- /* sndinfo describes sounds */
- #include "mus-config.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #ifndef _MSC_VER
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include <string.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "sndlib.h"
- static char *display_maxamps(const char *filename, int chans)
- {
- char *ampstr;
- char fstr[16];
- int i, len;
- mus_float_t *vals;
- mus_long_t *times;
- len = chans * 32;
- ampstr = (char *)calloc(len, sizeof(char));
- vals = (mus_float_t *)calloc(chans, sizeof(mus_float_t));
- times = (mus_long_t *)calloc(chans, sizeof(mus_long_t));
- snprintf(ampstr, len, "\n max amp%s: ", (chans > 1) ? "s" : "");
- mus_sound_maxamps(filename, chans, vals, times);
- for (i = 0; i < chans; i++)
- {
- snprintf(fstr, 16, "%.3f ", vals[i]);
- strcat(ampstr, fstr);
- }
- free(vals);
- free(times);
- return(ampstr);
- }
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int chans, srate, ctr;
- mus_sample_t samp_type;
- mus_header_t type;
- mus_long_t samples;
- float length = 0.0;
- time_t date;
- int *loops = NULL;
- char *comment, *header_name;
- char *samp_type_info = NULL, *samp_type_name, *ampstr = NULL;
- char timestr[64];
- if (argc == 1) {printf("usage: sndinfo file\n"); exit(0);}
- mus_sound_initialize();
- for (ctr = 1; ctr < argc; ctr++)
- {
- if (mus_file_probe(argv[ctr])) /* see if it exists */
- {
- date = mus_sound_write_date(argv[ctr]);
- srate = mus_sound_srate(argv[ctr]);
- if (srate == MUS_ERROR)
- {
- fprintf(stdout, "%s: not a sound file?\n", argv[ctr]);
- continue;
- }
- chans = mus_sound_chans(argv[ctr]);
- samples = mus_sound_samples(argv[ctr]);
- comment = mus_sound_comment(argv[ctr]);
- if ((chans > 0) && (srate > 0))
- length = (float)((double)samples / (double)(chans * srate));
- loops = mus_sound_loop_info(argv[ctr]);
- type = mus_sound_header_type(argv[ctr]);
- header_name = (char *)mus_header_type_name(type);
- samp_type = mus_sound_sample_type(argv[ctr]);
- if (samp_type != MUS_UNKNOWN_SAMPLE)
- samp_type_info = (char *)mus_sample_type_name(samp_type);
- else
- {
- int orig_type;
- if (samp_type_info == NULL) samp_type_info = (char *)calloc(64, sizeof(char));
- orig_type = mus_sound_original_sample_type(argv[ctr]);
- samp_type_name = (char *)mus_header_original_sample_type_name(orig_type, type);
- if (samp_type_name)
- snprintf(samp_type_info, 64, "%d (%s)", orig_type, samp_type_name);
- else snprintf(samp_type_info, 64, "%d", orig_type);
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "%s:\n srate: %d\n chans: %d\n length: %f",
- argv[ctr], srate, chans, length);
- if (length < 10.0)
- {
- int samps;
- samps = mus_sound_framples(argv[ctr]);
- fprintf(stdout, " (%d sample%s)", samps, (samps != 1) ? "s" : "");
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "\n");
- fprintf(stdout, " header type: %s\n sample type: %s\n ",
- header_name,
- samp_type_info);
- strftime(timestr, 64, "%a %d-%b-%Y %H:%M %Z", localtime(&date));
- fprintf(stdout, "written: %s", timestr);
- if ((chans > 0) && (mus_sound_maxamp_exists(argv[ctr])))
- {
- ampstr = display_maxamps(argv[ctr], chans);
- if (ampstr) fprintf(stdout, "%s", ampstr);
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "\n");
- if (comment) fprintf(stdout, " comment: %s\n", comment);
- if (loops)
- {
- fprintf(stdout, " loop: %d to %d\n", loops[0], loops[1]);
- if (loops[2] != 0)
- fprintf(stdout, " loop: %d to %d\n", loops[2], loops[3]);
- if (loops[0] != 0)
- fprintf(stdout, " base: %d, detune: %d\n", loops[4], loops[5]);
- }
- }
- else
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", argv[ctr], strerror(errno));
- if (ctr < argc - 1) fprintf(stdout, "\n");
- }
- return(0);
- }