- /* vct support
- *
- * a vct is an object containing a mus_float_t array and its size
- *
- * C side:
- * void mus_vct_init(void) called to declare the various functions and the vct type
- * bool mus_is_vct(Xen obj) is obj a vct
- * Xen xen_make_vct(int len, mus_float_t *data) make a new vct
- * Xen xen_make_vct_wrapper(int len, mus_float_t *data) make a new vct that doesn't free data when garbage collector strikes
- * vct *xen_to_vct(Xen arg) given Xen arg, return vct
- * void mus_vct_set_print_length(int val) set vct print length (default 10) (also mus_vct_print_length)
- *
- * (make-vct len (filler 0.0)) make new vct
- * (vct? obj) is obj a vct
- * (vct-ref v index) return v[index]
- * (vct-set! v index val) v[index] = val
- * (vct-copy v) return a copy of v
- * (vct-length v) return length of v
- * (vct-add! v1 v2 (offset 0)) v1[i+offset] = v1[i+offset] + v2[i] -> v1
- * (vct-subtract! v1 v2) v1[i] = v1[i] - v2[i] -> v1
- * (vct-offset! v1 scl) v1[i] += scl -> v1
- * (vct-multiply! v1 v2) v1[i] *= v2[i] -> v1
- * (vct-scale! v1 scl) v1[i] *= scl -> v1
- * (vct-abs! v) v[i] = abs(v[i])
- * (vct-fill! v1 val) v1[i] = val -> v1
- * (vct-map! v1 proc) set each element of v1 to value of function proc()
- * (vct-peak v1) max val (abs) in v
- * (vct-equal? v1 v2 diff) is element-wise relative-difference of v1 and v2 ever greater than diff?
- * (list->vct lst) return vct with elements of list lst
- * (vct->list v1) return list with elements of vct v1
- * (vector->vct vect) return vct with elements of vector vect
- * (vct->vector v) return vector of vct contents
- * (vct-move! v new old) v[new++] = v[old++] -> v
- * (vct-subseq v start end vnew) vnew = v[start..end]
- * (vct-reverse! v (len #f)) reverse contents (using len as end point if given)
- * (vct->string v) scheme-readable description of vct
- *
- * (vct* obj1 obj2) combines vct-multiply and vct-scale
- * (vct+ obj1 obj2) combines vct-add and vct-offset
- *
- * The intended use is a sort of latter-day array-processing system that handles huge
- * one-dimensional vectors -- fft's, etc. Some of these functions can be found in
- * the Snd package; others can be found in the CLM package (clm2xen.c).
- */
- #include "mus-config.h"
- #if USE_SND
- #include "snd.h"
- #endif
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #if _MSC_VER
- #pragma warning(disable: 4244)
- #endif
- #include "_sndlib.h"
- #include "xen.h"
- #include "clm.h"
- #include "sndlib2xen.h"
- #include "clm2xen.h"
- #include "vct.h"
- #if (!HAVE_SCHEME)
- struct vct {
- mus_long_t length;
- mus_float_t *data;
- bool dont_free;
- };
- mus_long_t mus_vct_length(vct *v) {return(v->length);}
- mus_float_t *mus_vct_data(vct *v) {return(v->data);}
- #endif
- #define S_make_vct "make-float-vector"
- #define S_vct_add "float-vector-add!"
- #define S_vct_subtract "float-vector-subtract!"
- #define S_vct_copy "float-vector-copy"
- #define S_vct_length "float-vector-length"
- #define S_vct_multiply "float-vector-multiply!"
- #define S_vct_offset "float-vector-offset!"
- #define S_vct_ref "float-vector-ref"
- #define S_vct_scale "float-vector-scale!"
- #define S_vct_abs "float-vector-abs!"
- #define S_vct_fill "float-vector-fill!"
- #define S_vct_set "float-vector-set!"
- #define S_vct_peak "float-vector-peak"
- #define S_vct_equal "float-vector-equal?"
- #define S_is_vct "float-vector?"
- #define S_list_to_vct "list->float-vector"
- #define S_vct_to_list "float-vector->list"
- #define S_vector_to_vct "vector->float-vector"
- #define S_vct_to_vector "float-vector->vector"
- #define S_vct_move "float-vector-move!"
- #define S_vct_subseq "float-vector-subseq"
- #define S_vct_reverse "float-vector-reverse!"
- #define S_vct_to_string "float-vector->string"
- #define S_vct_times "float-vector*"
- #define S_vct_plus "float-vector+"
- #define A_VCT "a float-vector"
- #else
- #define S_make_vct "make-vct"
- #define S_vct_add "vct-add!"
- #define S_vct_subtract "vct-subtract!"
- #define S_vct_copy "vct-copy"
- #define S_vct_length "vct-length"
- #define S_vct_multiply "vct-multiply!"
- #define S_vct_offset "vct-offset!"
- #define S_vct_ref "vct-ref"
- #define S_vct_scale "vct-scale!"
- #define S_vct_abs "vct-abs!"
- #define S_vct_fill "vct-fill!"
- #define S_vct_set "vct-set!"
- #define S_vct_peak "vct-peak"
- #define S_vct_equal "vct-equal?"
- #define S_is_vct "vct?"
- #define S_list_to_vct "list->vct"
- #define S_vct_to_list "vct->list"
- #define S_vector_to_vct "vector->vct"
- #define S_vct_to_vector "vct->vector"
- #define S_vct_move "vct-move!"
- #define S_vct_subseq "vct-subseq"
- #define S_vct_reverse "vct-reverse!"
- #define S_vct_to_string "vct->string"
- #define S_vct_times "vct_multiply"
- #define S_vct_plus "vct_add"
- #else
- #define S_vct_times "vct*"
- #define S_vct_plus "vct+"
- #endif
- #define A_VCT "a vct"
- #endif
- #ifndef PROC_FALSE
- #define PROC_FALSE "false"
- #define PROC_TRUE "true"
- #else
- #define PROC_FALSE "#f"
- #define PROC_TRUE "#t"
- #endif
- #endif
- #if USE_SND
- #else
- #define VCT_PRINT_LENGTH 10
- #endif
- static int vct_print_length = VCT_PRINT_LENGTH;
- void mus_vct_set_print_length(int len)
- {
- vct_print_length = len;
- }
- int mus_vct_print_length(void)
- {
- return(vct_print_length);
- }
- vct *xen_to_vct(Xen arg)
- {
- if (mus_is_vct(arg))
- return((vct *)Xen_to_vct(arg));
- return(NULL);
- }
- #if (!HAVE_SCHEME)
- static Xen_object_type_t vct_tag;
- bool mus_is_vct(Xen obj)
- {
- return(Xen_c_object_is_type(obj, vct_tag));
- }
- static void vct_free(vct *v)
- {
- if (v)
- {
- if ((!(v->dont_free)) &&
- (v->data))
- free(v->data);
- v->data = NULL;
- free(v);
- }
- }
- Xen_wrap_free(vct, free_vct, vct_free)
- static char *mus_vct_to_string(vct *v)
- {
- int len, size;
- char *buf;
- mus_float_t *d;
- if (v == NULL) return(NULL);
- len = vct_print_length;
- if (len > mus_vct_length(v)) len = mus_vct_length(v);
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- size = (len + 1) * VCT_PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE;
- buf = (char *)calloc(size, sizeof(char));
- snprintf(buf, size, "#<vct[len=%lld" "]", mus_vct_length(v));
- if ((len > 0) && (d != NULL))
- {
- int i;
- strcat(buf, ":");
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- snprintf(flt, VCT_PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE, " %.3f", d[i]);
- strcat(buf, flt);
- }
- if (mus_vct_length(v) > vct_print_length)
- strcat(buf, " ...");
- }
- strcat(buf, ">");
- return(buf);
- }
- #endif
- char *mus_vct_to_readable_string(vct *v)
- {
- int i, len, size;
- char *buf;
- mus_float_t *d;
- if (v == NULL) return(NULL);
- len = (int)(mus_vct_length(v));
- size = (len + 1) * VCT_PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE;
- buf = (char *)calloc(size, sizeof(char));
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- snprintf(buf, size, "(float-vector");
- #endif
- snprintf(buf, size, "vct(");
- #endif
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- snprintf(flt, VCT_PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE, " %.3f", d[i]);
- #endif
- snprintf(flt, VCT_PRINT_BUFFER_SIZE, "%.3f%s", d[i], i + 1 < len ? ", " : "");
- #endif
- strcat(buf, flt);
- }
- strcat(buf, " ");
- #endif
- strcat(buf, ")");
- return(buf);
- }
- static Xen g_vct_to_readable_string(Xen obj)
- {
- char *vstr;
- Xen result;
- #define H_vct_to_string "(" S_vct_to_string " v): readable description of v"
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj), obj, 1, S_vct_to_string, A_VCT);
- vstr = mus_vct_to_readable_string(Xen_to_vct(obj));
- result = C_string_to_Xen_string(vstr);
- free(vstr);
- return(result);
- }
- bool mus_vct_is_equal(vct *v1, vct *v2)
- {
- if (v1 == v2) return(true);
- return((mus_vct_length(v1) == mus_vct_length(v2)) &&
- (mus_arrays_are_equal(mus_vct_data(v1), mus_vct_data(v2),
- mus_float_equal_fudge_factor(),
- mus_vct_length(v1))));
- }
- #if (!HAVE_SCHEME)
- static Xen g_is_vct(Xen obj)
- {
- #define H_is_vct "(" S_is_vct " obj): is obj a " S_vct
- return(C_bool_to_Xen_boolean(mus_is_vct(obj)));
- }
- Xen_wrap_print(vct, print_vct, mus_vct_to_string)
- static Xen equalp_vct(Xen obj1, Xen obj2)
- {
- if ((!(mus_is_vct(obj1))) || (!(mus_is_vct(obj2)))) return(Xen_false);
- return(C_bool_to_Xen_boolean(mus_vct_is_equal(Xen_to_vct(obj1), Xen_to_vct(obj2))));
- }
- vct *mus_vct_make(mus_long_t len)
- {
- vct *new_vct;
- new_vct = (vct *)malloc(sizeof(vct));
- new_vct->length = len;
- if (len > 0)
- new_vct->data = (mus_float_t *)calloc(len, sizeof(mus_float_t));
- else new_vct->data = NULL;
- new_vct->dont_free = false;
- return(new_vct);
- }
- vct *mus_vct_wrap(mus_long_t len, mus_float_t *data)
- {
- vct *new_vct;
- new_vct = (vct *)malloc(sizeof(vct));
- new_vct->length = len;
- new_vct->data = data;
- new_vct->dont_free = true;
- return(new_vct);
- }
- vct *mus_vct_free(vct *v)
- {
- vct_free(v);
- return(NULL);
- }
- Xen xen_make_vct(mus_long_t len, mus_float_t *data)
- {
- vct *new_vct;
- if (len < 0) return(Xen_false);
- if ((len > 0) &&
- (data == NULL))
- Xen_error(Xen_make_error_type("out-of-memory"),
- Xen_list_2(C_string_to_Xen_string(S_make_vct ": can't allocate size ~A"),
- C_int_to_Xen_integer(len)));
- new_vct = (vct *)malloc(sizeof(vct));
- new_vct->length = len;
- new_vct->data = data;
- new_vct->dont_free = false;
- return(Xen_make_object(vct_tag, new_vct, 0, free_vct));
- }
- Xen xen_make_vct_wrapper(mus_long_t len, mus_float_t *data)
- {
- vct *new_vct;
- new_vct = (vct *)malloc(sizeof(vct));
- new_vct->length = len;
- new_vct->data = data;
- new_vct->dont_free = true;
- return(Xen_make_object(vct_tag, new_vct, 0, free_vct));
- }
- Xen vct_to_xen(vct *v)
- {
- return(Xen_make_object(vct_tag, v, 0, free_vct));
- }
- static Xen g_vct_fill(Xen obj, Xen val);
- static Xen g_make_vct(Xen len, Xen filler)
- {
- #define vct_make_example "v = make_vct(32, 1.0)"
- #endif
- #define vct_make_example "32 1.0 make-vct value v"
- #endif
- #define vct_make_example "(make-float-vector 32 1.0)"
- #endif
- #define H_make_vct "(" S_make_vct " len :optional (initial-element 0)): returns a new " S_vct " of length len filled with \
- initial-element: \n " vct_make_example
- mus_long_t size;
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_llong(len), len, 1, S_make_vct, "an integer");
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_number(filler) || !Xen_is_bound(filler), filler, 2, S_make_vct, "a number");
- size = Xen_llong_to_C_llong(len);
- if (size < 0)
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_make_vct, 1, len, "new vct size < 0?");
- if ((size > mus_max_malloc()) ||
- (((mus_long_t)(size * sizeof(mus_float_t))) > mus_max_malloc()))
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_make_vct, 1, len, "new vct size is too large (see mus-max-malloc)");
- if (Xen_is_number(filler))
- return(g_vct_fill(xen_make_vct(size, (mus_float_t *)calloc(size, sizeof(mus_float_t))), filler));
- return(xen_make_vct(size, (mus_float_t *)calloc(size, sizeof(mus_float_t))));
- }
- static Xen g_vct_length(Xen obj)
- {
- #define H_vct_length "(" S_vct_length " v): length of " S_vct " v"
- vct *v;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj), obj, 1, S_vct_length, A_VCT);
- v = Xen_to_vct(obj);
- return(C_llong_to_Xen_llong(mus_vct_length(v)));
- }
- static Xen g_vct_copy(Xen obj)
- {
- #define H_vct_copy "(" S_vct_copy " v): returns a copy of " S_vct " v"
- vct *v;
- mus_float_t *copied_data = NULL;
- mus_long_t len;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj), obj, 1, S_vct_copy, A_VCT);
- v = Xen_to_vct(obj);
- len = mus_vct_length(v);
- if (len > 0)
- {
- copied_data = (mus_float_t *)malloc(len * sizeof(mus_float_t));
- memcpy((void *)copied_data, (void *)(mus_vct_data(v)), (len * sizeof(mus_float_t)));
- }
- return(xen_make_vct(len, copied_data));
- }
- #else /* HAVE_SCHEME */
- vct *mus_vct_make(mus_long_t len)
- {
- s7_int di[1];
- di[0] = len;
- return(s7_make_float_vector(s7, len, 1, di));
- }
- Xen xen_make_vct(mus_long_t len, mus_float_t *data)
- {
- return(s7_make_float_vector_wrapper(s7, len, (s7_double *)data, 1, NULL, true)); /* freed by s7 */
- }
- Xen xen_make_vct_wrapper(mus_long_t len, mus_float_t *data)
- {
- s7_int di[1];
- di[0] = len;
- return(s7_make_float_vector_wrapper(s7, len, (s7_double *)data, 1, di, false)); /* not freed by s7 */
- }
- vct *mus_vct_wrap(mus_long_t len, mus_float_t *data)
- {
- return(xen_make_vct_wrapper(len, data));
- }
- static Xen g_vct_copy(Xen obj)
- {
- #define H_vct_copy "(" S_vct_copy " v): returns a copy of " S_vct " v"
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj), obj, 1, S_vct_copy, A_VCT);
- return(s7_vector_copy(s7, obj));
- }
- #endif
- static Xen g_vct_move(Xen obj, Xen newi, Xen oldi, Xen backwards)
- {
- #define H_vct_moveB "(" S_vct_move " obj new old :optional backwards): moves " S_vct " obj data from old to new: v[new++] = v[old++], or \
- v[new--] = v[old--] if backwards is " PROC_FALSE "."
- vct *v;
- mus_long_t i, j, ni, nj;
- mus_float_t *d;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj), obj, 1, S_vct_move, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_llong(newi), newi, 2, S_vct_move, "an integer");
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_llong(oldi), oldi, 3, S_vct_move, "an integer");
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_boolean_or_unbound(backwards), backwards, 4, S_vct_move, "a boolean");
- v = Xen_to_vct(obj);
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- ni = Xen_llong_to_C_llong(newi);
- nj = Xen_llong_to_C_llong(oldi);
- if ((Xen_is_boolean(backwards)) &&
- (!Xen_is_false(backwards)))
- {
- if (ni >= mus_vct_length(v))
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_move, 2, newi, "new-index too high");
- if (nj >= mus_vct_length(v))
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_move, 3, oldi, "old-index too high");
- for (i = ni, j = nj; (j >= 0) && (i >= 0); i--, j--)
- d[i] = d[j];
- }
- else
- {
- mus_long_t len;
- if (ni < 0)
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_move, 2, newi, "new-index < 0?");
- if (nj < 0)
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_move, 3, oldi, "old-index < 0?");
- len = mus_vct_length(v);
- for (i = ni, j = nj; (j < len) && (i < len); i++, j++)
- d[i] = d[j];
- }
- return(obj);
- }
- #if (!HAVE_SCHEME)
- static Xen g_vct_ref(Xen obj, Xen pos)
- {
- #define H_vct_ref "(" S_vct_ref " v n): element n of " S_vct " v, v[n]"
- vct *v;
- mus_long_t loc;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj), obj, 1, S_vct_ref, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_llong(pos), pos, 2, S_vct_ref, "an integer");
- v = Xen_to_vct(obj);
- loc = Xen_llong_to_C_llong(pos);
- if (loc < 0)
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_ref, 2, pos, "index < 0?");
- if (loc >= mus_vct_length(v))
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_ref, 2, pos, "index too high?");
- return(C_double_to_Xen_real(mus_vct_data(v)[loc]));
- }
- static Xen g_vct_set(Xen obj, Xen pos, Xen val)
- {
- #define H_vct_setB "(" S_vct_set " v n val): sets element of " S_vct " v to val, v[n] = val"
- vct *v;
- mus_long_t loc;
- double x;
- mus_float_t *d;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj), obj, 1, S_vct_set, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_llong(pos), pos, 2, S_vct_set, "an integer");
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_number(val), val, 3, S_vct_set, "a real number");
- x = Xen_real_to_C_double(val);
- v = Xen_to_vct(obj);
- loc = Xen_llong_to_C_llong(pos);
- if (loc < 0)
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_set, 2, pos, "index < 0?");
- if (loc >= mus_vct_length(v))
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_set, 2, pos, "index >= vct-length?");
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- d[loc] = x;
- return(val);
- }
- #endif
- static Xen g_vct_multiply(Xen obj1, Xen obj2)
- {
- #define H_vct_multiplyB "(" S_vct_multiply " v1 v2): element-wise multiply of " S_vct "s v1 and v2: v1[i] *= v2[i], returns v1"
- mus_long_t i, lim, lim1;
- vct *v1, *v2;
- mus_float_t *d1, *d2;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj1), obj1, 1, S_vct_multiply, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj2), obj2, 2, S_vct_multiply, A_VCT);
- v1 = Xen_to_vct(obj1);
- v2 = Xen_to_vct(obj2);
- d1 = mus_vct_data(v1);
- d2 = mus_vct_data(v2);
- lim = mus_vct_length(v1);
- lim1 = mus_vct_length(v2);
- if (lim > lim1) lim = lim1;
- for (i = 0; i < lim; i++) d1[i] *= d2[i];
- return(obj1);
- }
- static void vct_add(mus_float_t *d1, mus_float_t *d2, mus_long_t lim)
- {
- mus_long_t i, lim8;
- lim8 = lim - 16;
- i = 0;
- while (i <= lim8)
- {
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] += d2[i]; i++;
- }
- for (; i < lim; i++)
- d1[i] += d2[i];
- }
- static Xen g_vct_add(Xen obj1, Xen obj2, Xen offs)
- {
- #define H_vct_addB "(" S_vct_add " v1 v2 :optional (offset 0)): element-wise add of " S_vct "s v1 and v2: v1[i + offset] += v2[i], returns v1"
- mus_long_t lim, len1;
- vct *v1, *v2;
- mus_float_t *d1, *d2;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj1), obj1, 1, S_vct_add, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj2), obj2, 2, S_vct_add, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_llong_or_unbound(offs), offs, 3, S_vct_add, "an integer");
- v1 = Xen_to_vct(obj1);
- v2 = Xen_to_vct(obj2);
- d1 = mus_vct_data(v1);
- d2 = mus_vct_data(v2);
- len1 = mus_vct_length(v1);
- lim = mus_vct_length(v2);
- if (lim > len1) lim = len1;
- if (lim == 0) return(obj1);
- if (Xen_is_llong(offs))
- {
- mus_long_t j;
- j = Xen_llong_to_C_llong(offs);
- if (j < 0)
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_add, 3, offs, "offset < 0?");
- if (j > len1)
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_add, 3, offs, "offset > length of vct?");
- if ((j + lim) > len1)
- lim = (len1 - j);
- vct_add((mus_float_t *)(d1 + j), d2, lim);
- }
- else vct_add(d1, d2, lim);
- return(obj1);
- }
- static Xen g_vct_subtract(Xen obj1, Xen obj2)
- {
- #define H_vct_subtractB "(" S_vct_subtract " v1 v2): element-wise subtract of " S_vct "s v1 and v2: v1[i] -= v2[i], returns v1"
- mus_long_t i, lim, lim1, lim4;
- vct *v1, *v2;
- mus_float_t *d1, *d2;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj1), obj1, 1, S_vct_subtract, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj2), obj2, 2, S_vct_subtract, A_VCT);
- v1 = Xen_to_vct(obj1);
- v2 = Xen_to_vct(obj2);
- d1 = mus_vct_data(v1);
- d2 = mus_vct_data(v2);
- lim = mus_vct_length(v1);
- lim1 = mus_vct_length(v2);
- if (lim > lim1) lim = lim1;
- lim4 = lim - 4;
- i = 0;
- while (i <= lim4)
- {
- d1[i] -= d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] -= d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] -= d2[i]; i++;
- d1[i] -= d2[i]; i++;
- }
- for (; i < lim; i++)
- d1[i] -= d2[i];
- return(obj1);
- }
- static Xen g_vct_abs(Xen obj)
- {
- #define H_vct_absB "(" S_vct_abs " v): v[i] = abs(v[i]), return v."
- mus_long_t i, lim;
- vct *v;
- mus_float_t *d;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj), obj, 0, S_vct_abs, A_VCT);
- v = Xen_to_vct(obj);
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- lim = mus_vct_length(v);
- for (i = 0; i < lim; i++) d[i] = fabs(d[i]);
- return(obj);
- }
- static Xen g_vct_equal(Xen uv1, Xen uv2, Xen udiff)
- {
- #define H_vct_equal "(" S_vct_equal " v1 v2 diff): is element-wise relative-difference of v1 and v2 ever greater than diff?"
- mus_long_t i, lim;
- vct *v1, *v2;
- mus_float_t *d1, *d2;
- mus_float_t diff, max_diff = 0.0;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(uv1), uv1, 1, S_vct_equal, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(uv2), uv2, 2, S_vct_equal, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_number(udiff), udiff, 3, S_vct_equal, "a number");
- v1 = Xen_to_vct(uv1);
- d1 = mus_vct_data(v1);
- v2 = Xen_to_vct(uv2);
- d2 = mus_vct_data(v2);
- diff = Xen_real_to_C_double(udiff);
- lim = mus_vct_length(v1);
- if (mus_vct_length(v2) < lim) lim = mus_vct_length(v2);
- for (i = 0; i < lim; i++)
- {
- mus_float_t x1, x2, z;
- x1 = fabs(d1[i]);
- x2 = fabs(d2[i]);
- z = fabs(d1[i] - d2[i]);
- if (x1 > x2)
- z /= x1;
- else
- {
- if (x2 > 0.0)
- z /= x2;
- }
- if (z > diff)
- return(Xen_false);
- if (z > max_diff)
- max_diff = z;
- }
- return(C_double_to_Xen_real(max_diff));
- }
- static void vct_scale(mus_float_t *d, mus_float_t scl, mus_long_t len)
- {
- if (scl == 0.0)
- memset((void *)d, 0, len * sizeof(mus_float_t));
- else
- {
- if (scl != 1.0)
- {
- mus_long_t i, lim4;
- lim4 = len - 4;
- i = 0;
- while (i <= lim4)
- {
- d[i++] *= scl;
- d[i++] *= scl;
- d[i++] *= scl;
- d[i++] *= scl;
- }
- for (; i < len; i++)
- d[i] *= scl;
- }
- }
- }
- static Xen g_vct_scale(Xen obj1, Xen obj2)
- {
- #define H_vct_scaleB "(" S_vct_scale " v val): scale each element of v by val: v[i] *= val, returns v"
- /* Xen_check_type(s7_is_float_vector(obj1), obj1, 1, "float-vector-scale!", "a float-vector");
- * return(s7_float_vector_scale(s7, obj1, obj2));
- */
- vct *v1;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj1), obj1, 1, S_vct_scale, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_number(obj2), obj2, 2, S_vct_scale, "a number");
- v1 = Xen_to_vct(obj1);
- if (mus_vct_length(v1) == 0) return(obj1);
- vct_scale(mus_vct_data(v1), Xen_real_to_C_double(obj2), mus_vct_length(v1));
- return(obj1);
- }
- static Xen g_vct_offset(Xen obj1, Xen obj2)
- {
- #define H_vct_offsetB "(" S_vct_offset " v val): add val to each element of v: v[i] += val, returns v"
- vct *v1;
- mus_float_t scl;
- mus_float_t *d;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj1), obj1, 1, S_vct_offset, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_number(obj2), obj2, 2, S_vct_offset, "a number");
- v1 = Xen_to_vct(obj1);
- if (mus_vct_length(v1) == 0) return(obj1);
- d = mus_vct_data(v1);
- scl = Xen_real_to_C_double(obj2);
- if (scl != 0.0)
- {
- mus_long_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < mus_vct_length(v1); i++)
- d[i] += scl;
- }
- return(obj1);
- }
- #define S_vct_spatter "float-vector-spatter"
- static Xen g_vct_spatter(Xen fv, XEN iv, XEN end, XEN val)
- {
- #define H_vct_spatter "(" S_vct_spatter " fv iv end val) places val in fv at locations determined by iv"
- s7_double *fv_vals;
- s7_int *iv_vals;
- s7_double x;
- int i, len;
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(fv)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(s7, S_vct_spatter, 1, fv, "a float-vector");
- if (!s7_is_int_vector(iv)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(s7, S_vct_spatter, 2, iv, "an int-vector");
- if (!s7_is_integer(end)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(s7, S_vct_spatter, 3, end, "an integer");
- if (!s7_is_real(val)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(s7, S_vct_spatter, 4, val, "a real");
- fv_vals = s7_float_vector_elements(fv);
- iv_vals = s7_int_vector_elements(iv);
- len = s7_integer(end);
- x = s7_real(val);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- fv_vals[iv_vals[i]] = x;
- return(val);
- }
- #define S_vct_interpolate "float-vector-interpolate"
- static Xen g_vct_interpolate(Xen fv, Xen start_index, Xen end_index, Xen start_x, XEN incr, XEN val1, XEN val2)
- {
- #define H_vct_interpolate "(" S_vct_interpolate " fv index0 index1 x0 dx x1 x2) sets the values of fv between\
- index0 and index1 interpolating between x2 and x1 by incrementing x0 by dx"
- s7_double x0, dx, x1, x2;
- int i, beg, lim;
- s7_double *fv_vals;
- fv_vals = s7_float_vector_elements(fv);
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(fv)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(s7, S_vct_interpolate, 1, fv, "a float-vector");
- if (!s7_is_integer(start_index)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(s7, S_vct_spatter, 2, start_index, "an integer");
- if (!s7_is_integer(end_index)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(s7, S_vct_spatter, 3, end_index, "an integer");
- if (!s7_is_real(start_x)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(s7, S_vct_spatter, 4, start_x, "a real");
- if (!s7_is_real(incr)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(s7, S_vct_spatter, 5, incr, "a real");
- if (!s7_is_real(val1)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(s7, S_vct_spatter, 6, val1, "a real");
- if (!s7_is_real(val2)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(s7, S_vct_spatter, 7, val2, "a real");
- beg = s7_integer(start_index);
- lim = s7_integer(end_index);
- x0 = s7_real(start_x);
- dx = s7_real(incr);
- x1 = s7_real(val1);
- x2 = s7_real(val2);
- for (i = beg; i < lim; i++, x0 += dx)
- fv_vals[i] = (x0 * x1) + ((1.0 - x0) * x2);
- return(val1);
- }
- #endif
- #if (!HAVE_SCHEME)
- static Xen g_vct_fill(Xen obj1, Xen obj2)
- {
- #define H_vct_fillB "(" S_vct_fill " v val): set each element of v to val: v[i] = val, returns v"
- mus_long_t i; /* unsigned int is much slower */
- vct *v1;
- mus_float_t scl;
- mus_float_t *d;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj1), obj1, 1, S_vct_fill, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_number(obj2), obj2, 2, S_vct_fill, "a number");
- v1 = Xen_to_vct(obj1);
- if (mus_vct_length(v1) == 0) return(obj1);
- d = mus_vct_data(v1);
- scl = Xen_real_to_C_double(obj2);
- if (scl == 0.0)
- memset((void *)d, 0, mus_vct_length(v1) * sizeof(mus_float_t));
- else
- {
- mus_long_t lim8;
- lim8 = mus_vct_length(v1) - 8;
- i = 0;
- while (i <= lim8)
- {
- d[i++] = scl;
- d[i++] = scl;
- d[i++] = scl;
- d[i++] = scl;
- d[i++] = scl;
- d[i++] = scl;
- d[i++] = scl;
- d[i++] = scl;
- }
- for (; i < mus_vct_length(v1); i++)
- d[i] = scl;
- }
- return(obj1);
- }
- #endif
- double mus_vct_peak(vct *v)
- {
- mus_float_t val = 0.0, absv;
- mus_float_t *d;
- mus_long_t i, lim4, len;
- len = mus_vct_length(v);
- if (len == 0) return(0.0);
- lim4 = len - 4;
- i = 1;
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- val = fabs(d[0]);
- while (i <= lim4)
- {
- absv = fabs(d[i++]);
- if (absv > val) val = absv;
- absv = fabs(d[i++]);
- if (absv > val) val = absv;
- absv = fabs(d[i++]);
- if (absv > val) val = absv;
- absv = fabs(d[i++]);
- if (absv > val) val = absv;
- }
- for (; i < len; i++)
- {
- absv = fabs(d[i]);
- if (absv > val) val = absv;
- }
- return(val);
- }
- Xen g_vct_peak(Xen obj)
- {
- #define H_vct_peak "(" S_vct_peak " v): max of abs of elements of v"
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj), obj, 1, S_vct_peak, A_VCT);
- return(C_double_to_Xen_real(mus_vct_peak(Xen_to_vct(obj))));
- }
- #define S_vct_peak_and_location "float-vector-peak-and-location"
- #else
- #define S_vct_peak_and_location "vct-peak-and-location"
- #endif
- static Xen g_vct_peak_and_location(Xen obj)
- {
- #define H_vct_peak_and_location "(" S_vct_peak_and_location " v): max of abs of elements of v and its position in v"
- mus_float_t val = 0.0;
- mus_long_t i, loc = 0;
- vct *v;
- mus_float_t *d;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(obj), obj, 1, S_vct_peak_and_location, "a " S_vct);
- v = Xen_to_vct(obj);
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- for (i = 0; i < mus_vct_length(v); i++)
- {
- mus_float_t absv;
- absv = fabs(d[i]);
- if (absv > val)
- {
- val = absv;
- loc = i;
- }
- }
- return(Xen_list_2(C_double_to_Xen_real(val), C_int_to_Xen_integer(loc)));
- }
- static Xen g_vct_subseq(Xen vobj, Xen start, Xen end, Xen newv)
- {
- #define H_vct_subseq "(" S_vct_subseq " v start :optional end vnew): v[start..end], placed in vnew if given or new " S_vct
- vct *vold, *vnew;
- mus_float_t *dnew, *dold;
- Xen res;
- mus_long_t i, old_len, new_len, j, istart;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(vobj), vobj, 1, S_vct_subseq, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_llong(start), start, 2, S_vct_subseq, "an integer");
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_llong_or_unbound(end), end, 3, S_vct_subseq, "an integer");
- istart = Xen_llong_to_C_llong(start);
- if (istart < 0)
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_subseq, 2, start, "start < 0?");
- vold = Xen_to_vct(vobj);
- old_len = mus_vct_length(vold);
- if (Xen_is_llong(end))
- {
- mus_long_t iend;
- iend = Xen_llong_to_C_llong(end);
- if (iend < istart)
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_subseq, 3, end, "end < start?");
- if (iend > old_len)
- Xen_out_of_range_error(S_vct_subseq, 3, end, "end > vct length?");
- new_len = iend - istart + 1;
- }
- else new_len = old_len - istart;
- if (new_len <= 0)
- return(Xen_false);
- if (mus_is_vct(newv))
- res = newv;
- else res = xen_make_vct(new_len, (mus_float_t *)calloc(new_len, sizeof(mus_float_t)));
- vnew = Xen_to_vct(res);
- if (new_len > mus_vct_length(vnew))
- new_len = mus_vct_length(vnew);
- dnew = mus_vct_data(vnew);
- dold = mus_vct_data(vold);
- for (i = istart, j = 0; (j < new_len) && (i < old_len); i++, j++)
- dnew[j] = dold[i];
- return(res);
- }
- Xen xen_list_to_vct(Xen lst)
- {
- #define H_list_to_vct "(" S_list_to_vct " lst): returns a new " S_vct " filled with elements of list lst"
- mus_long_t len = 0, i;
- vct *v;
- mus_float_t *d;
- Xen scv, lst1;
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_list(lst), lst, 1, S_list_to_vct, "a list");
- len = Xen_list_length(lst);
- if (len > 0)
- scv = xen_make_vct(len, (mus_float_t *)calloc(len, sizeof(mus_float_t)));
- else scv = xen_make_vct(0, NULL);
- v = Xen_to_vct(scv);
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- for (i = 0, lst1 = Xen_copy_arg(lst); i < len; i++, lst1 = Xen_cdr(lst1))
- {
- if (Xen_is_number(Xen_car(lst1)))
- d[i] = (mus_float_t)Xen_real_to_C_double(Xen_car(lst1));
- else Xen_wrong_type_arg_error(S_list_to_vct, i, Xen_car(lst1), "a number");
- }
- return(scv);
- }
- Xen mus_array_to_list(mus_float_t *arr, mus_long_t i, mus_long_t len)
- {
- if (i < (len - 1))
- return(Xen_cons(C_double_to_Xen_real(arr[i]),
- mus_array_to_list(arr, i + 1, len)));
- else return(Xen_cons(C_double_to_Xen_real(arr[i]),
- Xen_empty_list));
- }
- #if (!HAVE_SCHEME)
- static Xen g_vct(Xen args)
- {
- #define H_vct "(" S_vct " args...): returns a new " S_vct " with args as contents; same as " S_list_to_vct ": (" S_vct " 1 2 3)"
- return(xen_list_to_vct(args));
- }
- static Xen g_vct_to_list(Xen vobj)
- {
- #define H_vct_to_list "(" S_vct_to_list " v): returns a new list with elements of " S_vct " v"
- vct *v;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(vobj), vobj, 1, S_vct_to_list, A_VCT);
- v = Xen_to_vct(vobj);
- if (mus_vct_length(v) == 0)
- return(Xen_empty_list);
- return(mus_array_to_list(mus_vct_data(v), 0, mus_vct_length(v)));
- }
- static Xen g_vector_to_vct(Xen vect)
- {
- #define H_vector_to_vct "(" S_vector_to_vct " vect): returns a new " S_vct " with the elements of vector vect"
- mus_long_t len, i;
- vct *v;
- mus_float_t *d;
- Xen scv;
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_vector(vect), vect, 1, S_vector_to_vct, "a vector");
- len = (mus_long_t)Xen_vector_length(vect);
- if (len > 0)
- scv = xen_make_vct(len, (mus_float_t *)calloc(len, sizeof(mus_float_t)));
- else scv = xen_make_vct(0, NULL);
- v = Xen_to_vct(scv);
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- d[i] = (mus_float_t)Xen_real_to_C_double(Xen_vector_ref(vect, i));
- return(scv);
- }
- static Xen g_vct_to_vector(Xen vobj)
- {
- #define H_vct_to_vector "(" S_vct_to_vector " v): returns a new vector with the elements of " S_vct
- vct *v;
- mus_float_t *d;
- mus_long_t i, len;
- Xen new_vect;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(vobj), vobj, 1, S_vct_to_vector, A_VCT);
- v = Xen_to_vct(vobj);
- len = mus_vct_length(v);
- new_vect = Xen_make_vector(len, C_double_to_Xen_real(0.0));
- rb_gc_disable();
- /* uh oh -- gc is triggered by C_double_to_Xen_real causing segfault, even if we
- * protect (via Xen_protect_from_gc) new_vect -- I guess the double currently
- * being created is causing the trouble?
- */
- #endif
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- Xen_vector_set(new_vect, i, C_double_to_Xen_real(d[i]));
- rb_gc_enable();
- #endif
- return(new_vect);
- }
- static Xen g_vct_reverse(Xen vobj, Xen size)
- {
- #define H_vct_reverse "(" S_vct_reverse " v len): in-place reversal of " S_vct " contents"
- vct *v;
- mus_float_t *d;
- mus_long_t i, j, len = -1;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(vobj), vobj, 1, S_vct_reverse, A_VCT);
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_llong_or_unbound(size), size, 2, S_vct_reverse, "an integer");
- v = Xen_to_vct(vobj);
- if (Xen_is_llong(size))
- len = Xen_llong_to_C_llong(size);
- if ((len <= 0) || (len > mus_vct_length(v)))
- len = mus_vct_length(v);
- if (len == 1) return(vobj);
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- for (i = 0, j = len - 1; i < j; i++, j--)
- {
- mus_float_t temp;
- temp = d[i];
- d[i] = d[j];
- d[j] = temp;
- }
- return(vobj);
- }
- #endif
- #define S_vct_max "float-vector-max"
- #define S_vct_min "float-vector-min"
- #else
- #define S_vct_max "vct-max"
- #define S_vct_min "vct-min"
- #endif
- static mus_float_t vct_max(mus_float_t *d, mus_long_t len)
- {
- mus_long_t i;
- mus_float_t mx;
- mx = d[0];
- for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
- if (d[i] > mx)
- mx = d[i];
- return(mx);
- }
- static Xen g_vct_max(Xen vobj)
- {
- #define H_vct_max "(" S_vct_max " v): returns the maximum element of " S_vct
- vct *v;
- mus_long_t len;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(vobj), vobj, 1, S_vct_max, A_VCT);
- v = Xen_to_vct(vobj);
- len = mus_vct_length(v);
- if (len > 0)
- return(C_double_to_Xen_real(vct_max(mus_vct_data(v), len)));
- return(C_double_to_Xen_real(0.0));
- }
- static mus_float_t vct_min(mus_float_t *d, mus_long_t len)
- {
- mus_long_t i;
- mus_float_t mx;
- mx = d[0];
- for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
- if (d[i] < mx)
- mx = d[i];
- return(mx);
- }
- static Xen g_vct_min(Xen vobj)
- {
- #define H_vct_min "(" S_vct_min " v): returns the minimum element of " S_vct
- vct *v;
- mus_long_t len;
- Xen_check_type(mus_is_vct(vobj), vobj, 1, S_vct_min, A_VCT);
- v = Xen_to_vct(vobj);
- len = mus_vct_length(v);
- if (len > 0)
- return(C_double_to_Xen_real(vct_min(mus_vct_data(v), len)));
- return(C_double_to_Xen_real(0.0));
- }
- static Xen g_vct_times(Xen obj1, Xen obj2)
- {
- #define H_vct_times "(" S_vct_times " obj1 obj2): either " S_vct_multiply " or " S_vct_scale ", depending on the types of its arguments"
- if (mus_is_vct(obj1))
- {
- if (mus_is_vct(obj2))
- return(g_vct_multiply(obj1, obj2));
- return(g_vct_scale(obj1, obj2));
- }
- return(g_vct_scale(obj2, obj1));
- }
- static Xen g_vct_plus(Xen obj1, Xen obj2)
- {
- #define H_vct_plus "(" S_vct_plus " obj1 obj2): either " S_vct_add " or " S_vct_offset ", depending on the types of its arguments"
- if (mus_is_vct(obj1))
- {
- if (mus_is_vct(obj2))
- return(g_vct_add(obj1, obj2, Xen_undefined));
- return(g_vct_offset(obj1, obj2));
- }
- return(g_vct_offset(obj2, obj1));
- }
- static Xen g_vct_each(Xen obj)
- {
- mus_long_t i;
- vct *v;
- mus_float_t *d;
- v = Xen_to_vct(obj);
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- for (i = 0; i < mus_vct_length(v); i++)
- rb_yield(C_double_to_Xen_real(d[i]));
- return(obj);
- }
- static Xen g_vct_compare(Xen vr1, Xen vr2)
- {
- if ((mus_is_vct(vr1)) && (mus_is_vct(vr2)))
- {
- mus_long_t i, len;
- vct *v1, *v2;
- mus_float_t *d1, *d2;
- v1 = Xen_to_vct(vr1);
- v2 = Xen_to_vct(vr2);
- d1 = mus_vct_data(v1);
- d2 = mus_vct_data(v2);
- len = mus_vct_length(v1);
- if (len > mus_vct_length(v2)) len = mus_vct_length(v2);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- if (d1[i] < d2[i])
- return(C_int_to_Xen_integer(-1));
- else
- if (d1[i] > d2[i])
- return(C_int_to_Xen_integer(1));
- len = mus_vct_length(v1) - mus_vct_length(v2);
- if (len == 0) return(C_int_to_Xen_integer(0));
- if (len > 0) return(C_int_to_Xen_integer(1));
- }
- return(C_int_to_Xen_integer(-1));
- }
- static Xen g_rb_make_vct(int argc, Xen *argv, Xen self)
- {
- mus_long_t size;
- Xen len, filler;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &len, &filler);
- Xen_check_type(Xen_is_llong(len), len, 1, "Vct.new", "an integer");
- size = Xen_llong_to_C_llong(len);
- if (size <= 0)
- Xen_out_of_range_error("Vct.new", 1, len, "len <= 0?");
- if (Xen_is_number(filler))
- return(g_vct_fill(xen_make_vct(size, (mus_float_t *)calloc(size, sizeof(mus_float_t))), filler));
- if (rb_block_given_p()) {
- mus_long_t i;
- mus_float_t *buffer = (mus_float_t *)calloc(size, sizeof(mus_float_t));
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- buffer[i] = Xen_real_to_C_double(rb_yield(C_int_to_Xen_integer(i)));
- }
- return xen_make_vct(size, buffer);
- }
- return(xen_make_vct(size, (mus_float_t *)calloc(size, sizeof(mus_float_t))));
- }
- static Xen g_vct_map(Xen obj)
- {
- if (rb_block_given_p())
- {
- mus_long_t i;
- vct *v;
- mus_float_t *d;
- v = Xen_to_vct(obj);
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- mus_float_t *buffer = (mus_float_t *)calloc(mus_vct_length(v), sizeof(mus_float_t));
- for (i = 0; i < mus_vct_length(v); i++)
- buffer[i] = Xen_real_to_C_double(rb_yield(C_double_to_Xen_real(d[i])));
- return xen_make_vct(mus_vct_length(v), buffer);
- }
- return obj;
- }
- static Xen g_vct_map_store(Xen obj)
- {
- if (rb_block_given_p())
- {
- mus_long_t i;
- vct *v;
- mus_float_t *d;
- v = Xen_to_vct(obj);
- d = mus_vct_data(v);
- for (i = 0; i < mus_vct_length(v); i++)
- d[i] = Xen_real_to_C_double(rb_yield(C_double_to_Xen_real(d[i])));
- }
- return obj;
- }
- /* v1.add!(v2[,offset=0]) destructive */
- static Xen rb_vct_add(int argc, Xen *argv, Xen obj1)
- {
- Xen obj2, offs;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &obj2, &offs);
- return g_vct_add(obj1, obj2, (argc == 2) ? offs : Xen_undefined);
- }
- /* v1.add(v2[,offset=0]) returns new vct */
- static Xen rb_vct_add_cp(int argc, Xen *argv, Xen obj1)
- {
- Xen obj2, offs;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &obj2, &offs);
- return g_vct_add(g_vct_copy(obj1), obj2, (argc == 2) ? offs : Xen_undefined);
- }
- /* v1.subtract(v2) returns new vct */
- static Xen rb_vct_subtract_cp(Xen obj1, Xen obj2)
- {
- return g_vct_subtract(g_vct_copy(obj1), obj2);
- }
- static Xen rb_vct_offset_cp(Xen obj, Xen scl)
- {
- return g_vct_offset(g_vct_copy(obj), scl);
- }
- static Xen rb_vct_multiply_cp(Xen obj1, Xen obj2)
- {
- return g_vct_multiply(g_vct_copy(obj1), obj2);
- }
- static Xen rb_vct_scale_cp(Xen obj, Xen scl)
- {
- return g_vct_scale(g_vct_copy(obj), scl);
- }
- /* destructive */
- static Xen rb_vct_move(int argc, Xen *argv, Xen obj)
- {
- Xen vnew, old, backward;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &vnew, &old, &backward);
- return g_vct_move(obj, vnew, old, (argc == 3) ? backward : Xen_undefined);
- }
- /* returns new vct */
- static Xen rb_vct_move_cp(int argc, Xen *argv, Xen obj)
- {
- Xen vnew, old, backward;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &vnew, &old, &backward);
- return g_vct_move(g_vct_copy(obj), vnew, old, (argc == 3) ? backward : Xen_undefined);
- }
- static Xen rb_vct_subseq(int argc, Xen *argv, Xen obj)
- {
- Xen start, end, vnew;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &start, &end, &vnew);
- return g_vct_subseq(obj, start, (argc > 1) ? end :Xen_undefined, (argc > 2) ? vnew : Xen_undefined);
- }
- /* destructive */
- static Xen rb_vct_reverse(int argc, Xen *argv, Xen obj)
- {
- Xen len;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &len);
- return g_vct_reverse(obj, (argc > 0) ? len : Xen_undefined);
- }
- /* returns new vct */
- static Xen rb_vct_reverse_cp(int argc, Xen *argv, Xen obj)
- {
- Xen len;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &len);
- return g_vct_reverse(g_vct_copy(obj), (argc > 0) ? len : Xen_undefined);
- }
- static Xen rb_vct_first(Xen obj)
- {
- return g_vct_ref(obj, C_int_to_Xen_integer(0));
- }
- static Xen rb_set_vct_first(Xen obj, Xen val)
- {
- return g_vct_set(obj, C_int_to_Xen_integer(0), val);
- }
- static Xen rb_vct_last(Xen obj)
- {
- return g_vct_ref(obj, C_int_to_Xen_integer(mus_vct_length(Xen_to_vct(obj)) - 1));
- }
- static Xen rb_set_vct_last(Xen obj, Xen val)
- {
- return g_vct_set(obj, C_int_to_Xen_integer(mus_vct_length(Xen_to_vct(obj)) - 1), val);
- }
- #endif
- static void ficl_values_to_vct(ficlVm *vm)
- {
- #define h_values_to_vct "( len-floats len -- vct ) \
- Returns a new vct of length LEN with len items found on stack.\n\
- 0.5 0.3 0.1 3 >vct .g => #<vct[len=3]: 0.500 0.300 0.100>"
- long size;
- FICL_STACK_CHECK(vm->dataStack, 1, 0);
- size = ficlStackPopInteger(vm->dataStack);
- if (size > 0)
- {
- mus_float_t *data = (mus_float_t *)calloc(size, sizeof(mus_float_t));
- if (data)
- {
- long i;
- FICL_STACK_CHECK(vm->dataStack, size, 1);
- for (i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- data[i] = ficlStackPop2Float(vm->dataStack);
- ficlStackPushUnsigned(vm->dataStack, xen_make_vct(size, data));
- }
- else fth_throw(FTH_SYSTEM_ERROR, "cannot create Vct");
- }
- else ficlStackPushUnsigned(vm->dataStack, fth_false());
- }
- static void ficl_begin_vct(ficlVm *vm)
- {
- #define h_begin_vct "( -- ) \
- Creates a vct with contents between `vct(' and closing paren `)'.\n\
- vct( 0.5 0.3 0.1 ) .g => #<vct[len=3]: 0.500 0.300 0.100>"
- fth_begin_values_to_obj(vm, (char *)">vct", FTH_FALSE);
- }
- #endif
- #define PF_TO_RF(CName, Cfnc) \
- static s7_double CName ## _rf_a(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer **p) \
- { \
- s7_pf_t f; \
- s7_pointer x; \
- f = (s7_pf_t)(**p); (*p)++; \
- x = f(sc, p); \
- return(Cfnc); \
- } \
- static s7_rf_t CName ## _rf(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer expr) \
- { \
- if ((s7_is_pair(s7_cdr(expr))) && (s7_is_null(sc, s7_cddr(expr))) && \
- (s7_arg_to_pf(sc, s7_cadr(expr)))) \
- return(CName ## _rf_a); \
- return(NULL); \
- }
- static s7_double c_vct_max(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer x)
- {
- s7_int len;
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(x)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(sc, S_vct_max, 1, x, "a float-vector");
- len = s7_vector_length(x);
- if (len == 0) return(0.0);
- return(vct_max(s7_float_vector_elements(x), len));
- }
- PF_TO_RF(float_vector_max, c_vct_max(sc, x))
- static s7_double c_vct_min(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer x)
- {
- s7_int len;
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(x)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(sc, S_vct_min, 1, x, "a float-vector");
- len = s7_vector_length(x);
- if (len == 0) return(0.0);
- return(vct_min(s7_float_vector_elements(x), len));
- }
- PF_TO_RF(float_vector_min, c_vct_min(sc, x))
- PF_TO_RF(float_vector_peak, mus_vct_peak(x))
- #define PF2_TO_PF(CName, Cfnc) \
- static s7_pointer CName ## _pf_a(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer **p) \
- { \
- s7_pf_t f; \
- s7_pointer x, y; \
- f = (s7_pf_t)(**p); (*p)++; \
- x = f(sc, p); \
- f = (s7_pf_t)(**p); (*p)++; \
- y = f(sc, p); \
- return(Cfnc); \
- } \
- static s7_pf_t CName ## _pf(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer expr) \
- { \
- if ((s7_is_pair(s7_cdr(expr))) && (s7_is_pair(s7_cddr(expr))) && (s7_is_null(sc, s7_cdddr(expr))) && \
- (s7_arg_to_pf(sc, s7_cadr(expr))) && \
- (s7_arg_to_pf(sc, s7_caddr(expr)))) \
- return(CName ## _pf_a); \
- return(NULL); \
- }
- static s7_pointer c_vct_add(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer x, s7_pointer y)
- {
- s7_int len1, lim;
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(x)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(sc, S_vct_add, 1, x, "a float-vector");
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(y)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(sc, S_vct_add, 2, y, "a float-vector");
- len1 = s7_vector_length(x);
- lim = s7_vector_length(y);
- if (lim > len1) lim = len1;
- if (lim == 0) return(x);
- vct_add(s7_float_vector_elements(x), s7_float_vector_elements(y), lim);
- return(x);
- }
- PF2_TO_PF(float_vector_add, c_vct_add(sc, x, y))
- static s7_pointer c_vct_subtract(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer x, s7_pointer y)
- {
- s7_int i, len1, lim;
- s7_double *fx, *fy;
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(x)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(sc, S_vct_subtract, 1, x, "a float-vector");
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(y)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(sc, S_vct_subtract, 2, y, "a float-vector");
- len1 = s7_vector_length(x);
- lim = s7_vector_length(y);
- if (lim > len1) lim = len1;
- if (lim == 0) return(x);
- fx = s7_float_vector_elements(x);
- fy = s7_float_vector_elements(y);
- for (i = 0; i < lim; i++) fx[i] -= fy[i];
- return(x);
- }
- PF2_TO_PF(float_vector_subtract, c_vct_subtract(sc, x, y))
- static s7_pointer c_vct_multiply(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer x, s7_pointer y)
- {
- s7_int i, len1, lim;
- s7_double *fx, *fy;
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(x)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(sc, S_vct_multiply, 1, x, "a float-vector");
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(y)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(sc, S_vct_multiply, 2, y, "a float-vector");
- len1 = s7_vector_length(x);
- lim = s7_vector_length(y);
- if (lim > len1) lim = len1;
- if (lim == 0) return(x);
- fx = s7_float_vector_elements(x);
- fy = s7_float_vector_elements(y);
- for (i = 0; i < lim; i++) fx[i] *= fy[i];
- return(x);
- }
- PF2_TO_PF(float_vector_multiply, c_vct_multiply(sc, x, y))
- #define PRF_TO_PF(CName, Cfnc) \
- static s7_pointer CName ## _pf_a(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer **p) \
- { \
- s7_pf_t f; \
- s7_rf_t r; \
- s7_pointer x; \
- s7_double y; \
- f = (s7_pf_t)(**p); (*p)++; \
- x = f(sc, p); \
- r = (s7_rf_t)(**p); (*p)++; \
- y = r(sc, p); \
- return(Cfnc); \
- } \
- static s7_pf_t CName ## _pf(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer expr) \
- { \
- if ((s7_is_pair(s7_cdr(expr))) && (s7_is_pair(s7_cddr(expr))) && (s7_is_null(sc, s7_cdddr(expr))) && \
- (s7_arg_to_pf(sc, s7_cadr(expr))) && \
- (s7_arg_to_rf(sc, s7_caddr(expr)))) \
- return(CName ## _pf_a); \
- return(NULL); \
- }
- static s7_pointer c_vct_scale(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer x, s7_double y)
- {
- s7_int len;
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(x)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(sc, S_vct_scale, 1, x, "a float-vector");
- len = s7_vector_length(x);
- if (len == 0) return(x);
- vct_scale(s7_float_vector_elements(x), y, len);
- return(x);
- }
- PRF_TO_PF(float_vector_scale, c_vct_scale(sc, x, y))
- static s7_pointer c_vct_offset(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer x, s7_double y)
- {
- s7_int i, len;
- s7_double *fx;
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(x)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(sc, S_vct_offset, 1, x, "a float-vector");
- len = s7_vector_length(x);
- if (len == 0) return(x);
- fx = s7_float_vector_elements(x);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) fx[i] += y;
- return(x);
- }
- PRF_TO_PF(float_vector_offset, c_vct_offset(sc, x, y))
- static s7_pointer vct_abs_pf_a(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer **p)
- {
- s7_pf_t f;
- s7_pointer x;
- s7_int i, len;
- s7_double *fx;
- f = (s7_pf_t)(**p); (*p)++;
- x = f(sc, p);
- if (!s7_is_float_vector(x)) s7_wrong_type_arg_error(sc, S_vct_abs, 1, x, "a float-vector");
- len = s7_vector_length(x);
- if (len == 0) return(x);
- fx = s7_float_vector_elements(x);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) fx[i] = fabs(fx[i]);
- return(x);
- }
- static s7_pf_t float_vector_abs_pf(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer expr)
- {
- if ((s7_is_pair(s7_cdr(expr))) && (s7_is_null(sc, s7_cddr(expr))) &&
- (s7_arg_to_pf(sc, s7_cadr(expr))))
- return(vct_abs_pf_a); \
- return(NULL);
- }
- #endif
- #if (!HAVE_SCHEME)
- Xen_wrap_2_optional_args(g_make_vct_w, g_make_vct)
- Xen_wrap_2_args(g_vct_fill_w, g_vct_fill)
- Xen_wrap_any_args(g_vct_w, g_vct)
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_vct_length_w, g_vct_length)
- Xen_wrap_2_optional_args(g_vct_reverse_w, g_vct_reverse)
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_vct_to_list_w, g_vct_to_list)
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_list_to_vct_w, xen_list_to_vct)
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_vector_to_vct_w, g_vector_to_vct)
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_vct_to_vector_w, g_vct_to_vector)
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_is_vct_w, g_is_vct)
- Xen_wrap_2_args(g_vct_ref_w, g_vct_ref)
- Xen_wrap_3_args(g_vct_set_w, g_vct_set)
- #endif
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_vct_copy_w, g_vct_copy)
- Xen_wrap_2_args(g_vct_multiply_w, g_vct_multiply)
- Xen_wrap_2_args(g_vct_scale_w, g_vct_scale)
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_vct_abs_w, g_vct_abs)
- Xen_wrap_3_optional_args(g_vct_add_w, g_vct_add)
- Xen_wrap_2_args(g_vct_subtract_w, g_vct_subtract)
- Xen_wrap_2_args(g_vct_offset_w, g_vct_offset)
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_vct_peak_w, g_vct_peak)
- Xen_wrap_3_args(g_vct_equal_w, g_vct_equal)
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_vct_peak_and_location_w, g_vct_peak_and_location)
- Xen_wrap_4_optional_args(g_vct_move_w, g_vct_move)
- Xen_wrap_4_optional_args(g_vct_subseq_w, g_vct_subseq)
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_vct_to_readable_string_w, g_vct_to_readable_string)
- Xen_wrap_2_args(g_vct_times_w, g_vct_times)
- Xen_wrap_2_args(g_vct_plus_w, g_vct_plus)
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_vct_max_w, g_vct_max)
- Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_vct_min_w, g_vct_min)
- Xen_wrap_4_args(g_vct_spatter_w, g_vct_spatter)
- Xen_wrap_7_args(g_vct_interpolate_w, g_vct_interpolate)
- #endif
- void mus_vct_init(void)
- {
- s7_pointer pl_ff, pl_rf, pl_fff, pl_fffi, pl_ffr, pl_pf, pl_bffr, pl_ftt, pl_ffiib, pl_ffiif, pl_sf, pl_rfvir, pl_rfiir;
- #else
- vct_tag = Xen_make_object_type("Vct", sizeof(vct));
- /* for ruby and forth, I think we can define Frame, SoundData, and Mixer to be Vct's with
- * some handlers for the channel arg. Then nothing in the *.rb|fs file has to change
- * except all the deprecated names like "region-frames" -> framples.
- *
- * Not sure how to do this -- is it "alias" in Ruby?
- */
- #endif
- fth_set_object_inspect(vct_tag, print_vct);
- fth_set_object_dump(vct_tag, g_vct_to_readable_string);
- fth_set_object_to_array(vct_tag, g_vct_to_vector);
- fth_set_object_copy(vct_tag, g_vct_copy);
- fth_set_object_value_ref(vct_tag, g_vct_ref);
- fth_set_object_value_set(vct_tag, g_vct_set);
- fth_set_object_equal(vct_tag, equalp_vct);
- fth_set_object_length(vct_tag, g_vct_length);
- fth_set_object_free(vct_tag, free_vct);
- fth_set_object_apply(vct_tag, Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_ref, 1, 0, 0);
- FTH_PRIM(FTH_FICL_DICT(), (char *)">vct", ficl_values_to_vct, h_values_to_vct);
- FTH_PRIM(FTH_FICL_DICT(), (char *)"vct(", ficl_begin_vct, h_begin_vct);
- Xen_eval_C_string("start-prefixes : vct( vct( ; end-prefixes");
- #endif
- rb_include_module(vct_tag, rb_mComparable);
- rb_include_module(vct_tag, rb_mEnumerable);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "to_s", Xen_procedure_cast print_vct, 0);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "eql?", Xen_procedure_cast equalp_vct, 1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "[]", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_ref, 1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "[]=", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_set, 2);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "length", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_length, 0);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "each", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_each, 0);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "<=>", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_compare, 1);
- rb_define_singleton_method(vct_tag, "new", Xen_procedure_cast g_rb_make_vct, -1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "map", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_map, 0);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "map!", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_map_store, 0);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "to_a", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_to_vector, 0);
- rb_define_method(rb_cArray, "to_vct", Xen_procedure_cast g_vector_to_vct, 0);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "to_str", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_to_readable_string, 0);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "dup", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_copy, 0);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "peak", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_peak, 0);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "add", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_add_cp, -1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "add!", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_add, -1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "subtract", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_subtract_cp, 1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "subtract!", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_subtract, 1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "offset", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_offset_cp, 1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "offset!", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_offset, 1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "multiply", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_multiply_cp, 1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "multiply!", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_multiply, 1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "scale", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_scale_cp, 1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "scale!", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_scale, 1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "fill", Xen_procedure_cast g_vct_fill, 1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "move", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_move_cp, -1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "move!", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_move, -1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "subseq", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_subseq, -1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "reverse", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_reverse_cp, -1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "reverse!", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_reverse, -1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "first", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_first, 0);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "first=", Xen_procedure_cast rb_set_vct_first, 1);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "last", Xen_procedure_cast rb_vct_last, 0);
- rb_define_method(vct_tag, "last=", Xen_procedure_cast rb_set_vct_last, 1);
- #endif
- {
- s7_pointer s, i, p, b, r, f, t;
- s = s7_make_symbol(s7, "string?");
- i = s7_make_symbol(s7, "integer?");
- p = s7_make_symbol(s7, "pair?");
- r = s7_make_symbol(s7, "real?");
- b = s7_make_symbol(s7, "boolean?");
- f = s7_make_symbol(s7, "float-vector?");
- t = s7_t(s7);
- pl_rf = s7_make_signature(s7, 2, r, f);
- pl_ff = s7_make_signature(s7, 2, f, f);
- pl_sf = s7_make_signature(s7, 2, s, f);
- pl_pf = s7_make_signature(s7, 2, p, f);
- pl_ftt = s7_make_signature(s7, 3, f, t, t);
- pl_fff = s7_make_signature(s7, 3, f, f, f);
- pl_ffr = s7_make_signature(s7, 3, f, f, r);
- pl_bffr = s7_make_signature(s7, 4, b, f, f, r);
- pl_fffi = s7_make_signature(s7, 4, f, f, f, i);
- pl_ffiib = s7_make_signature(s7, 5, f, f, i, i, b);
- pl_ffiif = s7_make_signature(s7, 5, f, f, i, i, f);
- pl_rfvir = s7_make_signature(s7, 5, r, f, s7_make_symbol(s7, "int-vector?"), i, r);
- pl_rfiir = s7_make_circular_signature(s7, 4, 5, r, f, i, i, r);
- }
- #endif
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_multiply, g_vct_multiply_w, 2, 0, 0, H_vct_multiplyB, pl_fff);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_add, g_vct_add_w, 2, 1, 0, H_vct_addB, pl_fffi);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_subtract, g_vct_subtract_w, 2, 0, 0, H_vct_subtractB, pl_fff);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_offset, g_vct_offset_w, 2, 0, 0, H_vct_offsetB, pl_ffr);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_peak, g_vct_peak_w, 1, 0, 0, H_vct_peak, pl_rf);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_peak_and_location, g_vct_peak_and_location_w, 1, 0, 0, H_vct_peak_and_location, pl_pf);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_move, g_vct_move_w, 3, 1, 0, H_vct_moveB, pl_ffiib);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_subseq, g_vct_subseq_w, 2, 2, 0, H_vct_subseq, pl_ffiif);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_copy, g_vct_copy_w, 1, 0, 0, H_vct_copy, pl_ff);
- Xen_define_dilambda(S_vct_ref, g_vct_ref_w, H_vct_ref, "set-" S_vct_ref, g_vct_set_w, 2, 0, 3, 0);
- #else
- #if (!HAVE_SCHEME)
- Xen_define_procedure(S_vct_ref, g_vct_ref_w, 2, 0, 0, H_vct_ref);
- #endif
- #endif
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_to_string, g_vct_to_readable_string_w, 1, 0, 0, H_vct_to_string, pl_sf);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_times, g_vct_times_w, 2, 0, 0, H_vct_times, pl_ftt);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_plus, g_vct_plus_w, 2, 0, 0, H_vct_plus, pl_ftt);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_max, g_vct_max_w, 1, 0, 0, H_vct_max, pl_rf);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_min, g_vct_min_w, 1, 0, 0, H_vct_min, pl_rf);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_scale, g_vct_scale_w, 2, 0, 0, H_vct_scaleB, pl_ftt);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_abs, g_vct_abs_w, 1, 0, 0, H_vct_absB, pl_ff);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_equal, g_vct_equal_w, 3, 0, 0, H_vct_equal, pl_bffr);
- #if (!HAVE_SCHEME)
- Xen_define_procedure(S_vct_set, g_vct_set_w, 3, 0, 0, H_vct_setB);
- Xen_define_procedure(S_is_vct, g_is_vct_w, 1, 0, 0, H_is_vct);
- Xen_define_procedure(S_vct_fill, g_vct_fill_w, 2, 0, 0, H_vct_fillB);
- Xen_define_procedure(S_vct, g_vct_w, 0, 0, 1, H_vct);
- Xen_define_procedure(S_vct_length, g_vct_length_w, 1, 0, 0, H_vct_length);
- Xen_define_procedure(S_vct_reverse, g_vct_reverse_w, 1, 1, 0, H_vct_reverse);
- Xen_define_procedure(S_vct_to_list, g_vct_to_list_w, 1, 0, 0, H_vct_to_list);
- Xen_define_procedure(S_list_to_vct, g_list_to_vct_w, 1, 0, 0, H_list_to_vct);
- Xen_define_procedure(S_vector_to_vct, g_vector_to_vct_w, 1, 0, 0, H_vector_to_vct);
- Xen_define_procedure(S_vct_to_vector, g_vct_to_vector_w, 1, 0, 0, H_vct_to_vector);
- Xen_define_procedure(S_make_vct, g_make_vct_w, 1, 1, 0, H_make_vct);
- #else
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_spatter, g_vct_spatter_w, 4, 0, 0, H_vct_spatter, pl_rfvir);
- Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_vct_interpolate, g_vct_interpolate_w, 7, 0, 0, H_vct_interpolate, pl_rfiir);
- s7_pf_set_function(s7_name_to_value(s7, S_vct_add), float_vector_add_pf);
- s7_pf_set_function(s7_name_to_value(s7, S_vct_subtract), float_vector_subtract_pf);
- s7_pf_set_function(s7_name_to_value(s7, S_vct_multiply), float_vector_multiply_pf);
- s7_pf_set_function(s7_name_to_value(s7, S_vct_scale), float_vector_scale_pf);
- s7_pf_set_function(s7_name_to_value(s7, S_vct_offset), float_vector_offset_pf);
- s7_pf_set_function(s7_name_to_value(s7, S_vct_abs), float_vector_abs_pf);
- s7_rf_set_function(s7_name_to_value(s7, S_vct_min), float_vector_min_rf);
- s7_rf_set_function(s7_name_to_value(s7, S_vct_max), float_vector_max_rf);
- s7_rf_set_function(s7_name_to_value(s7, S_vct_peak), float_vector_peak_rf);
- #endif
- }