named-let
- (begin
- (set! lvars (cons (list (cadr tree) (symbol "_NL" (number->string local-ctr) "_") -1) lvars))
- (set! local-ctr (+ local-ctr 1))
- (set! locals (caddr tree))
- (set! body (cdddr tree)))
- (begin
- (set! locals (cadr tree))
- (set! body (cddr tree))))
- (if (not (list? locals)) (quit))
- (if (eq? (car tree) 'let)
- (for-each (lambda (local)
- (if (not (and (pair? local) (pair? (cdr local)))) (quit))
- (set! lvars (cons (list (car local) () 0 (walker (cadr local) vars)) lvars)))
- locals)
- (for-each (lambda (local)
- (if (not (and (pair? local) (pair? (cdr local)))) (quit))
- (set! lvars (cons (list (car local)
- (symbol "_L" (number->string local-ctr) "_")
- local-ctr
- (walker (cadr local) (append lvars vars)))
- lvars))
- (set! local-ctr (+ local-ctr 1)))
- locals))
- ;; now walk the body, setting the reduced local name by order of encounter (in let, not let*)
- (let ((new-body (walker body (append lvars vars))))
- (when (and (eq? (car tree) 'let)
- ;; fill-in unused-var dummy names etc
- (pair? lvars))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (when (null? (cadr v))
- (list-set! v 1 (symbol "_L" (number->string local-ctr) "_"))
- (list-set! v 2 local-ctr)
- (set! local-ctr (+ local-ctr 1))))
- lvars))
- (set! lvars (sort! lvars (lambda (a b) (< (caddr a) (caddr b)))))
- (if named-let
- `(,(car tree) ,(cadr (assq (cadr tree) lvars))
- ,(map (lambda (v) (list (cadr v) (cadddr v))) (cdr lvars))
- ,@new-body)
- `(,(car tree) ,(map (lambda (v) (list (cadr v) (cadddr v))) lvars)
- ,@new-body)))))
- ((letrec letrec*)
- (if (not (pair? (cdr tree))) (quit))
- (let ((locals (cadr tree))
- (body (cddr tree))
- (lvars ()))
- (if (not (and (list? locals) (pair? body))) (quit))
- (for-each (lambda (local)
- (if (not (and (pair? local)
- (pair? (cdr local))))
- (quit))
- (set! lvars (cons (list (car local)
- (symbol "_L" (number->string local-ctr) "_")
- local-ctr ())
- lvars))
- (set! local-ctr (+ local-ctr 1)))
- locals)
- (for-each (lambda (local lv)
- (list-set! lv 3 (walker (cadr local) lvars)))
- locals lvars)
- `(,(car tree)
- ,(map (lambda (v) (list (cadr v) (cadddr v))) lvars)
- ,@(walker body (append lvars vars)))))
- ((do)
- (if (not (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (list? (cadr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree))
- (list? (cdddr tree))))
- (quit))
- (let ((locals (cadr tree))
- (end+result (caddr tree))
- (body (cdddr tree))
- (lvars ()))
- (if (not (list? end+result)) (quit))
- (for-each (lambda (local)
- (if (not (and (pair? local)
- (pair? (cdr local))))
- (quit))
- (set! lvars (cons (list (car local)
- () 0
- (walker (cadr local) vars)
- (if (pair? (cddr local))
- (caddr local)
- :unset))
- lvars)))
- locals)
- (let ((new-env (append lvars vars)))
- (let ((new-end (walker end+result new-env))
- (new-body (walker body new-env)))
- (when (pair? lvars)
- (for-each (lambda (lv)
- (if (not (eq? (lv 4) :unset))
- (list-set! lv 4 (walker (lv 4) new-env))))
- lvars)
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (when (null? (cadr v))
- (list-set! v 1 (symbol "_L" (number->string local-ctr) "_"))
- (list-set! v 2 local-ctr)
- (set! local-ctr (+ local-ctr 1))))
- lvars)
- (set! lvars (sort! lvars (lambda (a b) (< (caddr a) (caddr b))))))
- `(do ,(map (lambda (v)
- (if (eq? (v 4) :unset)
- (list (v 1) (v 3))
- (list (v 1) (v 3) (v 4))))
- lvars)
- ,new-end
- ,@new-body)))))
- ((lambda)
- (if (not (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (proper-list? (cddr tree))))
- (quit))
- (let* ((lvars (map (lambda (a)
- (let ((res (list a (symbol "_A" (number->string local-ctr) "_") local-ctr)))
- (set! local-ctr (+ local-ctr 1))
- res))
- (let ((args (args->proper-list (cadr tree))))
- (if (pair? args) args (quit)))))
- (new-body (let ((new-vars (append lvars vars)))
- (map (lambda (p) (walker p new-vars)) (cddr tree))))
- (new-args (if (symbol? (cadr tree))
- (cadar lvars)
- (if (proper-list? (cadr tree))
- (map cadr lvars)
- (let ((lst (map cadr lvars)))
- (append (copy lst (make-list (- (length lst) 1)))
- (list-ref lst (- (length lst) 1))))))))
- `(lambda ,new-args ,@new-body)))
- ((lambda*)
- (if (not (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (or (symbol? (cadr tree))
- (proper-list? (cadr tree)))))
- (quit))
- (let* ((lvars (map (lambda (a)
- (if (memq a '(:rest :allow-other-keys))
- (values)
- (let ((res (list (if (pair? a) (car a) a)
- (symbol "_A" (number->string local-ctr) "_") local-ctr)))
- (set! local-ctr (+ local-ctr 1))
- res)))
- (args->proper-list (cadr tree))))
- (new-body (let ((new-vars (append lvars vars)))
- (map (lambda (p) (walker p new-vars)) (cddr tree))))
- (new-args (if (symbol? (cadr tree))
- (cadar lvars)
- (map (lambda (a)
- (cond ((keyword? a) a)
- ((symbol? a) (cadr (assq a lvars)))
- ((and (pair? a)
- (pair? (cdr a)))
- (list (assq a lvars) (cadr a)))
- (else (quit))))
- (cadr tree)))))
- `(lambda* ,new-args ,@new-body)))
- ((case)
- (if (not (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree))
- (pair? (caddr tree))))
- (quit))
- `(case ,(walker (cadr tree) vars)
- ,(map (lambda (c)
- (if (not (and (pair? c)
- (pair? (cdr c))))
- (quit))
- (cons (car c)
- (map (lambda (p) (walker p vars)) (cdr c))))
- (cddr tree))))
- ((if)
- (if (not (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree))
- (list? (cdddr tree))))
- (quit))
- (let ((expr (walker (cadr tree) vars))
- (true (walker (caddr tree) vars)))
- (if (null? (cdddr tree))
- (if (and (pair? expr)
- (eq? (car expr) 'not))
- `(unless ,(cadr expr) ,@(unbegin true))
- `(when ,expr ,@(unbegin true)))
- `(if ,expr ,true ,(walker (cadddr tree) vars)))))
- ((when unless)
- (if (not (and (pair? (cdr tree))
- (pair? (cddr tree))))
- (quit))
- `(,(car tree) ,(walker (cadr tree) vars)
- ,@(map (lambda (p) (walker p vars)) (cddr tree))))
- ((set!)
- (if (not (and (pair? (cdr tree)) (pair? (cddr tree)))) (quit))
- (if (symbol? (cadr tree))
- (let ((v (assq (cadr tree) vars)))
- (if (or (not v) ; if not a var, it's about to be an outer-var
- (and (not fvar)
- (memq (cadr v) '(_1_ _2_ _3_))))
- (quit))
- (when (null? (cadr v)) ; must be a previously unencountered local
- (list-set! v 1 (symbol "_L" (number->string local-ctr) "_"))
- (list-set! v 2 local-ctr)
- (set! local-ctr (+ local-ctr 1)))
- `(set! ,(cadr v) ,(walker (caddr tree) vars)))
- `(set! ,(walker (cadr tree) vars) ,(walker (caddr tree) vars))))
- ((define define*
- ;; these propagate backwards and we're not returning the new env in this loop,
- ;; lvars can be null, so splicing a new local into vars is a mess,
- ;; but if the defined name is not reduced, it can occur later as itself (not via car),
- ;; so without lots of effort (a dummy var if null lvars, etc), we can only handle
- ;; functions within a function (fvar not #f).
- ;; but adding that possibility got no hits
- define-constant define-macro define-macro*
- define-syntax let-syntax letrec-syntax match syntax-rules case-lambda
- require import module cond-expand quasiquote reader-cond while unquote
- call-with-values let-values define-values let*-values multiple-value-bind)
- (quit))
- (else
- (cons (cond ((pair? (car tree))
- (walker (car tree) vars))
- ((assq (car tree) vars) =>
- (lambda (v) (if (symbol? (cadr v)) (cadr v) (car tree))))
- (else (car tree)))
- (if (pair? (cdr tree))
- (map (lambda (p)
- (walker p vars))
- (cdr tree))
- (cdr tree)))))))
- ((assq tree vars) => ; replace in-tree symbol with its reduction
- (lambda (v)
- ;; v is a list: local-name possible-reduced-name [counter value]
- (when (null? (cadr v))
- (list-set! v 1 (symbol "_L" (number->string local-ctr) "_"))
- (list-set! v 2 local-ctr)
- (set! local-ctr (+ local-ctr 1)))
- (cadr v)))
- (else
- (if fvar (quit))
- (let set-outer ((ovars outer-vars))
- (if (null? ovars)
- (quit)
- (if (null? (caar ovars))
- (begin
- (set-car! (car ovars) tree)
- (cadar ovars))
- (set-outer (cdr ovars))))))))))
- ;; if->when, for example, so tree length might change
- (set! leaves (tree-leaves reduced-form))
- (hash-fragment reduced-form leaves env fvar orig-form)
- (if (and (memq (car reduced-form) '(or and))
- (> (length reduced-form) 3))
- (do ((i (- (length reduced-form) 1) (- i 1))
- (rfsize leaves))
- ((or (= i 2)
- (< rfsize 6)))
- (let ((rf (copy reduced-form (make-list i))))
- (set! rfsize (tree-leaves rf))
- (when (> rfsize 5)
- (hash-fragment rf rfsize env #f orig-form)))))
- (when fvar (quit))
- ;; TODO: also below and clean this up!
- (unless (and (pair? lint-function-body)
- (equal? new-form (car lint-function-body)))
- (let ((fvars (let ((fcase (hash-table-ref (fragments leaves) (list reduced-form))))
- (and (vector? fcase)
- (vector-ref fcase 2)))))
- (when (pair? fvars)
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (ok)
- (for-each (lambda (fv)
- (when (var-member (var-name fv) env)
- (format outport "~NCperhaps ~A -> (~A~{ ~A~})~%" lint-left-margin #\space
- (truncated-list->string new-form)
- (var-name fv)
- (map (lambda (a)
- (if (null? (car a))
- (values)
- (car a)))
- outer-vars))
- (ok)))
- fvars)
- (format outport "~NCif '~A were in scope, perhaps ~A -> (~A~{ ~A~})~%" lint-left-margin #\space
- (var-name (car fvars))
- (truncated-list->string new-form)
- (var-name (car fvars))
- (map (lambda (a)
- (if (null? (car a))
- (values)
- (car a)))
- outer-vars)))))))
- ;; now look for (f _1_) -> _1_ possibilities
- ;; every reference to _1_ has to be via (f _1_), and f must have no side-effects
- ;; so first rescan the form, gathering info about each _n_ var
- (let* ((rnames (map (lambda (v)
- (if (symbol? (car v))
- (cadr v)
- (values)))
- outer-vars))
- (rvars (map (lambda (v)
- (vector v 0 ()))
- rnames)))
- (when (and (pair? reduced-form)
- (not (eq? (car reduced-form) 'quote)))
- (let walker ((tree reduced-form))
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (if (pair? p)
- (if (not (eq? (car p) 'quote))
- (walker p))
- (if (and (symbol? p)
- (memq p rnames))
- (let search ((rv rvars))
- (let ((v (car rv)))
- (if (eq? (v 0) p)
- (begin
- (set! (v 1) (+ (v 1) 1))
- (set! (v 2) (cons tree (v 2))))
- (search (cdr rv))))))))
- tree)))
- (let ((reducibles ()))
- (for-each (lambda (v)
- (if (and (pair? (v 2))
- (pair? (car (v 2)))
- (pair? (cdar (v 2)))
- (null? (cddar (v 2)))
- (not (side-effect-with-vars? (car (v 2)) env rnames))
- (or (= (v 1) 1)
- (let ((first (car (v 2))))
- (not (member first (cdr (v 2))
- (lambda (a b)
- (not (equal? a b))))))))
- (set! reducibles (cons (car (v 2)) reducibles))))
- rvars)
- ;; reducibles is a list of _n_ vars that can be simplified one more level
- (when (pair? reducibles)
- (for-each (lambda (r)
- (let ((rf (let walker ((tree reduced-form))
- (if (or (not (pair? tree))
- (eq? (car tree) 'quote))
- tree
- (if (equal? tree r)
- (cadr tree)
- (cons (walker (car tree))
- (walker (cdr tree))))))))
- (set! leaves (tree-leaves rf))
- (when (> leaves 5)
- (hash-fragment rf leaves env fvar orig-form))))
- reducibles)
- ;; if more than one reducible, try all combinations
- (when (pair? (cdr reducibles))
- (let ((combo (if (null? (cddr reducibles))
- (list (list (reducibles 0) (reducibles 1)))
- (list (list (reducibles 0) (reducibles 1))
- (list (reducibles 0) (reducibles 2))
- (list (reducibles 1) (reducibles 2))
- (list (reducibles 0) (reducibles 1) (reducibles 2))))))
- (for-each (lambda (r)
- (let ((rf (let walker ((tree reduced-form))
- (if (or (not (pair? tree))
- (eq? (car tree) 'quote))
- tree
- (if (member tree r)
- (cadr tree)
- (cons (walker (car tree))
- (walker (cdr tree))))))))
- (set! leaves (tree-leaves rf))
- (when (> (tree-leaves rf) 5)
- (hash-fragment rf leaves env fvar orig-form))))
- combo)))))))))))))
- (define (lint-fragment form env)
- (if (memq (car form) '(or and))
- ;; or/and are special because leading and trailing cases are separable (like leading cases for bodies)
- (do ((i (length form) (- i 1))
- (p (cdr form) (cdr p)))
- ((<= i 2))
- (reduce-tree (cons (car form) p) env #f form))
- (reduce-tree form env #f form)))
- (define (reduce-function-tree fvar env)
- (let ((definition (cond ((var-initial-value fvar) => cddr) (else #f))))
- (when (pair? definition)
- (reduce-tree (if (and (string? (car definition))
- (pair? (cdr definition)))
- (cdr definition)
- definition)
- env
- (and (not (keyword? (var-name fvar)))
- fvar)
- (var-initial-value fvar)))))
- ;; ----------------------------------------
- (define lint-walk-pair
- (let ((unsafe-makers '(sublet inlet copy cons list append make-shared-vector vector hash-table hash-table*
- make-hash-table make-hook #_{list} #_{append} gentemp or and not))
- (qq-form #f))
- (lambda (caller form env)
- (let ((head (car form)))
- (set! line-number (pair-line-number form))
- (lint-fragment form env)
- (cond
- ((hash-table-ref walker-functions head)
- => (lambda (f)
- (f caller form env)))
- (else
- (if (not (proper-list? form))
- ;; these appear to be primarily macro/match arguments
- ;; other cases (not list) have already been dealt with far above
- (if (and (pair? form)
- (symbol? head)
- (procedure? (symbol->value head *e*)))
- ;; (+ . 1)
- (lint-format "unexpected dot: ~A" caller (truncated-list->string form)))
- (begin
- (cond ((symbol? head)
- (let ((v (var-member head env)))
- (if (and (var? v)
- (not (memq form (var-history v))))
- (set! (var-history v) (cons form (var-history v))))
- (check-call caller head form env)
- ;; look for one huge argument leaving lonely trailing arguments somewhere off the screen
- ;; (it needs to be one arg, not a call on values)
- (let ((branches (length form)))
- (when (and (= branches 2)
- (any-procedure? head env)
- (not (eq? head 'unquote)))
- (let ((arg (cadr form)))
- ;; begin=(car arg) happens very rarely
- (when (pair? arg)
- (when (and (memq (car arg) '(let let*))
- (not (or (symbol? (cadr arg))
- (and (pair? (cddr arg))
- (pair? (caddr arg))
- (eq? 'lambda (caaddr arg)))
- (assq head (cadr arg)))))
- ;; (string->symbol (let ((s (copy vstr))) (set! (s (+ pos 1)) #\s) s)) ->
- ;; (let ((s (copy vstr))) (set! (s (+ pos 1)) #\s) (string->symbol s))")
- (lint-format "perhaps~%~NC~A ->~%~NC~A" caller
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (truncated-list->string form)
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (let* ((body (cddr arg))
- (len (- (length body) 1))
- (str (object->string `(,(car arg) ,(cadr arg)
- ,@(copy body (make-list len))
- (,head ,(list-ref body len))))))
- (if (<= (length str) target-line-length)
- str
- (format #f "(~A ... (~A ~A))"
- (car arg) head
- (truncated-list->string (list-ref body len)))))))
- (when (eq? (car arg) 'or)
- (let ((else-clause (let ((last-clause (list-ref arg (- (length arg) 1))))
- (if (and (pair? last-clause)
- (memq (car last-clause) '(error throw)))
- last-clause
- (if (or (not (code-constant? last-clause))
- (side-effect? `(,head ,last-clause) env))
- :checked-eval-error
- (let ((res (checked-eval `(,head ,last-clause))))
- (if (or (and (symbol? res)
- (not (eq? res :checked-eval-error)))
- (pair? res))
- (list 'quote res)
- res)))))))
- (unless (eq? else-clause :checked-eval-error)
- (set! last-rewritten-internal-define form)
- ;; (string->number (or (f x) "4")) -> (cond ((f x) => string->number) (else 4))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(cond (,(if (or (null? (cddr arg))
- (null? (cdddr arg)))
- (cadr arg)
- (copy arg (make-list (- (length arg) 1))))
- => ,head)
- (else ,else-clause))))))))))
- (unless (or (<= branches 2)
- (any-macro? head env)
- (memq head '(for-each map #_{list} * + - /)))
- (let ((leaves (tree-leaves form)))
- (when (> leaves (max *report-bloated-arg* (* branches 3)))
- (do ((p (cdr form) (cdr p))
- (i 1 (+ i 1)))
- ((or (not (pair? p))
- (null? (cdr p))
- (and (pair? (car p))
- (symbol? (caar p))
- (not (memq (caar p) '(lambda quote call/cc list vector match-lambda values)))
- (> (tree-leaves (car p)) (- leaves (* branches 2)))
- (or (not (memq head '(or and)))
- (= i 1))
- (not (tree-member 'values (car p)))
- (let ((header (copy form (make-list i)))
- (trailer (copy form (make-list (- branches i 1)) (+ i 1)))
- (disclaimer (if (or (any-procedure? head env)
- (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions head))
- ""
- (format #f ", assuming ~A is not a macro," head))))
- ;; begin=(caar p) here is almost entirely as macro arg
- ;; (apply env-channel (make-env ...) args) -> (let ((_1_ (make-env ...))) (apply env-channel _1_ args))
- (lint-format "perhaps~A~%~NC~A ->~%~NC~A" caller
- disclaimer
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (lint-pp `(,@header ,(one-call-and-dots (car p)) ,@trailer))
- (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space
- (if (and (memq (caar p) '(let let*))
- (list? (cadar p))
- (not (assq head (cadar p)))) ; actually not intersection header+trailer (map car cadr)
- (let ((last (let ((body (cddar p)))
- (list-ref body (- (length body) 1)))))
- (if (< (tree-leaves last) 12)
- (format #f "(~A ... ~A)"
- (caar p)
- (lint-pp `(,@header ,last ,@trailer)))
- (lint-pp `(let ((_1_ ,(one-call-and-dots (car p))))
- (,@header _1_ ,@trailer)))))
- (lint-pp `(let ((_1_ ,(one-call-and-dots (car p))))
- (,@header _1_ ,@trailer)))))
- #t)))))))))
- (when (pair? form)
- ;; save any references to vars in their var-history (type checked later)
- ;; this can be fooled by macros, as everywhere else
- (for-each (lambda (arg)
- (if (symbol? arg)
- (let ((v (var-member arg env)))
- (if (and (var? v)
- (not (memq form (var-history v))))
- (set! (var-history v) (cons form (var-history v)))))))
- form)
- (if (set!? form env)
- (set-set (cadr form) caller form env)))
- (if (var? v)
- (if (and (memq (var-ftype v) '(define lambda define* lambda*))
- (not (memq caller (var-scope v))))
- (let ((cv (var-member caller env)))
- (set! (var-scope v)
- (cons (if (and (var? cv)
- (memq (var-ftype cv) '(define lambda define* lambda*))) ; named-let does not define ftype
- caller
- (cons caller env))
- (var-scope v)))))
- (begin
- (cond ((hash-table-ref special-case-functions head)
- => (lambda (f)
- (f caller head form env))))
- ;; change (list ...) to '(....) if it's safe as a constant list
- ;; and (vector ...) -> #(...)
- (if (and (pair? (cdr form))
- (hash-table-ref no-side-effect-functions head)
- (not (memq head unsafe-makers)))
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (if (let constable? ((cp p))
- (and (pair? cp)
- (memq (car cp) '(list vector))
- (pair? (cdr cp))
- (every? (lambda (inp)
- (or (code-constant? inp)
- (constable? inp)))
- (cdr cp))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A -> ~A~A" caller
- (truncated-list->string p)
- (if (eq? (car p) 'list) "'" "")
- (object->string (eval p)))))
- (cdr form)))
- (if (and (not (= line-number last-simplify-numeric-line-number))
- (hash-table-ref numeric-ops head)
- (proper-tree? form))
- (let ((val (simplify-numerics form env)))
- (if (not (equal-ignoring-constants? form val))
- (begin
- (set! last-simplify-numeric-line-number line-number)
- ;; (+ 1 2) -> 3, and many others
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (lists->string form val))))))
- ;; if a var is used before it is defined, the var history and ref/set
- ;; info needs to be saved until the definition, so other-identifiers collects it
- (unless (defined? head (rootlet))
- (hash-table-set! other-identifiers head
- (if (not (hash-table-ref other-identifiers head))
- (list form)
- (cons form (hash-table-ref other-identifiers head)))))))
- ;; ----------------
- ;; (f ... (if A B C) (if A D E) ...) -> (f ... (if A (values B D) (values C E)) ...)
- ;; these happen up to almost any number of clauses
- ;; need true+false in every case, and need to be contiguous
- ;; case/cond happen here, but very rarely in a way we can combine via values
- (unless (any-macro? head env) ; actually most macros are safe here...
- (let ((p (member 'if (cdr form) (lambda (x q)
- (and (pair? q)
- (eq? (car q) 'if) ; it's an if expression
- (pair? (cdr q))
- (pair? (cddr q)) ; there's a true branch
- (pair? (cdddr q))))))) ; and a false branch (similarly below)
- (when (pair? p)
- (do ((test (cadar p))
- (q (cdr p) (cdr q)))
- ((not (and (pair? q)
- (let ((x (car q)))
- (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'if)
- (pair? (cdr x))
- (equal? (cadr x) test)
- (pair? (cddr x))
- (pair? (cdddr x))))))
- (unless (eq? q (cdr p))
- (let ((header (do ((i 1 (+ i 1))
- (r (cdr form) (cdr r)))
- ((eq? r p)
- (copy form (make-list i)))))
- (middle (do ((r p (cdr r))
- (trues ())
- (falses ()))
- ((eq? r q)
- `(if ,test
- (values ,@(reverse trues))
- (values ,@(reverse falses))))
- (set! trues (cons (caddar r) trues))
- (set! falses (cons (car (cdddar r)) falses)))))
- ;; (+ (if A B C) (if A C D) y) -> (+ (if A (values B C) (values C D)) y)
- (lint-format "perhaps~A ~A" caller
- (if (side-effect? test env)
- (format #f " (ignoring ~S's possible side-effects)" test)
- "")
- (lists->string form `(,@header ,middle ,@q))))))))))))
- ((pair? head)
- (cond ((not (and (pair? (cdr head))
- (memq (car head) '(lambda lambda*)))))
- ((and (identity? head)
- (pair? (cdr form))) ; identity needs an argument
- ;; ((lambda (x) x) 32) -> 32
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller (truncated-lists->string form (cadr form))))
- ((and (symbol? (cadr head)) ; ((lambda x x) 1 2 3) -> (list 1 2 3)
- (pair? (cddr head))
- (eq? (cadr head) (caddr head))
- (null? (cdddr head)))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(list ,@(cdr form)))))
- ((and (null? (cadr head))
- (pair? (cddr head)))
- ;; ((lambda () 32) 0) -> 32
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (truncated-lists->string
- form
- (if (and (null? (cdddr head))
- (not (and (pair? (caddr head))
- (memq (caaddr head) '(define define* define-constant define-macro define-macro*)))))
- (caddr head)
- `(let () ,@(cddr head))))))
- ((and (pair? (cddr head)) ; ((lambda (...) ...) ...) -> (let ...) -- lambda here is ugly and slow
- (proper-list? (cddr head))
- (not (any? (lambda (a) (mv-range a env)) (cdr form))))
- (call-with-exit
- (lambda (quit) ; uncountably many things can go wrong with the lambda form
- (let ((vars ())
- (vals ()))
- (do ((v (cadr head) (cdr v))
- (a (cdr form) (cdr a)))
- ((not (and (pair? a)
- (pair? v)))
- (if (symbol? v)
- (begin
- (set! vars (cons v vars))
- (set! vals (cons `(list ,@a) vals)))
- (do ((v v (cdr v)))
- ((not (pair? v)))
- (if (not (pair? v))
- (quit))
- (if (pair? (car v))
- (begin
- (if (not (pair? (cdar v)))
- (quit))
- (set! vars (cons (caar v) vars))
- (set! vals (cons (cadar v) vals)))
- (begin
- (set! vars (cons (car v) vars))
- (set! vals (cons #f vals)))))))
- (set! vars (cons ((if (pair? (car v)) caar car) v) vars))
- (set! vals (cons (car a) vals)))
- ;; ((lambda* (a b) (+ a b)) 1) -> (let ((a 1) (b #f)) (+ a b))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(,(if (or (eq? (car head) 'lambda)
- (not (pair? (cadr head)))
- (null? (cdadr head)))
- 'let 'let*)
- ,(map list (reverse vars) (reverse vals))
- ,@(cddr head))))))))))
- ((and (procedure? head)
- (memq head '(#_{list} #_{apply_values} #_{append})))
- (for-each (lambda (p)
- (let ((sym (and (symbol? p) p)))
- (when sym
- (let ((v (var-member sym env)))
- (if (var? v)
- (set-ref sym caller form env)
- (if (not (defined? sym (rootlet)))
- (hash-table-set! other-identifiers sym
- (if (not (hash-table-ref other-identifiers sym))
- (list form)
- (cons form (hash-table-ref other-identifiers sym))))))))))
- (cdr form))
- (when (and (eq? head #_{list})
- (not (eq? lint-current-form qq-form)))
- (set! qq-form lint-current-form) ; only interested in simplest cases here
- (case (length form)
- ((2)
- (if (and (pair? (cadr form))
- (eq? (caadr form) #_{apply_values}) ; `(,@x) -> (copy x)
- (not (qq-tree? (cadadr form))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- (un_{list} (if (pair? (cadadr form))
- (cadadr form)
- `(copy ,(cadadr form))))))
- (if (symbol? (cadr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller ; `(,x) -> (list x)
- (lists->string form `(list ,(cadr form)))))))
- ((3)
- (if (and (pair? (caddr form))
- (eq? (caaddr form) #_{apply_values})
- (not (qq-tree? (cadr (caddr form))))
- (pair? (cadr form)) ; `(,@x ,@y) -> (append x y)
- (eq? (caadr form) #_{apply_values})
- (not (qq-tree? (cadadr form))))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form
- `(append ,(un_{list} (cadadr form))
- ,(un_{list} (cadr (caddr form))))))))
- (else
- (if (every? (lambda (a) ; `(,@x ,@y etc) -> (append x y ...)
- (and (pair? a)
- (eq? (car a) #_{apply_values})
- (not (qq-tree? (cdr a)))))
- (cdr form))
- (lint-format "perhaps ~A" caller
- (lists->string form `(append ,@(map (lambda (a)
- (un_{list} (cadr a)))
- (cdr form)))))))
- ))))
- (let ((vars env))
- (for-each
- (lambda (f)
- (set! vars (lint-walk caller f vars)))
- form))))
- env))))))
- (define (lint-walk caller form env)
- (cond ((symbol? form)
- (if (memq form '(+i -i))
- (format outport "~NC~A is not a number in s7~%" lint-left-margin #\space form))
- (set-ref form caller #f env)) ; returns env
- ((pair? form)
- (lint-walk-pair caller form env))
- ((string? form)
- (let ((len (length form)))
- (if (and (> len 16)
- (string=? form (make-string len (string-ref form 0))))
- ;; "*****************************" -> (format #f "~NC" 29 #\*)
- (lint-format "perhaps ~S -> ~A" caller form `(format #f "~NC" ,len ,(string-ref form 0)))))
- env)
- ((vector? form)
- (let ((happy #t))
- (for-each
- (lambda (x)
- (when (and (pair? x)
- (eq? (car x) 'unquote))
- (lint-walk caller (cadr x) env) ; register refs
- (set! happy #f)))
- form)
- ;; (begin (define x 1) `#(,x))
- (if (not happy) ; these are used exactly 4 times (in a test suite!) in 2 million lines of open source scheme code
- (lint-format "quasiquoted vectors are not supported: ~A" caller form)))
- ;; `(x #(,x)) for example will not work in s7, but `(,x ,(vector x)) will
- env)
- (else
- env)))
- ;; -------- lint-file --------
- (define *report-input* #t)
- ;; lint-file is called via load etc above and it's a pain to thread this variable all the way down the call chain
- (define (lint-file-1 file env)
- (set! linted-files (cons file linted-files))
- (let ((fp (if (input-port? file)
- file
- (begin
- (set! *current-file* file)
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (let ((p (open-input-file file)))
- (when *report-input*
- (format outport
- (if (and (output-port? outport)
- (not (memq outport (list *stderr* *stdout*))))
- (values "~%~NC~%;~A~%" (+ lint-left-margin 16) #\-)
- ";~A~%")
- file))
- p))
- (lambda args
- (format outport "~NCcan't open ~S: ~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space file (apply format #f (cadr args)))
- #f))))))
- (when (input-port? fp)
- (do ((vars env)
- (line 0)
- (last-form #f)
- (last-line-number -1)
- (form (read fp) (read fp)))
- ((eof-object? form)
- (if (not (input-port? file))
- (close-input-port fp))
- (when *report-repeated-code-fragments*
- (do ((i 6 (+ i 1)))
- ((= i *fragments-size*))
- (when (> (hash-table-entries (fragments i)) 0)
- (let ((v (copy (fragments i) (make-vector (hash-table-entries (fragments i)))))) ; (key . vector)
- (for-each (lambda (a1)
- (let ((a (cdr a1)))
- (when (> (vector-ref a 0) 1)
- (vector-set! a 1 (map (lambda (b)
- (if (< 0 b 100000)
- b
- (values)))
- (reverse (vector-ref a 1)))))))
- v)
- (for-each (lambda (keyval)
- (let ((val (cdr keyval)))
- (if (and (>= (vector-ref val 0) 2)
- (> (* (vector-ref val 0) (vector-ref val 0) i) 100)) ; 120 seems too high
- (if (equal? (vector-ref val 3) (car keyval))
- (format outport "~NC~A uses, size: ~A, lines: '~A):~%~NCexpression: ~A~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (vector-ref val 0) i (vector-ref val 1)
- (+ lint-left-margin 2) #\space
- (truncated-list->string (car keyval)))
- (format outport "~NC~A uses, size: ~A, lines: '~A):~%~NCpattern: ~A~%~NCexample: ~A~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (vector-ref val 0) i (vector-ref val 1)
- (+ lint-left-margin 2) #\space
- (truncated-list->string (car keyval))
- (+ lint-left-margin 2) #\space
- (truncated-list->string (vector-ref val 3)))))))
- (sort! v (lambda (kv1 kv2)
- (let ((a (cdr kv1))
- (b (cdr kv2)))
- (or (> (vector-ref a 0) (vector-ref b 0))
- (and (= (vector-ref a 0) (vector-ref b 0))
- (string<? (or (vector-ref a 4)
- (vector-set! a 4 (object->string (vector-ref a 3))))
- (or (vector-ref b 4)
- (vector-set! b 4 (object->string (vector-ref b 3))))))))))))))))
- (if (pair? form)
- (set! line (max line (pair-line-number form))))
- (if (not (or (= last-line-number -1)
- (side-effect? last-form vars)))
- (format outport "~NCtop-level (line ~D): this has no effect: ~A~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space last-line-number
- (truncated-list->string last-form)))
- (set! last-form form)
- (set! last-line-number line)
- (if (and (pair? form)
- (memq (car form) '(define define-macro))
- (pair? (cdr form))
- (pair? (cadr form)))
- (let ((f (caadr form)))
- (if (and (symbol? f)
- (hash-table-ref built-in-functions f))
- (format outport "~NCtop-level ~Aredefinition of built-in function ~A: ~A~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (if (> (pair-line-number form) 0)
- (format #f "(line ~D) " (pair-line-number form))
- "")
- f (truncated-list->string form)))))
- (set! vars (lint-walk (if (symbol? form)
- form
- (and (pair? form)
- (car form)))
- form
- vars))))))
- (define (lint-file file env)
- ;; (if (string? file) (format *stderr* "lint ~S~%" file))
- (if (member file linted-files)
- env
- (let ((old-current-file *current-file*)
- (old-pp-left-margin pp-left-margin)
- (old-lint-left-margin lint-left-margin)
- (old-load-path *load-path*))
- (dynamic-wind
- (lambda ()
- (set! pp-left-margin (+ pp-left-margin 4))
- (set! lint-left-margin (+ lint-left-margin 4))
- (when (and (string? file)
- (char=? (file 0) #\/))
- (let ((last-pos 0))
- (do ((pos (char-position #\/ file (+ last-pos 1)) (char-position #\/ file (+ last-pos 1))))
- ((not pos)
- (if (> last-pos 0)
- (set! *load-path* (cons (substring file 0 last-pos) *load-path*))))
- (set! last-pos pos)))))
- (lambda ()
- (lint-file-1 file env))
- (lambda ()
- (set! pp-left-margin old-pp-left-margin)
- (set! lint-left-margin old-lint-left-margin)
- (set! *current-file* old-current-file)
- (set! *load-path* old-load-path)
- (if (positive? (length *current-file*))
- (newline outport)))))))
- ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- ;;; lint itself
- ;;;
- (let ((documentation "(lint file port) looks for infelicities in file's scheme code")
- (signature (list #t string? output-port? boolean?)))
- (lambda* (file (outp *output-port*) (report-input #t))
- (set! outport outp)
- (set! other-identifiers (make-hash-table))
- (set! linted-files ())
- (fill! other-names-counts 0)
- (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
- ((= i *fragments-size*))
- (fill! (fragments i) #f))
- (set! last-simplify-boolean-line-number -1)
- (set! last-simplify-numeric-line-number -1)
- (set! last-simplify-cxr-line-number -1)
- (set! last-checker-line-number -1)
- (set! last-cons-line-number -1)
- (set! last-if-line-number -1)
- (set! last-rewritten-internal-define #f)
- (set! line-number -1)
- (set! quote-warnings 0)
- (set! pp-left-margin 0)
- (set! lint-left-margin -3) ; lint-file above adds 4
- (set! big-constants (make-hash-table))
- (set! *report-input* report-input)
- (set! *report-nested-if* (if (integer? *report-nested-if*) (max 3 *report-nested-if*) 4))
- (set! *report-short-branch* (if (integer? *report-short-branch*) (max 0 *report-short-branch*) 12))
- (set! *#readers*
- (list (cons #\e (lambda (str)
- (unless (string=? str "e")
- (let ((num (string->number (substring str 1))))
- (cond ((not num))
- ((rational? num)
- (format outport "~NCthis #e is dumb, #~A -> ~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space str (substring str 1)))
- ((not (real? num))
- (format outport "~NC#e can't handle complex numbers, #~A -> ~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space str num))
- ((= num (floor num))
- (format outport "~NCperhaps #~A -> ~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space str (floor num))))))
- #f))
- (cons #\i (lambda (str)
- (unless (string=? str "i")
- (let ((num (string->number (substring str 1))))
- (when num
- (format outport
- (if (not (rational? num))
- (values "~NCthis #i is dumb, #~A -> ~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space str (substring str 1))
- (values "~NCperhaps #~A -> ~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space str (* 1.0 num)))))))
- #f))
- (cons #\d (lambda (str)
- (if (and (not (string=? str "d"))
- (string->number (substring str 1)))
- (format outport "~NC#d is pointless, #~A -> ~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space str (substring str 1)))
- #f))
- (cons #\' (lambda (str) ; for Guile (and syntax-rules, I think)
- (list 'syntax (if (string=? str "'") (read) (string->symbol str)))))
- (cons #\` (lambda (str) ; for Guile (sigh)
- (list 'quasisyntax (if (string=? str "'") (read) (string->symbol str)))))
- (cons #\, (lambda (str) ; the same, the last is #,@ -> unsyntax-splicing -- right.
- (list 'unsyntax (if (string=? str "'") (read) (string->symbol str)))))
- (cons #\& (lambda (str) ; ancient Guile code
- (make-keyword (substring str 1))))
- (cons #\\ (lambda (str)
- (cond ((assoc str '(("\\x0" . #\null)
- ("\\x7" . #\alarm)
- ("\\x8" . #\backspace)
- ("\\x9" . #\tab)
- ("\\xd" . #\return)
- ("\\xa" . #\newline)
- ("\\1b" . #\escape)
- ("\\x20" . #\space)
- ("\\x7f" . #\delete)))
- => (lambda (c)
- (format outport "~NC#\\~A is ~W~%" lint-left-margin #\space (substring str 1) (cdr c)))))
- #f))
- (cons #\! (lambda (str)
- (if (member str '("!optional" "!default" "!rest" "!key" "!aux" "!false" "!true" "!r6rs") string-ci=?) ; for MIT-scheme
- (make-keyword (substring str 1))
- (let ((lc (str 0))) ; s7 should handle this, but...
- (do ((c (read-char) (read-char)))
- ((or (and (eof-object? c)
- (or (format outport "~NCunclosed block comment~%" lint-left-margin #\space)
- #t))
- (and (char=? lc #\!)
- (char=? c #\#)))
- #f)
- (set! lc c))))))))
- ;; try to get past all the # and \ stuff in other Schemes
- ;; main remaining problem: [] used as parentheses (Gauche and Chicken for example)
- (set! (hook-functions *read-error-hook*)
- (list (lambda (h)
- (let ((data (h 'data))
- (line (port-line-number)))
- (if (not (h 'type))
- (begin
- (format outport "~NCreader[~A]: unknown \\ usage: \\~C~%" lint-left-margin #\space line data)
- (set! (h 'result) data))
- (begin
- (format outport "~NCreader[~A]: unknown # object: #~A~%" lint-left-margin #\space line data)
- (set! (h 'result)
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (case (data 0)
- ((#\;) (read) (values))
- ((#\T) (string=? data "T"))
- ((#\F) (and (string=? data "F") ''#f))
- ((#\X #\B #\O #\D)
- (let ((num (string->number (substring data 1) (case (data 0) ((#\X) 16) ((#\O) 8) ((#\B) 2) ((#\D) 10)))))
- (if (number? num)
- (begin
- (format outport "~NCuse #~A~A not #~A~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (char-downcase (data 0)) (substring data 1) data)
- num)
- (string->symbol data))))
- ((#\l #\z)
- (let ((num (string->number (substring data 1)))) ; Bigloo (also has #ex #lx #z and on and on)
- (if (number? num)
- (begin
- (format outport "~NCjust omit this silly #~C!~%" lint-left-margin #\space (data 0))
- num)
- (string->symbol data))))
- ((#\u) ; for Bigloo
- (if (string=? data "unspecified")
- (format outport "~NCuse #<unspecified>, not #unspecified~%" lint-left-margin #\space))
- ;; #<unspecified> seems to hit the no-values check?
- (string->symbol data))
- ;; Bigloo also seems to use #" for here-doc concatenation??
- ((#\v) ; r6rs byte-vectors?
- (if (string=? data "vu8")
- (format outport "~NCuse #u8 in s7, not #vu8~%" lint-left-margin #\space))
- (string->symbol data))
- ((#\>) ; for Chicken, apparently #>...<# encloses in-place C code
- (do ((last #\#)
- (c (read-char) (read-char)))
- ((and (char=? last #\<)
- (char=? c #\#))
- (values))
- (if (char=? c #\newline)
- (set! (port-line-number ()) (+ (port-line-number) 1)))
- (set! last c)))
- ((#\<) ; Chicken also, #<<EOF -> EOF
- (if (and (char=? (data 1) #\<)
- (> (length data) 2))
- (do ((end (substring data 2))
- (c (read-line) (read-line)))
- ((string-position end c)
- (values)))
- (string->symbol data)))
- ((#\\)
- (cond ((assoc data '(("\\newline" . #\newline)
- ("\\return" . #\return)
- ("\\space" . #\space)
- ("\\tab" . #\tab)
- ("\\null" . #\null)
- ("\\nul" . #\null)
- ("\\linefeed" . #\linefeed)
- ("\\alarm" . #\alarm)
- ("\\esc" . #\escape)
- ("\\escape" . #\escape)
- ("\\rubout" . #\delete)
- ("\\delete" . #\delete)
- ("\\backspace" . #\backspace)
- ("\\page" . #\xc)
- ("\\altmode" . #\escape)
- ("\\bel" . #\alarm) ; #\x07
- ("\\sub" . #\x1a)
- ("\\soh" . #\x01)
- ;; these are for Guile
- ("\\vt" . #\xb)
- ("\\bs" . #\backspace)
- ("\\cr" . #\newline)
- ("\\sp" . #\space)
- ("\\lf" . #\linefeed)
- ("\\nl" . #\null)
- ("\\ht" . #\tab)
- ("\\ff" . #\xc)
- ("\\np" . #\xc))
- string-ci=?)
- => (lambda (c)
- (format outport "~NCperhaps use ~W instead~%" (+ lint-left-margin 4) #\space (cdr c))
- (cdr c)))
- (else
- (string->symbol (substring data 1)))))
- (else
- (string->symbol data))))
- (lambda args #f)))))))))
- ;; preset list-tail and list-ref
- (hash-table-set! (fragments 10) '((if (zero? _2_) _1_ (_F_ (cdr _1_) (- _2_ 1))))
- (vector 0 ()
- (list (cons 'list-tail
- (inlet :initial-value '(define (list-tail x k) (if (zero? k) x (list-tail (cdr x) (- k 1))))
- :arglist '(x k)
- :history :built-in)))
- '(define (list-tail x k) (if (zero? k) x (list-tail (cdr x) (- k 1))))
- #f))
- (hash-table-set! (fragments 12) '((if (= _2_ 0) (car _1_) (_F_ (cdr _1_) (- _2_ 1))))
- (vector 0 ()
- (list (cons 'list-ref (inlet :initial-value '(define (list-ref items n) (if (= n 0) (car items) (list-ref (cdr items) (- n 1))))
- :arglist '(items n)
- :history :built-in)))
- '(define (list-ref items n) (if (= n 0) (car items) (list-ref (cdr items) (- n 1))))
- #f))
- ;; -------- call lint --------
- (let ((vars (lint-file file ())))
- (set! lint-left-margin (max lint-left-margin 1))
- (when (pair? vars)
- (if *report-multiply-defined-top-level-functions*
- (for-each
- (lambda (var)
- (let ((var-file (hash-table-ref *top-level-objects* (car var))))
- (if (not var-file)
- (hash-table-set! *top-level-objects* (car var) *current-file*)
- (if (and (string? *current-file*)
- (not (string=? var-file *current-file*)))
- (format outport "~NC~S is defined at the top level in ~S and ~S~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (car var) var-file *current-file*)))))
- vars))
- (if (string? file)
- (report-usage top-level: "" vars vars))))
- (for-each
- (lambda (p)
- (if (or (> (cdr p) 5)
- (and (> (cdr p) 3)
- (> (length (car p)) 12)))
- (format outport "~A~A occurs ~D times~%"
- (if (pair? (car p)) "'" "")
- (truncated-list->string (car p)) (cdr p))))
- big-constants)
- (if (and *report-undefined-identifiers*
- (positive? (hash-table-entries other-identifiers)))
- (let ((lst (sort! (map car other-identifiers) (lambda (a b)
- (string<? (symbol->string a) (symbol->string b))))))
- (format outport "~NCth~A identifier~A not defined~A: ~{~S~^ ~}~%"
- lint-left-margin #\space
- (if (= (hash-table-entries other-identifiers) 1)
- (values "is" " was")
- (values "e following" "s were"))
- (if (string? file) (format #f " in ~S" file) "")
- lst)
- (fill! other-identifiers #f)))))))
- ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;;; this reads an HTML file, finds likely-looking scheme code, and runs lint over it.
- ;;; called on all snd files in hg.scm
- (define (html-lint file)
- (define (remove-markups str)
- (let ((tpos (string-position "<b>" str)))
- (if tpos
- (let ((epos (string-position "</b>" str)))
- (remove-markups (string-append (substring str 0 tpos)
- (substring str (+ tpos 3) epos)
- (substring str (+ epos 4)))))
- (let ((apos (string-position "<a " str))
- (epos (string-position "<em " str)))
- (if (not (or apos epos))
- str
- (let* ((pos ((if (and apos epos) min or) apos epos))
- (bpos (+ (char-position #\> str (+ pos 1)) 1))
- (epos (string-position (if (and apos (= pos apos)) "</a>" "</em>") str bpos)))
- (string-append (substring str 0 pos)
- (substring str bpos epos)
- (remove-markups (substring str (+ epos (if (and apos (= apos pos)) 4 5)))))))))))
- (define (fixup-html str)
- (let ((pos (char-position #\& str)))
- (if (not pos)
- str
- (string-append (substring str 0 pos)
- (let* ((epos (char-position #\; str pos))
- (substr (substring str (+ pos 1) epos)))
- (string-append (cond ((assoc substr '(("gt" . ">")
- ("lt" . "<")
- ("mdash" . "-")
- ("amp" . "&"))
- string=?) => cdr)
- (else (format #t "unknown: ~A~%" substr)))
- (fixup-html (substring str (+ epos 1)))))))))
- (call-with-input-file file
- (lambda (f)
- (do ((line-num 0 (+ line-num 1))
- (line (read-line f #t) (read-line f #t)))
- ((eof-object? line))
- ;; look for <pre , gather everything until </pre>
- ;; decide if it is scheme code (first char is #\()
- ;; if so, clean out html markup stuff, call lint on that
- (let ((pos (string-position "<pre" line)))
- (when pos
- (let ((code (substring line (+ (char-position #\> line) 1))))
- (do ((cline (read-line f #t) (read-line f #t))
- (rline 1 (+ rline 1)))
- ((string-position "</pre>" cline)
- (set! line-num (+ line-num rline)))
- (set! code (string-append code cline)))
- ;; is first non-whitespace char #\(? ignoring comments
- (do ((len (length code))
- (i 0 (+ i 1)))
- ((>= i len))
- (let ((c (string-ref code i)))
- (unless (char-whitespace? c)
- (if (char=? c #\;)
- (set! i (char-position #\newline code i))
- (begin
- (set! i (+ len 1))
- (when (char=? c #\()
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (let ((outstr (call-with-output-string
- (lambda (op)
- (call-with-input-string
- (object->string (with-input-from-string
- (fixup-html (remove-markups code))
- read)
- #t) ; write, not display
- (lambda (ip)
- (let-temporarily ((*report-shadowed-variables* #t))
- (lint ip op #f))))))))
- (if (> (length outstr) 1) ; possible newline at end
- (format () ";~A ~D: ~A~%" file line-num outstr))))
- (lambda args
- (format () ";~A ~D, error in read: ~A ~A~%" file line-num args
- (fixup-html (remove-markups code))))))))))))))))))
- ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;;; and this reads C code looking for s7_eval_c_string. No attempt here to
- ;;; handle weird cases.
- (define (C-lint file)
- (call-with-input-file file
- (lambda (f)
- (do ((line-num 0 (+ line-num 1))
- (line (read-line f #t) (read-line f #t)))
- ((eof-object? line))
- ;; look for s7_eval_c_string, get string arg without backslashes, call lint
- (let ((pos (string-position "s7_eval_c_string(sc, \"(" line)))
- (when pos
- (let ((code (substring line (+ pos (length "s7_eval_c_string(sc, \"")))))
- (if (not (string-position "\");" code))
- (do ((cline (read-line f #t) (read-line f #t))
- (rline 1 (+ rline 1)))
- ((string-position "\");" cline)
- (set! code (string-append code cline))
- (set! line-num (+ line-num rline)))
- (set! code (string-append code cline))))
- (let ((len (string-position "\");" code)))
- (set! code (substring code 0 len))
- ;; clean out backslashes
- (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
- ((>= i (- len 3)))
- (cond ((not (char=? (code i) #\\)))
- ((char=? (code (+ i 1)) #\n)
- (set! (code i) #\space)
- (set! (code (+ i 1)) #\space))
- ((memv (code (+ i 1)) '(#\newline #\"))
- (set! (code i) #\space))
- ((and (char=? (code (+ i 1)) #\\)
- (char=? (code (- i 1)) #\#))
- (set! (code (- i 1)) #\space)
- (set! (code i) #\#)))))
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (let ((outstr (call-with-output-string
- (lambda (op)
- (call-with-input-string code
- (lambda (ip)
- (let-temporarily ((*report-shadowed-variables* #t))
- (lint ip op #f))))))))
- (if (> (length outstr) 1) ; possible newline at end
- (format () ";~A ~D: ~A~%" file line-num outstr))))
- (lambda args
- (format () ";~A ~D, error in read: ~A ~A~%" file line-num args code))))))))))
- ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #|
- ;;; external use of lint contents (see also snd-lint.scm):
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (if (not (hash-table-ref (*lint* 'no-side-effect-functions) (car f)))
- (format *stderr* "~A " (car f))))
- (*lint* 'built-in-functions))
- ;;; get rid of []'s! (using Snd)
- (define (edit file)
- (let* ((str (file->string file))
- (len (length str)))
- (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
- ((= i len))
- (case (str i)
- ((#\]) (set! (str i) #\)))
- ((#\[) (set! (str i) #\())))
- (call-with-output-file file
- (lambda (p)
- (display str p)))
- #f))
- |#
- ;;; fragments:
- ;;; perhaps for fragment hash-ref (list fragment) to find function?
- ;;; and check leading cases for all bodies? -- would need to handle this in reduce-tree walker?
- ;;; need any-match arg nums (a 2nd level match)
- ;;; if 2-arg func, reversed -> nth for list-ref -- need reversal signal
- ;;; this is tricky (initial code in tmp) -- if recursive call, need args reversed so check shadowing etc
- ;;; if several fragments share the same code, report just the biggest, and maybe give the _n_ values for at least the example?
- ;;; maybe divide the trigger by the _n_ top? (need to save this number)
- ;;;
- ;;; blocks:
- ;;; reduce-dependencies -- look for blocks with restricted outer vars, make func and add to closure, check for func-reuse
- ;;; but this collides with current 1-call->embedded code in lint-walk-body unless we use the closure
- ;;; so... perhaps use out-vars to get names -- if < 5, func? (if any out-var set, quit)
- ;;; perhaps start with if branches, when/unless
- ;;;
- ;;; unused var search made smarter (in any body+locals)
- ;;; named-let + map init ->embed as in map+map [do does not happen usefully]
- ;;; where <expr> assumed <expr>, or where <expr> set to <expr> or assert <expr> and report violations [expr=pattern here]
- ;;; 184 25029 665340